Nahost/Nordafrika - SWP Berlin

Nr. 03/2021

Jürgen Rogalski, 12.01.2021

Der SWP-WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informations-
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> Israel / Palästina
> Israel / Palästina: BDS / Antisemitismus / "Israelkritik"
> Palästina
> Israel
> Israel - arabische Länder
> Libanon
> Israel / Syrien
> Syrien
> Irak
> Arabische Halbinsel
> Golfstaaten / GKR
> Kuwait
> Saudi-Arabien
> Jemen
> Iran
> Ägypten
> Ägypten / Nilananrainer
> Ägypten - Libyen
> Libyen
> Tunesien
> Algerien
> Marokko
> Marokko / Westsahara
> EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge
> Türkei - MENA-Region
> USA - MENA-Region
> VR China - MENA-Region
> Umbruch in der arabische Welt / "Arabischer Frühling"
> Diasporas (MENA-Region)
> Bürgerkriege (allg./theoret.)
> Politische Theorie: Ibn Khaldun
> Islamismus / Islamisten
> Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung
> Erdölpolitik / Energiewirtschaft (MENA-Region)
> Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global)

> Israel / Palästina

Ministertreffen von Kairo zum Nahostfriedensprozess - Außenminister von Deutschland,
Frankreich, Jordanien und Ägypten
AA, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.
Zum Hintergrund:

Israel/OPT: UN expert calls for reversal of Israel’s eviction order against 16 Palestinian families
UN-OHCHR, 11.01.2021


Settlement/Annexation Report
Inhalt u.a.:
- Court Greenlights (Again) Settler Campaign for Mass Eviction of Palestinians from Silwan
- IDF Increases Presence in West Bank As Violence Continues to Escalate
- Greek Orthodox Church Rumored to Be Selling Bethlehem-Area Property to Settlers
FMEP, 08.01.2021, ca. 10 S.


                                                                                                  Seite 2 von 26
Israel’s obligation to Gaza in a pandemic and post-pandemic reality
"Israel is obligated to protect the health and safety of all people living under its control, including
by ensuring that the vaccine is available in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. ..."
Gisha, 06.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Israel is Legally Obligated to Ensure the Population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Are Vaccinated
Eyal Benvenisti
Just Security, 07.01.2021, 1 S.


Implications for Israel of the Joint Terrorist Military Exercise in the Gaza Strip
Omer Dostri
BESA, 08.01.2021, ca. 3 S.


The Separate Regimes Delusion - Nathan Thrall on Israel’s apartheid
"... debate on annexation ..."
LRB, 07.01.2021, ca. 5 S.

The ICC’s Prosecutor in the service of Palestinian Lawfare
Assaf Derri
In: Israel Affairs (online first), 01.2021, 16 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Review: Law in the Arab–Israeli Conflict: The Trials of Palestine / by Steven E. Zipperstein
London: Routledge, 2020, 412 S.
Anne Herzberg
In: Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs (online first), 12.2020, 4 S.
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Weitere Informationen und Buchbestellung:

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                                                                                                     Seite 3 von 26
> Israel / Palästina: BDS / Antisemitismus / "Israelkritik"

Dana Barnett
"From its modest beginning in the 2000s, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement
has grown into a worldwide phenomenon that changed the discourse on Israel. ..."
In: Israel Affairs (online first), 12.2020, 6 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

The Covert War: From BDS to De-legitimization to Antisemitism
Lev Topor
In: Israel Affairs (online first), 12.2020, 15 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Human Rights Watch’s anti-Israel Agenda
Gerald M. Steinberg
In: Israel Affairs (online first), 12.2020, 23 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Palästina

Gaza unable to crack down on antiquities smuggling
Entsar Abu Jahal
Al Monitor, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Changes in Palestinian Monetary Authority senior personnel, apparently in view of the Palestinian
Authority’s plans to circumvent the problem of making payments to terrorists and the families of
ITIC, 10.01.2021, 7 S.

