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SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika Nr. 08/2021 SWP-Informationsservices Jürgen Rogalski, 29.01.2021 Der SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informations- produkt mit ausgewählten Hinweisen auf aktuelle Stellungnahmen, Dokumente und Analy- sen zu allen (außen-) politisch relevanten Fragen und Entwicklungen der Region. Bei allen Titeln gibt es einen Link, meistens direkt zum Volltext. Grundlage der Erstellung ist ein über- wiegend festgelegtes Set an Quellen: Webseiten, Blogs, Zeitschriften etc. Der Auswahl-Fokus liegt neben Dokumenten auf wissenschaftlichen bzw. wissenschaftlich basierten Beiträgen. Neben Titeln mit konkretem Länder- bzw. Regionalbezug werden auch solche berücksichtigt, deren Thematik relevant ist für die Region. Der WebMonitor wird i.d.R. ein- bis zweimal wö- chentlich erstellt, nicht aber bei Abwesenheit des Bearbeiters. Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel / Palästina > Israel / Palästina: BDS / Antisemitismus / "Israelkritik" > Palästina > Israel > Israel - arabische Länder > Östlicher Mittelmeerraum > Libanon > Israel / Syrien > Syrien > Syrien / Irak > Irak > Jordanien > Golfstaaten / GKR > Katar > VAE > Saudi-Arabien > Jemen > Oman > Iran > Nordafrika
> Ägypten > Ägypten / Sudan / Äthiopien > Libyen > Tunesien > Marokko > Marokko / Westsahara > USA - MENA-Region > AL (Arabische Liga) > Umbruch in der arabischen Welt / "Arabischer Frühling" > Krisen und Konflikte im Überblick (global) > Konflikte / Friedensbemühungen / Governance (allg./theoret.) > Bürgerkriege / Interventionen (allg./theoret.) > Konflikte / Bürgerkriege / Staat (MENA-Region) > Flüchtlinge / IDPs (MENA-Region) > Migration / Urbanisierung (global) > Verschwörungstheorien / Verschwörungsdenken (allg.) > Religionen > Islam > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung > Klimawandel / Sicherheit / Konflikte (allg./theoret.) > Wirtschaft / Entwicklung (MENA-Region) > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global) > Israel / Palästina Decree Ordering Long-Awaited Palestinian Elections ‘Crucial Step’ towards Building Demo- cratic State, Special Middle East Coordinator Tells Security Council UNSC, 26.01.2021, ca. 5 S. Webcast: including-the-palestinian-question-security-council-open-vtc/6226400776001/ Wennesland’s Briefing (8 S.): nian-question-delivered-un-3 Statement by Chair of the Palestinian Rights Committee (7 S.): for-the-security-council-open-debate/ Remarks Ambassador Richard Mills ( 1 S.): the-middle-east-via-vtc-2/ Seite 2 von 28
Israel’s conviction of human rights defender shows disdain for international obligations, say UN experts UN-OHCHR, 26.01.2021 clid=IwAR2-ckfGIWHRGWWd5eIQacnhqy6FB1BV30ftm89gtTdV14_2d0HKUDsO8To >>> All Foreseen and Not Prevented: Spike in settler violence backed and encouraged by state B'tselem, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. tler_violence_backed_and_encouraged_by_state West Bank settler population surged during Trump era, report says TOI, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. says/ Bericht "West Bank Jewish Population Stats Report, updated to January 2, 2021" (7 S.) via: B’Tselem. Un apartheid «sur tout le territoire sous l’autorité de l’État d’Israël» Orient XXI, 28.01.2021, ca. 3 S. de-l-etat-d-israel,4456 >>> Webinar: Jerusalem - Where Things Stand at the Start of the Biden Presidency Zena Agha (Al-Shabaka), Daniel Seidemann (Terrestrial Jerusalem), Kristin McCarthy (FMEP) "... Given the centrality of Jerusalem to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, what do these latest settle- ment advancements say about the state of play in Jerusalem facing the new Biden Administration? How should East Jerusalem settlements (and settlements more generally) be understood in Israel’s de facto annexation of Palestinian land? ..." FMEP, 29.01.2021, 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (USA und Kanada) Registrierung: Resetting the Board Michael J. Koplow "The Biden administration on Tuesday put forth its first detailed comments on its Israeli-Palestin- ian policy through a speech to the United Nations Security Council by Acting Envoy Richard Mills. ..." IPF, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Building Bridges for Peace - U.S. Policy Toward Arab States, Palestinians, and Israel Seite 3 von 28
