2021 Summer School Course Offerings

Page created by Dwayne Henderson
2021 Summer School Course Offerings

Students entering Kindergarten                                   Some activities celebrate the USA’s birthday! Other
                                                                 projects are made from edible ingredients! Yum!
Countdown to Kindergarten – This course helps                    Students will also work on activities in the Junior
children prepare for the kindergarten experience. Morning        Achievement school program: Our Families explains how
activities help students develop an understanding of             family members' jobs and businesses contribute to the
kindergarten routines and expectations that pave the road        well-being of the family and of the community. The
to a successful school experience in the fall. Each day          program introduces the concept of needs and wants and
begins with students listening to a storybook read aloud.        explores the ways families plan for and acquire goods and
Other literacy events include sharing songs and poems            services. Students analyze their own skills to determine
and writing activities to promote letter, sounds and word        ways they can support their families.
knowledge. ABC centers provide students with practice in
reading and writing experiences. Mathematic centers              Students entering Second Grade
focus on sorting, counting and number recognition.
                                                                 ELA Lessons– Grade 2
The afternoon session begins with quiet time during which        Second grade students will be involved in ELA academic
students listen to relaxing nature sounds. Students then         lessons that will help them continue learning necessary
investigate concepts using games and manipulatives               skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
while working in small groups that foster and encourage          school year.
cooperation and respect. There is also time for active
outdoor play! Students are sure to enjoy their experiences       McGraw Hill Math – Grade 2
in Countdown to Kindergarten.                                    Second grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill
                                                                 math lessons that will help them continue learning
Students entering First Grade                                    necessary skills during the summer and prepare them for
                                                                 the next school year. During the second hour, students
ELA Lessons– Grade 1                                             will complete a variety of lessons, activities and games
First grade students will be involved in ELA academic            using ARRIVE MATH BOOSTER curriculum designed to
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary          strengthen core math skills.
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
school year.                                                     Gameology – Grade 2
                                                                 What do Connect Four, Guess Who? Mancala and Rush
McGraw Hill Math – Grade 1                                       Hour have in common? They are all games, and they all
First grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill math        have strategies for winning! Students learn how
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary          memorization and the process of elimination can make
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next           the game more fun while also stretching their own thinking
school year. During the second hour, students will               skills. Learn to play Blockus with other students, Connect
complete a variety of lessons, activities and games using        Four or Mancala with a partner, or Rush Hour by yourself.
ARRIVE MATH BOOSTER curriculum designed to                       Join the excitement and challenge of learning new games
strengthen core math skills.                                     and new ways to play known ones.

Fitness Rocks – Grade 1                                          Scientific Inquiry – Grade 2
Fitness Rocks provides students opportunities to explore         Scientific Inquiry allows students to discover and explore
movement through activities and games. Students                  science in three themes: Candy Chemistry, Slime Science
practice various types of movement including running,            and Solar Science. This is an active-hands and active-
skipping, and galloping while learning about general             mind class that will have students asking questions,
space and personal space. Eye-hand coordination and              finding solutions, and thinking critically on a variety of
fine-motor skills are developed using manipulatives such         topics related to the themes.
as bean bags, hoops, and balls. Cooperation and
sportsmanship are fostered in organized games.                   Summer Celebrations – Grade 2
                                                                 Students listen to well-known tales, create simple props,
Summer Surprise – Grade 1                                        and engage in creative movement as they dramatize
Each day students listen to a read-aloud story and then          stories while learning about celebration around the world.
complete a project or activity related to the story. Various     They use their creativity and voices to become characters
craft supplies are fashioned into butterflies, fish, or frogs.   in familiar tales. Everyone is a star!