The shahid as a Palestinian icon: negotiating meanings
Mariam Abdul-Dayyem & Efrat Ben-Ze’ev
"... examines the meanings young Palestinians attribute to the shahīd as an icon. ..."
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 849-867.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

                                                                                              Seite 4 von 26
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> Israel

European leaders congratulate PM Netanyahu on the vaccines operation
MFA Israel, 09.01.2021


Returning to the Nuclear Agreement: Implications for Israel
Eldad Shavit, Sima Shine
INSS, 11.01.2021, 4 S.

Israeli Policy on Iran vis-à-vis the Biden Administration
Shimon Stein, Shlomo Brom
INSS, 11.01.2021, 4 S.

Enquête: France-Israël. Lobby or not lobby ?
Jean Stern
"Israël est-il en train de gagner la bataille de l’influence en France ? ..."
Orient XXI, 12.01.2021, ca. 3 S.,4404

Enquête: Une omerta qui remonte à loin
Jean Stern
Orient XXI, 12.01.2021, ca. 3 S.,4406

Enquête: Les critiques d’Israël étouffées par la loi du silence
Jean Stern
"Aujourd’hui, critiquer Israël en France tient de la mission dangereuse, et c’est, en apparence du
moins, un grand succès pour tous ceux qui s’activent à délégitimer l’expression même de toutes les
interrogations sur la politique du gouvernement israélien. ..."
Orient XXI, 12.01.2021, ca. 3 S.,4411



                                                                                              Seite 5 von 26
‫ ﻋﺎم ﻣﻦ اﻟﺴﯿﺎﺳﺔ واﻟﻨﻀﺎل‬۱۰۰ :‫ﺑﺪو اﻟﻨﻘﺐ وﺑﺌﺮ اﻟﺴﺒﻊ‬
Mansour Nasasra, Abdulmohsen Aloqaili
KFCRIS, 20.01.2021, 07:30 PM in Riad
Übersicht und Registrierung:

Israeli center-left reaches out to Arab voters
Afif Abu Much
Al Monitor, 07.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Israel Is Facing a Domestic Existential Threat
Gershon Hacohen
"The Israeli government is living in denial about the growing violent anarchy in the Negev, the Gali-
lee, and in certain cities. ..."
BESA, 12.01.2021, 3 S.

The Jewish past and the ‘birth’ of the Israeli nation state: the case of Ben-Gurion’s Independence
Day speeches
Adi Sherzer
In: Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 01.2021, 18 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Hashishophobia and the Jewish ethnic question in mandatory Palestine and the State of Israel
Haggai Ram
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 832-848.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Israel - arabische Länder

Maroc-Israël. «On ne pourra pas brouiller sans fin la conscience du peuple»
Hicham Mansouri, Sion Assidon
Orient XXI, 11.01.2021, ca. 3 S.

The US-Moroccan-Israeli Tripartite Declaration: Incentives and Likely Outcomes

                                                                                                 Seite 6 von 26
ACRPS, 04.01.2021, 8 S.

The Gulf Monarchies and Israel: From Aversion to Pragmatism
Barany, Zoltan
"... argues that four fundamental reasons account for the shift in Gulf leaders' attitudes: growing
alignment of geopolitical interests against Iran, failings of American Middle East policy, recognition
of the potential economic benefits of détente, and attitudinal shifts about the Palestinian cause. ..."
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 559-578.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Libanon

The War’s Relentless Shadow
Issam Kayssi
"Twenty years on, a film by Lebanese director Jean Chamoun remains as relevant as ever. ..."
Diwan, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

The civilian infrastructure established by Hezbollah among the Shiite population: the city of
Nabatieh as a case study
ITIC, 27.12.2020, 32 S.

The events in Lebanon for the anniversary of the killing of Qassem Soleimani were exploited by
Hezbollah for a propaganda campaign within the Shi’ite community to spread a message of solidar-
ity with Iran and its policies
ITIC, 07.01.2021, 17 S.

Discourse as an Electoral Campaigning Tool: Exploiting the Emotions of Voters
Sami Atallah, Nadim El Kak
"... examines the speeches of notable candidates and sectarian political leaders in the run-up to the
2018 Lebanese parliamentary elections. ..."
LCPS, 12.2020, 46 S.

