Life Cycle Analysis for Green Investment Data quality, key impacts & benchmarking - LCA Forum
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Life Cycle Analysis for Green Investment Data quality, key impacts & benchmarking Damien Friot (, Josef Kaenzig, Myriam Saade, Manuele Margni, Olivier Jolliet EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Environmental science and technology institute Industrial Ecology - Life Cycle Systems Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Outline From a quantitative perspective: 1. What can be the use of & how to check Environmental Reports ? 2. How to assess the environmental impacts of companies ? 3. How to benchmark corporate environmental performances ? With examples from automotive & pharmaceuticals industries (collaboration with Centre-Info) Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
“Mainstream” assessment: qualitative 1. Company’s environmental characteristics – Large panel of heteroclite issues – Partial view – Focus on the company company external 0% 100 % 2. Selection procedure – Based on exclusions & common sense 3. Ranking – Among companies of the same “investment sector” – Preferences rather than true performance Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
A life cycle perspective: key issues Supply chain Production Use Disposal => a chain of actors/activities to deliver a service • Holistic: direct + indirect (up & downstream) • Function: equivalent services (vs same sector) • Aggregation: impact assessment: reduction of indicators • Model + data: bottom-up & top-down approaches + use of engineering & technical data => On the hedge of maturity: Increasing standardisation & development of databases Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
1. Quality of environmental reporting Coverage of Environmental Reporting (ER) Environmental indicators in the automotive industry Frequency (12) Energy (GWh) & Water (m3 ) consumption, Industrial waste (tons) 10-12 GHG & VOC emissions (tons), Common waste (tons), Discharges 8–5 to water (m3) Environmental expenditures (Euro), NOx, C, PM (tons) 4–1 • Geography (1 site/area), Turnover (geog.), Life Cycle (on-site) • Energy: Final vs grey (+30% per MJ) – Non renewable primary energy (hydro vs fossils fuels) • Green House Gases: CO2 or CO2 equivalent? • Meta-data: Units, structural issues Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Validation techniques First attempts • Evolution over time: structural changes (M&A) ? • Comparisons within the same inv. sector: diversified activities? – Median value (1st est.) – Example: BMW 80% auto, 17% finance, 3% motorbike LCA intelligence • References values per sector – Data transformation – Basis for comparison (value-added, turnover, EBIT, employee, units produced) • Ratios: [CO2/non renewable primary energy] – Internal coherence Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Basis for comparison (energy cons.) Automotive industry Per turnover Per added value 1200000 1600000 Energy consumption [MJ/million $] Energy consumption [MJ/ million $ of value 2002 2001 2000 2002 2001 2000 1400000 1000000 1200000 800000 1000000 added] 600000 800000 600000 400000 400000 200000 200000 0.23 330 0.8 8200 0 0 BMW Daimler Fiat Ford Generalmotors Mitsubishi PSA Peugeot Volkswagen BMW Daimler Fiat Ford Generalmotors Mitsubishi PSA Peugeot Volkswagen Chrysler Citroën Chrysler Citroën Per unit produced (car) 40000 Energy consumption [MJ/car] 2002 2001 2000 30000 20000 10000 0.014 23 0 BMW Daimler Fiat Ford Generalmotors Mitsubishi PSA Peugeot Volkswagen Chrysler Citroën Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Ratio [CO2 /non ren. primary energy] 250 (analysis based on ecoinvent 1.1, 2004) Cement Ratio [gCO2 / MJ non renewable primary energy] 200 Electricity 150 mix Nuclear power 100 50 Pesticides 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 About 2500 products and services (use stage and disposal not taken into account) Number of product or service Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Ratio [CO2 (eq.) / final energy] Banks Ratio: GHG / final Automotive companies Ratio: GHG / final energy energy [gCO2 / MJ] [gCO2 / MJ] ABN AMRO 56 BMW 89 Banca Monte Paschi Siena 141 Daimler Chrysler 108 Citigroup 115 Ford 97212 Credit suisse group 141 Generalmotors 79 HBOS 111241 PSA Peugeot Citroën 35 KBC 48 Royal Bank of Scotland 87 San Paolo IMI 117 UBS 106 Westpac Banking 345 Expected values: 30 – 150 gCO2 (eq.) /MJ final energy Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
2. Identification of key impacts 1 2 3 Industry chain Relevant Company Profile Indicator Model -Hybrid Screening - Function oriented - Reconstruction - Process LCA - processes - Input-Output - Upstream: suppliers - activities - Prod: on-site - products - Reference - Use: products - Processes - Disp: products -Selection /Aggreg. - Sectors of indicators - Product - Company Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Synthesis: Life Cycle & impacts Pharmaceuticals Key impacts Life cycle Key indicators Im p a c ts c lé s P o in t s c lé s p o u r l'im p a c t e n v ir o n n e m e n t a l T ra n s p o rt d e s re p ré s e n ta n ts P a c k a g in g R e j e t d e m é d ic a m e n t s I n d ic a t e u r s c lé s Masse de l'emballage Toxicité et écotoxicité + : I n f lu e n c e f a ib le Type de transport + + : I n f lu e n c e m o y e n l'environnement Composition de du médicament relarguée dans médicaments + + + : I n f lu e n c e im p o r t a n t Quantité de l'emballage Distance P h a s e d a n s le c y c le d e v ie Ressources C o n s o m m a ti on de m a t iè r e s E x t r a c t io n d e s m a t iè r e s C h a î n e d e s f o u r n is s e u r s P r o d u c t io n + + + k g s u b s t a n c e e x t r a it e / e m b a lla g e k g d 'e m b a lla g e / k g s u b s t a n c e a c t iv e p r e m iè r e s U t ilis a t io n F in d e v ie + Global Warming E ffe t d e E x t r a c t io n d e s m a t iè r e s + T a u x d e r e c y c la g e s e rre K m p a rc o u ru s C h a î n e d e s