Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning

Page created by Ron Klein
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
NSW Housing Strategy
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning

                                                                                                                                  Message from the minister        4

                                                                                                                                  Acknowledgement of Country       5

                                                                                                                                  Executive summary                6

                                                                                                                                  Housing 2041                    14

                                                                                                                                  Developing Housing 2041         20

                                                                                                                                  NSW housing system pillars      22

                                                                                                                                  Aspirations for 2041            24

                                                                                                                                  Setting a platform for change   28

                                                                                                                                  Implementing Housing 2041       38

                                                                                                                                  Appendices                      43

                                                                                                                                  Housing terms and typologies    44
Published by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
dpie.nsw.gov.au                                                                                                                   Strategic context               46
Title: Housing 2041
Subtitle: NSW Housing Strategy
Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this                                                  Acknowledgements                52
document may contain images or names of people who have since passed away.

                                                                                                                                  Source references               54

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Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
Message from the                                                                                               Acknowledgement
minister                                                                                                       of Country
People are at the heart of any housing strategy. That is why we
strive to get housing right—so that all people, at all stages of
their lives, can access the right type of housing at the right time.

As Minister for Water, Property and Housing and           by the community—people across NSW who have
Member for Oxley, I recognise that a place to call        had a say in crafting Housing 2041 and its first
home is central to our lives. Living in a secure,         action plan.
comfortable and affordable home is important
                                                          Our 20-year commitment to achieving secure,
to our wellbeing. I have seen how it positively
                                                          comfortable, diverse, affordable, and resilient
shapes the community and environment around
                                                          housing begins with the 2021-22 Action Plan,
us. My priority is to have keys in doors for as many
                                                          which sits alongside Housing 2041, and is
people in NSW as possible.
                                                          structured around five priority areas for NSW
Good housing can have long-lasting, life-changing         Government. Actions for these priority areas will
effects. I am proud to launch Housing 2041, a             establish a strong foundation to improve housing
whole-of-government housing strategy with                 outcomes and housing choice for the people of
a 20-year vision for the people of NSW. Our               NSW. Some key actions include:
commitment to this vision comes to life with
                                                          • establishing a housing evidence centre
the NSW Budget 2020-21 announcements that
                                                            to provide better guidance and a more
see record funding for more social housing and
                                                            collaborative approach to housing data and
homelessness services, so that more individuals
                                                            information, and to support evidence-based
and families live in a safe and secure home.
                                                            decision-making that achieves the housing
We know that NSW has faced unprecedented                    strategy principles
challenges, from devastating drought to brutal            • developing an agreed evidence base for the
bushfires and the impacts of a global health                benefits of universal design to meet the diverse
pandemic. Together, during this uncertainty, NSW            needs of NSW households, and promote
and the nation have drawn on reserves of strength           sustainable and energy-efficient homes by
to brave the social, economic and environmental             adopting smart technologies
impacts of these events. The NSW Government
                                                          • increasing security of tenure in private or
continues to deliver a host of measures and
                                                            public rental to ensure renting becomes a more
restrictions to help rebuild the economy and
                                                            secure, longer-term housing option
ensure the state is resilient into the future. Part of
this resilience starts at home, in a place of stability   • continuing to modernise and invest in our
and affordability that can weather the storm.               social housing portfolio, including building
                                                            mixed tenure communities to support housing
While the long-term impact of COVID-19 is still             affordability and deconcentration
unfolding, we know that this continues to cause
                                                          • testing new housing types, tenures and delivery
uncertainty across many areas of our community,
                                                            models to demonstrate best practice on
and housing is no different. I am aware of early
                                                            government-owned land
evidence that the increased ability to work from
home has had a dramatic and unexpected knock-             • strengthening partnerships and collaboration                 The NSW Department of Planning, Industry
on effect to some regional NSW housing markets              with councils for profit and not-for-profit
                                                            developers and communities to deliver housing.               and Environment acknowledges that it
as people from metropolitan areas swap the
city for the many benefits of regional life. This                                                                        stands on Country that always was and
                                                          As the type of housing we choose to call home
demand has created supply and affordability               changes over time to reflect our different                     always will be Aboriginal land.
problems, making it difficult for local residents to      aspirations and lifestyles, we will continue to
find suitably priced housing. I know that in some                                                                        We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the
                                                          update and prepare new action plans. These will
communities, locals are having to move away                                                                              land and waters, and we show our respect for Elders
                                                          enable us to adapt to changing circumstances,
from the communities they love as they search for         emerging evidence and, importantly, the                        past, present and emerging. We are committed to
better value.                                             expectations of the people of NSW. This flexible               providing places in which Aboriginal people are
                                                          approach means we can remain resilient in our                  included socially, culturally and economically through
Housing 2041 is our opportunity to plan for and
deliver housing that supports security, comfort,          housing responses over the next two years,                     thoughtful and collaborative approaches to our work.
independence and choice. The strategy draws on            20 years and into the future.
the expertise of NSW Government partners and
stakeholders, including local governments, the
housing and community sector, and developers, to
name a few. Most importantly, it has been guided
                                                          The Hon. Melinda Pavey,
4 | Housing 2041                                          Minister for Water, Property and Housing                                                        NSW Housing Strategy | 5
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
Executive summary
A 20-year vision for NSW housing                                                           What was expected of housing in Australia 50 years ago is significantly different
                                                                                           from the needs, preferences and community expectations of housing today.
Housing 2041 represents a 20-year vision for housing in NSW. It embodies the               People can find the right type of housing through both renting and owning a
government’s goals and ambitions to deliver better housing outcomes by 2041—               home. As future generations continue to enter the housing market, there will
housing in the right locations, housing that suits diverse needs and housing that feels    continue to be demand for new and alternative types of housing.
like home.
Housing needs change over the course of our lives, reflecting our different aspirations    For the next 20 years, Housing 2041 will benefit
and lifestyles, as well as the economic, environmental and social conditions of the day.   people across the housing spectrum, from
All of these factors play a part in influencing our housing choices and the decisions we   those temporarily without a home to those                                    Private

make and, in turn, the way we plan for and shape the character of our communities.         seeking housing that better suits their needs.                Affordable                   Specialist
                                                                                           Housing 2041 approaches housing solutions                       rental
                                                                                           holistically, looking at population patterns,
                                                                                           economic and environmental impacts, and
                                                                                           other trends that affect the way we live.                                                         Supported
                                                                                                                                                    housing                                    home
                                                                                           By 2041, we expect more children and young                                                        ownership

                                                                                           people aged 15–24 years to be living in NSW.
                                                                                           As young people move towards independence,
                                                                                           meeting their diverse needs will become                         Crisis                       Home
                                                                                           critical, owing to recent sustained growth                     housing
                                                                                                                                                                       Housing        ownership

