Page created by Wendy Grant


                                                            LOGISTICS PERSONNEL AT ECHO PIER GET READY TO
        Saturday, MARCH                                 1
                                                            RECEIVE A REALLY BIG SHIPMENT OF GROCERIES.
    ANNOUNCED  FOR KWAJ27,52020 / Volume 61 Number 13                         The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                    JESSICA DAMBRUCH

Kwajalein EOD Techs assess a 100-pound bomb found at the west end of Kwajalein in 2018 during the old Navy dump cleanup.

Don’t touch the coconut crabs. They
are government property.
   U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll Ex-
plosive Ordnance Disposal has enacted
a new program to help island EOD tech-
nicians locate and dispose of unexplod-
ed ordnance. They will work in concert
with experts in the field: coconut crabs
trained to track down UXO.
   The EOD Coconut Crab Operation—
known as ECCO—is one in the latest se-
ries of new demining and UXO recovery
techniques adopted by Department of
Defense bomb disposal experts and con-
tract operators around the world.
   “Think of all the bomb-sniffing dogs
we rely on at airports and military instal-
lations,” said Jon Lucas, Kwajalein EOD
Technician. “Those working animals
have a qualitative impact on the safety                       U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
of human personnel, whether they be                      EOD Coconut Crabs on the job will be marked with a large red circle. Residents are
contract or active duty. Then there are                  advised to leave these crabs alone.
the coconut crabs we use when terrain
proves difficult to navigate. The ECCO                   covery, camera surveillance, object re-                height of the ongoing “old Navy dump”
program is just the next step.”                          covery and attack.                                     shoreline revetment project and clean-
   Mammalian assistants in the DOD are                      Coconut crabs are a protected species               up. As part of the cleanup effort, several
far from new; animals have helped ser-                   under USAG-KA’s environmental protec-                  thousand tons of scrap metals were re-
vicemembers in the U.S. Armed Forces                     tion policy with the Republic of the Mar-              moved from the island. Areas along the
deter adversaries for more than 30 years.                shall Islands. An agile crab with multiple             garrison’s west end shoreline were grad-
In 1967, the United States Navy Marine                   appendages can freely roam the island                  ed, removed and rebuilt to reduce near-
Mammal Program was among the first                       without disrupting the local ecosystem.                shore pollutants and deter erosion.
programs of its kind to integrate marine                 Kwajalein’s ECCO program is the first                    The cleanup unearthed items of in-
life into its threat deterrence operations.              instance on record that the DOD has de-                terest, including the turret of a Sher-
Dolphins in the San Diego-based pro-                     ployed indigenous crustaceans as a UXO                 man tank and two WWII-era 100-pound
gram were initially trained to assist DOD                cleanup strategy. A similar program was                bombs.
personnel in ballistic hydrodynamics                     also used by DoD support-contractor                      “We found the first one,” said Lucas.
studies. USNNMMP successfully expand-                    PAE in UXO cleanup operations on the                   “The ECCOs found the second one.”
ed the program and has since trained                     island of Palau in early 2010.                           The ECCOs were turned loose onto the
dolphins and sealions in a variety of                       Kwajalein’s EOD crabs—known as                      west end and scrabbled over the pile.
reconnaissance tasks, including but not                  ECCOs by the team—were successfully                    They searched a site for a full hour before
limited to mine detection, swimmer re-                   deployed seven months ago during the                   congregating over one end of a then-dis-

                                                                THE KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS
The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the insignia        Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi-   Garrison Commander.....................................Col. Jeremy Bartel
of the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, which lib-     cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,   Garrison CSM..................................Sgt. Maj. Kenyatta Gaskins
erated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on   Department of Defense, Department of the Army or      Public Affairs Officer.............................................Mike Brantley
Feb. 4, 1944.                                            USAG-KA. It is published Saturdays in accordance      Communications Manager....................................Jordan Vinson
The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication     with Army Regulation 360-1.                           Communications Specialist..................Jessica “JD” Dambruch
for military personnel, federal employees, contractor    Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-3539
workers and their families assigned to U.S. Army         Local phone: 5-5169
Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                                      2                                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
U.S. NAVY PHOTO BY PHOTOGRAPHER’S MATE 1ST CLASS BRIEN AHO.                        1          2                                                 U.S. NAVY PHOTO

