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SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika Nr. 46/2020 SWP-Informationsservices Jürgen Rogalski, 09.09.2020 Der SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informations- produkt mit ausgewählten Hinweisen auf aktuelle Stellungnahmen, Dokumente und Analy- sen zu allen (außen-) politisch relevanten Fragen und Entwicklungen der Region. Bei allen Titeln gibt es einen Link, meistens direkt zum Volltext. Grundlage der Erstellung ist ein über- wiegend festgelegtes Set an Quellen: Webseiten, Blogs, Zeitschriften etc. Der Auswahl-Fokus liegt neben Dokumenten auf wissenschaftlichen bzw. wissenschaftlich basierten Beiträgen. Neben Titeln mit konkretem Länder- bzw. Regionalbezug werden auch solche berücksichtigt, deren Thematik relevant ist für die Region. Der WebMonitor wird i.d.R. ein- bis zweimal wö- chentlich erstellt, nicht aber bei Abwesenheit des Bearbeiters. Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel / Palästina > Palästina > Israel > Israel - VAE > Östlicher Mittelmeerraum > Libanon > Syrien > Kurdistan (länderübergreifend) > Irak > Jordanien > Golfstaaten / GKR > Kuwait > Bahrain > Saudi-Arabien > Jemen > Oman > Iran > Nordafrika / Maghreb > Ägypten > Ägypten / Nilanrainer
> Libyen > Libyen / Tunesien > Tunesien > Algerien > Marokko > EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge > Türkei - MENA-Region > VR China - MENA-Region > Russland - MENA-Region > USA - MENA-Region > Regionalpolitik / regionale Sicherheit > Religion (allg./global) > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung > Nuklearpolitik / regionale Rüstungskontrolle (MENA-Region) > Energiewirtschaft (MENA-Region) > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global) > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) > Israel / Palästina اﻷﻣﯿﻦ اﻟﻌﺎم ﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﯾﺴﺘﻨﻜﺮ ﺗﺤﺮﯾﺾ و ﻣﻐﺎﻟﻄﺎت ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻔﺼﺎﺋﻞ اﻟﻔﻠﺴﻄﯿﻨﯿﺔ ﺿﺪ دول اﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ GKR, 07.09.2020 Förderung von NGOs in Israel und den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten - Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der AfD BT, 13.07.2020 Vorgang und Download (jetzt inkl. Antwort der BR): >>> After UAE Deal, How Can Arab States Impact Israeli-Palestinian Peace? Claire Harrison; Robert Barron "As evolving regional relationships offer fresh diplomatic opportunities, a new working group looks at the future of Arab-Israeli peacemaking. ..." USIP, 03.09.2020, ca. 3 S. palestinian-peace How the Trump Plan Makes Peace Possible Douglas J. Feith and Lewis Libby In: Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2020, 15 S. Seite 2 von 27 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Palästina Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): COVID-19 Emergency Situation Report 17 (29 August – 8 September 2020) UN-OCHA, 08.09.2020, 11 S. 20%28oPt%29%20-%20COVID- 19%20Emergency%20Situation%20Report%2017%20%2829%20August%20%E2%80%93%208 %20September%202020%29.pdf The Spread of Covid-19 in Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (Updated to September 7, 2020) ITIC, 07.09.2020, 17 S. >>> Gaza’s New Coronavirus Fears ICG, 09.09.2020, 8 S. @WAO >>> Hamas leader threatens Israel during visit to refugee camp in Lebanon Khaled Yacoub Oweis The National, 07.09.2020, ca. 2 S. in-lebanon-1.1074008 Palestinian leaders grasp for unity in Ramallah-Beirut meeting Daoud Kuttab Al Monitor, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. abbas-factions-uae-israel.html >>> Political solutions among Palestinian university students: different models and conceptions Fathi Nemer Seite 3 von 27