                                                                 Fitness Rocks–Grade2 (See course description Gr 1)
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2021 Summer School Course Offerings
Students entering Third Grade                                   Fitness Rocks–Grade3 (See course description Gr 1)

ELA Lessons– Grade 3                                            Gameology – Grade 3 (See course description Gr 2)
Third grade students will be involved in ELA academic
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary
                                                                Students entering Fourth Grade
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
school year.                                                    ELA Lessons – Grade 4
                                                                Fourth grade students will be involved in ELA academic
McGraw Hill Math – Grade 3                                      lessons that will help them continue learning necessary
Third grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill math       skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary         school year.
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
school year.                                                    McGraw Hill Math – Grade 4
                                                                Fourth grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill
More than Money – Grade 3                                       math lessons that will help them continue learning
More than Money encompasses economic and business               necessary skills during the summer and prepare them for
curriculum. The program emphasizes social studies               the next school year.
content while providing a strong focus on mathematics,
reading, and writing skills. Students are encouraged to         Money in the Bank – Grade 4
use innovative thinking to learn money-management               Money in the Bank is a social studies course designed to
skills that support positive attitudes as they explore and      provide exciting, student-centered opportunities for
enhance their career aspirations. Through a variety of          developing an understanding of basic economic
hands-one activities and technological supplements              concepts. This unit utilizes active learning techniques and
designed to support different learning styles, students         hands-on activities that enable young students to
develop a better understanding of the relationship              experience economics to the fullest.
between what they learn in school and their successful
                                                                Life Cycles and Heredity – Grade 4
participation in the worldwide economy.
                                                                Students will participate in lessons and projects to how life
Designing Bridges – Grade 3                                     cycles of different organisms are similar and different.
This course guides students to discovery and discuss the        Students will explore how some traits are inherited while
connections between the science topics of force, balance,       others are influenced by their environment.
the design of bridges, and the field of civil engineering.
The accompanying story, Javier Builds a Bridge,                 BrickLab™ Physics – Grade 4
introduces students to some famous bridges in the United        This physics-inspired curriculum makes use of LEGO®
States and serves to focus students on the design               pieces and has students experimenting with different
challenges that they will undertake in this unit designing      types of motion and forces including Newton’s Laws of
and improving a bridge.                                         Motion, the work formula, and the effects of friction.
                                                                Students examine scientific topics related to the world
BrickLab™ Architecture – Grade 3                                around them.
Students connect with the world of building through
LEGO® bricks. Students create castles and skyscrapers,          Coding with Scratch – Grade 4
bridges and three-legged-chairs, floor plans and houses.        Scratch is an introduction to computer programming
These are only a few of the activities that make this course    developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
a sure winner.                                                  Technology) Media Lab especially for young students.
                                                                With Scratch, students can program their own interactive
Puzzle Me! – Grade 3                                            stories, games, and animations – and share their
Puzzle Me! provides students with opportunities to              creations with others in the online community. Scratch
improve problem-solving and reasoning skills. Students          helps students think creatively, reason systematically,
develop visual and special awareness as they manipulate         and work collaboratively.
jigsaw puzzle pieces in search of a perfect fit. Participants
explore strategies for solving number puzzles.                  Everything Retro – Grade 4
Vocabulary is strengthened as students solve and create         Step back into the past with Everything Retro! Students
word puzzles. Students practice social skills as they           tie-dye shirts and build old-fashioned toys. They learn the
discuss possible solutions and learn how to handle              history of classic games such as jacks, marbles, and a
frustration when a possible solution does not work. Tease       variety of board games plus taste candies that have
your brain with Puzzle Me!                                      tantalized children for decades. These fun activities

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2021 Summer School Course Offerings
develop skills in thinking and in interacting with team      blocky model of the human eye. Students develop skills
members.                                                     in collaboration, problem solving and communication.

Fitness Rocks –Grade4 (See course description Gr 1)          Fitness Rocks-Grade 5 (See course description Gr 1)

