Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends
                                     For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
G2 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                                                                     Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                  Citrus County Chronicle

                                                                                            Trina Murphy
                                                                                                Publisher                             What’s Inside
                                                                                                                  The many styles of front doors....................................................................... Page G4
                                                                                            Trista Stokes
                                                                                           Advertising Director   Shedding some light on home solar............................................................... Page G5
                                                                                           Cindy Connolly         How to create more privacy on your property................................................ Page G8
                                                                                             Special Section
  Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends
                                       For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
                                                                                                 Editor           Simple landscaping strategies that can transform a home’s exterior........... Page G10


                                                                                                                  How to prepare soil for spring planting......................................................... Page G10
                                                                                                                  Tips to pick the right plants for your landscape.............................................Page G11

   Publishing                                                                                                     Quick and easy ways to give your kitchen a new look................................. Page G12
                                                                                                                  Tips for budget-friendly home decor............................................................. Page G13
                      1624 N. Meadowcrest Blvd.
                        Crystal River, FL 34429                                                                   Let the outside in with all-season rooms...................................................... Page G14
                      352-563-6363                                                                                6 signs you may need a new HVAC system................................................. Page G16
                                                                                                                  Factors to consider when buying furniture................................................... Page G17
                  This publication is an advertising supplement
                         for the Citrus County Chronicle.
                                                                                                                  How to handle a lengthy renovation............................................................. Page G18

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Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Citrus County Chronicle                                     Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                   Wednesday, January 18, 2023           G3

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Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
G4 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                               Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                               Citrus County Chronicle

The many styles of front doors
A     grand      entryway     simply
      wouldn’t be complete without
an impressive front door. A front
                                        aspire to create a farmhouse vibe in
                                        their home interiors and exteriors.
                                          ■■ Modern: Modern front doors
                                                                                 ■■ Custom: It’s important that
                                                                               homeowners recognize they need
door can dazzle guests and create       tend to boast a bold look and many     not pigeonhole themselves into
a homeowner’s desired vibe before       are made up of large glass panels.     a particular design style for their
anyone even steps inside, which         Some homeowners prefer modern          front doors. Custom front doors
only underscores how important the      front doors because the glass in       may be costly, but many door man-
choice of door style can be.            them allows lots of natural light      ufacturers or contractors customize
  When shopping around for a new        into their home’s interior. The add-   front doors. Custom doors may suit
front door for their homes, home-       ed light in the entryway appeals to    homeowners’ with unique ideas
owners can consider the many pop-       homeowners who want to brighten        about decor, and some can even
ular styles as they seek to choose      up these spaces, which tend to be      mimic other popular styles while
one that fits an existing scheme or     dark in homes with more traditional    still featuring subtle differences.
use a new front door as a spring-       doors.                                 For example, homeowners can re-
board to a redesigned home interior.      ■■ Traditional: Traditional front    quest an arched double door that,
  ■■ Farmhouse: Farmhouse doors         doors may be the most recognizable     while unique, features many of the
are not all one and the same. Tra-      to today’s homeowners. Often solid     same qualities that characterize
ditional farmhouse doors provide a      wood but sometimes enhanced with       traditional doors, including ornate
rustic look that’s become popular       glass, traditional doors may feature   designs.
in home decor over the last decade      subtle, yet ornate designs. Tradi-       A front door can greatly influence
or so. Modern farmhouse doors are       tional front doors might feel out of   the first impression people get of a
a little less rustic because they in-   place in modern or rustic homes,       home. That makes it worth home-
corporate more contemporary el-         so they’re generally best suited       owners’ time and effort to explore
ements into their design. Each op-      to homes with owners that prefer       the many different front door styles
tion is ideal for homeowners who        more traditional decor inside their    now available.

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Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Citrus County Chronicle                                                        Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                                  Wednesday, January 18, 2023   G5

Shedding some light on home solar
  Consumers        shopping     is primarily used in large               over time. Keep in mind your system; and
around for home improve-        power plants and is not                  that costs may vary de- 4. Environmental factors
ment projects may be lean-      appropriate for residential              pending on energy needs such as snow, dust or shade
ing toward overhauls that       use, according to Energy.                and how many panels will that may cover the system.
can reduce energy con-          gov.                                     be required to service the
sumption and save them            According to the Office                system.                    Save even more
money in the long run. This
is a driving factor behind a
                                of Energy Efficiency & Re-
                                newable Energy, hundreds                 How much                                                    money
growing number of home-
owners investigating solar
                                of thousands of solar panels
                                have been put in use across
                                                                         electricity can I                                             Consumers can contact
                                                                                                                                     their utility companies to
energy for their residences.    the United States since                  expect?                                                     find out if they provide
                                2008 .                                     The Federal Trade Com-                                    homeowners who produce
How does solar                                                           mission’s Consumer Ad-                                      solar power with “net me-
power work?                     Costs associated                         vice says that the amount of                                tering.” This program pays

  Solar power harnesses the
                                with solar                               power generated from a so-
                                                                         lar energy system depends
                                                                                                                                     the homeowner money or
                                                                                                                                     gives credit for excess pow-
sun’s energy and converts it      The upfront expense of                 on a few factors:                                           er the system produces and
into electricity that can be    solar panels is significant,               1. The average number of                                  returns to the electric grid.
used in homes. Many peo-        costing anywhere from                    hours of direct, unshaded                                   Individuals also may be el-
ple are familiar with photo-    $10,000 to $14,000 for ini-              sunlight your roof gets each                                igible for energy tax credits
voltaics (PV), which are the    tial installation. However,              year;                                                       or other benefits.
panels that absorb sunlight     comparatively       speaking,              2. The pitch (angle), age                                   Homeowners may find it
and create an electric field    homeowners can spend                     and condition of your roof,                                 worthwhile to explore solar
across their layers. Another    $1,500 or more per year                  and the compass direction it                                energy, particularly if they
solar technology, known as      on electricity, so solar pan-            faces;                                                      consume a high amount of
concentrating solar power,      els will pay for themselves                3. The size and strength of                               electricity.