David Makovsky WINEP, 01.2021, 23 S. @WAO The Temple Mount and the Status Quo Revisited Yisrael Medad In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 399-415. Abstract und Download für SWP: The Visegrád Group and Its Voting Patterns on the Israeli–Arab/Palestinian Conflict in the UN General Assembly Irena Kalhousová & Stela Rubínová In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 457-475. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel / Palästina: BDS / Antisemitismus / "Israelkritik" Thirty-nine words about antisemitism are splitting the Jewish community Arno Rosenfeld "... the language, adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in 2016, comes packaged with a host of examples that describe various criticism of Israel as antisemitic ..." Forward, 26.01.2021, ca. 3 S. itism/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Palästina Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): COVID-19 Emergency Situation Report 27 (14-28 January 2021) UN-OCHA, 28.01.2021, 8 S. The Spread of covid-19 in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (Updated January 25, 2021) ITIC, 01.2021, 16 S. Seite 4 von 28
>>> Qatar Is Using the Palestinians to Assert Its Regional Influence - It probably won’t work out well for either party Shlomo Roiter Jesner FP, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: fluence/ Will the Palestinian Election Decree Produce Actual Elections? Ghaith al-Omari WINEP, 27.01.2021, ca. 3 S. actual-elections How the PA Should Approach the Biden Administration Mohammed Dajani Fikra Forum, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. tion Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel Secretary Blinken’s First Call with Israeli Foreign Minister Ashkenazi "... The Secretary applauded the recent progress made with the Abraham Accords, and affirmed U.S. interest in building further on this progress to advance peace. ..." US DoS, 27.01.2021 Israel: Background and U.S. Relations in Brief CRS, 27.01.2021, 22 S. President Rivlin speaks with President of Germany Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier MFA Israel, 27.01.2021 Germany-Dr--Frank-Walter-Steinmeiervv27-January-2021.aspx President Rivlin, the President of Germany and the President of the European Council issue a joint statement on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day MFA Israel, 26.01.2021 Seite 5 von 28 the-President-of-the-European-Council-issue-a-joint-statement-26-January-202.aspx >>> Netanyahu’s Latest Election Scheme: The Arab Vote? Yousef Munayyer ACW, 27.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Criminal violence is escalating among Arab communities in Israel Daoud Kuttab Al Monitor, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. violence.html Angst vor dunklen Zeiten "In Haifa werden seit einigen Wochen vermehrt palästinensische Aktivist:innen verhaftet. ..." Dis:orient, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. >>> Moving Israel to CENTCOM: Another Step Into the Light Assaf Orion, Mark Montgomery WINEP, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. What Does Joe Biden’s Victory Mean for Israel? Jonathan Rynhold In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 375-378. Abstract und Download für SWP: Israeli–Greek Common Security Concerns: On the Deterrence of Turkey’s Adventurism Ioannis Th. Mazis & Markos I. Troulis In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 447-456. Abstract und Download für SWP: Israeli Politics in the Middle East through the Prism of Moscow: How Russian Media Create Artifi- cial Reality Dmitry Strovsky & Ron Schleifer In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 477-493. Abstract und Download für SWP: Seite 6 von 28 Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Unerklärte Kriege gegen Israel - Die DDR und die westdeutsche radikale Linke 1967-1989 Jeffrey Herf Bonn (bpb), 01.2021, 518 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: >>> INSS 14th Annual International Conference: New World Disorder Redefining National Secu- rity INSS (Tel Aviv), 26.