From dysfunctional to functional corruption: The politics of reform in Lebanon’s electricity sector

                                                                                                   Seite 7 von 26
Ali Ahmad, Neil McCulloch, Muzna Al-Masri, Marc Ayoub
ACE, 12.2020, 57 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Israel / Syrien

Israel stepping up airstrikes against Syrian troops in recent weeks
Joe Truzman
LWJ, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Syrien

Syria Situation Report: December 16, 2020 - January 7, 2021
ISW, 11.01.2021, 1 S. + Karte


Online Event: Humanitarian Aid and the Biden Administration: Lessons from Yemen and Syria
by Jan Egeland, Emma Beals , Alex Harper, Jomana Qaddour
WINEP, 15.01.2021, 10:00 a.m. EST
Übersicht und live webcast:

The Assad regime faces a Rubik’s Cube of challenges in 2021
Nizar Mohamad and Abdulrahman al-Masri
Atlantic Council, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links


Weather, wheat, and war: Security implications of climate variability for conflict in Syria

                                                                                              Seite 8 von 26
Andrew M. Linke, Brett Ruether
In: Journal of Peace Research (online first), 01.2021, 18 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Irak

Designation of Iraqi Militia Leader in Connection with Serious Human Rights Abuse [Falih al-Fay-
Michael R. Pompeo
US DoS, 08.01.2021


Leveraging U.S. Sanctions on Faleh al-Fayyad
Michael Knights
WINEP, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

U.S. designates Iraqi PMF chairman for human rights violations
Bill Roggio
LWJ, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.


The identity controversy of religious minorities in Iraq: the crystallization of the Yazidi iden-
tity after 2003
Majid Hassan Ali
"... examines the development of the Yazidi identity in Iraq after 2003, and the subsequent escala-
tion of the controversial Yazidi identity after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) invasion
of Sinjar in 2014 ..."
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 811-831.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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                                                                                                   Seite 9 von 26
> Arabische Halbinsel

Tribe and State in the Arabian Peninsula
Peterson, J.E.
"... In the Arabian Peninsula ... tribes are not relics of the past but a vital component of society exer-
cising varying impacts on state policy. The concepts of "tribe in the state" and "tribe versus the
state" are useful in explaining the range of relationships between tribes and states. Regional varia-
tions around the peninsula play a key role in determining the applicability of one concept over the
other. ..."
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 501-520.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Golfstaaten / GKR

‫( ﻟﻠﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻷﻋﻠﻰ ﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون ﻟﺪول اﻟﺨﻠﯿﺞ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﯿﺔ "ﻗﻤﺔ اﻟﺴﻠﻄﺎن ﻗﺎﺑﻮس واﻟﺸﯿﺦ ﺻﺒﺎح‬41) ‫إﻋﻼن اﻟﻌُﻼ اﻟﺼﺎدر ﻓﻲ اﻟﺪورة‬
GKR, 05.01.2021, ca. 2 S.
Engl. Version:

‫اﻟﺒﯿﺎن اﻟﺨﺘﺎﻣﻲ اﻟﺼﺎدر ﻋﻦ اﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻷﻋﻠﻰ ﻓﻲ دورﺗﮫ اﻟﺤﺎدﯾﺔ واﻷرﺑﻌﯿﻦ ﻗﻤﺔ اﻟﺴﻠﻄﺎن ﻗﺎﺑﻮس واﻟﺸﯿﺦ ﺻﺒﺎح‬
GKR, 05.01.2021, ca. 5 S.


Webinar: After the Al-Ula Summit - Prospects for a GCC Rapprochement
Abdullah Al Shayji, Ebtesam Al-Ketbi, Hesham Alghannam, Majed Al-Ansari, Noha Aboueldahab
Brookings, 13.01.2021, 5:00-6:15 pm Doha Time
Übersicht und Registrierung:

Qatar Crisis: A Beginning to the End?
Sanam Vakil
"The 41st GCC Summit marks a turning point in the Qatar crisis. However, if not repaired, the issues
that led to the crisis could easily resurface. ..."
Chatham House, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

                                                                                                        Seite 10 von 26
Al-Ula GCC Summit Ends the Blockade of Qatar
ACRPS, 07.01.2021, 7 S.