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Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
G6 Wednesday, January 18, 2023   Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast   Citrus County Chronicle

Be ready for those “inspired projects” with products from Woodcraft
Keep supplies on
hand for those

W      hen inspiration
sure you have some

basic tools, accessories
and supplies on hand
for spring indoor and
outdoor home projects.
Woodcraft has selected
a few handy helpers to
get you started.
  Personalize        your
home with custom Hel-
lo, Welcome and other
signs for your porch and
outdoor areas, using
the WoodRiver™ Wel-
come Sign Router Jig.
Instead of stencils and
paint, use a plunge rout-
er and the Letter Tem-
plates included to cut
bold 4-inch tall letters
directly onto a 1-inch x
8-inch (7 1/4-inch wide)
board. A 3/8-inch rout-
er bushing and 1/4-inch
straight bit, sold sepa-
rately, are also required.
  To make the signs
mentioned above or
for other projects that
require a router, get
the best of both worlds
with      the    Bosch™
1617EVSPK 2.25 HP
Variable Speed Rout-
er Kit. Bosch includes
both a plunge base and
a fixed base with this
router powered by a
2.25 HP motor.
  Be prepared for pret-
ty much any cutting,
scraping, sanding or
polishing task with the
Fein MultiMaster MM
500 Q-Start Oscillating
Multi-Tool Kit. A 350-
watt motor with high
copper content and an
independent tool hous-
ing guarantee powerful,
quiet and low vibration

      See PROJECTS, page G7
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Citrus County Chronicle                                         Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                                   Wednesday, January 18, 2023         G7
                                                                                                                             Paid Advertisement
PROJECTS                        ga, and 10 more – that use
                                affordable materials.                                   THE LIFESTYLE OF YOUR HOME
                                                                           Love the Look You See
From page G6                      In Building Outdoor Fur-
                                niture, Woodcraft Maga-
multi-tool operation. Star-     zine Editor and woodwork-
lock Mounting System al-        er Chad McClung gathers
lows an effortless accessory
change in less than three
seconds. The system in-
                                15 projects from past mag-
                                azine issues that will help
                                you build furniture to make
                                                                A     s experts in the home improvement
                                                                      industry, National HomeCraft, Certified
                                                                Contractor for Andersen Windows, features
cludes three different saw      outdoor living a pleasure.      the top 2023 home improvement projects
blades and sanding sheets         Sandits® Sanding Sticks       and trends that we see emerging with unique
in four grits.                  are the easiest and most        lifestyle concepts that make use of every
  The Oneida™ Air Sys-          convenient way to sand,         inch of a home - from backyard spaces, to
tems Viper Vacuum Scrap-        polish and remove rust, tar-    biophilic spaces and staircases, to the front
er attaches to a wet/dry        nish and paint. Sticks fea-     door.
vacuum and collects chips,      ture aluminum oxide and           Reimagining home improvement projects
dust, and debris as you         a marine-grade epoxy to         based on your lifestyle, with innovative
scrape paint, wood, glue,       secure the grits. Each stick    ideas, enliven small or outdated spaces. The
wax, mold, stucco, drywall,     has two grits (120/180) –       use of trendy functional products may even
floors, boats, and more,        one on each tip. Available      encourage a homeowner to rethink the need
eliminating the need for        in two tip shapes: tear-        to purchase a new home. Simply by adding
post-project cleanup. Ideal     drop (10-pack) and wedge        creative elements to maximize space usage
                                                                and functionality with doors, windows and                                       Photography courtesy of Andersen Windows & Doors™
for contractors, renovators     (eight-pack).
and furniture refinishers.        System Three™ Quick-          lighting brings life to dull and uninspired      ter, plants and other grounding elements.
  WAGNER™ Furno 500             Cure Epoxy is easy to use       areas within your home.                            Creating a Biophilic room not only adds
Heat Gun can be used for        and one of the strongest          While we’re always striving to add beauty,     beauty, but it serves as a function.
countless projects, such as     glues available for wood,       value, efficiency and personality to your           If your remodeling plans calls for a creative
stripping paint, defrosting     most metals, fiberglass,        home, we are also focused on optimizing          space, enhanced lighting, and the infusion of
pipes, shrink wrapping,         ceramics, concrete, glass,      those options for the way you want to live.      a greener environment, this design trend is
softening adhesives, work-      leather, and many plastics.     Join us on an exciting design preview as we      not only beautiful, it makes you feel great!
ing with resins, and more!      Now, instead of buying ev-      explore six trends for 2023 that we think will
It has user-friendly controls   erything separately, you can    define home design this year.
                                                                                                                 Design Trend #4
for 12 temperature settings     get a Quick Cure-5 Epoxy                                                           Pivot Doors are stylish options that offer
that take the guesswork out     Cartridge, dispensing gun       Design Trend #1                                                                                     way to encourage
                                                                  White Oak Windows head the number 1            sleek, modern homes with an option to pivot        healthier eating, a
of most common applica-         and mixing tube together in                                                      doors engineered into the floor and top of the
tions.                          one package ready to use.       trend-setting home design featuring a mod-                                                          wellness-focused
                                                                ern-wood window option.                          door frame versus hanging on hinges built          space, and an
  The WoodRiver¨ Single           Use Odie’s Oil Universal                                                       into the side.
                                                                  This fresh take on a wood window is ex-                                                           intimate environ-
Roller Work Support Stand       Finish and Polish to seal,                                                         A variety of Andersen Windows & Doors
                                                                tremely versatile, introduces a neutral shade                                                       ment to host your
provides support when and       strengthen and stabilize                                                         are available up to 13 feet tall by 9 feet wide
                                                                in your home’s color scheme, and works                                                              special parties.
where you need it. The steel    wood, concrete, leather,                                                         and creates a magnificent design statement
                                                                beautifully in a range of modern and con-                                                             For more home
roller works with a multi-      plastic, vinyl, metal, stone,                                                    from any angle of your home.                       and window de-
tude of machines and work       masonry, and more indoors       temporary looks from mid-century, Japandi,
                                                                to Scandi and more.                                                                                 sign concepts, con-
surfaces. The height can        or outside. The nontoxic,
easily be adjusted to meet      food-safe, solvent-free fin-      This window warms up a bright and airy         Design Trend #5                                    tact the Andersen
                                                                home but downplays the cold aesthetic that         Monochrome Rooms bring focus and                 Windows Certified Contractors at National
your work surface, and the      ish, polish and stabilizer is                                                                                                       HomeCraft, LLC for a customized, in-home
stand folds away for easy       perfectly at home on doors,     can sometimes characterize this linear design    attention to architectural details like alcoves,
                                                                style.                                           molding, and ceilings.                             design consultation.
storage.                        floors and fine furniture, as                                                                                                         Call us at 352-622-7051 or visit our in-
  Take light where you need     well as wood bowls, cutting                                                        As light plays across a monochromatic
                                                                                                                                                                    teractive website at https://www.National
it with the NEBO¨ Galileo       boards, kitchen tools and       Design Trend #2                                  room, the hues and undertones interact with
500 Lantern. It is recharge-    children’s toys.                  New construction homes that feature Stair      the every-changing color spectrum.
able, packs 500 lumens            Sharpal 3-in-1 Sharpen-       Towers with modern or classic designs              This design trend maximizes the use of
with multiple light beam        er is designed to sharpen       invites the light surrounded by one or more      color from the ceiling to the baseboards and
patterns, and has dimming       knives, axes and scissors.      walls of windows.                                the spaces in between adding zest and life to
capabilities. Comes with        It has one slot for putting       We love Stair Towers that beacons natural      an ordinary aroom.
                                                                                                                                                                         Certified General Contractor -
a USB output connector          a quick edge on knives, an-     light to dance in a space that is normally ig-                                                              License #CGC152877
to use as a power bank for      other slot for axes, hatchets   nored into one that is refreshingly beautiful;   Design Trend #6
phone or other USB pow-         and machetes, and a spe-        inviting good energy and a desire to linger in     Outdoor Kitchens for open-air cooking are
ered devices and a Li-ion       cially shaped tungsten car-     this uncommonly used space.                      a popular trend in larger homes as well as
18650 rechargeable battery.     bide blade for scissors. In-                                                     smaller homes with intimate outdoor spaces.
  Make lawn games for           cludes an oversized safety      Design Trend #3                                  An outdoor kitchen has great appeal for the
summer fun using author         hand guard.                      Biophilic Design is perfect for our Florida     avid gardener seeking quick access to home-
Colleen Pastoor’s direc-          To learn more about these     climate and biodiversity of plants, trees, and   grown epicurean delights, or as a space for