"Once a baseline resolution to the question of Palestine, the two-state solution has become con- tested after decades of failed negotiation and renewed support for a one-state solution. This study measures Palestinian university students’ understandings of these different solutions through a representative survey. ..." In: TWQ (online first), 08.2020, 21 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel PM Netanyahu meets with Chad Cabinet Chairman Deby and Head of the Chad Intelligence Service Kogri MFA Israel, 08.09.2020 Chairman-Deby-8-September-2020.aspx Joint Prime Minister's Office-Finance Ministry statement - Corona Cabinet MFA Israel, 07.09.2020's-Office-Finance-Ministry- statement-7-September-2020.aspx Siehe auch: statement-6-September-2020.aspx Serbian embassy to relocate to Jerusalem, Israel and Kosovo to establish diplomatic rela- tions MFA Israel, 05.09.2020 September-2020.aspx Siehe auch: Trump-4-February-2020.aspx transfer-embassy-to-Jerusalem-4-September-2020.aspx Rede von Außenminister Heiko Maas anlässlich der Verleihung des Shimon-Peres-Preises 2020 (Vi- deoaufzeichnung) AA, 09.09.2020 >>> Seite 4 von 27
Serbia, Kosovo to open embassies in Jerusalem Al Monitor, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. white-house-normalize-uae.html Sudan: US conditioning removal from terror list on normalisation with Israel MEMO, 07.09.2020 on-normalisation-with-israel/ Possible Changes in China’s Nuclear Policy and the Significance for Arms Control Eyal Propper "... How will the damage to the global arms control regimes affect the Middle East, and how should Israel prepare for this contingency? ..." INSS, 09.09.2020, 4 S. Israel Needs an Anti-Propaganda Agency Manfred Gerstenfeld BESA, 09.09.2020, 4 S. ganda-Gerstenfeld-final.pdf A Nation that Dwells Alone? Israel in the Discipline of International Relations Brent Sasley In: Israel Studies, Volume 25, Number 3 (Fall 2020), S. 81-105. Abstract und Preview: > Volltext für SWP ggf. via Bibliothek! Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Israel, Fragen nach / Europa - Gespräche über einen fernen, nahen Kontinent Ronald Hirte, Fritz von Klinggräff (Hrsg.) Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft, 03.2020, 660 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: schaft/Ronald_Hirte_(Hrsg.)_%7C_Fritz_von_Klinggraeff_(Hrsg.)-Israel_Fragen_nach-Europa- EAN:9783737402750.html Kurzbesprechung: ropa.html >>> How Israel's Jewish Majority Will Grow Seite 5 von 27
Yakov Faitelson In: Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2020, 10 S. The 2018 Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People [Themenschwerpunkt mit 12 Einzelbeiträgen] In: Israel Studies, Volume 25, Number 3 (Fall 2020), S. 130-266. Abstracts und Previews: > Volltexte für SWP ggf. via Bibliothek! Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel - VAE Islam in the Service of Peace: Religious Aspects of the Abraham Accord Ofir Winter, Yoel Guzansky INSS, 06.09.2020, 5 S. The UAE-Israel Normalization: Political and Social Implications Hala Mulki, Gökhan Ereli ORSAM , 08.2020, 32 S. .pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Östlicher Mittelmeerraum Turkey’s Challenge to the Regional Status Quo Begins in the Eastern Mediterranean Jonathan Gorvett WPR, 01.09.2020, ca. 3 S. Preview: complicating-the-cyprus-turkey-dispute > Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Chevron’s Purchase of Noble Energy: Accelerating the Eastern Mediterranean’s Gas Revolu- tion? Joshua Krasna Seite 6 von 27
