June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School

Page created by Joshua Parker
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
June 13 - August 5
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
Welcome to
St. Joseph Montessori School
Summer Learning Camp.
Welcome to Summer Learning Camp! I am so excited to be leading the Camp this year. For those of you
who do not know me, I am Jack, I started working at St. Joseph as an aftercare assistant in January.
But, I have an extensive background working with children that spans seven years (which is a lot for a
youngster like me!). This experience includes two years working as a teacher, two years working as an
after school program teacher and three years working as a camp counselor. I am really looking forward
to giving your children a wonderful summer and I hope that you will feel welcome to come up and talk
to me during this summer!

Jack Paquette
SJMS Summer Learning Camp Coordinator
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH 43201
(614) 291-8601
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
Toddler Camps
                                 (18-36 months)
            Toddler classroom camps are open to students age 18 - 36 months. We
           encourage our 36 month old students to attend Children’s House Camps.
                                Limit 14 students per week.

Week 1: June 13 - 17, Under the Sea                                  Week 5: July 11 - 15, Plants & Flowers
Come explore the ocean with us. We will be exploring the             Let’s learn about plants and flowers with me. We are going
deep blue sea, discovering sea animals and creatures. We             to plant some tomatoes and pick them as they grow. We
are going to have a fun sensory experience exploring sand,           will learn about a plant life cycle and what we need to do to
sea shells, and much more. Lead Teacher: Tiffany McGapth,            take care of our plants and flowers. Lead Teacher: Tiffany
Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed                                   McGapth, Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed

Week 2: June 20 - 24, Dinosaurs                                      Week 6: July 18 - 22, Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!!
We are stomping like dinosaurs and having so much fun                Join us for some bubble fun. We are going to have a
learning and discovering all the different kinds of dinosaurs.       blast doing so many different activities using bubbles.
Come join us on a dinosaur fossils dig and help crack                The toddlers will enjoy making their own bubble solution,
open some dinosaur eggs. Lead Teacher: Tiffany McGapth,              making gigantic bubbles, and even painting with bubbles so
Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed                                   come on and join the fun. Lead Teacher: Tiffany McGapth,
                                                                     Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed
Week 3: June 27 - July 1, Water & Ice
Time to cool off in the water. We are going to learn about           Week 7: July 25 - 29, Bugs & Insects
the water cycle, how cold it needs to be to freeze ice,              Bugs bugs and more bugs!! We are going to learn the
explore a sensory ice bin, and so much more. Lead Teacher:           difference between bugs and insects. We will go on a bug
Tiffany McGapth, Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed                  hunt and learn why it is so important to the earth. Come
                                                                     join us as we have a bug palooza of fun with the toddlers.
Week 4: July 5 - 8 (4 days), Let’s Go Camping                        Lead Teacher: Tiffany McGapth, Assistant Teacher: Judy
Let’s sit around the tent and sing songs by the campfire. We         Otero-Reed
are going to build a pretend campfire, make some s’mores,
and go on a camp scavenger hunt. We can’t wait to have               Week 8: August 1 - 5, Muddy Trucks & Carwash
fun building a fort with you. Lead Teacher: Tiffany McGapth,         We are pushing cars and trucks through the mud. Then
Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-Reed                                   we will clean by going through a DIY car wash. Come get
                                                                     dirty with the toddler as we have a toddler car wash. Lead
                                                                     Teacher: Tiffany McGapth, Assistant Teacher: Judy Otero-
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
St. Joseph Montessori School
Summer Learning Camp 2022 Registration Form - Toddler
One form per student.





                                                    TODDLER (18 - 36 MONTHS)

 AM 8:00am-12:30pm                                                              $300

 Full Day 8:00am–3:30pm                                                         $350
 (or any time during hours)

 Full Day plus After Care                                                       $400

 Select    Week                      Program                   AM      FULL      Full plus         Date           Weekly tuition
                                                                               AFTER CARE                            total

             1       Under the Sea                            $300     $350           $400   June 13-17

             2      Dinosaurs                                 $300     $350           $400   June 20-24

             3      Water & Ice                               $300     $350           $400   June 27-July 1

             4      Let’s Go Camping! (4 days)                $300     $350           $400   July 5-8

             5      Plants & Flowers                          $300     $350           $400   July 11-15

             6      Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!!             $300     $350           $400   July 18-22

             7      Bugs & Insects                            $300     $350           $400   July 25-29

             8      Muddy Trucks & Carwash                    $300     $350           $400   August 1-5

              I was an SJMS parent for the 2021-2022 school year and my payments will be withdrawn from my FACTS account 1/2
              in May, 1/2 in June.

