LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library

Page created by Wallace Alvarez
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
            SEPTEMBER 2017

OCTOBER 2021                                       | 519-599-3681

All Things Apple!
The Fall season in The Town of The Blue Mountains is characterized
by one important fruit, APPLES! This October, The Blue Mountains
Public Library is celebrating All Things Apple, including a fun Apple
Tasting Challenge and the premiere of the latest REEL History Film
entitled Apple Harvest.

Join special guests on Friday October 8th at 7:00pm for the launch of
this new film. Focusing on a year in the life of an apple, you will get a
taste of the process that takes place to bring apples to your table.
Register online to join in the virtual film launch on our Event Calendar.

BMPL has teamed up with Goldsmith's Orchards for the Apple Tasting Challenge. Try 4 local varieties of apples for your chance
to win! Register online using our Event Calendar. Pick up a Tasting Passport at L.E. Shore Library or Craigleith Heritage Depot
and get out there to taste the different apples listed in the passport for your chance to win great prizes, including a gift basket
from Goldsmith's. This is an all-ages event that runs October 1-31, 2021. Winners will be announced in early November 2021.

Celebrate Ontario Public Library Week with BMPL
October is Canadian Library Month, which includes First Nations Public Library Week and Ontario Public Library Week! In
Ontario, we celebrate our public libraries during Ontario Public Library Week from October 17-23, 2021. This year to celebrate
join us for a Virtual Author Talk with Natalie Jenner as she talks about her international bestseller novel, "The Jane Austen
Society". The event will occur on Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 at 7:00pm via Zoom.

Natalie is the author of two fictional books, "The Jane Austen Society" (2020) and the forthcoming "Bloomsbury Girls" (to be
released in Spring 2022). "The Jane Austen Society" was a #1 National Bestseller and has been sold in twenty countries. Natalie
will be discussing her inspiration for the novels, her writing process, Canadian publishing, and how she found success through
                                                       writing fiction. We will also talk about her past career as a independent
                                                       bookstore owner, public libraries, and her own favourite library memories.
                                                       The evening will end with a brief Q&A session. Register online for the event.
                                                       Interested in reading "The Jane Austen Society" before the big event? It can
                                                       be found in our catalogue.

                                                       Interested in First Nations Public Library Week? See inside for information
                                                       on Truth and Reconciliation and a book list of Indigenous works.
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
Spooky Scavenger Hunt                                               Indigenous Reads
Hey all you ghosts, ghouls, and goblins! Head on down to the        The National Day for Truth & Reconciliation took place on
L.E. Shore Library October 30th anytime between 10:00am-            September 30th. This day, and every day, we have the
2:00pm or and the Craigleith Heritage Depot October 31st            opportunity to recognize and commemorate the legacy of
between 12:00pm-4:00pm for a super fun Halloween                    residential schools. BMPL urges everyone to read the Truth &
Scavenger Hunt! All you have to do is find all the hidden           Reconciliation Calls to Action, have the conversation at home,
ghouls, ghosts and goblins in the building. Submit your             borrow a book by an Indigenous author, buy Indigenous, support
Scavenger Hunt Card at the circulation desk for a chance to         Indigenous, listen, be an ally, and donate if you can. First
win a prize! Remember to grab a yummy treat before                  Nations Public Library Week is October 4-8, 2021.
you leave BMPL. Costumes are encouraged!
This is a drop-in program so no registration                                                 A Knock on the Door by Truth and
is required. Masks, Physical distancing,                                                     Reconciliation Commission of Canada
and all health measures will be in effect.                                                   (NF). Published in collaboration with the
                                                                                             National Research Centre for Truth &