"... examines the regional implications of Chevron's purchase of Noble Energy for Israel, Egypt, and Jordan. ..." TAU, 06.09.2020, 9 S. Dossier: The Eastern Mediterranean Inhalt: - The Eastern Mediterranean: A Severe Conflict Scene for Geopolitical Rivalry / Mehmet Emin Cengiz - How can we understand Egypt’s role in Libya and Eastern Mediterranean / Aly El Raggal - Turkey’s Push for Exploring Gas Can Potentially Make it Harder for Russian State Companies to Negotiate Long-term Deals with Ankara / Anton Mardasov - Israel Faces a Difficult Balancing Act in the Eastern Mediterranean / Selin Nasi - Turkey Sees no Real Role for NATO in the Eastern Mediterranean / Sinan Ulgen - The Current Turkish Strategy is Based on Pushing Greece to the Negotiation Table / Mitat Ce- likpala Al Sharq Forum, 01.09.2020, jeweils ca. 2 S. Übersicht und Volltexte: The Disrupting Stabilizer - How Russia’s military, diplomatic, and economic roles in the Med- iterranean have developed in recent years Samuel Ramani In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. The Prospects for Conflict or Cooperation - Will the Eastern Mediterranean natural gas dis- coveries lead to regional transformation? Henri J. Barkey, and Ellen Laipson In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libanon The United States Designates Former Lebanese Government Ministers Michael R. Pompeo "... designating two former Lebanese ministers, Yusuf Finyanus and Ali Hassan Khalil, pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 as amended for providing material support to Hizballah, a U.S.-desig- nated foreign terrorist organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist. ..." US DoS, 08.09.2020 Seite 7 von 27
Exchange of views on the situation in Lebanon EP Committee on Foreign Affairs, 01.09.2020, ca. 01:00h Webcast: AFET_vd >>> Cancellation of Water Supply Augmentation Project (Bisri Dam Project) The World Bank, 04.09.2020 mentation-project-bisri-dam-project Fact Sheet: Podcast: ﻣﺴﯿﺮة اﻟﺤﻤﻠﺔ اﻟﺒﯿﺌﯿﺔ:ﺳﻘﻮط ﺻﻔﻘﺔ ﺳﺪ ﺑﺴﺮي Nadim El Kak, Roland Nassour LCPS, 08.09.2020, 00:28h >>> Online Event: Cutting the Gordian Knot of Lebanon's Power-Sharing System Joseph Bahout, Carmen Geha, Jean Kassir, Maha Yahya CEIP, 08.09.2020, 01:55h Webcast: Emmanuel Macron dives head first into murky waters of Lebanese politics Damien McElroy and Khaled Yacoub Oweis The National, 05.09.2020, ca. 2 S. of-lebanese-politics-1.1073197 We’re Carrying On Miryam Swaidan "Protest actions in Sidon since October 2019 have continued, despite multiple efforts to repress them. ..." Diwan, 07.09.2020, ca. 2 S. Lebanese ask 'Should I stay or should I go' under pressures to rebuild Dani Arbid Al Monitor, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. Seite 8 von 27 fashion-funds-rebuild.html >>> The many faces of Fairuz in Iran Farnaz Seifi MEI, 08.09.2020, ca. 2 S. From port to port: Both Lebanon and Turkey would benefit from greater shipping connectivity Altay Atlı MEI, 02.09.2020, ca. 2 S. shipping-connectivity >>> Protracted, neglected, and ineffective: Lessons from the Lebanon tribunal Anthony Dworkin ECFR, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. sons_from_the_lebanon_tr UN-backed tribunal: ‘no evidence’ of Hezbollah leadership involved in assassination of Rafik Hariri William F. Wechsler, Nicholas Blanford, Jomana Qaddour, Gissou Nia, Joze Pelayo Atlantic Council, 18.08.2020, ca. 2 S. lah-leadership-involved-in-assassination-of-rafik-hariri/ اﻟﺤﻜﻢ واﻟﺘﺒﻌﺎت اﻟﻤﺤﻠﯿﺔ واﻹﻗﻠﯿﻤﯿﺔ:اﻟﻤﺤﻜﻤﺔ اﻟﺪوﻟﯿﺔ اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﻠﺒﻨﺎن ﻣﮭﻨﺪ اﻟﺤﺎج ﻋﻠﻲ Al Jazeera Centre for Studies, 01.09.2020, 7 S. 09/ﺑﻠﺒﻨﺎن20%اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ20%اﻟﺪوﻟﯿﺔ20%اﻟﻤﺤﻜﻤﺔ.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Syrien Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions during a joint news con- ference with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yury Borisov and Deputy Prime Min- ister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the Syrian Arab Republic Walid Muallem fol- lowing talks, Damascus, September 7, 2020 Seite 9 von 27
