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FOREWORD The fire season poses a significant threat to all those living, working or travelling in Victoria. Preparation and planning ahead can save you and your family from being killed by fire. The FireReady Kit has been developed by CFA as a valuable resource. It will help you prepare your Bushfire Survival Plan. Remember, even if you did a plan last year you must review and update it. CFA urges all residents to have a written survival plan that takes into account family members, visitors and pets. If you work or intend to travel in a high-risk fire area you are also encouraged to prepare a plan. Understanding the risks that lead to bushfire, how bushfires behave and identifying your ‘triggers’ are key. Undertaking preparations or works around your property is an important part of becoming ready for the fire season. You are not alone in your preparations. Advice and support is available with details provided throughout this kit. Draw on these resources to make this bushfire season a safe one. Euan Ferguson AFSM Chief Officer CFA makes this information available on the understanding that you take reasonable care when using it. If you have any uncertainty about the application of the information to your particular circumstance, you should obtain further professional advice: CFA does not accept responsibility for how you apply, or rely on the information in this publication. FRK 10/2011 1
SECTION 01 AM I AT RISK? NEED SOME HELP? Visit Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677
SECTION 01 AM I AT RISK? Victoria is one of the most fire-prone areas in the world. Understanding your level of risk is the first step in developing your Bushfire Survival Plan. It only takes two weeks of hot, dry and windy weather to create dangerous fire conditions. So, if you live, work or travel in Victoria this summer, you may be at risk of bushfire. If you live near or visit areas that are heavily forested, have thick bush or long, dry grass, or coastal areas with lots of scrub you are at risk of fire. Fires can occur where suburbs meet the bush or in urban areas where houses have grassland, bush or parkland around them. 4
WHAT CREATES BUSHFIRE RISK? VEGETATION WEATHER TOPOGRAPHY The intensity of a bushfire will be Extreme heat, gusting winds and Topography influences the speed affected by the amount and type of low rainfall dramatically increases and intensity of a fire. vegetation around your home. Local the level of bushfire risk. The A fire will burn faster up a hill. terrain, such as hills and valleys, combination of dry conditions with As a fire moves up a hill it will also plays a role. hot, dry and windy days means intensify in speed and heat. Bushfire will behave differently bushfires can quickly become Being on top of a hill in a bushfire depending on the environment it uncontrollable. This places lives makes you more vulnerable. is burning in. These environments and property at risk. As wind passes over a hill or include: A change in wind direction is one windbreak the wind can tumble, grass or paddocks of the most dangerous influences creating turbulence and erratic fire on fire behaviour. Many people who behaviour. Valleys and gullies can forest and woodland die in bushfires get caught during channel and strengthen wind. coastal scrub or after a wind change. bush and grassland fringes. Have a look at page 25 for Have a look at pages 8-13 for more information. Poor road access, such as more information about high-risk narrow streets in hilly areas, environments. may make it difficult for firetrucks to get in and for residents to leave. IMAGE TO COME 5
WHAT IS AN EMBER ATTACK? Embers are burning twigs, leaves and pieces of debris. Ember attack occurs when twigs and leaves are carried by the wind and land on or around a house. Embers can land on top of debris in your gutters and set fire to your house. Ember attack is the most common way houses catch fire during bushfires. Ember attack can happen before, during and after the bushfire. 6
WHAT IS RADIANT HEAT? Radiant heat is the heat that you feel from a fire. Radiant heat is the biggest killer of people and animals in a fire. The best protection from radiant heat is distance. A solid object, such as a brick wall, and suitable clothing can offer some protection from radiant heat. But they may not save your life. Don’t get caught in the open – radiant heat can kill you. 7
A. Close to or among grass or paddocks Grassfires can be extremely dangerous – people can die in grassfires. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Dry and brown grass that Large amounts of radiant heat. easily catches fire. Fires that can start early rass more than 10 centimetres G in the day. tall will have a higher flame F aster moving fires that travel height and intensity. up to 25 kilometres per hour. F aster burning than through In open grassland speed forests as grass is a finer fuel. increases up to 60 kilometres per hour. 10
B. Close to or among forest and woodlands Risk is most extreme if you live surrounded by or near forest that is difficult to see through. However, all forest or woodland presents a bushfire risk. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Very hot fire and many embers. Fine fuels (the thickness E mbers such as twigs, bark and of a pencil or less) that debris arriving from far away. burn very quickly. angerous levels of radiant D Heavy fuels that will burn heat and fire intensity. very hot for long periods of time. Trees falling in high winds. A reduction in visibility due Embers landing for a long time to very thick smoke. after the fire has passed. 11
C. Near coastal scrub Burning scrub, heath or other coastal vegetation can create hot, dangerous bushfires. If you live by, work by or travel to the coast you are at risk. Beaches, foreshores and shallow waters may not be safe or protect you from radiant heat (see page 7). Often a fire will be burning between you and the beach. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Very hot and fast-moving fires. A lot of embers. usty ocean winds causing fire G Fire reaching houses quickly. to behave erratically. Busy, congested coastal roads. 12
D. Where suburbs meet the bush or grasslands You do not have to live in the bush to be at risk of bushfire. Suburban homes can burn down in bushfire, too. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Scrub, forest and grass high risk of ember attack A catching fire. if the house is near dense A fire in a park or reserve bushland environments. quickly spreading to timber E mbers falling close to or on fences and gardens. your house starting a new fire. Fire spreading from house Strong winds that bring to house once houses start embers from far away. to burn. 13