rupted embankment. After clearing the
area and securing the ECCOs, EOD per-
sonnel were able to safely remove and
dispose of both UXOs.
    “I was skeptical of the program at
first,” said Lucas of the ECCOs. “I’m famil-
iar with stories of how coconut crabs are
excellent hunters and how they can take
down a wild fowl. I’ve rarely seen how
they behave in the wild. It so happens
they are excellent UXO hunters as well.”
   Details about the program are forth-
coming. But the hardy coconut crabs
undergo several weeks’ training before
they are turned loose into the wild. Each
is fitted with a unique tracking micro-
chip that allows Kwajalein EOD to locate
the crabs at a moment’s notice should
one travel far from the group. The range
on the tracking device is good up to sev-
eral miles away. A sensor station at the                      3
Kwajalein EOD Launch Ordnance Office                              U.S. AIR FORCE PHOTO BY TECH. SGT. COHEN A. YOUNG
allows EOD techs to monitor ECCO ac-
tivity. Any congregation of coconut crabs
might mean a UXO find.
   How will you know a working coco-
nut crab when you see it? Kwajalein
EOD Technicians say they will be hard
to miss.
   “Each of these ECCOs will have a large,
red circle marking its back,” said Jon Lu-
cas of Kwajalein EOD. “It’s against Army
regulations to mess with coconut crabs
anyway. If you see that red circle, leave
the crab alone. If you see a group of sev-
eral ECCOs all piled together, you should
not attempt to dislodge or distract them.”
   Lucas and the EOD team remind Kwaj
residents to be mindful that they live on                     4
a battlefield that was buffeted by a heavy                        U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
aerial and marine bombardment. Live
UXO may still pose a threat, and residents
should remember the three Rs of UXO:                        1) K-Dog, a bottlenose dolphin belong-                    to clear shipping lanes. 2) An NMMP sea
Recognize an item as possible Unexplod-                     ing to Commander Task Unit 55.4.3,                        lion attaches a recovery line to a piece
ed Ordnance; Retreat from the area of the                   leaps out of the water in front of Sgt.                   of test equipment during training. 3)
UXO; and Report suspected UXO immedi-                       Andrew Garrett while training near the                    NOUMEA, New Caledonia Navy and
ately by notifying EOD (5-1433) or CPS                      USS Gunston Hall in the Persian Gulf in                   Air Force personnel manage dolphins
(5-4445).                                                   2003. Attached to the dolphin’s pecto-                    aboard a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft en
   “We want people to understand that if                    ral fin is a “pinger” device that allows                  route to New Caledonia in 2009 where
they see something, they should neither                     the handler to keep track of the dolphin                  they participated in a humanitarian
pick it up, nor take it home,” said Lucas.                  when out of sight. On this mission, Ex-                   demining project to remove WWII-era
“UXOs are not souvenirs. They are dan-                      plosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Units                    mines. 4) Thanks to clean-up and envi-
gerous. If you spot UXO, you should re-                     Six and Eight conducted deep/shallow                      ronmental efforts, the west end of Kwa-
port it.”                                                   water mine countermeasure operations                      jalein is looking healthier these days.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                                         3                                                The Kwajalein Hourglass
COMES TO KWAJALEIN IN 2021                       ous challenge for the island’s eight active    those times, contract vehicles will use an
                                                 golfers. Instead, it will open opportunities   alternate route.
The transition from USAG-KA to Joint             for more people to enjoy the space.               For Ainsworth, the new range on the
Expeditionary Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll              Pizza-and-paintball tournaments are         tiny garrison is something everyone can
is going according to schedule, said Gen.        not a too-far stretch of the imagination,      look forward to. “It’s not a huge installa-
James Read, special advisor to U.S. In-          according to USAG-KA FMWR Director             tion,” said Ainsworth of Kwajalein. “But
do-Pacific Command. That impending               Jeffrey Suis.                                  you don’t need a huge place to do paint-
schedule means changes for the Kwaja-               “Really, since we are such a small is-      ball. You need a dedicated space and the
lein community. However, the biggest             land, it makes sense that we would make        tools and equipment to conduct the right
change will be something Kwaj residents          each new facility a multi-purpose space,”      training.”
are sure to enjoy. The DoD will open part        said Suis. “Two years ago, we sourced and         “We look forward to keeping up our
of its west end training facility for Kwaj       received paintball gear from Camp Red          skills and training,” said Ainsworth. “It
residents to use for recreational purposes       Cloud, in South Korea. The time to use it      is such a privilege to train on Kwajalein.
during training offseason—and that facili-       is nearly here.”                               We look forward to staying mission-sharp,
ty is Kwajalein’s new paintball range.              In the coming months, keep an eye out       and to sharing the facility with the civil-
   “I have been waiting to supervise             for changes at the golf course. Storage fa-    ians on island that support us during the
a paintball range since I was a kid,”            cilities for paintball markers and protec-     year.”
said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Alexandra              tive gear, as well as additional facilities       In the coming months, mariners and
Ainsworth of the impending project. The          for personnel in training, will be erected     pilots can expect the mid-atoll corridor
Army range supervisor visited Kwajalein          near the Country Club. Portable partitions     to be closed in support of Ronald Rea-
in early February with USINDOPACOM               will allow the range to be reconfigured to     gan Ballistic Missile Test Site operations
personnel for a site tour. During her vis-       accommodate a near-limitless number of         and joint training operations for the U.S.
it, she checked out the island, met with         training scenarios. Protective barriers will   Armed Forces, according to Read. Res-
USAG-KA Command staff and discussed              shield commuters during training. As an        idents are advised to stay informed by
environmental needs with island directors.       added safety measure, during some opera-       checking the AFN roller channel, the of-
   Ainsworth is one of a handful of DoD          tions, areas in and around the runway will     ficial USAG-KA Facebook page and The
personnel who will travel to Kwajalein to        be closed to Kwajalein residents. During       Kwajalein Hourglass.
supervise training for visiting personnel
next year, according to USINDOPACOM
public affairs. Though she is now state-
side, she can’t wait to get back out to play.
   “Paintball is just so much fun,” said
Ainsworth. Before enlisting in the Army
back in 2002, she regularly visited paint-
ball ranges in the Blue Ridge Mountains
with her older siblings.
   “I love strategy, I love being outside and
getting to practice marksmanship skills”
she said. “Also, from a training perspec-
tive, paintball offers a lot in terms of read-
iness and fitness. It will be great to have
the range here as a training alternative, as
well as a recreational asset for the local
   If you haven’t already guessed, the new
range—USAG-KA Command staff are
already calling it the Holmberg Paintball
Range—will occupy the footprint of the
Holmberg Fairways Golf Course for a
portion of the year. The Morale, Welfare
and Recreation Golf season and tourna-
ments will be condensed in anticipation            Kwajalein will receive a new paintball training facility in 2021. Island residents can
of training schedules. Repurposing the             look forward to new opportunities to use the Holmberg Paintball Range when it is
golf course is not expected to pose a seri-        not closed for U.S. Armed Forces training activities.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                        4                                            The Kwajalein Hourglass
 The $3.5 million construction award for Kwajalein’s newest housing was awarded to Bateman, LLC. The company will build cap-
 sule quarters, a build plan similar to the company’s 2010 projects in Tokyo and Dubai.