MFA Russia, 07.09.2020, ca. 2 S. lisher/xIEMTQ3OvzcA/content/id/4322879 >>> New Jihadi Group Claims Killing, Wounding Dozens Of Turkish And Syrian Soldiers In 'Martyrdom' Operation; Claims To Have No Ties With Any Group, In Or Outside Syria [Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Bri- gade] MEMRI, 01.09.2020 syrian-soldiers-martyrdom-operation Syria Situation Report: August 19-September 1, 2020 ISW, 04.09.2020, 1 S. + Karte 2020 Russian-Iranian Tensions in Deir al-Zour Oula A. Alrifai and Ali Alleile WINEP, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. zour The Revolution in Drone Warfare - The Lessons from the Idlib De-Escalation Zone Ridvan Bari Urcosta In: JEMEAA, Fall 2020, S. 50-65. 1/1/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF/JEMEAA%20FALL%202020.PDF Will nine years of war and deteriorating governance spark a new movement inside Syria? Noura Darwish Atlantic Council, 21.08.2020, ca. 2 S. governance-spark-a-new-movement-inside-syria/ The Syrian regime wheels and deals minorities to remain in power Ayman Abdel Nour Atlantic Council, 12.08.2020, ca. 2 S. ties-to-remain-in-power/ A New Palestinian Community? Syria’s uprising and conflict, from the perspective of the Pal- estinian camps Abdullah Al-Khateeb, Tom Rollins, Abdelrahman Shaheen Seite 10 von 27
"... investigates how the Syrian uprising, and the conflict that followed, played out in Palestinian- Syrian communities and how Pales-tinians themselves participated in events after the first major protests broke out in Daraa in March 2011. ..." RLS, 07.2020, 41 S. ian_en_web.pdf @WAO The PYD’s Separatist Project in the Euphrates Region Abdallah al Najjar Harmoon Center, 17.08.2020, 150 S. Syrian-Euphrates-Region11.pdf @WAO Stabilizing Eastern Syria After ISIS James A. Schear, Jeffrey Martini, Eric Robinson, Michelle E. Miro, James Dobbins "... What are the most urgent local needs that stabilization efforts should address in Eastern Syria? Is there a viable strategy for orchestrating near-term stabilization in this region, where forces aligned in different coalitions are holding opposite sides of the Euphrates Valley? ..." RAND, 09.2020, 88 S. ports/RR2500/RR2541/RAND_RR2541.pdf @WAO ﻧﻈﺎم اﻷﺳﺪ ﯾﺴﺘﺜﻤﺮ ﻓﻲ ﻣﻈﻠﻮﻣﯿﺔ ُﻣﺼﻄﻨَﻌﺔ أﺗﺎﺣﮭﺎ ﻟﮫ:ﺣﺴﺎن ﻋﺒﺎس ”“ﻗﺎﻧﻮن ﻗﯿﺼﺮ ﻏﺴﺎن ﻧﺎﺻﺮ Harmoon Center, 03.09.2020, ca. 20 S.ﻣﻈﻠﻮﻣﯿﺔ-ﻓﻲ-ﯾﺴﺘﺜﻤﺮ-اﻷﺳﺪ-ﻧﻈﺎم-ﻋﺒﺎس-ﺣﺴﺎن/ ﺳﯿﺎدة اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن ﻛﺄﺳﺎس وﺷﺮط ﻟﺒﻨﺎء دوﻟﺔ وطﻨﯿﺔ ﺣﺪﯾﺜﺔ Harmoon Center, 31.08.2020, 115 S.اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن-ﺳﯿﺎدة.pdf ﺗﺠﻠﯿﺎت اﻟﺤﻮﻛﻤﺔ اﻟﺮﺷﯿﺪة ﻓﻲ اﻟﻮاﻗﻊ اﻟﺴﻮري اﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮ طﺎرق ﻧﺎﺻﯿﻒ Harmoon Center, 24.08.2020, 109 S.اﻟﺴﻮري-اﻟﻮاﻗﻊ-ﻓﻲ-اﻟﺮﺷﯿﺪة-اﻟﺤﻮﻛﻤﺔ-ﺗﺠﻠﯿﺎت اﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮ.pdf ﻗﺮاءة ﺗﺤﻠﯿﻠﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ وﺛﺎﺋﻖ اﺋﺘﻼﻓﯿﺔ ﻟﻘﻮى اﻟﺜﻮرة واﻟﻤﻌﺎرﺿﺔ اﻟﺴﻮرﯾﺔ:أﺑﻌﺎد اﻟﺘﻮاﻓﻖ اﻟﻮطﻨﻲ Syrian Dialogue Center, 02.09.2020, 36 S. Seite 11 von 27
""ﺗﻄﻠﻌﺎت اﻟﺴﻮرﯾﺎت ﻧﺤﻮ ﻋﻘﺪ اﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﻲ ﻋﺎدل وھﻮﯾﺔ وطﻨﯿﺔ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ وﺳﻼم ﻣﺴﺘﺪام The Syrian Women's Political Movement, 31.08.2020, 24 S. ﻧﺤﻮ دﺳﺘﻮر ﺳﻮري ﺟﻨﺪري ودﯾﻤﻘﺮاطﻲ ﻗﺎﺋﻢ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻗﯿﻢ اﻟﺤﺮﯾﺔ واﻟﻜﺮاﻣﺔ واﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻛﺔ واﻟﻤﺴﺎواة The Syrian Women's Political Movement, 07.07.2020, 5 S. >>> Caesar Act: The Syrian people are sapped while Assad grows stronger Qussai Jukhadar Atlantic Council, 02.09.2020, ca. 2 S. while-assad-grows-stronger/ The Caesar Act might alter the UAE’s normalization policy with Syria Emily Santucci Atlantic Council, 24.08.2020, ca. 2 S. zation-policy-with-syria/ U.S. Aid Should Help Syrians without Helping Assad Daphne McCurdy TCF, 27.07.2020, ca. 20 S. @WAO روﺳﯿﺎ ﺗﺒﺤﺚ ﻋﻦ ﻣﺨﺮج ﻟﮭﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻮﺣﻞ اﻟﺴﻮري:[ ﺳﻼم اﻟﻜﻮاﻛﺒﻲInterview] Harmoon Center, 27.08.2020, ca. 5 S.ﻣﻦ-ﻟﮭﺎ-ﻣﺨﺮج-ﻋﻦ-ﺗﺒﺤﺚ-روﺳﯿﺎ-اﻟﻜﻮاﻛﺒﻲ-ﺳﻼم/ >>> Water weaponization in the Syrian conflict: strategies of domination and cooperation Marwa Daoudy In: International Affairs, Volume 96, Issue 5 (09.2020), S. 1347–1366. Abstract und Download für SWP: Turbulent from the Start: Revisiting Military Politics in Pre-Baʿth Syria Hicham Bou Nassif "... I undermine the presumptions that Baʿthi tactics of sectarian favoritism in the armed forces were unprecedented in post-independence Syria. ..." In: IJMES, Volume 52, Issue 3 (08.2020), S. 469-488. Seite 12 von 27
Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Kurdistan (länderübergreifend) Ausreisen in Kurden-Gebiete ["sogenannte Kurdistansolidarität"] - Inneres und Heimat/Antwort - inkl. Links zur Anfrage und Antwort der BR hib, 07.09.2020 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Irak Irak. Les réformes se font attendre Sylvain Mercadier, Mohamed Shiaa Orient XXI, 07.09.2020, ca. 3 S.,4113 How attacks on US forces in Iraq became a new normal Seth Frantzman Atlantic Council, 28.08.2020, ca. 2 S. new-normal/ Three years after the Caliphate, Iraq’s Christians find little incentive to return Paul Gadalla Atlantic Council, 04.08.2020, ca. 2 S. tians-find-little-incentive-to-return/ Webinar: Clerical Developments and Politics in the Howzehs of Iraq and Iran Marsin Alshamary, Abbas Kadhim, Mehdi Khalaji Chatham House, 17.09.2020, 2:00pm to 3:30pm (London, BST) Übersicht und Registrierung: and-iran The Gulf War 30 Years Later: Successes, Failures, and Blind Spots Richard A. Lacquement, Jr. Seite 13 von 27
War on the Rocks, 09.09.2020, ca. 3 S. + Links spots/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jordanien Jordan protests met with repression as government changes tactics Tuqa Nusairat Atlantic Council, 05.08.2020, ca. 2 S. ernment-changes-tactics/ Does Jordan Want the West Bank? Michael Sharnoff In: Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2020, 11 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Golfstaaten / GKR اﻷﻣﯿﻦ اﻟﻌﺎم ﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﯾﺴﺘﻨﻜﺮ ﺗﺤﺮﯾﺾ و ﻣﻐﺎﻟﻄﺎت ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻔﺼﺎﺋﻞ اﻟﻔﻠﺴﻄﯿﻨﯿﺔ ﺿﺪ دول اﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ GKR, 07.09.2020 >>> Whose story? Narratives of nationalism in heritage production of the Arabian Peninsula Freer, Courtney and Kherfi, Yasmine "Over the past decade, all six Gulf Cooper-ation Council (GCC) states have invested considerably in the development of their local heritage industries. In parallel, these states have expanded their ef- forts at fostering home-grown nationalism. ..." LSE, 08.2020, 24 S. duction.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 14 von 27
> Kuwait Next in Line: Succession and the Kuwaiti Monarchy Bayly Winder "Following the emir’s recent health crisis, new questions emerge about who is jockeying for power and what succession scenarios may play out in the near future. ..." Sada, 13.08.2020, ca. 3 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Bahrain Religion, Identity and Citizenship: The Predicament of Shiʿa Fundamentalism in Bahrain Abdullah A Yateem In: Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS), Vol. 8 (2014), No. 3, S. 97-129. Abstract und Download für Registrierte: ment_of_Shi%CA%BFa_Fundamentalism_in_Bahrain Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Saudi-Arabien Overturned verdict on Khashoggi murder a ‘parody of justice’ – independent UN rights expert UN, 08.09.2020 >>> King Salman's legacy: The world has lost faith in Saudi Arabia Madawi al-Rasheed MEE, 31.08.2020, ca. 3 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jemen Independence in Southern Yemen: An STC Perspective Abdulsalem Mused Seite 15 von 27
Fikra Forum, 08.09.2020, ca. 2 S. perspective STC Gains Highlight the Need for a Succession Plan for President Hadi Brian M. Perkins In: TM, 14.08.2020, S. 1f. Riyadh Agreement 2.0 Changes Nothing in Yemen Nabeel Khoury Arab Center Washington, 19.08.2020, ca 5 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Oman Le sultan d’Oman restructure le pouvoir Elana DeLozier Orient XXI, 09.09.2020, ca. 3 S.,4091 The sultan of Oman’s new cabinet combines continuity and change Marc J. Sievers Atlantic Council, 19.08.2020, ca. 2 S. continuity-and-change/ Gender Politics in Oman: Between State, Sect, and Tribe Zeinab Hussein, Leon Goldsmith MEI, 08.09.2020, ca. 3 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Iran Podcast: Der Showdown zum Nuklearabkommen - mit Azadeh Zamirirad Dige che khabar? Der Iran Podcast, 02.09.2020, 00:42h men-mit-Azadeh-Zamirirad-ej1jkh Seite 16 von 27