Cities, Globalized Hubs, and Nationalism in the Persian Gulf
Kamrava, Mehran
"... examines the three major cities of the Persian Gulf region — Doha, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai. ..."
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 521-537.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Kuwait

The BRI Is What Small States Make of It: Evaluating Kuwait's Engagement with China's Belt and
Road Initiative
Mansour, Imad
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 538-558.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis


Evolving UAE Military and Foreign Security Cooperation: Path Toward Military Professional-
Melissa Dalton, Hijab Shah
CEIP, 12.01.2021, ca. 5 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Saudi-Arabien

Gulf countries end feud, but Saudi cleric who urged detente still in jail

                                                                                                Seite 11 von 26
Elizabeth Hagedorn
"Salman Aloudah's son says it's ironic that Saudi Arabia is hailing the end of the Gulf rift but silenc-
ing a prominent voice who called on the neighbors to mend ties. ..."
Al Monitor, 07.01.2021, ca. 2 S.


Armenia and Saudi Arabia: Potential Diplomacy in Complex International Relations
Mohammed Alrmizan
KFCRIS, 12.2020, 24 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Jemen

Serious repercussions likely to follow US plan to designate Yemen combatants terrorists, UN
UN, 11.01.2021

Terrorist Designation of Ansarallah in Yemen - Press Statement
Michael R. Pompeo
US DoS, 10.01.2021

Yemen Humanitarian Update Issue 12
UN-OCHA, 11.01.2021, 8 S.

Yemen Dynamic Needs Assessment: Phase 3
The World Bank, 01.2021, 175 S.


Pompeo to label Yemen's Houthis a foreign terror group
Elizabeth Hagedorn
Al Monitor, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

                                                                                                   Seite 12 von 26

Experts react: The United States designates Houthi rebels as a Foreign Terrorist Organiza-
Kirsten Fontenrose, Thomas S. Warrick, Barbara Slavin, Nabeel Khoury, Carmiel Arbit, Marc J. Siev-
ers, Mohsen Tavakol
Atlantic Council, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

US to designate Yemen’s Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization
Caleb Weiss
LWJ, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

A pragmatic view on Yemen’s Houthis
Bruce Riedel
Brookings, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Online Event: Humanitarian Aid and the Biden Administration: Lessons from Yemen and Syria
by Jan Egeland, Emma Beals , Alex Harper, Jomana Qaddour
WINEP, 15.01.2021, 10:00 a.m. EST
Übersicht und live webcast:

The Biden administration’s Yemen imperative
Nabeel Khoury
Atlantic Council, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

The New Yemeni Government: Formation, Prospects and Challenges
ACRPS, 05.01.2021, 7 S.

Impacts of the War on the Telecommunications Sector in Yemen
Mansoor al-Bashiri
CARPO, 11.01.2021, 21 S.

                                                                                             Seite 13 von 26

The Yemeni Conflicts: A Mismatch Theory Interpretation
Rebecca Cambrini , Luca Zanotti
"... examines the causes of the current centrist and secessionist civil conflicts in Yemen. We argue
that it is possible to explain the outbreak of the struggle of the Houthis against the central govern-
ment as well as the acceleration of southern secessionist demands in light of the mismatch theory
In: Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy (online first), 12.2020, ca. 15 S.
Abstract und Bestellung:

Currency Warfare in the Middle East: Currency Counterfeiting in the 1953 Iranian Coup, the 1990–
1991 Gulf War, and Yemen’s Current Civil War
Ricardo A. Crespo
In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Volume 11, Issue 4 (October-December 2020), S. 413-
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Iran

Iran: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action (JCPoA), following latest Iranian activities
EU, 11.01.2021

Iran Threatening To Expel UN Investigators
Michael R. Pompeo
US DoS, 09.01.2021


Iran president: US Capitol storming shows Western democracy 'fragile
Al Monitor, 07.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

                                                                                                  Seite 14 von 26
Khamenei’s First Speech of 2021: Reemphasizing U.S. Weakness, Iranian Self-Reliance
Omer Carmi
WINEP, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi: Iran's Increased Enrichment Of Uranium Does
Not Mean The Death Of The JCPOA – It Is Reversible If EU, US, Fulfill Their Commitments Com-
pletely, Lift Sanctions
MEMRI, 04.01.2021

Spotlight on Iran (December 27, 2020 - January 10, 2021)
Raz Zimmt
ITIC, 01.2021, 9 S.

