Prognostic Value of clinical Presentation in acute Heart Failure syndromes - SAC
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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Prognostic Value of Clinical Presentation in Acute Heart Failure Syndromes Valor pronóstico de la presentación clínica en los síndromes de insuficiencia cardíaca aguda CESAR BELZITI1, FERNANDO GARAGOLI1, AGUSTIN FAVINI1, JUAN G. CHIABRANDO1, LEANDRO BARBAGELATA1, JULIETA DENES1, EMILIANO ROSSI1, RODOLFO PIZARRO1 ABSTRACT Background: Heart failure is a highly prevalent disease with elevated morbidity and mortality. It is a very heterogeneous condition and there is no consensus in its classification. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of in-hospital and annual mortality as well as rehospitalizations due to heart failure, during the first follow-up year, according to the clinical presentation. Methods: A retrospective descriptive and survival analysis was carried out in a cohort of 758 consecutive patients from the health plan of our hospital who were admitted to the cardiology intensive care unit for acute heart failure, evaluating the association be- tween clinical presentation and annual mortality. Results: Treatment and use of resources were different in the diverse presentations. Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.3%; 5.4% corresponded to acute pulmonary edema, 4.9% to volume overload and 40.7% to cardiogenic shock (p
34 ARGENTINE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY / VOL 87 Nº 1 / FEBRUARY 2019 INTRODUCTION of AHFS. The secondary endpoint was the incidence of re- Acute heart failure is a growing problem with an im- admissions during the first follow-up year according to the pact on health, the health system and the economy of clinical presentation of AHFS. the population. (1-4) Despite the unanimous accept- ance of the problem, there is still no agreement on Operational definition of variables Types of clinical presentation of AHFS. They were de- its definition. The difficulty lies in the fact that this fined according to the following criteria: entity includes a broad spectrum of different clinical • Acute pulmonary edema: Sudden dyspnea, saturation on conditions, such as decompensated chronic heart fail- admission below 92% and congestive chest x-ray in the 4 ure or de novo failure, which presents with preserved quadrants. This form of clinical presentation exhibits a or depressed systolic function, signs of hypoperfusion clear respiratory involvement. or congestion, and other forms of the disease. (5-8) • Volume overload: Signs and symptoms compatible with Following previous studies, we consider it appro- splanchnic congestion and little respiratory repercus- priate to refer to acute heart failure as acute heart sion: lower limb edema, hepatomegaly, jugular engorge- ment, etc. failure syndromes of (AHFS), because there can be • Cardiogenic shock: Hypotension on admission (blood different types of presentation, with different progno- pressure below 90 mmHg and/or average blood pressure ses and treatment requirements. (9) below 60 mmHg), requirement of inotropic drugs, pres- A comprehensive definition of AHFS would be the ence of signs and symptoms of peripheral hypoperfusion change of the heart failure signs and symptoms that (lividities, oliguria, sensory deterioration) and/or pulmo- require urgent therapy. nary capillary pressure above 18 mmHg. Regarding the forms of presentation, there are The data was collected by a cardiologist appointed for also several classifications. Some authors classify it this purpose, through review of the electronic medical re- into three types: a) de novo heart failure, b) due to cord, which included clinical data, and hemodynamic and complementary studies. progression of a chronic heart failure pattern, and c) Mortality: It was defined as all-cause death within 365 advanced heart failure. (10) The European Society of days following hospital admission for AHFS. The informa- Cardiology initially considered six groups according to tion was obtained through clinical records and the adminis- clinical and hemodynamic characteristics. (9) In the trative health insurance databases. 2016 guidelines, the use of the classic classification of Readmission: the first re-admission for AHFS was de- Stevenson is postulated, which considers four groups fined as the unplanned hospitalization that required a hospi- based on the presence of hypoperfusion and conges- tal stay >24 h and was caused by a substantial worsening of tion: “wet and cold”, “wet and warm”, “dry and cold” the signs and/or symptoms of heart failure, with need for new and “dry and warm”. (6, 11) administration of intravenous pharmacological treatments. These classifications do not allow guiding the Statistical considerations treatment in all patients and are not unanimously ac- Because a new AHFS classification was applied and since cepted. Therefore, we decided to classify AHFS accord- bibliographic data was not available on the differences in ing to their clinical presentation in the following cat- mortality rates at one year between the various clinical egories: 1. Acute pulmonary edema (APE), 2. Volume types, all cases admitted to the center were consecutively overload (VO) and 3. Cardiogenic shock (CS). Each of included during the study period. Continuous variables were these presentations have different initial therapeutic expressed as mean and standard deviation or median and