-28.01.2021 Übersicht, Videos und Summaries: Short Lectures by INSS Researchers: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel - arabische Länder Israel reopens liaison office in Morocco Al Monitor 26.01.2021 office-uae-abu-dhabi.html The Abraham Accords: Immediate Significance and Long-Term Implications Yoel Guzansky & Zachary A. Marshall In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 379-389. Abstract und Download für SWP: Is it Possible for Iraq to Normalize Relations with Israel? Mehmet Alaca, Emre Karaca ORSAM, 12.2020, 14 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite 7 von 28
> Östlicher Mittelmeerraum Turkey, Europe, and the Eastern Mediterranean: Charting a way out of the current deadlock Galip Dalay Brookings, 01.2021, 18 S. iterranean.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libanon The inaction trap: Paralysis and denial in Lebanese politics Christophe Abi-Nassif MEI, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Hezbollah and the Politics of Vaccine Delays in Lebanon Makram Rabah Fikra Forum, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. non Beginnings, Continuities and Revivals: An Inventory of the New Arab Left and an Ongoing Arab Left Tradition Michaelle Browers "... examines some of the first translations of Gramsci into Arabic by young, New Left figures associ- ated with a short-lived group called “Socialist Lebanon.” ..." In: Middle East Critique (online first), 01.2021, 15 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Israel / Syrien Is Israel in Secret Contact with Syria? Mordechai Kedar BESA, 29.01.2021, 3 S. English-final.pdf Seite 8 von 28
Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Syrien Syrian Arab Republic: Recent Developments in Northwestern Syria Situation Report No. 24 UN-OCHA, 26.01.2021, 9 S. Progress in the elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons programme - Report by the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons UNSC, 27.01.2021, 6 S. >>> Map of the military bases and posts of foreign forces in Syria Jusoor, 06.01.2021 Syria/826/en >>> Podcast: Syria’s Frozen Conflict Dareen Khalifa "... a wide-ranging discussion of how the war in that country, until lately one of the world’s hottest, has cooled down over the past year. Dareen unpacks the de facto division of Syria into four parts, each controlled by a different faction with different outside allies, and explains what the future likely holds for each part. ..." ICG, 28.01.2021, 00:35h zen-conflict Is Russia exploiting Iranian weakness in east Syria? Khaled al-Khateb "Iranian forces are concerned about losing their influence and their members in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province in favor of the formations supported by Russia. ..." Al Monitor, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links defectors-influence.html Turkey faces mysterious jihadi enemies in Idlib Fehim Tastekin "... A group calling itself the Khattab al-Shishani Brigade claimed the first three attacks, which tar- geted Turkish-Russian patrols along the M4 on July 14, July 17 and Aug. 25. ..." Seite 9 von 28
Al Monitor, 25.01.2021, ca. 2 S. newly-sprung-groups.html U.S. Strategy in Syria Has Failed - Washington Must Acknowledge That It Can’t Build a State Robert S. Ford FA (online) 25.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: >>> Syria Update Inhalt u.a.: - Damascus Flails as Syrians abroad Queue for COVID-19 Vaccine COAR, 25.01.2021, 10 S. Es geht am Ende um alles Anna Fleischer "Warum die Aufhebung des Abschiebestopps nach Syrien nicht nur Syrer:innen sondern auch Deut- sche etwas angeht. ..." Dis:orient, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Inside Syria's Clapping Chamber: Dynamics of the 2020 Parliamentary Elections Karam Shaar, Samy Akil "... discusses the results of the 2020 Syrian parliamentary elections to illuminate shifts in the al-As- sad regime’s strategy to restore and maintain control over the country. ..." MEI, 28.01.2021, ca. 5 S. + interaktive Infografik! tary-elections اﻟﻨﺎﺟﻮن واﻟﻨﺎﺟﯿﺎت ودواﺋﺮ اﻟﻌﻨﻒ ﻟﻤﻰ ﻗﻨﻮت Harmoon Center, 29.01.2021, ca. 3 S. آﺛَﺎر ودَ َﻻ َﻻت ِطﺒﺎﻋﺔ ﻋ ُْﻤﻠﺔ ﺟﺪﯾﺪة ﻋﻠﻰ اﻗﺘﺼﺎد ﺳﻮرﯾﺎ Idrak, 26.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Weather, wheat, and war: Security implications of climate variability for conflict in Syria Andrew M. Linke; Brett Ruether Seite 10 von 28