STAY AWARE OF THE FIRE DANGER RATING AND KNOW WHAT TO DO. The Fire Danger Rating predicts how a fire would behave if started, including how difficult it would be to put out. The higher the rating, the more dangerous the conditions. The rating is your trigger to act, so to stay safe you need to stay aware of the Fire Danger Rating in your district. During the fire season, the Fire Danger Rating will feature in weather forecasts, be broadcast on radio and TV, and appear in some newspapers. It can also be found on the websites of CFA, Department of Sustainability and Environment and Bureau of Meteorology, by calling the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHAT SHOULD I DO? These are the worst conditions for a bush Leaving high-risk bushfire areas the night before or CODE RED or grassfire. early in the day is your safest option – do not wait Homes are not designed or constructed and see. to withstand fires in these conditions. Avoid forested areas, thick bush or long, dry grass. The safest place to be is away from high- Know your trigger – make a decision about: risk bushfire areas. – when you will leave – where you will go – how you will get there – when you will return – what you will do if you cannot leave. EXTREME Expect extremely hot, dry and windy conditions. Consider staying with your property only if you are prepared to the highest level. This means your home If a fire starts and takes hold, it will be needs to be situated and constructed or modified to uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast withstand a bushfire, you are well prepared and you can moving. Spot fires will start, move quickly actively defend your home if a fire starts. and come from many directions. If you are not prepared to the highest level, leaving high- Homes that are situated and constructed risk bushfire areas early in the day is your safest option. or modified to withstand a bushfire, that Be aware of local conditions. Seek information by are well prepared and actively defended, listening to ABC local radio, commercial and designated may provide safety. community radio stations, or watch Sky News TV, visit You must be physically and mentally, call the Victorian Bushfire Information prepared to defend in these conditions. Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677. SEVERE Expect hot, dry and possibly windy conditions. Well-prepared homes that are actively defended can provide safety – check your Bushfire Survival Plan. If a fire starts and takes hold, it may be If you are not prepared, leaving bushfire-prone areas uncontrollable. early in the day is your safest option. Well prepared homes that are actively Be aware of local conditions. Seek information by defended can provide safety. listening to ABC local radio, commercial and designated You must be physically and mentally community radio stations, or watch Sky News TV, visit prepared to defend in these conditions., call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677. VERY HIGH If a fire starts, it can most likely be controlled in these conditions. Check your Bushfire Survival Plan. Monitor conditions. Be aware of how fires can start and Action may be needed. HIGH minimise the risk. Controlled burning off may occur in these Leave if necessary. conditions if it is safe – check to see if LOW-MODERATE permits apply. 14 For more information: 1800 240 667 or 1800 555 677 (National Relay Service) or
SECTION 02 PREPARE FOR BUSHFIRE LEAVING EARLY IS THE SAFEST OPTION NEED SOME HELP? Visit Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 15
SECTION 02 PREPARE FOR BUSHFIRE LEAVING EARLY IS THE SAFEST OPTION Bushfires are extremely unpredictable. In a bushfire, people may be confused, disoriented and physically or psychologically stressed. In these conditions, making sound decisions becomes very difficult. Leaving early is the safest way to survive a bushfire. People die trying to leave their homes at the last minute. BEFORE THE Make sure your plan is flexible to account for different If you live in a high-risk bushfire area, your home may not be BUSHFIRE situations such as: defendable on Extreme or SEASON weekends Severe fire risk days. school holidays Most homes in high-risk You need a Bushfire Survival Plan bushfire areas are not built a work day if you plan to leave. Use the to withstand bushfire. Bushfire Survival Planning when you are away from home. Defending your home is very Template: Leaving Early tearout How will these situations affect risky – you could die or be (at the back of this section) to help your ability to put your Bushfire seriously injured. you prepare your plan. Survival Plan into action? Defending a property Decide now what you are going requires at least two able- to do on fire risk days – it could save your life. LEAVING EARLY bodied, fit and determined adults who are physically and mentally prepared to work In high-risk areas, leaving early long and hard in arduous and SHARING YOUR BUSHFIRE is your safest option. This is SURVIVAL PLAN difficult conditions. particularly so on Code Red, Extreme and Severe days. Fires Children, the elderly, people Once you have prepared your with special needs or disability Bushfire Survival Plan, it is a good on these days can be dangerous. should be well away from idea to share the details of your Even people who are extremely the threat. plan with family, friends and well prepared can die fighting neighbours. Doing so will save fires at home. everyone a lot of distress when KNOW YOUR there is a bushfire as they will know TRIGGER TO LEAVE WHY YOU SHOULD that you are prepared and know LEAVE EARLY The safest option is to leave where to find you. high-risk bushfire areas the Remember to update everyone If you live in a high-risk bushfire night before or early on Code about any changes to your agreed area, your home will not be Red days. Do not wait and see. plan of action. defendable on a Code Red day. Code Red days are rare. Code Red is the highest Fire When they are forecast they YOUR IMPORTANT Danger Rating. These are the are very serious. INFORMATION worst conditions for a bush Know the Fire Danger Rating or grassfire. Keep your important items in your area. The Fire Danger and information in a safe place Houses are not designed or Rating is your ‘trigger’ to act. during the bushfire season. constructed to withstand fires The higher the rating, the Scan important information in Code Red conditions. more dangerous the situation and photos and store them On a Code Red day, leaving if a fire starts. on a CD or memory stick. high-risk bushfire areas the For more information on Fire night before or early in the Danger Ratings, see page 14. morning is the safest option. 16