f o u r n is s e u r s ++ ++ + M J é n e r g ie p r im a ir e n o n - r e n o u v e la b le o u / e t é m is s io n s d e C O 2 / 1 0 0 k m P r o d u c t io n + U t ilis a t io n F in d e v ie + Human health S a n té h u m a in e E x t r a c t io n d e s m a t iè r e s C h a î n e d e s f o u r n is s e u r s P r o d u c t io n U t ilis a t io n ++ 1 k g s u b s t a n c e r e la r g u é e / k g p r o d u it F in d e v ie +++ +++ E C 5 0 s u b s ta n c e Ecosystems Q u a lit é d e s é c o s y s tè m e s E x t r a c t io n d e s m a t iè r e s C h a î n e d e s f o u r n is s e u r s P r o d u c t io n quality U t ilis a t io n 1 k g s u b s t a n c e r e la r g u é e / k g p r o d u it F in d e v ie +++ +++ E C 5 0 s u b s ta n c e I n d ic a t e u r s c lé s ¾ Main impacts: Human health & ecosystem quality ¾ Travel of sales people is dominant Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Env. impacts from economic data Econ. & technical data LCA data Purchases, on-site, sales, products + LCI DB, LCIA methods Pharmaceuticals: Energy balance & costs (Green-e) 100% R&D (énergie) Sales representants 80% Transport of produits Transport of raw materials Business travel 60% Employees commuting Waste treatement 40% Buildings Packaging 20% Heating Raw materials Electricity 0% Primary CO2 Costs Energy Emissions Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Data comparison: automotive ind. Energy consumption due to 1 million $ output of the automotive industry Process-LCA: Schweimer et al., 2000 Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2003 Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2004 Process-LCA: ecoinvent 1.01, 2003 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2004 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2002 Env. reports: Median Env. reports: Average Env. reports: max (Ford 2000) Env. reports: min (BMW 2002) Env. reports: General Motors, 2002 On-site and energy supply Supply chain 0 Services (excluded in process LCA) Env. reports: PSA Peugeot Citroen, 2002 Use stage I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2004 Road infrastructure I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2002 Disposal 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Non renewable primary energy [GJ /million $] Hypothesis: 1.59 passenger/vehicle, 150000 km/vehicle, ~21’000 $/vehicle Energy efficiency: USA / Average of industrial countries = 360/238 = 1.5 Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Data comparison: automotive ind. Energy consumption due to 1 million $ output of the automotive industry Process-LCA: Schweimer et al., 2000 Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2003 Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2004 Process-LCA: ecoinvent 1.01, 2003 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2004 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2002 Env. reports: Median Env. reports: Average Env. reports: max (Ford 2000) Covered by environmental reports Env. reports: min (BMW 2002) Env. reports: General Motors, 2002 On-site and energy supply Supply chain 0 Services (excluded in process LCA) Env. reports: PSA Peugeot Citroen, 2002 Use stage I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2004 Road infrastructure I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2002 Disposal 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Non renewable primary energy [GJ /million $] Hypothesis: 1.59 passenger/vehicle, 150000 km/vehicle, ~21’000 $/vehicle Energy efficiency: USA / Average of industrial countries = 360/238 = 1.5 Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Data comparison: automotive ind. Energy consumption due to 1 million $ output of the automotive industry Process-LCA: Schweimer et al., 2000 Use phase Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2003 Process-LCA: Humbert et al., 2004 Process-LCA: ecoinvent 1.01, 2003 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2004 I/O-LCA 1997: Vehicles & car bodies, 2002 Env. reports: Median Env. reports: Average Env. reports: max (Ford 2000) Env. reports: min (BMW 2002) Env. reports: General Motors, 2002 On-site and energy supply Supply chain 0 Services (excluded in process LCA) Env. reports: PSA Peugeot Citroen, 2002 Use stage I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2004 Road infrastructure I/O-LCA 1997: 4 sectors, 2002 Disposal 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000 40000 Non renewable primary energy [GJ /million $] Hypothesis: 1.59 passenger/vehicle, 150000 km/vehicle, ~21’000 $/vehicle Energy efficiency: USA / Average of industrial countries = 360/238 = 1.5 Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
3. Benchmarking for the use phase Automotive industry “Average emissions of a generic car per company [gCO2/km]” Technology Eff. vs Marketing Strategy Required data: 1. CO2 emissions per vehicle 2. Composition of the car fleet of each company 3. Sales per vehicle Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Partial results: different rankings gCO2/km % Etiqu. A&B Energy-Label Ranking based DonnéesSam Ranking CI (class A, B, …) on env. reports and WRI FIAT 160 2 5 ? VW 176 1 2 6 TOYOTA 179 4 3 1 DC 209 3 4 5 BMW 212 5 1 8 Life cycle stage: Use Use Production Use ¾ The ranking based on the use phase: opposite to the ranking established with data from environmental reports ¾ Evaluations with high quality expectations are time intensive Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
Conclusion • Low reliability of current corporate environmental data – Incomplete coverage – No focus on key impacts & key phase => Monitoring of companies effort/compliance => Low comparability: No benchmarking • Life-cycle data for Identification of key impacts & aggregation – Multiple approaches are required • Benchmarking: complement a qualitative approach – Open questions: • Relative vs absolute • Sum of activities or average/optimal profile Green Investment forum -EPFL, 07.06.05
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