Students entering Fifth Grade                                Students entering Sixth Grade
ELA Lessons – Grade 5                                        ELA Lessons – Grade 6
Fifth grade students will be involved in ELA academic        Sixth grade students will be involved in ELA academic
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary      lessons that will help them continue learning necessary
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next       skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
school year.                                                 school year.
McGraw Hill Math – Grade 5                                   McGraw Hill Math – Grade 6
Fifth grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill math    Sixth grade students will be involved in McGraw Hill math
lessons that will help them continue learning necessary      lessons that will help them continue learning necessary
skills during the summer and prepare them for the next       skills during the summer and prepare them for the next
school year.                                                 school year.
Roaming Regions – Grade 5                                    Roller Coaster Math– Grade 6
Students learn all along the way as they embark on a         Imagine you are hired to design and build a roller coaster.
virtual journey through geographical regions! Students       In this course students use real-life data and facts about
describe geographical elements, compare regional             roller coasters. Students apply their math skills and
features, and conduct research. Students produce a           concepts of polygons, fractions, coordinate grids and
weather report, create commercials to attract tourists and   geometric shapes. In this course students build a 5-foot
construct salt dough topographical maps. Who says            roller coast out of paper and send a marble down the
geography cannot be fun?                                     track. The design is up to you, make it tall or make it wide.
                                                             Either way, is cool.
Waves – Grade 5
Students will participate in hands-on lessons to explore     Around the US – Grade 6
and learn about waves. Students will identify patterns       Do you think you could travel to all 50 states in 15 days?
related to wave amplitude and wavelength and see how a       This course provides students opportunities to explore all
wave can make an object move.                                50 states in only 10 days! Students learn unique facts
                                                             about each state and its interesting features such as
Crime Solvers – Grade 5                                      national monuments, parks, and historical places. Get on
In this course, students become detectives and solve a       the bus, leave driving to me! Off we go!
burglary crime. Students apply a variety of math concepts
and skills including geometric shapes, multiplication, and   Micro:bit Coding – Grade 6
division facts, coordinate grids, probability, and data      This is an introduction to coding and computer science
analysis. Students use logical thinking to solve problems    using the new BBC micro: bit microcontroller board. It is
and learn to make and read fingerprints as well as           project-based activities based on the idea that students
cracking codes.                                              learn best by making things. Students can use BBC
                                                             Micro: bit for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to
Great American Highway (GAH) – Grade 5                       musical instruments, the possibilities are endless.
GAH covers 2,400 miles of concrete. The journey takes
students on the road to the US Southwest. The adventure      Cleaning an Oil Spill – Grade 6
begins in Illinois and journeys through 8 states. Students   In Cleaning an Oil Spill, students explore the field of
discover Route 66 was more than just a road. Among           environmental engineering as they design a process to
other things, it was Burma-Shave signs, road-side            clean an oil spill in a model river. They learn how pollution
attractions, gas stations, a song, and mom-and-pop           can negatively impact the organisms in the ecosystem
diners. Come along for the ride!                             and how engineers must consider both short and long-
                                                             term effects of pollutions on the organisms in each
Minecraft – Grade 5                                          ecosystem.       Students read the storybook, Tehya’s
Welcome to the “worlds” of Minecraft. Students build         Pollution Solutions, which introduces them to the field of
amazing things from the simplest to the grandest; be it a    environmental         engineering,     connectedness       of
setting in a book, a historic structure, or an enormous      ecosystems and food webs, and how pollution, such as

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2021 Summer School Course Offerings
an oil spill, can have a profound impact on the                  involvement will be at a high level each day. Students are
environment.                                                     engaged in problems solving daily in small groups.