This Month In the Gallery                                                                    Reconciliation, this book presents the
                                                                                             essential history and legacy of
Exhibit Launch: Natured Truth Runs Oct. 5 - Oct. 31, 2021.
                                                                                             residential schools in a concise and
Featuring the works of the Studio XX with Janice Cummings.
                                                                                             accessible package.
Studio XX painters are beckoned by nature and everyday
miracles. They showcase the delights, mystery, beauty and
                                                                    Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. Chronicles the desperate
wonder found in landscapes, flowers, rocks, waves, birds - the
                                                                    quest of 5 young residential school survivors to come to terms
world that surrounds us and often goes unnoticed. Enjoy the
                                                                    with their past and, ultimately, find a way forward.
magic that this talented and diverse group of painters reveal
as they share their love of nature and the wonderful world that     Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice. A daring
is there for all to enjoy and marvel in - when we mindfully         post-apocalyptic novel from a powerful rising literary voice.
slow down and become aware.
                                                                    Secret Path by Gord Downie and Jeff Lemire (GN). Chanie
This exhibit is available in-person at L.E. Shore and online on     was a young boy who died walking the railroad tracks, trying to
our Exhibits webpage. All purchases can be taken in-person          escape from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School.
at L.E. Shore, via phone by calling 519-599-3681 ext. 5, and        Secret Path acknowledges a dark part of Canada's history, the
by emailing                         long suppressed mistreatment of Indigenous people, with the
                                                                    hope of starting our country on a road to reconciliation.
Congrats CHD!                                                       Sevan Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga (NF). Award-winning
UNESCO Chair of Water, Heritage                                     investigative journalist delves into the history of a small northern
and Sustainable Development has                                     city where seven young Indigenous students were found dead
selected Alessia for the Beyond
                                                                    and the long struggle with human rights violations against
Museums - Tools for Promoting the
                                                                    Indigenous communities.
Natural and Cultural Water Heritage.
                                                                    Up Ghost River by Edmund Metatawabin (NF). A memoir
This certificate will assist Alessia
                                                                    about the abuse a First Nations chief endured in residential
with our many environmental and
                                                                    school in the 1960s, the resulting trauma, and the spirit he
natural history programs including
                                       Alessia, Museum Technician   rediscovered within himself and his community through
the Jr. Naturalist Program. This
experience will also be invaluable in CHD outreach with the         traditional spirituality and knowledge.

Watershed Trust, Bruce Trail Association, the Niagara               Speaking our Truths: a Journey of Reconciliation by
Escarpment Commission, Dept. of Oceans and Fisheries,               Monique Gray Smith (JNF). Examines how we can foster
Ontario Provincial Parks and our other environmental                reconciliation with Indigenous people at individual, family,
partners. Way to go Alessia!                                        community and national levels.

 OCTOBER 2021                                                             | 519-599-3681
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
                        Seniors Exercise                 Museum From Home                                           #YourArchives
                        Mondays | 10:00am                Mondays | 12:30pm                                          Mondays | 1:00pm
                        BMPL Facebook | Drop-in          CHD Facebook & Twitter | Drop-In                           CHD Facebook & Twitter | Drop-In
                        Improve your health and          Start your week with highlights and                        Our initiative #yourarchives aims to
                        fitness with light aerobic       the history of items in the Craigleith                     get the community involved in digital
                        exercises and stretches.         Heritage Depot’s Museum collection.                        archives. Tag us in your archive posts!

                                                                                                   Kids Clubhouse
 Techy Tuesday                                                                                     Tuesdays | 4:30pm
 Tuesdays | 7:00pm                                                                                 BMPL YouTube & Zoom | Registration
 BMPL Facebook | Drop-in                                                                           Want to meet up with your friends and get creative
 Swing by BMPL's Facebook page to learn something                                                  together? Join us over Zoom! We will guide you
 new and exciting about technology each week.                                                      through activities and discuss the week's theme.
                                                                                                   Registration is now open!