                                                 Navy housing and dome housing will be       hold goods can be achieved.
                                                 demolished and replaced with capsule
The Department of Defense an-                    housing. The ultimate goal is to replace    Personal Goods Allocation
nounced Tuesday it has awarded Ho-               all island housing with these new quar-       The new build plan offers the garrison
nolulu-based contractor Bateman, LLC,            ters by 2030.                               and individual contractors increased
with a $3.5 million award to construct                                                       cost-savings in terms of shipping and
Kwajalein’s new capsule housing.                 First Look                                  storage. Beginning April 1, 2022, new
  News of the award was released in a               For months the question of what the      employees on Kwajalein will be able to
March 21 teleconference meeting with             new quarters will look like has been a      carry out 75 pounds—the equivalent of
personnel from USAG-KA, Bateman and              hot topic around the island. “Nothing       one checked bag—to Kwajalein. All per-
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.                like this has ever been tried on Kwaja-     sonal goods carried out must fit into the
  “We are pleased with the choice                lein before,” said Hill. “From a design     allotted weight limit. Additional storage
and look forward to partnering with              perspective, this gets back to the true     on island will be limited to what em-
Bateman on this much-anticipated proj-           spirit of barracks housing on military      ployees are able to store in their allot-
ect,” said Scott Hill, USAG-KA director of       installations around the world.”            ted locker space.
housing.                                            The “space age” design of the build-       Hill realizes that the reduction in
                                                 ings will let the new neighborhood          storage space may present a challenge
New Direction Saves Space                        blend seamlessly into the aesthetic set     to some Kwajalein residents, many of
  Bateman received the Global Innova-            by Kwajalein’s dome homes. Most im-         whom have lived here for more than a
tion Commendation from the National              portantly, the new build solution of-       decade. To accommodate the transition,
Association of Architectural Design Pro-         fers an elegant approach to Kwajalein’s     a series of Morale, Welfare and Recre-
fessionals in 2010 for its award-win-            housing dilemma. For Hill, the outcome      ation yard bazaar sale events will pro-
ning urban space-saver construction in           of the build—new designs and a new di-      vide opportunities for residents to sell
downtown Tokyo and Dubai. It is also             rection—were inevitable.                    personal items and furniture prior to
internationally recognized for metro-               “Let’s face it,” said Hill. “Kwajalein   their move-in dates.
politan industrial design work with ac-          residents need their single-occupan-
claimed designers Kyomi Shibata and              cy privacy. We need more bed space to       Name That Neighborhood
U.S. Army Installation Management                support the mission. This solution of-         USAG-KA Command is sponsoring a
Command’s Alix Mun.                              fers a big win for everybody.”              quarters-naming contest for the new
  Bateman was chosen after a series of              Bateman will construct four to five      neighborhood. Have an idea for a good
engineering discussions at the USAG-KA           dormitory-style buildings to accommo-       name? Send it to the Commander’s Ho-
Department of Public Works prompted              date up to 450 occupants. Each will in-     tline or message USAG-KA Facebook on-
changes in the original housing build            clude a communal bath, laundry, lounge      line. Before you get started naming, re-
plans.                                           and locker-storage area on the ground-      member there are a few rules to follow.
  “We feel that going in a new direction         floor. Inside, individual quarters—            Names should be 8-15 characters in
will benefit both the mission and island         called capsules—will consist of a bed       length, and contain one uppercase let-
residents,” said Hill.                           or day-lounger mattress. Units come         ter, one lowercase letter and a special
  Bateman will receive the $3.5 million          equipped with a single wall charging        character.
award to build new, modern housing               unit for USB-powered devices.                  Contestants are encouraged to sub-
on island after completing eco-friendly             Each floor of the building includes      mit up to four names—one for each
and energy efficient housing for state           energy efficient windows designed to        new building. Consider theming your
colleges in Boston according to a com-           maximize Kwajalein’s abundant day-          answers (ie, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and
pany press release issued last week. The         light. Current designs will allow for       Delta; Broncos, Packers, Cowboys and
company beat out 10 major contractors            full, future-integration of a water-cool-   Vikings; MacDonalds, i-Hop, Waffle-
to claim the award.                              ing air-conditioning system. There are      home and Dennie’s).
                                                 discussions about incorporating solar          The use of profanity or sexism in a
Build Plan                                       energy into the plan as that option be-     name selection will result in disqualifi-
   Following the demolition of new               comes viable.                               cation.
housing, Bateman will construct new                 The interior construction of the cap-       “We feel this build plan is an appro-
living spaces at North Point. The initial        sules is a molded polyurethane—think        priate measure to support the mission,”
build of 73 units is set for fiscal year         ice cube tray—that will be easy for a       said Hill. “By pairing increased housing
2021, according to USAG-KA DPW Di-               staff of maintenance technicians to san-    with environmentally-friendly building,
rector Derek Miller. The footprint for           itize during weekly cleanings, said Hill.   we can generate cost-savings for the
future builds will be expanded to areas          In addition, the reduced personal item      government and guarantee that we can
of former Silver City.                           weight allowance better assures that a      meet the challenges of our operational
   Following this project, portions of old       balance between housing and house-          tempo.”

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                      5                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
It could happen to you, and it might make for a
great adventure story. On a recent visit to US-
AG-KA, Dan Smith, a recreational diver, made a few
friends. One of them was a pufferfish.
   “It followed me all day,” said Smith of his back-
to-back dives. “I didn’t mind. It was kind of cute—
until it puffed up, of course. Then it was adorable.”
   Smith and his dive buddy, Chris Androsik, had
spent an afternoon diving near P-Buoy. After more
than 35 minutes, the divers completed a safety
stop and made their ascent—followed by the puff-
er, who they later named Señor Chonky McFishface
   That’s a big fish name for a small fish story. If
you’re wondering about the “third,” know this is
not the first time a fish has adopted Smith.
   Like most divers, Smith has been checked out by
the occasional manta ray and sea turtle. He was ad-
opted by puffers on his last dive trips to Barbados
and the Red Sea, respectively. Smith named them
Walter Cronkite and Puff Baddy.
   Androsik shot a few photos of Smith with Señor
Chonky Mcfishface III with a GoPro camera before
they tossed some snacks in the water to encourage
their fishy friend to return to his marine home.
    “I doubt that chubby little guy is going to find me
again the next time I am here, but I hope he does,”
said Smith. “Fish like Senor Chonky Mcfishface III              PHOTO BY DAVE BRENNER
are the closest I ever come to having a dog or a pet.”
   So, if you see Señor Chonky Mcfishface III during       Dan Smith (the human) and Señor Chonky McFishface III (the pufferfish)
your next dive, Smith reminds you never to try to          float in the water off Emon Beach during Smith’s recent visit to the atoll.
touch or pet marine life. He advises that the puffer-      While diving, this plucky pufferfish followed Smith and his dive buddy all
fish seemed to enjoy goldfish crackers.                    the way from P-Buoy back to the Small Boat Marina.

AS ALTERNATIVE TO BIKE LIGHTS           necessarily always going to be the
                                        safest option for someone working
Island security personnel want          or biking outdoors,” said Johnson.
you to stay safe riding your bikes        “A flashlight casts a beam on
at night.                               what you can immediately see—
   “We have a required flashlight       maybe five to eight feet away, at
rule,” said Kwajalein Police De-        most,” he said. “In this case, night
partment Chief Dennis Johnson.          vision will help you see anything
“However, since it is not always        moving and any obstructions in
possible to purchase a bike light       your path, like fallen coconuts or
here, we have approved a safety         debris.”
alternative.”                             Here’s the catch: wearing night
   Now, if you are riding your bike     vision goggles does not excuse
out to the Country Club, or jogging     you from stopping at stop signs or
late at night, you can use night vi-    following other rules for bicycle
sion goggles. A limited selection of    riding around the garrison. The
commercial-grade goggles will be        Kwajalein Police Officers on night
available at points of sale around      patrol will be wearing night vision
the island in upcoming weeks.           goggles, too—and they’ll spot you
   The decision to allow the change     a mile away.
in garrison bicycling regulations         “We want you to know that we                  A Kwajalein cyclist in training for the 2020 RustMan
came down last week in an inter-        are dedicated to keeping the roads              Triathlon cruises around the runway last week in
nal security meeting.                   and thoroughfares safe for travel,”             this Kwajalein Police Department night vision secu-
   “We discussed how a light is not     said KPD Sgt. Miles Eiswirth.                   rity photo.