              I am new to SJMS and will be paying with cash, check, or credit card.

                     **Registration Form and 50% Tuition Deposit are due by May 13th to guarantee your child’s enrollment. Tuition
                                            deposits are non-refundable after May 13th. Tuition must be fully paid by June 30th.**

   ___________________________________________ _______________
   Parent/Guardian Signature      		        Date

   Please be sure to fill out the Emergency Medical Form and Permissions Page at the end of the brochure.
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
Children’s House
          Children’s House Camps are open to students ages 3-6 years old, however,
           we encourage students entering 1st grade next school year to attend our
               Lower Elementary Summer camps. Limit 24 students per week.

Week 1: June 13 - 17, Creative Exploration with Arts                  Week 5: July 11 - 15, Ocean Exploration
and Science                                                           Whales, sea turtles, and octopi, oh my!! Take a dive
Come enjoy the process! In this camp, we will explore                 down deep into the ocean and learn about these amazing
color mixing, chemical reactions, and create art forms.               creatures that live in the sea. We will read books and make
Lead Teacher: Nancy Heink, Assistant Teacher: Madeline                crafts. Outdoor water play will add to the fun!! Lead Teacher:
Robinson                                                              Terre Orenchuk, Assistant Teacher: Joy Sorg

Week 2: June 20 - 24, Water, water, everywhere!                       Week 6: July 18 - 22, Ocean Exploration, Part 2
Join us for a fun-filled week of learning about the water             This week we will dive down deep into the ocean to learn
cycle and exploring the properties of water. We are going             about the importance of our Earth’s vast seas. Campers
to beat the summer heat and stay cool with fun water                  will learn why it is so important to care for the oceans and
activities and games. Lead Teacher: Pen Ripke, Assistant              all of the amazing creatures that live there. Outdoor water
Teacher: Josh Moyler                                                  activities will add to the fun!! Lead Teacher: Terre Orenchuk,
                                                                      Assistant Teacher: Venessa DeCree
Week 3: June 27 - July 1, Mindfulness
During this week children are introduced to the practice              Week 7: July 25 - 29, Jump Into the Circus with
of Mindfulness. We will have fun learning about tools                 JumpBunch
they can use anytime, tools to calm down, slow down, and              Every child loves the circus! Our JumpBunch Circus camp
feel better when they are troubled. These tools include               takes your child on a fun adventure as we play fitness
simple breathing and relaxation techniques, simple Tai Chi            games and activities you might find at a circus. We will
exercises to name a few, and also reading books about                 use our imagination, as we pretend to train animals,
Mindfulness. Lead Teacher: Carolyn Thomas, Assistant                  tightrope walk, and perform acrobatics. This camp helps
Teacher: Madeline Robinson                                            build children’s gross motor skills, balance, coordination,
                                                                      and agility, while also improving their self-esteem and
Week 4: July 5 - 8 (4 days), Art Appreciation: Sculptors              confidence. Come one, come all, to the JumpBunch Circus
and Sculptures                                                        Camp! Campers should dress to be very active and bring
The children will learn about famous sculptors and                    a water bottle each day. Lead Teacher: Jilaine Anderson,
sculptures. They will have hands-on experiences of creating           JumpBunch, Assistant Teacher: Chelsea Hinshaw
their own sculptures using new and recycled materials.
Lead Teacher: Venessa DeCree, Assistant Teacher:                      Week 8: August 1 - 5, Escape to the Tropics
Madeline Robinson                                                     This week, we will explore all things tropical! Tropical fish,
                                                                      coral reefs, ocean creatures, beach + water fun, and
                                                                      tropical fruits. We will participate in the fun ocean/beach-
                                                                      themed games and activities, create beautiful artwork,
                                                                      and learn to hula! Lead Teacher: Chelsea Kerns, Assistant
                                                                      Teacher: TBD
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
St. Joseph Montessori School
Summer Learning Camp 2022 Registration Form - CH
One form per student.