WHAT TO TAKE WITH YOU: YOUR RELOCATION KIT OVERNIGHT BAG WITH CHANGE OF CLOTHES AND TOILETRIES ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF WATER IMPORTANT INFORMATION PASSPORT PHOTOS WOOL WILL JEWELLERY BLANKETS MEDICINES AND FIRST AID KIT CONTACT INFORMATION MOBILE PHONE AND CHARGER DOCTOR COUNCIL POWER COMPANY WHAT TO DO WHERE CAN YOU PLAN HOW YOU BEFORE YOU LEAVE GO ON HIGH-RISK WILL REACH YOUR BUSHFIRE DAYS? DESTINATION There are things you can do around your property before Family or friends in a low ake preparations and it will be M you leave. These actions may fire risk area. easier to leave early. minimise damage to your A place of relative safety, such ou will need to know what Y home from bushfire. as a shopping complex or route to take and have an Close all doors and windows. central business district of a alternative if that route is Move doormats and outdoor large regional or urban centre. blocked or congested. furniture away from the house. Other community buildings, our normal route may take Y Block the downpipes and such as libraries in low-risk much longer than expected. partially fill the gutters areas. I f you do not have your own with water. Do not forget to call family, friends car you will need to think about Move stock or large animals to and neighbours to let them know options, such as public transport large paddocks with short grass. where you have relocated. Do you or a neighbour. have all the phone numbers you are ractise packing the car so it P Turn off the gas supply. going to need listed in your mobile is quick and everything fits – Leave the front gate open. phone? As an added safeguard, including your pets! It will take write the numbers down elsewhere a lot longer than you think. in case you lose your phone or do not have it with you on the day. ake sure you have enough M petrol or fuel so you don’t need to stop to fill up. 17
WHAT YOU WILL DO Last resort options could include: KNOW WHEN IT IS SAFE IF YOU CANNOT LEAVE a Neighbourhood Safer Place TO RETURN HOME (Place of Last Resort) In recent fires, people who planned Check with police, fire authorities to leave took longer to get ready a stationary car in a cleared area and your local emergency services than they had expected. This a ploughed paddock or reserve before trying to go home. Even if resulted in them being delayed and a body of water (such as the the fire has been controlled, there leaving when fire was upon them – beach, pool, dam or river). This may be other safety issues that often with tragic consequences. does not include a water tank. you are unaware of that may affect Fires are unpredictable and plans Dams may not be reliable as your ability to return home. can fail. Having a backup plan their water levels fluctuate and These include: can save your life if you are caught they may be empty in summer. fallen trees in a fire. Note that last resort options disruptions to essential services If you cannot leave the area carry a high risk of trauma, potential crime scenes. consider shelter options close by injury or death. that may protect you. These may See page 38 for more information include: on your survival options. a well-prepared home (yours Bushfires do not arrive at If, as a last resort, you leave when convenient times. Many or a neighbour) that you can there are signs of fire in your area, actively defend bushfires start late in the exercise extreme caution. afternoon. a private bunker (that meets Driving during a bushfire is a last current regulations) What will you do if you have resort. A drive that will normally visitors staying with you? Will a designated community shelter take five minutes may take two any family members be away or refuge. hours in the event of a fire. on business or holiday? It may become difficult to Also make sure you revise your leave owing to dangerous road Bushfire Survival Plan whenever conditions. There may be road your circumstances change. closures, smoke, fallen trees and embers. You may become trapped by fire and exposed to dangerous radiant heat. 18
DURING A FIRE THERE ARE THREE BUSHFIRE ALERT LEVELS ALERT MESSAGES Advice AND WARNINGS General information to keep you up-to-date with developments. During a bushfire, alert messages are used to give you an indication of the level of threat from a fire. Watch and Act For alerts and warnings: A fire is approaching you. visit Conditions are changing and you tune in to your emergency need to start taking action now to broadcasters – ABC local protect your life and your family. radio, commercial radio and designated community radio Emergency Warning stations You are in immediate danger and Sky News television need to take action immediately. call the Victorian Bushfire You will be impacted by fire. Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 via the CFA_Updates Twitter account. Do not rely on an official warning For some fires, you may hear the to leave. Bushfires can start CAUTION Standard Emergency Warning quickly and threaten homes and If you receive a bushfire alert, Signal (SEWS) before the alert lives within minutes. you must take it seriously. message over your radio or Keep a map of your local area. You Failure to take action may television. can look at the map to see where result in death or injury to you An emergency alert telephone the fire is. or your family members. warning may also be sent to your If you are travelling through Bushfire alerts are not always mobile and landline phone based Victoria, you need to monitor given in the above order. As on your billing address. This means conditions. Reconsider visiting an example, the first alert you if you live in the city and you are high-risk bushfire areas on fire receive may be Watch and Act. travelling in the country when risk days. a bushfire happens you will not Look and listen for alerts issued receive a telephone warning by for surrounding towns as your mobile phone. suburb or town may not be mentioned. 19
EVACUATION EVACUATION Evacuation is not a substitute Evacuation is the planned for planning ahead or choosing relocation of people from a to leave a high-risk bushfire dangerous area to a safer place. area early – before fire In some fires the Incident threatens. Controller may decide to issue a In high-risk bushfire areas on Recommendation to Evacuate for: Code Red days, it is always individuals safer to leave the night before or early in the morning. a house If you live with children, elderly a street or vulnerable people, they a large institution (such should be well away from any as a school or hospital) threat. a suburb Leaving early should be part of a town your Bushfire Survival Plan. a large area of the state. A Recommendation to Evacuate depends on a number of factors, such as: safety considerations the location and type of fire a ccess routes and the local environment. A Recommendation to Evacuate may identify: the location you need to travel to travel information t he length of time in which it is safe to travel. Sometimes it is not possible for an Incident Controller to issue a Recommendation to Evacuate. You should not rely on receiving one. While CFA will do its best to provide official warnings, bushfires can threaten lives and homes in minutes. Just because you do not receive a warning does not mean there is not a threat. The safest option is to leave early. 20
