LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!

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AÑO 26 | NÚM. 1193      < WWW.QUEONDAMAGAZINE.COM >   4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021


                     LINA HIDALGO
                     HARRIS COUNTY JUDGE
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2                                                                                                    4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021


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4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   3
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
4                                                                                                                               4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
                    In loving memory of                                           GOVERNOR ABBOTT, TDEM LAUNCH
                                                                                  FIRST WEEK OF SAVE OUR SENIORS
                    Mr. José G. Esparza

                                                                                  INITIATIVE IN 26 COUNTIES
                                                                                         overnor Greg Abbott today announced
                                                                                         that the Texas Division of Emergen-                  In coordination with local and state
                                                                                         cy (TDEM), the Texas Department of           partners, counties and cities have been select-
                                                                                  State Health Services (DSHS), and the Texas         ed based on data provided from DSHS related
                                                                                  Military Department (TMD) have announced            to the following factors:
                                                                                  26 participating counties for the first week of
                                                                                  the Save Our Seniors initiative. The Governor       •   The state targeted areas with ongoing high
                                                                                  announced the Save Our Seniors program in               hospitalizations;
                                                                                  Corpus Christi last week to ensure more se-
                                                                                  niors are vaccinated throughout the state.          •   The state looked at the number of approved
                                                                                                                                          providers serving the area;
                                                                                          The state has allocated up to 8,000         •   The state took into account areas who re-
                                                                                  vaccine doses for the first week of the pro-            ported no more than approximately a third
                      FOUNDED BY:
           José G. Esparza And Lilia S. Esparza
                                                                                  gram, which the state will use in partnership           vaccinated for seniors;
                           /1993/                                                 with local officials and service organizations
                       PO BOX 1805
                 CYPRESS TEXAS 77410
                                                                                  to target Texans who are 75 years and older         •   The state took into account total alloca-
                   Phone: (713)880-1133                                           or homebound. TDEM and TMD will work                    tions over the previous 12 weeks;
                    Fax: (713)880-2322
                                                                                  alongside local jurisdictions to set up a central
                        PUBLISHERS                                                drive-through vaccine clinic in the community       •   The state utilized data showing the least
                     GABRIEL ESPARZA
                                                                                  or administer directly to homebound seniors             vaccinated counties for both 65+ and 75+
                                                                                  — these decisions will be driven by local juris-        administered doses;
                                                                                  dictions based on their most vulnerable iden-
                   PUBLIC RELATIONS                                                                                                   •   The state focused on allocating vaccine eq-
                  AMANDA G. ESPARZA                                               tified individuals.
                                                                                                      uitably across the state.
                                                                                          "The Save Our Se-
                      SPORTS EDITOR
                  MICHAEL A. ESPARZA                                              niors program will help us
              michaele@queondamagazine .com                                       reach vulnerable home-
                                                                                  bound seniors across the
                      MICHAEL WHITMIRE
                                                                                  state and provide them with
                       RENZO HEREDIA                                              life-saving COVID-19 vac-
                      ANTHONY GALLIEN                                             cines," said Governor Ab-
                            FOTOGRAPH                                             bott. "As more communities
                           VICTOR LOPEZ
                                                                                  are identified and selected
    Los contenidos periodísticos que se incluyen en este resumen
 informativo son propiedad intelectual y responsabilidad exclusiva                for the program, we will be
de los medios emisores y de sus autores y no representan de manera                able to get more shots in
             alguna la opinion de la revista ¡Que Onda!
                                                                                  arms and further strengthen
                 NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION                                           our response to this virus."
  QUE ONDA MAGAZINE Prides itself in keeping a                                           Counties      partici-
  high standard and devotingly opposes any type of                                pating in the first round of
              misleading advertising.
                                                                                  the program are Aransas,
              CLOSE EDITION: Friday 5:00pm                                        Bastrop, Brewster, Brooks,
                      OFFICE HOURS:
                                                                                  Brown, Cass, Dallas, East-
             9:00 am - 6:00pm / Monday - Friday
                DEADLINES: Friday 12:00 am
                                                                                  land,    Freestone,    Gray,
Ads containing special art, photos or proof will be required a week in advance.   Hill, Hockley, Hudspeth,
       Una Publicación Semanal Derechos Reservados Copyright 2007
                                                                                  Hutchinson, Irion, Lee, Mc-
                                                                                  Culloch, Medina, Morris,
                                                                                  Panola, Rains, Refugio, Rob-
                                                                                  ertson, San Jacinto, Shelby,
                                                                                  and Webb.