                                            CHILDREN’S HOUSE (PRESCHOOL - KINDERGARTEN)

 AM 8:00am-12:30pm                                                              $250

 Full Day 8:00am–3:30pm                                                         $300
 (or any time during hours)

 Full Day plus After Care                                                       $350

 Select    Week                     Program                      AM     FULL     Full plus         Date           Weekly tuition
                                                                               AFTER CARE                            total

             1      Creative Exploration with Arts and Science   $250   $300          $350   June 13-17

             2      Water, Water Everywhere!                     $250   $300          $350   June 20-24

             3      Mindfulness                                  $250   $300          $350   June 27-July 1

             4      Art Appreciation: Sculptors and Sculptures   $250   $300          $350   July 5-8

             5      Ocean Exploration                            $250   $300          $350   July 11-15

             6      Ocean Exploration, Part 2                    $250   $300          $350   July 18-22

             7      Jump Into the Circus with JumpBunch          $250   $300          $350   July 25-29

             8      Escape to the Tropics                        $250   $300          $350   August 1-5

              I was an SJMS parent for the 2021-2022 school year and my payments will be withdrawn from my FACTS account 1/2
              in May, 1/2 in June.

              I am new to SJMS and will be paying with cash, check, or credit card.

                     **Registration Form and 50% Tuition Deposit are due by May 13th to guarantee your child’s enrollment. Tuition
                                            deposits are non-refundable after May 13th. Tuition must be fully paid by June 30th.**

   ___________________________________________ _______________
   Parent/Guardian Signature      		        Date

   Please be sure to fill out the Emergency Medical Form and Permissions Page at the end of the brochure.
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
Lower Elementary
                    (1st through 3rd Grade Students)
            We encourage students entering 1st grade next year to attend our Lower
                  Elementary Summer Camps. Limit 24 students per week.

Week 1: June 13 - 17, Lead with the Heart - Service                    Week 5: July 11 - 15, Learning about Chile and Mexico
Learning                                                               Join us for a week-long Latin American immersion and
Help expand your horizon while building empathy, practicing            learn about Chilean and Mexican culture with us. We’ll be
leadership skills, problem-solving, and finding your own               speaking and practicing Spanish together, eating different
voice… all while helping others! Students will have lots               traditional snacks and food, learning regional games,
of fun as they help plan for and buy supplies to feed the              and so much more! ¡Acompañanos en esta aventura de
hungry and provide other basic necessities to those in                 aprendizaje! Lead Teacher: Consuelo Green, Assistant
need in our community. Leading with our hearts makes                   Teacher: Jennifer Castaneda
a difference for many! Lead Teacher: Kristina Hartzell,
Assistant Teacher: Erin Woodard                                        Week 6: July 18 - 22, Storytelling and Illustrations
                                                                       SJMS Comix, Inc. - Bring your funniest stories and your
Week 2: June 20 - 24, Gardening and “Farmer’s                          wildest adventures to a writing camp where we will create
Market”                                                                our own comics and graphic novels. We will read our
Join us as we prepare a garden plot; tilling, aerating,                favorite graphic novels, learn fun and exciting new words to
and fertilizing the soil! Then we will plan and plant a                jazz up our writing, and create illustrations to go with our
large assortment of vegetables! We will research the                   stories. If you love Captain Underpants, Dog Man, Baby
best conditions for each plant and plan our garden plot                Mouse, Narwhal, The Bad Guys, and Elephant & Piggie,
accordingly! Eventually, at the end of the growing season,             come join our camp! Lead Teacher: Jennifer Robertson,
we can share our bounty with the SJMS community! Lead                  Assistant Teacher: Kathryn Heck
Teacher: Chelsea Kerns Assistant Teacher: Becky Tanner
                                                                       Week 7: July 25 - 29, Lower Elementary “Chopped” +
Week 3: June 27 - July 1, Self Care and Mindfulness +                  Game Club
The Secret Garden                                                      Let Your Camp’s Master Chefs Compete – Split campers up
Join us for yoga, meditation, and self-care activities! We             into groups and have them create restaurant-worthy dishes.
will explore prayer, spirituality, and self-reflection. We will        *A twist: They only have an hour to create a dish – and they
learn and practice different stretching techniques, yoga,              won’t know what ingredients they’ll be using. We will spend
and exercises. Mindfulness activities including artwork,               the morning cooking, enjoying our food creations around
gardening, journaling, essential oil blending, and writing             lunchtime, then spend the afternoons exploring different
poetry will be included. We will also prepare some healthy             board (and other) games! Lead Teacher: Chelsea Kerns
snacks each day! Throughout the week, we will read and                 Assistant Teacher: Kathryn Heck
complete activities corresponding with The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Lead Teacher: Chelsea Kerns                Week 8: August 1 - 5, Hands-On Creative Learning
Assistant Teacher: Laura McCrady                                       with Origami
                                                                       Let’s have fun playing with the colorful paper. Do you know
Week 4: July 5 - 8 (4 days), Party in the USA                          that origami fortune tellers, origami frogs, origami fans,
Join us for an AWESOME week celebrating the Red, White,                origami sailboats or origami flowers teach us “Fractions”?
and Blue! This week will be full of games, arts & crafts, tons         Join us if you want to know more about the origami world.
of water fun, and so much more! You don’t want to miss this            Lead Teacher: Eunyoung Chae Assistant Teacher: Kathryn
fun week celebrating all things America! Lead Teacher: Cody            Heck
Hawkins Assistant Teacher: Melissa Meszaros
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
St. Joseph Montessori School
Summer Learning Camp 2022 Registration Form - LE
One form per student.