                                                                                           in house prices, along with a decline in real                              spectrum
                                                                                           income. Housing will also need to adapt to
                                                                                           the growing share of older people within the
                                                                                           NSW community, and there is a need to ensure       Housing 2041 helps facilitate the delivery of
                                                                                           housing design is accessible to suit people        housing in the right locations, addressing
                                                                                           with disability. Moreover, understanding the       the needs of people living in metropolitan
                                                                                           importance of culture and kinship obligations      and regional NSW. By supporting innovative
                                                                                           is essential to support and improve the housing    approaches to housing solutions, the NSW
                                                                                           outcomes for Aboriginal people, families and       Government will aim to deliver housing
                                                                                           communities.                                       projects that increase affordability and test
                                                                                           Today, in the current social and economic          new ways of living. Over the next 20 years,
                                                                                           climate, the NSW Government has an                 there will be a focus on housing security, on
                                                                                           important role to play in the provision of         delivering better support to those in housing
                                                                                           social and affordable housing solutions,           crisis and on improving the experience of
                                                                                           including through the use of government-           people in the private rental market. Greater
                                                                                           owned land. We know that safe, secure and          housing choice will be supported through
                                                                                           affordable housing contributes to physical         better housing design that supports human
                                                                                           and mental health benefits and positive            and environmental health, delivering homes
                                                                                           wellbeing outcomes. By investing in housing        in the right places and with good design
                                                                                           on government-owned land, we can deliver           outcomes for communities.
                                                                                           more social housing and improve housing            Promoting the innovation and delivery of
                                                                                           affordability for our communities. Similarly,      effective housing solutions requires a research
                                                                                           responses to homelessness have the potential       agenda. The NSW Government will take the
                                                                                           to contribute to reduced healthcare costs,         lead in piloting environmental-performance
                                                                                           reduced crime and improved outcomes for            smart technologies and in promoting
                                                                                           employment or education opportunities. By          sustainable housing design as the ‘new norm’.
                                                                                           providing more direct investment, the NSW          This will help ensure the built environment can
                                                                                           Government can support transition pathways         adapt to changing climates and environmental
                                                                                           across the housing spectrum.                       conditions.

6 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                  NSW Housing Strategy | 7
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
NSW will have housing that supports
                            security, comfort, independence and choice
                              for all people at all stages of their lives.

                                                  20-YEAR VISION
       People and communities have:                          Homes in NSW are:
       • access to housing security, diversity and           • accessible and suitable for different stages of
         support, irrespective of whether they live in         life or changing circumstances
         metropolitan or regional areas                      • connected to local facilities, jobs and social
       • choices that enable them to afford a home             networks, with infrastructure, services and                                     Collaboration is key                                Housing 2041 has a strong focus on
         without compromising on basic needs                   spaces that people need to live sustainably                                                                                         environmental performance and the
       • support and opportunity in differing                • designed to support human wellbeing and                                         Collaboration is at the centre of Housing           sustainability of new and existing housing, as
         circumstances, including people in crisis, social     respond to the environment, maximise                                            2041 and will be key to the delivery of the         well as the provision of better housing design
         housing residents, private rental tenants and         technology and support local character and                                                                                          to deliver greater housing choice.
                                                                                                                                               strategy over the next 20 years. The priorities
         those who aspire to home ownership.                   place.
                                                                                                                                               of Housing 2041 demonstrate the NSW                 Over the 20 years of Housing 2041, there will be:
                                                                                                                                               Government’s commitment to establishing
                                                                                                                                               an evidence-based foundation to drive               1. Enhanced partnerships and cross-sector
                                                                                                                                               collaboration. Although the NSW Government             collaboration by increasing availability of
           The vision for Housing 2041 has come from within and beyond the NSW Government,                                                                                                            housing data, evidence and research; by
       reflecting a coordinated stakeholder response to NSW housing needs for the next 20 years.                                               can have a significant impact on the success of
                                                                                                                                               the NSW housing system—particularly through            making continuous improvements to reduce
                                                                                                                                               investment, policy, legislation and regulation—it      planning assessment processing times and
                                                                                                                                               cannot achieve the Housing 2041 vision alone.          red tape across all tiers of government; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by collaborating to test new ways of living
                                                                                                                                               Achieving the vision                                2. Increased support for those most in need
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by rejuvenating the social housing portfolio,
                                                                                                                                               Actions to achieve the 20-year vision will             supporting growth in the community
                                                                                                                                               not be static, but updated over time. As new           housing sector and increasing the supply of
                                                                                                                                               challenges and opportunities arise, and as             affordable housing
                                                                                                                                               needs and preferences change, we will need          3. More investment and support for housing
                                                                                                                                               to update the inaugural two-year action                that is adaptable to changing needs
                                                                                                                                               plan that accompanies Housing 2041. This               and environments, with government-led
                                                                                                                                               approach provides flexibility and allows the           residential development being an exemplar
                                                                                                                                               NSW Government and its partners to update              of carbon-neutral design and applying
                                                                                                                                               priorities based on changing circumstances,            smart technology housing design and
                                                                                                                                               emerging evidence and community                        construction
                                                                                                                                               expectations.                                       4. Improved alignment of housing with
                                                                                                                                               The creation of a new housing evidence centre          infrastructure and community services
                                                                                                                                               will support economic stimulus and improved            for NSW communities by establishing and
                                                                                                                                               market information. This centre will simplify          implementing strategic planning principles
                                                                                                                                               access to key housing data and information,            at the state and local level, effectively
NSW housing system pillars                                                                                                                     contributing to informed decision-making               supporting how people want to live now
                                                                                                                                               about where and how to build and design                and into the future
The vision is reflected in the four pillars of supply,
                                                                                   BEI                                       SO                housing in NSW. There will also be better           5. Additional support for first homebuyers
diversity, affordability and resilience of housing.                              LL                          AFF                               access to government-owned land to increase            and for new housing products that have the

                                                                                     PL                           D


• supply—housing supply delivered in the right                                                                                                 affordability and promote housing innovation.          potential to increase affordability for those



  location at the right time

                                                                                                                                                                                                      who seek to purchase homes

                                                                                                                                               Over the next 20 years, we will improve



• diversity—housing is diverse, meeting varied                                                                                                 social housing to better support those in           6. Continued support for people in the

  and changing needs of people across their life                                                                                               housing crisis, starting with the delivery of the      private rental market, and an exploration
• affordability—housing that is affordable and                                                                                                 NSW Budget 2020-21 stimulus commitment                 of ways to ensure secure and safe housing,
  secure                                                                                                                                       towards homelessness services, social housing          including support for new types of housing
• resilience—housing that is enduring and                                                                                                      programs, improved housing for Aboriginal              products such as build-to-rent housing.
                                                                                                                                               people and investment in social housing

  resilient to natural and social change.

