Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows

Page created by Leroy Harmon
Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
April - September 2021

Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021
Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
We hope you can join us for our quiz night, see page 3 for dates and details.

Welcome to our latest combined
Newsletter and Events Diary                                 Contact Details
As I write this, it is now almost twelve                    For details about membership
months since we entered the first                           and the wide range of benefits
lockdown: back then I had never                             available please contact:
heard of Zoom – ‘zoom zoom’ was                             Secretary: Christine Luckett
the noise that my grandson made                             Address:
when playing with his toy cars!                             Oddfellows House,
                                                            2 Queen Victoria Road,
Zoom now is the source of much frustration                  Coventry CV1 3JH
when the technology doesn’t work (it’s never
                                                            Telephone: 024 76632900
operator error, is it?) But it’s also an invaluable
lifeline allowing me to connect with you                    Email:
all, maintain social contact and preserve my      
sanity. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do –            Social Co-ordinator
it’s really not that difficult and we are here to           Jan Lewis
help if you are struggling. You will see that
Coventry Godiva continue to run our weekly                  Telephone: 07579 766208
Friday Coffee mornings, as well as a monthly                Email:
general knowledge trivia quiz.

I hope that vaccinations will allow us all to             In the meantime, stay safe and keep checking
meet up later this year to enjoy a more normal            our Facebook page for the announcement of
programme of events as well as being able to              any social gatherings, as soon as government
celebrate and enjoy those that are planned                guidelines permit.
as part of the Coventry, City of Culture
                                                          Christine Luckett
2021 programme.
                                                          Branch Secretary

  A bit about us……
  The Oddfellows is a friendly society with branches across the UK.
  Through friendship and social events, we help our members get more
  enjoyment out of life, and offer care, advice and support in times of need.
  We welcome everyone of all ages. Find out more at
  or call 0800 028 1810.

Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
Social Events
Coffee and a Chat!                                               Every Fr
     11am           Free

Our regular coffee morning now happens
via Zoom video conferencing. To receive
the link to the event you will need to email These events
are always lively and are guaranteed to
make you smile – not least because of the
regular unscheduled ‘guest appearances’
from various cats, dogs, grandchildren and
other family members! Give it a try…you
will amaze yourself at how easy it is to join.
New friendships have already been
forged and it is lovely being able to see
our friends in their own homes.

Quiz Night                                    B
                                                                 Every M
     7pm             Free
                                              C                             onth
Each month your hosts Christine and
                                                   Wednesday 21 April,
Tony Luckett will be putting together a
fun quiz covering a variety of subjects            Wednesday 19 May,
to test and challenge you. The quiz
will run over a number of rounds,                  Wednesday 16 June,
giving everyone the chance to find                 Wednesday 21 July,
their strengths (and weaknesses!).
In order to participate you will need              Wednesday 18 August,
to mail in              Wednesday 15 September
order to obtain the Zoom link.

      Diary reminders for each of the above events will be posted on our
   Facebook page ( ,
   along with any additional information: For instance, some of the quizzes
   may have a particular theme, so the super-keen amongst you may want
                     to do a bit of research beforehand!

Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
General Knowledge Quiz (See page 9 for answers).
For those of you that like a brain teaser or two here is a short
general knowledge quiz for your entertainment
1.    What is the world’s largest land mammal?