                                                                                                          ESTA EN
                                                                                                        TODAS PARTES
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   5
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
6                                                                      4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
                                      residents from deceptive business
                                      practices—our county is leading
                                      the state on addressing the im-
                                      portant issue of price gouging. To-
                                      morrow, I am heading to Austin
                                      to testify before the Texas House’s
                                      Business and Industry Commit-
                                      tee about changes they can make
                                      to the law to enable my office and
                                      other local governments to be
                                      more involved in the fight for con-
                                      sumer protection.

                                      About the Harris County
       arris County Attorney          Attorney’s Office
       Christian D. Menefee gave
       the following statement on            Christian D. Menefee
the lawsuit the Attorney General      serves as the Harris County At-
of Texas filed today against ener-    torney, the County's chief civil
gy provider Griddy:                   lawyer. The Harris County At-
                                      torney's Office is committed to
        “I am glad to see today the   protecting and proactively advo-
Attorney General sued Griddy          cating for the interests of Harris
for its deceptive practices and its   County residents and government
charging Texans, including Har-       through the civil justice system.
ris County residents, excessive
electricity rates during Winter
Storm Uri. This is but a first step
to hold companies accountable for
the suffering Texans experienced
during and after the power grid
failure. I am proud of my office’s
efforts to protect Harris County
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021                                                                                                                                   7
Files Environmental Legisla-                   applications late in the pub-
tion to Mitigate Environmental                 lic participation process in re-        AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA
Pollution During Disasters, En-                sponse to issues or evidence           Autoridad Metropolitana de Tránsito del Condado de Harris, Texas
hance Transparency, and Em-                    brought to light by protesting
power Local Municipalities to                  parties. This leaves the public
Readily Monitor Pollution                      with little or no time to ade-