ALCOHOL RATIONING                                 Beginning May 3, AAFES will ration sales of liquor, beer and
                                                  alcoholic beverage supplies. Customers must display a ra-
BEGINS MAy 3                                      tion punch card at time of purchase. Cards will be available
                                                  for pick up at AAFES beginning April 1. For more information,
                                                  please call 5-3743.
Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                     6                                                The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                                          FUNDS WITH FITNESS
           Keystone Club                                                                  Move over, Yokwe Yuk Women’s Club.
                            presents                                                      There’s another Basket Auction in town, and
                                                                                          this one’s got game.
                                                                                            The Kwajalein Keystone Club invites you to

                                                                                          support an action-packed fundraiser. “Dollars
                                                                                          for Hoops” combines fun fitness activities with
                                                                                          an exciting challenge. The event is coordinated
                                                                                          with co-partnerships between U.S. Army Gar-
                                                                                          rison-Kwajalein Atoll Family and Morale, Wel-

                                                                                          fare and Recreation and the Kwajalein School

                                                                                          How many baskets can you make in 15

                                                                                            Anyone in the community can participate in
                                                                                          “Dollars for Hoops,” a fun community fitness
                                                                                          challenge and fundraiser taking place April 1
                                                                                          in the CRC Gym. Referees and scorekeepers
                                                                                          will tally up your baskets. Every basket scored
                                                                                          during a series of 15-minute challenge events
                                                                                          earns a $1. Proceeds will be used to support
                   Wednesday, April 1                                                     Keystone activities and travel expenses for the
                                                                                          Military Youth of the Year.

                       CRC GYM                                                              During the event, participants can sign up
                                                                                          for up to four blocks of time to sink baskets,
                                                                                          play keep-away or enter in a one-on-one team
                       5-9 p.m.                                                           challenge.
                                                                                            Think you’ve got what it takes to beat a mem-
                                                                                          ber of a Spartans basketball team? Advanced
                                                                                          sign-ups are open now for the special “Spartan
                                                                                          Battle” event where you can test your mettle.
                                                                                            Participants are encouraged to wear com-
                                                                                          fortable athletic wear and closed-toe shoes.
                                                                                          Snacks and drinks will be available for sale at
                                                                                          an outdoor tent (please, no food in the gym)
                                                                                          for participants to enjoy on breaks. For more
                                                                                          information, please contact MWR.

The Kwaj Pet Selfie-Stand is now open at the Sunrise
Bakery. The next time you take your island pet for a walk
be sure to visit the bakery so your dog can snap a photo
with our Bakery GoPro camera.
  Photos will be uploaded to the U.S. Army Garri-
son-Kwajalein Atoll Family and Morale, Welfare and
Recreation Facebook Page. On your visit, don’t forget
to purchase a delicious cup of espresso or one of our
Kwaj-famous “Yokwe Pizzas.” For more information,
please contact MWR at 5-3331.

     PHOTO BY MICHELLE JO                             1             COURTESY OF THE BUSSEY FAMILY                                   2

1) Even goldfish need to get out every once in a while. 2) Kwaj poodle Teddy Bussey visited the Sunrise Bakery last week with her
family and took this snazzy self-portrait.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                  7                                                 The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                           OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
                                                           1234 Philadelphia Ave.
                                                          Tel. No. (805) 555-5555

                          Involuntary Recall of Retired U.S. Army Officers for MWR Service
The U.S. Army is reaching out to gauge the interest of our noncommissioned and retired officers and Soldiers who would be willing to
assist with Pre-K Morale, Welfare and Recreation Child and Youth Services should their skills and expertise be required.

The unprecedented challenges posed by caring for young children require teamwork and perseverance. That’s why we’re calling upon
trusted professionals capable of adapting to overcome rapidly changing circumstances. You stepped up to answer the nation’s call to
service. Now, that call may come again—as a loud holler from the playground.

Separated personnel who remain qualified to serve in any of the following specialties are requested to muster at Fort Polk, Louisiana at
2500 HRS 12 April 2020. Specialties requested include the following: Project Manager, 001A: Operations Manager, 567Y; Clerk,002B;
Lego Wrangler, 022; Airplane Spoon Pilot, 247D; Baking Soda Volcano Handler, 422C; and Spills Clean-up Officer, 98R.

This request is targeted at all specialties. If you are interested in rejoining the U.S. Army and were in a different specialty, please declare
your interest.

Please contact Human Resources Command, Reserve Personnel Management Directorate, at usarmy.polk.1234.hrc.mbx.gx-involun- or call 805-355-5555 and order a large pizza.


Private 1st Class Marcus Reynolds
Clerk to the Clerk to the Secretary of U.S. Army Resource Personnel

