January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel

Page created by Antonio Dominguez
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
January 2022
         Tevet ~ Shevat 5782

                                                                                   Happy, healthy
                                                                                   New Year 2022
                                                                                       to all!

            Like us on Facebook!

                                                            Congregation Beth Israel
                                                 A spiritual oasis for the Jewish community!

6 Dundee Park
Suite 301
Andover, MA 01810

PH: 978.474.0540
FX: 978.474.1915

   Congregation Beth Israel
 Where the old is made new,
    and the new, holy.                    Moving? Email change? Please inform us of your new address.

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel                                  Page 1
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
By Rabbi Howard Mandell

         With the secular new year fast approaching and the year 2021 soon to be replaced by the year 2022, I have been
thinking about how I, how we as a community, and how our nation fared overall this past year.
         It was clearly a difficult year in many ways. The year began, among other challenges, with the January 6th
insurrection in Washington, D.C. and the poorly planned withdrawal of allied troops from Afghanistan, and is closing
out with a marked spike in the number of Covid cases and with our nation still more politically fractured than any other
time in my life.
         Calling to mind the words of Charles Dickens, in a “Tale of Two Cities,” one can legitimately argue that 2021
was clearly the “worst of times” for tens of millions of Americans. Yet, as Dickens prophetically and wisely noted,
whether the past year, whether any year, constitutes the “worst” or the “best” of times depends greatly on our own
personal experiences, priorities, and perspectives. For example, while millions of Americans, for a variety of reason,
have refused to be vaccinated, we are blessed that we in this country have enough safe and effective vaccines for every-
one, and that a majority of Americans have cared enough for themselves and others to be fully vaccinated; and while the
hospitals are now overrun with patients suffering from the highly contagious Omicron variant, we have doctors and
nurses and other first line responders, who continue to make the well-being of others a top priority, even when it puts
their own health and well-being in jeopardy.
         With the winter of 2021 finding millions of our fellow Americans still without the basic necessities of life—the
number of persons suffering from food insecurity in Boston and in Lawrence, MA has increased significantly since the
beginning of the Pandemic and during the past year—millions of their fellow Americans have increased their level of
giving tzedakah and of their volunteer efforts, enabling organizations like Lazarus House Ministries, Bread and Roses,
and Cor Unum in Lawrence to feed tens of thousands of people each month.
         The Christian theologian, Reinhold Niebuhr, brought home in the following well-known teaching that, while we
may not have control over much of what happens in our lives, not only the bad but also the good, we do have far more
control over how we respond to the vicissitudes and ever-changing nature of life:
                          “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change;
                          The courage to change the things I can; and
                          The wisdom to know the difference.”
         For example, while none of us, individually or even as a community, has control over the inflation currently
ravaging the lives of millions of Americans, those among us fortunate enough to be invested in the stock market and to
own homes, and who have seen their net worth increase greatly over the past year, have thus been given a choice as to
how they spend their “bounty”—we can think primarily or only of ourselves and our families, or we can reach out and
donate our time and money to those in need, to Jewish organizations, such as our own synagogue, the 2 cemeteries
serving our synagogue community, ADL, etc., as well as to the greater communities in which we are blessed to live.
         I would like to offer one additional thought to possibly frame and shape our perspectives on the past secular
year, 2021, and on the coming secular year, 2022. To do so, I rely upon two very different sources. The first demon-
strates the wisdom possessed by young people in our society; the second the wisdom emanating from the wise and
venerable Jewish Tradition.
         Bianca Andreescu, a Canadian, won the U.S. Women’s Open Tennis Tournament in 2019, when she was only
19 years old. The past 2 years have been challenging ones for her, with her having sustained a number of significant
injuries. Ms. Andreescu was asked this past October, what advice she might thus give to the British 18 year old, Emma
Raducanu, this year’s Open women’s champion. Her answer was:
                          “The advice that I would give her is to always remain grateful….and stay humble,
                          and continue to work hard…because it can all be taken away from you in a split second.”
         I close with a quote by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, “z.l.”, professor, author, and humanitarian, who taught
his students at JTS that “feeling gratitude” should be more of a state of mind, not just an evanescent feeling that we
experience, only when something good happens to us:
                          “Just to be is a blessing; Just to live is holy!”
         May 2022 be a safe and healthy, blessing and gratitude filled year for your loved ones and you!