                                               quately respond to these chang-
      exas     State    Representa-            es. HB 2370 strives to reduce        AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA VIRTUAL PARA LA AUDITORÍA DE DESEMPEÑO
      tive Penny Morales Shaw                  instances of this unfair prac-       ESTATAL DE METRO CORRESPONDIENTE A LOS AÑOS FISCALES 2016 A 2019
      (D-Houston), a member of the             tice.                                La Autoridad Metropolitana de Tránsito del Condado de Harris, Texas (METRO)
House Environmental Regulation             •   HB 2368 would require TCEQ           realizará una audiencia pública virtual para recibir comentarios públicos sobre
Committee, filed three separate                to share information that they       la Auditoría de desempeño estatal correspondiente a los años fiscales que se
pieces of legislation to limit pollu-          currently collect on water pol-      extienden del 2016 al 2019. La auditoría se presentará durante la audiencia
tion during disasters, strengthen              lutant violations with local gov-    pública que se realizará a las 12:00 del mediodía del jueves 11 de marzo de
public participation in the Texas              ernment entities. This bill gives    2021 en una videoconferencia y por teléfono en la plataforma de reuniones
Commission on Environmental                    cities and counties the ability      virtuales Zoom.
Quality’s contested case hearing               to access timely information on
                                                                                    El público puede unirse a la audiencia virtual en Zoom ingresando a
process, and to enhance local mu-              water quality issues that im-
                                                                           ID de la reunión: 851 9821 7272 o
nicipal monitoring capabilities.               pact the environment, human
                                                                                    llamando al Teléfono para llamadas gratuitas: 346-248-7799 o 1-888-475-4499
Rep. Morales Shaw released the                 health, and their communities.       (Sin cargo). La participación en Zoom es solamente necesaria si quiere brindar
following statement after she filed                                                 comentarios durante la audiencia pública. Caso contrario, puede ver la trans-
House Bills 2368, 2369, and 2370.                  Rep. Morales Shaw con-           misión en directo de la audiencia virtual en
                                           tinued, "If this most recent winter      BoardStreamingVideo.aspx. También se guardará una grabación en video de la
        "We must work to reduce            storm has taught us anything, it is      audiencia en
the harmful effects of environmen-         that transparency and communi-
tal pollutants — invisible hazards         cation are key to protecting people      A partir del 3 de febrero de 2021, estarán disponibles una copia de la Auditoría
that threaten the wellbeing of Tex-        and property. We need the proper         de desempeño estatal y las respuestas de la gerencia de METRO para su revisión
as families. Every Texan deserves          infrastructure in place before an-       por el público en el sitio web de METRO en y en la sala de
clean air and clean water in their         other disaster happens to ensure         METRO RideStore en el Edificio de la Administración Lee P. Brown METRO,
communities. With this goal in             that the least amount of suffering       ubicado en 1900 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002.
mind, I look forward to working            befalls families, especially our most
with my fellow House Environmen-           vulnerable populations.                  Siguiendo los lineamientos actuales de los funcionarios de salud pública que
tal Regulation Committee members                                                    recomiendan la limitación de las reuniones públicas en persona para frenar la
                                                                                    propagación del Coronavirus, también conocido como COVID-19, la audiencia
to advance legislation providing                   “These three bills strive to
                                                                                    pública solo se llevará a cabo de manera virtual.
strong environmental protections           reduce air pollution during extreme
during this session,” said Rep. Mo-        weather events, ensure fair public       PROCESO PARA PROPORCIONAR COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS
rales Shaw.                                participation, and increase trans-
                                           parency for local governments.           Se recomienda que cualquier persona que desee hacer comentarios públicos
                                                                                    se registre como orador público en la Oficina de la Junta de METRO al menos
       These three bills authored          Houston is no stranger to inclement
                                                                                    48 horas antes de la audiencia llamando al 713-739-4834 o enviando un correo
by Rep. Morales Shaw comprise a            weather and flooding, and I hope
                                                                                    electrónico a, y proporcionando su nombre,
key part of her legislative agenda.        that this legislation will protect all   dirección y número de teléfono. Si se registra previamente, sus comentarios
                                           Texans without undue burden to           se escucharán primero en la audiencia pública. Se llamará su nombre en el
•    HB 2369 would require stag-           the industries that employ many          momento apropiado para que pueda hacer sus comentarios.
     gered shutdowns and startups          Houstonians,” said Rep. Morales
     of facilities located in a declared   Shaw.                                    Alternativamente, puede proporcionar comentarios públicos después de los
     disaster area in a manner that                                                 oradores previamente registrados seleccionando la función “Levantar la mano”
     minimizes the cumulative im-                                                   en la plataforma Zoom en línea o presionando *9 si se une por teléfono. Quienes
     pacts of harmful emissions. In a                                               se unan a la reunión serán silenciados automáticamente.
     2018 report, the Environmental
     Integrity Project (EIP) estimat-                                               Una vez que se reconozca el nombre o el número de un orador no registrado,
     ed that about 8.3 million pounds                                               el operador le pedirá al orador que presione *6 para activar su micrófono y podrá
     of air pollution were released                                                 proporcionar sus comentarios.
     by industrial facilities immedi-
     ately before, during, and after                                                El público también puede enviar comentarios llamando al Centro de Atención al
                                                                                    Cliente de METRO al 713-635-4000 antes de la audiencia pública.
     Hurricane Harvey. The Hous-
     ton region experienced the larg-
     est share of this pollution, as                                                ASISTENCIA DE IDIOMAS, ACCESIBILIDAD Y ADAPTACIONES ESPECIALES
     a result of industrial facilities                                              De solicitarlo, METRO ofrece asistencia de idiomas gratuita para ayudar a los
     waiting too long to shut down.                                                 usuarios que tienen una capacidad limitada para leer, escribir, hablar o comprender
     This proactive disaster prepa-                                                 el idioma inglés de acuerdo con su plan de asistencia lingüística. Las audiencias
     ration bill aims to fix this issue.                                            públicas de METRO son accesibles para personas con discapacidades. Las
•    HB 2370 amends TCEQ's con-                                                     solicitudes de asistencia con el idioma y otras adaptaciones deben dirigirse a
     tested case hearing process to                                                 la Oficina de la Junta al 713-739-4834 al menos 48 horas antes de la audiencia.
     provide for fairer participation
     and input by the public. Cur-                                                                                              • 713-635-4000.
     rently, it may become unfair                                                                                           Los vehículos de METRO son 100% accesibles.
     when permittees change their
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
8                                        4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021

                                  HONORING WO
    CHRISTINA                       SHEILA
    REPRESEN-                       LEE
    Christina successfully ran
    for State Representative
                                    Congresswoman       Sheila
    in House District 145 in        Jackson Lee is an influen-
    2019. She is proud to rep-      tial and forceful voice in
    resent the people of Harris     Washington. She is serv-
    County, and has garnered        ing her eleventh term as
    praise from her colleagues      a member of the United
    for exceptional constituent     States House of Represen-
    engagement.                     tatives.