                                                                                                                                               construction, upgrades and apprenticeship


The objectives in each pillar are interrelated and                                        SI                             L
                                                                                               TY                   SI                         projects.
together will contribute to improved economic,                                                                 RE
health and social wellbeing outcomes for the                                                                                                   Also, based on investigations into new sources
people of NSW.                                                                                                                                 of sustainable funding, as well as the creation
                                                                                                                                               of transitional housing choices for those
                                                                                                                                               waiting for permanent housing solutions, we
                                                                                                                                               will deliver more affordable housing.
8 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                                                             NSW Housing Strategy | 9
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
Supporting the delivery of
                                                                                                                           Housing 2041                                        Minister for Water, Property and Housing
                                                                                                                           A multi-sector framework will support the
                                                                                                                           implementation and governance of Housing
                                 NSW will have housing that supports                                                       2041. A new, expert housing advisory panel will      Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Expert Housing
                              security, comfort, independence and choice                                                   oversee the delivery of Housing 2041 and its new   Planning, Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Advisory Panel
                                for all people at all stages of their lives.                                               actions, and ensure the NSW Government better      and Environment
                                                                                                                           plans for, delivers and manages housing in NSW.
                                                                                                                           The panel will drive cross-sector collaboration
                                                                                                                           to guide future housing-related policies and
                                                     20-YEAR VISION                                                                                                           Housing Strategy Implementation Unit (HSIU)
                                                                                                                           investment.                                        NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
       People and communities have:                                 Homes in NSW are:
                                                                                                                           The expert housing advisory panel will establish
       • access to housing security, diversity and                  • accessible and suitable for different stages of      long-term performance measures and directions
         support, irrespective of whether they live in                life or changing circumstances                       to promote quick action and to ensure Housing
         metropolitan or regional areas                             • connected to local facilities, jobs and social                                                                       NSW Government
                                                                                                                           2041 remains responsive to future trends,                Housing Strategy Implementation
       • choices that enable them to afford a home                    networks, with infrastructure, services and
         without compromising on basic needs                          spaces that people need to live sustainably          opportunities and challenges.                               Director’s Working Group
       • support and opportunity in differing                       • designed to support human wellbeing and              The NSW Government will continually track the                   (HSIU Chair and Secretariat)
         circumstances, including people in crisis, social            respond to the environment, maximise                 progress of Housing 2041, reporting annually on
         housing residents, private rental tenants and                technology and support local character and
                                                                                                                           the initiatives within the action plans.
         those who aspire to home ownership.                          place.

                                         NSW HOUSING SYSTEM PILLARS

       SUPPLY                            DIVERSITY                  AFFORDABILITY                RESILIENCE
       Includes amount, location         Considers different        Recognises people            Includes matching
       and timing of the supply of
       new housing. Planning for the
                                         types of housing
                                         and looks at how
                                                                    live in diverse tenures
                                                                    based on their income
                                                                                                 housing to community
                                                                                                 and environmental         NSW Government priorities for
       supply of new housing should
       respond to environmental,
                                         a diverse choice
                                         of housing can
                                                                    and circumstances, and
                                                                    that housing should
                                                                                                 issues, so people,
                                                                                                 communities and
                                                                                                                           the first two years
       employment and investment         reflect the needs          be affordable, stable        their homes are safe,
       considerations, and               and preferences of         and supportive of their      comfortable and           The inaugural action plan covers 2021–22.          The following are the first five priority areas for
       population dynamics.              households.                aspirations and wellbeing.   resilient.                The circumstances facing NSW today—the             the NSW Government:
                                                                                                                           global pandemic and its economic impacts,
                                                                                                                                                                              • Priority Area 1—enabling access to and
                                                                                                                           as well as the ongoing response and recovery
                                                  ACHIEVING OUR VISION                                                                                                          promoting the use of data and evidence-
                                                                                                                           of communities from bushfires, drought and
                                                                                                                                                                                based decision-making
                                                                                            3. New housing that is         floods—have influenced this action plan.
            1. Enhanced partnerships               2. Increased support for                                                                                                   • Priority Area 2—providing planning,
                                                                                         adaptable to changing needs
                and collaboration                     those most in need                                                   Housing 2041 outlines the long-term vision and
                                                                                              and environments                                                                  regulation and guidelines to support the
                                                                                                                           objectives for housing in NSW. However, we           NSW Government housing objectives
            4. Improved alignment of                                                                                       have identified inaugural actions for delivery
                                                         5. Support for                 6. Greater support and security                                                       • Priority Area 3—maximising the impact of
           housing with Infrastructure
                                                       first home buyers                   for people in private rental    within the first two years of the strategy to
            and community services                                                                                                                                              government-owned land, investment or
                                                                                                                           address and respond to current circumstances.
                                                                                                                                                                                assets, and government-led development
                                                   2021-22 Action Plan                                                     These first short-term actions will shape the
                                                                                                                                                                                projects or funding to achieve the housing
                                                                                                                           foundations for future action plans, including
       Priority Area   1      Priority Area   2     Priority Area         3      Priority Area   4    Priority Area   5    facilitating housing supply in appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                              • Priority Area 4—establishing a research
       Enabling access        Providing             Maximising the impact of     Establishing a       Working with
                                                                                                                           locations, delivering more diverse housing
                                                                                                                           products and tenure types, improving support         agenda that invests in best practice and new
       to and promoting       planning,             government-owned land,       research agenda      local governments
       the use of data        regulation and        investment or assets,        that invests in      and communities      for vulnerable groups, and driving building          ways of building and living
       and evidence-          guidelines to         and government-led           best practice        to achieve the       sustainability and resilience.                     • Priority Area 5—working with local
       based decision         support the NSW       development projects or      and new ways         NSW Government
                                                                                                                                                                                governments and communities to achieve
       making                 Government            funding to achieve the       of building and      housing objectives   Beyond 2022, future action plans will seek to
                              housing objectives    housing vision               living                                                                                         the NSW Government housing objectives.
                                                                                                                           outline new, longer-term change or reform
                                                                                                                           that aligns with the priorities of Housing 2041.
                           Future action plans - Informed by our inaugural action plan                                     This approach provides flexibility and ensures
                                                                                                                           priorities can be updated to reflect changing
                                                                                                                           circumstances, evidence and community

10 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                                          NSW Housing Strategy | 11
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
The foundations for a longer-term vision