tions in DIY Backyard           and other products, visit       flowers.                                          parties and family gatherings providing
Games. Choose from 13
easy projects – Giant Dom-
                                your local Woodcraft store,
                                call (800) 535-4482 or visit
                                                                 Biophilic Design is surging as an important
                                                                design feature that connects the home with
                                                                                                                 additional space to hang with friends and
                                                                                                                 family.                                                   352-622-7051
inoes, Cornhole, Giant Jen-              nature through curated views, light, air, wa-      This foodie-centric lifestyle offers a unique
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
G8 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                    Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                                  Citrus County Chronicle

How to create more privacy on your property
A    n inviting backyard can serve as a wel-
     come retreat from the hustle and bustle
of daily life. After a long day at the office
                                                 But planting has its benefits as well. Plant-
                                               ing for privacy is essentially creating a living
                                               fence that can grow over time and provide
                                                                                                  don’t shed their leaves, so these are the ones
                                                                                                  most often chosen when creating a living
                                                                                                  fence. A number of varieties of evergreen
                                                                                                                                                   will grow up to three feet per year until they
                                                                                                                                                   reach maturity, providing a fast-growing op-
                                                                                                                                                   tion for privacy planters. The Green Giant
or an exhausting day spent transporting kids   even more privacy as trees reach matu-             trees can do the job, but itÕs important that    can spread as wide as 20 feet at maturity,
to and fro, itÕs hard to resist the allure of arity. Plants also tend to be less costly than      homeowners consult with a landscape ar-          which is another attribute that makes it so
peaceful outdoor space in which to unwind.     fencing. The home renovation experts at            chitect prior to choosing trees so they can      popular among homeowners desiring priva-
  Privacy is a key component of any back- estimate that fencing projects         ensure the trees will thrive when faced with     cy.
yard oasis. Some homes may be so remote        typically cost between $1,667 and $4,075.          the growing conditions on their properties.        ■■ Eastern White Pine: The ADF notes
that privacy isn’t an issue. But many subur-   However, fencing projects can cost consider-       During such a consultation, homeowners           that the eastern white pine, which can reach
ban homeowners recognize they might need       ably more than $4,000, especially for home-        may discuss the following popular privacy        heights as high as 80 feet, is favored in spa-
to tweak their landscapes if they hope to cre- owners with large properties they want to en-      trees.                                           cious yards. That’s likely due to its height
ate a private oasis outside.                   close. Large, mature trees can be expensive,         ■■ Leyland cypress: The Arbor Day              and its potential spread, which can reach 40
                                               though it’s unlikely they will cost as much as     Foundation¨ notes that the Leyland cypress       feet. Homeowners who choose the eastern
Fencing or planting?                           fencing. In addition, fencing requires more        is popular for hedges and boundaries, like-      white pine might like it for its resemblance
  Most homeowners looking to create more maintenance and will potentially need to be              ly because a typical tree reaches a mature       to a Christmas tree, and in fact it is widely
privacy on their property will have to choose replaced, while native trees won’t require          height of 60’-70’ and can spread as wide as      used for that purpose. The privacy provided
between fencing and planting. Fencing pro- much upkeep and can last for generations.              25’. The Leyland cypress grows fast, which       by the eastern white pine is significant, but it
vides immediate privacy because, once it’s                                                        may appeal to homeowners who don’t want          might be best suited to especially large prop-
installed, no one can see into the yard. Fenc- Planting                                           to wait to establish privacy.                    erties.
ing also doesn’t require watering or other Homeowners who choose to plant for pri-                  ■■ Green Giant Arborvitae: There are             Whether it’s fencing or planting, home-
immediate upkeep, which will be necessary vacy will next have to decide which type of             different varieties of the arborvitae, but the   owners have many options to consider as
when planting to ensure tree roots can estab- plants to add to their properties. Evergreens       Green Giant tends to be the go-to option for     they seek to create more privacy on their
lish themselves.                               provide year-round privacy because they            privacy. The ADF notes that Green Giants         properties.
Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
Citrus County Chronicle               Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                     Wednesday, January 18, 2023   G9