Rabbi Howard Mandell

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)       Congregation Beth Israel                                             Page 2
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
By: Jeff Tye, President

                                TU B’SHEVAT HIGIAH, CHAG HA-ILANOT
                         (TU B’SHEVAT IS HERE, THE HOLIDAY OF THE TREES)

          Just a little over 10 years ago, Gayle and I had the privilege of going to Eretz Yisrael – the Land of Israel. We
wanted it to be special, more than “just another vacation trip”, so we purposely signed on to a trip that was being run by
USCJ. It provided many special “hidden gems” that we probably would not have encountered on a regular touring trip.
One of these many jewels for me, was our visit as a group to Yad LaKashish – “Hand to the Elderly”, in Jerusalem.
          They are dedicated to reaching out to as many elderly residents as their facilities will allow and helping inte-
grate them into a very caring community, providing food and friendship and a sense of purpose. Most of the partici-
pants have come from other countries. Only a few of them knew Hebrew when they arrived in Israel, making for poten-
tial isolation. Yad LaKashish helps integrate them into Israeli society by helping them discover their hidden artistic tal-
ents with appropriate guidance. Everything they create is then available for sale in their gift shop. All proceeds go back
into the program to help sustain them further.
          With that background in mind, I knew I wanted to buy something in the gift shop, but what? I found a small
wall hanging of a special tree, that I now use as my primary backdrop, whenever I’m on any Jewish Zoom event. It has
a large trunk with many interconnecting branches, several weaving together to form a Star of David. All the branches
have fresh green leaves while the roots are spreading outwards, to keep the tree stable.
          As we prepare to mark the observance of Tu B’Shevat (15th of Shevat), this month, the CBI Board, Committee
Chairs, the Rabbi and Amy will be participating in a guided self-evaluation and workshop from USCJ. The focus of
this endeavor will not only be to reaffirm our guiding pillars that were identified through our Strategic Planning Com-
mittee’s efforts, but also to help us become more focused on our green leaves of the future, while maintaining a strong
trunk and solid roots!
          Our Strategic Planning Committee members are trying to reach out to all members of the Congregation, as we
seek to further strengthen our strong “trunk”, so that many more branches can sprout forth. If you would like to help us
grow our Annual Fund efforts, please reach out to Bob Moverman for further information.
          Our Program Committee has been continually attempting to create great (and safe) programs that appeal to a
variety of those who make up our CBI family. If you have an idea for a program or activity you would like to see,
please contact Caren Jacobson. If you don’t feel that you are that “creative” yet, join us in as many of the exciting pro-
grams already planned for the year ahead that you can. Don’t forget our next book review on January 27 where the top-
ic of Anti-Semitism will be front and center, as the discussion revolves around a best seller written by Dara Horn, enti-
tled “People Love Dead Jews”. Our monthly calendar is being enhanced even as this bulletin is reaching you. We are
also still hoping to take a virtual tour to Israel in the near future. Our Social Action Committee is also planning a num-
ber of meaningful activities in the coming year and would love to have your participation and presence. Please invite
friends and family that might like to join us for any and all events.
          After a brief hiatus, our minyanim are now back on the first and third Thursdays each month, from 7-to about
7:20pm. Please consider joining us so that those observing a Yahrtzeit or in mourning may have more opportunities to
recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. Join us also for Shabbat mornings and take a break from the grind of the week. Reinvig-
orate your spiritual self! On Friday night, January 14, our own Bashert will guide us in a special Shabbat Chai (virtual)
service and we will also be joined by guest speaker, Mark Ayers, who was greatly influenced by Rev. Martin Luther
King. On Saturday morning, January 15th, after our regular Shabbat service, we will have a special Tu B’Shevat (brief)
Seder/Oneg. Further information will be coming forth shortly on this.
          In addition to all of the above, we are also undertaking a big enhancement of our Social Media presence, which
will hopefully soon “bear fruit” in the near future. In the meantime, our Back-to-Shul Task Force has been working hard
to keep us safe when we do gather together in person. With the ever-changing nature of the Coronavirus and its vari-
ants, guidelines are frequently being updated which may affect certain planned activities moving forward. Additionally,
we are making upgrades to our security presence to help combat a virus of a different sort.
          These are just some brief highlights of what’s going on at CBI. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any Board
member or to Amy for further information, expressing any concerns, or offering new ideas. Even better, consider help-
ing to plan an event, join a committee, or find your CBI connection where you least expect it, by reaching out to others.
The rewards may surprise you! Help the seeds we plant together now grow into sturdy branches that may even turn into
an ETZ CHAIM - A Tree of Life!