                                        channon, lifeguard. Hasselhoff
                                        went on after “Baywatch” to
And the winner is David Has-            have a successful singing career
selhoff, folks.                         and jumped the perilous gener-
  This week, USAG-KA Com-               ation gap from popular TV pro-
mand and the Kwajalein Art              gramming to Saturday morning
Guild announced the winner of           cartoons, when he appeared in
the 2020 Water Tower Decorator          “SpongeBob SquarePants The
Contest. Artists and crafters sub-      Movie.” On the water tower,
mitted their entries by the Febru-      Hasselhoff, shirtless, will smile
ary 1 deadline. A panel of judges       down at passersby with his clas-
from USAG-KA Command staff,             sic, red backboard, ready to come
the Yokwe Yuk Women’s Club              to the rescue.
and the KAG all voted on the top           Vinson chose the concept and
three entries—and narrowed it           rendered the overall design. Rob-
down to The Hoff.                       inson provided moral support
  The winning entry was de-             and the occasional “atta boy,” as
signed by Kwajalein resident and        Vinson worked on the drawing.
AFN Communications Manager              Gilbertson, a Kwajalein archae-
Jordan Vinson, with help from           ologist who specializes in os-
Kwaj buddies Jeffery Robinson           teoarchaeology, provided guid-
and Caitlin Gilbertson. When            ance to the team as they tried to
asked      why      they     chose      get Hasselhoff’s square jaw and
Hasselhoff as their entry,              musculature just right.
they became enthusiastic.                  “Hasselhoff is a household
  “Who wouldn’t want to be              name, so trust me,” said Gilbert-
watched over by David Hassel-           son. “If we didn’t get this right,
hoff,” said Vinson in an inter-         someone out here would com-
view with The Kwajalein Hour-           plain.”
glass last week. “I feel so much           In the coming months, island
safer. Whenever I go biking long        logistics personnel will safely
distances and I see the water tow-      hoist Vinson—wearing a secu-
er beacon, I feel like The Hoff is      rity harness laden with art sup-
looking out for me.”                    plies—up to the non-potable
  Indeed, the version of Has-           water tower in front of the Zam-
selhoff chosen by the artists is,       perini Cafeteria in a manlift to
                                                                                          CONCEPT DESIGN BY JORDAN VINSON
if anything, iconic. It portrays        complete the drawing.
the American actor, singer and             Completing the sketch should             Jordan Vinson, Jeffery Robinson and Caitlin Gilb-
producer, known for his roles           take Vinson a week. The painting            ertson are the winners of the USAG-KA Water Tow-
on hit TV series “Knightrider”          will take up until next month, or           er Decorator Contest. Vinson’s concept art, above,
(1982) and “Baywatch” (1989)            whenever the next barge full of             shows the intended design: “Baywatch” star David
in the character of Mitch Bu-           art supplies arrives.                       Hasselhoff, ready to save the day.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                         8                                                    The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                 Jones and Auntie Normen Sablas.                finished. She took a few moments to
                                                    “This can’t come soon enough,” said         explain a bit of the science behind the
A mighty array of 6,000 solar panels             Roi resident James Rustler, who expects        project.
has now been built on Meck Island. The           the island’s first tanning beds to arrive         “So here’s how it works,” Knowles
2.4 megawatt system, which took more             next week. “I moved from Wisconsin             explained, walking me through the so-
than one year to assemble, will exclu-           here to Roi only a few weeks ago, and I’ve     lar farm. “The sun beats down on the
sively power a large fleet of tanning beds       already lost much of my tan. Because I         solar panels, aka photovoltaic modules.
to be installed around Kwajalein Atoll.          never go outside. There just haven’t been      Those thingermajigs convert those aw-
The atoll’s first tanning salon, Sizzlers,       any good indoor tanning solutions here         ful sunrays into sweet, sweet electrical
opened last week in the strip mall down-         for me yet. I’m excited about the tanning      energy. All 60,000 of these things feed
town.                                            beds.” As are many of the Roi Rats on the      the energy into combiner boxes and in-
   “This really is the perfect solution to       island. The 120 residents there have a         verters that change the electrical power
getting a solid, enviable golden tan with-       poll running on what to name Roi’s tan-        to AC from DC. The energy goes into a
out going out into all that awful nature,”       ning salon. Rat Roaster, Red Bellies and       transformer, which steps up the volt-
said Sizzlers Manager Sarah Warrick.             The BBQ Pit are fan favorites, thus far, for   age from combiner panels to a sizzling
The shop has 20 brand-new XQ Serena              the shop’s name.                               480 volts, and off it goes to a solar ar-
9000 stand-up tanning units featuring               Of course, none of the tanning salons       ray combiner panel. Something called a
dozens of white-hot LED tubes that can           would be possible without the juice            micro grid controller comes into play at
turn anyone’s pasty skin into a deep             that the $500 million solar array system       some point. Anyway, all that electrical
golden amber in only a few visits. 10            provides from Meck.                            energy is fed into the garrison’s SWEAT
more lie-down units, for the lazy, are on           “Solar panels are a miracle of modern       system, an electrical grid installed to de-
the way, Warrick said.                           science,” said Sweaty Epidermis Anni-          liver the energy to the tanning network
   Spots to get a nice tan aren’t limited to     hilating Tan system (SWEAT) Engineer           on the atoll. Sizzlers on Kwaj, as well as
Kwajalein. More tanning salons are slated        Tasha Knowles. She and her team have           all the other tanning salons on the atoll,
for sites around Roi-Namur, Ebeye, Ma-           been busy assembling and netting to-           will run off this grid system, powered by
jetto, Bigej, Carlson, Carlos, Lone Palm Is-     gether the 6,000 fix-tilt panels over the      these solar panels. No sun needed what-
land and the homes of Kwaj residents Jeff        past 13 months, and they’re glad to be         soever to get a nice, even tan.”

                                                                                                     PHOTO BY BEAX

                                                                          3          4
1) Sizzlers is now open for business on USAG-KA. 2) This photo of an indoor tanning salon gives Kwaj residents a taste of the sun-
ny-good time that’s to come, thanks to modern technology. 3) Technicians change solar panels in the Meck Island Solar Power
Array. 4) The array reflects sunlight on a hot day last week. Approximately 6,000 solar panels make up the Meck array and will be
used to power sunless tanning on USAG-KA.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                        9                                              The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                        graceless bird. As if in a slow-mo-
                                                        tion montage in an 80s big budget
                                                        action movie car chase crash scene,
                                                        Freewheelin’ Douglas cleared the
                                                        first three carts, threw his fist in the
Kurt “Freewheelin” Douglas, a                           air and promptly reached apogee
resident known for trying to do                         before violently crashing into cart
stupid things on his bike, sought                       number four.
a Marshall Islands record Sunday                           Had he cleared all 19 carts, Doug-
afternoon by attempting to jump                         las would have beaten the previous
19 Cushman golf carts on his Sun                        record of 0 carts ever jumped in the
cruiser.                                                Marshall Islands.
  Before a crowd of dozens of spec-                        “Why go for 19?” a spectator
tators, Douglas pedaled his heart out                   asked, as Douglas was hoisted onto a
from the intersection of 6th Street                     gurney. “It doesn’t make sense.”
and Lagoon and hit the 4.5-feet                            “Bro, some men just want to watch
vert ramp at a whopping 31 miles                        the world burn,” Douglas yelled. “And
per hour, soaring into the air like a                   I want to jump it, yyyeeeaahhhh!”              U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JORDAN VINSON

Pictured above, Kurt Douglas makes his speed run on the MWR vert ramp outside Building 805 last week. The attempt landed him
in the Kwajalein Hospital with multiple contusions. Douglas is undeterred and will probably try this stunt again. If you see Douglas
about to do something downright unsafe, please call Security and Access at 5-4445.


Lt. Gen. David D. Thompson, Vice Commander of the United States Space Force, talks about the future of the USSF at the Air
Force Association, Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 27. AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium is a premier event for the
aerospace and defense industry geared toward the professional development of Air Force officers, enlisted members, civilians,
retirees, and veterans.
                                                           currently assigned to the U.S. Space        0-7 Brigadier Skywalker
                                                           Force or those who expect to be mem-        0-8 Major Skywalker
                                                           bers of the Space Force in the future.      0-9 Lieutenant Skywalker
By Ensign Vincent Jordan                                      As of March 25, 2020 this deliberative   0-10 Skywalker
Air Force News Service                                     process has reached its conclusion, and     0-10 Skywalker of the Space Force
                                                           all ranks and some of the135+ job titles
ARLINGTON, Va.—The U.S. Space                              estimated in the Space Force are an-        Air Force Specialty Codes
Force has been on the hunt for feedback                    nounced as per the following list:          Rancor Keeper
from U.S. military space professionals
                                                                                                       Replicant Hunter
on what Space Force members should                         Ranks                                       Tactical Air Control Party Animal
be called—similar to how the Air Force                     E-1 Padawan                                 Robocop
refers to its members as ‘Airmen’ or the                   E-2 Spaceman                                Avatar Pilot
Army refers to its members as ‘Soldiers’.