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Love The Look You See with top 2023 home improvement projects and trends - For an exciting design preview, see Page G7
G10 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                 Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                           Citrus County Chronicle

                                                                                                                                                      How to p
                                                                                                                                                      for spring
                                                                                                                                                      S    pring is a season of reju-
                                                                                                                                                           venation, and perhaps no-
                                                                                                                                                      where is that rebirth more no-
                                                                                                                                                      ticeable than in the yard. Each
                                                                                                                                                      spring, grass begins to grow
                                                                                                                                                      again as inviting landscapes
                                                                                                                                                      beckon people outdoors.
                                                                                                                                                        Extra sunlight and rising
                                                                                                                                                      temperatures make spring a
                                                                                                                                                      great time to plant flowers,
                                                                                                                                                      grasses and trees. To ensure
                                                                                                                                                      successful planting, home-
                                                                                                                                                      owners must take steps to pre-
                                                                                                                                                      pare the soil. Healthy soil can
                                                                                                                                                      provide the ideal conditions
                                                                                                                                                      for roots to take hold, helping
                                                                                                                                                      plants establish themselves
                                                                                                                                                      before potentially harsh sum-
                                                                                                                                                      mer conditions arrive. Pre-
                                                                                                                                                      paring soil might seem like
                                                                                                                                                      an extensive job, but a simple
                                                                                                                                                      approach may be all that’s
                                                                                                                                                      necessary to create conditions
                                                                                                                                                      that promote plant growth this
                                                                                                                                                        ■ Clean up the previ-

Simple landscaping strategies that can transform a home’s exterior                                                                                    ous months’ mess. Wheth-
                                                                                                                                                      er homeowners live in re-
                                                                                                                                                      gions marked by year-round

T    he interior of a home may be
     where homeowners and their
families spend the majority of
                                      longer walkway can give guests a
                                      strong first impression of a home
                                      and won’t break the bank. Cre-
                                                                           clean and organized look, and the
                                                                           mulch also serves a practical pur-
                                                                           pose, as it reduces weed growth
                                                                                                                  ■ Consider maintenance. The
                                                                                                                more exotic an exterior land-
                                                                                                                scape is, the more maintenance
                                                                                                                                                      warmth or places where win-
                                                                                                                                                      ter typically features heavy
                                                                                                                                                      snowfall, it’s a good idea
their time, and there’s no deny-      ate new planting beds and plant      and helps the soil retain moisture   it’s likely to require. Lawn and      to clean up an area prior to        planting in
ing that a well-planned interior      bright plants and flowers along      so plants stay healthy and look      garden enthusiasts may not be         spring planting. Fallen leaves,     ther clean
goes a long way toward making a       each side of the walkway. If it’s    better throughout the warmer         turned off by landscape features      rocks, grass clippings, and         the soil en
house a home. However, the exte-      necessary and within budget,         months when rainfall may not be      that require steady maintenance,      other debris can contribute         with a ha
rior of a home, including its land-   lengthen the walkway to create       steady or significant.               but homeowners who don’t have         to compacted soil that makes        tivator an
scaping, can serve as a source of     the feel of a more grandiose en-       ■ Plant shade trees. Shade         much time for such work should        it hard for plants to establish     important
pride and catch the eye of pro-       tryway.                              trees can be especially useful       keep things simple. A poorly          strong, healthy root systems.       soil aroun
spective buyers when the home           ■ Make things more symmet-         when selling a home. The shade       maintained landscape, even if it      Clear away any debris prior         timately p
hits the market.                      rical. A messy landscape can         provided by trees can shield grass   includes exotic plants and elabo-     to planting before taking the       ing to ens
  It’s easy to walk past a home       give a poor first impression, even   from blistering summer sun, po-      rate designs, will adversely affect   next step in your soil prepara-     the roots a
with an eye-catching exterior         if the area features some beau-      tentially helping it stay green. A   curb appeal. Another feather in       tion routine.                       lish thems
and assume the homeowner has a        tiful plants. In such instances, a   lush green lawn appeals to buy-      the cap of low-maintenance land-        ■ Loosen the soil. Once           is complet
green thumb or has spent lots of      little effort to make things more    ers and gives the impression the     scape features is they could prove    debris has been cleared away,         ■ Test
time and money working on the         symmetrical, with equal parts        home has been well maintained.       more appealing to prospective         loosen the soil. Depending          amend th
landscaping. Though that may be       grass and vegetation, can create a   In addition, shade trees can be      buyers, who may view elaborate,       on the size of the area where       pH test c
true, oftentimes it’s the simplest    cleaner, more inviting look.         used to create the look of a back-   exotic landscaping as a lot of ex-    you’ll be planting, you may         the acidit
strategies that make all the dif-       ■ Mulch your flower and            yard oasis. A well-placed bench      tra work they won’t want to do.       need to invest in tools like a      the soil. T
ference. Homeowners can keep          tree beds. Mulch is a relatively     beneath a large shade tree can         Some      simple     landscaping    shovel, spade, spading fork,        step as so
these strategies in mind as they      inexpensive but effective way to     entice buyers who want a relax-      strategies can help homeowners        and/or a lawn edger. If you’re      or alkalin
look to transform the exterior of     add aesthetic appeal to a land-      ing spot to enjoy warm summer        transform their home exteriors        planting in a small area, such      availabilit
their homes.                          scape. Freshly mulched beds be-      days outdoors without getting a      without requiring a significant in-   as a deck planter box that          plants wil
  ■ Dress up the walkway. A           neath trees and flowers creates a    sunburn.                             vestment of time or money.            still has soil from last year’s     addition t
Citrus County Chronicle                                         Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                   Wednesday, January 18, 2023     G11