    COUNTY                          SHAW
    ATTORNEY                        HOUSE
    In 2016, DA Ogg was elect-      MEMBER
    ed by a margin of more than     State Representative Pen-
    100,000 votes on a platform     ny Morales Shaw has ded-
    of criminal justice reform      icated the entirety of her
                                    two-decade career as an
                                    attorney to advancing the
                                    health and wellbeing of
                                    working families and chil-

    JUDGE                           LESLEY
    JULIA                           BRIONES
    JUDGE, 507TH                    COUNTY
    DISTRICT                        CIVIL COURT
    COURT                           AT LAW
    JULIA                           LESLEY
    MALDONADO                       BRIONES
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021                                                      9

 LINA                                      SYLVIA R.                      CAROL
 HIDALGO                                   GARCIA
 HARRIS                                                                   TEXAS
 COUNTY                                    WOMAN                          STATE
 JUDGE                                     Sylvia R. Garcia was elect-
                                           ed to the U.S. House of        SENATOR
 Judge Lina Hidalgo is the                 Representatives in Novem-      Senator Carol Alvarado is
 head of Harris County’s                   ber 2018, becoming the first   proud to serve Texas Senate
 governing body. She is the                Latina ever to represent       District 6 in Harris County
 first woman to be elected                 the Texas 29th Congressio-     and was first elected in a
 County Judge and only the                 nal district.                  2018 Special Election.
 second to be elected to the
 Commissioners Court.

 GRACIELA                                  AMPARO                         ANA
 AT LAW                                    NOMINEE, 1ST                   IC NOMINEE,
 Gracie Saenz is a native                  COURT OF AP-                   179TH DIS-
 Houstonian, having been                   PEALS PLACE                    TRICT COURT
 born into a family of nine in
 the Fifth Ward, and serves
                                           5                              ANA
 as the Community Outreach                 AMPARO                         MARTINEZ
 Consultant at the Harris
 County District Attorney’s
                                           YANEZ                          FOR JUDGE OF
 Office.                                   GUERRA                         THE 179TH

 NATALIA                                   JO ANN                         VERONICA
                                           JUSTICE OF
                                           THE PEACE
 COURT                                     PCNT 2 PLACE                   NOMINEE, 1ST
 NATALIA                                   1                              COURT OF
 CORNELIO FOR                              JUSTICE OF                     APPEALS
 CRIMINAL DIS-                             PEACE-JUDGE                    PLACE 3
 TRICT JUD                                 JO ANN
 GE- 351ST
 COURT                                     DELGADO!
LINA HIDALGO - FREE! GRATIS! - Que Onda Magazine!
10                                                                                                 4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
                                                                             year, science will continue to probe for -- or ultimately, to prevent -- the
                                                                             and refine the answers to these six next pandemic.
                                                                             fundamental questions. And it
                                                                             must. Doing so is critical to prepare

                      A YEAR ON

       t the end of the origi-       in the "Swiss Cheese Model" of
       nal piece, we linked to a     pandemic defence, an infographic
       WHO thread on Twitter         that went viral toward the end of
from Jan. 17, 2020. It provided      2020.
rudimentary advice on protect-
ing yourself against coronavirus             "The real power of this in-
that focused on hand hygiene         fographic," Mackay told the New
and respiratory hygiene. Maria       York Times in December, "is that it's
Van Kerkhove, from the WHO's
                                     not really about any single layer of
emerging diseases unit, recom-
mended washing hands with soap       protection or the order of them, but
and water and sneezing or cough-     about the additive success of using
ing into your elbow.                 multiple layers, or cheese slices."

       Those recommendations            We've learned the best
the WHO still stand today. Wash-ways to defend against COVID-19,
ing your hands and sneezing intobut cases continue to rise in many
your elbow are extremely import-parts of the world. Is it likely we'll
ant. But we've added addition-
                                be able to control the pandemic in
al layers of protection as we've
learned more about SARS-CoV-2
                                2021? There's reason for hope, but
and its transmissibility.       we need only look at some of 2020's
                                great failures to see how quickly the
       Ian Mackay, a virologist virus can become unmanageable.
at the University of Queensland,
highlights these additional layers          In our second pandemic
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11