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)       Congregation Beth Israel                                               Page 3
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel

Thank you to everyone who supported our November and December projects!

Together, we collected warm hats, mittens, and socks for the Lawrence Boys and Girls Club and two carloads
full of diapers for Lazarus House. We donated holiday gifts to children in need through Share the Light (our
13th year!) and Operation Elf. And we served lunch at Lazarus House on Christmas Eve day and provided a
very special breakfast for Lazarus House the day after Christmas.

Special thanks to:

        Rebecca Lee and Amy Friedman Lee for coordinating the diaper drive
        Rebecca Fishbein for coordinating Share the Light
        Rabbi Mandell, and Philip and Alissa Onigman, for serving lunch and providing sweet treats at
         Lazarus House on Christmas Eve
        Rebecca Fishbein, Barbara Moverman, Amy Sherr, Ellen Brody, Alissa Onigman, and Caren
         Jacobson for providing breakfast to Lazarus House on December 26

Please stay tuned for plans to support Afghan refugees later this year. For now, this comes with warm wishes
for a happy, healthy 2022 and thank you for joining us in Tikkun Olam!

Susannah Abbott (zaninandover@gmail.com) and Amy Friedman Lee (amy-lee@comcast.net)
Social Action Committee Co-Chairs

      Thursday Night Minyan                                        Tu B’Shevat Seder
      1st & 3rd Thursdays each month                              (during Shabbat Morning Kiddush)

      (January 6 & 20, February 3 & 17)                                    January 15
                                                             Learn about the “New Year of the Trees” and
                      7:00 - 7:20pm
                                                               sample a variety of fruits, nuts and wine.
                        Via Zoom
                                                            Date Strudel Cookies, a Sweet Tu B’Shevat Treat
You are invited to join us whenever you can to support    https://www.hadassahmagazine.org/2021/01/11/date-
  congregants and friends who are in mourning or          strudel-cookies-sweet-tu-bshevat-treat/
         observing a yahrzeit for a loved one.

          Watch your email for the Zoom link
         or contact Amy for more information,
       .amy@BethIsraelMV.org, 978.474.0540.

  Interested in Knitting or Crocheting                                Calling all Simchas
       for An Important Cause?                                            Graduations
                                                                          Awards/Recognitions
     Together with friends, or on your own.                               Engagements
                                                                          Marriages
Contact                                                                   And more...
Ellen Macklin
781.275.2327                                                Now, and throughout the year, submit your news
                                                                  to share with the CBI community,
elles123@aol.com                                                     to amy@BethIsraelMV.org.
  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 4
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
The FEBRUARY 2022                              FAMILY FUNDS, TRUSTS, WILLS,
                                                               GIFTS & ENDOWMENTS
               Bulletin deadline is
                                                         We ask that you please consider ensuring
        Tuesday, January 25, 2022.                       Jewish continuity for generations to follow.

                                                         For information on how you can remember
            Send your articles to                        Congregation Beth Israel when preparing
      Newsletter@BethIsraelMV.org with                   your estate planning, please contact Amy
     “February Newsletter" as the subject.               in the office, 978.474.0540.

                                                            L’CHAIM RADIO SHOW ~ WCAP 980AM
        BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                           Fridays at 10:00am
                                                                         Upcoming Schedule

The CBI Board of Directors will meet on Monday,          12/31 ~ Looking Back at 2021
January 10 at 7:15pm for a regularly scheduled           1/7 ~ Robert Trestan, Executive Director of ADL
monthly meeting. All Board Meetings are open to          New England discusses the upcoming US Supreme
                                                         Court case of “Camp Constitution” and which flags
the membership. If you would like to attend, RSVP        are allowed to be displayed on Boston’s City Hall
by no later than January 5 to Amy at 978.474.0540 or     1/14 ~ Dara Horn discusses her book, “People Love
amy@BethIsraelMV.org and the Zoom link will be           Dead Jews”
provided, along with an agenda.                          1/21 ~ Lital Carmel, Regional Dir, American Israel
                                                         Council discusses the mission of her organization
                                                            EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO TUNE IN!

