Page created by Alfredo Lowe
ShoreLines                                                        August 2021
 St. Augustine Shores United Methodist Church
 (904) 797-4416

                          Pastor Carolyn’s Conundrums
                          One of my favorite scripture passages is Ezekiel 37:1-14. It is the story of Ezekiel being
                          transported to a valley where a great battle has been fought and the bones of the fallen have
                          been left there so long that they are completely dried out and picked clean. As he is looking
                          over the valley God asks “Zeke, can these bones come alive? Can they become people
                                   Ezekiel gives a very tactful and non-committal answer, “Only you know the answer to
                          that God.”
   Email your                      The Lord then gives Ezekiel several commands. The first is to tell the bones what the
                          Lord has in store for them. As he begins to speak Ezekiel sees the bones come together, but
prayer concerns           there is still no breath, no spirit in them. They look good, but are not living. The second
 to the church            command is to speak to the winds and have them bring breath to the ones standing. As the
                          wind comes, the Spirit enters into the people standing there, and they live again. God then tells
    office at             Ezekiel, and the ones standing there, that even though they may have lost hope since Israel
                          has gone into exile the Lord will bring the people back and the nation will be restored.
                                   His people, the nation of Israel, had rebelled against the Lord by committing
                          transgression after transgression. This rebellion included putting God second, third, or even
                          lower in their priorities; not treating workers and others fairly; worshipping other gods; not
Online Giving is          ministering to the poor, the lost, the orphan, and the list continues. God is going to restore
  available for           Israel to its glory because it will show the surrounding countries He has not abandoned Israel.
                                   I believe this narrative of Ezekiel’s is not only a foreshadowing of being born again in
contributions to          Christ and the outpouring of the Spirit upon the believers at Pentecost as well as individuals
   the Church             throughout history since then, but also one that should give hope to churches that may be
                          struggling because new life is possible through the power of God and the in-filling of His Spirit
     Budget,              into our lives. Here are some observations and lessons we can take from Ezekiel’s experience
Apportionments            in the Valley of the Dry Bones.

  Food Pantry             1. There are times in our individual lives and in our congregations where we feel as if we are
   and Youth.             dead and dried up, that our hope is gone, and that we have been scattered. Often we do not
                          realize how far gone we are.
      Visit         2. We can look good on the outside, even look good on the inside, but if we do not have the
   and click              Spirit of God in our lives we are still dead.

“Donate” on the           3. Regardless of how we look or feel, if we look good but do not have the Spirit in us, or we
   top right.             feel like we are dead and dried out, God can bring us back to life. The essential part here is
                          that God is the one who imparts life through the Holy Spirit; it is not us who gives life.

                          4. Once we are brought back to life there is movement required. It is too move from where you
                          are to where God wants us to go.

                          Last year I felt lead to share this passage concluding with these words: No matter what is
                          going on, God’s got this. We don’t have to understand. We don’t have to see how things can
                          be made better. We need to trust in God. God’s power, grace, healing and light still exist and
                          can continue/once again shine through us.

                          Once again, I feel lead revisit this passage. I echo those words and add: Through this past year
                          many of us may have found ourselves spiritually dry due to frustration, anxiety, and a myriad of
                          other issues. This passage is a promise of renewal. I propose we let this season we are in
                          now, be a season of healing, renewal and rebirth.

                                     Come Spirit Come! Restore us! Renew us! Transform us! Use us!
Worship Attendance
                   We would like to share with you our worship attendance.
                                   9:00am Service       11:00am Service         Online
                   July 4th              51                  19                   149
                   July 11               50                  36                    70
                   July 18th              49                 36                   144
                   July 25                53                 38                   110

                   We have plenty of room for you! Come worship with us, or continue to worship
       1st         online. God Bless you and Shores UMC.
   Reid Myers
  James Jarvie     United Methodist Women
                   The United Methodist Women have been busy. We met outside in May, June we
      2nd          made cards for shut ins, and in July we had an auction. We will have a surprise
   Dean Ford       activity in August. September we are having a kitchen shower for the church.
                   We do plan to have a bazaar in November but limit items to homemade and bake
                   sale items. UMW is open to all ladies of the church and their friends.
 Wanda Dighton
                   We meet in the Christian Education Building at noon on the 4th Thursday. Next
 Suzann Maass
                   meeting is August 26th. Cheryl Jeffries, President , 904-377-7950
   Steve Day       Pastors Discretionary Funds
                   Pastors Discretionary Funds are in need of donations. Donations help members of
      12th         the church and those in community. If you are able to donate it is greatly
  Jim O’Reilly     appreciated. Thank you.

      16th         2021 Servant Training Information
   Ryan Baker      Fall Lay Servant Training Weekend @ Garden City UMC
                   September 11-12, 2021
                   Basic Lay Servant Class with Rev. Larry Dunn of Garden City UMC
   Walt Hardy
                   Advanced Class - Accountable Discipleship with Rev. David Preston of
      18th         Wesconnett UMC
   Janet Pope      Advanced Class - Discover Your Spiritual Gifts - Rev Steve Painter of
                   San Marco UMC.
      22nd         Advanced Class - Campus Ministry: Empowering Congregations to Support Students
James Crookshank   at Colleges and Universities with Mr. Derrick Scott and Rev. Haley Eccles of Campus
                   to City Wesley.
                   Fall Lay Servant Training Weekend @ First UMC, Green Cove Springs
  Sada Harding
    Rod Paul       September 18-19, 2021
                   Basic Lay Servant Class with Rev. David Jackson of First UMC, Green Cove Springs
      29th         Leading Bible Study with Rev. David MacFarland of Christ UMC, Hastings
  Danial Griffin   Embracing Personal Prayer with Rev. Brian Sanderson of Middleburg UMC
  Hannah Fink      If you are interested in registering please call the church office.

