Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village Limited

Page created by Philip Graves
Under the Resource Management Act 1991
In the matter of an application for resource consents to undertake a proposed addition
to the existing Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village (Stage 5)


Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village Limited


Tauranga City Council
Territorial Authority

Statement of Evidence of Ognjan Kralj on behalf of
Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village Limited dated
11 March 2021

TEL 64 9 916 8800 FAX 64 9 916 8801
Qualifications and Experience

1.           My name is Ognjan Kralj. I hold a Bachelor of Engineering from the
             University of Zagreb-Croatia, and I am a Chartered Professional

2.           I am the National Technical Director – Three Waters at Calibre
             Consulting. I have thirty-five years of experience in the design and
             construction of stormwater and wastewater drainage and water supply
             projects, including international experience in Australia and Croatia. I
             was the preferred Tauranga City Council consultant in delivering
             Stormwater Recovery Projects from 2005-2010.

Project Involvement

3.           Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village Limited has applied for resource
             consents to construct Stage 5 of the Bethlehem Shores Retirement
             Village (the Project). The Project involves the addition of 59 retirement
             villas, a resident’s community centre and ancillary buildings to the
             existing retirement village located at 123 Bethlehem Road.

4.           I have been involved in Project design as a design lead since 2016,
             including creating the following technical reports:

             (a)    Wastewater and Stormwater Feasibility Study (25 February

             (b)    Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (6 September 2016);

             (c)    Engineering Design Report for Land Use Consent (16 January

             (d)    Engineering Design Report-Stage 2 (includes Stage 3, Stage 4,
                    Stage 5 and Stage 6) for Building Consent (27 March 2017);

             (e)    Engineering Design Report Stage 6 for Land Use Consent (4
                    October 2018);

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(f)    Engineering Design Report Stage 5 for Land Use Consent and
                    Bay of Plenty Regional Council Resource Consent (20 November

             (g)    Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for Wetland Works (20
                    November 2018); Assessment of Environmental Effects for
                    Wetland and Coastal Structures (20 November 2018);

             (h)    Assessment of Environmental Effects for Wetland and Coastal
                    Structures (26 June 2019); and

             (i)    Stage 5 Services Design Report for Land Use Consent (4 August

5.           I visited the site on several occasions in various stages of development
             (preconstruction and during construction). Calibre Consulting also has
             an office in Tauranga with personnel who actively monitor construction
             on-site and report back to the Wellington office.

Code of Conduct

6.           I have read the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses as contained in
             the Environment Court Practice Note 2014, and I agree to comply with
             it as if this hearing was before the Environment Court. My
             qualifications as an expert are set out above. I confirm that the issues
             addressed in this brief of evidence are within my area of expertise. I
             have not omitted to consider material facts known to me that might alter
             or detract from the opinions expressed.

Scope of Evidence

7.           My evidence will address the following:

             (a)    Methodology and Limitations;

             (b)    Existing Environment;

             (c)    Assessment of Effects and Proposed Mitigation;

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(d)    Response to Submissions;

             (e)    Response to Officer’s Report;

             (f)    Recommendations for Conditions; and

             (g)    Conclusions.

Summary of Evidence

8.           The key findings from my evidence are as follows:

             (a)    Flood level increase due to loss of floodplain is minor, assessed
                    at 10.4 mm higher than the current Tauranga City Council flood
                    level and deemed acceptable by Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

             (b)    The Project will mitigate the increase in stormwater discharge
                    from the development by rehabilitating wetland volume that acts
                    as detention volume. The additional detention volume will have a
                    positive effect considering it will result in the removal of
                    approximately 2,500 cubic metres of fill from the floodplain. The
                    existing railway drain conveys stormwater run-off from the
                    wetland to the Wairoa River. The water level increase in the
                    existing railway drain was assessed as being 51 mm for 10%
                    AEP and 67 mm for 1% AEP, including the high tide effect.
                    Water level increase in the existing railway drain will have only a
                    minor effect on downstream properties.

             (c)    Stormwater run-off quality from the existing development,
                    including sediment and suspended solids containment, is
                    mitigated by implementing a stormwater treatment device
                    (downstream defender) before discharging into the wetland.

             (d)    Erosion in the wetland is mitigated by employing an energy
                    dissipation outlet and rip-rap around the outlet structure that
                    minimises water energy and discharge velocities into the wetland.

