Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF) - Work programme and deliverables for 2020-2021 - Council of Europe
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CDENF(2020)13prov 27 May 2020 Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF) Work programme and deliverables for 2020-2021 Prepared by the Children’s Rights Division Directorate of Anti-Discrimination
1. Background and overview of the CDENF Workplan and deliverables 1. The Committee of Ministers has entrusted the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (hereafter CDENF) to guide the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental work in the field of the rights of the child and advise the Committee of Ministers on appropriate action to be taken in its field of competence, taking due account of relevant transversal perspectives. 2. Table 1 (see Annex I) sets out the Work programme for the period from 1st of January 2020 through December 2021 in the light of the “main tasks” of CDENF under its terms of reference. It reflects the priorities defined by the Committee of Ministers at the time of adoption of the CDENF’s terms of reference for the biennium 2020-2021 and includes the specific types of activities during the biennium and methods planned. 3. Table 2 (see Annex II) includes the details of the workplan under each of the main areas of responsibility vested in the CDENF, with reference to the specific tasks, means and specific deliverables planned in this context, with the intention of informing the CDENF Plenary’s discussion and determination of work priorities and working methods. Areas of responsibilities vested in the CDENF Area of Work STRATEGIC ACTION – Oversee the implementation of the A. Council of Europe Strategy for the rights of the child (2016- 2021) B. POLICY WORK C. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS RECOMMENDATIONS D. OTHER AREAS 4. The workplan will be updated by the Secretariat in a revised version of this document to take into account any new items of work/ and deliverables to support the implementation of its main and specific tasks, as set out in its current Terms of reference and adopted by the CDENF, taking into account any additional instructions from the Committee and requests by the Committee of Ministers. 2
Annex I. CDENF’s main tasks and priority actions, type of activities and implementation methods Main tasks of CDENF Type of activities and implementation methods Implementing period Joint actions with other committees and bodies Participation through written and oral (i)Ensure that the rights of the child are contributions to meetings and events organised mainstreaming into all relevant Council by other sectors to bring a child rights expertise 2020-2021 of Europe committees and bodies, and Exchanges with child rights rapporteurs support member states in nominated by other committees mainstreaming children’s rights (ii)Facilitate regular exchanges of Events, thematic visits and/or exchanges, knowledge, good practices and thematic factsheets, policy briefs, handbooks, experience among member states in 2020-2021 Clearing house on violence the areas covered by the Council of Europe strategy (iii)Provide expertise to member States on the development of legislation, policies, practice, training schemes and Development of non -binding instruments and awareness-raising material to support tools implementation of international Events, thematic visits and/or exchanges, 2020-2021 standards including the United Nations thematic factsheets, policy briefs, handbooks Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Council of Europe standards related to the rights of the child (iv)Advise the Committee of Ministers Adopted opinion’(s) at Committee of Ministers’ and the Secretary General on request Upon request appropriate action to be taken and Advise on priority areas on children’s rights and provide advice as requested actions to be taken (v) advise on the priority areas for the Survey of member states and input through development of cooperation activities outcomes of regional and bilateral cooperation Ongoing in the area of the rights of the child activities in the area of the rights of the child (vi) Oversee the implementation of the Update the action plan Ongoing Council of Europe Strategy for the Prepare a final report on the implementation of Rights of the Child (2016-2021) the Strategy Contribute to a draft Council of Europe strategy 2021 on the Rights of the Child to be submitted to the Committee of Ministers for adoption by 31 December 2021 2020-2021 CDENF representative(s) to take part in relevant (vii)Follow the activities