prepare soil
g planting

                                                             Tips to pick the right plants for your landscape
                                                               Each year, gardening enthusi-     ture, Food, and the Environ-        thrive or they could threaten       Individuals must be willing
                                                             asts anxiously await the arriv-     ment at the University of Mas-      existing vegetation, thus com-      to invest the time and effort
                                                             al of spring. Spring is a great     sachusetts Amherst notes that       promising the overall appeal        necessary to maintain new
                                                             season to plant new flowers,        site evaluation is the first step   of the property. Native plants      plantings that require such dil-
                                                             plants, grasses, and trees, mak-    when picking plants. A number       can often handle local weather      igence. If not, look for plants
                                                             ing it a popular time of year to    of factors must be evaluated,       conditions, so prioritize natives   that don’t require much main-
 nside it, you can ei-    test, which can be purchased       spend sunny days out in the         including light availability;       over more exotic plants whose       tenance while keeping in mind
   the box and replace    at little cost at a local home     yard.                               water availability; exposure to     key attribute is aesthetic ap-      that even low-maintenance
ntirely or dig around     improvement store, home-             Veteran gardeners may know        the elements, including wind        peal. If jaw-dropping aesthet-      plants still require some effort
andheld trowel, cul-      owners can contact their local     their landscapes well and be        and extreme temperatures; and       ic appeal is your top priority,     and attention.
 nd/or weeder. It’s       Cooperative Extension Ser-         able to pick the right plants on    competition from existing veg-      speak with a local landscaping        ■ Consider local wildlife. If
   to loosen all of the   vice to test their soil quality.   their own. Novices may need a       etation, among other things.        professional about which na-        your lawn is routinely visited
nd where you will ul-     These tests will reveal soil       little help as they look to give    Document these variables prior      tives can provide that without      by local wildlife, then look for
plant prior to plant-     pH, but also can shed light on     their landscapes a whole new        to picking plants. For example,     compromising        surrounding     plants that won’t look like a
sure water can reach      the texture of the soil and oth-   look. The following are some        take note of the area you plan      vegetation.                         meal to these welcome, if un-
and help them estab-      er components. Once the test       helpful tips to help homeown-       to plant to see if it is full sun     ■ Consider maintenance pri-       invited, guests. For example, if
 selves once planting     is conducted, the local Coop       ers pick the right plants for       or partial shade, and then pick     or to planting. Maintenance         you routinely see deer loung-
 ted.                     Extension Service may rec-         their landscapes.                   plants whose growing condi-         is another variable gardeners       ing around in your backyard,
  and, if necessary,      ommend amendments to im-             ■ Conduct a site evaluation.      tions align with those you ob-      must consider. Newly planted        look for deer-resistant plants.
  he soil. A simple       prove the nutritional quality      A colorful landscape featuring      serve.                              trees may require substantial       This is a good way to protect
 can help determine       of the soil so new plants can      an array of plants and flow-          ■ Look at more than looks.        watering until they’ve fully es-    your investment, of both time
 ty or alkalinity of      thrive.                            ers can be eye-catching and         Aesthetic appeal might be           tablished their roots, and some     and money, and ensure min-
This is an important        Soil conditions go a long        add curb appeal to a property.      what homeowners most desire         homeowners may not have             imal wildlife traffic through
oil that is too acidic    way toward determining if          However, where plants will be       from their landscapes, but that     time for that. In addition, cer-    your newly landscaped yard.
ne can decrease the       new plants will thrive. Pre-       planted is a significant variable   appeal is only achieved when        tain plants may require a con-        Spring gardens are awe-in-
ty of nutrients the       paring the soil prior to spring    that must be considered before      the right plants are chosen for     siderable amount of pruning         spiring, especially when home-
 ll need to thrive. In    planting can ensure a success-     homeowners choose what to           a space. If the wrong plants        in order to create and maintain     owners embrace various strate-
 to conducting a pH       ful season.                        plant. The Center for Agricul-      are chosen, they’re unlikely to     the look homeowners desire.         gies for successful planting.
G12 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                          Citrus County Chronicle