                                           BIRTHDAYS - JANUARY

                          Tina Spector, 1/4               Best wishes for many more
                                                        healthy and happy celebrations!
                         Jeremy Finkle, 1/11

                         Mark Kaplan, 1/21

                   Carla Moverman Sato, 1/23

                         Hilary Guida, 1/25

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 5
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel   Page 6
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel   Page 7
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel is a warm, vibrant Jewish community. Every member is invited to
engage in a rich, diverse mix of religious, community service, learning and social activities for adults.
While honoring the traditions of the past, we strive to strengthen and renew our faith with participa-
tory religious services, active community involvement, a wide range of adult education programs, and
a full calendar of fun social events. At Congregation Beth Israel, we believe everyone is family.

                             ‘Tis the season to be a blessing to others!
Essex County Habitat for Humanity may be the place for you. You can help build affordable housing without lifting a
hammer! The Essex County Habitat for Humanity ReStores are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to
join on a regular basis at stores. Just a few hours a week or a month can really make a difference.

The ReStores play a crucial role in building, rehabilitating and repairing safe and affordable homes in the local commu-
nity. Sales of donated items at the ReStore help fund everything that goes into the build projects such as materials, staff-
ing, land and more. All of this would not be possible without the help of our volunteers.

People are needed to help organize the housewares and tools departments, assist customers, and/or accept donations and
more at both ReStores. Every volunteer is an essential part of the operations in each store.
                                 Lawrence ReStore: 647 Andover Street
                                 Peabody ReStore: 58R Pulaski Street
Both stores are open from 10am-5pm, Tuesday through Saturday. Volunteers can stay anywhere from 2 hours to the
whole day.

For more information: https://www.essexcountyhabitat.org/volunteer-registration/
Or email our Volunteer Coordinator Marty at Marty@essexcountyhabitat.org

        Show your appreciation…
        Please consider a donation to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund which gives
Rabbi Mandell the ability to purchase or fund items that benefit the synagogue, our
members, and our neighbors in need. Kindly send your donation to Amy in the CBI
office, check made out to CBI, including a notation of “RDF”, and it will be credited
        Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

      COVID-19 Vaccination Assistance                                            PayPal Donations
CBI Cares and the Social Action Committee are                  When making donations to CBI via PayPal, we ask
offering assistance to seniors and others who are              that you please include the 3% convenience fee in
interested in receiving a COVID-19 vaccination or              order for CBI to be the recipient of the full donation
booster who need help registering or getting to the            amount.
vaccination site. To make arrangements, please con-            Thank you for your continued support
tact Amy at 978.474.0540, amy@BethIsraelMV.org.                and generosity!

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)        Congregation Beth Israel                                               Page 8
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
Join us for Kiddush Luncheon following Shabbat Morning Services!
                                THANK YOU
Sponsor                 Date     Occasion
Jim Shainker and        12/4     In memory of their beloved husband, father, grandfather, Arthur Shainker

Cindy & Burt Ochs       12/11 In memory of their beloved father, grandfather, Malcolm Ochs

Rabbi Mandell           12/18 In memory of his beloved mother, Frances Friedman Mandell

Ellen Macklin           12/25 In memory of her beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Jay Macklin

                          Donations to the Kiddush Fund are always gratefully accepted.
       Upcoming dates are available to honor / remember loved ones and / or special events / holidays.
                           Contact Amy for more information on Kiddush sponsorships.

                                                                              CBI Updates
SAVE THE DATE !!                                           Watch for the arrival of the CBI Weekly e-News in

            FOR A TRIP TO                                  your inbox (typically Wednesday afternoons) to keep

                                                           updated on the latest information regarding health and
             ROME, ITALY                                   safety protocols, holiday plans, programming notes,
 (The Jewish Quarter, virtually)
                                                           events, community notices, and more.
                                                                          In Loving Memory
       FEBRUARY 27, 2022
                                                           Memorial plaques for the loved ones of CBI members
                    11:00am                                and friends who have passed away are on display in
                                                           the CBI hallways to be viewed at any time.

       NO NEED TO PACK                                     To honor the memory of your loved one with a memo-
                                                           rial or yahrzeit (anniversary of death) plaque at CBI,
         A SUITCASE!                                       please contact Amy at 978.474.0540 or via email.
                                                           The cost is $250 per plaque.