                                               LOWER ELEMENTARY (1ST - 3RD GRADE)

 Full Day 8:00am–3:30pm                                                      $300
 (or any time during hours)

 Full Day plus After Care                                                    $350

     Select   Week                       Program                  FULL     Full plus         Date           Weekly tuition
                                                                         AFTER CARE                            total

                1       Lead with the Heart                       $300       $350      June 13-17

                2       Gardening and “Farmer’s Market”           $300       $350      June 20-24

                3       Self Care and Mindfulness + The Secret    $300       $350      June 27-July 1

                4       Party in the USA (4 Days)                 $300       $350      July 5-8

                5       Learning about Chile and Mexico           $300       $350      July 11-15

                6       Storytelling and Illustrations            $300       $350      July 18-22

                7       Lower Elementary “Chopped” + Game Club    $300       $350      July 25-29

                8       Hands-On Creative Learning with Origami   $300       $350      August 1-5

              I was an SJMS parent for the 2021-2022 school year and my payments will be withdrawn from my FACTS account 1/2
              in May, 1/2 in June.

              I am new to SJMS and will be paying with cash, check, or credit card.

                     **Registration Form and 50% Tuition Deposit are due by May 13th to guarantee your child’s enrollment. Tuition
                                            deposits are non-refundable after May 13th. Tuition must be fully paid by June 30th.**

   ___________________________________________ _______________
   Parent/Guardian Signature      		        Date

   Please be sure to fill out the Emergency Medical Form and Permissions Page at the end of the brochure.
June 13 - August 5 - St. Joseph Montessori School
Upper Elementary &
         Middle School Camps
                    (4th through 8th Grade Students)
            We encourage students entering 4th grade next year to attend our Upper
                  Elementary Summer Camps. Limit 24 students per week.