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Methodology and Limitations

9.           Calculations for the relevant assessments for the Project were based
             on the following documents:

             (a)    Tauranga City Council Infrastructure Development Code;

             (b)    Flooding extends from the Tauranga City Council GIS system;

             (c)    Tauranga City Council SMG-9 Detailed Stormwater Management
                    Practice Design;

             (d)    The National Environmental Standards for Freshwater;

             (e)    Terrane Railway Embankment Seepage Calculation;

             (f)    Laboratory stormwater quality testing from fully developed Stage
                    1; and

             (g)    Hynds information for stormwater treatment devices effectiveness
                    (downstream defender).

10.          Assumptions were based on the following:

             (a)    Tauranga City Council Infrastructure Development Code;

             (b)    Tauranga City Council SMG-9 Detailed Stormwater Management
                    Practice Design;

             (c)    Tauranga City Council GIS flood extents for Wairoa River;

             (d)    New Zealand Building Code;

             (e)    NZ Standard 4404:2010 Land Development and Subdivision
                    Infrastructure; and

             (f)    The National Environmental Standards for Freshwater.

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11.          Priority was given to the Tauranga City Council Infrastructure
             Development Code and Tauranga City Council Detailed Stormwater
             Management Practice Design as documents produced by the local
             governing authority. Other documents were used as a reference if not
             specified by the Tauranga City Council Infrastructure Development

12.          The stormwater drainage design for Stage 5 has been developed as
             per the New Zealand Building Code:

             (a)    Stormwater run-off for 10% AEP is to be conveyed by the pipeline
                    system; and

             (b)    Stormwater run-off for 2% AEP is to be conveyed by the overland
                    system (secondary flow paths).

Existing Environment

13.          The proposed Stage 5 development area is 6.2 hectares and contains
             59 villas, the River Lodge community centre and ancillary structures
             located in the Rural Residential Zone and Rural Zone.

14.          The following consents have already been obtained for Stage 5:

             (a)    Bay of Plenty Regional Council Earthworks, Remediate
                    Contaminated Land and Discharge to Land Consent RM16-0255-
                    AP (October 2016) for earthworks and the discharge of sediment
                    contaminated stormwater associated with earthworks for the
                    development. The consent approved earthworks and the
                    development area's infill for development. The flood zone's infill
                    effects analysis shows that the effect is minor due to the
                    reduction of the floodplain. The calculated increase in flood level
                    is 10.4 mm across the floodplain and was accepted by the
                    Regional Council as a minor effect.

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(b)    Tauranga City Council Earthworks Resource Consent RC25072
                    (October 2016) approved earthworks and the development area's
                    infill to establish a retirement village community. The ground infill
                    level and the proposed floor levels correspond with Tauranga City
                    Council requirements for dwellings/property flood protection.

             (c)    Tauranga City Council Building Consent BC171120 (December
                    2017) for Civil Works, Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer and Water
                    Supply. The consent approved the proposed civil infrastructure
                    (Stormwater, Sanitary Sewer, Water Supply and Roads) for Stage

             (d)    Bay of Plenty Regional Council Earthworks, Wetland Restoration
                    and Discharge Resource Consent RM19-0710-AP (December
                    2019). The consent approved the proposed restoration of
                    wetland earthworks and stormwater discharge from development
                    into the wetland. Our engineering report addressed stormwater
                    discharge from the proposed Stage 5 development into the
                    wetland, stormwater treatment, and treatment devices that
                    comply with the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater
                    based on the proposed devices' performances. Our report also
                    addresses the loss of floodplain due to infill and assesses that
                    increase in flood level is 10.4 mm. The flood zone's infill effects
                    analysis shows that the effect is minor due to the reduction of the
                    floodplains. Stormwater discharge increase from the existing
                    development is assessed by analysing the increase in the flow of
                    the existing railway drain. Our analysis shows that increase of
                    water level in the existing railway drain is 67 mm in the 1% AEP
                    storm event, including high tide influence. The increase in the
                    water level of the existing railway drain is classified as minor.

             (e)    Tauranga City Council Land Use Resource Consent RC27452
                    (December 2019). The consent is to undertake earthworks,
                    including rehabilitation of a Special Ecological Area (wetland).
                    The existing wetland was filled during previous earthworks and
                    needed restoration to its previous condition. The Engineering

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Report addresses erosion and sediment transport mitigation
                    during construction.

15.          The effects associated with the stormwater discharge from the
             proposed development have therefore already been addressed in these
             granted consents through the following measures:

             (a)    Erosion and sediment transport control during construction
                    (RM19-0710-DC.01 Condition 5.1);

             (b)    Erosion and sediment transport control related to stormwater
                    discharge (RM19-0710-DC.01 Condition 5.3);

             (c)    Flood level increase due to loss of floodplain (RM16-0255-LC.01
                    Condition 9.1);

             (d)    Increase in stormwater discharge due to the development (RM19-
                    0710 DC.01 Condition 5.4); and

             (e)    Stormwater discharge quality (RM19-0710 DC.02 Condition 7).