requirements. (12) The aim of this study was to know interquartile range, according to their distribution. Categor- whether the clinical presentation of AHFS has a prog- ical variables were expressed as absolute and relative fre- nostic value in in-hospital mortality, annual mortality quency. Demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics and rehospitalizations. of the patients in the different clinical presentation groups were compared using the chi-square test in the case of cate- METHODS gorical variables, or ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis test in the This was an observational, retrospective cohort study con- case of numerical variables, according to their distribution. secutively including patients with a primary diagnosis of The annual incidence of mortality density in each AHFS AHFS admitted to the cardiology intensive care unit of a clinical presentation was estimated and represented by Ka- university hospital. Follow-up was carried out through re- plan-Meier curves. view of the electronic medical records of each patient and The association between the clinical presentation type the administrative databases. It consisted of patients with and annual mortality was evaluated applying a Cox propor- health insurance coverage who were hospitalized between tional hazards model, which was adjusted for covariates of January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016. It included patients clinical interest. older than 18 years who were hospitalized for any AHFS. Pa- A two-tailed p
CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF HEART FAILURE César Belziti et al. 35 RESULTS for covariates of clinical interest (sex, age, history The study included 758 consecutive patients who were of chronic kidney failure, ejection fraction category admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit diagnosed and cardiological consultations during follow-up), no with AHFS. The clinical types of presentation were statistically significant differences were observed be- distributed as follows: APE, 26.7%, VO, 69.6% and tween the clinical presentation and the probability of CS, 3.5%. Median age was 85 years (IQR 80-89 years), rehospitalization due to heart failure. mean age was 83±8 years and 40.8% of the population were men. According to the protocol, each patient was DISCUSSION followed-up for a 12-month period. A total of 2.2% of In the last 30 years, a great progress has been made in cases was lost to follow-up. The population character- the understanding of the physiopathological mecha- istics are presented in Table 1. nisms of chronic heart failure. This has allowed the Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.3%; 5.4% was incorporation of new treatments that have improved associated to the group with APE; 4.9% to the group survival, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme in- with VO and 40.7% to the group presenting CS hibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, beta- (p
36 ARGENTINE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY / VOL 87 Nº 1 / FEBRUARY 2019 Table 1. Characteristics of the population hospitalized for acute heart failure syndromes (AHFS) Total Acute pulmonary Volume Cariogenic p n (%) edema overload shock n (%) n (%) n (%) 758 (100%) 203 (26.5%) 528 (70%) 27 (3,5%) Age (years), median (IQR 25-75) 85 (80-89) 86 (81-90) 85 (80-89) 81 (74-85) 0.009* Male gender 309 (40.8%) 62 (30.5%) 232 (43.9%) 15 (55.6%) 0.001** Hypertension 670 (88.4%) 185 (91.1%) 465 (88.1 %) 20 (74.1%) 0.031** Dyslipidemia 390 (51.5%) 100 (49.3%) 273 (51.7%) 17 (63%) 0.40** Diabetes 151 (19.9%) 38 (18.7%) 106 (20.1%) 7 (25.9%) 0.67** Smoking 158 (20.8%) 27 (13.3%) 123 (23.3%) 8 (29.6%) 0.006** Prior heart failure 261 (34.4%) 64 (31.5%) 187 (35.4%) 10 (37%) 0.59** Chronic kidney failure 164 (21.6%) 31 (15.3%) 124 (23.5%) 9 (33.3%) 0.017** Prior stroke 79 (10.4%) 9 (4.4%) 68 (12.9%) 2 (7.4%) 0.003** Peripheral vascular disease 60 (7.9%) 17 (8.4%) 39 (7.4%) 4 (14.8%) 0.36** History of coronary heart disease1 144 (18.9%) 43 (21.1%) 93 (17.6%) 8 (29.6%) 0.19** History of coronary 104 (13.7%) 27 (13.2%) 73 (13.8%) 4 (14.8%) 0.97** revascularization2 Clinical presentation Systolic blood pressure (mmHg), 136 (120-160) 170 (150-190) 130 (117-140) 96 (90-120)
CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF HEART FAILURE César Belziti et al. 37 Table 2. Multivariate analysis Hazard ratio p CI (95%) of annual mortality accord- ing to the acute heart failure Clinical presentation* syndrome type of clinical pre- Volume overload 1.17 0.287 0.87 -1.58 sentation Cardiogenic shock 3.39 >0.001 1.78 -6.44 Ejection fraction 40 - 49% 0.78 0.202 0.54 -1.13 0.001 0.69 – 0.78 Rehospitalizations 1.5 0.002 1.15 – 1.95 *Taking as reference the subgroup with acute lung edema intercurrent development of heart failure from intensive care areas with a prevalence of CS of Compared with other AHFS registries, such as 29%, which was much higher than that of all the other the ADHERE (18), OPTIMIZE-HF (19), EHFS I registries. (20), EHFS II (21), EFICA (22) and Italian AHF (23) There is no agreement in the cardiology commu- studies and five registries from Argentina (24) , our nity regarding the classification of AHFS. For this population was older, with an average age >10 years reason, we chose to consider patients according to with respect to other reports and with 50% of patients their clinical presentation, because that is what de- over 85 years of age. Prevalence of