Week 1: June 13 - 17, Return to Hogwarts                               Week 6: July 18 - 22, Bike, hike and swim: Outdoor
Into mixing potions and caring for magical creatures? You do           Adventures
not want to miss a week of Hogwarts fun. Whether you have              Pack your swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, bike, helmet, water
experienced Hogwarts at SJMS before, or this is your first time,       bottle and running shoes to join our week of great outdoor
there is something for everyone! Meet you at gate 9 and ¾!             adventures. We will start the week with bike safety by taking
Lead Teacher: Bethany Torres Mann                                      a field trip to Paradise Garage. Bike specialists will go over
                                                                       the importance of bike safety and show students how to fix a
Week 2: June 20 - 24, Science Camp                                     flat tire. We will put our skills into practice by cycling on the
Join us for a fun-filled and educational week of Science! We           Olentangy bike path two days during the week. We will cycle
will be studying a different scientific topic each day, and            to the Ohio State Wetlands and another day we will ride to
conducting experiments and group activities to truly immerse           Whetstone’s Park of the Roses. We will stay cool at the pool
ourselves in each theme. In our lab, we will learn about Force         by taking the COTA bus to the Grandview pool at least twice
and Motion, Earth Science, Astronomy, Plants & Conservation,           during the week. We will end our week with an urban hike to
and Chemistry! We will conduct an egg drop experiment in               Goodale park and students are invited to bring money to enjoy
teams, make our very own rockets, make some fun & tasty                lunch at the North Market. Students will utilize their practical
treats in chemistry, and so much more! Lead Teacher: Cody              life skills and prepare healthy snacks for road trip fuel. Please
Hawkins                                                                remember your child must have a bike in working condition
                                                                       and be able to ride it:) Bike helmets are required. Lead
Week 3: June 27 - July 1, Sports Week                                  Teacher: Linda Miller
Campers will learn about traditional, and non-traditional
sports in this fun-filled week. Each day will feature at least 2       Week 7-A: July 25 - 29, It’s Playtime!
sports. Students will learn about the rules and skills necessary       We’re playing Frisbee sports in the morning, and board and
for each sport, and of course, we will play them! We will be           card games in the afternoon! We will learn Frisbee throws and
outside as much as possible this week. We will do our best to          catches, and the disc sports of KanJam and disc golf. We will
meet everyone’s interests! Lead Teacher: Cody Hawkins                  play a variety of board and card games to learn and develop
                                                                       strategies. All activities encourage good sportsmanship in
Week 4: July 5 - 8 (4 days), Stop Motion Animation                     winners and losers, and focus on having fun while still playing
Students will use our school iPads and Sculpey clay to create          competitively. Lead Teacher: Bill Reed
stop motion animation movies. Students will also learn about
the history of animation by making paper flipbooks, zoetropes,         Week 7-B: July 25 - 29, Summer Singers Choral Day
and hand-painted animation cels. Lead Teacher: Roxanne                 Camp presented by Columbus Children’s Choir
Holonitch                                                              Singers of all levels of experience, entering grades 4-8 develop
                                                                       vocal technique and musicianship skills in a fun and engaging
Week 5: July 11 - 15, SJMS Band Camp                                   setting. Camp includes interactive experiences with music
The SJMS Band Camp is a week-long camp experience                      reading, movement/drama, drumming, and ukulele and ends
for upper elementary and middle school band students.                  with a performance for family and friends. Lead Teacher:
Students will spend a fun and inspiring week with specialized          Jeanne Wohlgamuth Choir Director - Kelsey Burkett; Drumming
instruction, real-world musical performances, and fellow SJMS          - Tracy Conway; Ukulele - Rachel Fox; Movement or drama -
band members to grow as both musicians and individuals.                TBD
Throughout the week, students will participate in team-building
and leadership activities all while preparing an end-of-week           Week 8: August 1 - 5, Inventor’s Workshop
concert for our families. Free time will be spent bonding as a         Ready, Set, Dream! Your challenge is to come up with a new
band with karaoke, skits, dance-offs, and lip-syncs. SJMS Band         invention. Using the Engineering Design Process, you will
Camp is best designed for band students with at least one              transform your idea into a working prototype that you will
year of experience on their instrument. Lead Teacher: Hannah           patent and take to market. You will find inspiration through the
Greer-Young                                                            celebration of accidental invention stories such as chocolate
                                                                       chip cookies, potato chips, popsicles, and much, much more!
                                                                       Lead Teacher: Sarah Weber
St. Joseph Montessori School
Summer Learning Camp 2022 Registration Form - UE/MS
One form per student.





                                       UPPER ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (4TH - 8TH GRADE)

    Full Day 8:00am–3:30pm                                                      $300
    (or any time during hours)

    Full Day plus After Care                                                    $350

     Select   Week                        Program                  FULL     Full plus         Date           Weekly tuition
                                                                          AFTER CARE                            total

                1        Return to Hogwarts                        $300      $350       June 13-17

                2        Science Camp                              $300      $350       June 20-24

                3        Sports Week                               $300      $350       June 27-July 1

                4        Stop Motion Animation (4 Days)            $300      $350       July 5-8

                5        SJMS Band Camp                            $300      $350       July 11-15

                6        Bike, hike and swim: Outdoor Adventures   $300      $350       July 18-22

                7-A      It’s Playtime!                            $300      $350       July 25-29

                7-B      Summer Singers Choral Day Camp            $300      $350       July 25 - 29

                8        Inventor’s Workshop                       $300      $350       August 1-5

              I was an SJMS parent for the 2021-2022school year and my payments will be withdrawn from my FACTS account 1/2
              in May, 1/2 in June.

              I am new to SJMS and will be paying with cash, check, or credit card.

                      **Registration Form and 50% Tuition Deposit are due by May 13th to guarantee your child’s enrollment. Tuition
                                             deposits are non-refundable after May 13th. Tuition must be fully paid by June 30th.**

   ___________________________________________ _______________
   Parent/Guardian Signature      		        Date

   Please be sure to fill out the Emergency Medical Form and Permissions Page at the end of the brochure.
St. Joseph Montessori School Summer Learning Camp
                                             Emergency Form
                          Please fill out one form per child. Please print clearly.