  Jueves                 Viernes              Sábado               Domingo                 Lunes              Martes             Miércoles El Tiempo en Los Estados Unidos Marzo 7 - Marzo 11
                                                                                                                                                          sobre                  Portland
                                                                                                                                                          Sobre                                                                      Fargo                                         Burlington
                                                                                                                                                          normal                                            Billings
                                                                                                                                                                                              Boise                                          Minneapolis                                Boston
Principalmente        Nuboso, unos          Principalmente         Principalmente        Posibilidad de       Considerable        Posibilidad de          normal
   soleado y         pocos chubascos            soleado               soleado y         algún chubasco        cantidad de        algún chubasco                                                                                                                  Detroit
                                                                                                                                                          Debajo de                             Salt Lake City
   agradable                                                          agradable                                  nubes                                    normal                                                             Omaha                                                New York
                                                                                                                                                          Mucho            San Francisco                                                                        Pittsburgh
 70° 51°               71° 53°              69° 48°                72° 54°              74° 60°               77° 64°            79° 61°                                                                          Denver                                                        Washington
                                                                                                                                                          abajo                                                                          Kansas City
                                                                                                                                                   PRECIPITACIÓN                            Las Vegas
La Región                                                                                             Temperatura                                         Mucho                   Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Little Rock
                         Montgomery         Conroe                                                    La estadística de Houston Feb. 23 - Mar. 1
                                                                                       Lumberton                                                          Sobre                                 Phoenix                 Lubbock                               Atlanta
     Navasota            70/48              70/48                                                     Máxima                                 82°          normal                                                                     Dallas
                                                                                       70/48                                                                                                                El Paso
     70/50                                           Cleveland                                        Mínima                                 39°          Casi                                                                                                             Jacksonville
                                                                                                      Normal máxima                          69°          normal                                                                                      New Orleans
                                     Tomball         69/48                                                                                                                                                             San Antonio
                                                                                                      Normal mínima                          49°          Debajo de
Brenham                              69/50                                         Beaumont                                                               normal                                                                       Houston
                                                                                                                                                                          Pronósticos y gráficos de
69/49                                         Aldine                 Liberty       68/50              Precipitación                                       Mucho
                                                                                                                                                          abajo           AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021

             Bellville                        69/53                  68/49                            Feb. 23 - Mar. 1                     0.48”
                            Katy                                                     Winnie
             69/50                                           Baytown                                                                                                           Jueves    Viernes   Sábado    Domingo    Lunes    Martes   Miércoles
                            69/52                                                    68/50
                                              Houston        64/53                                                                                 Ciudad                     Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T
         Sealy                                70/51                                                   El Indice de UV                              Albuquerque                 56/36/nu          62/35/s         62/38/pn        68/40/s            69/43/pn       60/38/ag         56/34/s
         68/51                                                       Anahuac
                       Rosenberg                       Pasadena                                           Jue. Vie. Sáb. Dom. Lun. Mar. Mié.       Atlanta                      67/42/s         62/44/pn         56/35/nu        60/37/s             66/42/s       67/48/pn        69/53/nu
                       69/51                           68/53                                              6     3    6       6    4    2      2    Boston                      40/21/pn         34/22/pn          33/24/s        36/26/s             44/34/s       45/30/pn        55/42/nu
                                 69/52        Pearland                                                Cuanto más alto es el número del Indice      Chicago                     42/30/pn         45/31/pn          48/32/s       57/42/pn            58/45/ag       61/48/nu        59/40/ag
                                              67/52                        Crystal Beach              UV de AccuWeather, será mayor la             Dallas                       69/51/s         63/46/nu          63/46/s        66/52/s            70/57/pn       73/61/nu        75/53/ag
                                                      Texas City           67/52                      necesidad de proteger su piel y sus ojos.    Denver                      44/28/ag          54/32/s         61/37/pn       59/34/pn             63/34/s        58/31/s        48/24/nu
                    Wharton         Angleton          62/55          Galveston                        0-2 Mínimo; 3-5 Moderado; 6-7 Elevado;       Detroit                     41/22/pn          43/25/s         44/28/pn        51/36/s            57/40/ag       61/44/nu        58/43/nu
                    68/51           68/53                            62/56                            8-10 Muy elevado; 11+ Extremo                Las Vegas                    68/47/s          73/52/s          72/45/s        72/49/s             69/46/s       62/43/pn        63/42/ag
 El Campo                                                                                                                                          Little Rock                  67/45/s         55/39/nu          60/38/s       60/43/pn            66/50/pn        70/57/t         67/53/t
 68/51                             Sweeny                              El muestra el pronóstico del                                                Los Angeles                  65/50/s          76/49/s         60/49/pn       66/52/pn            66/51/pn       62/48/pn         64/49/ll
            Bay City               67/52                               tiempo para hoy Jueves. Las
                                                                       temperaturas indicadas son
                                                                                                      Temperatura RealFeel®                        Miami                       80/63/pn         78/67/pn         79/64/ag       76/63/pn            77/67/pn       78/70/nu        80/69/pn
            68/52                   Freeport                            las máximas y las mínimas         Jue. Vie. Sáb. Dom. Lun. Mar. Mié.       New Orleans                  66/49/s         68/52/pn          66/50/s       65/52/pn            72/56/pn       74/62/pn        78/61/pn
                                    65/56                                       probables.            Máxima                                       New York City               44/25/pn          39/28/s          41/27/s        42/29/s             48/41/s       51/36/pn        51/49/nu
                                                                                                          72 72 69 73 73 75 76                     Phoenix                     70/49/pn          81/61/s          84/55/s        78/54/s            76/53/pn       70/48/ag        69/47/ag
                     Viernes   Sábado    Domingo    Lunes    Martes   Miércoles                                                                    San Diego                    65/49/s          69/52/s         65/51/pn       64/52/pn            64/52/nu       62/49/pn         63/48/ll
Ciudad              Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T Máx/Mín/T                       Mínima
                                                                                                                                                   Seattle                      57/46/ll         51/42/ll        51/40/nu       50/36/ag            51/37/ag       50/37/nu        51/38/ag
Baytown             66/54/nu        66/48/s      64/57/s       73/63/pn      75/64/nu      76/61/nu       50 50 46 52 61 60 58                     Washington, DC               50/30/s          47/30/s         48/30/pn        49/35/s             57/41/s       64/42/pn        61/52/pn
Beaumont             67/51/t        68/46/s     66/52/pn       72/59/nu      74/61/ag      74/59/pn   El indice patentado Temperatura              Tiempo (T) s-soleado; pn-parcialmente nublado; nu-nublado; ag-aguaceros; t-tormentas; II-IIuvia; ni-nieve intermitente; nv-nieve; h-hielo.
Conroe              71/53/nu        67/42/s      73/48/s       74/57/nu      76/61/nu      78/59/nu   RealFeel de es la
Freeport            68/56/nu        65/53/s     65/58/pn       73/64/pn      75/64/nu      74/61/pn   sensación térmica que toma en cuenta
Galveston           65/55/nu        64/53/s     65/57/pn       66/60/pn      71/62/nu      70/61/pn   todos los factores del tiempo incluyendo
Pasadena            71/55/nu        66/50/s      67/56/s       72/61/pn      76/64/nu      76/61/nu   la tempertura, el viento, la humedad, la
Pearland            72/56/nu        66/49/s      65/54/s       74/61/pn      75/64/nu      75/61/nu   radiación solar y la precipitación.
12                                                                                  4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
                                                                                                     form how she makes decisions.
                                                                         In a county with a pop-     She wants goals and metrics
                                                                 ulation larger than 26 other        in place so that decisions are
                                                                 states, Lina is bringing govern-    made thoughtfully. She wants
                                                                 ment back to the people.She is      her tenure to have a vision,
                                                                 taking steps to make govern-        a masterplan, so that Harris
                                                                 ment proactive, instead of reac-    County residents can see the
                                                                 tive, and developed innovative      direction their government is
                                                                 policies -- in disaster recovery,   taking them. She does not be-
                                                                 bail reform, and voting access,     lieve things should be done a
                                                                 for example -- that are already     certain way simply because
HARRIS COUNTY JUDGE                                              becoming national best prac-        that’s the way they’ve always