2.    Rio de Janeiro is a city in which South American country?

3.    Which Middle Eastern city is also the name of a type of artichoke?

4.    With which sport is Silverstone most associated?

5.    Nostradamus was famous for making what?

6.    In mythology, Romulus and Remus were brought up by which animal?

7.    What is the main source of vitamin C?

8.    Insulin is commonly used to treat which condition?

9.    The first atom bomb was dropped on which Japanese city?

10.   What is dermatophobia the fear of?

11.   The Velocipede was a nineteenth-century prototype of what?

12.   Which is Britain’s oldest Sunday newspaper, published for the
      first time in 1791?

13.   What was the middle name of Wolfgang Mozart?

14.   What is the art of stuffing animals for preservation?

15.   The term BHP is used when describing the power of a motor vehicle;
      for what does it stand?

16.   What is Prince William’s second name?

17.   Who invented the Flying Shuttle in 1733?

18.   What does a Geiger counter measure?

19.   If you were an LLD, what profession would you be involved in?

20.   How many of Henry VIII’s wives were called Anne?

Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
Society News                                            

Branches raise over £145,000
for good causes in 2020
A big part of the Oddfellows is                 Appeal, in which £19,210 was raised
about giving back. We’re run by                 to split between The Silver Line and
our members, for our members,                   the National Emergencies Trust.
and that means providing them
with the support they, their friends,           Our 115 UK Branches regularly donate
family and communities may need.                to a long list of local organisations and
                                                charities. From supporting homeless
The societal impact of the worldwide            shelters through to funding public
pandemic and nationwide lockdowns               defibrillators, they work tirelessly to
truly showed us the importance of coming        help make their towns great places to
together as a community. And despite            live for people of all ages, from all
many facing funding and resource crises         walks of life. Here are a few examples...
themselves, charitable organisations
stepped up to play a huge part in               Nottingham Trent Oddfellows
helping people to get through the               Sponsored a local mum with £550 who
struggles of last year.                         was raising money for the Children with
                                                Cancer charity by running a marathon
To show our continued support,                  across town. Every day, 12 families are given
our UK Branches raised £145,742.59              the heartbreaking news that their child has
for good causes in 2020.                        cancer, and CWC funds over 60 research
                                                projects which all work towards giving
Jane Nelson, CEO of the Oddfellows,             children the very best chance of survival.
says: “In one way or another, we’ve all
needed somebody to lean on at various
points during the pandemic, so it’s
wonderful to see how our Branches
and members have been helping their
local communities and good causes.”

Oddfellows Branches and members also
made significant contributions to Society
fundraising initiatives during the past
year, such as our Coronavirus Emergency

Making Friends in Coventry Godiva - Coventry, City of Culture 2021 - April - September 2021 - The Oddfellows
Society News                                                                           Issue 13

Mid-Staffordshire Oddfellows
donated £1,000 to Midland Air
Ambulance Charity, which has air
bases in Staffordshire, Shropshire
and Worcestershire, and provides
emergency care in hard-to-reach places.

                                                  North Gloucestershire Oddfellows
                                                  donated £6,000 to Merton House Hotel
                                                  to get it back on its feet after early closures
                                                  in 2020 due to government restrictions.
                                                  Merton House Hotel offers respite and
                                                  convalescence care to a number
                                                  of Oddfellows members.

The Great Berkhampstead District
donated £2,000 to a local school last
year that runs a charity called “No Child
Without”. Many children were left at a
disadvantage following school closures,
due to a lack of access to tablets and
laptops at home. No Child Without
makes sure that every child has the
basic necessities to learn, no matter             Leigh and Bolton Oddfellows
their background.                                 donated £500 to Bolton Hospice,
                                                  which offers local support for people
Nene and Welland Oddfellows                       with life-limiting or terminal illnesses.
raised £1,000, plus £400 worth of food            The hospice costs £4 million per year
and bedding for the Exotic Pet Refuge,            to provide its specialist care.
which runs entirely on public donations
to support its menagerie of wolves, snakes,       If there’s a cause close to your heart which
monkeys and meerkats – to name a few!             you’d like to support, have a chat with
                                                  your local Branch Secretary, and share
                                                  some of your fundraising ideas with them.
Society News                                                                             Issue 13