>>> Spotlight on Iran - August 23, 2020 - September 6 2020 Raz Zimmt ITIC, 09.2020, 6 S. The many faces of Fairuz in Iran Farnaz Seifi MEI, 08.09.2020, ca. 2 S. Iran's Advances in Latin America Gabriel Andrade In: Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2020, 10 S. >>> Webinar: Clerical Developments and Politics in the Howzehs of Iraq and Iran Marsin Alshamary, Abbas Kadhim, Mehdi Khalaji Chatham House, 17.09.2020, 2:00pm to 3:30pm (London, BST) Übersicht und Registrierung: and-iran Book Review Roundtable: Iran Reframed by Narges Bajoghli Inhalt: - 1. Introduction: Selling a Revolution / Gregory Brew - 2. Can Iran’s Revolutionaries Convert the Next Generation? / Suzanne Maloney - 3. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Manipulation of Iranian Hearts and Minds / Saeid Golkar - 4. Can Iran's State Media Warriors Reframe the Islamic Republic for a New Generation? / Farzan Sabet - 5. Iran’s Media Producers and the Open Lie Michael Rubin TNSR, 08.09.2020, ca. 15 S. Vgl. Iran Reframed: Anxieties of Power in the Islamic Republic Narges Bajoghli Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 09.2019, 176 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Seite 17 von 27
Book Review: Armenian Christians in Iran - ethnicity, religion and identity in the Islamic Republic / James Barry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 312 S. In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 09.2020, 1 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Nordafrika / Maghreb Trust and coercion in times of emergency: COVID-19 and structures of authority in North Africa Amal Bourhrous SIPRI, 13.08.2020, ca. 2 S. and-structures-authority-north-africa Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten Hearing: Egypt - Trends in Politics, Economics, and Human Rights Michele Dunne, Amy Hawthorne, Tamara Cofman Wittes, Samuel Tadros US House, 09.09.2020 Übersicht und Downloads (ab 10.09.2020): >>> Army operations in Sinai continue unabated Al Monitor, 06.09.2020, ca. 2 S. + Links terrorism-sinai.html Will arrest of leader disable Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Khalid Hassan Al Monitor, 06.09.2020, ca. 2 S. reconciliation.html The Turkish Future of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Abdelrahman Ayyash TCF, 17.08.2020, ca. 20 S. Seite 18 von 27
@WAO Re-Engineering Regional Security Sydney Wise "In the last half-century, Egypt has had to negotiate its way through the Arab–Israeli peace process, regional nuclear proliferation, and domestic political transition. What has it taught us? ..." In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. >>> Egypt’s Most Vulnerable and COVID-19 Elena Habersky "Are refugees and asylum seekers protected by its strong domestic laws and international commit- ments? ..." In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. >>> Roundtable: Creative Expression in Egypt Ten Years After In: IJMES, Volume 52, Issue 3 (08.2020), S. 489-558. Übersicht, Abstracts und Downloads für SWP: dies/issue/8CA79DF2757A5331C03432FCC305AA80 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten / Nilanrainer The Egyptian and Ethiopian perspectives on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem, Nihal El Mquirmi PCNS, 09.2020, 8 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libyen Implementation of resolution 2491 (2019) - Report of the Secretary-General [Smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya ...] UNSC, 02.09.2020, 16 S. Seite 19 von 27