                                                                                                               Over 70 actions are embedded within           The interrelated nature of the Housing
                                                                                                               these priority areas. Some will be            2041 objectives means that outcomes
                                                                                                               achieved within the first two years,          may be achieved across multiple pillars.
Priority Area                          Actions                                                                 while others will be pursued throughout       As a result, it is expected that over 20
                                                                                                               the 20-year vision for Housing 2041.          years, significant positive benefits for
Data – Enabling access to and          • Streamline and co-ordinate access to housing data and                 A whole-of-government response to             the housing sector will be felt across all
promoting the use of data and            information                                                           housing, through collaboration and the        aspects of supply, diversity, resilience
evidence-based decision-making         • Maximise the data opportunities that the ePlanning program            successful delivery of actions, will be key   and affordability.
                                         presents                                                              to success.
                                       • Support cross-sector collaboration and coordination through                                                         Over the lifetime of Housing 2041, we
                                         improved access to NSW Government housing data and                    The inaugural and subsequent action           can expect to see new actions and
                                         evidence                                                              plans will ensure strategic alignment of      priorities developed. Ultimately, the
                                                                                                               the actions to the Housing 2041 pillars.      collective set of initiatives will help to
Regulation – Providing planning,     • Continue to develop existing NSW Government policies and
                                                                                                               Over time, as the actions against each        achieve significant long-term benefits
regulation and guidelines to support   guidelines to support a stronger focus on place to deliver
                                                                                                               pillar are achieved, Housing 2041 will        for the people of NSW in relation to
the NSW Government housing             better jobs, housing and improved planning outcomes for
                                                                                                               deliver a comprehensive, interrelated set     health, economic and social wellbeing.
objectives                             communities, such as public space
                                                                                                               of outcomes.
                                     • Continue to implement reforms to the planning system to
                                       ensure transparent and faster planning assessments and to
                                       reduce rezoning time frames
                                     • Continue to review and improve housing legislation to
                                       increase housing security and support tenants, occupants
                                       and homeowners
                                     • Build resilience in the community with better responses to
                                       environmental and natural hazards and ensure communities
                                       are not placed at risk
                                     • Support housing design that is adaptable and maximises
                                       technology to meet changing social and environmental needs
                                     • Support new housing typologies to meet the needs of                    SUPPLY                      DIVERSITY           AFFORDABILITY                 RESILIENCE
                                       individuals and communities.
                                     • Drive change in applying universal design across the housing
Government-owned land                  • Continue to invest in renewing and growing social housing
– Maximising the impact of               and enabling the community housing sector
government-owned land, investment      • Enable people living in social housing to more easily
or assets, and government-led            transition into private rental or home ownership
development projects or funding to     • Provide housing assistance for those in crisis
achieve the housing vision             • Support better outcomes for Aboriginal people and
                                       • Partner with industry and community housing providers to
                                         test new housing typologies on government land
                                       • Improve government-led residential development outcomes
                                         and processes to drive the supply of more affordable, diverse,
                                         and resilient housing
                                       • Support the supply of suitable housing for essential workers
                                         in ‘hard to fill’ locations
Research agenda – Establishing a       • Drive a research agenda to promote innovation and delivery
research agenda that invests in best     of effective housing solutions
practice and new ways of building      • Promote sustainable and energy efficient homes
and living
Local government and                   • Collaborate with local governments to plan for and deliver
communities – Working with local         housing
governments and communities            • Support local governments in updating their housing policies
to achieve the NSW Government          • Give local government a greater share in the data obtained
housing objectives                       from ePlanning and collaborative data sharing exercises

12 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                    NSW Housing Strategy | 13
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
Housing 2041

The NSW Government has prepared Housing 2041 as a state-wide, 20-year housing
strategy so that all people, at all stages of their lives, will be able to access the right type
of housing at the right time and with the best support available. Setting an overarching
20-year vision for housing means understanding how people interact with housing
throughout their life. It also means acknowledging that where and how people choose
to live is about more than just the dwelling itself. Housing is essential to our wellbeing,
and a place to call home has never been more important than it is today.

14 | Housing 2041                                                                                  NSW Housing Strategy | 15
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
NSW will have housing that supports                                               Strategic context
                            security, comfort, independence and choice                                                                                                                     Private
                              for all people at all stages of their lives.                                       Housing needs—and the type, tenure                                        rental
                                                                                                                 and location of housing we choose to                       Affordable                  Specialist
                                                                                                                                                                              rental                     housing
                                                                                                                 call home—change throughout our lives.                      housing
                                                  20-YEAR VISION                                                 Housing needs reflect different aspirations
                                                                                                                 and lifestyles, as well as the prevailing
       People and communities have:                          Homes in NSW are:                                   economic, environmental and social
       • access to housing security, diversity and           • accessible and suitable for different stages of   conditions. All of these factors play a part           Social                                 Supported
         support, irrespective of whether they live in         life or changing circumstances                    in influencing the housing choices available          housing                                   home
         metropolitan or regional areas                      • connected to local facilities, jobs and social    to us and the decisions we make. In turn,
       • choices that enable them to afford a home             networks, with infrastructure, services and       they influence the way we plan for and
         without compromising on basic needs                   spaces that people need to live sustainably       shape the character of our communities
       • support and opportunity in differing                • designed to support human wellbeing and
                                                                                                                 and cities.
         circumstances, including people in crisis, social     respond to the environment, maximise                                                                           Crisis                     Home
                                                                                                                                                                             housing                   ownership
         housing residents, private rental tenants and         technology and support local character and                                                                                 Housing
         those who aspire to home ownership.                   place.                                                                                                                    spectrum

People are at the heart of Housing 2041. Access                 Homes provide comfort, shape communities         What was expected of housing in Australia          Across NSW today, growth patterns are
to safe and secure housing is a basic human                     and, when located in the right place, create     50 years ago is significantly different from       continuing to evolve, and lifestyle aspirations
right.1 The economic, social and health benefits                employment and economic opportunities. As        the needs, preferences and expectations            and values are shifting, with people attaining
of providing a consistent supply of affordable,                 circumstances change and preferences evolve,     our communities have of housing today.2            desirable housing choices through both renting
diverse and resilient housing to individuals and                and we continue to understand the impacts        As a result, the current supply and diversity      and owning a home.4 As new generations
the community are well established.                             of COVID-19 and environmental challenges,        of dwellings in NSW does not support or            continue to enter the housing market, either
                                                                government policy must reflect updated           reflect all housing aspirations, including home    as tenants or owners, there is likely to be a
Across NSW, housing needs and preferences
                                                                housing priorities and adapt to meet future      ownership.                                         continual increase in demand for new and
are diverse, dynamic, and changing every
                                                                opportunities and challenges.                                                                       alternative housing types. Likewise, there is
day. Yet the values of security, comfort and                                                                     Over the years, as housing resilience became a
                                                                                                                                                                    likely to be a greater range of tenures from
choice remain priorities. We know that good                     As a whole-of-government initiative, this        focus for public policy, urban consolidation has
                                                                                                                                                                    short-term rental to home ownership, as well
housing benefits everyone—from individuals                      housing strategy brings together current         reshaped the location and form of residential
                                                                                                                                                                    as diverse living arrangements and finance
to households, communities and the economy.                     programs and policies into one guiding           property development in NSW, particularly
                                                                                                                                                                    models. Some people, for example, may own
When we live in a home we can afford and feel                   framework, implemented through multiyear         in Sydney, where dwelling typologies have
                                                                                                                                                                    part of a home or be part of a cooperative that
comfortable in, where we can easily access                      action plans. These plans will ensure the        diversified. After many years of falling short
                                                                                                                                                                    owns a home. This shows that Housing 2041
school or work, we feel safer and part of the                   strategy remains continuously responsive to      of underlying demand, housing supply
                                                                                                                                                                    must consider all types and tenures to meet
community that surrounds us.                                    economic and social changes, and is informed     has recently kept pace with the growing
                                                                                                                                                                    the changing nature of how we want to live in
                                                                by the latest data, evidence, and monitoring.    population.3 However, the housing pipeline
NSW has faced unprecedented challenges,                                                                                                                             NSW over the next 20 years.
                                                                                                                 needs to be continually replenished to meet
from the environmental disasters brought
                                                                                                                 future demand.
about by bushfires, drought and flooding, to
the economic and social impacts of COVID-19.
The NSW Government has announced a host
of measures and restrictions to help rebuild the
economy and ensure the state is resilient and
adaptive into the future.