of relevant meetings and report back on issues of interest as monitoring and other bodies or a standing agenda item of CDENF convention mechanisms, in particular 2020-2021 the Lanzarote Committee Exchange with Chairs of relevant monitoring and other bodies or convention mechanisms during plenaries on priority topics identified (viii)Follow the implementation of the Review CM(2007)9 on life projects for non-binding instruments that it has unaccompanied minors (COMMITTEE OF prepared and where appropriate MINISTERS decision) 2021 review the implementation of relevant Issue guidance on the implementation of COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS CM(2019) recommendations 3
(ix) Ensure cooperation and synergies with relevant UN bodies, notably the Joint actions, events, exchanges of views, UN Committee on the Rights of the consultations and involvement in CDENF 2020-2021 Child, as well as with the EU and other activities relevant international organisations and civil society (x) promote the visibility of the Council Participation and contribution of CDENF of Europe standards at international 2020-2021 members to international events level (ix)Hold an exchange of views annually to evaluate its activities and advise the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary General on future priorities Yearly CDENF exchange of views 2020 and 2021 in its sector, including possible new activities and those that might be discontinued (xii)Take due account of a gender Actions by thematic rapporteurs perspective, building cohesive societies Review of documents and standards developed and promoting and protecti ng the 2020-2021 to ensure that they take due account of the rights of children with disabilities in the relevant perspectives performance of its tasks (xiii)Carry out at regular intervals within the limits of available resources and bearing in mind its priorities an Examination if considered necessary To be determined examination of some or all the conventions for which it has been given responsibility Hold one exchange of views with international partners for discussion on the contribution of the CDENF and the Council of Europe to the 2030 Agenda and its possible involvement in the review of progress and participation of CDENF representatives at global events, as appropriate (xiv)Contribute to the achievement of and subject to available resource UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Update the 2017 Information note on Ending all 2020-2021 development 1 forms of violence against children by 2030: The Council of Europe’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals; Crease a dedicated webpage from the CDENF’s webpage which provides tailored information on the Council of Europe Child Rights Agenda priority setting and results achievement in response to the 2030 Agenda 1 See a l so for a dditional a cti vities pl anned, CDENF(2020)07 a t: https :// uns dgs /16809a 41d9 4
Annex II. General workplan 2020-2021 Last update: 27 May 2020 STRATEGIC ACTION – OVERSEE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE STRATEGY A FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD AND CONTRIBUTE TO A DRAFT STRATEGY TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS FOR ADOPTION BY 31 DECEMBER 2021 Responsibility Working Role of CDENF Specific Task/ activity Date methods November Pl enary revi ew of the Upda te the a ction plan Secretariat & Council of 1 2020 a cti on plan yearly (specific task (i)) Europe sectors Prepa re a final report on the i mplementation of the Council of Europe s trategy for the Rights of Secretariat & Council of Pl enary revi ew of the 2 the chi ld for s ubmission to the Committee of November Europe sectors fi nal report in 2021 Mi ni sters 2021 (specific task (i)) Ens ure follow up to the mid-term evaluation Agree on process for i ncl uding by contributing to a draft Council of Secretariat contri butions for the Europe Strategy on the Rights of the Child (2021- Ea ch pl enary Cons ultant(s) pri ori ty areas 2027 to be s ubmitted to the Committee of meeting CDENF Bureau Di s cuss priority a reas Mi ni sters for a doption by 31 December 2021 2020-2021 Onl i ne consultations a nd provide feedback (specific task (ii)) a nd i nput 3 Ens ure member s tates’ engagement wi th children Interested member through participatory processes a nd s ta tes & s takeholders to 2021 CDENF cons ultations n the priorities of the new s trategy ma ke use of the tools 4 for the mi d-term review (specific task (vi)) a nd provide i nput B POLICY MAKING B.1. Standard setting / guidance Dra ft Recommendation CM/REC(2019)xx of the