BUSHFIRE HOME BUSHFIRE TOWNSHIP EDUCATION ADVICE SERVICE PROTECTION PLANS SERVICES AND A member of CFA will assess your Township Protection Plans are a key property and provide a range of source of information for you and RESOURCES options to assist you to develop your community. Each summer CFA runs programs your Bushfire Survival Plan. They are important tools that and services to help residents This service is free and offered all highlight the shared responsibility prepare and plan for their safety. year round. Appointments take between your community, fire A calendar of activities is advertised approximately one hour. Priority services and local government. through pamphlets, local is given to people in high bushfire Plans have been developed for newspapers, sign boards and risk areas. a number of high bushfire risk communities across Victoria. These are delivered free of charge in BUSHFIRE PLANNING They provide important local high-risk bushfire areas and include: WORKSHOPS information for you and your family to assist with planning These are designed for those who FIREREADY VICTORIA before, during and after a fire. have some understanding of their MEETINGS Township Protection Plans are bushfire risk but need more support to develop their plans. updated regularly. These are held on street corners, in local halls and at shows and Structured as one-off, practical Please visit to ensure events from October until the end sessions, you and your family that you have the latest Township of the fire season. can work on your Bushfire Survival Protection Plan for your town. Meetings take about one hour Plan with the help of a trained Note: Some townships will not and provide information on local CFA facilitator. have a Township Protection Plan. risk and personal survival. You will have an opportunity to discuss HOUSE BUSHFIRE SELF local concerns. ASSESSMENT TOOL For more information about (HBSAT) CFA’s community education COMMUNITY FIREGUARD This online resource is designed programs and services, contact PROGRAM to help you assess the risk of your nearest regional office vegetation and topography around or visit Work together with your neighbours to improve knowledge and bushfire your property. safety skills. The tool takes into account factors CFA provides local facilitators such as: to assist in: vegetation understanding your bushfire risk topography enabling you to develop your the surrounding landscape for a Bushfire Survival Plan. 100-metre zone around houses. Community Fireguard operates in extremely high-risk bushfire areas. Check to see if it is available in your area. 21
STILL WITHOUT A PLAN? Research shows 75 per cent of people living in high-risk areas do not have a detailed Bushfire Survival Plan. Don’t have a plan? You are not alone. Advice and support are available. You can: attend a CFA FireReady Victoria Meeting or Bushfire Planning Workshop join a Community Fireguard group book a free property assessment to assess your fire risk visit call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 talk to your local CFA brigade about how to plan for bushfire. 22
SECTION 03 YOUR PROPERTY HOW PREPARED IS IT? NEED SOME HELP? Visit Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 23
SECTION 03 YOUR PROPERTY This section outlines what you must do as a minimum to reduce the effects of bushfire on your property. This involves: understanding how fire behaves in your environment knowing the steps to take to prepare your home and property before the fire season. You need to prepare your property for the best chance of survival during a bushfire. FIRE BEHAVIOUR VEGETATION (FUEL) B. HEAVY FUELS Victoria has a great diversity There are two fuel types – fine and T hese are greater than the width of vegetation, topography heavy. By removing fine fuels from of a pencil. and weather. Environments your property you can reduce the T hey take longer to ignite but will that are high-risk for fire are: amount of heavy fuels that burn. burn for longer. where suburbs meet the bush A. FINE FUELS ranches, trees and logs are B close to forest and woodlands examples of heavy fuels. T hese are fuels that are the close to grass or paddocks They create an extremely hot fire. thickness of a pencil or less. near coastal scrub. They ignite quickly and Knowing how a fire behaves in your burn easily, so they drive VEGETATION environment will help you to better a fire’s speed. MANAGEMENT prepare your property. ranches, twigs and leaves and B Vegetation includes all the Bushfires are influenced by: other fine fuels found on the plants, foliage and mulch vegetation (fuel) ground can also burn easily. around your home. topography T ypes of scrub and trees drop By managing the vegetation leaves and twigs on the ground weather conditions. around your property you around them. These give off far can create space around your more heat when they burn. home. This will reduce bushfire F ibrous and dry tree bark can intensity. carry fire to the treetops, This helps protect your house break away and spread fire. from direct flame contact and reduces the radiant heat to which your house will be exposed. While ember attack will still occur, vegetation management around your house is important. You can reduce the likelihood of embers starting new fires near your house. 24
TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY Fires burning uphill Fires burning downhill A fire will burn faster uphill. This is As a fire travels downhill it reduces because the flames can reach more in speed and intensity. The flames unburnt fuel in front of the fire. reach less fuel and less radiant As a general rule, for every 10˚ heat pre-heats the fuel in front slope, the fire will double its speed of the fire. as it travels uphill. For every 10˚ of downhill slope, the For example, if a fire is travelling at fire will halve its speed. Fires tend five kilometres an hour along flat to move more slowly as the slope ground and it hits a 10˚ slope it will decreases. double in speed to 10 kilometres an hour up that hill. By increasing in speed the fire also increases in intensity, becoming even hotter. WEATHER CONDITIONS likelihood of spotting. Burning pieces of leaves, twigs and bark Bushfires can vary greatly according (embers) are carried ahead of to weather conditions. They often the fire by winds, causing new start on hot, dry and windy days. fires to ignite. These are known as spot fires. Temperature A string of hot days will dry out Wind change vegetation, making it easier to A change in wind direction is one of burn. This can be made even worse the most dangerous influences on by underlying dry conditions. The fire behaviour. Many people who die drier the vegetation the easier it will in bushfires get caught during or burn. A bushfire spreads as a result after the wind change. of burning embers, radiant heat In Victoria, hot, dry winds and direct flame contact. typically come from the north and Wind speed northwest and are often followed by a southwest wind change. In this Wind has a significant influence situation the side of the fire can on the: quickly become a much larger speed at which a fire spreads fire front. irection in which a fire travels d A change in wind direction can and the size of the fire front change the size of the fire front. i ntensity of a fire, by providing This makes wind a very dangerous more oxygen ingredient in a bushfire. Fire spread 25
