January 26th, 2020 3rd Sunday in OT 3er Domingo del TO - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus

Page created by Marion Yang
January 26th, 2020 3rd Sunday in OT 3er Domingo del TO - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
January 26th, 2020

 3rd Sunday in OT

3er Domingo del TO
January 26th, 2020 3rd Sunday in OT 3er Domingo del TO - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Sunday, February 2:
                                                 9:15- Divine Mercy Chaplet
                                                 9:30+ Henryk Kaftan by Aniela Kaftan
                                                11:00+ (Spanish) En Honor a El Sagrado
                                                        Corazón de Jesús by La Cofradia del
     Morning prayers at 8:00 a.m.
                                                        Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
 Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed            12:30+ Stella Palmeri (Happy Birthday in
      every Sunday at 9:15 AM.                          Heaven) by Daughter
Saturday, January 25:
5:30+ Margaret Ochs by Kelly Stevenson–         Please remember those on our sick list in
      Rosado & Family                           your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie Wo-
                                                jciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios, Cath-
Sunday, January 26:
                                                erine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha Banfield,
 9:15- Divine Mercy Chaplet
                                                Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly Tybur-
 9:30+ Mary A. Tolentino by The Tolentino
                                                czy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Carolyn
        Family & Cu Family
                                                Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim, Ju-
11:00+ (Spanish) Celmira Cortez by Familia
                                                dith Ballaster, Steve Belus, Janice L. Whelan,
                                                James Cunniff, Donald Buddenhagen, Matthew
     + Carmela Michelini by Beatrice Danford
                                                Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Bor-
        & Family
                                                ruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Josep Lauron,
Monday, January 27:                             Patricia Riordan, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou
 8:15+ John Coughlan by The Coughlan            Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stone-
       Family                                   breaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Robert
12:15+                                          Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf,
                                                Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth
Tuesday, January 28:                            Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Caitlyn Geer,
 8:15- Eugenie Jones (For Good Health) by       James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary
       Phyllis & Dennis Nusspickel              Normandia, Eleanor Heiberger, Brian Francis
12:15+ Helen Collins (Death Anniv.) by Chris-   Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sarlie,
       tine Collins                             Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Lawrence O’Donnell,
                                                Julia Silva, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Eliza-
Wednesday, January 29:
                                                beth “Betty” Gifford, Baby Jozef Ban, Oliver
 8:15+ Dorothy Hyland by Sister, Joan Branig-
                                                Jayme Lopez, Carol Wood.
                                                Pray for the deceased: Joan Feliciano
Thursday, January 30:
 8:15+ Maria Bodziony (6th Death Anniv.) by                     Healing Mass
       Sister, Veronica Cisowska
12:15+ Dt. Michael A. Mitchell by Mother, Ann   On Saturday, February 1st, a healing Mass will
       Mitchell                                          be celebrated at 5:30 PM.

Friday, January 31:                              The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be
 8:15+ Fr. George, CMI by Fr. Davy, CMI                           offered.
12:15+ Marianne Pluta by Maria Pluta
 7:30+(Spanish) Juana Santo y Inocencio Diaz                    Misa Curativa
      By Iginia Diaz                            El Sábado, 1 de Febrero se celebrará una Misa
Saturday, February 1:                                   de sanación a las 5:30 P.M.
 8:15+ Lualhati Abenoja by Azelia & Michael
       McCambridge                               El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos
 5:30+ Buddenhagen Family by Family                            será ofrecido.
January 26th, 2020 3rd Sunday in OT 3er Domingo del TO - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
From Fr. Davy’s Desk:

                          Christian Unity and Pro-life movements:
There are several Christian denominations around the world. I always feel though all Christian
denominations worship different ways, all believe in one God and proclaim Jesus as Lord and
Savior. In our neighborhood itself there are churches all around. We see people gathering
every Sunday to pray and thank God for the blessings. Prayer and faith bind us together. Hav-
ing the privilege of working in three different continents I witnessed different cultures, faith
and life styles. I see a mixture of good and bad life style in each country and continent. My
policy always has been to accept the good and avoid the bad. So far it helped me to adapt to
any culture without much struggle. We all praise and worship the same Lord. Catechism of the
Catholic Church clearly explains the ecumenical attitude of the Church. Let us respect each
other and pray for one another to be united in faith.

This is the 47th anniversary of the passing of Roe v Wade, which the U.S. Supreme Court is-
sued on January 22, 1973, that legalized abortion in all 50 states. As Catholics we are called
and challenged to become the promoters of life. We are asked to denounce “violations to the
human person committed through the acts of abortion. Let us be proactive and support the
sanctity of life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. As people of
faith let us build a society that protect the dignity of every human person.

