Page created by Anne Gregory

Journey from
V i cto r i a Fa l l s
b y P r i vate T r a i n
An escorted journey between Victoria Falls & Pretoria
aboard the Shongololo Express
13th to 28th September 2021
Leopard, Hwange National Park

         e are delighted to have chartered the Shongololo Express Private Train from our associates at Rovos Rail,
       renowned for their exceptional service and world class travel experiences, for this this spectacular journey
from Victoria Falls to Pretoria which stops along the way to view some remarkable scenery and wonderful
locations in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, eSwatini (Swaziland) and South Africa. In spite of all its regional difficulties,
Africa still captures the imagination like no other continent. The beauty and the colours truly need to be seen to
be believed and are brought right to the compartment doors of our comfortable rolling hotel, all while enjoying
the excellent service for which Rovos Rail is renowned.
Our journey begins in Zimbabwe, a country of astounding natural beauty and extraordinary wildlife with a two
night stay at the legendary Victoria Falls Hotel offering dramatic views of the gorges of the spectacular Victoria
Falls. From here we start our journey to Hwange National Park, a rich and diverse wildlife sanctuary where
animals can be spotted from the train and during our game drive. For the remainder of our time in Zimbabwe
we will step back in time at the Great Zimbabwe Monument as well as visit Antelope Park, home to a lion
conservation programme and Matopos National Park, the site of Cecil John Rhodes’ grave. Arriving into South
Africa we will traverse the Limpopo Province and enjoy a
game drive in the Kampama Game Reserve before crossing
the border to Mozambique. Here we visit its bustling capital
Maputo before exploring the intriguing Kingdom of eSwatini                          Victoria Falls

(Swaziland)where we can witness the lively and colourful                        Hwange
                                                                              Game Reserve
                                                                                            Thompson’s Junction

local culture as people go about their everyday life.                                                     ZIMBABWE
Crossing back in to South Africa we will visit Kruger National                                          Antelope
Park where, for some, the highlight will no doubt be spotting             BOTSWANA
                                                                                                               Great Zimbabwe
the Big Five (buffalo, elephant, lion, leopard and rhino),                                 National Park
whilst for others, it may be seeing the remarkable birdlife                                                          Rutenga

or the majestic giraffe that stay longest in memory. We then
continue to our final destination of Pretoria via the awe-                                                     Louis Trichardt
inspiring landscapes of the Drakensberg Mountains and along                                          Tzaneen

the Panorama Route with visits to historic Pilgrim’s Rest,
                                                                                                 Kapama Game         National Park
Bourke’s Luck Potholes and God’s Window, one of Blyde                                  SOUTH AFRICA     Klaserie

River Canyon’s most spectacular viewpoints. Watching the                                 Pretoria
                                                                                                    Panorama Route       Malelane

changing mood and colours at sunrise is a once in a lifetime

experience.                                                                      Johannesburg
                                                                                                         ESWATINI  Mpaka
Blyde River Canyon

                                                                              Shongololo Express                                                  Voortrekker monument, Pretoria