"We examine how Syria’s local growing seasons and precipitation variability affected patterns of violence during the country’s civil war (2011–19). ..." In: Journal of Peace Research Vol. 58, No. 1 (01.2021), S. 114-131. Abstract und Download für SWP: Refining Intractability: A Case Study of Entrapment in the Syrian Civil War Siniša Vuković, Diane Bernabei In: International Negotiation, Volume 24 (2019), Issue 3, S. 407–436. Abstract und Download für SWP: >>> ﻗﺮاءة ﻓﻲ اﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ اﻟﺴﻮﻓﯿﺘﯿﺔ:1967 ﺣﺮب ﺣﺰﯾﺮان ﻣﺤﻤﻮد اﻟﺤﻤﺰة Harmoon Center, 25.01.2021, 34 S.ﺣﺰﯾﺮان-ﺣﺮب.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Syrien / Irak The Challenge of Foreign Fighters: Repatriating and Prosecuting ISIS Detainees Vera Mironova MEI, 01.2021, 16 S. 01/The%20Challenge%20of%20Foreign%20Fighters.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Irak Secretary Blinken’s First Call with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hussein US DoS, 28.01.2021 >>> “White Paper” Reforms for the Oil and Gas Sectors: Paving the way for better use of Iraq’s re- sources? Mohamed Riad Ishaq Fikra Forum, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Seite 11 von 28 paving-way-better-use-iraqs-resources Baghdad Bombing Spurs Major Intelligence and Military Reshuffle Michael Knights WINEP, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. gence-and-military-reshuffle Iraq’s PMF: An Entity Beyond Suspicion or a Mirage of Deception? Sadiq Hassaan Fikra Forum, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. rage-deception Is it Possible for Iraq to Normalize Relations with Israel? Mehmet Alaca, Emre Karaca ORSAM, 12.2020, 14 S. Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Pride and Power - A Modern History of Iraq Johan Franzén London (Hurst), 01.2021, 660 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jordanien اﻷﻣﯿﻦ اﻟﻌﺎم ﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﯾﻌﻘﺪ ﺟﻠﺴﺔ ﻣﺒﺎﺣﺜﺎت ﻣﻊ وزﯾﺮ اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﯿﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻷردﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﮭﺎﺷﻤﯿﺔ GRK, 26.01.2021 7.aspx Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Golfstaaten / GKR ﻋﻘﺪ اﻟﺤﻮار اﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎدي ﺑﯿﻦ ﻣﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون واﻻﺗﺤﺎد اﻷوروﺑﻲ GKR, 27.01.2021 Seite 12 von 28 4.aspx >>> The Biden Administration’s Security Challenges in the Gulf Anthony H. Cordesman CSIS, 27.01.2021, 12 S. rity_Challenges.pdf Gulf Economies Need a Transformed Role for the State Adel Hamaizia, Tim Callen "Changing the relationship between the state and private sector in Gulf countries will help them emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis. ..." Chatham House, 27.01.2021, ca. 3 S. INVESTMENTS AS FOREIGN POLICY INSTRUMENTS: THE CASES OF SAUDI ARABIA, THE UAE AND QATAR İsmail Numan Telci, Gökhan Ereli ORSAM, 24.01.2021, 36 S. arabia-the-uae-and-qatar.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Katar Qatar Is Using the Palestinians to Assert Its Regional Influence - It probably won’t work out well for either party Shlomo Roiter Jesner FP, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: fluence/ Turkey's love-in with Qatar: a marriage of convenience Engin Yüksel & Haşim Tekineş Clingendael, 01.2021, 31 S. @WAO Seite 13 von 28
Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > VAE The Persecution of Ahmed Mansoor - How the United Arab Emirates Silenced its Most Fa- mous Human Rights Activist HRW/GCHR, 01.2021, 37 S. @WAO >>> Understanding the Emirati-Greek relationship Cinzia Bianco, André Rodrigues Rocha MEI, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links Contemporary Shifts in UAE Foreign Policy: From the Liberation of Kuwait to the Abraham Accords Ebtesam Al Ketbi In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 391-398. Abstract und Download (open access): Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Saudi-Arabien Will the Biden Team Tighten or Unravel US-Saudi Ties? Simon Henderson The Hill, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. saudi-ties Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Historiography in Saudi Arabia - Globalization and the State in the Middle East Jörg Matthias Determann "... at least in one corner of the Saudi world, there can be found a plurality of opinions and lively de- bate. Jorg Matthias Determann brings this element to light by analysing an important field of cul- tural activity in Saudi Arabia: historical writing. ..." (I.B. Tauris) London (I.B. Tauris), 01.2021, 352 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Seite 14 von 28
Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Jemen Escalating hostilities in Yemen’s Hudaydah put thousands of civilians at risk UN, 28.01.2021 Exclusive: U.N. report accuses Yemen government of money-laundering, Houthis of taking state rev- enue Michelle Nichols Reuters, 26.01.2021 Weitere Informationen (in Kürze): ports Friedensbemühungen im Jemen intensivieren - humanitäre Lage verbessern. Antrag der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN BT, 27.01.2021 Vorgang und Download: Kurzinformation: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Oman Oman’s Sultan Caps First Year by Appointing Heir and New Military Leadership Elana DeLozier WINEP, 28.01.2021, ca. 2 S. heir-and-new-military-leadership Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Iran Iran between Avenging Soleimani and Engaging Biden Joe Macaron Seite 15 von 28
ACW, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Biden will Contend with Divergent Middle East Preferences on Iran Daniel Brumberg ACW, 27.01.2021, ca. 3 S. ences-on-iran/ Why the Israel lobby fears Robert Malley Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold "The Israel lobby is coming out against Robert Malley as Joe Biden's Iran envoy. How the admin- istration responds will tell us whether it is ready to stand up to the hawks and chart a new course for U.S. policy in the Middle East. ..." Mondoweiss, 25.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Iran Wants the Nuclear Deal It Made - Don’t Ask Tehran to Meet New Demands Mohammad Javad Zarif FA (online), 22.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: The United States Must Move Forward, Not Back, on Iran - A Return to the Nuclear Deal Would Be a Strategic Mistake Amos Yadlin and Ebtesam al-Ketbi FA (online), 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: ward-not-back-iran The Dangers of Lifting Sanctions on the Islamic Regime of Iran Arvin Khoshnood BESA, 28.01.2021, 5 S. nood-final.pdf President Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ Campaign and Iran’s Endgame Mohammed Nuruzzaman In: Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 6 (November-December 2020), S. 570-582. Abstract und Download für SWP: The Fallout of the US-Iran Confrontation for Russia: Revisiting Factors in Moscow’s Calculus Abdolrasool Divsallar and Pyotr Kortonuv Seite 16 von 28
Cadmus, 22.01.2021, 30 S. Abstract und Download: >>> The reciprocal impact of electoral turnout on protest participation in developing countries: evi- dence from Iran’s 2018 uprising Alireza Raisi In: Democratization (online first), 01.2021, 20 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Nordafrika Imazighen in Nordafrika: „Das Recht ist immer noch gegen uns.“ Friederike Wegscheider Disorient, 18.