KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.

Page created by Sheila Hamilton
KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
                November 2020

Kaaren & Jim and their Model ‘T’ at Bluff.

        Email: bayofplenty@vcc.org.nz
 WEB SITE: www.bayofplentyvintagecarclub.com
KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
Hi members and families,
We may have moved on from Covid but we sure have been hit
with health problems of members and the passing of Tom
Woods over the last few days. If you know of a member that is
not well please let our welfare officer Linda Downey know so
she can keep in touch with them.
November is going to be a busy month starting with the
Bellevue 500 (more on this in the Klaxon) and then our swap
meet/car show/family day. If you haven’t already heard—a V8
simulator has been added to the day, please make this well
known and invite people to come along.
On the night of Monday 9 th at our club night we are having an
excellent speaker which is one of our newest members so make
sure you come along and support Neville.
Kerry has organised the mid week run so be sure to check this
one out. Our end of month run is going to be something that we
have not done before and will be well advertised in the “BUZZ”
- what a month!
Owing to circumstances I have not been able to organise the
collection and laying of cobblestones at the club rooms, is there
someone that would co-ordinate this project, everything is in
place and we have volunteers ready to help—but we
just need a boss? Please contact me on 027 576 4263.

Finally if you want to get something out of your club you need
to put something it, you will find it works!
I look forward to seeing as many as you as we can over the next
few events.

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
BOP VCC Coming Events

 6 – Bellevue 500 (See below)
 7 – Swap Meet Working Bee
 8 – SWAP MEET – Convenor - Peter Seton
 9 – Club Night- Guest Speaker – Neville Falconer– Blind Mans Stag!
11 – Mid Week Run – Kerry Williamson
20 – 22 – Taranaki Branch ‘Maunga Moana Rally’
24 – Nog & Natter – Tauranga Citz Club
29 – End of Month Run – Ken Frew (special event—TBA)
30 – Committee Meeting
  2 – Annual Bus Trip – Alan Webb
  5 - BOP VCC Annual Christmas Party – (Ken Frew & Kaaren Smylie)
 8 – Gold Card Christmas Morning Tea - Smylies
13 – BOP VCC Children’s Christmas Party – (Linda Downey)
14 – Club Night
16 – Mid Week Run – Christmas Run to Retirement Villages – (Kaaren Smylie)
18 – Committee Christmas Party & Meeting (Ken & Kaaren)
22 – Nog & Natter (TBC)
On Friday 6 November Bellevue Primary School are holding a fun day and have
asked the VCC to join them, we are looking for 3 or 4 vintage club cars to come
and do a circuit of the grounds and park up as a display whilst the kids have
their race in their home made cars.
This is going to be a great chance to advertise our family day/swap meet 2
days later. If you can attend please contact Ken on 027 576 4263, many
Noggin and Natter- For new members information, this is an opportunity to
meet members in a casual atmosphere, have a meal and a drink and have a
chinwag. It's another great opportunity to catch up with your fellow motoring
buddies in a relaxing atmosphere.

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.

For Sale: 1966 Morris Minor 1000 2 door. In dry storage 29
years. Rego on hold. 2 owners. A very good restoration pro-
ject as It's all there. Some parts. View in Papamoa. Open to
offers. Kay & Knud Nielsen ph. 021595600
viking.nielsen@xtra.co.nz                  Nov 2020
For Sale- 1965 PB Vauxhall. Very good interior. Exterior needs restoration. No
rust. Registration lapsed. Original condition and has been in dry storage for the
last 20 years. Viewable in Levin area. For further particulars. Paul 07 5748482
or yvonne41paul@gmail.com                 Nov 2020
For Sale- 1999 Ford Falcon AU 4ltr straight 6 auto (maroon) CTB 383, WoF/
rego, only 225,000, good tow car $3000.00 Peter 027 605 4040 (26/9/20)
For Sale—Nissan Skyline 1993 R33 GTS 25 Auto.117000 original km. One owner
for the last 22 years. Silver. Immaculate and original. New WOF and reg. $8000.
Joe Scott 07.5441941 (01-09-2020)
For Sale- CHEV 1939 Master 85 (Straight Axle). Maroon with beige leather up-
holstery. Blue Flame motor, 12 volt electrics, high ratio diff, fully rebuilt over
many years. Manual, Handbook and Parts List. New exterior sun visor included.
Phone Ian 07 8633554 or email ianverrall@outlook.com (24/8/2020)

