Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching

Page created by Jeanette Hoffman
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
The Government
Kickstart Scheme
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
The Kickstart scheme asks employers      an apprenticeship; giving both the
to create a 6 month work placement       school and the young person an
for those aged 16-24; allowing young     opportunity to “try before you buy”
people to gain valuable experience
and training which boosts their          Employers can create as many
employability and life skills.           placements as they like, each lasting 6
                                         months. There is no obligation to offer
The best bit? The Government will        the young person a full time position
cover the wages of each young person     after the placement has ended (unless
(National Minimum Wage for 25 hours      they want too!).
a week), plus the associated
employer minimum National Insurance      More details of the scheme are
and Pension contributions.               explained throughout this brochure
                                         but if you have any further questions,
The Scheme is also an excellent          or would like to get started please
opportunity for employers to work with   contact us on:
young people who wish to complete

                                             01472 493004
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
New Role(s)          Eligible Candidates          Fully Funded
 The role(s) you are     The people you hire        The government
   must not be a         must be 16-24 years       covers 100% of the
  replacement for
   a current role.
                         old and on Universal
                                                   wage costs for each
                                                     young person.
                                                                                                Benefits of the
                                                                          We’re sure you’ll agree that employers    No direct costs
                                                                          and individuals alike have felt the       Receive admin, recruitment
                                                                          economic and social impact of the         and ‘wrap-around’ learning
                                                                          Coronavirus. School closures, staff       support throughout the
                                                                          absences and general uncertainty has      scheme.
    Placement               Paperwork                   Support           lead to an increase in workload and
                                                                          pressure.                                 Skilled Workforce
The placement should    Don’t worry – we’ll sort   Receive recruitment,                                             The placement gives you the
be 6 months and can      out all the practical     admin and learning     The Kickstart scheme aims to solve this   opportunity to identify new
 start anytime during      work with DWP.           support during the    by providing you with the additional,     talent and provide effective
         2021.                                          scheme.           hands-on support you may lack,            training to (potential) future
                                                                          without the associated costs.             staff.
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
Inspire the Future
Generation of Teaching
Support Staff
The Kickstart Scheme offers a unique
opportunity to support the community and
help young people to;

•   Improving their well being
•   Boost their personal development
•   Make a positive start to achieving their
    career aspirations

You and your school can help young
people gain the skills, confidence and
experience they need to work in support
roles in schools and nurseries.                 14.6 %           VS    4.8%
Each job placement will help young             Young people are bearing the brunt of
people gain valuable skills and                the recent pandemic, with unemployment
experience, and contribute to your             rates soaring above the national average.
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
What placements can
I have in my School?
Placements can be for any job role in         You can combine elements of different
your school, as long as the                   placements into one if you wish, or
placement is:                                 create your own position to meet the
                                              needs of you and your school.
•   An entry-level or trainee role.           If you need help creating a placement
•   Not replacing a current role.             that will benefit your school, contact
                                              us! We can discuss your needs and
Our example placements are shown              help you to write the placement
below, although you are not restricted        description before you apply for it.
to these!

     Teaching Assistants              Caretakers                 PE Assistant
     Support Staff                    Administration roles       Administration roles
     Cleaners                         Catering Staff             Playground Support
     EHCP Assistant                   Facilities Assistant       COVID Assistants
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
So.. where do                                                                                         Courses for
Think Employment come in?                                                                         Kickstart Candidates
                                                                                      Vocational Training Courses
Schools and other employers can            that provide individuals with
either apply to recruit Kickstart          nationally-recognised qualifications.      Level 1 Award in Preparing to Work in Schools
candidates directly, or use a Gateway                                                 Level 2 Award in Support Work in Schools
like Think Employment who will handle      Each Young person that we put              Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools
the recruitment, administration and        forward for your placements, will have     Level 2 Award in Introducing Caring for Children and Young People
employability support on your behalf.      already achieved, or be working            Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
                                           towards one of the relevant                Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Business Administration
As an established training provider,       qualifications shown on the right.         Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism
who is driven to support individuals in                                               Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity
their search for work; we are excited to   Each course is completed online,           Level 2 Certificate in LGBT Inclusion in the Workplace
be part of this scheme as we have          which makes it ideal for those working     Level 3 Award in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
seen first hand how increased              from home.                                 Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
employability (and more
importantly work experience) can           Our full list of courses can be found at
                                                                                      English and Maths Courses
drastically improve the opportunities
for young people.
                                                                                      Functional Skills English Level 1
                                                                                      Functional Skills English Level 2
For almost two decades, we have
                                                                                      Functional Skills Maths Level 1
delivered a range of funded courses
                                                                                      Functional Skills Maths Level 2
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
Our Accreditations & Partners

Why Choose us?

Established Training Company
with extensive experience of training and
supporting unemployed, young people across
the UK in the education sector.