16 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                               NSW Housing Strategy | 17
Housing 2041 NSW Housing Strategy - NSW Department of Planning
Challenges and opportunities
                                                                                                                           Approaching housing holistically means
                                                                                                                           looking at population patterns, economic and
                                                                                                                           environmental impacts, and other current trends
                                                                                                                           that affect the way we live. These trends influence
                                                                                                                           the choices we make today, but they also affect
                                                                                                                           the way the NSW Government and its partners
                                                                                                                           plan for and deliver housing into the future.
                                                                                                                           The trends we expected for 2020 are changing
                                                                                                                           as we continue to understand the impacts of
                                                                                                                           COVID-19. Although future impacts on demand,
                                                                                                                           private sector supply and affordability remain
                                                                                                                           unclear, NSW Government stimulus measures
                                                                                                                           are helping to counter the immediate economic
                                                                                                                           effects of COVID-19.5 Some of these include:
                                                                                                                           • a $107 billion infrastructure pipeline over four
                                                                                                                             years to drive employment growth and help
                                                                                                                             create 145,000 jobs directly or indirectly each
                                                                                                                             year, including a $3 billion Infrastructure and
                                                                                                                             Job Acceleration Fund which will support
                                                                                                                             20,000 jobs and deliver new and fast-tracked
  •   Population growth                    • Economic growth                            • Infrastructure investment          projects
  •   Household composition                • Interest rates                               and delivery
                                                                                                                           • an almost $900 million investment in the
  •   Availability of housing types        • Mortgage access, availability              • Proximity to centres/work
                                                                                                                             social housing sector to build and accelerate
  •   Take-up rates                          and cost                                   • Access to community services
                                                                                          and facilities
                                                                                                                             thousands of new or newly renovated homes
  •   Number of homes constructed          • Taxation settings
                                                                                        • Open space and tree canopy
                                                                                                                             across regional and metropolitan NSW. This
  •   Income growth                        • Economic outlook
                                                                                        • Neighbourhood amenity
                                                                                                                             includes $145 million to supply more than 200
                                           • Investor sentiment
                                                                                          and character                      new homes for Aboriginal housing, upgrades
                                           • Anticipated market trends
                                                                                        • Thermal comfort                    and maintenance
                                                                                        • Access to natural environment    • a Planning System Acceleration Program that
                                                                                        • Climate                            brings forward immediate reforms to support
                                                                                                                             productivity, investment and jobs during
                                               FINANCE/MARKET                                   LIVEABILITY                  COVID-19, with a Planning Delivery Unit focused
                                                 CONFIDENCE                                    AND AMENITY                   on unblocking programs caught up in the
                                                                                                                           • a $1.6 billion Digital Restart Fund to provide
                                                                                                                             more digital services and improve customer
                                                      HOUSING                                                                service
                                                                                                                           • a commitment to continue to reform federal-
                                                                                                                             state relations to tackle cross-jurisdictional
                                                                                                                             areas such as improving our taxation system
                                                                                                                             and exploring opportunities for asset recycling,
                                                                                                                             deregulation and service innovation.

                                      PEOPLE AND                 DEVELOPMENT                                               In addition to the significant health impacts,
         PLANNING                                                                                GLOBAL TRENDS             COVID-19 and its restrictions have caused a major
                                       CULTURE                     HISTORY
                                                                                                                           economic disruption. Like other external shocks,
  • Housing policy               • Community sentiment         • Depth and size                 • Increased global         COVID-19 and the associated recession are
  • Strategic frameworks         • Cultural preferences          of industry                      mobility of people       likely to have both short- and long-term effects
  • Height and                   • Personal preference         • Skills and expertise           • Technological            on the housing market in NSW. Early evidence
    density controls               and aspirations             • Access to and cost               innovation               suggests that as more households take up the
  • Zoned land and ease          • Local culture                 of materials and               • More variable climates   opportunities presented by remote and agile
    of rezoning                                                  equipment                      • Greater competition
                                 • Connection to Country                                                                   working arrangements, regional housing markets
  • Approval rates                                             • Regulation and                   for finite resources
                                                                 governance                                                face increasing housing supply and affordability
  • Development                                                                                                            pressures.

18 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                NSW Housing Strategy | 19
Developing                         A unified vision has come from within and
                                   beyond the NSW Government to provide clarity
                                   and certainty to those who build housing or
                                                                                                       Deeper understanding allowed for diverse views
                                                                                                       and rich discussion, providing valuable insight
                                                                                                       into the housing needs and aspirations of

Housing 2041                       deliver housing services, as well as the wider
                                   community that depends on housing. As some
                                   responses sit best with our delivery partners,
                                                                                                       communities across NSW and helping shape the
                                                                                                       first action plan.
                                                                                                       Messages in response to the discussion paper
                                   Housing 2041 relied on collaboration with
                                                                                                       were clear: the NSW housing strategy must
                                   a network of experts across the state. This
                                                                                                       be driven by, and delivered for, the people of
                                   included consultation with councils, industry,
                                                                                                       NSW. People want more affordable homes in
                                   and community housing providers, and
                                                                                                       the right locations that contribute to a sense
                                   importantly, the NSW community.
                                                                                                       of place and community purpose. Sustainable,
Housing 2041 brings together a                                    Beginning as a discussion paper,     smart and technologically designed homes are
coordinated stakeholder response                                  Housing 2041 has been informed by    the way of the future, and people want to see
                                                                  stakeholder feedback and evidence-   strong direction and collaboration to achieve
to housing needs in NSW for the
                                                                  based expertise. We released the     affordable homes for all.
next 20 years.
                                   A Housing Strategy for NSW

                                                                  discussion paper along with a fact
                                                                                                       Feedback was supportive and confirmed that
                                   May 2020

                                                                  book and summary, for consultation
                                                                                                       the four pillars of supply, affordability, diversity
                                                                  from 15 June to 24 July 2020.
                                                                                                       and resilience are the right themes for housing
                                                                  The NSW community was invited
                                     FACT BOOK

                                                                                                       in NSW over the next 20 years. Stakeholders
                                     A Housing Strategy for NSW

                                     May 2020

                                                                  to share its ideas, opinions and
                                                                                                       are solutions-focused, and the following priority
                                                                  suggestions by submission and
                                                                                                       areas drove the strategy development.
                                                                  through an online survey.