                E-3 Spaceman First Class                    Man In Black
   Given the significance a name has to                    E-4 Senior Spaceman                         Dream Extractor
the identity and culture of an organiza-                   E-5 Staff Spaceman                          Xenomorph Pest Controller
tion, the Space Force has in the past few                  E-6 Technical Spaceman                      Area 51 Conspiracy Storyboard Artist
months taken a deliberate approach to                      E-7 Master Spaceman                         Zoidberg Body Double
ensure Space Force member titles and                       E-8 Senior Master Spaceman                  Time Reassigner
ranks appropriately convey the nature of                   E-9 Command Chief Master Spaceman           UFO Tracking Operations Specialist
the newest Armed Forces branch and the                     E-9 Chief Master Spaceman of the Space      Desk Flight Attendant
domain in which it operates.

                             Force                                       Survival Evasion, Resistance, Escape &
   To that end, Space Force officials have                 0-1 Second Rogue Leader                     Time Dilation (SERETD) Specialist
solicited ideas related to Space Force                     0-2 First Rogue Leader                      Moon Rock Trebuchet Engineer
ranks, names for operational units and                     0-3 Space Captain                           Astronaut Bean Farmer
what Space Force members should be                         0-4 Major Lazer                             Solar Flare Analyst
called collectively. They were especially                  0-5 Lieutenant Stardust                     Star Destroyer Mechanic
interested in soliciting ideas from those                  0-6 Ziggy Stardust                          MWR Space Golf Pro

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                                  10                                             The Kwajalein Hourglass
We now return you to real announcements,
     actual Classifieds, serious business—and
                   this pufferfish.

     Stay healthy and don’t forget to laugh.

                                                 —The Kwajalein Hourglass

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13        11           The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                              OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                       MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES
                                            P.O. Box 16 ~ Majuro ~ Marshall Islands ~ 96960
                                      Tel. No. (692) 625-5327 Email:

                                              REPUBLIC OF MARSHALL ISLANDS
                                            2019 NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)
                                             UPDATED INTERIM HEALTH TRAVEL
                                                 ADVISORY & RESTRICTIONS
                                               ISSUANCE 10: As of 17 March 2020

(Subject to regular review, as required)

On     30     January     2020,     World     Health     Organization     declared     the    current       novel    coronavirus
(COVID-19) outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The virus was first detected in Wuhan city, Hubei
Province, PRC, and subsequently cases of COVID-19 have been detected in 162 countries and territories.

The new virus is a coronavirus, which is a family of viruses that include the common cold, and viruses that cause severe respiratory
infections. The virus can be transmitted from person to person, similar to other influenza viruses.

In response to the declaration of PHEIC, the Republic of Marshall Islands’ (RMI) former COVID-19 travel advisories and restrictions
(Issuance 1: 24 January 2020, Issuance 2: 31 January 2020 and Proclamation declaring State of Emergency dated 7 February 2020,
Issuance 3: 13 February 2020, Issuance 4: 26 February 2020, Issuance 5: 25 February 2020, Issuance 6: 3 March 2020, Issuance 7: 5
March 2020, Issuance 8: 7 March 2020, Issuance 9: 8 March 2020) have been reviewed and updated as of 17 March 2020 (Issuance
10) with the following interim inbound and outbound travel restrictions for all visitors to RMI. These requirements will come into force
effective immediately.

An extension of the total suspension of international travelers coming into the RMI via air travel until April 5, 2020. All air-
craft that need to land in the RMI for refueling purposes must adhere to the RMI Ports Authority Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP). Human-to-human contact is strictly prohibited.

•   Suspension of all domestic passenger air travel between Kwajalein and Majuro on international airlines. Air travel between Kwa-
    jalein and Majuro on Air Marshalls is still permitted.

•   All cruise ships and yachts at this time are suspended from visiting the RMI until further notice.

To make sure that we can continue to allow food and supplies to enter the country, all container vessels and fuel tankers, which are
coming from the restricted countries listed below on their routine path or port of departure, are exempt from the suspension of sea travel
though strictly required to spend 14 days outside of the RMI after departure and prior to arrival at the RMI Pilot Station. All container
vessels and fuel tankers must adhere to the RMI Ports Authority Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Human-to-human contact is
strictly prohibited.

Citizens and residents of the RMI with plans to travel abroad are strongly advised to consider postponing their travel arrangements. If
travel arrangements cannot be postponed, individuals should be aware that they may be subject to restrictions on reentering the RMI.

•   All GRMI officials, including elected officials, SOEs and auxiliary bodies, are required to suspend all international trips paid for by
    the GRMI or sponsored by outside agencies or organizations with the exception of patients approved by the RMI Medical Referral

RMI Residents and Citizens who are planning to attend missions, conferences, trainings and group trips held outside of the RMI are
strongly advised to postpone their travel until further notice.

•   The Chief Secretary, as the head of the National Disaster Committee, together with the Secretary of Health and Human Services,
    based on recommendations from the RMI Public Health division and the National Disaster Committee, reserve the right to make
    exceptions to any of the above restrictions to allow for essential services. All safety protocols developed by the Ministry of Health
    and Human Services in compliance with WHO and CDC guidelines will be followed in these instances.

These are interim travel restrictions, which have been introduced by the Government of the RMI as part of current health emergency
preparedness measures for COVID-19. These restrictions will be reviewed and updated as needed and communicated to the public.

