How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital

Page created by Linda Black
How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital
How Have Your
Investments Fared
     in 2020

How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital
Whilst this year has presented a                                      Here we compare the performance
challenge in the volatility of the                                    of the most common investment
investment market, it has also                                        products for people with a small risk
provided a unique opportunity for                                     and relatively high-return appetite.
                                                                      For ease of comparison we have
It´s time to review the new patterns of                               based the numbers on an investment
the stock market that materialised this                               of £20,000, an amount that can easily
year and re-evaluate your portfolio,                                  be scaled upwards depending on
introduce some low-risk diversity                                     your personal circumstances.
and, most importantly, ensure
that your investments continue to                                     These figures are taken from data
accumulate wealth for you.                                            driven research compiled by various
                                                                      resources accessible online. The
                                                                      corresponding references can be
                                                                      found at the end of this document.

                                                                      Average ROI 2020                   Amount earned per
  Investment Vehicle
                                                                      to date                            £20k

  Buy to let*                                                         3% - 5%                            £600 - £1,000

  Cash ISA                                                            1.21%                              £242
  Stocks & Shares ISA                                                 5.14%                              £1,028
  Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA)                                      5.87%                              £1,747

  1 Year Fixed Rate Bond*                                             0.6% - 1.5%                        £120 - £300

  Government Bonds (Gilts):                                           1.21%                              £242

  5 Year                                                              0.276%                             £55.20
  10 Year                                                             0.3%                               £60
  30 Year                                                             0.79%                              £158

  Development Finance*                                                11% - 15%                          £2,200 - £3,000

* An average current rental yield across all regions of the UK
* An average taken from the annual percentage rate of interest earnings across various banks in the UK
* Figures taken from current rates with Accumulate Capital
How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital
Buy to Let

The attractive, and almost
immediate, financial viability
from this investment method
can overshadow the longer-term
difficulties inherent alongside this.
Generally the popularity of BTL
investment has decreased in the
past few years due to the many
government-imposed changes to
regulation and most recently the
increase to capital gains tax (CGT)
set to take effect in 2021. As reflected
in the data, the return possibilities
for the rental market vary largely
depending on location. Whilst the
successful end of this spectrum will
invest following the most profitable
rental regions in the UK, currently
London and Yorkshire and the
Humber, generally BTL investments
do not have the highest long-term
yields. For many their property
portfolio is their pension pot and
so it is important to keep in mind
the longevity of this investment
and keep an eye on the value of the

Cash ISAs

This method reached a new peak of
popularity this year. With uncertainty
abound many placed their faith in
the safety of this scheme, and whilst
this ensured protection from a
decrease in value it did not provide
much opportunity to increase in
value either. Generally, this is
regarded as a safe but rather low
yield, as shown from the data above.
How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital
Stocks & Shares ISAs                         Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA)          you agree with your bank a fixed         money or charges you a penalty fee
                                                                                     amount of time for which your            to do so.
Every adult in the UK is given an            These are a relatively new feature      money will remain in the account
annual £20,000 ISA allowance for             having only been introduced by the      and the security of this means the       Government Bonds (Gilts)
the tax year. It is possible to split this   UK government in April of 2016. In      interest rates are higher than a
between various innovative finance           some respects, these can be deemed      current account. An advantage to this    Similar to previous, a Gilt is a fixed
or stocks and shares ISAs. The main          as a level of risk to the previous      method is the low-risk factor as your    return payment for a set amount
difference between these ISAs and            stocks and shares ISAs and, of          money is secure and guaranteed to        of years and due to this they can
a cash ISA is with Stocks & Shares           course, Cash ISAs. With an innovative   earn a fixed amount of interest. There   be an easily predictable return, an
ISAs you are able to actively invest         finance ISA your return of investment   is also the security of the Financial    uncommon security in investment
your money and quite significantly           relies on the success of the company    Services Compensations scheme            finance. As it is issued by the UK
increase your capital. ISAs are also         and also the efficacy of the people     with UK registered banks providing       government it is also a very safe
exempt from CGT, a fact which is             in a peer to peer finance approach.     insurance of up to £85,000 per person    investment prospect, the UK has not
attractive considering the recently          However, as is the case, the higher     and per institution. However, these      yet defaulted on its debt. Although,
suggested increases to CGT rates             risk element provides for a higher      accounts are taxable and therefore       as with the cash ISA the security of
in 2021. However, the turn-over for          returns rate and on this basis it can   can be susceptible to increases in tax   this return also corresponds to a low
these increase with time and thus are        be a favourable investment method.      due to inflation and so it is possible   returns rate.
a better long-term investment. They                                                  to lose money on interest earnings.
are also, by name, very susceptible          1 Year Fixed Rate Bond                  The no access rule to these accounts     Property Development Finance
to volatility in the stock market and                                                can become a problem if unforeseen
thus perhaps a much higher risk              These are commonly used as a            expenses arise and the bank either       According to researchers at Nesta,
investment.                                  ‘rainy day’ savings method as           refuses to grant access to your          development finance is one of the
How Have Your Investments Fared - in 2020 - - Accumulate Capital
fastest growing investment segments
in the UK.

When you invest in a construction
project at the early stages, your
capital is linked to the overall profit
generated by the development. This
maximises your potential to receive
the best returns, whilst retaining a
low-risk profile. A distinct advantage
of an investment in development
finance is that your funds form part
of a capital stack. The capital stack
generally comprises professional
and institutional investors as
well as private individuals, which
serves to reduce overall risk. You
are also assured that sufficient due
diligence has been conducted on the
development project by others in
the capital stack to support your own

Development finance investments
are more accessible to a wider group
of investors, mainly because of a
low entry level. This means that they
provide more opportunity for you to
diversify your investment portfolio
by project, location and time.
Development finance is essentially
a mechanism that will help reduce
your overall investment risk. A quality
that has become considerably more
attractive due to the volatility of the
investment climate this year.

To find out more about Accumulate’s
opportunities in development finance,
contact an adviser today.
Canterbury Innovation Centre
                                    University Road, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 7FG
                                               Tel: 01227 936 996


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