                                   What we heard
                                     • We can better use comprehensive research and data to inform
                                       housing supply targets and monitor the success of the strategy.
                                     • Infrastructure is critical to support housing supply in the right
                                                                                                                              of submissions
                                                                                                                              discussed supply
                                     • Government-owned land can contribute to housing supply,
                                       particularly for social and affordable housing.
                                     • A strong desire and need exist for more and improved social and

                                       affordable housing.
                                     • There were recommendations for the NSW Government to develop
                                       additional social housing.                                                             of submissions
                                     • There is a need to improve tenancy laws and rights to support the                      identified affordability
                                       needs of renters.                                                                      as an important pillar
                                     • People want secure long-term leases and expanded rental                                for the strategy to
                                       programs.                                                                              address
                                     • Expanding build-to-rent housing will improve housing choice.
                                     • The new housing supply requires enhanced livability or universal

                                       design elements.
                                     • Housing options for people with disability and older people are
                                       important.                                                                             of submissions
                                     • We must increase the supply and support for culturally safe and                        discussed housing needs
                                       appropriate housing, such as safe women’s refuges and housing to                       of young people
                                       meet the needs of Aboriginal families.
                                     • The future housing needs of young people are of significant concern.
                                     • There is support for improving building sustainability index (BASIX)
                                       standards, recognising it as a strong mechanism to influence
                                                                                                                              strongly encouraged
                                       building performance.
                                                                                                                              enhancing BASIX
                                     • Making improvements to environmental sustainability of existing
                                                                                                                              standards and improving
                                       housing, including apartments and townhouses, is a priority.
                                                                                                                              sustainability and resilience
                                     • Location and design of new housing must consider natural hazards.

20 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                 NSW Housing Strategy | 21
NSW housing system

The four pillars of supply, diversity,                                                                  Across Greater Sydney and regional NSW,
affordability and resilience of housing       SUPPLY                       DIVERSITY                    people’s housing needs and preferences are
reflect the vision for Housing 2041 and       Includes the amount,         Considers different          diverse and continually changing. To adapt
are the result of a range of interrelated     location and timing of the   types of housing and         to future challenges and opportunities,                         NG
                                              supply of new housing.       looks at how a diverse                                                                    BEI                                       SO
factors. Action in one pillar may
                                              Planning for the supply      choice of housing
                                                                                                        Housing 2041 offers a holistic vision that                 LL                          AFF

influence others. The right type and                                                                    reflects core housing values.

                                                                                                                                                                       PL                           D


                                              of new housing should        can reflect the needs
size of housing (diversity) and housing

                                              respond to environmental,    and preferences of


                                                                                                        Housing is a key contributor to the


in the right locations must be planned

                                              employment and investment    households.                  socio-economic wellbeing and health


relative to infrastructure, the market and    considerations, and                                       of individuals and communities. Simply

environmental factors (resilience). The       population dynamics.
                                                                                                        providing additional housing is not enough.
amount of housing (supply) will also
                                                                                                        People’s circumstances, lifestyle and culture
impact the cost (affordability) of housing.
                                                                                                        influence their needs, and where and how
Some of these factors will be influenced by
                                                                                                        they choose to live is about more than

government and some by delivery partners.

                                              AFFORDABILITY                RESILIENCE

                                                                                                        just the dwelling itself. The future of NSW

Others will be personal preferences based                                                                                                                               R
                                                                                                        housing is to provide the right type of

                                              Recognises people            Includes matching                                                                                SI                             L
on broader societal changes and trends.                                                                                                                                          TY                   SI
                                              live in diverse tenures      housing to community         housing in the right locations, relative to                                              RE
More broadly, the actions and objectives      based on their income        and environmental issues,    infrastructure, the market, social health and
within each pillar will contribute to         and circumstances, and       so people, communities       environmental factors.                                                        HEALTH
improved health and economic and social       that housing should          and their homes are safe,
wellbeing outcomes for NSW.                   be affordable, stable        comfortable and resilient.
                                              and supportive of their
                                              aspirations and wellbeing.

22 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                              NSW Housing Strategy | 23
Aspirations for 2041
                                     To deliver housing supply in the right                To provide housing that is affordable
                                     locations at the right time                           and secure
By implementing Housing 2041,        • We aim to support a pipeline of housing that        • Housing should respond to affordability
the NSW Government aims to             creates choice for people and households              challenges across the sector, including
achieve the following overarching      at different prices, enabling people to live          purchase and rental affordability, to ensure
                                       in homes of the right size with the right             everyone can access the benefits of safe
objectives, all of which are
                                       accessibility to well-serviced locations,             and secure housing in the right location,
integrated and aligned to the          positively shaping the communities of NSW.            regardless of tenure.
four key pillars of housing needs.   • We continuously monitor housing data and            • People should be able to access secure
                                       trends to deliver cross-sector, evidenced-            housing, local facilities, employment
                                       based decision-making.                                opportunities and jobs, and their personal
                                                                                             networks, whether they own their home
                                     • We aspire to provide certainty and
                                                                                             outright or with a mortgage or rent in the
                                       efficiency to support more stable and
                                                                                             public or private market. This includes
                                       predictable supply patterns and market
                                                                                             older women renters reaching retirement
                                       conditions that leverage investment,
                                                                                             with limited assets.
                                       infrastructure and geography, and respond
                                                                                           • There has been a reduction in waitlists for
                                       to changing conditions, needs and
                                                                                             social housing for those most in need.
                                                                                           • Support is available for first homebuyers
                                     • NSW Government-led residential projects               to enter the market, and home ownership
                                       deliver wider public benefits including               remains a viable and realistic aspiration.
                                       diversity, affordability, resilience and            • New technologies, such as smart metering,
                                       financial sustainability.                             appliances, solar energy and batteries, can
                                     • Government support and targeted                       reduce building and household energy
                                       intervention facilitate supply through                costs, lowering bills and fees.
                                       reduced planning assessment times and               To deliver enduring and resilient
                                       red tape to stimulate economic growth and           housing
                                                                                           • Housing design should respond to its
                                     To provide housing that is diverse and                  environment and integrate with green
                                     meets varied and changing needs                         infrastructure, a changing climate, natural
                                     • New and updated housing must be easily                hazards and the dynamic character and
                                       adaptable to meet the changing and                    demographic profile of a local area.
                                       varied needs of NSW residents. This should          • Housing design should maximise new
                                       include housing for people earning low to             technological advancements and evolve to
                                       very low incomes; older people; younger               reflect new ways of living.
                                       households; multi-generational households;
                                                                                           • Planning for housing and infrastructure
                                       people living alone; people with disability;
                                                                                             should happen together and recognise that
                                       and essential workers in ‘hard to fill’
                                                                                             the way we plan for new homes shapes
                                       locations, such as teachers at small, remote
                                                                                             the characteristics that make a healthy and
                                                                                             resilient community and place.
                                     • The social housing portfolio reflects the
                                                                                           • Design should address extreme heat,
                                       profile of cohorts seeking assistance.
                                                                                             bushfires, flooding and energy use.
                                     • Culturally appropriate housing is available
                                       for people of all backgrounds.