@WAO >>> Russia steps up support for private military contractor in Libya: U.N. report Reuters, 02.09.2020, ca. 2 S. tary-contractor-in-libya-un-report-idUSKBN25T37G How new street protests can help diplomacy in Libya succeed Tarek Megerisi "Rival camps in Libya will likely sabotage political processes that could undermine them. The inter- national community can head this off by harnessing protesters’ justified anger. ..." ECFR, 04.09.2020, ca. 2 S. succeed What Does the Future Hold for Libya’s GNA Militias? Jacob Lees Weiss In: TM, 14.08.2020, S. 5f. Strategizing Toward Irrelevance in Libya Alessia Melcangi "The Libyan conflict is marred by competing interests, and is where the Mediterranean’s major players all hope to come out on top. ..." In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libyen / Tunesien The Volatile Tunisia-Libya Border: Between Tunisia’s Security Policy and Libya’s Militia Fac- tions Hamza Meddeb CEIP, 03.09.2020, ca. 15 S. @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 20 von 27
> Tunesien In Search of a Brighter Future: Citizen Ideas for Making Tunisia's Economy Deliver - Summary of Qualitative Public Opinion Research Findings conducted January - February 2020 NDI, 06.2020, 50 S. %20Final%20-%20June%202020%20-%20EN.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Algerien Mystery surrounds Algeria article branded ‘complete fabrication’ by UN rights office UN, 04.09.2020 Siehe auch: >>> Algérie. L’immobilisme du président Tebboune mène à l’impasse Jean-Pierre Sereni Orient XXI, 08.09.2020, ca. 3 S. impasse,4099 In Algeria, Protests Pause for COVID-19 as the Regime Steps Up Repression Francisco Serrano WPR, 31.08.2020, 5 S. Preview: the-regime-steps-up-repression > Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Marokko Maroc. Maâti Monjib: «Pas question que je me taise» - Entretien Orient XXI, 05.09.2020, ca. 2 S.,4103 Moroccans and Quarantine: General satisfaction and cautious optimism Seite 21 von 27
Mohammed MASBAH, Rachid AOURRAZ MIPA, 07.09.2020, ca. 5 S. The More Things Change…: Morocco’s socio-economic development after 21 years under King Mohammed VI - Despite 21 years of socio-economic achievements, deeply-rooted chal- lenges persist in Morocco Yasmina Abozohhour MIPA, 31.07.2020, ca. 5 S. The impact of migration policies on civil society actors’ efforts to improve migrants’ access to social and economic rights in Morocco Inka Stock In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 09.2020, 22 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Researching the intercultural: solid/liquid interculturality in Moroccan-themed scholarship Hamza R’bou In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 09.2020, 22 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge Mediterranean Situation UNHCR-Themenseite mit ständig aktualisierten Informationen: >>> Waves of impunity. Malta’s human rights violations and Europe’s responsibilities in the cen- tral Mediterranean ai, 07.09.2020, 35 S. >>> Covid-19 ist Wasser auf die Mühlen des EU-Grenzregimes - Migration und Biopolitik: Droht eine neue Ära der EU-Grenzkontrollpolitik? Sofian Philip Naceur Seite 22 von 27
RLS, 07.2020, 13 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Türkei - MENA-Region From Tripoli to Tripoli, Turkey’s Real Aim Is Egypt Irina Tsukerman BESA, 08.09.2020, 4 S. final.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > VR China - MENA-Region China and the Middle East: Friends in Need and Deed? Guy Burton "Reports of a pending China–Iran alliance are premature, and ignore a more hesitant Chinese ap- proach to the Middle East. ..." RUSI, 05.08.2020, ca. 2 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Russland - MENA-Region The Disrupting Stabilizer - How Russia’s military, diplomatic, and economic roles in the Med- iterranean have developed in recent years Samuel Ramani In: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Summer 2020, ca. 5 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > USA - MENA-Region Election 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for US Policy in the Middle East - BRIEFING BOOK Seite 23 von 27