                       Wired Wednesday                                                             Bedtime Story Time
                       Wednesdays | 1:00pm                                                         Wednesdays | 7:00pm
                       BMPL Facebook & YouTube | Drop-in                                           BMPL Facebook & YouTube | Drop-in
                       Join Ashley on our Facebook page for virtual tech help.                     These quiet stories and rhymes will help get your
                       She will discuss a different Library resource or tech                       family ready for bed. Wear your PJs and bring
                       topic every week and provide tech assistance.                               your teddy bear.

                                                                                  101 Things About the Craigleith Station Building
Digital Book Club
                                                                                  Thursdays | 12:00pm
Thursdays | 1:00pm
                                                                                  CHD Facebook & Twitter | Drop-in
BMPL Facebook | Drop-in
                                                                                  We will be posting stories and histories of the little Craigleith Station
Each week features a new book discussion topic
                                                                                  from its inception in the late 1880s to its transformation into a
to hear your thoughts on books.
                                                                                  museum, archive, and library.

   Virtual Story Time                                                                     Outdoor Story Time
   Fridays | 11:00am                                                                      Fridays | 11:00am
   BMPL Facebook | Drop-in                                                                LES Lawn | Drop In, Spaces Limited
   Support your young children develop a love of reading. Songs, rhymes and               Bring your blankets! We will be hosting an engaging
   stories are shared. Suitable for children of all ages, stages and abilities.           and fun Story Time session every week on Friday.
                                                                                          Please note that Outdoor Story Time is dependent
                                                                                          on weather and GBHU outdoor restrictions.

                                                              Trivia Game Night
Favourite Fossils
                                                              Fridays | 7:00pm
Fridays | 5:00pm
                                                              BMPL Facebook & Event Calendar | Drop-in
CHD Facebook & Twitter | Drop-in
                                                              New weekly Trivia themes posted every
Explore the prehistoric past with
                                                              Friday for you to enjoy all week long!
fossils from the Craigleith Heritage
                                                              Get the link on our Facebook page
                                                              or Event Calendar.

                  Monthly Scavenger Hunts                                    Dorothy Crysler Bird Club
                  L.E. Shore & Craigleith Heritage Depot | Drop-in           October 23 | 9:30am | Registration                        SCAN TO VISIT
                  Each month a new outdoor scavenger hunt will go up         Join our Curator as we learn                             EVENT CALENDAR

                  on the windows of each of our branches buildings. Test     about our wild avian friends,
                  your eyes and see if you can find all the hidden items!    their habits and habitats.

 OCTOBER 2021                                                                                 | 519-599-3681
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
                   Apple Tasting Challenge                                           Exhibit Launch: Natured Truth
                   Oct. 1 - Oct. 31                                                  Oct. 5 | In The Gallery at L.E. Shore & Online
                   BMPL has teamed up with Goldsmith's Orchards. Try 4 local         Featuring the works of the Studio XX with Janice Cummings.
                   varieties of apples for your chance to win! Pick up a passport
                   at LES or CHD and tasting! Fill out the ballot before the end     Exhibit runs October 5 to October 31, 2021.
                   of October for your chance to win great prizes. Show your
                   Passport at Goldsmith's to receive a free sample bag.
                   (while supplies last)

Getting Started with Photo Post-Processing                                                          Getting Started with Digital Video Editing
Oct. 7 | 11:00am | L.E. Shore | Registration Required                                               Oct. 7 | 1:00pm | L.E. Shore | Registration Required
This workshop will introduce digital video production with                                          This workshop will explore digital video editing using
the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. All                                                         Blackmagic Resolve Studio software. Topics include
equipment is part of the digital arts equipment loans at                                            starting a project, creating a sequence and different
BMPL with the Creator Space. No experience required.                                                types of transitions. No experience required.
Ages 13+.                                                                                           Ages 13+ (4 Students Max).

