Page created by Hector Navarro

               Pelotonia’s incredible growth over the
               past 10 years is directly attributed to the   Olivia Rozsits
                                                             Ride Community Coordinator
               hundreds of corporate and community 
               groups who have made it their collective      614-484-5212

mission to raise above and beyond for cancer research,
together. In 2018, over 160 companies hosted Pelotons,
which acted as their organization’s rallying point for
employee connectivity, wellness and social responsibility.
A group of business leaders responsible for driving their
company’s investment in Pelotonia put together the
following video to discuss the benefits they’ve seen to
their company culture at
—check it out!

The information in the following pages covers the basics
of building a strong foundation for your Peloton and
gaining support internally.

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                             2

Organizing a team—which we call a Peloton—is a way for a group of friends,
family and colleagues to create their own identity within the Pelotonia
community. By harnessing the collective power of their unique skills and
networks, members of a Peloton are empowered to raise more for cancer
research, together.

A Peloton must consist          There are no fundraising      Each Peloton must select      Each Peloton receives their
of at least 5 participants.     requirements placed on the    a Captain to activate         own profile page on our
These 5 participants can        company when hosting a        the Peloton, approve          website to brand with logos,
be any combination of           Peloton, nor is the Peloton   member requests, manage       photos and messaging to
Riders, Virtual Riders and      and/or company responsible    communication efforts         highlight the company’s
Volunteers. Please see          for their members’            and act as the liaison from   support.
fundraising commitments         fundraising commitments.      Pelotonia to their members.   See example below:
on page 8.

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                          3

To start the Peloton, 5 members will need to register at
Once these members are registered, the member you designate as the
Peloton Captain will email the 6-digit participant ID#s of your members and
your desired Peloton name to Olivia Rozsits at From
here, we will activate your Peloton page on our website. After this, additional
members can join throughout the year by requesting to join the Peloton, or
your Captain manually adding them in.


Every Peloton is working toward the same goal, but each one gets there in
their own, unique way. Before you begin promoting your Peloton we encourage
you to outline what it means to be a member of this special effort. Please keep
in mind that it’s not required that a company provides any support to their
Peloton members, but the options listed below have proven to be great rallying
points for our most successful Pelotons.


Determine if your colleagues are permitted to meet during       All Riders pay a registration fee to help cover the cost of the
work hours to organize Peloton efforts and/or solicit           food, drink, event support and swag they receive during Ride
colleagues for donations. Please communicate accordingly to     Weekend. Fees are set by the following dates:
ensure the Peloton is a positive enhancement to your culture!
                                                                   2/21/19–6/10/19: $100
SE T MEMBER GUIDEL INES                                            6/11/19–7/10/19: $150
                                                                   7/11/19–8/2/19: $200
Determine if you’ll allow non-employees to join your Peloton.
Generally, all Pelotons allow friends and family to join, but   Your company can elect to cover any amount or percentage of
some may limit or remove the non-associates’ ability to         this fee to incentivize recruitment. It’s up to you to determine
receive fundraising perks.                                      how long this discount is active.

CONSIDER CRE AT ING A PELOTON JERSE Y                           Pelotonia provides your company a unique link for your
                                                                Riders to access the discount, then invoices the company in
This is a great way to highlight your company’s support to      the Fall for discounts used.
the audience of 15,000+ participants and supporters who
attend Pelotonia weekend, as well as those who will see your    To set this up this discount link, please contact Olivia Rozsits
Riders training throughout their community year-round.          at
Custom jerseys typically cost anywhere from $35–$55 based
on quantity and quality. A list of Pelotonia’s recommended
providers can be found at

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                                      4
L AY THE FRAMEWORK                                 (continued)

CONSIDER OFFERING FUNDR A ISING SUPPORT                          Core functionality of fund sharing:

Electing to donate toward your members’ fundraising is one          The fund sharing period will occur between 9/30/19–
of most generous ways to incentivize participation. However         10/13/19. During this time, there are two ways to share
you decide to support, we encourage you to set a policy that        funds. First, a Peloton’s general funds may be shared
incentivizes your Peloton members to personally seek out            among individual Peloton Riders who still need additional
grassroots donations from their networks. A few models we           funds to reach their fundraising commitment. Second,
have seen work successfully:                                        an individual Peloton member’s funds in excess of
                                                                    their fundraising commitment may be distributed to a
   Donate a set amount to all members; we recommend no              Peloton Rider who still needs additional funds to reach
   more than $300.                                                  their fundraising commitment. Therefore, this could be
                                                                    Volunteer who has no commitment, or a Virtual Rider
   Donate a set amount once Riders reach different                  or Rider who raised more than they were committed to
   milestones in their fundraising. Example: Once they raise        raise. Please remember that a High Roller cannot share
   50%, donate $50 / raise 100%, donate $100 / raise $500           funds below $5,000, nor can they receive funds to get to
   over commitment, donate $250.                                    their $5,000 commitment. Similarly, Virtual Riders cannot
                                                                    share funds below $100, nor can they receive funds to get
   Donate $50 to Peloton members who recruit a new Rider            to his/her $100 commitment.
   to the Peloton.
                                                                 Policy best practices:
Pro tip: Wait until the end of the fundraising period to
process the company’s contributions to individual Riders.           Set a maximum percentage of a total fundraising
This will encourage Riders to continue working toward               commitment a Rider can receive. We recommend no more
their full fundraising commitment on their own, rather              than 1/3 to ensure you’re spending your time recruiting,
than stopping their fundraising efforts once they see their         stewarding and training Riders who are truly all-in on
minimum commitment has been fulfilled.                              furthering Pelotonia’s mission.

                                                                    Set a participation requirement to earn Peloton funds.
SE T A FUND SHARING POL ICY                                         Some Pelotons who host numerous fundraisers
                                                                    throughout the year make a list of actionable items their
The fundraising commitments are meant to challenge                  Riders can do to support these events. Riders must
participants, but at the same time, we know that they are           complete a set number of these items per event if they
100% achievable. Fund sharing was created to help Pelotons          want to receive funds earned.
fundraise together, then share earned funds appropriately.
We encourage you to use it for this purpose and set a policy        Require any Riders who need shared funds to personally
for the amount of shared funds a Rider can receive, so that         ask the Captain—do not automatically share funds to all
no one can take advantage of the funds your members are             Riders who are short of their commitment! We hear from
working so hard to raise.                                           dozens of Riders every year who intended to personally
                                                                    contribute the remainder of their commitment, but they
                                                                    were never charged because funds were shared to their
                                                                    account without their request.

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                                   5


The best assistance we can provide in getting the Peloton up     Company fundraisers are a great way to engage all of your
and running is to host a recruitment kick-off at your office.    associates, regardless of if they’re officially participating as
We recommend scheduling this anytime between late March–         a Rider, Virtual Rider or Volunteer. Check out the Fundraising
mid May to allow for ample time to register and fundraise.       Toolkit for recommended steps to take when planning your
                                                                 next fundraising event.
A typical kick-off lasts around 45 minutes, but we can easily
condense our remarks if you determine a better opportunity       For fundraising ideas, we suggest you start with checking out
to feature Pelotonia within a company-wide meeting.              the Fundraising Toolkit at
                                                                 uploads/2019/02/PEL19_Fundraising_Toolkit.pdf. This is a
Advertise the session at least 3 weeks in advance, and note      helpful guide for any individual or company and provides
that we’ll cover:                                                examples of fundraisers that range from easy to pull off, all
                                                                 the way to elaborate events.
   Why Pelotonia is so much more than a bike ride
                                                                 Planning out specific fundraisers is not integral to getting
   3 forms of participation—there’s something for anyone         your Peloton started, but can be helpful to consider when
   interested in joining the community                           setting goals for the year ahead!

