December 2020-February 2021 - We have a COVID Safe Plan which allows us to Travel! - Smiths Travel
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We have a COVID Safe Plan which allows us to Travel! Just like everyone else we have had to adapt to some new ways of traveling ensuring our health and safety is top priority. December 2020—February 2021
Hi Travel Club Members 30th NOV 2020 Mountain What a year it has been! Who knew Spectacular 2020 was going to bring such CHANGE OF DROP OFF TIMES! disruption to our daily lives and our travel plans! But we have made it, Please note we will be the year is coming to an end and we are all picking up and dropping off ready to bring on the New Year! in Devonport CBD first. I personally would like to thank everyone for your patience and ongoing support throughout the year. I hope you will come along and Pickup Point Depart Return celebrate the festive season on our Christmas Devonport CBD 7:30 am 4:50 pm Don Hall 7:40 am 5:10 pm Tours and I look forward to traveling with you Ulverstone Info Centre 8:00 am 5:20 pm in the New Year.. Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:40 am 6:00 pm Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Safe Somerset Post Office 8:50 am 6:20 pm Wonders of Wynyard 9:10 am 6:30 pm and Happy New Year! - Bobbi-Jo Dempsey (Tour Director) Coming up in 2021 6th—9th January 2021 The Old and New Norfolk CHANGE IN OFFICE VISITS (4 Days) SOLD OUT Due to Covid-19 we have changed our office set up to ensure adherence to Covid-19 safety guidelines. I have set up an office at home and will now be working from 1st –12th March 2021 home full time, If you wish to have a meeting face to face please book an appointment time so that I am Queensland’s Coastal available to meet you! The Smith’s Travel phone number Paradise to Western Beauty will remain the same 6437 6218. You may see me out in the Smith’s Travel Car exploring (12 Days) new and exciting places to visit. Tania-Maree and Paul will be able to assist you with any bookings and October 2021 enquiries if I am not available to take your call. Emergency Numbers ON THE DAY of TOUR : New Zealand Bobbi-Jo 0439 484 471 YOU MUST CALL TO SECURE A SEAT ON OUR Scott 0418 315 140 TOURS ON 6437 6218. FOLLOWED BY SENDING IN You may receive a call from me on a different YOUR BOOKING SLIP TO; number, please ensure you call 6437 6218 if you Smith’s Travel need to return my call. 617 Souths Riana Rd South Riana TAS 7316
WHAT December December 2020 Mo Tu W Th Fri Sa Su HAVE WE Outing 7th Christmas Shopping 1 2 3 4 5 6 GOT TO 21st Christmas Party at on West Coast 7 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 OFFER 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 YOU IN 2020/21? January 2021 January Mo Tu W Th Fri Sa Su FREE membership with 6—9th New Norfolk 1 2 3 no obligation to travel. 13th Mosie Down Maritime 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Day Tours to Lane 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 interesting 22th Beaconsfield Mine 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 destinations. 28th Mountain Spectacular 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Convenient pick up points along the North West Coast of February February 2021 Tasmania. 9th Feb Rockin’ to Smithton Mo Tu W Th Fri Sa Su 19th Tamar River Cruise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FREE newsletters sent 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 *Newsletter Release* quarterly highlighting our 24th Mystery Madness 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 day tours and 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 extended tours. FREE Brochures sent on request for mainland and January 6-9 2021 (4 Days) international tours, concerts and special The Old & New Norfolk SOLD OUT events. March 1—12 2021 (12 Days) Queensland’s Coastal Paradise to Western Beauty Seats still Available
Mon 7th Dec 2020 Mon 21st Dec 2020 Come one, come all to the Travel Club Christmas Party! Each year it’s exciting to enjoy a Christmas Lunch with our traveling companions, and this year our annual lunch- eon is to be held at the Marrawah Tavern. Sit back and let us pamper you at this very busy time of year. Catch up with old friends, This time of year can be very busy and hear stories of our tours and enjoy the scenic stressful. Come and join us for some drive to the West Coast. Christmas Cheer whilst you shop up a storm, we will worry about the parking and we have Don’t forget to wear your Christmas apparel ample storage and space for all your goodies. or colours. Smith’s Trave will be taking a bus to Latrobe first where you can purchase local produce and specialised novelties and gifts. Morning Will Santa make an appearance? Tea will be at Madame M Café located in Monclair’s Boutique gift shop. Then we will continue east where you can continue shop- ping in Launceston’s Mall for clothes, jewellery, books, games, electronic, home- wares etc….. Let your imagination run wild Remember to wear comfy shoes. Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, Morning Tea. (Own lunch available for purchase in Launceston) Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, Morning Tea, Christmas Lunch. $56.00 per person $82.00 per person Pickup Point Depart Return Pickup Point Depart Return Wonders of Wynyard 7:30 am 6:30 pm Devonport CBD 7:30 am 6:30 pm Somerset Post Office 7:40 am 6:10 pm Don Hall 7:40 am 6:20 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:00 am 6:00 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:00 am 6:00 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:40 am 5:20 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:40 am 5:20 pm Don Hall 9:00 am 5:00 pm Somerset Post Office 8:50 am 5:10 pm Devonport CBD 9:10 am 4:50 pm Wonders of Wynyard 9:10 am 4:50 pm
Wed 13th Jan 2021 Fri 22nd Jan 2021 Today we will take a tour to uncover the history of the Low Head Pilot Station, built by On our way to Beaconsfield today to the Mine convicts in 1805 to guide ships into the Tamar and Heritage Centre, morning tea along the River. The station has the oldest group of pilot way, we will enjoy a scenic drive along the buildings in Australia and like the pilot station Frankford Highway. We will be guided lighthouse still operates today. Within the Pilot through the Beaconsfield Mine and Heritage Station groups there is a Maritime Museum Centre where there are a collection of which you will have the opportunity to explore. experiences that will allow you to enjoy and We will enjoy lunch with a view of the Tamar appreciate the history of Beaconsfield and the River at the York Cove Hotel. Tamar Valley. The famous 2006 mine rescue is represented in a very special and poignant exhibition along with the famous mine yard which remains as is when the workers walked off the job for the very last time in 2012. We will continue along the Tamar River to Legana Tavern where you will have an array of choices for lunch before making our way back to the North West Coast. We will end the day by visiting the Bass and Flinders Centre A must see hands on display. In 1798, the explorers Bass and Flinders were dispatched to ‘Van Diemen’s Land’ to ascertain if Tasmania was an island or not. They sailed with a crew of eight in Her Majesty’s Colonial Sloop Norfolk into the Tamar River and anchored off what is now George Town. The Centre is the proud home of the full size replica of the sloop ‘Norfolk’. Now located within the Centre and easily boarded, out of the water and Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, within the complex. Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, $86.00 per person Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. $95.00 per person Pickup Point Depart Return Pickup Point Depart Return Wonders of Wynyard 7:30 am 6:30 pm Wonders of Wynyard 7:30 am 6:30 pm Somerset Post Office 7:40 am 6:10 pm Somerset Post Office 7:40 am 6:10 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:00 am 6:00 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:00 am 6:00 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:40 am 5:20 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:40 am 5:20 pm Don Hall 9:00 am 5:00 pm Don Hall 9:00 am 5:00 pm Devonport CBD 9:10 am 4:50 pm Devonport CBD 9:10 am 4:50 pm
Thurs 28th Jan 2021 Summer is here and what Tue 9th Feb 2021 better way to enjoy it by going on a scenic drive Today we will make our way to Smithton inland to Cradle Mountain. where we will visit the Circular Head You will be able to enjoy the Heritage Centre. The Centre houses a large views of the spring flowers and collection of photos and artefacts detailing the green hills from your comfy seat high up in the history of the circular head area, which has bus as we drive through Hellyer Gorge to Waratah been donated by local families detailing their where we will enjoy a lovely home baked social, cultural and economic history. We then morning tea and a cuppa. We will continue on to will have a 2 course meal at Tall Timbers Cradle Mountain, where the wildlife especially before making our way to Rocky Cape echidnas like to watch the visitors come and go. National Park. Tucked around the small We will be stopping for lunch at the Cradle hamlets of Boat Harbour and Sisters Beach, Mountain Hotel in the Altitude Restaurant. After Rocky Cape National Park shows off it’s lunch you will have the opportunity to walk scenic hills, tranquil bays and rocky head- through the Cradle Mountain Wilderness Gallery lands. Rich in Aboriginal history and native which is bursting with original sculptures, wildlife. You will have the opportunity to take drawings and paintings. Take a remarkable a short easy walk or two around the journey to the wild places seen though the eyes of National Park. Tasmanian artists and explore a little of the history and life of the region. We will then start to make our journey home driving back through Sheffield where will be able to see the spectacular Mount Roland. Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. All Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, $89.00 per person Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. $72.00 per person Pickup Point Depart Return Pickup Point Depart Return Devonport CBD 7:30 am 4:50 pm Devonport CBD 7:30 am 6:30 pm Don Hall 7:40 am 5:10 pm Don Hall 7:40 am 6:20 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:00 am 5:20 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:00 am 6:00 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:40 am 6:00 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:40 am 5:20 pm Somerset Post Office 8:50 am 6:20 pm Somerset Post Office 8:50 am 5:10 pm Wonders of Wynyard 9:10 am 6:30 pm Wonders of Wynyard 9:10 am 4:50 pm
Fri 19th Feb 2021 Wed 24th Feb 2021 A lovely day to explore the beautiful Tamar Do you enjoy a day out and about with friends area. Despite being called a river, the waterway where you don’t have to organise or worry is a saline and tidal estuary over its entire about a thing? length. Travel via the Frankford highway to Well this mystery tour is for you! Come and Gravelly Beach for morning tea beside the join your Smith’s Travel friends on a Tamar River. We will drive along the river fantastic day out on the bus visiting various banks and cross the Batman Bridge for a stop places organised by your trusty tour director at The Hillwood Berry Farm. Bobbi-Jo. Guaranteed laughter, enjoyable morning tea and lunch along with activities that will make you feel alive. Continuing our western riverside exploration before making our way back towards Launceston where we will embark on a 50 minute cruise along the Tamar River. Exploring the old and new facets of Launceston’s seaport precinct, learning about the history of Kings Wharf, heritage properties and of course the spectacular Cataract Gorge. This unique experience will be had on board the 1890’s Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, replica of the Lady Launceston. Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. Inclusive; Coach Travel, Tour Escort, $75.00 per person Morning Tea, Lunch, Entries. $98.00 per person Pickup Point Depart Return Pickup Point Depart Return Wonders of Wynyard 7:30 am 6:30 pm Devonport CBD 7:30 am 6:30 pm Somerset Post Office 7:40 am 6:10 pm Don Hall 7:40 am 6:20 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:00 am 6:00 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:00 am 6:00 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Penguin Post Office 8:20 am 5:40 pm Ulverstone Info Centre 8:40 am 5:20 pm Burnie RSL Club 8:40 am 5:20 pm Don Hall 9:00 am 5:00 pm Somerset Post Office 8:50 am 5:10 pm Devonport CBD 9:10 am 4:50 pm Wonders of Wynyard 9:10 am 4:50 pm
Queensland’s Coastal Paradise to Western Beauty Day 1 Monday 1st March 2021 tonight, Overnight Bay View Towers BL Pick up our excited passengers along the Day 5 Friday 5th March 2021 North West Coast and travel to Launceston This morning we will spend some time at Airport where we will board our flight to Shell World before visiting Koorana Brisbane with a stop in Sydney. Upon our Crocodile Farm. Here we will have a guided arrival at Brisbane Airport we will meet our tour around the farm, learn about conserva- driver and travel to Hervey Bay where we tion and commercialisation of the crocs will stay for two nights. Dinner tonight will including making leathers and meats, see a be at the hotel. Overnight Ramada Hotel D croc feeding and will have the opportunity to Day 2 Tuesday 2nd March 2021 hold a baby croc. We will have a light A very exciting day today, we will be morning tea where we might get the chance heading to Fraser Island, the worlds largest to even eat crocodile! After the exciting sand island via Barge where we will board a experience we will head into Rockhampton special off road 4x4 Bus and explore Fraser where we will have time for lunch (own Island. On this adventurous day out we will expense) before heading to Emerald this drive across sand tracks to explore some of afternoon. Overnight