           The Itinerary
           Day 1 London to Victoria Falls,           from where you will be able to get            amongst the hills. (B, L, D)          This evening we cross the bridge
           Zimbabwe. Fly by scheduled                different views of the roiling water as                                             to Messina for South African
           indirect flight.                          it crashes into the gorge and whose           Day 7 Antelope Park. Set in over      border formalities. (B, L, D)
                                                     constant spray maintains the rain             3,000 acres of open savannah
           Day 2 Victoria Falls. Arrive today        forest. The forest is an attraction           grassland, Antelope Park is a         Day 9 Limpopo Province, South
           and transfer to the Victoria Falls        on its own with many of the trees             unique game reserve and the           Africa. Spend the day on board
           Hotel, popularly known as ‘the            marked to help identification. These          Park is also home to ALERT’s          as we traverse Limpopo Province,
           grand old lady of the falls’ and a        include fig, mahogany, date palm,             Lion Conservation Programme.          which is located in the far north
           splendid base for our two night           milkwood and ebony. The bird life             Included will be a unique ‘Lion       of South Africa and shares
           stay. We will have some free time         is prolific and species that may be           Feeding’ experience and, standing     borders with three neighbouring
           this afternoon before we meet for         seen include the colourful sunbird            just metres from the fence line,      countries: Botswana, Zimbabwe
           dinner this evening. (D)                  and large trumpeter hornbill. In              we can watch in awe as several        and Mozambique. The Limpopo
                                                     the afternoon we will transfer to             fully-grown male lions charge         landscape varies from one area to
           Day 3 Victoria Falls. We have a day       the Shongololo Express at the                 towards their meal and tussle for     the other from tropical forests, bush
           to relax at the hotel or explore the      Victoria Falls station and depart this        the prime pieces. An adrenaline-      and shrubs to semi-desert areas
           local area. Maybe join an optional        evening. (B, D)                               filled activity, the lion feeds not   with small trees and bushes and
           tour such as a helicopter ride over                                                     only give a once-in-a-lifetime        mountains to flat land. (B, L, D)
           the falls, a game drive in the nearby     Day 5 Hwange Game Reserve.                    experience but also constitute a
           Chamabonda or Zambezi National            Covering 1,462,000 hectares,                  vital part of the research into the   Day 10 Kapama Game Reserve.
           Parks, visit a local village or play a    Hwange is roughly the same size               lions’ characters and dominance       This morning we take a game
           round of golf. In the late afternoon      as Belgium and we spend a full                behaviour. Other activities           drive in Kapama Game Reserve
           we will meet for a sunset cruise on       day game viewing in the reserve               include game drives, horse riding,    which is situated in South Africa’s
           the Zambezi before enjoying an            with a picnic stop for lunch.                 elephant interaction and a bird-      northernmost province of Limpopo
           evening at leisure for independent        Situated in the northwest corner              watching experience. (B, L, D)        and renowned for its prolific and
           dining arrangements in the hotel or       of Zimbabwe, Hwange National                                                        diverse wildlife. Kapama Private
           town. (B)                                 Park is the nation’s largest wildlife         Day 8 Great Zimbabwe                  Game Reserve is home to over
                                                     area and contains a variety of                Monument. Today we tour the           40 different mammal species,
           Day 4 Victoria Falls. Meet after          animals and bird species but is               Great Zimbabwe Monument, a            including the Big Five and
           breakfast in the hotel. From here we      most well-known for its prolific lion         hugely impressive monument            approximately 350 bird species
           take a walking tour of the town and       population. (B, L, D)                         situated on the south-eastern         and a myriad smaller species can
           Victoria Falls. Forming the largest                                                     edge of the central plateau. It is    also be seen here in their natural
           single curtain of falling water on        Day 6 Matopos National Park.                  the largest pre-colonial monument     environment. We then visit the
           earth (on average the curtain is 92       This morning we embark on a                   south of the Egyptian pyramids        Hoedspruit Endangered Species
           metres deep), the Victoria Falls’ 500     full day tour of Matopos National             and is a celebrated achievement       Centre, a unique African wildlife
           metre plume of spray can be seen          Park. “Matopos” means ‘bald                   of the African people. Magical        facility focusing on conservation
           from as far as 70 kilometres away.        headed ones’ and aptly describes              fables such as the story of King      and the sustainability of rare,
           The sound of the water can also be        the dramatic hills and granite rocks          Solomon’s Mines find their            vulnerable and threatened
           heard from kilometres away and up         of this area. A highlight will be the         origins here amongst the ruins        species. Founded on passion,
           close this muted ‘thunder’ becomes        visit to the burial place of Cecil            of an ancient city built by the       the centre has adopted a holistic
           a roar. In full flood, over 550 million   John Rhodes, who gave Zimbabwe                Rozwi people. Discover how            approach to its conservation
           litres of water per minute cascade        its previous name of Rhodesia.                these ancient people lived and        activities such as the educating of
           over the brink. The vast width of         Afterwards, we will visit one of the          mined gold and silver which were      surrounding communities, tourism,
           the Falls, extending 1708 metres,         more accessible bushman caves,                ultimately taken out of Africa by     breeding, rehabilitation and anti-
           allow for many safe vantage points        of which there are many hidden                Arabic and Portuguese traders.        poaching. (B, L, D)