Quick and easy ways to give your kitchen a new look
K    itchens are often described as the bus-
     iest rooms in a home. Kitchens are
where meals are prepared and tend to be
                                                 ■■ Repaint and restyle the cabinets.
                                               Cabinet space is an undeniably precious
                                               commodity in a kitchen, especially as
                                                                                              ing. Under-cabinet lighting serves both
                                                                                              an aesthetic and practical purpose. From
                                                                                              a purely aesthetic standpoint, under-cab-
                                                                                                                                           average do-it-yourselfer and the cost of
                                                                                                                                           new backsplash won’t break the bank.
                                                                                                                                             ■■ Replace existing seating. Whether
go-to gathering spots on holiday get-to-       more and more homeowners embrace               inet lighting can make a kitchen feel        you have an island countertop with bar
gethers and during other events when           their inner chef and cook more compli-         more warm and keep the kitchen illumi-       stools or a breakfast nook with cush-
homeowners host family and friends.            cated meals at home. After all, the more       nated when meals aren’t being prepared       ioned seats, replacing the seating is a
  With so much time spent in the kitchen,      expansive a home chef’s culinary reper-        and homeowners don’t want to have            budget-friendly job that can create a new
it’s easy to see how homeowners might          toire, the more space that person needs to     their overhead lights on but still want to   look when entering the room. Countertop
grow a little bored by these rooms. The        store all the tools of the cooking trade.      be able to navigate the kitchen safely.      bar stools come in many styles, so giv-
cost of a kitchen remodel won’t be cheap,      A full cabinet replacement is unnecessary      During meal prep, under-cabinet lighting     ing this area of the kitchen a new feel
as the home improvement resource Angi.         if the cabinets are still functional and not   can illuminate counters so it’s easier to    can be as simple as shifting from classic,
com notes that the typical cost of such a      overcrowded, so repainting them can be a       chop, peel and perform other prep tasks.     high-back stools to more modern swivel
project in the United States is between        great way to give the kitchen a new look         ■■ Replace existing backsplash. Re-        stools with a chrome base. For the break-
$13,000 and $38,000. esti-            while keeping costs reasonable. During         placing backsplash is another simple,        fast nook, replacing a light-colored bench
mates even indicate that a high-end re-        the painting project, homeowners can           inexpensive and effective way to give a      cushion with a bolder alternative can in-
model could cost homeowners as much            install new cabinet knobs and/or drawer        kitchen a new feel. Homeowners can opt       stantly transform the look of the space.
as $61,000. That’s beyond many home-           pulls to freshen up the style of the cabi-     for something neutral that won’t upset         Kitchen remodels can break the bank.
owners’ budgets. But the good news is          nets even further.                             their existing decor or go with a more       But there’s a host of budget-friendly
that there are many quick and easy, not          ■■ Install under-cabinet lighting. An-       bold backsplash that immediately draws       ways for cost-conscious homeowners to
to mention less expensive, ways to give a      other inexpensive way to give a kitchen a      the attention of anyone who enters the       revitalize these popular spaces in their
kitchen a new look.                            new look is to install under-cabinet light-    room. This simple job can be done by the     homes.
Citrus County Chronicle                                        Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                 Wednesday, January 18, 2023    G13

Tips for budget-friendly home decor
H    ome interiors can be
     spruced up in a num-
ber of ways. Ideas run the
                                                                                                                              and chair cushions is an easy
                                                                                                                              way to change a room with-
                                                                                                                              out a big investment. Con-
                                                                                                                                                              with the season, helping
                                                                                                                                                              homeowners to refresh their
                                                                                                                                                              spaces without having to
gamut from relatively in-                                                                                                     sider updating some wall art    dig deep into their pockets.
expensive changes in paint                                                                                                    and tying color schemes to-     Shop the high-end stores
color to more extensive (and                                                                                                  gether with all of the newly    for inspiration, then try to
expensive) remodels that                                                                                                      introduced elements.            find “dupes” in the discount
may include demolition and                                                                                                      ■■ Splurge on statement       stores that will mimic the
reconstruction. Investing in                                                                                                  pieces that will be used        looks for less.
new home decor is another                                                                                                     frequently. These may in-         ■■ Cut out the clutter.
way to breathe new life into                                                                                                  clude chandeliers, unique       Modern homes are lean and
spaces, and this approach                                                                                                     rugs or an eye-catching         clean. A home’s interior
that falls somewhere in the                                                                                                   piece of furniture.             instantly looks more high-
middle in regard to cost.                                                                                                       ■■ Shop        “discount”     end and appealing when the
  Material and product costs                                                                                                  stores for furniture and        clutter is removed. Consider
remain high across the                                                                                                        accents. Traditional design     keeping main living areas
board, so individuals inter-                                                                                                  centers can be great places     free from too many knick-
ested in changing the fur-                                                                                                    to find plenty of high-qual-    knacks and other accents. If
niture and other design ele-                                                                                                  ity merchandise. However,       you want to display a spe-
ments in their homes might                                                                                                    don’t overlook local dis-       cial collection, set aside a
be seeking ways to do so         ■■ Create the illusion of    illusion of more square foot-   decorating with light-col-      count or close-out centers      room specifically for such
in the most affordable way     more space. Light, bright      age. Painting the walls in      ored fabrics can help a space   that may have items at very     items.
possible. In such instances,   and white are key attributes   very light colors, increasing   seem more roomy.                reasonable costs. Stores like     There are many bud-
homeowners can try these       to remember when selecting     natural and artificial light,     ■■ Replace the accesso-       Home Goods, At Home and         get-friendly ways to make
budget-friendly ways to        design elements for rooms      including using well-placed     ries. Replacing curtains,       Big Lots routinely get new      interior spaces more invit-
overhaul their home decor.     where you want to create the   mirrors to reflect light, and   area rugs, throw pillows,       merchandise that changes        ing.