Committee of Mi nisters to member states Provi de comments & on Huma n Ri ghts Pri nciples a nd Guidelines on CDENF Approve a final text for 2020-2021 5 a ge a ssessment for chi ldren i n migration 1 Cons ultant communication to the (worki ng title) Commi ttee of Mi nisters (CM specific task – CAHENF follow up) no l a ter than 2021 Expl a natory guide for the implementation of the Recommendation CM/REC(2019)11 of the Provi de comments a nd Commi ttee of Mi nisters to Member States on exa mples of good 6 gui ding principles and guidelines for an effective 2021 CDENF pra cti ces gua rdianship for unaccompanied and separated Approve a final text in chi l dren in mi gration (specific task (v)) 2021 7 Non-binding i nstruments on s ystems to report CDENF Provi de comments a nd vi ol ence against children, and on measures and Working Group on ori entations to the i nterventions aimed a t peer vi olence a nd s exual 2020-2021 responses to violence CDENF-GT-VAE a busive behaviour by children (specific task (iii)) against children Approve fi nal texts (CDENF-GT-VAE) 5
8 Non-binding i nstruments or tools containing CDENF rel evant guidance for member s tates, to be Provi de comments a nd Working Group on a pproved by the CDENF on measures and ori entations to the 2020-2021 responses to violence i nterventions aimed a t preventing peer vi olence CDENF-GT-VAE against children a nd s exual abusive behaviour by children; Approve fi nal texts (CDENF-GT-VAE) (specific task (iii)) 9 Non bi nding i nstruments on the protection of the CDENF to provi de bes ts interests of the child in s ituations of a) ori entations, i nput CDENF & CDCJ pa rental separation b) child ca re proceedings (i n 2020-2021 duri ng consultation and Through CJ/ENF-ISE cooperation with CDCJ) (specific task (iv1)) comments at final dra fti ng stage 10 Tool s to guide the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 of the Commi ttee of Mi nisters to member States on Gui delines to respect, protect a nd fulfil the rights CDENF members to of the chi ld in the digital envi ronment (specific promote tools 2020-2021 Secretariat ta s k (v)) , i ncluding providing expertise i nto the developed a nd work of the Data protection consultative di sseminate commi ttee a nd possibly a joint declaration on da ta protection and children (tra nsversal work- T- PD) 11 Contri bution to the i mplementation of the CDENF i nterested Counci l of Europe Counter-Terrorism Strategy Secretariat members to s upport the (2018-2022): pa per addressing welfare and child 2020 Informal working group process a nd provide protecti on challenges relating to child returnees i nput (specific task (iv4)) (tra nsversal work- CDCT) B.2. Regular exchange of knowledge, good practices and experience among member states in the areas covered by the Strategy, including through thematic factsheets, events, thematic visits and exchanges Thematic debates on topics prioritised (vi olence, mi gra tion, digital environment, equal opportunities) (specific task (v)) At i ts first plenary meeting in February 2020, the Pl enary fol l owing topics were proposed: a) child Thematic experts 12 2020-2021 CDENF experts pa rti cipation, b) artificial i ntelligence, blockchain, CDENF Bureau c) ea rl y i ntervention and family s upport for fa mi lies with a range of issues, with a focus on i nteragency cooperation, avoidance of removal, peer vi olence situations, d) inclusion of vul nerable chi l dren, in particular children with disabilities. Pa rti ci pation a nd contribution to CM chairmanship events a nd other thematic events organised by 13 2020-2021 other s ectors upon i nvitation (specific task (ii, vii)) B.3. Advice upon request by the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary General on appropriate action to be taken CDENF Opi nions (upon request) (main task (iv)) CDENF pl enary Secretariat a doption or i n between 14 Opi nion by the CDENF on PACE Recommendation 2020-2021 Burea u pl enaries by online 2167(2019) on the Role of education in the digital cons ultation procedure era : from “digital natives” to “digital citizens” B.4. Needs assessment/advice/expertise on the development of standards, legislation, policies, practice, training schemes and awareness raising in the area of the rights of the child 15 Secretariat 1 cons ultant Cl ea ring house to provide a ccess to existing na ti onal strategies promoting an i ntegrated Working Group on CDENF members to responses to a pproach to protection from violence 2020-2021 provi de i nput and violence against (specific task (iii)) res s ources children (CDENF- GT-VAE) 6