                                                                                                   Great Zimbabwe Ruins

                                                                      Lilac-breasted roller

Day 11 Kingdom of eSwatini              life forms and the park is a world         overlook the city towards the              Hospital (the largest hospital in
(Swaziland). Today we tour the tiny     leader in advanced environmental           once fortified hills to the south. A       the Southern Hemisphere) and
Kingdom of eSwatini (Swaziland)         management techniques. The park            grand bronze statue of “Oom Paul           also drive past the only street in
which covers only 17,000 square         is home to an impressive number            (Kruger)”, the patriarch president         Africa that once housed two Nobel
kilometres making it the second         of species: about 336 trees, 49 fish,      of the ZAR or old Transvaal                Peace Laureates – Archbishop
smallest country in Africa. Travel to   34 amphibians, 114 reptiles, 507           Republic, surrounded by his Boer           Desmond Tutu and Nelson
Mantenga Cultural Village enjoying      birds and 147 species of mammals.          fighters, dominates Church Square          Mandela. We also visit the Hector
amazing views of the Ezulwini Valley    (B, L, D)                                  at the centre of the city. Before          Petersen Memorial, named after
and the Komati River en route.                                                     leaving the capital behind we              the first student to lose his life
Our tour of eSwatini (Swaziland)        Day 14 Panorama Route. Today               visit the Voortrekker Monument             in the 1976 uprising against
will introduce you to everyday life     we take a full day tour of the             which commemorates the Great               the Apartheid government.
in Africa’s smallest kingdom. The       Panorama Route. In 1873, gold              Trek of the 1830s. Our next stop           This afternoon we transfer to
Swazi Market is a bustling hive of      was discovered in the area around          is Soweto which, comprising one            Johannesburg Airport for our
activity and displays a wide variety    the quaint town of Pilgrim’s Rest,         million people, was made famous            scheduled flight to London. (B, L)
of skillfully crafted woodcarvings,     now a living museum and national           by the laws of Apartheid. We
colourful textiles and superb           monument. The find attracted               pass the Chris Hani Baragwanath            Day 16 London. Arrive this morning.
basketwork for which Swazis are         1,500 diggers and today many
renowned. (B, L, D)                     of the restored miners’ houses
                                        serve as shops. Further along the
Day 12 Maputo, Mozambique.              escarpment we find the great                  Prices per person
                                                                                      Based on double occupancy
This morning we tour Maputo,            Blyde River Canyon, a gorge
the capital of Mozambique and a         26 kilometres in length and 800               Category                                                      Price
city of contrasts and an exciting       metres deep, carved into the                  Gold Cabin                                                   £6795
mix of cultures. The city swings        face of the escarpment. Bourke’s              Emerald Cabin                                                £8595
along to a beat like no other           Luck Potholes are strange deep                Gold Cabin for sole use                                      £9795
in Africa offering true African         cylindrical cavities formed by river
                                                                                      Price Includes: Economy class scheduled air travel • Two nights at
hospitality. Its architecture is a      erosion and floodwater. From the
                                                                                      the Victoria Falls Hotel with breakfast • 11 nights aboard the Shongololo
blend of African, Portuguese and        vantage point of Wonder View                  Express • Meals as indicated inclusive of house wine, beer & soft drinks with
early colonial traditions with old      we gaze across the sweeping                   lunch & dinner (B-Breakfast, L-Lunch, D-Dinner) • Excursions • Entrance
Catholic churches side-by-side          landscape of the Lowveld, where               fees • Local guides • Onboard Train Manager • Noble Caledonia Tour
with mosques, fortresses, Victorian     subtle fragrances of the lower                Manager • Gratuities • Transfers • Airport taxes.
mansions and other buildings from       region rise to merge with the crisp           Not Included: Travel insurance, visas, optional excursions in Victoria Falls,
a bygone era. This afternoon we         winds of the Highveld. (B, L, D)              meals other than those shown.
travel to Komatipoort for border
formalities as we return to South       Day 15 Pretoria, Soweto &                     Visa Information: Visas are not required for entry into South Africa or
Africa. (B, L, D)                       Johannesburg to London. This                  eSwatini (Swaziland). Visas are required for entry into Mozambique and
                                        morning we take a tour of Pretoria,           Zimbabwe. For ease, we have arranged with the train’s operator, Rovos Rail,
Day 13 Kruger National Park,            the administrative capital of South           for both of these visas to be issued on arrival for British citizen passport
South Africa. We spend the day          Africa and visit the Union Buildings          holders for a fee of approximately $55 US Dollars per person (exact fee for
in the world-renowned Kruger            designed by the famous colonial               each visa will be advised closer to departure). Alternatively you can obtain
                                                                                      these visa independently before travel through your nearest embassy/
National Park which offers a            English architect, Sir Herbert
                                                                                      consulate or via a visa agency. This information is correct at the time of
wildlife experience second to           Baker. Completed in 1913, it now              printing and, should the information change, we will be in touch with
none. Its two million hectares          houses the offices of the President           booked passengers with updated guidelines.
are unrivalled in the diversity of      and Ministers and the buildings