                                                                 tices. She has opened the doors     been done, and she’s not afraid
                                                                 to bring transparency and ac-       to ask tough questions.
                                                                 countability to what used to be
                                                                 a behind-closed-doors process.      When an emergency
NAMED A LEADER ON TIME                                                                       arises, Judge Hidalgo doesn’t
MAGAZINE’S 100 NEXT LIST                                         Lina’s academic background, make decisions based on po-
                                                                 and experiences working and litical expediency. Rather, she
Source:                                        living in diverse communi- looks at the data available,
Photos by QOM                         About Judge Lina Hidalgo
                                                                 ties at home and abroad in- talks to the experts, and makes

      arris County Judge Lina                When
      Hidalgo joins 99 other his-     Lina     Hidalgo
      tory-makers in “TIME”
                                      was elected on
Magazine’s “Top 100 Next” series.
                                      November       6,
        In the essay penned by for-   2018, at the age
mer 2020 Democratic presidential      of 27, she was
nominee and former Texas con-         the first woman
gressman Beto O’Rourke, he said       and first Lati-
it’s hard to imagine a tougher        na to be elected
first set of circumstances to con-    County Judge
front her first term of office, and   and only the sec-
the ability to expand Early Voting    ond to be elected
sites, which had tripled during
                                      to the Commis-
the 2020 Election.
                                      sioners Court.
       “[Hidalgo] has really dis-     Many         were
tinguished herself and makes us       skeptical about
proud—not just as Democrats           how a progres-
but as Texans,” O’Rourke wrote.       sive Democrat
“That’s what leadership looks         without previ-
like.”                                ous political ex-
                                      perience would
        “Proud to represent Har-
                                      handle the top
ris County on the #TIME100Next
list,” Hidalgo tweeted. “Thank you    executive     po-
[Beto O’Rourke] for the incredible    sition of the
words, and for all you’re doing in    largest county
the wake of this disaster.”           in Texas – the
                                      third     largest
        As an expansion to the        county in the
original TIME Magazine’s Top          United States –
100, the ”TIME100 Next” series        that oversees a
is focused more on emerging lead-
                                      budget of almost
ers who are shaping the future
from the present, wrote TIME
                                      $5 billion and
Editor-in-Chief and CEO. Nota-        affects the lives
ble individuals who made the list     of over 4.7 mil-
included Inaugural poet Amanda        lion people.
Gorman, talk show host Amber                 Now, Li-
Ruffin, and country music artist      na’s accomplish-
Luke Combs.                           ments speak for
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   13
decisions based on what would
help the most people, especial-
ly those most vulnerable.