HOW RADIANT HEAT AND DIRECT FLAME CONTACT IGNITE HOUSES The heat that radiates from a bushfire is very intense. Radiant heat can ignite exposed surfaces without direct flame contact. Radiant heat can also crack or break windows, allowing embers to enter a building. Plastics such as wall cladding can distort or melt, exposing timber framing. Radiant heat is extremely dangerous to people if they are unprotected by a building, shelter or barrier. The distance between vegetation and the house will determine how much direct flame contact and/or radiant heat the house is subject to. If the distance from the fire is doubled, the radiant heat load on the building can be reduced by CAN YOUR You need to consider the materials that your house is made with and four times. PROPERTY its design. By making modifications The chance of direct flame contacting a house is increased when vegetation REALLY you can improve the likelihood that your house will survive bushfire. close to a house is ignited. WITHSTAND Information on construction You can greatly reduce radiant A BUSHFIRE? and renovation can be found in heat and direct flame contact by Everyone in Victoria who lives A Guide to Retrofit Your Home for carefully managing the vegetation near dense forest, bush, grassland Better Protection from a Bushfire. around your home. or the coast needs to prepare their This publication is available property for bushfire. Even if your at plan is to leave early on fire risk days, you need to prepare your property. A well-prepared house where the vegetation is well managed has a greater chance of not catching alight in a bushfire. Regardless of property preparation, most homes will not be able to withstand fires in Code Red conditions. 26
“Even with enough managed vegetation, the safest option is to leave high-risk bushfires areas early on Severe, Extreme and Code Red days.” PREPARING You will have to consider: CFA has a free Home Bushfire YOUR PROPERTY a how you will manage vegetation (pages 30-32) Advice Service to help you understand: You can reduce the impact of b if your home is constructed or the level of risk at bushfire on your home by preparing modified to withstand a bushfire your property your property. (Houses are not designed to These preparations must begin well what changes can be made withstand Code Red conditions). before the bushfire season. to improve your safety. (page 33) You should prepare your property For more information visit c whether it is possible to improve even if your plan is to leave early, the safety of your house with on days of fire risk. call 1800 240 667 modifications and maintenance or 1800 555 677(NRS). This will give your house a greater (pages 34-35). chance of getting through The illustration on pages 28–29 undamaged. shows an example of a well-prepared property with managed vegetation. 27
THE WELL-PREPARED PROPERTY Mature trees can help shield against radiant heat and embers. They must be strategically located and well managed. Keep grass cut to Keep woodpiles less than 10cm. away from house. Store flammable Remove flammable liquids away items from decks and from house. verandahs, such as boxes, furniture and doormats. Get rid of dry grass, leaves, twigs and loose bark. Prune lower branches of shrubs to separate from surface fuels underneath. Keep gutters clear Use pebbles or rocks of leaf litter. in your garden Prune shrubs (not flammable mulch). well away from tree branches. Do not have large shrubs next to or under windows. Cut back overhanging branches – no branches in 10m space. 28 29
Use the layout of your property A. MANAGING VEGETATION Fire always follows a path where fuel is located. It does not spread Managing the vegetation on easily over low-fuel areas. your property will reduce a Manage vegetation around your bushfire’s intensity. home and on your property and By having managed vegetation, use the following to help reduce you will reduce the amount of fire intensity: direct flame contact and radiant driveways heat on your house. pools As a general rule you may need to undertake more vegetation tennis courts management if there is dense cultivated soil or gravelled areas forest all around you. Keep in mind that mature trees mown lawns For example: can sometimes help shield against grazed paddocks Keep grass short – no more radiant heat and embers and can play a useful role in the protection dams and natural water features. than 10 centimetres high. of your home against bushfires. Make space between plants and trees. Managing the vegetation around your home has four main purposes: Keep fallen leaves no more than two centimetres deep. 1. To give your house the best possible chance of surviving the passage of the fire front. 2. To reduce the chance of direct flame contact and radiant heat igniting your home. 3. To help you protect your home from ember attack. 4. To provide some level of shelter as a last resort if you and your family get caught. Whatever the type of vegetation that surrounds your home, you need to consider how it will burn during a bushfire. In general: homes located in a dense forest are more likely to experience high-intensity fires homes located in more open country may experience lower intensity, but fast moving, grassfires. If you live in a rural environment, also consider other property assets such as sheds or fences that you want to protect. 30
Trees and bushfire Lawns and grass Mulching A fire will only burn trees where Grass needs to be kept less than Mulch, such as wood chips or there is sufficient surface and 10 centimetres high. Higher pea straw, is a fine fuel and can elevated fuel to carry the fire into than that and fire can use ignite during ember attack. It is the tree canopy. the grass as a ladder to other extremely dangerous if used within The fire front is often carried by vegetation. a 10-metre radius of your home undergrowth, such as shrubs You do not need to cut green especially under windows. and tall grasses, but loose, flaky lawns any shorter than five Instead: or ribbon bark can contribute to centimetres otherwise you risk Use non-flammable mulch ember attack. causing the grass to dry out. alternatives, such as pebbles, What is growing under your trees? Lawns between 5–10 sand or rocks. Consider how easily fire might be centimetres shade the root zone Use weed matting cut to fit able to spread from the ground into and retain moisture. around plants and secured with the tree tops. rocks, pebbles or soil. It can be Fine fuels that are continuous used to help retain soil moisture from ground to treetop (known as in garden beds. ladder fuels) can assist the spread If you must use flammable of fire from the ground up into the (plant-based) mulch, apply treetops. it immediately after the fire You can reduce fuel ladders by: season. This will allow it to break removing lower branches down over winter. Decomposed of trees mulch still provides good moisture retention during runing shrubs so that their p summer. It is less likely to ignite tops are well away from the than more recently laid mulch. lower branches of trees If plant-based mulch is still runing the lower branches p dry at the beginning of the fire of shrubs to separate the season, keep it wetted down or foliage from the surface fuels Remove weeds cover it with soil or sand during underneath Weeds are commonly found in the fire season. residential bushland areas and r educing accumulated debris contribute significantly to such as loose flaky bark, dead bushfire risk. twigs, leaves or needles from within the branches of plants. Give priority to removing and controlling them. This will help reduce potential fire fuel on your property. Your council can help you identify weeds in your local area and provide ideas on how to remove them. 31