females (59.2%) termines the initial treatment. As expected, the three and history of hypertension (88%) were also higher. groups presented diverse clinical characteristics and Patient age resembles that recorded in a large Italian the treatments adopted were different. population database, but in our study, female sex, re- Patients with APE compared with those in the CS nal failure and history of heart failure were more fre- group were older, with a higher prevalence of women quent. (25) These differences are even greater when and history of hypertension, and had higher blood compared with randomized AHFS studies, such as the pressure on admission. In them, the correction of ar- VMAC (26) and OPTIME (27) studies. terial hypertension and hemoglobin O2 desaturation History of myocardial infarction, coronary revas- was privileged, and proof of this was the greater use of cularization and moderate/severe left ventricular nitroglycerin and non-invasive ventilation. ejection fraction deterioration was lower than in the Patients with VO compared with those in the APE aforementioned registries. This is probably due to the group had greater prevalence of atrial fibrillation, pul- decision of having a “pure” population of heart fail- monary hypertension, and history of stroke. ure, excluding acute ischemic syndromes, which have The group with CS had greater prevalence of men a specific treatment and a different evolution. and higher troponin levels than the other two groups, In-hospital mortality was 6% and the cumulative which may suggest the presence of underlying coro- annual mortality incidence was 34%. It is difficult to nary heart disease, despite the exclusion of acute establish comparisons with other registries due to dif- coronary syndromes. It was also the group with the ferent inclusion criteria and population characteris- highest pro-BNP values. As expected, inotropic drugs tics. For example, in the ADHERE study, in-hospital and aortic counterpulsation balloon were used more mortality was 4%, but in patients in intensive care frequently in this group. it was 11%. In the OPTIMIZE-HF study, which also Regarding the prognosis according to the clinical included patients with secondary diagnosis of heart presentation, patients with CS were clearly differ- failure, in-hospital mortality was 3.85%, but if the entiated from the other groups; they presented high triggering factor for heart failure was ischemic, the in-hospital mortality (40.7%), in agreement with data mortality rate was 4.2%, if it was a pulmonary infec- from other registries. Effectively, in-hospital mortal- tion, 5.8%, and in the case of renal dysfunction, 8%. ity was 39.6% in the EHFS II study and 57.8% in the In the EHFS II study, with more than 3,500 pa- EFICA study at 4 weeks. In contrast, patients with tients, in-hospital mortality was 6.7%, but unlike our APE or VO had a lower mortality rate, which was sim- registry, part of the patients were hospitalized in non- ilar between these two groups. intensive care areas. In contrast, in a national registry At one year, patients with CS had more than two- of the United Kingdom, in-hospital mortality was 10% fold risk of dying than those with the other two forms and 30% at one year. (28) of clinical presentation, and after adjustment for age, The population with the highest mortality rate sex, ejection fraction, chronic kidney failure, readmis- belongs to the French EFICA registry, with 27.4% sions and number of ambulatory consultations dur- 4-week mortality. This registry only included patients ing follow-up, the risk of death was more than three-
38 ARGENTINE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY / VOL 87 Nº 1 / FEBRUARY 2019 fold (adjusted HR: 3.39). Unlike what is observed in herence of patients to medication during outpatient chronic HF, it is significant that in patients who were follow-up. hospitalized for AHFS, the degree of EF deterioration had no independent prognostic value when the type of CONCLUSION clinical presentation was considered. The type of clinical presentation of AHFS guides the The EFICA study authors postulate the classifica- initial treatment and also determines the prognosis of tion of AHFS into three groups: CS, APE with hyper- mortality during the first year. tension and without CS, and a third group without hypertension and without CS. This classification is Conflicts of interest similar, though not identical to that of our group. None declared. In our study we excluded acute ischemic syn- (See authors’ conflicts of interest forms on the website/ dromes, which were very prevalent in the French Supplementary material). study mentioned above (42%). Patients with APE were more frequent in our study, 27% vs. 15% in the REFERENCES EFICA study, probably because we did not require 1. Felker GM, Adams KF, Konstam MA, O’Connor CM, Gheorghi- them to be hypertensive at admission. Patients with ade M. The problem of decompensated heart failure: nomenclature, APE had the lowest in-hospital mortality in both stud- classification, and risk stratification. Am Heart J 2003;145:S18-25. ies: 5.4% in ours, 7% in the EFICA study. 2. Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, Arnett DK, Blaha MJ, Cush- In our classification, patients with VO, which could man M, et al. American Heart Association Statistics Committee; resemble patients without CS and without APE of the Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. 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