Emerald Central BD the most beautiful, natural spots and listen to Day 6 Saturday 6th March 2021 fascinating facts about the island’s history, After breakfast we will depart for the heart of fauna and flora. (Keep your eyes out for wild the outback, Central Queensland's largest dingos)! We will enjoy a buffet lunch on this town known for its wool and beef island. This evening you will have free time. |productions and of course the outback Overnight Ramada Hotel BL tourism sector, Longreach. We will enjoy a Day 3 Wednesday 3rd March 2021 leisurely drive along the wide open outback Today we will be driving up the coast of roads through Barcaldine where you will Queensland to Yeppoon .We will be stopping have the opportunity to purchase lunch (own in Bundaberg to visit the Bundaberg Rum expense) Arriving in Longreach we will Distillery where we will have a guided tour check into our motel before our exciting around the active distillery and have some mystery evening out in Longreach. rum tastings. After lunch in town (own Overnight Jumbuck Motel BD expense). We will continue to Yeppoon, We Day 7 Sunday 7th March 2021 will check into our hotel for the next two Today we are visiting the award winning, nights and enjoy a delicious dinner at the world-class Qantas Founders Museum where hotel. Overnight Bay View Towers BD we will see cultural displays telling the story Day 4 Thursday 4th March 2021 of Qantas. Early morning today as we will be cruising out to Great Keppel Island. Our tour around the island will include a glass bottom boat ride over the Great Barrier Reef, BBQ buffet lunch, tour around the island and free time to explore the pristine white beaches. Free time
Next we visit the Stockman’s Hall of Fame, Night Show. You will sit and relax as you inside we will see five themed galleries that watch the sunset while enjoying a glass of port display the history behind some of Australia’s and hearing the stories of yesteryear as you are greatest and bravest explorers, stock workers, taken on a 35 minute light and sound journey pastoralist and Aborigines. After lunch (own of the triumphs of the early industry men and expense we travel to the Heritage Truck and women in Roma. Heavy Machinery Museum in Winton. Overnight Explorers Inn BD Overnight Boulder Opal Motor Inn BD Day 11 Thursday 11th March 2021 Day 8 Monday 8th March 2021 An early morning start today, after a cooked Starting our day at the Australian Age of buffet breakfast we will travel back to the big Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History where smoke Brisbane. We will stop in Toowoomba, you will have a unique experience seeing the a beautiful country city in the mountains for largest collection of Australian dinosaur lunch (own expense). We will continue to fossils. After lunch (own expense) we will be Brisbane where we will check into our Hotel at visiting the first museum in the world South Bank and enjoy some final night drinks, dedicated to a song ‘Waltzing Matilda’ written on Smith’s Travel. Tonight is a free night by Banjo Paterson. The museum incorporates where you might like to have a night out in the a nostalgic light and sound show in the city enjoying the night life, grab a bite to eat Billabong Theatrette and interprets the song (own expense), go to the South Bank night through interactive and technical displays. markets, hop onto the Brisbane Wheel or enjoy Overnight Boulder Opal Inn BD an early night in. Overnight Rydges Hotel Day 9 Tuesday 9th March 2021 South Bank B, A big drive today to Charleville. Enjoy the Celebratory drinks scenery of the outback, you might see some Day 12 Friday 12th March 2021 wild emus, kangaroos or camels. After We will depart this morning for Brisbane checking into our hotel and having an early airport with a layover in Melbourne. We will dinner we will visit the Cosmos Centre arrive in Launceston mid afternoon and meet (weather permitting) where we will enjoy the our Smith’s Travel driver to take us back home wonder of the outback sky with no man made to the North West Coast. B light pollution and you will be able to see the Milky Way Galaxy. $4,388.00 per person Past Pax Twin/Double Overnight Charleville Motel BLD $4557.00 per person Twin/Double Day 10 Wednesday 10th March 2021 Singles an additional $770.00per person Today will be visiting the Royal Flying Deposit of $600.00 per per son payable upon booking Doctors Museum before heading to Final Balance Due 4th February 2021 Roma. After a lunch stop in Charleville This tour is based on minimum numbers travelling. Limited seats available (own expense) we will travel to Roma where we will be attending the Big Rig Oil Ring today to request your itinerary!