Assessment of Effects and Proposed Mitigation

16.          All effects have been considered and addressed under the previously
             granted consents RM16-0255 and RM19-0710 as described in
             paragraphs 17 to 23 below.

17.          It is considered that construction effects would already be adequately
             mitigated by the implementation of the Erosion and Sediment Transport
             Mitigation Plan (RM16-0255-DC.01).

18.          The additional stormwater discharge from the proposed development is
             assessed by analysing the exiting railway drain capacity and increase
             of water level in the existing drain. I addressed increase of stormwater
             discharge from the proposed development in the assessment of effects
             (RM19-0710 DC.01 Condition 5.4)

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19.          The flood level increase due to loss of floodplain was assessed as
             being 10.4 mm under the worst-case scenario. As a result of increased
             stormwater discharge from the proposed development, it was assessed
             that the water level in the existing railway drain would increase by 51
             mm for 10% AEP and 67 mm for 1% AEP (RM16-0255-DC.01).

20.          The stormwater discharge will be treated from the proposed
             development via a stormwater treatment device (downstream defender)
             to meet the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (RM19-

21.          The wetland will be restored to its previous condition and will act as a
             buffer (detention) for stormwater discharge from the proposed
             development. This is because the wetland will minimise the impact of
             high-intensity storms' on downstream properties (RM19-0710-LC.01).

22.          The proposed energy dissipation outlet will minimise the energy and
             velocity of discharge and will prevent erosion in the wetland (RM19-

23.          The stormwater treatment (downstream defender) will capture sediment
             and suspended solids, ensuring that the quality of stormwater
             discharge meets the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater

24.          The effects of stormwater discharge from the proposed development
             are therefore assessed as minor, including in relation to the impact on
             downstream properties. This is because the downstream properties
             are already in the existing floodplain, and the increase of floodplain
             level by 10.4 mm is negligible (RM16-0255-DC.01, RM19-0710-DC.02
             and RM19-0710-LC.01).

Response to Submissions

Te Runanga o Ngāti Kahu Incorporated and Wairoa Hapū Settlement Trust

25.          Te Runanga o Ngāti Kahu Incorporated and Wairoa Hapū Settlement
             Trust (Ngāti Kahu) have submitted that they have concerns about the

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impact the development has had on the downstream flooding of hapū
             lands and that the “rehabilitation” of the wetland to service Stage 5 will
             further exacerbate the situation.

26.          Ngāti Kahu states that they will become the receiving receptors of the
             stormwater after it has been through the development’s wetland system
             which will create tremendous pressure and responsibility on the hapū to
             maintain the waterways.

27.          Wetland rehabilitation will have a positive effect. The restoration of the
             wetland increases the floodplain volume by approximately 2,500 cubic
             meters (that was infilled during earthworks) and acts as a buffer
             (detention) for high-intensity storms.

28.          The wetland outlet is the existing railway drain that conveys stormwater
             run-off to Wairoa River and ultimately to Tauranga Harbour. Our
             assessment shows that the existing railway drain has sufficient capacity
             to convey stormwater run-off from the proposed development. The
             water level in the drain will increase by 51 mm for 10% AEP and 67 mm
             for 1% AEP including high tide influence and this is considered to be a
             negligible increase.

Response to Officer’s Report

29.          The Officer’s Report accepts the previous engineering reports prepared
             for the proposed Stage 5 development.

30.          The Council Officer concludes at paragraph 8.26 that effects relating to
             natural hazard risks, infrastructure services, and additional demand
             capacity are considered to be acceptable.

Recommendations for Conditions

31.          The Officer’s Report notes that a suite of draft consent conditions will
             be circulated prior to the hearing. I will comment on the conditions
             where required at the hearing.

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32.          Based on the calculations for stormwater discharge from the Stage 5
             proposed development, I am confident that effects relating to the quality
             of discharged stormwater run-off, sediment and suspended solids
             transport, erosion protection and attenuating peak discharge flows from
             the proposed development will be adequately mitigated.

33.          The increased quantities of discharged stormwater run-off are
             consented and will have a minor effect on downstream properties
             resulting in a 10.4 mm increase in flood level. Recipient water level
             (railway drain) increases will be 67 mm in the 1% AEP storm event,
             including high tide influence. This is considered to be minor.

Ognjan Kralj

11 March 2021

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Statement of Evidence of Ognjan Kralj on behalf of Bethlehem Shores Retirement Village Limited dated 11
March 2021
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