                   Shores UMC Care Ministry
                   An active and focused ministry reaching out to those who are experiencing a
                   season of sorrows, sickness or setbacks with calls, cards & prayers. If you would
                   like to be part of the Care Ministry please contact the church office.
Below you will find a list of committees within Shores and a brief description
provided by the United Methodist Church. Nominations is currently seeking
members of each committee. Please give prayerfully consider where you are able to                      Online Worship
serve. If you have questions, or you would like to serve on a committee, please
contact Pastor Carolyn or the church office.                                                            Services visit
Trustees                                                 Co-Chair: Bill Morris & Boone Griffin
Effective trustees will function as Christian stewards of property God has entrusted to the
congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining both the physical property of the
congregation and gifts made to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can
be effective and all legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

Finance Committee                                                            Chair: Vicki Hall
An effective finance committee proposes a budget; then raises, manages, and distributes the
financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of
the congregation.

Christian Education                                                         Chair: Phyllis Wolfe
We believe that this ministry is the foundation for lifelong learning and growth toward a mature
and vital faith. With intentional learning and Christian formation, we become the people God
calls us to be, and we develop gifts and strengths for encouraging and leading others to the              9:00 am
same strong faith.                                                                                        In-Door
                                                                                                       Worship Service
Outreach and Witness                                                       Chair: Cheryl Jeffries       Music led by
outreach (ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy), and witness (evangelism,                   Roger Woods &
communications, lay speaking, and lay service) Effective ministry teams will address the
concerns and conditions of people in their congregations and communities so that they may
grow in their spiritual lives and become better equipped for life as Christian disciples. Leaders
will work together to plan and implement ministries that help the church fulfill its mission.            11:00 am
Worship                                                                     Chair: Pastor Carolyn      Worship Service
Lead the congregation in providing opportunities for worship celebrations that focus on God,            Music led by
help people of all ages grow in their understanding of the gospel, and become better equipped
for daily living as faithful disciples. Work with the pastor and others for vibrant worship of God.     Praise Team

Nominations and Leadership                                                  Chair: Pastor Carolyn
The heart of local church ministry is in its lay leadership. Identifying, developing, deploying, and
evaluating Christian spiritual leaders who serve from their strengths and gifts is a key to the life
and vitality of the congregation.

                                       St. Augustine Shores UMC would like to honor two
                                       incredible church members, John Delaney and Ken
Reim, by holding a Blood Drive on Sunday, September 12th with “OneBlood” Blood Mobile. First
though, we need 15 people to pre-commit to donate on that day, before the plans can be
finalized. John and Ken are both enduring long term illness and their strength and hope have
been, and continues to be an inspiration to us all. So please call the church office if you would
like to donate blood. Thank you.
St. Augustine Shores
United Methodist Church
Phone (904) 797-4416

Church E-mail

Web Address

Reverend Carolyn Westlake
507-208-5842 (Text or call)

Church Email Group
Call the church office to receive periodic
e-mails sent to members of our Church Email


               August 1, 2021
           Scripture: John 6:24-35
           Message: Bread of Life

                August 8, 2021
   Scripture: Psalm 130, Ephesians 4:25-5:2
          Message: Out of the depths

               August 15, 2021
       Scripture: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
           Message: Lean into God

               August 22, 2021
       Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20
        Message: Don’t fight naked

             August 29, 2021
   Scripture: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
       Message: Heart of the matter
August 2021
SUN            MON             TUE   WED             THU             FRI   SAT

1              2               3     4               5               6     7
9:00am                               9:00am Pastor   1:00pm Shores
Traditional                          at Panera       UMC at Food
Service                              6:30pm          Pantry
11:00am                              Praise Band     6:30pm Choir
Contemporary                         Rehearsal       Rehearsal

8              9               10    11              12              13    14
9:00am                                               6:30pm Choir
Traditional                          6:30pm          Rehearsal
Service                              Praise Band
11:00am                              Rehearsal

15             16              17    18              19              20    21
9:00am         5:00pm                9:00am Pastor   1:00pm Shores
Traditional    Finance               at Panera       UMC at Food
Service        Meeting               6:30pm          Pantry
11:00am        6:00pm Church         Praise Band     6:30pm Choir
Contemporary   Council               Rehearsal       Rehearsal
Service                                                                            St. Augustine Shores
                                                                                 United Methodist Church
                                                                                  724 Shores Boulevard
                                                                                 St. Augustine, FL 32086
22             23              24    25              26              27    28         (904) 797-4416
9:00am                               9:00am Pastor   12:00pm
Traditional                          at Panera       United
Service                              6:30pm          Methodist                   Rev. Carolyn Westlake
11:00am                              Praise Band     Women              
Contemporary                         Rehearsal       6:30pm Choir                     507-208-5842
Service                                              Rehearsal
29             30              31
Members/Friends of our church may place a business card size ad
in our monthly newsletter for $10.00 per month. Please contact the
church office if you would your business card put in the newsletter.

           Carole Vrana

    Independent Sales Representative
St. Augustine, FL Phone: 904-806-1500
Web Site:
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