Apprenticeship Educational
Awards 2020
Each year, we offer members who
are undertaking an apprenticeship
the opportunity to apply for a
financial grant to help them with
their training. Applications are
open from March each year, until
31 December, and of those who                         Fenton, Jack and Rhianna
apply, three members are selected
by our Fraternal Board to receive                   My Grandad was a carpenter, but I
£250 for every year of their studies.               really got into woodwork at school.
                                                    It’s always satisfying to see a project
Meet our 2021 Apprenticeship                        from start to finish, and feel proud
Educational Award Winners!                          that you’ve created it yourself.”
Fenton Gaymer, 16, is completing                    Rhianna Lees, 17, a member of
a plumbing apprenticeship at                        the Coventry Godiva Branch, is
Gayges Ltd in Swanley, Kent,                        completing an apprenticeship
through Bexley College.                             in Manufacturing Engineering
He says: “I’m really excited to start my            at Rolls Royce in Derby, through
career in plumbing. It’s an essential service       the University of Sheffield.
and I feel that there will always be a               She says: “I’m extremely grateful for the
need for plumbers. An apprenticeship is             award. It will go a long way in helping
a great way to begin a career, as it offers         me to purchase essential course textbooks.
the opportunity to earn a wage whilst               My mum’s always encouraged me and
learning a skill, meaning that when I’m             my twin brother to dream big and go
fully qualified, I’ll be able to get started        for what we want. She’s really made me
straight away.”                                     who I am today.”

Jack Lockwood, 18, is completing                    We also offer Educational Awards for
an apprenticeship in Carpentry                      members who are undertaking their
with Alan Bender Ltd in Colchester,                 first University Degree. If you’d like to
through the Colchester Institute.                   be considered for our First Degree Course
He says: “I’m hoping to put as much of              Educational Awards, contact your Branch
it as I can towards a van and some tools            Secretary for an application form.
to help me get set up in the trade.                 The deadline is 31 August each year,
                                                    and member eligibility applies.
Peak District
Friendship Tour
Oddfellows Travel is hosting a special three night guided tour
of the Peak District. All members and their guests are invited.

Staying at HF Holiday’s Peveril of
the Peak Country House Hotel, in
                                      3 - 6 September 2021
Dovedale. You’ll get the chance to    From £355 per person
explore some of the Peak District’s   Full board - single rooms available
signature attractions.

For further information
contact tour host Mike Hall:
0161 832 9361 (Ext 2224)

To book call Warner’s on 0330 100 9774
Quote ODDFELLOWS when booking
General Knowledge
Quiz answers from
page 4
1.    African Bush Elephant
2.    Brazil
3.    Jerusalem
4.    Motor Racing
5.    Predictions of the future
6.    Wolf
7.    Oranges
8.    Diabetes
9.    Hiroshima
10.   Fear of skin diseases
11.   Bike
12.   The Observer
13.   Amadeus                          Why not become
14.   Taxidermy
15.   Break Horse Power                an Oddfellows
16.   Mountbatten-Windsor
17.   John Kay                         pen pal friend?
18.   Radioactive Transmissions
19.   Doctor of Law
20.   Two - Anne of Cleves             With so many of us
      and Anne Boleyn                  staying safe in our homes,
                                       how would you like to
Stop Press!                            write a letter to another
                                       member and become a
A gentle reminder to everyone
                                       Penfellow? If the answer
to ensure that your annual
subscription is up-to-date.            is yes, get in touch.
If you are unsure as to when
your membership is due, or how
much is owing, or indeed any           Contact Jan on
other query, then please contact
the Branch Secretary, Christine
                                       07579 766208 or
Luckett on 07974 362077.     

Carrot Cake
From our very own Coventry
Celebrity Chef…. can you                          Method
guess who it is?                                  1) Preheat the oven to 200°C, grease
                                                     and line a 9 inch round tin and set aside.

Ingredients                                       2) Sieve the flour, bicarbonate of soda,
                                                     and baking powder into a bowl with
•   250g (9oz) Plain flour.                          the cinnamon and nutmeg.
•   10ml (two tablespoon) Bicarbonate of soda.    3) Mix in the brown sugar and make a
•   10ml (two tablespoon) Baking powder.             well in the centre.