Teaser-Fancy an immaculate Austin A30? Call Chris Railton on 0274968493

Wanted to Buy: A pair of front mudguards (fenders) for a 42/46 Chev truck,
any contacts would be appreciated. Contact Gary Cocks 027 576 7060 (24/8/2020)

Wanted to Buy: MG Radio Blanking Plate. Ideally with
logo in chrome, but black would be okay. Contact
Deidre Rennie 021 665 875

Wanted: Luvax vane knee-action shock absorbers, set of 4x (as per catalogue
illustration), for 1936-39 Austin 10hp. A previous owner apparently sent the
originals away for re-conditioning over 10 years ago, and they never came back.
Peter 027 605 4040, or e-mail: classictyresnz@gmail.com.

Wanted to Buy: A side mounted radio aerial, the type people used to mount
on Zephyrs and Morris Minors in the 60s. Also a national radiator car heater
12v, they were a square box painted silver/grey. Contact Ken 027 576 4263

Wanted to Buy: A pair of front mudguards (fenders) for a 42/46 Chev truck,
any contacts would be appreciated. Contact Gary Cocks 027 576 7060

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
New Members
  We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members.
Michael Franks, 62 Sixth Avenue, Tauranga 3110
Email: Michael.Franks.nz@gmail.com
1948 Morris 8, series E and a 1930 Pontiac 4 door sedan

Jon and Dianne Keate, 53,Forrester Drive, Welcome Bay, Tauranga 3112
Email: jon@taurangaitm.co.nz
1963 Wolseley 1500

  Please contact our Chairman if you have not received your name
                    badges by our next meeting.

 In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed
to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we
have 'the rule of thumb.'
Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled
'Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden'... and thus the word GOLF entered
into the English language.

 Get your motor running...New Plymouth is all go.
           Revised dates have now been confirmed for the next
                    International Festival Of Motoring.
                  Originally planned for January 2021
   Covid forced the Festival postponement but we can now announce
   Our new dates Sunday 16 January to Friday 21 January 2022.
  That gives you another whole year to get plans in place, wheels on the
road and budgets sorted (who's picking what price petrol will be by then).
           We're looking forward to a huge turnout for this one.

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
BOP VCC—Important Information
        The Club Rooms are 29 Cliff Road. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3144.

Key contacts are:
  Chairman– Ken Frew       07 5764263 Email: kenanddiane@xtra.co.nz
  Secretary– Michael Thorman 07 5444291 Email: bayofplenty@vcc.org.nz
  Club Captain—Kaaren Smylie 07 5764180 OR 021 664341

Monthly events—
   Club night (except January) - 2nd Monday , start time 7.30pm
   Mid week run — Wednesday following the club night
   End of the month run — Held on the last Sunday of the month.
   Committee Meeting — Last Monday of the month
   Noggin ‘n’ Natter — 4th Tuesday at 6pm

Location Sequence of Noggin ‘n’ Natter
1, Tauranga- Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road.
   Contact is Jim Smylie phone 021 518 200 or 07 576 4180
2. Te Puke– The Annan restaurant. 4 Palmer Place.
   Contact is Paul McIndoe phone 5733328
3. Tauranga- Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road.
   Contact is Jim Smylie phone 021 518 200 or 07 576 4180
4. Katikati- Forta Leza Café, SH 2, Katikati.
   Contact is Owen Smith, phone 07 570 2000

If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide
a plate for supper. Thanks to last months birthday people for their food.