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)      Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 9
January 2022 - Congregation Beth Israel
From                                      To                    Occasion
Cutler Capital Management                                       Generous philanthropy through Jerry Golner
Ellen Somers and Allan Kolsky             Ethel Somers          In honor of her 98th birthday
 and dog Roux
Ted and Jayne (Somers) Brandt
 and family
Ellen Macklin                             Toni Wolfman          In memory of Bob Macauley

From                                      To                    Occasion
Bob Pann                                  Rabbi Mandell         In appreciation
Caren Jacobson & Blair Roberts            Rabbi Mandell         In appreciation
From                                      To                    Occasion
Rabbi Mandell                                                   In support of CBI activities
Mourner                                   Departed

Phyllis Berkowitz                         Sidney Kutel, Father
Gary Mauser                               Alfred Feinberg, Father-in-Law
Ruth R. White                             A. Melvin Glazer, Father
Natalie Greenblatt                        Gertrude Greenblatt, Mother-in-Law
Harvey E. Freedman                        Gussie Herman, Grandmother
Jeffrey Weinberg & Family                 Gladys Weinberg, Mother, Grandmother
Kenneth Wernick                           Virginia Wernick Ciapciak
William Stern                             S. Leo Stern, Father
Alvin Lebowitz                            Lillian Lebowitz, Mother
Jill Brown                                Elaine, Craig & David Kaplan, Mother & Brothers
Arlene Wizwer                             David Fiegleman, Father
Sheryd Jackson                            Samuel Raifman, Grandfather
Sheryd & David Jackson                    Ruth B. Shapiro, Mother
Debra Levasseur                           Edward Wiseman, Great-grandfather
Ellen Macklin                             Lester Jay Macklin, Husband
Ellen Brody                               Abraham Fox, Grandfather
Ellen Brody                               Sophie Fox, Grandmother

                              COMMUNITY NOTICES
                               ‫ תודה רבה‬- Todah Rabah, Thank You
                                   Ilana Pike, for organizing the CBI Library
                               Barbara Moverman, for administrative assistance
                            Jon Brody, Burt Ochs & Rick Pike, for storage clean up
                        Rick Pike, for leading Jewish Trivia at the CBI Chanukah Party
                      Howie Spector, for an additional supply of reusable fabric face masks
                                      ‫ מזל טוב‬- Mazel Tov, Congratulations
       Gary Mauser, on the marriage of his grandson, Nathan to Laura, on 12/27/21 in Burlington, VT
                Ida & Charlie Marget, on the birth of their great-grandson, Sebastian Leo
 January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)        Congregation Beth Israel                                          Page 10
CBIers in the Spotlight
Typhoon Honey, the latest offering from CBI member, author Kris Girrell (A Married
Man’s Survival Guide, Wrestling the Angel, Stations in the Night and others) with co-
author and financial writer Candace Sjogren, hit the stands on December 1, 2021.
More than a guide to personal transformation, Typhoon Honey pulls back the curtain
on how the various techniques of transformation actually work from a scientific and
psychological perspective. Chock full of exercises and tips, the book walks the reader
through a personal path of exploration toward living a life of unprecedented success.

The authors draw on their experience as trainers and coaches and season the practices with an ample helping
of case and personal examples. Candace Sjogren, VP of Emerging Markets at Socure, is a top-level executive
in the financial world, an angel investor, entrepreneur and founder of the Boston Breakthrough Academy.

                  Kris Girrell, founder and president of Innerworks Consulting, is an internationally acclaimed
                  executive leadership coach, trainer and author. He is an expert on cultural intelligence and
                  emotional intelligence and his TED talk on Emotional Intelligence has nearly 400,000 views.

                  Typhoon Honey is available at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or your favorite bookseller.

                  See a video endorsement dated 12/20/21 on the CBI Facebook Page

                        Strategic Planning                   Message from Bob Moverman,

                               Committee                           Chair of the Annual Fund

                           Announcement                              Campaign Committee

The CBI Strategic Planning Committee is looking            We have been hard at work setting up meetings

  for a few additional members to help with the           with our CBI congregants and very much appre-

 Annual Fund campaign. There is very little train-            ciate the members who take the time and

  ing involved and it can be a very gratifying and             interest to discuss with us this important

  helpful manner of participating in the growth of           campaign - you know who you are! We are

        our beloved synagogue community.                   especially grateful for the varied and generous

Please contact Bob Moverman at 978.376.0014,               pledges many of our members have made, and

   bmoverman@gmail.com if you’d like to hear               look forward to meeting with more of you in the

    more! Many thanks for your consideration.                      not-so-distant future -Todah Rabah!