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Dossier: Les bouleversements politiques en Afrique du Nord au prisme de l’analyse élec- torale Inhalt: - Introduction: Les bouleversements politiques en Afrique du Nord au prisme de l’analyse élec- torale / Alia Gana, Gilles Van Hamme - Une analyse comparative des territorialités du vote au Maroc et en Tunisie : trajectoires politiques et électorales / Gilles Van Hamme, David Goeury, Maher Ben Rebah - Les élections, principal théâtre de la crise de l’État égyptien / Clément Steuer - La fin des notabilités urbaines ? Opinions, engagements et votes des citoyens urbains marocains. Entre nouvelles formes militantes et désaffiliation politique. Leçons de cinq observatoires urbains / Olivier Deau, David Goeury - La démocratie de l’abstention en situation autoritaire : retour sur les élections législatives et lo- cales de 2017 en Algérie / Belkacem Benzenine - L’impossible transition politique libyenne : intérêts croisés des acteurs libyens dans les processus électoraux / Soraya Rahem Maghreb - Machrek 2020/1 (N° 243), 114 S. Übersicht, Abstracts und Bestellung: Culture in ruins: the illegal trade in cultural property across North and West Africa Julia Stanyard and Rim Dhaouadi Enact, 11.2020, 20 S. Seite 17 von 28 01.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten January 25, 2011: A Personal Reflection Amy Hawthorne POMED, 25.01.2021, ca. 2 S. The Egyptian Revolution, 10 Years On - A Conversation with Youssef El Chazli, Hannah Elsisi, and Neil Ketchley Crown Center, 28.01.2021, ca. 3 S. The unlikely success of Egypt’s 2011 revolution: A revived women’s movement Sara Khorshid Atlantic Council, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. tion-a-revived-womens-movement/ Collective Memory of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Surveying Egyptians a Decade After Hazem Albassam, Coline Ferrant Fikra Forum, 25.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links tion-surveying-egyptians-decade-after Powerful Scholars and Clerics of Power: Remembering Shaykh Emad Effat H.A. Hellyer Jadaliyya, 26.01.2021, ca. 3 S. >>> Egypt’s New Parliament: Reopening Political Life, But Only So Far Haisam Hassanein WINEP, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. life-only-so-far Egypt’s back on gold production map after loosening mining regulations Seite 18 von 28
Azza Guergues Al Monitor, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. investors-exports.html Policy and Institutional Responses to COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt Robert P. Beschel Jr. Brookings, 01.2021, 23 S. January-28-2021-1.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Ägypten / Sudan / Äthiopien How Egypt is supporting Sudan in border conflict Ayah Aman "As tensions escalate between Sudan and Ethiopia on the border, a Sudanese delegation headed to Cairo raising questions about Egypt’s role in the conflict. ..." Al Monitor, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. conflict-gerd-talks.html Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Libyen Speakers Urge Security Council to Help Sustain Momentum towards Building Democratic, Unified Libya, as Special Representatives Highlights Advances in Peace Talks [UNSMIL] UNSC, 28.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Webcast: smil-security-council-open-vtc/6227052868001/ Zum Hintergrund: tions.php United Nations Support Mission in Libya - Report of the Secretary-General UNSC, 19.01.2021, 17 S. @WAO Seite 19 von 28
>>> Building peace through subnational governance: The case of Libya Simona Ross, Stefan Wolff, and Alexandre Marc Brookings, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. tional-governance-the-case-of-libya/ The Libyan Arab Armed Forces: A Hybrid Armed Actor? Tim Eaton War on the Rocks, 27.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Turkey and the Regional Flashpoint in Libya Md. Muddassir Quamar In: Strategic Analysis, Volume 44, Issue 6 (November-December 2020), S. 597-602. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Tunesien Tunisia: Investigate circumstances of a young man's death following reckless tear gas use by police ai, 28.01.2021, ca. 3 S. young-man-death/ Families say Police Abused, Abducted Minors in Mass Sweeps as Protests Continue Ghaya Ben Mbarek Nawaat/Meshkal, 25.01.2021, ca. 3 S. protests-continue/ >>> Ten years on, Tunisians protest government, corruption Elizia Volkmann Al Monitor, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. arabspring.html Seite 20 von 28