​	     Lina Hidalgo is a lead-
er with a strong, progressive
vision who is making a differ-
ence for the residents of Harris

       Lina Hidalgo was raised
in an immigrant family. She
was born in Colombia, when
the drug war still raged and
everyone knew someone who
had been kidnapped. Her par-
ents had two goals: to make
sure she had a good education
and to get the family to a saf-
er place. Lina grew up in Peru
and Mexico, where her parents
were offered job opportunities,
before emigrating to Amer-
ica in 2005. Lina is a proud
product of Houston-area pub-
lic schools and, as her parents
dreamed, was the first in her
family to attend college in the
U.S. She graduated from Stan-
ford University with a degree
in political science the same
year she became a U.S. citizen.
Since arriving in Texas, Lina
has been committed to giving
       Before running for of-
fice, Lina dedicated hundreds
of hours to our county’s most
vulnerable       communities—
from her time at the Texas
Civil Rights Project to serving
as a Spanish-English medical
interpreter at the Texas Med-
ical Center and supporting im-
migrants in search of lost loved
ones. While pursuing a joint
degree in law and public poli-
cy at NYU and Harvard, Lina
conducted research on crimi-
nal justice policies and coor-
dinated with advocacy groups
and governments to push for
criminal justice reform. Before
that, Lina worked through-
out Southeast Asia to promote
transparency and accountabil-
ity by supporting journalists,
bloggers and artists.
14   4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021                                                15

   Papá se puso un escudo
   para protegernos.
   No bajemos la guardia.
   La pandemia del COVID-19 ha golpeado duro a
   nuestras familias. Las vacunas ya están aquí. Pero
   hasta que un número suficiente de nosotros esté
   vacunado, es importante no olvidar nuestro escudo
   protector: usar mascarilla, mantener la distancia, y
   evitar multitudes y espacios interiores con personas
   con las que no vivas.

   Aprenda más sobre las vacunas y lo que puede
   hacer para frenar la propagación en

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16                                                                                                                                   4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021


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4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   17
18                                                          4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021

                                          one Star College received
                                                                                 LSC was one of five large
                                          the 2021 Diversity in Busi-
                                                                          companies (500+ employees) to
                                          ness Award from the Hous-
                                                                          receive this recognition.
                                    ton Business Journal for promot-
                                                                          Honorees will be featured in a spe-
                                    ing and advancing diversity. The
                                                                          cial publication and recognized at
                                    award honors organizations and
                                                                          a virtual awards ceremony to be
                                    individuals who have shown ex-
                                                                          held March 25.
                                    ceptional commitment to promot-
                                    ing practices that advance diver-
                                                                                  In fall 2020, LSC wel-
                                    sity and inclusion.
                                                                          comed more than 36,700 Hispanic
                                                                          students representing 43% of the
                                            “Lone Star College is hon-
                                                                          total population. LSC also opened
                                    ored to be recognized for its ef-
                                                                          its doors to more than 25,500
                                    forts in making the college a place
                                                                          White and 11,400 Black students
                                    where both students and employ-
                                                                          representing 30% and 13% of the
                                    ees feel welcomed,” said Stephen
                                                                          student population respectively.
LONE STAR COLLEGE NAMED             C. Head, Ph.D., LSC chancellor.
                                    “We remain committed to reflect-
OUTSTANDING DIVERSE                 ing the community we serve.”
                                                                                  “We understand the im-
                                                                          portance of this issue,” said
ORGANIZATION                                                              Head. “That’s why we recently
                                                                          hired Carlecia Wright to be LSC
                                                                          chief diversity officer. She will be
                                                                          tasked with designing new ways
                                                                          to focus on Lone Star College’s
                                                                          culture and our commitment to
                                                                          student success.”
                                                                                  In all, 53 companies were
                                                                          selected as honorees and divided
                                                                          into three awards categories: Out-
                                                                          standing Diverse Organizations,
                                                                          Outstanding Supplier Diversity
                                                                          and Outstanding Diversity Help-
                                                                          ing Hand. The Outstanding Di-
                                                                          verse Organizations were also
                                                                          subdivided by company size.