Pkease remember to wear your name badges to all events. They can be
ordered from David Joblin phone 544 1690.
LIBRARY HOURS— The library is open on club nights from 7pm. Also on most
Monday mornings Yvonne & Paul work in the library until midday. Members are
welcome to call in to search for or return books. If making a special trip please
phone them at home on 07 574 8482 or 027 6098510 beforehand to ensure
that they will be there. We are accepting good clean car service manuals or
books that relate to automobile history or travel for our club library

PARTS SHED—Clean out your sheds and bring those surplus parts down. They
may be just what someone else needs Parts shed open most Monday morning.
Contacts are Jack 07 5766346 or Colin 027 2629161
            CONTACT KAAREN SMYLIE 07 5764180 OR 021 664341

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
Bill Janes passed on a cutting from a 1931 Meccano Magazine, as follows—
Two Americans recently set up a world record by driving a Ford Model A contin-
uously for 2,775 hours, 46 minutes—or practically four months! During that
time the car ran 47,138.9 miles. In the course of the long journey, which was
carried on regardless of weather and road conditions, punctures made it neces-
sary to change tire's eleven times. Even this was done without stopping either
the engine or the car, a travelling jack being used in order to enable the wheel
requiring a new tire to be taken off by one of the drivers running by the side of
the car as it moved slowly along. Apart from tire changes the only repairs nec-
essary throughout the run were the replacement of the spark plugs after cover-
ing 30,000 miles, the fitting of new generator brushes and the renewal of a sin-
gle nut. The equipment carried during the long and monotonous journey includ-
ed a folding bed on which the drivers rested in turn, and a wireless receiving set.
For the greater part of the run neither of the drivers left the vehicle except
when changing wheels.
Sadly we could not verify this story on the Internet, but the following was
found online— In the San Diego Automotive Museum is Louie Mattar’s $75,000
1947 custom Cadillac. In 1952, Mattar and two other men drove this one-of-a-
kind Caddy from San Diego to New York and back, without a single stop. Their
trip totalled 6,320 miles! The Caddy automatically refills the radiator and chang-
es the oil. Having drilled axles, the wheels could be inflated while turning and,
also, hydraulic jacks could raise the car to allow the wheels to be changed while
moving. For more complicated repairs and adjustments, the hood featured clear
panels, which allowed the driver to keep on going, while the other two passen-
gers fiddled under the bonnet, standing on movable platforms attached to the
side of the car. Louie’s Cadillac is considered to be the first motorhome ever

Continued next page—
KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
. The three men who completed the gruelling journey had many luxuries such as
an electric stove, refrigerator, TV, washing machine, chemical toilet, shower,
medicine cabinet and kitchen sink – and even an ironing board, all integrated
into the back seat. Up front, the car had a nationwide mobile telephone, PA sys-
tem, tape recorder and a Turkish pipe. The shiny trailer held a 30-gallon reserve
of water (50 gallons were in a tank mounted in the car), 230 gallons of gas and
15 gallons of oil, meaning that it needed refueling only three times during the
week-long trip (September 20-27, 1952), done of course while moving, on air-
fields located in Kansas City, Camden and Omaha.

Two years later, the same car was also driven non-stop from Anchorage to
Mexico City, over a
distance of 7,482 miles.

We are not exactly sure of the definition used for “non-stop”. While some
sources reference police escorts, one presumes that for the most part Louie and
his co-drivers observed traffic laws and stopped for red lights and stop signs.