Burning off and fire restrictions Burning off dried fine fuels and cutting back vegetation is one way to prepare your property. If you are planning to do a small burn-off on your property, you must do this well before the fire restrictions come into force. For more information visit or your local council. Plant selection When planning your garden and property, consider the types of The ‘10/30 right’ The ‘10/50 right’ plants you use. Under the ‘10/30 right’, no planning For land subject to a Bushfire No plant is completely fire-resistant permit is required to reduce fuel, Management Overlay, the as given the right conditions all including native vegetation, around 30-metre provisions are extended to plants will burn. However, some are your home. 50 metres. Clearance over and above more flammable than others. these two planning exemptions However, as the right does not exist To help you select plants that are requires a planning permit. in all municipalities, you should suitable for your local environment: check with your council – before check with your local council removing any vegetation. For further information on visit the Department of The ‘10/30 right’ planning the 10/30 and 10/50 rights, Sustainability and Environment exemptions give residents who please visit at own their property in certain areas the right to: consult CFA’s forthcoming fire-smart landscaping remove, destroy or lop any publication at vegetation within 10 metres of a building used for accommodation remove, destroy or lop any vegetation, except for trees (i.e. ground fuel), within 30 metres of a building used for accommodation r emove, destroy or lop any vegetation for a combined maximum width of four metres either side of boundary fences. You need to have prior written permission from the landowner for clearance on their side of the fence. 32
“As part of your preparation, check that you have adequate home and contents insurance.” B. YOUR HOME’S Is your house constructed CURRENT STANDARD STRUCTURE AND from bricks, timber, cladding FOR THE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING DESIGN or a mixture? OF HOUSES IN RESPONSE Roughly sawn timber or badly TO BUSHFIRE RISK To reduce the impact of embers maintained brick work can catch on your home there are some Following the 2009 bushfires the embers. Ensure any external timber important building improvements Victorian Government brought cladding is regularly maintained that are recommended. These forward the introduction of the and all gaps are sealed. Seal or measures will assist in ember- new Australian Standard AS3959- repair any holes, cracks or damage proofing your house, making it more 2009 – Design and Construction of to flooring and walls. Cover all difficult for embers to enter the Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas. external vents with metal mesh house or burn against the house. The standard requires houses in (not aluminium) and keep clear The number of improvements of debris to prevent embers from higher bushfire areas to be built will depend on the type of house entering your home. to modified specifications. you have. Research shows there The standard applies to all new Are your window and door are areas around your house that homes to be built in Victoria. frames well sealed? can contribute more to the overall bushfire risk than others. These Place weather stripping around For more information about the include decks, windows, doors and the inside of doors and windows construction of new homes or the roof areas. to eliminate any gaps. modification of existing homes please: CFA and the Building Commission’s Do you have any skylights A Guide to Retrofit Your Home for or evaporative coolers? visit or Better Protection from a Bushfire Make non-combustible fire screens includes building and renovation to cover external skylights. Protect contact your local council ideas to better prepare your home. evaporative coolers with metal planning or building department Anywhere embers can lodge or mesh screens. You will need to for further information. enter your house can start a fire. check with your evaporative cooler supplier to ensure the performance Is your house above-ground of the system is not compromised on stumps or on a concrete by installing the mesh. slab? Do you have a timber deck or veranda? Protect underfloor spaces with non-combustible sheeting or metal mesh. This will prevent embers from landing under the house and starting small spot fires. Remove any combustible materials stored beneath the floor. 33
“Greatly reduce the risk of embers C. HOUSE MAINTENANCE entering your house. Seal all gaps AND IMPROVEMENT around your house and roof, or install fine fly wire mesh around larger areas that cannot be sealed.” ROOF Gaps in the roof pose a high risk for ember penetration. Sarking (reflective non-combustible sheeting) Sarking is an effective treatment to prevent embers from entering through your roof. Unless installed at construction stage this can become very expensive. Seal gaps by using compressed mineral wool insulation This can be a cheap and effective solution for existing homes. Careful installation is required to ensure all gaps are sealed. Sealing gaps is an effective Bushfire sprinklers defence against burning embers. Sprinklers may help protect your house but have limitations. You need to ensure: all openings on the roof are protected for the duration of the ember attack. Sarking or gap sealing can be more effective. that the sprinklers fully cover the area of your house exposed to fire. This includes roofs, doors, windows and decks. Important: Seek professional advice for selecting and installing the appropriate sprinkler system for your building. 34