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)    Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 11
The following names will be read, and people remembered at yahrzeit, on Shabbat Morning
                          z”l ~ zichronam livracha, may their memories be for a blessing

January 1 / 28 Tevet           Lillian Hamburger            Eleanor Rubin              Gecheved Boruchin
                               Fannie Hershfield            Louis Shuman               Aubrey Bronstein
Joseph M. Albertson            Annie Kalinsky               Maurice L. Silverman       Mailach Bruski
Irving Altshuler               Gertrude Kaplan              John Silverwatch           Sonia Burke
Harry Bass                     Lillian Lebowitz             Doris Ungerleider          Joseph Byers
Barry Berke                    Harvey Mitchell              David Michael Wolfson      Bessie Cantor
Nancy Berman                   Chaina Ostropolsky                                      Katie Cogan
Steven D. Bernstein            Max Poppel                   January 22 / 20 Shevat     Ida Frank Cohen
Martha Brodsky                 M. Harry Rosenblatt                                     Lillian Feldman
Irving Bronsky                 Ann Sadagursky               Anne Adams                 Paul Arthur Finkelstein
Israel Cussell                 Sarah Schneiderman           Dr. William L. K. Austin   Paul Gallin
David Fiegleman                Norman Schwartz              Mitchell Baker             Bessie Gidansky
Rebecca Finkelstein            Rubin Sherman                Isaac Bernstein            Rebecca Gilboard
Jacob Gerson                   Nancy Ellen Siegel           Samuel Bernstein           Edward J. Greenblatt
Sheldon E. Goodman             Harold Silver                Leonard Bick               Judith Halbstein
Jack A. Greenberg              Deborah Slosberg             David Boruchin             Samuel J. Hamburger
Ray S. Greenberg               Moses Snyder                 Aaron Braverman            Morris Heifetz
Sandra Bernice Hershfield      Max J. Solomon               Lena Brodsky               Mollie S. Hershfield
Milton Issenberg               Harry Steinberg              David Louis Bronstein      Roger Hostetler
Elaine R. Kaplan               Edward Venner                David Brother              Craig Kaplan
Ancel Land                     Gladys Weinberg              Anne Cohen                 Abraham Kaufman
Sarah Landy                    Leonard Williamson           Barnet Cohen               Abraham Kremer
Fannie Lebowitz                                             Rebecca Cohen              Bessie Lebowitz
Baile Orenstein                January 15 / 13 Shevat       Virginia Dorfman           Sylvia Levine
Mufalda Palombi                                             Steven Alan Fishbein       David S. Lipinsky
Mary Piltch                    Sheila Bain                  Asi Fleet                  Morris Marmer
Sarah Posternak                Gertrude Berenson            Harry Fox                  Edward Milstone
Tillie Robinson                Sarah Bick                   Chaim Fried                Harry Palefsky
Bertha Rostler                 Max D. Bier                  Ida Garnick                Ida Palefsky
Irving Saginor                 Louis Brams                  Abraham Gedansky           Samuel Raifman
Yetta Schwartz                 Polly Byers                  Joseph Grossman            Edward Richards
Fannie B. Shapiro              Virginia Weirnick Ciapciak   Gussie Herman              Elaine Rick
Lea Shiffman                   Annie Cussell                Samuel Hoffman             Harriet Roberts
Abraham Isaac Stern            Alex Dendy                   Meyer Kaplan               Calvin Robinson
Morris Stowsky                 Sarah Gilboard               Nathan Klaiman             Sarah Rosenberg
Shirlye Sherrard Wald          Saidee Goldberg              H. Labinsky                Abraham Scolnick
Jason I. Weisman               Morris Norman Gould          Joseph Meister             Evelyne Segal
Phyllis Yaffa                  Hannah Heifetz               Barnett Rappaport          Helen Shapiro
                               Harry Herscot                Rebecca Rosenbloom         Donald Siegal
January 8 / 6 Shevat           Zussie Hershfield            Ruth B. Shapiro            Ronald Siegel
                               Morris Jacobson              Bessie Silverman           Morris Nathan Silton
Abraham Barmak                 Arthur Kallman               Kolman Sobil               Max Soffer
Samuel Berman                  Louis King                   Leo Stern                  Sidney Solomon
Jennie Brand                   Fannie Klaiman               Sarah Traub                Edward Wiseman
Dr. David Brooks               Leonard Kosoff               Tzirrel White              William Wolfe
John Carande                   Abe Leventhal                Esther Zeller              Sarah Zeller
Sarah Cohen                    Theodore P. Levine
Simon Delinsky                 Leonard C. Mandell           January 29 / 27 Shevat
George Feldman                 Abraham Neyman
Fred S. Gerber                 Harry Piltch                 Selma Abrahamson
Sarah Glasky                   Albert M. Rick               Solomon Baker
Herman Gofman                  Anna Gardner Ritter          Rose Bebchick
David Goldberg                 Gittel Rosenberg             Alexander Blumenstock
Sydney Greenberg               Lillian I. Rosenthal         Helene Myra Borke