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
“Where is the Collectable Car World Heading “continued from previous Klaxons
I’ve had a month to get my thoughts together and I’m finding it difficult to make sense of
the market, but one thing I’m certain of and I doffs my flat cap to them for using Veteran
and Vintage cars like we used to 40 to 50 years ago. Of course I’m referring to the Smylie
crew who don’t have any options later than Vintage and what an example they are
setting for everyone else and long may you do so with no regard for power steering,
synchro gearboxes and ABS brakes. A few sceptics questioned the problems with elec-
tronics mainly from year 2000, so I will give you a couple of examples. Gwen’s cousin has
a nice sports from that era and a friend has a top of the range V8 from the same stable.
Both are side-lined with failures that control engine operation and they have both spent
a lot of time and money to no avail to fix things. By the way they both have the 3 point-
ed star on the bonnet and ask Donn White what happened to their “Cruze”! They all
suffered from that old men’s complaint “Limp Mode”. To my way of thinking
“Collectable” should no longer mean a car that you can currently pick-up quite cheaply
and hang on to it to reap some capital gains. I reckon if it’s interesting, drives well and is
not a blob-like melted ice-cream job, then it’s collectable. They are still out there as Max
Allan has found out having just returned from the UK for his compulsory sojourn to beat
the Visa blues. He has just scored a Renault Fuego with about 70k on the speedo and it’s
almost like new at an unbelievable price, so he’ll never lose money, but will he make
any? It looks great, handles well with the Citroen sort of engine set-up, therefore it’s
collectable and not an investment to appreciate, or it might a little. Vintage and Veteran
cars are as cheap as they’ll ever be and the Model A fraternity never have cold engines
which would seem to provide a good starting point if you’re thinking that way. Jim Smy-
lie will tell you the Model T put America on wheels, therefore they are still practical Vet-
erans.There are some very interesting vehicles in the “Classic” section of Trademe at
present and I’d be looking at the “Jappers” very carefully. OK, the “Toy Run” organisers
do not permit any of them in the Xmas run, but I had the chance a few years ago to buy
a Datsun 240Z but declined because it was an auto and didn’t see myself doing a conver-
sion to manual. Silly boy. Any of them have gone out through the roof and there are
equivalents out there right now, such as Starion Turbo, early MX5 and MR2 without
even looking at the 6 cylinder saloon car options. I followed an absolutely mint Toyota
Cressida with discreet TRD badge on the boot the other day. A good alternative to the
Editor’s passion for BMW. I have to also doff my flat cap to Graham Inglis for having the
nuts to go motoring in that 1977 Honda Civic. A wee gem.

So, it’s all about going for the less common and as an example, MGB roadsters and GT
models have eased considerably while their running mates, the Triumph TR models of all
sizes are worth quite a bit more because there’s less of them and that takes me back to
my observation that with “Muscle” cars coming in droves, the buyer can call the shots
and appreciation is not likely. I hope I live long enough to say, “Bugger, should have gone
out and bought those Yourin Eights when they were piddlin’ cheap.
Yours contemplatively, Ajay (AKA Alastair Jones)

KLAXON - BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) - Kaaren & Jim and their Model 'T' at Bluff.
Registration Frustration, by John Whitcombe.
I have a 1954 BSA B32 Goldstar that may be the genuine article, or may
be a replica. However, it looks like a Goldstar, sounds like a Goldstar, and
goes like a Goldstar - and that is close enough for me.

It came out of a basement where it had been sitting for the last 35 years.
It was a complete bike with not a lot to do to get it running and road
worthy, but it had no number plate and no papers. It has been a long
and frustrating process to get it complied, registered, and road legal.
However, after 6 months with help from various people I have succeed-
ed in getting permission to do so.

Here are some tips on how to get thru the process. The parts in italics
have been added by Andrew Lister, compliance officer NZTA. Although
this was written for a motorcycle it applies to a car as well.
The main concerns of the NZTA are: -
1.    That it is a genuine Motorcycle and that it that has been on the
      road in NZ at some stage in its life. You will need to prove legal
      entitlement. Alternatively, if it has been imported you will need to
      prove legal entitlement and proof of previous registration in the
      country it was imported from.
2.    The NZTA needs to be satisfied that the Bike is genuine and that it
      is not a re birthed vehicle (Stolen) or a replica.
3.    The main component that the NZTA considers is the frame.