Iran’s Foreign and Defense Policies
CRS, 11.01.2021, 55 S.


»Die Chance einer Umsetzung« - Interview
"Azadeh Zamirirad glaubt, dass mit Joe Biden eine Rückkehr zur Vereinbarung mit Teheran möglich
ist – auch wenn die gerade wieder gebrochen wurde. ..."
TAZ am Wochenende (online), 09.01.2021, ca. 2 S.!5738565/

Iran Is Already Raising the Stakes for Biden in the Middle East
Frida Ghitis
WPR, 07.01.2021, 5 S.
Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir!

Returning to the Nuclear Agreement: Implications for Israel
Eldad Shavit, Sima Shine
INSS, 11.01.2021, 4 S.

Israeli Policy on Iran vis-à-vis the Biden Administration

                                                                                         Seite 15 von 26
Shimon Stein, Shlomo Brom
INSS, 11.01.2021, 4 S.

Why Hasn’t Anyone Attacked Iran’s Nuclear Sites?
Albert Wolf
BESA, 11.01.2021, 2 S.


Iran’s Global Terror Network Lurks Behind Its Threats of Vengeance
Yaakov Lappin
BESA, 11.01.2021, 4 S.

Arab Opinion Toward Iran 2019/2020
Mehran Kamrava and Hamideh Dorzade
ACRPS, 22.12.2020, 25 S.

Can Turkey and Iran Lead the Muslim World?
Joseph A. Ké chichian
KFCRIS, 12.2020, 6 S.

Domestic threats and foreign policy agenda: a security perspective on Turkey’s Iran policy
Cagla Luleci-Sula
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 723-740.
Abstract und Download für SWP:


Beyond the Prophet’s Heirs: Emergent Trajectories of a new Sectarian Polemic in Contemporary
Simon Theobald
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 19 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

                                                                                             Seite 16 von 26
Demographic analysis on social perceptions of Hijab in contemporary Iran: dimensions and deter-
Yaghoob Foroutan
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 11 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Tarnished work: dignity and labour in Iran
Manata Hashemi
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 741-756.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Ägypten

What to Expect from Cairo’s Strategy with the New U.S. Administration
Maged Atef
Fikra Forum, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Contesting narratives of repression: Experimental evidence from Sisi’s Egypt
Scott Williamson, Mashail Malik
In: Journal of Peace Research (online first), 12.2020, 16 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Financialisation of politics: the political economy of Egypt’s counterrevolution - Review arti-
Besprechung von:
- Anticolonial afterlives in Egypt: the politics of hegemony / by Sara Salem. Cambridge 2020, 312 S.
- Coups and revolutions: mass mobilization, the Egyptian military, and the United States from Mu-
barak to Sisi / by Amy Austin Holmes, Oxford 2019, 384 S.
Hesham Shafick
In: Review of African Political Economy (online first), 12.2020, 9 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

The military and the state in Egypt: class formation in the post-Arab uprisings
Angela Joya
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 681-701.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

                                                                                               Seite 17 von 26

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> Ägypten / Nilananrainer

Egypt’s intelligence chief heads to Sudan amid stalled Nile dam talks
Hagar Hosny
Al Monitor, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Ägypten - Libyen

Shifting Dynamics of Libyan - Egyptian Relationship: Calculations and Motives
ACRPS, 03.01.2021, 8 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Libyen

Profiteers, Vultures, and the Defeat of the U.N. Embargo on Libya
Peter Kirechu
War on the Rocks, 12.01.2021, ca. 3 S. + Links


Transnationalism and exceptional transition processes. The role of the Libyan diaspora
from Qadhafi’s Jamahiriyya to post-revolutionary civil war and state collapse
Peter Seeberg
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 757-773.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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                                                                                           Seite 18 von 26
> Tunesien

Islamism and the rise of Islamic charities in post-revolutionary Tunisia: claiming political Islam
through other means?
Ester Sigillò
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 19 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Employability reforms in Tunisian higher education: a path-dependence perspective
Saber Khelifi
In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 12.2020, 28 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Algerien

Algeria’s Hirak: Why Such a Mass Movement Achieved so Little
Dalia Ghanem
Manara Magazine, 15.12.2020, ca. 3 S.