   The impact and breakthroughs funded by our $184 Million
   raised                                                        SPONSORS

   Fundraising & training tips, tricks and resources available   Seeking out sponsors for your Peloton is a terrific way to
                                                                 leverage support and yield even greater fundraising impact.
   Ride Weekend details, logistics, perks                        Asking local businesses, vendors, and partners your
                                                                 company works with to sponsor your team’s efforts will
   Free Pelotonia swag giveaways!                                allow you to support costs like team jerseys, fundraiser set-
                                                                 up costs, and food for team-building events. Offer to insert
Pro tip: Providing food at these sessions always helps to        their logo on the back of your jersey as recognition of their
increase attendance!                                             contribution. Be sure to thank your sponsors and share your
                                                                 team’s annual impact!

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                                       6

Pelotonia is a ride, a community, a movement and cancer’s worst enemy. Since
Pelotonia’s identity can’t be defined in just one way, we have selected a few
resources that will help you understand and communicate the key aspects.
These resources are great for answering common questions, recruiting
Peloton members and educating potential donors.

FOR INFORMAT ION ON                      FOR INFORMAT ION                       FOR RECRUI T ING
PELOTONI A’S IMPACT ON                   ON THE RIDE:                           PELOTON MEMBERS:

Pelotonia Impact page                    Routes                                 Pelotonia FAQ page
                                         Each of our ten routes explained and
                                         turn-by-turn directions
Survivor Video                                                                  Ride Weekend Video
A Rider’s life saved through Pelotonia                                          A glimpse into Pelotonia Ride Weekend
funding                                  Safety
                                         Learn about rules of the road in our
                                         Ride Safety Initiative (RSI)
Your Impact video series
Pelotonia-funded researchers
sharing how your fundraising is at       Training Tips
work in their labs                       Nutrition, injury prevention and
                                         training plans

2018 Pelotonia Investment Report

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                       7

Founded in 2008, Pelotonia was established with the objective to fund life-
saving cancer research. Focused on a community of passionate fundraisers
and centered around a three-day experience of cycling, entertainment, and
volunteerism, the Pelotonia community has raised more than $184 million.
Thanks to its generous funding partners, Pelotonia can direct 100% of every
donation to cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer
Center-James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.

Pelotonia is an extraordinary experience for everyone who participates, but it’s so much more than just
an event. The Pelotonia community is all about people coming together and making great things happen.
It is about hope for those battling cancer and about making tangible progress toward eradicating this
disease for future generations. Together, we are making meaningful impact. Last year, 8470 Riders
from 38 states and 13 countries participated along with 3,072 Virtual Riders and 3,028 Volunteers. This
community of participants and donors have funded 479 Student Fellowships, 87 Senior Scientists, 134
Idea Grants, and 3 Statewide Initiatives. Every project and investment is intended to save lives!

For more information about the groundbreaking advances funded by Pelotonia, check out


Single Day Rides                    2-Day Rides      with housing       2-Day Rides       without housing


 25                   $1,250         135               $2,500            25+35              $1,750
 35                   $1,500         155               $2,500            45+35              $2,000
 45                   $1,500         180               $2,500            55+35              $2,250
 55                   $1,750         200               $3,000            75+35              $2,500
 75                   $2,000                                             100+35             $2,500
 100                  $2,000

  Other:         High Roller — $5,000       Virtual Rider — $100        Volunteer — $0

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                               8

Thanks to our 2018 Corporate Pelotons
who worked together to raise over
$27.4 Million!