So, when you buy your project bike, photograph and document the pro-
ject right from the start.

Whether it’s a whole bike or a pile of bits, photograph it where you
found it, i.e. spread out on a shed floor or under a cover at the back of a
barn or parked under a tree.

Ask the present owner to write out as much information as he can about
the history of the bike along with a signed and dated receipt. One of the
best things is family photos with the bike in the picture with great uncle
Bulgaria sitting on the bike with the number plate showing. You might
have that much luck but what ever you can get is a real first step.

During the rebuild photograph your progress and keep details of the
parts you bought and where you got them, especially 2nd hand parts,
always keep receipts.
I have always had this accepted in the past as with all BSAs there are no
drum wear figures to quote.

When the re build is finished go to the Vintage Car Club in your area and
get the local rep to help to apply for a “vehicle authenticity statement “.
There is a fee of $100 for this unless you are a member and then it’s

To do this you will need copies of all your paper work, any photos, and
frame and engine numbers and a Police stolen vehicles form (this can be
done on line) - do this twice, once for the engine number and once for
the frame number.

Then a “statutory declaration in relation to vehicle ownership “. Try the
AA or VTNZ for this (they printed it out for me). If not email me and I will
scan and send you a copy. This will need to be signed in front of a JP or
at the courthouse
If the Vintage Car Club can find details for the bike and do the authentici-
ty statement.

This should be sufficient to apply for a VIN – REGO and a WOF. I use the
AA as they have a vehicle complying department in Tauranga.

Note: The NZTA will consider the Certificate of Authenticity to confirm
year, make and Model but it does not automatically accept the Certifi-
cate of Authenticity as proof of previous registration in NZ

In my case the VCC could not supply the statement as I could not supply
enough information and there was a problem with the engine number.
The next step was to apply to the NZTA for permission to register using
NZTA “alternative documents form CA03 (available on line). A cost of
$186 applies.

This is where you need to supply as much information as possible,
Statements from previous owners
Extracts from service or repair manuals
Frame number and engine number identification information

None of the information that I had supplied even hinted at that, so I
asked how they had been determined this, and the reply was to go to
the Low Vehicle Volume people and apply to have the bike registered
as a scratch built vehicle (THIS IS NOT AN OPTION a motor cycle assem-
bled out of genuine parts is not a scratch built motor cycle).

Again I asked for reason as to why and how they had determined that
the bike was built from parts At this point my emails were no longer

It now looked like I had reached the end of the line but as always it ‘s
“not what you know but who you know”, which came to my rescue by
telling me that NZTA have Certification Officers—and giving me the
name of Andrew Lister, who is a Certification Officer for the Central
North Island.

I made contact with Andrew and things started to move, he came and
inspected the Motorcycle and looked at the documentation that I had
(not a lot), took photos of the frame and engine numbers and then did
his own investigation.
He made a recommendation that the Bike be accepted as a 1954 BSA
B32 and that it was possible that the frame at least may have been previ-
ously registered in NZ.

And in the mail today a letter to say that “you may register this Motorcy-

All in all, a long process, but if you have the right information and won’t
take no for the answer you should follow the foregoing and be able to
get a satisfactory result.

If I can be of any further help Email me at coastbusters@kinect.co.nz

John Whitcombe.
The Following is a link to the section in NZTA used Entry certification
manual covering the required documentation for re-registering a vehicle.