Jack Niedenthal				                          March 17, 2020
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Secretary of Health & Human Services

The global outlook for COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, is con-
stantly changing. To help keep you stay informed, we’d like to
share a live map of COVID-19 global cases published by the
Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engi-
neering. The map is a tool to help travelers and researchers un-
derstand the spread and containment of the virus around the
Click the logo to the right, or visit
lic-health/ncov/ to view the map.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                      12                                            The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                                                   ganization in order to stay appropri-
                                                                                                   ately informed of best practices.
                                                                                              • Remain social through digital plat-
                                                                                                   forms such as Skype or WhatsApp.
                                                                                              • Practice good selfcare.
                                                                                              • Subscribe to an at-home exercise
                                                                                                   program to stay active or find class-

                                                                                                   es on YouTube or Netflix for free.
                                                                                                   Keep those endorphins working to
                                                                                                   limit stress.
                                                                                              • Continue a healthy, balanced and
                                                                                                   nutritionally sound meal plan.
                                                                                              • Try to keep a clear sleep schedule by

                                                                                                   limiting screen exposure and keep-
                                                                                                   ing devices out of the bed.
                                                                                              • Start implementing meditation
                                                                                                   practices, deep breathing and other
                                                                                                   relaxation techniques.
                                                                                              • Sunlight and fresh air can also go a
                                                                                                   long way so make sure to get out-
                                                                                              • Do things you enjoy that you may
                                                                                                   not always have had the time to do
                                                                                                   such as reading, cooking or bak-
As we all read and learn about                                                                     ing, watching movies, playing video
COVID-19, we are bound to have different                                                           games or board games.
reactions. The impact of the disease may                                                      • Use the emerging online resources
feel somewhat distant. It might also elicit                                                        to tour a museum online, create an
a sense of panic or fear.                                                                          uplifting playlist or learn a new lan-
   Many of us have family and friends that                                                         guage.
are losing jobs or transitioning to a more                                                    • Catch up on cleaning or other re-
isolated way of life back home while we                                                            pairs.
try to offer whatever form of support we                                                      • Practice an old skill like art, music or
can from a distance. Some of our resi-                                                             poetry writing.
dents may feel guilt for not being there                                                        It is not uncommon to have some
with loved ones who are affected by the                                                       anxiety around the changes happening
greater impact while others are practic-                                                      around the world. This situation is cer-
ing gratitude for the separation.                •   Experience extreme anxiety or fear       tainly unprecedented, and uncertainty
   What is most important right now is to            over contracting the disease             can cause a lot of fear.
practice awareness of our mental health          •   Become trapped in a thought loop of        If you’re experiencing trouble stay-
and support healthy strategies to main-              imagining worst-case scenarios           ing positive or are feeling an increased
tain a positive approach to the changes.                                                      hopelessness, remember you’re not
   You may notice increased feelings of            You might also experience the impact       alone. There are tele-health resources
overwhelm, nervousness or uneasiness.            of socialization changes—fear of having      both on- and off-island.
Symptoms of stress and anxiety may be-           to work from home and experiencing             If you’re having thoughts of suicide or
gin to show up in your mood and behav-           increased loneliness. Scarcity of goods,     feel in crisis, consider reaching out to
ior. When our routines shift and impact          food or resources could also drive anx-      the National Helpline either online or
our interactions, these feelings are ex-         iety.                                        by phone 1-800-273-8255. Crisis text:
pected and common. Signs of a shift may            No matter what you are feeling or          HOME to 741741 and speak with trained
be changes in sleep, difficulty concentrat-      which area of concern feels the most im-     and compassionate counselors for free
ing, appetite changes, restlessness, irri-       pactful, it is important to remain steady    support 24/7.
tability or becoming short tempered and          and aware of how to best care for your-        At this time, on-island EAP/ counsel-
moody. Those with pre-existing anxiety           self and those around you. Creating a        ing services are being providing confi-
conditions may feel worsened symptoms.           plan, focusing on the areas within your      dentially through a secure and HIPAA
These increased feelings could potential-        control and maintaining a consistent         compliant tele-health platform.
ly elicit depression or hopelessness.            routine can be extremely beneficial.           Additionally, please check with your
There is also the reality of experiencing          Other ideas and strategies to manage       HR or supervisor. Many companies offer
health anxiety:                                  any fear or anxiety:                         additional EAP services and support for
• You feel unable to stop seeking out            • Maintain a realistic connection            you during difficult times.
     information on COVID-19                           with updates and information from        To schedule an appointment, call
• Constantly evaluating yourself for                   trusted sources like the Centers for   5-5362 or email marybeth.dawicki@
     symptoms                                          Disease Control or World Health Or-

           CYS has changed a few days and times of activities
             to better fit the busy schedules of our kiddos.

                                    The next two sessions of
                                   Open Rec will be held March
                                   28 and April 4 from 3:30-5:30

                                  4-H will also be held Wednes-
                                  day and Friday 4:30-5:30 p.m.
                                   until the last meeting April

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                       13                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
ment to enter the garrison on a 480
                                                                                                 pass, for instance. But a three-week

   A Medevac Insurance Primer
                                                                                                 period of full coverage can cost as little
                                                                                                 as $120. That’s $40 per week for peace
                                                                                                 of mind—and freedom from the cata-
                                                                                                 strophic effects a full medevac bill will
    Traveling to the Republic of the Marshall Islands is an                                      cost a sponsor in the event of a medical
    exciting experience. It is important to ensure your med-                                       When selecting a plan, be sure to take
    ical insurance is in order before cleared visitors make                                      note of any plan activation conditions
                                                                                                 associated with the plan. For instance,
    their departure. To learn more about what you need to                                        some providers stipulate that the plan
    do as an on-island sponsor, read below.                                                      must be purchased a month or so be-
                                                                                                 fore the start of the travel period. Not
                                                                                                 understanding these conditions could
                                                     actly what is covered and what is not.      make or break the bank in the event of
                                                     For most stateside residents, medevacs      a medevac.
    Once the Department of Defense trav-             from nations as remote as the Marshall        As you consider policies, make sure
    el restrictions have been lifted and you         Islands will not be covered. Your visitor   that you select a medical evacua-
    have visitors traveling to Kwajalein on          will need to contact their insurance pro-   tion insurance policy that includes a
    a 480 or 55R, medical evacuation insur-          vider for additional information and to     mini-mum of $1 million of emergency
    ance is a very important part of the on-         verify service areas.                       medical evacuation (costs vary from
    boarding process to consider.                       If your visitor has a credit card that   $130,000 to $250,000), medical ex-
       Ensure your visitor is covered by a           offers medical evacuation coverage          penses, repatriation to home of record
    medevac insurance plan before travel             as part of their membership benefits,       and repatriation of mortal remains
    plans are finalized. Failing to do so could      again, it’s important to read the fine      ($25,000-50,000), as well as 24/7 ac-
    net you, the visitor’s sponsor or the gar-       print. For instance, is Kwajalein Atoll/    cess to a travel assistance center.
    rison, $130,000-250,000 in uncovered             Marshall Islands within the area of           The policy should also include cover-
    costs associated with performing a med-          responsibility of the credit card com-      age for emergency medical expenses, as
    ical evacuation for a serious illness or in-     pany’s coverage provider? A medevac         your home country insurance may not
    jury to Hawaii or beyond. It’s like buying       from the Bahamas may be covered by          extend to Kwajalein. Moreover, if you
    a house—but not getting a house.                 a credit card company, but a medevac        are evacuated, the destination health-
       Of course, we all want our friends,           from the Marshall Islands may not be        care system may not accept your cur-
    family and staff who visit to have a fun         covered. Your visitor will need to call     rent insurance plan.
    and safe time, and to have a safety net          customer support to find out more be-         Finally, make sure Kwajalein Atoll is
    if something happens. Fortunately, that          fore traveling.                             within the geographic area of responsi-
    safety net can cost a fraction of a fraction        Most importantly, if your visitor is     bility of the medevac provider. Ask this
    of the price of an uncovered medevac             not covered by medevac insurance via        at the beginning of the process, during
    from Kwajalein Atoll.                            one of the methods already described,       the shopping process, and verify at the
       To shop around for plan prices, sim-          they should take this to heart: Medevac     end before purchasing. For questions
    ply use your favorite internet browser           coverage does not have to be pricey. Yes,   regarding medevac coverage for you
    to take you to online insurance plan ex-         it is possible to visit USAG-KA without     and your dependents, contact your hu-
    changes where you can compare differ-            medevac insurance; it is not a require-     man resources office.
    ent plans and prices to fit your visitor’s
       Here are some pointers to keep in
    mind during the shopping process.
       Travel insurance does not equate to
    medical evacuation insurance. Unless
    your travel insurance plan explicitly
    states medical evacuations, you should
    only assume medical expenses, such as
    medical procedures and medicine, are
    covered—not the costs of physically relo-
    cating the patient from point A to point Z.
       If your visitor has health insur-
    ance (typically plans offered through
    employers), there is no guarantee
    medevacs are covered. Again, you must
    read the plan’s details and know ex-