  January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)      Congregation Beth Israel                                        Page 12
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January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel                              Page 13
                                                                          It is a Tree of Life
                                                                      to those who hold fast to it!
                                                              Many special occasions in the lives of the members
                                                              of our Congregation are recorded on the leaves of
                                                              the Tree of Life in the
                                                              Sanctuary. There is room for

                                                              To honor the special people
                                                              and milestones in your life,
                                                              please consider having a leaf
                                                              engraved with a personalized

                                                              We now also have rocks
             JewishBoston.com                                 available for engraving which
                                                              will ‘strengthen’ the base of
 For Jew(ish), Young(ish), Kids, PlusKids,                   the tree.
   Tradition, Activism                                        For more information on how
                                                              you can preserve your
                                                              memories, please contact Amy
 For Culture, Food, Holidays, Jewish Learning,
                                                              at 978.474.0540, or
   Shabbat, Israel, Current Affairs, History                  amy@BethIsraelMV.org.

 For Boston and it’s Environs - Events and Blogs

 JewishBoston.com’s goal is to be the digital home
   of the Jewish community in Boston.

 JewishBoston.com aims to unite all of Boston’s
   Jewish voices into one cohesive platform.

 JewishBoston.com is committed to representing
   Boston’s diverse Jewish community, and
   welcomes a broad spectrum of viewpoints.

         Visit http://www.jewishboston.com                               Tel: (978) 535-6449
                                                                         Fax: (978) 535-6816
    An Initiative of Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP)
                                                                            474 Lowell Street
                                                                           Peabody, MA 01960
 January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)        Congregation Beth Israel                                     Page 14
                                                                       AVAILABLE AT CBI

                                                                For a contribution of $18 (same price as
                                                                online at the JNF website), you can
                                                                request a personalized JNF Trees for
                                                                Israel certificate be sent to the recipient
                                                                of your choice, for any occasion!

                                                                What a meaningful way to honor,
                                                                memorialize and celebrate friends and
                                                                loved ones at birthdays, anniversaries,
                                                                accomplishments,     b’nei    mitzvah,
                                                                weddings, births, healing, get well
                                                                wishes, and more!

                                                                Please call or email Amy in the office for
                                                                more information and to order your
                                                                certificates today!

                                                                To learn more
                                                                about the work of
                                                                Jewish National
                                                                Fund, visit their

January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)   Congregation Beth Israel                                     Page 15
Board of Directors

     President                           Jeffrey Tye                        Rabbi
     Vice President,                                                    Howard Mandell
                                         Caren Jacobson
     Vice President, Finance                                             Rabbi Mandell is
                                         Jonathan Brody                 available by calling
      Past President
                                                                          the Synagogue
     Clerk                               Robert Moverman                    or via email,
              DIRECTORS                  Sarah Blumenstock Girrell
                                         Judith Mizner
                                         Burt Ochs                        Office Hours
                                                                         9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                         Philip Onigman                   Monday - Friday

              Past President             Robin Rose                  It’s always a good idea to
                                                                     call/email prior to making
                                         Elaine Winic                  a trip to the Synagogue
                                                                        to be sure someone is
                                                                        available to greet you.
          PAST PRESIDENTS                Howard Spector
                                                                        Phone: 978.474.0540
                                         Tanya Gould
                                                                         Fax: 978.474.1915
                                         Howard Flagler
                                         James Shainker

                                      CBI Email Addresses
                                      STAFF / LEADERSHIP / COMMITTEES
Rabbi Howard Mandell = RabbiMandell@BethIsraelMV.org
Administrator, Amy Sherr = amy@BethIsraelMV.org
President, Jeff Tye = JTMedic1@comcast.net
Vice President, Programming, Caren Jacobson = carenblair@aol.com
Vice President, Finance/Treasurer, Jonathan Brody = jonbrody@comcast.net
Clerk, Bob Moverman = bmoverman@gmail.com
Back To Shul Task Force, Caren Jacobson = carenblair@aol.com
CBI Cares, Barbara Moverman = CBICares@BethIsraelMV.org
Newsletter, Amy Sherr = newsletter@BethIsraelMV.org
Social Action / Chesed, Susannah Abbott & Amy Friedman Lee = SocialAction@BethIsraelMV.org
Strategic Planning, Bob Moverman = bmoverman@gmail.com
Webmaster, Rick Pike = webmaster@BethIsraelMV.org
Website, Robin Rose = rmrose6016@verizon.net
 January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)      Congregation Beth Israel                              Page 16
January 2022
                                                                                               Tevet ~ Shevat 5782
      Sunday              Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday          Friday           Saturday