16 CDENF members and obs ervers are i nvited European Day for the Protection of Children from Information during 18 Nov 2020 to a cti vely Sexua l Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (specific pl enary on i nitiatives at pa rti cipate in the task (iii)) na ti onal, regional a nd 18 Nov 2021 cel ebration of the l oca l Da y by orga nising events 17 Speci fic contributions to other areas of work of the Council of Europe (Pri sons, administrative detention, terrorism, bioethics, alternatives to Appoi ntment of detention, tra fficking, media, etc) & i nternational Information during CDENF events (UN, EU, etc) through active participation pl enary on outcomes and 2020-2021 representative(s)/ or (specific task (iv)) a ny possible follow-up expert(s) to provide - Compi lation on good practices s ubstantive i nput (chi l dren’s participation i n the decision-making process i n the biomedical field (with DH-BIO) and deci sion on next actions 18 Propos als for priority a reas for the development of cooperation a ctivi ties in the area of the ri ghts CDENF a t yea rly revi ews 2020-2021 Secretariat of the chi ld (main task (v)) of pri ority a reas REVIEW OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RELEVANT COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS C RECOMMENDATIONS 19 Secretariat CDENF to a pprove Report on the review of the i mplementation of Cons ultant fi nal report and CM/Rec(2007)9 on l ife projects for unaccompanied 2020-2021 1 Migration concl usions for next mi gra nt minors(specific task (v)) Rapporteur s teps D. OTHER AREAS OF ACTION D.1. Take due account of a gender perspective, to building cohesive societies, and to promoting and protecting rights of persons with disabilities in line with the Council of Europe Disability Strategy 2017 -2023 Strea mlining of the gender equality ra pporteur (GER) rol e within CDENF CDENF to di scuss a February gui dance note on the Secretariat 2020 rol e of GER and a nd Gender equality 20 (completed) pos sible tasks rapporteur & Gender CDENF to exa mine del iver on agreed tasks 2 , notably also by preparing a Equa lity division 2020-2021 GER’s proposals and thema tic fa ctsheet covering gender equality i n rel a ted documents education, including sexuality education 2The CDENF ha s approved the ta sks of its GER Rapporteur for 2020-2021 a t i ts first meeting (4-6 February 2020). The GER’s rol e i s : a) to ens ure that a gender perspective is properly i ntegrated during the programming process of the CDENF and the i mplementation of CDENF’s ta sks, by ra ising the gender dimension a nd by provi ding, where relevant, a gender i mpact a ssessment and analysis of policies texts developed under i ts s peci fi c ta s ks a s s et out i n i ts ma nda te . b) to provi de s upport and take part i n a ny a ctivities aimed a t mainstreaming the i mplementation of the Council of Europe Stra tegy for the Ri ghts of the Chi ld (2016-2021) i n rel ation to gender equality i s sues, i ncluding by contri buting to the preparation by the CDENF of a thematic fa ctsheet coveri ng gender equality i n education, i ncl udi ng s exua l i ty educa ti on . c) Identify opportunities for ensuring synergies in the implementation of the two Council of Europe strategies relevant for hi s tasks, namely the Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021) and the Strategy for Gender Equality (2018- 2023), i ncl udi ng joi nt a cti vi ti es ; d) Dra w the CDENF’s attention and advise on recent developments in relation to children and gender equality aspects, i ncl uding by fol lowing up on the work a t i nternational a nd European l evel (UNCRC, Council of Europe relevant bodi es , etc). e) Ma i ntain cl ose links with other Council of Europe Committees’ GERs a nd with the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) of the Council of Europe to ensure tra nsversality on gender mainstreaming a nd on issues of relevance to chi l dren. 7
21 CDENF to ta ke due a ccount and reflect Integrate the promotion and protection of the rights of Secretariat 2020-2021 on possible solutions, chi l dren with disabilities Thematic ra pporteur for a ny documents a nd deliverables D.2. Institutional cooperation and synergies with other actors Fol low the a ctivities of the relevant monitoring and Secretariat Information during 22 other bodies or convention mechanisms, i n particular 2020-2021 Appoi nted CDENF pl enary on outcomes the La nzarote committee representative & s ynergies Information during Cha i r & s ecretariat 23 Meeti ngs of chairs of intergovernmental committees 2020-2021 pl enary on outcomes a nd follow-up 8
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