Come to Napier and join the HBVCC for Art Deco 2021 from February 18th -21st.
Kindly sponsored again this year by Euro City Ltd.
 In 2021 the Featured Group will be Veteran Motor Vehicles (all will be over 100
years old). We are expecting 50 plus Veterans thus year and already have 25
Veteran entries as at 10 September. Cars, commercials, motorcycles, high-
wheelers, steam , electric and petrol.
Veterans entered already include an 1895 Velo Benz, 1903/4 Oldsmobiles (3),
De Dion, Calcott, Hupmobile, GWK, Dodge (3), Sears, L’etoile, Darracq (2) , Cadil-
lac , Mitchell, Holly, Briscoe, New Pick and 5 Model T Fords.
2021 will be the 90th anniversary of the 1931 Napier Earthquake. We want to
get as many EQ survivor cars to attend the 2021 AD Festival as possible. A
commemorative banner or similar will be presented to all qualifying vehicles. To
qualify your vehicle must have been in Napier or Hastings at the time of the EQ.
Please contact me if you have such a vehicle or know someone who has.
The same applies if you own or know of any First Response Vehicles that may
have been present during the EQ. (eg Ambulance, Fire Engine, Police, Military).
For 2021 the main annual rally is again on Friday and we plan to have a touring
run plus a picnic lunch at a great lunch venue. On Saturday we will have the
morning tea and car show and popular choice at the HBVCC clubrooms,
followed by the grand parade. Sunday events include breakfast at the HBVCC
clubrooms and the Gatsby picnic in the afternoon. There are many other events
offered by Art Deco Trust on the Friday and Saturday nights.
Come and join the other 180 plus club eligible vehicles we expect to enter the
2021 Event.
If you are entering a Veteran there are special additional events for you on the
Wednesday and Thursday of Art Deco Week. If you plan to attend these please
plan to arrive in Napier on the Tuesday. Otherwise we suggest you plan to arrive
in Napier on Thursday 20th so you can attend the Dinner at the Clubrooms that
evening. We have prizes for the best dressed couples again this year. Dinner
tickets are limited so be in quick.
Go to the HBVCC website for an Entry Form. (www.hbvcc.org.nz). Entry forms
for 2021 are available now.
Accommodation in Napier is already filling up for Art Deco Weekend so book
now to avoid disappointment.
Contacts: STEVE TROTT stevetrott@xtra.co.nz
          STEVE DONOVAN stevedon@xtra.co.nz

Place names for Vintage Cars
Made from Stainless Steel, these NZ Place names
fit either on top or underneath your classic or vin-
tage vehicle number plate. Available are: Welling-
ton, Waikato, Napier, Hamilton, Bay of Plenty,
Kaitaia, Tauranga, Auckland. Also Ratrod and Pre-
fect. Tabs are undrilled. Available with an "up" or
"down tab"
Buy now price $30 is for each.
Listing on Trade me -


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                  wall trims, steel & wire wheels.
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                       MOUNT MAUNGANUI

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         Email: classictyresnz@gmail.com
      Postal: P O Box 2245 TAURANGA 3140
                   07 571 5525

       Mobile/warehouse: 027 605 4040

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                                  VINTAGE, CLASSIC OR MODERN
                                      CARS, MOTOR CYCLES
                                    SERVICE, SALES, REPAIRS

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                                      Marine          Oil Coolers

                                       FOR ANYTHING THAT
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                                       Call in for an obligation free
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      Bob Hyslop Proprietor
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        Phone 07 578 2654


14/68 Tukorako Dr, Mt Maunganui 3116, Bay of Plenty
gasketsbop@xtra.co.nz www.gasketsbop.com

              We would
                 would like
                       like to
                            to thank
                               thank our
                                     our regular
                                         regular sponsors
               TYRES       BIRCH
                           BIRCH AVENUE
                                 AVENUE RADIATORS
                                         BOB HYSLOP
                              AMS PLUMBING
                       YOU TO YOUOF
                                      FOR SUPPORTING OUR CLUB

                     ALL OURRAILTON
                ARE FROMBAY THE
                            OF PLENTY
                                BOP VCC.