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G14 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                   Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast   Citrus County Chronicle

Let the outside in
with all-season rooms
M     any homeowners ex-
      press interest in creating
fewer barriers between the
                                    which allow plenty of natural
                                    light to shine in. All-season
                                    rooms also can feature crea-
interior and exterior of their      ture comforts like a reading
homes. Some may have back-          nook, outdoor kitchen spaces
yards built for entertaining and    and televisions. Retractable
want to facilitate the transition   screens can be installed when
between the inside of the res-      privacy or shade is desired.
idence and the outside when
guests arrive. In other instanc-    Maintaining a
es, homes may back to a na-
ture preserve that homeowners
want to enjoy more readily.         temperature
Whatever the reason for bring-        All-season rooms can be
ing the outside in, all-season      built with adequate thermal
rooms can serve as a welcom-        insulation and energy-saving
ing bridge between indoor and       features. Insulation will be in-
outdoor spaces.                     stalled in the walls and roof,
                                    and homeowners may have a
What is an                          choice of window ratings for
all-season room?                    efficiency. Some all-season
                                    rooms are specially equipped
  Also known as a four-sea-         with HVAC systems that may
son room, all-season rooms          or may not be tied in to the
are specially engineered spac-      home’s general heating and
es that provide a connection        cooling system. Some peo-
to the outdoors no matter the       ple use portable heaters or
season. They are like sun-          air conditioners to control
rooms, but climate-controlled       the temperature in all-season
so that they will be comfort-       rooms. It’s best to speak with
able throughout winter, spring,     an all-season room contractor
summer, and fall.                   to identify heating and cool-
                                    ing needs.
What is the difference
between a three-       How much does an
season room and        all-season room cost?
an all-season room?     Prices vary by region and
                               are contingent on the fea-
  The biggest difference be-   tures homeowners desire.
tween these two spaces is the  According to the outdoor re-
level of usage and the capac-  source Garden Center Care,
ity of the room to be heated   a three-season room can cost
and cooled. Individuals who    anywhere from $8,000 to
reside in climates with mod-   $50,000 to build. A four-sea-
erate year-round temperatures  son room can cost $20,000 to
may get by with a three-season $80,000 to add. If there is an
room. However, those who ex-   existing three-season room,
perience all four seasons may  it may be more affordable
need a more insulated space to to upgrade the space into an
make the room usable through-  all-season room, but an ar-
out the year.                  chitect and contractor should
                               inspect the space to determine
Features of                    the scope of the project.
all-season rooms                 All-season rooms can be an
                               ideal addition to a property,
  One of the more notable fea- providing extra space for en-
tures of an all-season room tertaining or lounging and a
is an abundance of windows, connection to the outdoors.
Citrus County Chronicle                                                        Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                    Wednesday, January 18, 2023           G15

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G16 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                    Citrus County Chronicle

6 signs you may need a new HVAC system
T   here’s no place like
    home, especially when
that home is a comfortable
and safe haven. One of the
ways residents find comfort
in their homes is by main-
taining the right indoor
temperatures, which fluc-
tuate along with the sea-
sons. While there is much
to be said about opening
windows and doors to let
Mother Nature do her thing,
indoor comfort is often
maintained with an HVAC
  HVAC stands for heating,
ventilation and air condi-
tioning. It can include heat
pumps, furnaces and air con-
ditioning units. It is an au-
tomated system that works
by adjusting a thermostat
to regulate air temperature,
and sometimes humidity,
in the home. According to
Enviguard, a commercial
contracting provider, HVAC
systems also may be used to
improve indoor air quality
through filtration and oxy-
gen replacement.
  As with any mechanical
device, an HVAC system
has a life span that must
be considered. Should any
of the following conditions
be present, it is likely time
to consult with an HVAC
technician to see if repairs
or replacement of the entire
system is warranted.

1. Age
  If the HVAC system is
more than 10 years old, it
could be time to begin bud-
geting for a new unit. Many
modern, efficient systems
may last 12 to 14 years with    ly working system will        ceiving    electricity or   ponents need maintenance     tem has required too much  seem to have cropped up
routine maintenance. But        quickly heat or cool the      gas bills likely mean the   or replacement, they also    work in recent months. Re- out of nowhere, this could
itÕs good to keep an HVAC       home and then turn off.       HVAC system isn’t work-     could be symptoms of age     peated issues and repairs  indicate a poorly function-
system’s age in mind so you     A system that is turning      ing efficiently and might   and a system nearing fail-   are probably signs that it’s
                                                                                                                                                  ing HVAC system.
can readily recognize when      on repeatedly or having to    need to be replaced.        ure.                         time to consider a system    HVAC systems are vital
it might start to fail.         run for awhile before the                                                              replacement.               to keeping indoor envi-
                                set temperature is reached    4. Strange noises           5. Frequent                                             ronments comfortable and
2. Longer                       could be nearing the end of
                                                      Groaning, banging or                repair visits                6. Poor indoor             safe.
or constant                     its utility.        loud    humming       nois-
                                                    es should be addressed.                Knowing the HVAC com-
                                                                                                                       air quality                  Such systems may ex-
                                                                                                                                                  hibit certain signs that in-
running times                3. Higher bills        While these noises may                pany’s repair person by If the home is dusty or dicate they need to be re-
 An     efficient,   proper- Sticker shock when re- indicate that certain com-            name is a sign that the sys- humid or even if allergies placed.
Citrus County Chronicle                                     Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                 Wednesday, January 18, 2023    G17