High Quality Candidates
We only refer candidates who have, or who are
working towards, a relevant level 2 qualification
(including Maths and English).

Local Links
Our close relationships with local Job Centre
Plus’ will help to make your experience with the
scheme as smooth as possible.
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
1. Initial Scoping Meeting
                                                                                                  Our Kickstart representative will contact you to discuss your requirements and
                                                                                                   expectations. They will discuss your school, what placements you would like to
                                                                                                            offer and identify what support you require from us during the scheme.
                                                          8. What next?
                           As the scheme is running until December                                                         2. Write & Advertise Job Description
                       2021, why not create additional placements                                                           Once we understand what placements you would like to
                        for new kickstarts? There is no limit on how                                                        provide, we will work with you to write a suitable placement
                                 many placements you can have!                                                               description. We will then advertise the position for free on our
                                                                                                                               website, social media channels and via email.

                                  7. Placement Complete
                                                                                                                                     3. Application Sifting
     After 6 months the placement is complete. The young
            person should now be well equipped with key,
   transferable skills that will boost their employability for
                                                                                   The Process:                                       We will sift the applications that we receive through our
                                                                                                                                       advertising and put forward the candidates we feel are
future roles (which we will help them to find). You are not
    obliged to offer them a full time role.. (unless of course
                                                  you want too)!
                                                                                    Explained                                         most suitable for you. All applications we pass on will have,
                                                                                                                                     or will be working towards, a level 2 qualification that is
                                                                                                                                 relevant to the position they have applied for - including Maths
                                                                                                                                 and English if required. Each employer can also put forward their
                                       6. Ongoing Support                                                                        own candidates for the position!

              We will support the young people throughout their                                                              4. Interviews
             placement with employability skills, CV support and
           career advice, to ensure they have the best chance of                                                            Once you have short listed potential candidates, it is time to
                  gaining further employment after the placement.                                                          interview! We will contact and arrange all interviews on your
                                                                                                                          behalf and can provide free interview facilities if required.
                                                                   5. On boarding
       Congratulations! It’s time for the young person to join the team. We will help with all
       necessary employment contracts, DBS checks and the Kickstart inductions, so you
                can focus on providing a warm welcome for your new member(s) of staff.                        01472 493004                  
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
Employer & Gateway
DWP will not make any payments until        employment. This can include
it is satisfied that the funding will be    on-the-job training, work search
used for eligible expenditure only. As      support, transferable skills
an employer it is your responsibility to    development, mentoring and
provide evidence of this - or risk a        careers advice, and support with CV
deduction/removal of funding.               and interview preparation.

As your Gateway, we will review your       - Help to build each Participant’s work
use of this funding, with each review        skills which can include developing
taking into account the delivery of the      attendance management,
funded activities against the following      timekeeping, team work and
agreed outputs:                              communication skills. This will
                                             help the participant’s employment
- Provide full details of the Kickstart      prospects after the Kickstart Scheme
  scheme vacancies to the Gateway            job ends.
and DWP and evidence that these
                                           The full list of employer obligations
jobs are new jobs promptly following       can be found at:
signing of the funding letter.             government/publications/kickstart-
- Provide support to help each
  participant with finding future
Kickstart Scheme The Government - Think Teaching
During Application Process              Before the Placement

                                                                                    - Job description & specification    - DBS checks
                                                                                    - Local Kickstart job advertising    - Right to work check
                                                                                    - Access to in-house learner pool    - Standard Kickstart induction
                                                                                    - Maths & English checks for all       (Including Safeguarding & Prevent
                                                                                      potential candidates                 training)
                                                                                    - Information & Guidance session     - Mentor introduction
Our Support Package                                                                   for all potential candidates       - Kickstart development plan

Acting as your Gateway, Think           In addition to paying the wages of the
Employment can deliver a large          candidate, there is a Kickstart grant of           During the Placement               Following the Placement
number of the government                £1500. If you partner with us £1000
requirements on your behalf; so you     covers 100% of the costs of support         - Employability Skills Development   - Access to Think Teaching jobs
can focus on helping the new recruit    outlined here. The balance of £500 is         including:                           board
settle into the school.                 passed directly to the school.                  - Peer support webinars          - Achievement support:
                                                                                        - Online resources                  - Interpersonal skills
Our support package includes the        For further information, or to sign up to       - CV & interview workshops          - 1-1 mock interview
essential audit obligations such as:    the scheme, please visit                        - 1-1 Zoom meetings with            - Access to further learning
liaising with DWP/ JCP work coaches;    www. or              mentor                              opportunities
monitoring and recording delivery of    contact us on:                                  - Work search guidance
success; and funding tracking. Plus a   - 01472 493004
variety of other, required procedures   -
(shown on the right).
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