COVID-19 Safety Plan While Traveling with Smith’s Travel Club Due to COVID-19 pandemic we are required to make changes to how we operate for your safety whilst still providing you with exciting and fun great value tours. If you have any of the following symptoms as per the Australian Government Department of Health's COVID-19 guidelines, we ask that you do not attend your tour: - Fever - Cough - Sore throat - Runny nose - Blocked nose - Loss/change of taste - Fatigue - Abnormal Joint aches/pains - Cold sweats Prior to boarding the coach each passenger will be screened. Please allow more time at your pick-up for this screening to occur. If you do not meet the screening criteria unfortunately you will not be allowed to attend the tour. Screening Process will be carried out by Bobbi-Jo asking tailored questions to help identify any risks of COVID-19. If you answer yes to any of the above questions we respectfully ask you NOT to attend your tour. The questions will be; 1. Have you or anyone that you’ve been in physical contact with, returned from interstate or overseas and been asked to self-isolate or quarantine within the last 14 days? 2. Have you or anyone that you’ve been in physical contact with, had a confirmed case of COVID-19 or are waiting awaiting the results of COVID-19 testing within the past 14 days? 3. Do you have any symptoms of an influenza like illness including fever OR symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. shortness of breath, cough, sort throat)? As part of contact tracing requirements. Smith’s Travel are required under the Australian Government and Department of Health to provide a list of all passengers name and phone number to each venue we visit. By participating on our tours you give Smith’s Travel permission to pass your name and number to our venues. Please Note; *Due to the current circumstances and the ever changing situation of Covid-19, day trips may have to be changed or altered to adhere to Covid-19 restrictions that may arise. If there are any changes to the itinerary those that are booked on the tour will be notified. The easiest and quickest way to notify you of any changes is via email or Facebook. If you haven’t already done so, please send me your email address to Thank you for your patience, understanding and support through these trying times.
A sanitation station will be set up at the front of the coach. It is expected that everyone uses the sanitizer provided to perform hand hygiene when boarding at the start of the day and at every stop on the tour. If you are allergic to hand sanitiser we encourage you to wear your own gloves however we will have some on board. We ask that you be aware of those around you and limit physical contact where possible. We greatly appreciate your cooperation as we continue to provide our travel service. If you have any question regarding these changes, please contact Bobbi-Jo
CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Christmas Shopping Outing 7/12/2020 Christmas on the West Coast 21/12/2020 Names:………………………………………………………………………… Names:………………………………………………………………………… Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Dietary Requirements ............................................ Dietary Requirements ............................................ CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Mosie Down Maritime Lane 13/01/2021 Beaconsfield Mine 22/01/2021 Names:………………………………………………………………………… Names:………………………………………………………………………… Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Dietary Requirements ............................................ Dietary Requirements ........................................... CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Mountain Spectacular 28/01/2021 Rockin’ to Smithton 9/02/2021 Names:………………………………………………………………………… Names:………………………………………………………………………… Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Dietary Requirements ............................................ Dietary Requirements ............................................ CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Please phone for your seat reservation on 6437 6218. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Complete the booking form below and mail to us. Tamar River Cruise 19/02/2021 Mystery Madness 24/02/2021 Names:………………………………………………………………………… Names:………………………………………………………………………… Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Phone No:……………………………………………………………………. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Pick Up Point……………………………………………………………….. Dietary Requirements ............................................ Dietary Requirements ........................................... CUT HERE - BOOKING FORM Complete the booking form below and mail to us. * I would like the itinerary when available * Please circle the trips you would like the itinerary sent of when available. Queensland’s Coastal Paradise and Western Beauty 1—12 March 2021 New Zealand Oct ober2021 Name:……………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………. Address:…………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………..
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