                                                                                                                 1         28 Tevet

                                                                                                                 New Year’s Day
                                                                                                                 9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                                   Morning Service
                                                                                                                 Parashat Vaera
                                                                                                                 5:04p Havdalah
2           29 Tevet 3        1 Shevat 4           2 Shevat 5         3 Shevat 6         4 Shevat 7      5 Shevat 8        6 Shevat

                     Rosh Chodesh                                                                4:09p Candle    9:30a Shabbat
                     Shevat                                                     7p Minyan        lighting          Morning Service
                                                                                                                 Parashat Bo
                                                                                                                 5:11p Havdalah

9           7 Shevat 10       8 Shevat 11          9 Shevat 12       10 Shevat 13      11 Shevat 14     12 Shevat 15      13 Shevat
                                                                                                                 9:30a Shabbat
                     7:15p Board of                                                              4:17p Candle      Morning Service
                       Directors                                                                 lighting        Parashat
                                                                                                 7:30p Shabbat     Beshallach
                                                                                                 Chai            Shabbat Shirah
                                                                                                                 Tu B”Shevat Seder
                                                                                                                 5:19p Havdalah
16         14 Shevat 17      15 Shevat 18         16 Shevat 19       17 Shevat 20      18 Shevat 21     19 Shevat 22      20 Shevat

                     Tu B’Shevat                                                                 4:25p Candle
                     MLK Day                                                    7p Minyan          lighting      9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                                   Morning Service
                                                                                                                 Parashat Yitro
                                                                                                                 5:27p Havdalah

23        21 Shevat 24       22 Shevat 25         23 Shevat 26       24 Shevat 27      25 Shevat 28     26 Shevat 29      27 Shevat

                                                                                7:30p Book       4:34p Candle    9:30a Shabbat
12p Limmud           7:30p               Bulletin Items Due   7p Back to Shul     Discussion       lighting        Morning Service
                       Programming                              Task Force                                       Parashat
                       Committee                                                                                   Mishpatim
                                                                                                                 5:36p Havdalah

30        28 Shevat 31      29 Shevat

    January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)         Congregation Beth Israel                                                  Page 17
February 2022
                                                                                               Shevat ~ Adar I, 5782
       Sunday               Monday              Tuesday          Wednesday             Thursday              Friday             Saturday

                                            1       30 Shevat    2      1 Adar I   3       2 Adar I    4     3 Adar I     5        4 Adar I
                                                                                                                          9:30a Shabbat
                                            Rosh Chodesh         Rosh Chodesh      7p Minyan           4:44p Candle         Morning Service
                                              Adar I               Adar I                              lighting           Parashat Terumah
                                                                                                                          5:45p Havdalah

6           5 Adar I   7         6 Adar I 8           7 Adar I   9       8 Adar I 10           9 Adar I 11       10 Adar I 12       11 Adar I

                                                                                                       4:53p Candle       9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                       lighting             Morning Service
                                                                                                                          Parashat Tetzaveh
                                                                                                                          5:55p Havdalah

13          12 Adar I 14        13 Adar I 15         14 Adar I   16     15 Adar I 17       16 Adar I 18          17Adar I 19        18 Adar I

                                                                                   7p Minyan
                       7:15p Board          Purim Katan                                                5:02p Candle       9:30a Shabbat
                         Meeting                                                                         lighting           Morning Service
                                                                                                                          Parashat Ki Tissa
                                                                                                                          6:04p Havdalah

20          19 Adar I 21        20 Adar I 22        21 Adar I    23     22 Adar I 24       23 Adar I 25          24 Adar I 26       25 Adar I

                       Presidents Day       Bulletin Items Due                                         5:11p Candle       9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                         lighting           Morning Service
                                                                                                                          Parashat Vayakhel
                                                                                                                          Shabbat Shekalim
                                                                                                                          6:13p Havdalah

27        26 Adar I    28       27 Adar I

11a Jewish Rome

     January 2022 (Tevet - Shevat 5782)            Congregation Beth Israel                                                       Page 18
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