•   10ml (two tablespoon) Cinnamon.               4) Add the oil and beaten eggs. Beat well
                                                     until all the ingredients are combined.
•   10ml (two tablespoon) Nutmeg.                    Stir in the grated carrot and sultanas, spoon
•   250g (9oz) Dark brown sugar.                     into the prepared cake tin and cook in the
                                                     oven for 1 hour, allow to cool in the tin.
•   225ml (8fl.oz) Vegetable oil.
                                                  5) Cream the butter and cream cheese
•   Three eggs, beaten.                              until smooth. Stir in sieved icing sugar.
•   350g (12oz) Carrots, grated.
                                                  6) Decorate the cooled cake it the
•   75g (3oz) Sultanas.                              cream cheese topping.

    Cream cheese topping:                         • If you have no vegetable oil,
•   75g (3oz) Butter.                               sunflower oil can be used.

•   100g (4oz) Full fat cream cheese.             • If you have light brown sugar instead
                                                    of dark brown sugar this can also be used.
•   225g (8oz) Icing sugar.
                                                  • If you like a sandwich cake - cut the
•   5ml (One tablespoon).
                                                    cake in half and make double the
•   Vanilla essence (if desired).                   amount of cream cheese topping.

Branch Contacts
Nelson Branch
Secretary: Peter Matthews, 6 Eastern Green Road,
Coventry CV5 7LH. Telephone: 024 76471692.

Earl of Craven Branch, Good Intent Branch,
Admiral Lord Nelson Branch
Secretary: Matthew Redmond, 17 Alexandra Street,
Nuneaton CV11 5RN. Telephone: 024 77989963

Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held at 2pm on
Wednesday 21 April 2021
Please note that this year yet again the AGM will be conducted
by video - conferencing over Zoom. This is due to the current
government restrictions on indoor meetings. All members are
invited to attend via a Zoom video-conferencing link, which can
be obtained by sending an email to

Is there someone you know
who’d enjoy what we do?
Refer a friend today
To refer a friend, call Membership on 0800 028 1810, or visit
our Members’ Area at or fill in the
Refer a Friend form available from your Branch Secretary
*Terms and conditions apply to the Refer a Friend offer. It cannot be used in conjunction with
any other member offer. For full terms and conditions and for details of the rewards visit                                                                     Ref 1644

Oddfellows Members:
Do you need help?
None of us know what is around the corner…

  Local Care and Welfare Support
  To request contact from a Welfare Visitor and for local help and information
  about Branch benefits and benevolence contact Christine on 024 76632900
  or email

Oddfellows Citizens Advice Line
Call 0800 0149 821*
(free to callers from any landline or mobile number)
Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm
Run by Citizens Advice for Oddfellows members, you can access free, confidential,
independent advice on welfare benefits, money and debt issues, consumer problems,
housing, fuel bills, employment issues and many other issues.
*The Oddfellows cannot provide legal advice and accepts no liability whatsoever for advice
provided by Citizens Advice, which is an independent advice agency. If you have any queries about
the advice you have received or wish to make a complaint then you should contact Citizens Advice
directly. Citizens Advice operate a formal complaints process.

Care and Welfare Helpline
Call 0800 0149 822
(free to callers from any landline or mobile number)
Monday to Thursday, 9.30am - 4.30pm, Friday, 9.30am - 4pm
Run by the Oddfellows Care and Welfare Department, you can access information and
guidance on issues such as accessing health and care services, supported housing, support
for carers, and planning for later life. The helpline will try and identify any Oddfellows
benefits or services in the community which may be of help to you.

    The Oddfellows is the trading name of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Manchester
    Unity Friendly Society Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales No. 223F.
          Registered Office: Oddfellows House, 184-186 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WB
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