I always think of my own life as a gift from God. My parents cooperated with the plan of God.
If they had made a wrong choice I could have never seen the light of the world. All of us have
the right to stand on the side of the unborn. Let God’s plan about every human being born and
unborn be complete. Every year many citizens and believers march in Washington D.C. to
show our support for the pro-life movements and protest against abortion. This past week
thousands of the citizens including the Church leaders joined hands to pray for our efforts to
protect life. Let us pray for the unborn and inspire the leaders to make right decision to protect
the dignity of every unborn. We meditate the Gospel passage this Sunday Jesus calling the
simple fishermen to be fishers of men. Jesus is calling us also to continue His mission. Let us
respond quickly and act promptly.

Fr. Kavungal Davy, CMI
January 26th, 2020 3rd Sunday in OT 3er Domingo del TO - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Mensaje del Padre Davy:

Hay varias denominaciones cristianas en todo el mundo. Siempre siento que, aunque todas las
denominaciones cristianas adoran de diferentes maneras, todas creen en un Dios y proclaman
a Jesús como Señor y Salvador. En nuestro vecindario hay muchas iglesias. Vemos personas
reuniéndose todos los domingos para orar y agradecer a Dios por las bendiciones. La oración y
la fe nos unen. Yo tenía el privilegio de trabajar en tres continentes, presencié diferentes cultu-
ras, creencias y estilos de vida. Veo una mezcla de estilo de vida bueno y malo en cada país y
continente. Mi política siempre ha sido aceptar lo bueno y evitar lo malo. Hasta ahora me
ayudó a adaptarme a cualquier cultura sin mucha lucha. Todos alabamos y adoramos al mismo
Señor. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica explica claramente la actitud ecuménica de la Igle-
sia. Respetemos los unos a los otros y recemos por los demás para estar unidos en la fe.

Este es el 47 aniversario del decisión de Roe v Wade, que la Corte Suprema de los Estados
Unidos emitió el 22 de enero de 1973, que legalizó el aborto en los 50 estados. Como católi-
cos somos llamados y desafiados a convertirnos en promotores de la vida. Se nos pide que de-
nunciemos "violaciones a la persona humana cometidas a través de los actos de aborto. Sea-
mos proactivos y apoyemos la santidad de la vida desde el momento de la concepción hasta el
momento de la muerte natural. Como personas de fe, construyamos una sociedad que proteja
la dignidad de toda persona humana.

Siempre pienso en mi propia vida como un regalo de Dios. Mis padres cooperaron con el plan
de Dios. Si hubieran tomado una decisión equivocada, nunca podría haber visto la luz del
mundo. Todos tenemos privilegio a estar del lado de los no nacidos. Que el plan de Dios sobre
cada ser humano nacido y no nacido sea completo. Cada año, muchos ciudadanos y creyentes
marchan en Washington D.C. para mostrar nuestro apoyo a los movimientos pro-vida y protes-
tar contra el aborto. La semana pasada, miles de ciudadanos, incluidos los líderes de la Iglesia,
se unieron para rezar por nuestros esfuerzos para proteger la vida. Oremos por los no nacidos
e inspiremos a los líderes a tomar la decisión correcta para proteger la dignidad de todos los
no nacidos. Meditamos el pasaje del Evangelio este domingo Jesús llamando a los simples
pescadores a ser pescadores de hombres. Jesús nos está llamando también a continuar su mi-
sión. Respondamos rápidamente y actuemos pronto.

Padre Kavungal Davy, CMI
WEEKLY OFFERING                               Feast of St. Blaise
   Weekend January 19 - 20, 2020            The Blessing of the Throats, the feast
           Attendance - 584                day of Saint Blaise, will be offered after
         Collection - $ 3, 325.00                 the Masses this weekend.
     Fuel Collection - $ 1, 378.00
      Votive Candles - $ 679.00
     Last year’s attendance - 642
  Last year’s Collection - $ 3,410.00
Last year’s Fuel Collection - $ 1,339.00
 Last year's Votive Candles - $ 649.00

           Happy Birthday
     January 27: Angela Villefañe
       January 27: Natalie Toro

                                                   South-Side C Mission
                                                   Feeding the Homeless

                                              The parish will be helping feed the
                                           homeless at the South-Side C Mission at
                                            Transfiguration Parish, for the evenings
                                                   of February 16th - 22nd.

                                            Volunteers are needed to cook, serve
             Just Married                   and/or drive. If you would like to help
 Congratulations to the newly married:       please fill out the volunteer sign-up
                                           sheet located at the back of the church.
         Osiel Herrera Rivera
          Norma Dominguez
          January 18, 2020

        Generations of Faith
           Goal: $335,000.00
         Pledged: $441,550.00                       Pledged: $41,578.75
        Total Paid: $225,658.00                  Total Paid: $37,300.00
         Balance: $216,416.00                     Balance: $4,278.75
  Please remember to send in your             100% of any excess amount will go
             pledges.                            towards the Parish account.
                                                      Many blessings.

St. Anthony—St. Alphonsus
862 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222


Contact: Elizabeth Cano

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Bulletin for: January 26th, 2020

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