                                     Although there is urgency for change, not everything can happen at once. Some ambitions may take
                                     years to achieve, while others can be implemented in much shorter time frames.
                                     Regardless of time frame, the journey to achieve the aspirations of Housing 2041 will help deliver
                                     benefits to individuals and communities across NSW—whatever people’s housing needs are
                                     throughout their lives and wherever they fall on the housing spectrum: affordable housing, private
                                     rental, specialist housing, home ownership or other tenure options.

24 | Housing 2041                                                                                                   NSW Housing Strategy | 25
3. More investment and support for housing
                                                                                                                  that is adaptable to changing needs and
                                                                                                                 • Implementing planning and design
                                                                                                                   standards that support adaptability,
                                                                                                                   including universal design principles
                                                                                                                 • Supporting guidelines, design and
                                                                                                                   construction standards that ensure all
                                                                                                                   new housing can withstand and adapt to
                                                                                                                   the changing environment and hazards,
                                                                                                                   and is low in cost to heat and cool
                                                                                                                 • Supporting guidelines, design and
                                                                                                                   construction standards for smart
                                                                                                                   technologies and sustainable design
                                                                                                                 • Ensuring NSW Government-led residential
                                                                                                                   development is an exemplar of carbon-
                                                                                                                   neutral housing design and construction
                                                                                                                 • Ensuring NSW Government-led
                                                                                                                   residential development is an exemplar
What we will achieve with this strategy                                                                            of the application of smart technologies,    5. Additional support for first homebuyers
                                                                                                                   with a focus on reducing household bills       • Implementing a range of strategies such as
The housing system is complex, and although the NSW Government can have a significant impact                       and waste
on it through investment, policy, legislation and regulation, the government cannot do it alone. Given                                                              right of first purchase or low deposits on
the key role of the private sector in delivering housing supply across NSW, the successful delivery of         4. Improved alignment of housing with                government-led residential developments
Housing 2041 requires effective collaboration. This includes local government, community housing                  infrastructure and community services for       • Fast-tracking developments that support
providers, the development industry, the finance industry and other private sector partners.                      NSW communities                                   first homebuyers
To this end, the 20 years of the strategy will provide the following:                                            • Aligning land use, transport and               • Investing in new types of housing and
                                                                                                                   infrastructure planning across NSW by            housing products that have the potential
                                                                                                                   establishing and implementing strategic          to increase affordability
1. Enhanced partnerships and cross-sector                  2. Increased support for those in most need             planning principles at the state and local
   collaboration                                                                                                                                                6. Continued support for people in the
                                                              • Continuing to invest in growing and                level to deliver improved services to           private rental market
   • Increasing availability of accurate and up-                changing the social housing portfolio, so          communities that meet current and future
     to-date housing and housing-outcomes-                      it can meet future needs and challenges            need                                           • Continuing to explore ways to improve
     related data, projections, research                                                                                                                            the experience of people in the private
                                                              • Reducing waitlist times to access social         • Building collaboration across the housing
     and analysis, and ensuring as much as                                                                                                                          rental market and to provide safe and
                                                                housing                                            sector, including government, industry
     possible that key data is available in                                                                                                                         secure housing
                                                              • Supporting growth in the community                 and communities, to ensure that housing
     spatial format                                                                                                is effectively supported with enabling and     • Fast-tracking and supporting new types
                                                                housing sector, including Aboriginal                                                                of housing and housing products that
   • Assisting councils and the Greater                         community housing                                  social infrastructure
     Sydney Commission in continuing to                                                                                                                             have the potential to increase choice and
                                                              • Ensuring the diverse housing needs and           • Promoting housing that is strategically
     establish and refine long-term housing                                                                                                                         security for people in the private rental
                                                                aspirations of culturally and linguistically       planned, considers climate resilience,
     targets for different metropolitan and                                                                                                                         market, such as build-to-rent housing
                                                                diverse communities and households                 applies good urban design principles
     regional locations to meet housing needs                                                                      and is located in places that effectively
                                                                are reflected in the design and supply of
     according to cohorts, including young                                                                         support how people want to live now and
     people, older people and people with                                                                          in the future
     disability                                               • Increasing the supply of affordable
                                                                housing to meet agreed targets in both
   • Monitoring targets and responses to
                                                                metropolitan and regional areas
     address shortfalls in supply through direct
     investment or planning intervention                      • Providing ongoing support and programs
                                                                to agreed targets to reduce homelessness
   • Making continuous improvements to
                                                                and support those with complex needs,
     reduce planning assessment processing
                                                                such as support for mental and physical
     times and red tape across all tiers of
                                                                health, substance use, domestic and
     government involved in the delivery of
                                                                family violence, education, employment
                                                                or financial stress
   • Increasing access to government housing,
     land and support to build new affordable
     homes integrated into multi-tenure
     communities and testing new ways of