Factors to consider when buying furniture
B    uying furniture can be an
     exciting prospect. The op-
portunity to breathe new life into
                                                                                                            out if certain pieces can fit into
                                                                                                            the space. Some retailers even
                                                                                                            offer floor plan software on their
                                                                                                                                                   sive, but often more durable than
                                                                                                                                                   engineered products. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                   check to see how items are built.
a home with the addition of dif-                                                                            websites so that you can upload        Pull out drawers and check hing-
ferent furnishings inspires many                                                                            the dimensions of your room and        es to ensure the quality is there.
people. However, at the same                                                                                see how certain items will fit in
time, searching for furniture can                                                                           your spaces. In addition, be sure      Save money on sales
be a tad overwhelming, espe-                                                                                to measure the width of doors            Furniture can be expensive, but
cially when homeowners do not                                                                               to ensure that it’s easy to get the    there is room for savings. Shop
know where to begin.                                                                                        furniture into the home when de-       when retailers offer seasonal
  Statistics Canada reports that                                                                            livered.                               sales. Consider warehouse retail-
Canadians spend an average of                                                                                                                      ers, which often sell select items
$934 on furniture each year. The                                                                            Determine your style                   at a discount.
Bureau of Labor Statistics report-                                                                            Figure out which style best fits
ed that, in 2017, Americans spent                                                                           your personality and lifestyle.        Read reviews
an average of $2,484 on furniture.                                                                          This may be traditional, transi-         Before taking the plunge, be
While furniture may not be the                                                                              tional or modern. Incorporate          sure to read reviews of items
most costly investment, it’s also                                                                           pieces accordingly, or mix and         and retailers. While items may
not the cheapest, which is why                                                                              match to create a look that is         appear perfect, reviews can shed
getting it right is important.                                                                              completely unique.                     light on how pieces stand up to
                                     certain pieces and what doesn’t. leather or microfiber.                                                       wear and tear.
Determine your needs                 Then you can gear purchases                                       Confirm materials                             Shopping for furniture means
 The first step in purchasing        around desired features. For ex- Measure more than once Consider your budget when                             taking steps to measure, match
new furniture is to decide what is   ample, if you’ve determined che- Measure your room multiple choosing the construction ma-                     style, read reviews, and find
needed. Assess current furniture     nille fabric holds on to too much times and create a mock floor terials for the furniture. Solid              pieces that fit homeowners’ life-
and think about what works for       pet fur, the next couch may be plan. This will help when figuring wood tends to be more expen-                styles.

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G18 Wednesday, January 18, 2023                                   Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast                                                                 Citrus County Chronicle

How to handle a lengthy renovation
T    he global pandemic reignited
     people’s passions for home
renovations, as they directed dol-
                                       programming, renovations remain
                                       a popular investment. Homeown-
                                       ers embarking on home renovation
                                                                               to anticipate what’s going on day-
                                                                                 ■■ Start at the right time. Some
                                                                                                                       kitchen, you’ll need to make due.
                                                                                                                       Set a microwave, tabletop electric
                                                                                                                       burner and a coffee pot on a fold-
                                                                                                                                                             a film of dust won’t form on them.
                                                                                                                                                               ■■ Adjust your schedule. Sleep-
                                                                                                                                                             ing in will be a thing of the past
lars that would normally have          projects understand that a certain      contractors may say they can fit        ing table in the garage or utility    for the duration of the renovation,
been spent elsewhere into the plac-    measure of upheaval is to be ex-        your project into their schedules       room. Rent or purchase a small        as may be working from a home
es where they were now spending        pected, but some may not fully an-      in between other jobs. While this       refrigerator where you can store a    office. Try to get out of the work
the most time – their homes. Ac-       ticipate the impact that renovations    may seem convenient and timely,         few necessities. Ask your contrac-    zone as much as possible for new
cording to the 10th annual Hou-        have on daily life. The following       your work may be put on hold if         tor to set up a makeshift outdoor     scenery and respites from the nois-
zz & Home survey of more than          are some tips for making it through     there are delays with the other job     shower so you have a place to get     es and smells.
70,000 respondents in the United       a lengthy renovation.                   or jobs. Instead, it may be better to   clean when the bathroom is under        ■■ Ease up on cleaning stan-
States, higher-budget projects cost      ■■ Discuss the timeline with          hold off until the contractors can      construction.                         dards. It’s challenging to keep a
around $85,000 or more in 2020,        contractors. It may be easier to        devote the bulk of their attention to     ■■ Pack up and cover. Remod-        home clean during a renovation.
compared with $80,000 in the two       make a plan for how much life will      your renovation.                        eling one room may cause a trickle    Relax standards and expect a mess
years prior. Kitchen projects were     be disrupted if you have an idea of       ■■ Recreate commonly used             down effect on other areas. Dust      for some time. Explain to guests
the most popular among renovat-        how long the renovation will be         spaces elsewhere. A kitchen or a        from drywall sanding can infiltrate   what they’ll find if they drop by.
ing homeowners.                        (if everything goes according to        bathroom remodel often requires         many rooms in the home. Pack and        Renovations can disrupt life, but
  Even though many COVID-19-re-        plan). Sit down with contractors        giving up spaces that are used          label boxes with items not imme-      often are well worth the sacrific-
lated restrictions have lifted and     and have them spell out the minu-       throughout a typical day. Unless        diately needed and store them in      es homeowners must make to see
life has largely returned to regular   tiae of the project so you’ll be able   you have a spare full bathroom or       another area. Cover most things so    them through to completion.
Citrus County Chronicle   Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast    Wednesday, January 18, 2023   G19

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G20 Wednesday, January 18, 2023           Distinctive Homes of the Nature Coast        Citrus County Chronicle

           David M. Rom, Agent                         While other insurers just see your home
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