                                                                                 In addition to being hon-
                                                                          ored by the Houston Business
                                                                          Journal, LSC has also been rec-
                                                                          ognized as the #1 two-year college
                                                                          in the nation for the number of
                                                                          undergraduate Hispanic students
                                                                          by Hispanic Outlook Magazine
                                                                          and the #1 Hispanic-Serving On-
                                                                          line Community College in Texas

                                                                                  Lone Star College offers
                                                                          high-quality, low-cost academic
                                                                          transfer and career training ed-
                                                                          ucation to 93,000+ students each
                                                                          semester. LSC is training tomor-
                                                                          row’s workforce today and redefin-
                                                                          ing the community college experi-
                                                                          ence to support student success.
                                                                          Stephen C. Head, Ph.D., serves
                                                                          as chancellor of LSC, the largest
                                                                          institution of higher education in
                                                                          the Houston area with an annual
                                                                          economic impact of nearly $3 bil-
                                                                          lion. Lone Star College consists of
                                                                          seven colleges, eight centers, eight
                                                                          Workforce Centers of Excellence,
                                                                          Lone Star Corporate College and
                                                                          LSC-Online. To learn more, visit
             Photo: Head, Stephen
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   19
20                                                                                                 4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021

                                        jornada de trabajo.                   •   1/2 kilos de zanahoria, pela-         ente, se rellenan rápidamente
                                                                                  das, cocidas y picadas en cu-         y se enrollan. En la misma
                                        INGREDIENTES                              bos                                   grasa se fríen las papas y las
                                                                                                                        zanahorias. Las enchiladas
                                                                              •   100 gramos de queso ranche-
                                        •   12 tortillas de maíz                  ro, desmoronado, para acom-           se acomodan en un platón, se

MINERAS                                 •   suficiente de manteca de cerdo        pañar                                 cubren con las verduras fritas,
                                                                                                                        luego la lechuga picada (tam-
GUANAJUATO                              •   15 chiles guajillos, despepita-   •   al gusto de chile jalapeño en         bién se puede poner de cama
                                            dos                                   escabeche                             si lo prefiere), se espolvorean

                                        •   1 diente de ajo                                                             con el queso rallado y se ador-
      as Enchiladas Mineras son                                                                                         nan con las rajitas de chile en
                                        •   1 pizca de comino                 PREPARACION
      un platillo tradicional del                                                                                       escabeche.
      estado de Guanajuato. Des-        •   1/2 cucharaditas de orégano       1. ara la salsa licúa el comino,
de la época virreinal, Guanajuato
                                        •   400 gramos de queso ranche-          los chiles guajillo, orégano y el
fue consolidado como un pueblo
                                            ro, desmoronado                      ajo con un poco de agua. Fríe       PRESENTACIÓN
minero que hasta la fecha es el
                                                                                 con un poco de manteca en
primer productor nacional de oro        •   2 tazas de lechuga orejona, la-
                                                                                 una sartén.                                En platos individuales
y el cuarto de plata. Cuentan que           vada, desinfectada y picada
                                                                                                                     acompañadas por ensalada fres-
este platillo era el preferido por la   •   1/2 kilos de papa, peladas, co-   2. Pasa las tortillas por la salsa     ca. Pueden servirse con una pieza
clase minera y las mujeres lo llev-         cidas y picadas en cubos             y fríelas en la manteca cali-       de pollo frito.
aban a sus maridos al terminar su
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   21
22                                4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021

       Sierra offers a wide range
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2.7L Turbo engine† to the 6.2L
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and more.

       Inside, the Sierra pickup
truck is defined by exclusive de-
tails and quality materials that
add to your premium driving ex-
perience, including best-in-class
Crew Cab front head and leg room

       Take tailgating to the
next level, with six distinct tail-
gate functions that let you load,
unload and access the cargo box
with absolute ease.

       The available Tire Pres-
sure Monitoring† feature, avail-
able with Sierra’s ProGradeTM
Trailering system†, gives you
real-time updates on the status
of your trailer’s tires to help im-
prove your trailering experience
and give you more confidence
during long hauls.
4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021   23
24   4 DE MARZO - 10 DE MARZO | 2021
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