26 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                                    NSW Housing Strategy | 27
Setting a platform
for change                         Data and evidence
                                   The access, use, and collection of data are
                                   essential for NSW Government agencies,
                                   local government, industry, and non-
                                   government organisations to drive housing
                                   programs, investment, and service delivery.
                                   Good data supports targeted policy and
                                   programs, complex problem-solving,
                                   monitoring, evaluating, forecasting and
                                   identifying future needs. The current state
                                   of housing data collection, reporting, and
                                   access is complex and fragmented. This
                                   leads to gaps and misunderstanding,
                                   questions of data credibility between
                                   stakeholders, and missed opportunities
                                   in exploring the full potential of digital
                                   Measures to improve the quality,
                                   transparency and accessibility of
                                   housing data and evidence will support
                                   stakeholders across the housing sector
                                   to better understand and address the
                                   housing needs and aspirations of NSW
                                   communities. We can achieve this by
                                   investing in data and associated capabilities
                                   as key enablers, and by ensuring that data
                                   is more consistent, detailed, simpler to
                                   access, and available in a digital format.
Influenced by strategic insights   All of this contributes to, and supports,
                                   more robust, evidence-based decisions
into current and future trends,    for housing today and into the future.
Housing 2041 creates a platform    Enhanced data and evidence also provide
for better housing outcomes        a critical foundation for enabling a robust
across NSW.                        and transparent evaluation and monitoring
                                   framework for reviewing the strategy
                                   Technology and data are enabling
                                   new levels of spatial insight, and this is
                                   changing how land use decisions are made.
                                   Planning for and delivering housing should
                                   integrate the latest technologies, modelling
                                   and analysis that incorporates current
                                   population and employment projections.
                                   The NSW Government has begun a several
                                   reforms that highlight its commitment to
                                   enabling the better use of and access to
                                   data to support evidence-based decision-
                                   making. Enhancing these initiatives is
                                   necessary to better integrate research and
                                   evidence in future decision-making.

28 | Housing 2041                                       NSW Housing Strategy | 29
Planning, regulation and guidelines              The economic impacts of COVID-19 have             Taxation                                          Universal design
                                                 affected both tenants and landlords. During
Changes to the NSW Government planning                                                             State taxation ensures that the NSW               Universal design is an approach to building
                                                 this time, the NSW Government introduced
system can impact the quality and quantity                                                         Government can fund high-quality services         that uses good planning, design and
                                                 several temporary measures, including:
of housing delivered in different locations                                                        and infrastructure. Housing 2041 will reflect     construction to ensure that any person can use
across NSW. The planning system is a key         • a restriction on landlords evicting tenants     outcomes of the potential NSW Government          a dwelling, irrespective of age, level of mobility,
lever for the NSW Government to respond to         who have been financially disadvantaged by      changes to stamp duty. The freedom to             or condition of health. A universally designed
environmental, economic, and social impacts,       COVID-19, unless they have first attempted      choose between paying stamp duty upfront          home can adapt to accommodate changing
helping boost recovery from environmental          to negotiate a rent reduction with the tenant   or a smaller annual property tax will make        needs, such as ageing in place, or supporting
and economic crises. To ensure the planning      • support for more than 350 individuals           it easier for first home buyers, and others       those with disability.
system remains dynamic, efficient and              and families with Rent Choice Start             looking to upgrade or change their property.
                                                                                                                                                     Although applying universal design principals
transparent, the NSW Government has recently       Safely packages, which provide three            This may mean fewer upfront costs for first
                                                                                                                                                     in residential development varies under local
introduced a suite of planning system reforms.     years of rental subsidies for those leaving     home buyers, better outcomes for those who
                                                                                                                                                     and state planning controls, Housing 2041
These reforms aim to improve assessment            circumstances of domestic violence, as well     move often and a better use of housing stock
                                                                                                                                                     aims to promote the value of universal design
timeframes, reduce red tape, enhance               as access to services and support to help       and land. Recent recommendations from the
                                                                                                                                                     features across housing types. Ways to achieve
coordination, and provide transparency and         them maintain their tenancy.                    Productivity Commission’s Productivity Green
                                                                                                                                                     improved accessibility are emerging with new
certainty to the development sector and to                                                         Paper and Thodey Review on Federal Financial
                                                 The NSW Government also enacted recent                                                              technologies, construction materials, and
communities.                                                                                       Relations will inform the future development
                                                 reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010                                                       methods.
                                                                                                   and implementation of housing policy and
The NSW Government is committed to               to improve the rental experience of tenants,      actions in NSW.                                   Universal design principles are embedded
working with local councils, developers and      including:                                                                                          in construction activities of community
non-government organisations to reduce                                                             The Australian Government’s policy settings
                                                 • limiting rent increases to once every 12                                                          housing providers. Many community housing
regulatory burden and increase the delivery                                                        influence the NSW housing sector. These
                                                   months for periodic leases                                                                        developments have dedicated accessible
of housing, while meeting community needs.                                                         include migration, taxation (including capital
                                                                                                                                                     units facilitating ageing in place and providing
Faster assessments of local, regional and        • making it easier to end a tenancy               gains and negative gearing), interest rates,
                                                                                                                                                     housing solutions for people with disability.
state-significant development and rezoning         immediately, without penalty, if the tenant     financial regulation, social security programs
applications will not only reduce barriers to      or their dependent child is in circumstances    (such as Commonwealth Rent Assistance)            Testing new housing typologies
housing development and investment, but also       of domestic violence, and helping the           and grants and funding support (such as the
                                                                                                                                                     Build-to-rent is a purpose-built housing
ensure positive environmental and amenity          tenant find new housing by restricting the      National Housing Finance and Investment
                                                                                                                                                     product developed by investors who intend
outcomes for the community.                        information displayed on a tenancy database     Corporation). The NSW Government is
                                                                                                                                                     to retain ownership and rent out the dwellings
                                                 • enacting new powers for NSW Fair Trading        committed to working with the Australian
In accepting the Productivity Commission’s                                                                                                           for an extended period. Although build-
                                                   to resolve disputes between tenants and         Government to ensure policy alignment
Review of Infrastructure Contributions in                                                                                                            to-rent housing is only emerging in NSW,
                                                   landlords over repairs, maintenance, and        across the housing sector and improved
NSW, the NSW Government seeks to support                                                                                                             an established build-to-rent sector has the
                                                   property damage; this includes the power to     housing outcomes and choice for NSW
new housing supply, deliver vital public                                                                                                             potential to create a more stable housing
                                                   issue rectification orders                      communities. In part, this will be informed
infrastructure and boost investment in NSW.                                                                                                          pipeline that is less affected by market cycles.
                                                                                                   by an independent review, commissioned by
                                                 • amending the standard form tenancy
Private rental market                                                                              the NSW Government, of the state’s revenue        The NSW Government recently announced
                                                   agreement to encourage landlords and
                                                                                                   system as it relates to federal funding and its   a 50% land tax discount for new housing
The NSW Government plays a role in                 tenants to consider longer-term leases
                                                                                                   interactions with the state tax system. The       projects delivering purpose-built rental units
supporting those who live in the residential     • introducing minimum standards for rental        independent review panel will identify ways to    over specified thresholds and managed under
rental market by providing protection and          properties.                                     ensure sustainable funding arrangements and       unified ownership. This will help align the
certainty for tenants, as well as ensuring
                                                                                                   greater financial autonomy for NSW.               taxation of build-to-rent properties with other
landlords can effectively manage their
                                                                                                                                                     residential properties in NSW.

30 | Housing 2041                                                                                                                                                              NSW Housing Strategy | 31
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