Shutters Installing shutters over both the window and frame will protect windows from cracking from WINDOWS flying embers. Open and unscreened windows pose Seal gaps around window an extreme risk. frames Screened windows and sills This is an effective treatment Installing wire mesh screens (not for existing metal window aluminium) with 1.5-millimetre frames. The sealant should holes over both the window and be a fire-retardant product. frame can prevent embers touching the glass or timber. This can also be Maintenance of window sills an effective method for reflecting Embers lodging on combustible radiant heat. window sills pose a high risk. Maintain window sills so there is no flaking paint. Seal gaps around door frames If the door is non-combustible DOORS then sealing the gaps around the door will prevent embers Open and unscreened doors pose from entering into your home. an extreme risk. Embers lodging on combustible door sills and gaps around door frames pose a high risk. Non-combustible door sill Replacing combustible door sills Screened doors with a non-combustible product Installing metal screen doors over will reduce the chance of an timber doors will reduce the chance ember igniting. of an ember igniting the door. Separation from the dwelling to prevent fire spread If the deck is built with combustible material, non- combustible material should be DECKS placed between the deck and Embers lodging on decks pose the house. This will reduce the a very high risk of ignition possibility of the fire spreading between the deck and the house. Non-combustible decking materials Construct with gaps between Non-combustible decking material decking materials will not burn. Use concrete stumps, Leaving gaps between the metal framing and fire-retardant- decking timbers will allow most treated timber. embers to fall through. However, there is still a possibility of embers igniting at timber junction points. Ensure there is no fuel under the decking and that you have access to put out any spot fires underneath. 35
Environmentally friendly ways Reduce the fuels by methods FIRE AND THE ENVIRONMENT of managing your fire safety that avoid exposing the soil Identify the environmental assets and encouraging weed growth. that you would like to protect from Consider raking and slashing Vegetation management outside your property fire or fuel reduction. fuels. Private landholders must always These may include: Offset or compensate changes obtain permission from their local waterways to the natural environment. council (or VicRoads for most main Replace removed vegetation erosion-prone areas with vegetation of the same roads) for any works on roadsides, including fire management and shrubs that provide screening type and quality elsewhere on planting. or bird habitat your land. Local residents do not need a hollow trees that provide Seek appropriate advice on permit to remove fallen wood from nesting sites managing your soil, vegetation and roadside areas scheduled for burns rare species waterways from your local council within two weeks of a planned burn. or (DSE). bushland that you have Department of Sustainability regenerated. Using fire and Environment (DSE) and Parks Using fire for ecological or fuel Design your fire management Victoria may undertake planned reduction purposes is a complex using the following environmental burns and build fuel breaks to and specialist tool. management principles: manage vegetation on public land. Where practical, avoid You should seek advice from your A fuel break is a strip of land local council, CFA Regional Office damaging the environment. where vegetation has been reduced or local DSE office. Consider things you can do to or removed. help keep embers from entering your buildings before you consider vegetation removal. 36
SECTION 04 PLAN FOR SURVIVAL NEED SOME HELP? Visit Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 or via National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 37
SECTION 04 PLAN FOR SURVIVAL In high-risk areas, leaving early is your only safe option on Code Red fire danger days. Leaving early is also your best option on Extreme and Severe fire danger days. Fires are unpredictable and plans can fail. Having a backup plan can save your life if you are caught in a fire. Know the Fire Danger Ratings at your location. The Fire Danger Rating is your trigger to act. The higher the rating, the more dangerous the situation if a fire starts. For more about Fire Danger Ratings, see page 14. KNOW YOUR DON’T GET SAFETY IN THE CAR SURVIVAL TRAPPED Cars are a very dangerous place OPTIONS For your safety, you need to be during a bushfire. They offer to be active while sheltering. very little protection from radiant Know if you need to move heat. If you get caught on the road, SHELTER CLOSE BY this is a very dangerous situation. to a safer position. If you cannot leave the area it is If you are not able to see To increase your protection from critical to consider what shelter what is going on, you radiant heat: options are close by. are placing yourself in a park behind a solid structure Shelter options may include a: potentially life-threatening to block as much heat as you situation. can. If this is not possible, then well-prepared home (yours pull over to the side of the road or a neighbour) that you can into a clear area, well away from actively defend debris that may ignite private bunker (that meets NEIGHBOURHOOD SAFER PLACE (PLACE wind up your car windows, close current regulations) OF LAST RESORT) the vents, put on your hazard designated community shelter lights and headlights, leave or refuge. Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSPs) the engine running and air- If sheltering in a building during are places of last resort when all conditioning on recirculate a bushfire, make sure you have other plans have failed. et down as low as possible g a point of exit in every room used They can provide some protection below window level as a shelter. from direct flame and radiant heat cover up with a wool blanket Do not shelter in the bathroom during a fire. until the fire front passes. as it typically has: Neighbourhood Safer Places: If you have water, drink it only one door out may still be subject to get out of the car once the fire a small window that is often ember attack has gone. frosted. are not relief centres In a bushfire, it is critical to do not guarantee safety maintain visibility to know what is have limited facilities happening outside with the fire. do not provide support or services are not places to relocate to when leaving early are listed at are not in every town. You will need to identify other shelter options in your area. 38
YOUR BUSHFIRE SURVIVAL: WHAT TO CONSIDER Leave Early When the Fire Danger Rating is Code Red, leaving early is always the safest option. L eave early destinations could include homes of families and friends who live outside the risk area, a nearby town or other built-up area. Always the safest option Community Well Prepared fire refuge If leaving the high-risk area is no longer an option, there may be options close to where you are that could protect you. These include: Well-prepared neighbour’s home a well-prepared home (yours or a neighbour) that you can actively defend private bushfire shelter (bunker) that meets current regulations Well-prepared Private home bunker designated community fire refuge. Your safety is not guaranteed Last Resort Neighbourhood River In situations where no other options are available Safer Place (Place of last resort) to you, taking shelter in one of the below may protect from radiant heat: Neighbourhood Safer Place (place of last resort) Ploughed paddock stationary car in a clear area and reserve ploughed paddock or reserve Dam Stationary body of water* (such as the beach, swimming cars pool, dam or river). Swimming pool High risk of trauma, injury or death. These are last resort options and do not guarantee your survival. * This does not include a water tank. Dams may not be reliable as their water levels fluctuate and they may be empty in summer. 39