  Name of Student


  Grade Level:

  Home Phone:

                                                Parent Contact Information

 Parent Name:                                                   Parent Name:

    Phone 1:                                                       Phone 1:

    Phone 2:                                                       Phone 2:

 If parents are not available, please contact the following authorized emergency contacts:
 We must have three additional emergency contacts

 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please list any allergies or medication: ____________________________________________________________________

Summer Learning Camp cannot dispense ANY medication without a doctor’s consent form on file. Consent forms can
be found at sjms.net under the “Forms” tab as Permission to Administer Medication or you may contact the office.


Hospital: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________

Doctor: _________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________

Dentist: ________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________

In the event reasonable attempts to contact me have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for the (1) the
administration of any treatment deemed necessary by the above-named doctor, or, in the event the designated
practitioner is not available, by another licensed physician or dentist; and (2) the transfer of the child to any hospital

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________

I do not give consent for emergency medical treatment of my child. In the event of illness or injury requiring emergency
treatment, I wish the school authorities to take the following action: ____________________________________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Goings Out Permission
I give permission for my child, ______________________________, to:

____ Go on walking field trips in the area around the school.
____ Ride the COTA bus to attend field trips that are not walking distance.

_____________________________________                _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature      		                    Date

Sunscreen Permission
I give permission for my child, ______________________________, to wear sunscreen. I understand that I will provide sunscreen
with my child’s name clearly printed on the bottle. NO SPRAY SUNSCREEN! LOTION ONLY. This is how I would like sunscreen ap-

____ Please allow my child to apply his/her own sunscreen, as needed.
____ Please apply sunscreen on my child as needed.

_____________________________________                _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature      		                    Date

Photography & Use of Work Permission
I, _____________________________, give permission for SJMS to use, in whole or in part: (initial all that apply)

_______ Photographs, videos, voice recordings, drawings, and writings of my student, including but not limited to in its
publications, promotional materials, social media, and websites. Student’s names will not be used in connection with any of the
above unless special permission is granted.

_______ My student’s academic, athletic, and other achievements in its publications, promotional materials, social media, and
websites or for notification to news outlets. Students’ names will not be used in connection with any of the above unless special
permission is granted.

_____________________________________                _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature      		                    Date

Camp Shirts
St. Joseph Montessori School will provide one camp shirt per camper each summer, additinal camp shirts may be purchased for
$10 each by contacting the SJMS office. While it is not required, we encourage your child to wear their SJMS camp shirt for all
going’s out. Please select your child’s camp shirt size.

    2T         3T         4T        YXS         YS         YM          YL        YXL        AS         AM          AL        AXL
Important Information
 Cancellations: Cancellations for any of the 6 weeks must be received by May 13th. Once registered
 for a camp, you may makes changes only if approved by the SLC Coordinator.

 Emergency Contact Forms: Emergency Contact Forms must be filled out no later than June 3rd.

 Swapping Weeks: Due to space and staff restrictions, week swapping is not available except as
 approved by the Summer Camp Coordinator. Camp fees are non-refundable.

 Mid-Summer Registration: There must be space available for your child and registration fees may
 be applied. Please note that payment for the week must be made prior to the first day you bring
 your child to Summer Learning Camp.

 Hours: The core learning experiences are from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, but children can be dropped off
 as early as 8:00 am. Children enrolled in the AM only sessions must be picked up by 12:30 pm.
 Children enrolled in Full Day must be picked up by 3:30 pm. Children enrolled in Full Day plus After
 Care must be picked up by 5:00 pm. A fee of $20 will be charged for late pick up.

 Toilet-Trained Policy: All children must be toilet-trained by the first day of the registered camp
 week. Excludes Toddler Students.

 SJMS Summer Learning Camp is only open to families who will be enrolled in St. Joseph
 Montessori School for the 2022-2023 school year. Placement of non-SJMS students will
 be considered by the SLC Coordinator and Head of School on an individual basis.
Tuition Information
Tuition: Registration Form and 50% Tuition Deposit are due by May 13th to guarantee your child’s
enrollment. Tuition deposits are non-refundable after May 13th. Tuition must be fully paid by June

Current SJMS Families: Payment for current SJMS Families will process through FACTS. The 50%
deposit will process in May and the final payments will process in June.

New SJMS Families: Payment for new SJMS Families can be made by check made payable to SJMS
or by calling the school at (614) 291-8601 to pay by credit card.

Camp deposits are non-refundable after June 3, 2022.

Final Payment due by June 30, 2022.
933 Hamlet Street • Columbus, OH • 43201   P 614.291.8601   www.sjms.net
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