Abbott Nutrition         Capital Property        Deloitte               HER Realtors          MAST Global           Sequent
Abercrombie and                                  DesignGroup            Hexion Inc.           McGraw-Hill           Simonton Windows
Fitch                    Capital University                                                   Education
                                                 DHL Supply Chain       Hilti                                       Smoot Construction
Accenture                CapTech Consulting                                                   MKSK
                                                 Diamond Hill Capital   HMB                                         Squire Patton
AEP                      Cardinal Health         Management                                   Nationwide
                                                                        Honda Marysville                            Boggs
Air Force One            CASTO                   Dispatch Media                               Nationwide
                                                                        Honda Motor                                 State Auto
                                                 Group                                        Children’s Hospital
Alliance Data            Century 21                                     Company
                                                                                              Navigator             Steiner + Associates
                         Excellence Realty       Domino’s Pizza
American Eagle                                                          Huntington Bank
                                                                                              Management            Summit Financial
Mortgage                 Certified Oil           Donatos Pizza          ICC (Information      Partners              Strategies, Inc.
                         Chemical Abstracts      Drive Capital          Control Company)
American Signature                                                                            NBBJ
                         Service                                                                                    Technical Rubber
Furniture                                        Dublin Wind            Ice Miller
                                                                                              NFM Lending           Company
Anderson Concrete/       Chute Gerdeman          Symphony               IGS Energy
                                                                                              Northwoods            TEKsystems
Buckeye Ready-Mix        Coldwell Banker         Enterprise Holdings    Integrated Services
                         King Thompson                                                        OCLC Peloton          The Charles
archall                                          Ernst & Young LLP      for Behavioral
                         Colliers                                       Health                OhioLINK              Penzone Family of
Arthur Krenzel Lett                              EXPRESS                                                            Salons
                         International in Ohio                          JLL/Big Red           Orange Barrel
                                                 Extra Step             Rooster               Media                 The Ohio State
                         Columbia Gas of
Ascena Retail Group                              Assurance
                         Ohio                                           JPMorgan Chase        OrthoNeuro            University
AT&T                                             Fahlgren Mortine       & Co.
                         Columbus Aesthetic                                                   Owens Corning         The Schumacher
Atrium Buying            & Plastic Surgery       First Merchants        Justice                                     Group
Corporation                                      Bank                                         Pearson
                         Columbus Blue                                  Kappa Kappa                                 Thompson Hine
Aver Inc.                Jackets                 Franklin                                     Porter Wright
                                                 International                                PwC                   TS Tech Americas
AWH                      Columbus Brewing                               Kenyon College
                         Company                 Freshii                                      Quantum Health        Value City Funiture
BakerHostetler                                                          Kinetic Food Truck
                         Columbus Crew SC        FST Logistics                                Raizlabs              Victoria’s Secret
Bath & Body Works                                                       KPMG
                         Continental Office      G&J Pepsi-Cola                               RevLocal              Vorys
Battelle                                                                Kroger
                         Coughlin                GBQ Partners                                 Rockbridge Capital    Washington Prime
Beecher Hill             Automotive                                     L Brands
                                                 Germain                                      Root Insurance        Group
Bellwether               CoverMyMeds                                    La Senza
                                                 Gilbane Building                             Ruscilli              WBNS
Enterprise                                                              Lancaster Pollard
                         CrossChx                Company                                      Construction
BIG LOTS                                                                                                            WD Partners
                                                                        Lane Bryant
                         CRT Realtors            GO: Fitness                                  Safelite
Blackberry Farm                                                                                                     White Castle
                         Cutler Real Estate      Grange Insurance                             Schneider Downs
BMW Financial                                                           Communities                                 Whiting-Turner
                         Danis Building          Hall Financial                               Schooley Caldwell
Services                                                                M/I Homes, Inc                              WireTap
                         Construction            Advisors                                     Associates
Bricker & Eckler         Company                                        M+A Architects                              Worthington
                                                 Hamilton Parker                              Schottenstein
Burgie MediaFusion       Dawson                  Company                Mac Tools             Property Group        Industries

Cannuka                  Dayton Freight          Heartland Bank         MAGNANNI              ScottsMiracle-Gro     zulily

COMPANY PELOTON SE T-UP GUIDE                                                                                                             9
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