Tunisia’s Night Protests: Background and Repercussions ACRPS, 28.01.2021, ca. 3 S. Tunisian youth rank unemployment and the economy as top problems, disapprove of government’s performance, Afrobarometer study shows Afrobarometer, 28.01.2021, 5 S. ans_rank_jobs_economy_as_top_problems-afrobarometer-27jan21.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Marokko Israel reopens liaison office in Morocco Al Monitor 26.01.2021 office-uae-abu-dhabi.html Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: All Politics are God’s Politics: Moroccan Islamism and the Sacralization of Democracy Ahmed Khanani Rutgers University Press, 01.2021, 230 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: Podcast mit dem Autor: policing-the-organizational-threat-in-morocco-s-10-ep-4 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Marokko / Westsahara Donald Trump leaves Joe Biden a booby trap Peter Fabricius "Trump’s last-minute decision to recognise Morocco’s claim to Western Sahara presents the new US president with a dilemma. ..." ISSAfrica, 29.01.2021, ca. 2 S. On Additional Issues in the Western Sahara Advisory Opinion Shoji Matsumoto PCNS, 01.2021, 26 S. Seite 21 von 28 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > USA - MENA-Region 'A prudent first step': State Department reviewing UAE, Saudi arms sales Elizabeth Hagedorn Al Monitor, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. trump-freeze-f-35-deal.html Siehe auch: freeze.html For the Record: The New Secretary of State on Democracy, MENA - Antony J. Blinken POMED, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Washington Policy Weekly Marcus Montgomery ACW, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links America needs a foreign policy by Muslims for Muslims Mohammed Soliman MEI, 27.01.2021, ca. 2 S. The Biden Administration’s Security Challenges in the Gulf Anthony H. Cordesman CSIS, 27.01.2021, 12 S. rity_Challenges.pdf Building Bridges for Peace - U.S. Policy Toward Arab States, Palestinians, and Israel David Makovsky WINEP, 01.2021, 23 S. @WAO Online Conference: U.S. Policy toward Arab States, Palestinians, and Israel: Ideas and Ap- proaches for the Biden Administration Yousef Al Otaiba, Samer Khoury, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, David Makovsky Seite 22 von 28
WINEP, 01.02.2021, 12:00 noon EST Übersicht und Webcast: and-israel-ideas-and-approaches-biden Nineteen Conflict Prevention Tips for the Biden Administration Inhalt u.a.: - Iran: Return to the Nuclear Deal - Iraq: De-escalate with Iran, Back Credible Elections - Israel-Palestine: Put Palestinian Rights at the Centre - Lebanon: Help Avert State Failure - Libya: Shore up the Ceasefire, Back New Elections - Sudan: Help the Transition Succeed - Syria: Try Shuttle Diplomacy in the North East - Yemen: Prioritise Ending the War - UN: Focus on COVID, Climate and Credibility ICG, 28.01.2021, 28 S. @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > AL (Arabische Liga) ﻛﻠﻤﺔ اﻟﺴﯿﺪ أﺣﻤﺪ أﺑﻮ اﻟﻐﯿﻂ اﻻﻣﯿﻦ اﻟﻌﺎم ﻟﺠﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﺪول اﻟﻌﺮﺑﯿﺔ ﺧﻼل اﻻﺟﺘﻤﺎع اﻟﻮزاري ﻓﻲ ﻣﺠﻠﺲ اﻻﻣﻦ ﺣﻮل ﺣﺎﻟﺔ اﻻﻣﻦ واﻟﺴﻠﻢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺸﺮق اأﻟﻮﺳﻂ AL, 26.01.2021, 7 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Umbruch in der arabischen Welt / "Arabischer Frühling" The Arab Spring 10 Years On - While the Arab Spring is not over, the moment of 2011 is Georges Fahmi Chatham House, 26.01.2021, ca. 2 S. Revolutionary Weakness in Gramscian Perspective: the Arab Middle East and North Africa since 2011 John Chalcraft In: Middle East Critique (online first), 01.2021, 20 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Seite 23 von 28 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Krisen und Konflikte im Überblick (global) Watch List 2021 ICG, 01.2021, 49 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Konflikte / Friedensbemühungen / Governance (allg./theoret.) Subnational Governance and Conflict: The Merits of Subnational Governance as a Catalyst for Peace "The findings are largely informed by in-depth analysis of seven case studies of countries where subnational governance arrangements have been applied and proposed as a tool for mitigating vio- lent conflict. These include Kenya, the Philippines, Somalia, Myanmar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yemen, and Mali. ..." The World Bank, 2020, 132 S. Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Bürgerkriege / Interventionen (allg./theoret.) Third-party regime type and civil war duration Sara Norrevik, Mehwish Sarwari ".... The empirical findings for all intrastate conflicts during the period 1975–2012 provide evidence for our claims that the regime type of an external intervener influences the outcome of a conflict. ..." In: Journal of Peace Research (online first), 01.2021, 15 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Konflikte / Bürgerkriege / Staat (MENA-Region) Hybrid Security Governance and the Search for the State in the Middle East Seite 24 von 28
Ariel I. Ahram War on the Rocks, 29.01.2021, ca. 3 S. in-the-middle-east/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Flüchtlinge / IDPs (MENA-Region) The “Unhealable Rift” of Exile: The Plight of Arab Refugees Yara M. Asi ACW, 26.01.2021, ca. 3 S. + Links Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Migration / Urbanisierung (global) Das Wachstum der Städte durch Migration Jochen Oltmer bpb, 21.01.2021, ca. 3 S. durch-migration Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Verschwörungstheorien / Verschwörungsdenken (allg.) Contemporary Conspiracism: The Return of Satan Michael Mertes In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Volume 14, Issue 3 (11.2020), S. 417-426. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Religionen Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - An Introduction to Monotheism Amanullah De Sondy, Michelle A. Gonzalez, William S. Green Bloomsbury Academic, 10.2020, 272 S. Seite 25 von 28
Übersicht und Bestellung: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Islam Fred Donner and Tilman Nagel on Muslims and Believers Joseph Spoerl In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 01.2021, 18 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung Die »Takfiristen« - Eine salafistisch-jihadistische Teilströmung gewinnt an Bedeutung Guido Steinberg SWP-Aktuell, 01.2021, 8 S. Übersicht und Downloads: The Challenge of Foreign Fighters: Repatriating and Prosecuting ISIS Detainees Vera Mironova MEI, 01.2021, 16 S. 01/The%20Challenge%20of%20Foreign%20Fighters.pdf The crafting of alliance cohesion among insurgents: The case of al-Qaeda affiliated groups in the Sahel region Troels Burchall Henningsen In: Contemporary Security Policy (online first), 01.2021, 20 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Klimawandel / Sicherheit / Konflikte (allg./theoret.) Special Issue on Security Implications of Climate Change In: Journal of Peace Research Vol. 58, No. 1 (01.2021), S. 3-194. Seite 26 von 28
Übersicht, Abstracts und Downloads für SWP: Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Wirtschaft / Entwicklung (MENA-Region) International Donors Are Complicit in Middle Eastern Elites’ Game David Linfield CEIP, 11.01.2021, ca. 3 S. tern-elites-game-pub-83595 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (MENA-Region) Policy and Institutional Responses to COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa: Egypt Robert P. Beschel Jr. Brookings, 01.2021, 23 S. January-28-2021-1.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global) Global development cooperation in a COVID-19 world Homi Kharas Brookings, 01.2021, 18 S. COVID-19-World.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Dieser WebMonitor wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Pelican Mourad erstellt. -- Jürgen Rogalski M.A. Seite 27 von 28
Informationsservices Fachreferent Naher/Mittlerer Osten und Afrika Tel. +49 30 88007-318 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4, 10719 Berlin Seite 28 von 28
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