Apple Harvest Film Launch                                                                        Astronomy in Our Upper Atmosphere
Oct. 8 | 7:00pm | Online | Registration Required for Q&A                                         Oct. 12 | 6:00pm | BMPL YouTube
Join us for the newest REEL History film launch in honour of the Apple                           Ian from the Royal Astronomical Society will speak about
Harvest Festival. This documentary focuses on the life of an apple, in                           human objects in the atmosphere, like the International
Canada's fruit region of The Town of The Blue Mountains. Join the                                Space Station and Elon Musk's Star-Link satellite
Craigleith Heritage Depot online to watch the film, hear from a local apple                      system, meteors, and the northern lights, and why the
farmer and cider maker, and chat with the filmmakers.                                            Northern lights are often better to view in the Fall.

                                                                              Strat Plan Drop-In
                                                                              Oct. 16 & Oct. 26 | 10:00am & 5:00pm| L.E. Shore
                              Teen Group                                      Stop in to L.E. Shore and chat with our CEO and a
                              Oct. 14 | 5:00pm | L.E. Shore | Registration    Board Member about any issues, services,
                              Join the Teen Group & have your say on Teen     programs, or governance matters you would like
                              programs and services, become involved in       addressed in our next Strategic Plan.
                              your community, & meet new friends!             No registration required.
                              Counts as high school volunteer hours.

Adventures in Digital Arts: Youth                                                                 Intro to Lighting for Video Production
Oct. 16 | 10:00am | L.E. Shore | Registration Required                                            Oct. 16 | 1:00pm | L.E. Shore | Registration Required
This session will explore creating a super hero or heroine and                                    This workshop will explore using LED lights for digital
making a 360 video using the latest and coolest tech such as                                      video production and how to use shadow and light for
Apple Pencils and GoPro Fusion 360 cameras. A fun filled                                          dramatic effect in documentary and narrative
session featuring local award-winning cartoonist Jeff Wilson                                      filmmaking. No experience required. Ages 13+.
and local filmmaker Tom Strnad.

                                                                                                                       For more information on these
Author Talk with Natalie Jenner                              Truth About Credit                                             programs, visit our
Oct. 19 | 7:00pm | BMPL Zoom                                 Oct. 27 | 6:00pm | Zoom | Registration Required          Event Calendar on our website.
Celebrate Ontario Public Library Week with                   Brought to you by the Credit Counselling Society,
BMPL. Join Natalie Jenner, author of The                     this virtual webinar will teach users about the myths
Jane Austen Society (2020) and the                           around credit, the facts around credit reports, credit
forthcoming novel Bloomsbury Girls (2022),                   ratings, and credit scores alongside strategies on
from the comfort of your own home.                           how to protect or repair their credit.

TwAG                                                             Halloween Scavenger Hunt
Oct. 28 | 7:00pm | L.E. Shore | Registration                     Oct. 30 & Oct. 31 | LES & CHD
Monthly meetings feature an interactive                          Head on down to BMPL for a super
MakerKit where tweens make, explore                              fun Halloween Scavenger Hunt and
and lead in this tween-led program.                              a spooky TREAT!

  OCTOBER 2021                                                                        | 519-599-3681
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
Family History Month - Get Scrapbooking!
At the end of October, the Craigleith Heritage Depot is publishing a new online exhibit, Family
Scrapbook. This online exhibit will feature various local families from our large historical
photograph collection. The month of October is marked as Family History month, this
celebration encourages people to explore their family’s past! The online exhibit will include
photographs, diary entries, letters, and scrapbooks, piecing together family’s pasts. We also
will be including a section of unknown people, in hopes that someone will be able to identify
them. Check out our online exhibits at the end of October to check out some of the amazing
photographs and items we’ll have on display!

"Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move”                      Bumpits circa 1880s     “Dude, are we done yet?”         "Wait… where are the cookies?"
(Lucy & Eva Atkins)                                       (unknown woman)         (unknown man)                    (Unknown Toddler)

Truth and Reconciliation                                                          Trick-or-Treat Safety
On this first annual National Day of Reconciliation (and after)                   If you're planning to trick-or-treat this year, plan and be safe.
your BMPL has resources to assist you to work towards the                            Wear a mask (and not just the costume kind).
94 Calls to Action. In September the TRC Calls to Action                             Limit the group size. Keep the group to just siblings.
Booklet were distributed with family friendly activities. If you                     Limit the houses you visit.
missed this, you can find the 94 Calls to Action online.                             Look for contactless trick-or-treat houses on Municipal
While Truth and Reconciliation seems a mammoth task, we
                                                                                     Leave lots of space between other trick-or-treaters.
can each do our part by bringing it down to the basics that
                                                                                     Take precautions while prepping candy. Wash your hands
Truth is learning, or unlearning what we have been told.
                                                                                     with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and
Reconciliation is taking actions to make change.
                                                                                     after prepping.

BMPL has been an advocate for Land Acknowledgments,                                  Practice good hand hygiene. Remember to use hand

supporting our Indigenous members, providing programs                                sanitizer in between homes to further reduce risk.

towards citizenship building where our community can learn                           Stay home if you or anyone in the house might be sick.

about our Indigenous peoples and matters-historic and                             Happy Trick-or-Treating!

contemporary. We will continue to bring this matter forward to
our community, whether it is hanging ribbons for the
                                                                                  Creator Space Programs
thousands murdered children                                                       The Creator Space is your space to create and learn digital
                                                                                  arts including digital video, digital sound, digital photography,
at the hands of their
                                                                                  and digital design in a state of the art digital lab, with
educators, hanging red
                                                                                  programs, events and workshops led by award-winning digital
dresses for the Murdered
                                                                                  artists and industry experts.
and Missing Women and
Girls, or bringing vetted                                                         Webinars are free with your BMPL library card! Check out

Indigenous materials to our                                                       their programs both in-person and online on our Event
community. Let's all work                                                         Calendar. New programs are posted monthly. During your
towards a day when we no                                                          next visit to L.E. Shore, stop by and check out our Digital Arts
longer require reconciliation!         Harriet Prince of Sagkeeng First Nation.   Lab in partnership with the Creator Space.
                                                   Residential School Survivor.

 OCTOBER 2021                                                                                  | 519-599-3681
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
Board Corner
On Wed, Sept 22nd the Board held its Strategic Planning Town
Hall where the community could provide additional feedback on
the Strategic Plan process. If you missed this event the
PowerPoint presented is now available on our Progress Report.
An update report has been circulated through the Blue
Mountains Review which provides a summary of the activities
completed, our Phases, statistics, and emerging themes.

Focus Group registration is now available on the Event
Calendar. Several have topics or themes to get at the heart of
our various demographics and how best to meet all our
community member needs across the Town.

As part of the feedback that came in, the Survey planned for
October 2022 has been postponed and is now scheduled for
January 15 - February 28, 2022. This gives our community a
break from surveys as well as makes the culminating survey a
feedback loop for what we have heard during Phase I and
Phase II.

Thank you to the more than 800 participants who took time to
have discussions with us over the summer. We are excited to
enter Phase II and begin more in-depth conversations on the
types of service that will impact your lives.

                                                 L.E. Shore Library                  Craigleith Heritage Depot
                                                 173 Bruce St. S., Thornbury         113 Lakeshore Rd. E., Blue Mountains

                                                 LES Hours                           CHD Hours
        Our Virtual Branch is open 24/7.
                                                 Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat: 10am-5pm     Tues / Thu / Fri: 12pm-5pm
      Have a question? We're here for you!       Tues / Thu: 10am-7pm                Wed: 4pm-7pm
519-599-3681 |
                                                                                     Sat: 10am-4pm
                                                                                     Sun: 12pm-4pm

 OCTOBER 2021                                                             | 519-599-3681
LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library LIBRARY NEWS - The Blue Mountains Public Library
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