PROTECT YOURSELF FROM RADIANT HEAT Radiant heat is the biggest a wide-brimmed hat to protect killer in a fire. your head. The following clothing can offer a ‘P2’ type mask or cotton scarf/ some protection from radiant heat hankerchief for face protection but it may not save your life. and to filter smoke. Keep a set ready for each member e ye protection such as smoke of the family: goggles to shield your eyes. a long-sleeved, collared shirt You need to make sure all your skin and pants made from cotton is covered. Cover up as soon as you or some other natural fibre. are alerted to fire in your area. Read sturdy boots and woollen socks. more about the destructive force of radiant heat on pages 7 and 26. tough leather garden gloves – not rubber or synthetic. STAY AND DEFEND If you live in a high-risk bushfire area, your home will not be defendable on a Code Red day. Even people who are extremely well prepared can die fighting fires at home. The best way to survive a bushfire is to be away from the threat. Most homes in high-risk bushfire areas are not built to withstand bushfire. Many homes close to or surrounded by heavily forested land are extremely difficult to defend. efending your home is very risky – you could be seriously injured D or die. Survival must be your main priority. Defending a house requires at least two able-bodied, fit and determined adults who are physically and mentally prepared to work long and hard in arduous and difficult conditions. Only consider staying with your property on Extreme or Severe days if you are fully prepared and can actively defend your home. Visit for more information and advice on Fire Danger Ratings (also page 14). Discuss your plan with all family members. Everyone should be aware that staying to defend may involve trauma, injury or possibly death. Children, the elderly, people with special needs or a disability should be well away from the threat. If you are confident you are capable and prepared to actively defend your property, use the Stay and Defend kit and planning template. They are at the back of this section. 40
LEAVING EARLY BUSHFIRE SURVIVAL PLANNING TEMPLATE Your Bushfire Survival Plan Use this guide to help you write your Bushfire Survival Plan. It is important to have read the Prepare for Bushfire section of the FireReady Kit first. You will need to consider your personal circumstances and how they will affect your plan. Not everyone thinks clearly in an emergency. A written and well-practised plan will help you remember what needs to be done during a crisis. It also lists the preparations you will need to do to help you become fire ready. Your plan needs to outline: Actions before the bushfire season Actions during the bushfire season (the Fire Danger Period) Actions leading up to Fire Risk Days Your back-up plan. What year is this plan for? Every year you will need to update your plan. Who is this plan for? In high-risk areas, leaving early is your only safe option on Code Red days. Do not wait and see. Know your trigger to leave – make a decision about when you will leave, where you will go, how you will get there, when you will return and what you will do if you cannot leave. Only consider staying with your property on Extreme or Severe days if you are fully prepared and can actively defend your home. Defending a house requires at least two able-bodied, fit and determined adults who are physically and mentally prepared to work long and hard in arduous and difficult conditions. If you are not prepared to the highest level, leaving high-risk bushfire areas early is your safest option. Children, the elderly, or people with special needs should be well away from the threat. The safest option is to leave early. Attend a FireReady Victoria community meeting in your local area. Check or call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on 1800 240 667 for meeting dates and locations. If you – or someone you care for – will need help to prepare and leave early when there is high fire risk, get a Red Cross Bushfire: Preparing to leave early guide at or request a copy by phoning the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667. 2
Fill out this Template and keep it handy ACTIONS BEFORE THE BUSHFIRE SEASON Preparing your property – house maintenance This includes things such as: Tick Clearing gutters of leaves and rubbish Ensuring underfloor areas are enclosed or screened Sealing gaps, vents and roof spaces to prevent embers entering your house Storing fuels and chemicals away from your house Storing LPG gas tanks appropriately. They should be vented away from your house Moving woodpiles away from the house Ensuring roofing is firmly fixed. Who will do this? What else will you do? Preparing your property – vegetation management This includes things such as: Tick Clearing fine fuels from around your home (fine fuels are those that are the same thickness or less than a pencil, such as grass, bark and leaves) Keeping grass areas well trimmed and watered. Grass should be no more than 10 centimetres high Raking up and reducing leaf litter (dead leaves). Leaf litter must be no more than one centimetre high Removing or trimming shrubs. There should be no shrubs over one metre next to or below windows Trimming tree branches overhanging your house. Who will do this? What else will you do? List your irreplaceable family keepsakes and valuables. Identify a safe location to store these valuables. Where will you locate them? Consider moving these out of the area during summer. 3
LEAVING EARLY BUSHFIRE SURVIVAL PLANNING TEMPLATE ACTIONS DURING THE BUSHFIRE SEASON (THE FIRE DANGER PERIOD) List contact details of those who need to know about your plan. Name Relationship Contact numbers How will you monitor weather conditions and know the daily Fire Danger Rating (FDR) in your area? Be vigilant in monitoring the weather forecasts to identify predicted days of high fire risk. Take note of the Fire Danger Rating forecasts for coming days, and whether a Total Fire Ban (TFB) has been declared. A TFB is a day where certain activities that may cause fire are banned, as fires are more likely to start. This needs to be taken into account with your planning. Put together your Relocation Kit This includes: Tick Protective clothing Food and water Wool blankets Medications and toiletries A change of clothes A list of the contact numbers for your doctor, dentist, local hospital, chemist, vet, municipal councils, gas, electricity and water providers Important papers (e.g. passport, insurance policies, will) A first-aid kit Pet food, water and bedding if needed. Where will you store your Relocation Kit? It must be stored in an easy-to-access location. 4
You can also read