 When using
 hand sanitizer:
Check out the Centers for Disease
Control online for more information at

    Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                      14                                         The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                                                  bers, especially children, in case
                                                                                                  you are restricted to your home
                                                 The Department of Defense has                    for prolonged periods of time.
                                                 raised the HPCON level worldwide to          •   Prepare for the potential of
                                                 level Charlie (Substantial).                     limited access to supplies and
                                                   With that said, there are still no             services, including severely re-
                                                 suspected or confirmed COVID-19
                                                 cases in the Republic of the Marshall            stricted access to military instal-
                                                 Islands. Continue all previous actions           lations.
                                                 and:                                         •   Implement remote work proce-
                                                 • Expect cancellation of in-person               dures as directed by your em-
                                                     gatherings (e.g., schools, daycare,          ployer.
                                                     all community activities) and re-        •   If outside the United States, au-
                                                     stricted ability to travel.                  thorized or ordered departure
                                                 • Plan activities for family mem-                actions may be implemented.

                                                     mouth.                                   •   Seek guidance from employers and
                                                 •   Ensure all immunizations are up to           unit leaders about changes to work
By The Army Public Health Center                     date, including seasonal flu shots.          practices (e.g., telework) and train-
                                                 •   Stay home if you are sick.                   ing events.
The Department of Defense Instruction            •   Avoid close contact with family          •   Comply with medical orders for
6200.03 “Public Health Emergency Man-                members and pets.                            self-isolation or quarantine.
agement Within the DoD,” and supple-
ments, provides military commanders                     ALPHA LIMITED:                              CHARLIE SUBSTANTIAL:
with policy applicable to the COVID-19           Community transmission beginning             Sustained community transmission
outbreak. Commanders review and up-
date the health protection condition             Continue all previous actions and:           Continue taking all previous actions and:
based on the risk level in the local com-        Routinely clean and disinfect frequently     •  Expect cancellation of in-person
munity and in cooperation with local,            touched objects and surfaces.                   gatherings (e.g., schools, daycare, all
state, or host nation guidance.                    If you are sick, call your medical pro-       community activities) and restrict-
   Commanders and public health per-             vider for instructions on receiving care        ed ability to travel.
sonnel use HPCON levels to guide specif-         before going to the clinic                   • Plan activities for Family members,
ic actions you can take in response to a           Stay informed by routinely checking           especially children, in case you are
health threat.                                   reliable sources of information such            restricted to your home for pro-
   While it’s always important to prevent        as the Centers for Disease Control and          longed periods of time.
the spread of germs, there are additional        Prevention (CDC) and your local public       • Prepare for the potential of limited
steps you can take if COVID-19 transmis-         health agencies.                                access to supplies and services, in-
sion becomes more widespread in your                                                             cluding severely restricted access to
community.                                              BRAVO MODERATE:                          military installations.
   This page lists potential actions that        Increased community transmission             • Implement remote work procedures
may be indicated as a result of COVID-19.                                                        as directed by your employer.
Regardless of the current HPCON level,           Continue all previous actions and:           • If outside the United States, autho-
always follow the guidance from your             •  Avoid unnecessary contact with oth-          rized or ordered departure actions
installation and local public health agen-          ers, such as shaking hands and hug-          may be implemented.
cies.                                               ging.
                                                 • Avoid unnecessary travel, especially                DELTA SEVERE:
           O ROUTINE:                               to areas known to be experiencing         Widespread community transmission
     No community transmission                      active disease transmission.
                                                 • Ensure supplies of food, medication,       Continue taking all previous actions
Take everyday actions to stop the spread            and other items needed for babies         and:
of germs:                                           and pets are available to last at least   • Expect to remain at home for ex-
• Avoid close contact with people who               14 days.                                      tended periods of time as move-
     are sick.                                   • Prepare for travel restrictions and            ment in the community may be re-
• Wash hands often and for at least 20              cancellation of public gatherings,            stricted.
     seconds with soap and water.                   such as school, religious, and other      • Expect that home isolation or quar-
• Cover your coughs.                                community activities; make alterna-           antine may be directed.
• Sneeze with a tissue and throw the                tive arrangements for childcare.          • Follow all directives and guidance
     tissue in the trash; cough/sneeze           • Observe local guidance on move-                from local, state and Federal au-
     into your elbow if tissues are un-             ment restrictions and access re-              thorities. These actions are to pro-
     available.                                     quirements for military installa-             tect the health and safety of you and
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and                tions.                                        your Family.

Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13                      15                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
United Airlines’ Kwajalein To Majuro domestic flight is SUSPENDED.
    Passengers traveling to Majuro must utilize Air Marshall Islands flights only.
   As of March 20, United Airlines has suspended the Island Hopper flight schedule
UNTIL MAY 3 with the following exceptions: FLIGHTS SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 13 (EASTBOUND
THESE CHANGES ARE due to United Airlines’ worldwide reduction in flights by 80 percent.

             Questions? Contact United Airlines at 1-800-864-8331.

    READ ALL                                          World Health
    ABOUT IT.                                         ORganization
Saturday, MARCH 27, 2020 / Volume 61 Number 13   16                     The Kwajalein Hourglass
You can also read