                                                                 The Marketplace
Cultural Celebration –Grade 6                                    In this class you will get an introduction to economics. You
Of! Hola! Hello! No matter what language you speak, this         will learn about supply and demand, wants, and needs,
class takes you around the world in a mere ten days!             producers and consumers, goods, and services, etc. You
Through the 10 days of summer school course, you are             will use the information learned over the next 10 days to
introduced to the six languages CPS offers during the            design a product and market it to your classmates. A
regular school year. From the moment, you receive your           major part of this class relates to teamwork. You will be
passport until the moment you know which language is for         working in small groups to create your product and
you, you will never be the same. Through a variety of            business plan.
engaging activities students are introduced to the
alphabets, counting systems, and greetings of six                Weather Power
languages: Latin, Spanish, French, German Japanese,              In this course, students will learn a variety of skills related
and Chinese.                                                     to weather. The topics include: air pressure, effects and
                                                                 measurement; air masses, origins and interactions: wind,
Missouri Music Makers – Grade 6                                  movement and causes; precipitation, types and
Many famous musicians were born in Missouri or lived             formation; hurricanes, development and tracking; and
most of their lives here. Students explore the lives and         greenhouse effect, causes and prevention.
musical styles of Missouri musicians through reading,
writing, listening, and evaluating. Musicians and their          Simple Machines & Flybrix Drones – Grade 7
styles include Scott Joplin and J.W. Blind Boone,                This course is for students who enjoy creating and putting
Ragtime; Sara Evans, Country; Sheryl Crow, Rock; Nelly,          things together. Students work in small groups to
Rap/Hip Hop; and Neal Boyd, Opera.                               construct simple machines. Students explore engineering
Daily Challenge – Grade 6                                        principles such as levers, linkages, wheels, pulleys,
Daily Challenge offers students opportunities to                 screws, cams and cranks, gears, and inclined planes.
participate in a variety of sports and activities, and outdoor   Students will also have an opportunity to fly a drone.
games. Lessons are designed to foster cooperative group
problem-solving skills and thinking strategies. Students         Cooking Waves – Grade 7
improve their fitness and increase their awareness of the        Students mix and stir in Cooking Waves as they learn how
importance of life-long fitness.                                 to prepare microwave foods. Students learn how to
                                                                 properly operate a microwave oven and practice basic
Students entering Seventh Grade                                  recipe reading skills. Students also expand reading,
                                                                 mathematics, and daily living skills as they acquire
Explore Your Expression – Grade 7                                vocabulary, measure ingredients and work in teams.
Ever felt invisible? Ever felt like no one really knows the
real you? Often, we feel judged by what we look like or          Minecraft – Grade 7
what we wear. However, inside all of us is someone               Welcome to the “worlds” of Minecraft. Students build
waiting to be seen. This summer explore your creative            amazing things from the simplest to the grandest; be it a
side and learn to express the real you! Throughout this          setting in a book, a historic structure, or an enormous
course, a variety of skills are presented in engaging            blocky model of the human eye. Students develop skills
activities. Students participate in discovering themselves       in collaboration, problem solving and communication.
through the exploration of reading and writing strategies.
Students read independently and collectively from texts          Daily Challenge Grade 7(See course description Gr 6)
that cause students to not only think about themselves in
new ways, but also discover new genres in reading and
writing. Your creativity comes to life as you explore new
ideas and writing styles and engage in strategies that real
authors use to bring writing to life.

Challenge Math – Grade 7
Students cover a variety of middle school math content
through games and fun activities: fractions, decimals,
percent, ratio, and proportions. This course helps prepare
students for higher levels of math. The level of student
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2021 Summer School Course Offerings
Students entering Eighth Grade
                                                             Columbia Comes Alive! – Grade 8
Discovering Messages in Ads & Films – Grade 8                This course is designed as an immersive course into local
This course is designed to sharpen students’ skills in       civics.    Students identify locations in which local
applying literacy skills to various media. Students learn    government impact their lives. Students identify relevant
how advertising techniques are used to influence             information about local government and explore city
consumers’ actions. Students then apply their new            resources such as how the local government helps
knowledge of marketing by creating advertisements for        residents start a business. Students identify important
selected      audiences.       Students     learn    how     issues in the community and explore an issue important
cinematographers use camera angles, camera shots and         to them. The culminating activity is a field trip to City Hall.
mise-en-scene to convey meaning to the audience.             This class provides students a hands-on experience
Students also learn techniques of characterization used      regarding local government.
by movie makers and analyze clips of movies to
determine the impact of music and sound on viewers’          Orienteering – Grade 8
emotions. Finally, students evaluate a film and write a      Orienteering skills are a crucial component of wilderness
review.                                                      survival. Students learn how to use a map and compass,
                                                             as well as other navigational techniques for finding their
It’s a Mystery – Grade 8                                     way in the wilderness. Students learn to read topographic
Students read mysteries to discover the elements of the      maps and utilize different types of compasses. Students
genre, while learning about a variety of mystery authors     also learn “aid-less” techniques that assist in navigating
and detectives as well as the vocabulary pertinent to        when maps and compasses are not available. The course
mysteries. Students compare the elements of mysteries        includes an orienteering activity in a local park.
in both reading and viewing. Students begin the process
of writing a mystery by exploring ideas for a main           Careers: It’s My Business – Grade 8
character (the detective) and planning the action of the     Students explore and expand their career choices as well
story. Students revise and edit their mystery and share      as learn entrepreneurial skills that support a positive work
with classmates.                                             attitude. The course focuses on concepts such as work
                                                             creativity and innovation, business plans, civic
All Hands-on MATH – Grade 8                                  responsibility, marketing, and profit.
Students are involved in daily activities to further their
mathematical understanding to help prepare them for          Daily Challenge Grade 8 (See course description
eighth grade math. Each week a specific topic is             Grade 6)
reviewed: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Probability.

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