CHAIRMAN              KEN FREW (DIANE)                07 5764263
VICE CHAIRMAN        KERRY WILLIAMSON (MARY)           07 5734207
SECRETARY             MICHAEL THORMAN (JANE)         07 5444291
TREASURER            KEITH PERKINS (JANE)            07 5781231
CLUB CAPTAIN         KAAREN SMYLIE (JIM)             07 576 4180
COMMITTEE             BRIAN PRATT (CINDY)             07 5447952
COMMITTEE            LINDA DOWNEY (DOUG)            021 02777931
COMMITTEE             DOUG BROWN (LINDA)              021 668117
COMMITTEE             JAMES TURNER (AMY)               021345053
COMMITTEE             KAAREN SMYLIE (JIM) 021664341 or 07 5764180
                      OTHER ELECTED OFFICERS
HALL HIRE             KAAREN SMYLIE (JIM)            021 664341
LIBRARIAN             YVONNE BECK (PAUL)             07 5748482
PARTS SHED             JACK ANDERSON (MERILYN)        07 5766346
NAME BADGES            DAVID JOBLIN (NOLA)            07 5441690
NEW MEMBERS            ALASTAIR JONES (GWEN)          07 5761124
SWAPMEET               PETER SEATON (ANNE)            07 5768083
VIC CERTIFICATION     IVAN ALLEN (YVONNE)             07 5432629
APPAREL                LINDA DOWNEY (DOUG)            02 102777931
KITCHEN               YVONNE ALLEN (IVAN)             07 5432629
WELFARE               LINDA DOWNEY (DOUG)             02 102777931
HON. SOLICITOR        PETER BUTLER (MARION)           07 5756892
WEBSITE               PAUL BECK (YVONNE)              07 5748482
KLAXON CO-EDITOR      DEIDRE RENNIE (TONY)            021 665 875
FACEBOOK              DEIDRE RENNIE (TONY)            021 665 875
HEALTH & SAFETY       BRIAN PRATT                     07 5447952

                 KLAXON EMAIL: klaxoninfo@gmail.com
            CLUB WEBSITE: www.bayofplentyvintagecarclub.com
                SECRETARY EMAIL: bayofplenty@vcc.org.nz

Dave Smith with his
                                                                restored 1982
                                                                Chevrolet Camaro.

                                                                With a Chev 350
                                                                motor and a 4 barrel
                                                                carburetor, it’s a real
                                                                grunt machine.

                                                                Dave has promised us
                                                                a story on this
                                                                restoration for a later

                         Interislander Rates 2021
Booking Reference: WH5465
The below rates are based on prices to date, inclusive of GST and subject to availability.
Off Peak Fares: Each Way
Adult $48.00                                Children $26.00
Motorcycle $42.00                           Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $124.00
Trailer-Each half metre over 5.5 metres $22.00
Premium Plus Lounge $55.00 18yrs plus
Off Peak Travel Dates
01 – 31 March 21 07 April – 15 December 21
Peak Fares: Each Way
Adult $53.00                                 Children $26.00
Motorcycle $52.00                           Car/Van/Trailer up to 5.5 metres $137.00
Trailer-Each half metre over 5.5 metres $24.00
Premium Plus Lounge $55.00 18yrs plus
Peak Travel Dates
01-28 February 21 01-06 April 21
      Booking conditions and instructions for members are:
      - Each reservation must be made direct with Interislander online using the special
      link below–
      - Book online at https://www.greatjourneysofnz.co.nz/members-fares
     - To access these rates members must insert the reference “WH5465”
      - Payment is required at the time of booking.
      - Space is subject to availability at the time of the booking request.
      - Refunds - Once paid for fares are 90% refundable if cancelled prior to check-in
      and non-refundable if cancelled after check-in.
      - Members are required to present their current NZ Vintage Car Club Membership
      credentials on check in or retail fares will be charged.
      - Fares valid for travel 01 February through to 15 December 20
No discounted fares for travel 16 December 20 through to and including 31 January 21.
Bookings over this will need to be made online.


                                            FIX LABEL


                      IF UNDELIVERED: RETURN TO. PO BOX 660. TAURANGA 3144
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