                                                                                                                                             +44 (0)20 7752 0000
Observation Car

                                                                                      Gold Cabin

                                                                                                                                                Lounge Car

 Emerald Cabin

The Shongololo Express
ThediningShongololo   Express, as a rolling hotel, offers sleeping compartments in two categories, two air-conditioned
            cars, a bar car and an observation car. The tempting three course dinners are served in a single sitting.
The bar car, open around the clock, is ideal for relaxing over a cocktail or a glass of South African wine and is a
popular spot for reading. Complimentary tea and coffee are available on board at all times.
All of the sleeping compartments offer a private    berth and a compact wardrobe. A hairdryer and          cars and are complemented by a selection of
shower and toilet, adjustable air conditioning,     small toiletries are also provided. Still water is     South African wines. There is an accent on fresh,
220/230 V sockets, a small safe, towels and         provided daily in your compartment. There are a        local ingredients and traditional dishes.
clothes hangers. The beds are made up daily by      total of twenty four Gold Cabins.
your train attendants. There is no formal dress
code on your private train during the day. Dinner   Emerald Cabins: The Emerald sleeping
on board is smart casual. A laundry service is      compartments (approximately ten square
available during the entire trip (at cost). Large   metres) are equipped with two single berths or
pieces of luggage can be stowed beneath             a double berth and a compact wardrobe. Each
the berths or on the upper luggage racks.           compartment in this category also has a small
However, since space on board is limited, we do     seating area. A hairdryer and small toiletries are
recommend taking soft-sided luggage rather          also provided. Still water is provided daily in your
than hard-side cases.                               compartment. There are a total of 14 Emerald
Your Accommodation
Gold Cabins: The compartments (approximately        Your Dining
seven square metres) are equipped with two          Meals are served in a single sitting in the
individual berths next to each other, or a double   charming Victorian atmosphere of the dining             Dining Car
African elephant, Hwange National Park

                                             2 Chester Close, Belgravia, London, SW1X 7BE
                                 +44 (0)20 7752 0000 | |

                                         Our current booking conditions apply to all reservations and are available on request.
                                                                     Cover image: Victoria Falls

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