Paul Salem, Marvin G. Weinbaum, Robert S. Ford, Mirette F. Mabrouk, Gerald M. Feierstein, Alex Vatanka, Randa Slim, Eran Etzion, Jonathan M. Winer, William Lawrence, Nathan Stock, Khaled El- gindy, Charles Lister, Gönül Tol, Amal Kandeel, Michael Sexton, Charles W. Dunne, Jean-François Seznec, Ruba Husari, Nasser bin Nasser, General (ret.) Joseph Votel, Bilal Y. Saab Gliederung: - US General Middle East Interests & Policy Priorities (S. 4f.) - COUNTRIES (S. 6ff.) - REGIONAL & CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES (S. 51ff.) MEI, 09.2020, 68 S. ges%20%26%20Opportunities%20for%20US%20Policy%20in%20the%20Middle%20East.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Regionalpolitik / regionale Sicherheit Energy cooperation in the Middle East is a necessary step toward regional security Ariel Ezrahi Atlantic Council, 01.09.2020, ca. 2 S. necessary-step-toward-regional-security/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Religion (allg./global) Giving Up on God - The Global Decline of Religion Ronald F. Inglehart In: Foreign Affairs, September/October 2020, S. 110-118. Preview und Volltext für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung We Are Already Behind Enemy Lines: Lessons from the Secretive Online Fight Against the Is- lamic State Len “Loni” Anderson, Nathan Fleischaker, and Brian Russell War on the Rocks, 07.09.2020, ca. 3 S. + Links Seite 24 von 27 cretive-online-fight-against-the-islamic-state/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Nuklearpolitik / regionale Rüstungskontrolle (MENA-Region) The Nuclearization of the Middle East Hamza Mjahed PCNS, 09.2020, 7 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Energiewirtschaft (MENA-Region) Global trends in the energy sector and their implication on energy security in NATO’s south- ern neighbourhood Rim Berahab Elcano Royal Institute, 08.09.2020, 10 S. sector-and-implication-on-energy-security-in-NATOs-southern-neighbourhood.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global) Videoconference on COVID-19 Pandemic [09.09.2020] What's in Blue/UNSC, 08.09.2020 >>> Authoritarian Weaknesses and the Pandemic Thomas Carothers, David Wong CEIP, 11.08.2020, ca. 3 S. 82452 The Pandemic Depression - The Global Economy Will Never Be the Same Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart In: Foreign Affairs, September/October 2020, S. 84-95. Seite 25 von 27
Preview und Volltext für SWP: bal-economy The Tragedy of Vaccine Nationalism - Only Cooperation Can End the Pandemic Thomas J. Bollyky and Chad P. Bown In: Foreign Affairs, September/October 2020, S. 96-109. Preview und Volltext für SWP: mic A Pandemic of Violence? The Impact of COVID-19 on Conflict Sara M.T. Polo In: Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (online first), 09.2020, 13 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Why the COVID-19 response needs International Relations Sara E Davies, Clare Wenham In: International Affairs, Volume 96, Issue 5 (09.2020), S. 1227–1251. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) Trust and coercion in times of emergency: COVID-19 and structures of authority in North Af- rica Amal Bourhrous SIPRI, 13.08.2020, ca. 2 S. and-structures-authority-north-africa Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Dieser WebMonitor wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Pelican Mourad erstellt. -- Jürgen Rogalski M.A. Informationsservices Fachreferent Naher/Mittlerer Osten und Afrika Tel. +49 30 88007-318 Seite 26 von 27 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4, 10719 Berlin Seite 27 von 27
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