Religion, rationalism and civil war: The case of Algeria
Mujtaba Ali Isani
In: African Security Review, Volume 29, Issue 4 (11.2020), S. 346-363.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

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> Marokko

The US-Moroccan-Israeli Tripartite Declaration: Incentives and Likely Outcomes
ACRPS, 04.01.2021, 8 S.

Maroc-Israël. «On ne pourra pas brouiller sans fin la conscience du peuple»
Hicham Mansouri, Sion Assidon
Orient XXI, 11.01.2021, ca. 3 S.

                                                                                                Seite 19 von 26


Is Morocco EU’s model student at ENP? An analysis of democracy and human rights progress
Bosco Govantes
"... focuses on the evolution of the European Union–Morocco relationship during the first years of
the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). ..."
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 702-722.
Abstract und Download für SWP:


Morocco: as you make your bed …
George Joffé
"The last two months of 2020 have offered Morocco a stunning and unexpected opportunity to real-
ise two of its major objectives in regional and foreign policy. ..."
In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 01.2021, 9 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

‘The legitimate’ after the uprisings: justice, equity, and language politics in Morocco
Kaoutar Ghilani
"... a new discourse on languages has emerged in 2011 in Morocco employing justice and equity as
the main legitimating principles in language politics. ..."
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 25 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Driss Chraïbi’s path to the Prophet Muhammad and the ‘Earth Mother’: conflating mercy in the
Quran with the maternal womb
Ruth Roded
In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 12.2020, 18 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Marokko / Westsahara

What’s Next for the Western Sahara Conflict?
Intissar Fakir

                                                                                               Seite 20 von 26
Lawfare, 18.12.2020, ca. 3 S.

Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge

New Pact of Migration and Asylum in the European Union: What Stakes for the Maghreb and
Iván Martín
PCNS, 01.2021, 10 S.

European Union and Italian Migration Policy and the Probable Destabilization of Southern
Libya and Northern Niger
Ricardo René Larémont , Mustafa O. Attir & Moussa Mahamadou
In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Volume 11, Issue 4 (October-December 2020), S. 359-
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Europe, or the “Original West,” Muslims, and Migration: The Peculiar History of France and West
Africans with Broader Implications
Robin Hardy
In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, Volume 11, Issue 4 (October-December 2020), S. 381-
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> Türkei - MENA-Region

Arab Scholarship on Turkey's Regional Role before and after the Rise of the AKP
Magued, Shaimaa
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 579-597.
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> USA - MENA-Region

Webinar / E-book Launch: Biden and the Middle East - A Challenging Road Ahead.
Khalil al-Anani, Zeina Azzam, Daniel Brumberg, Charles W. Dunne, Zaha Hassan, Diana Moukalled,
Tamara Kharroub
ACW, 19.01.2021, 10:00 – 11:30 AM ET
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> VR China - MENA-Region

The BRI Is What Small States Make of It: Evaluating Kuwait's Engagement with China's Belt and
Road Initiative
Mansour, Imad
In: The Middle East Journal, Volume 74, Number 4 (Winter 2020), S. 538-558.
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Security Council Pressed Ahead in 2020 with Mandate to Protect Civilians, Build Peace, as COVID-
19 Infected 84 Million People Worldwide - Global Pandemic Devastated Economies, Laid Bare Hu-
manity’s Starkest Inequalities
UNSC, 11.01.2021, ca. 5 S.


An Insider’s Guide to U.N. Security Council Diplomacy in 2021
Richard Gowan
WPR, 04.01.2021, 4 S.
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> Umbruch in der arabische Welt / "Arabischer Frühling"

Webinar: Ten Years since Sidi Bouzid - The Legacy of the Arab Spring
Nesrine Jelalia, Nancy Okail, Farea Al Muslim
"... speakers will discuss the grievances that triggered the mass protests and what has changed
since 2011 with a particular focus on Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen. ..."
Chatham House, 21.01.2021, 03:00 PM in London
Übersicht und Registrierung:

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow: social justice and the rise of dystopian art and literature
post-Arab Uprisings
Sarah Marusek
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 22 S.
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> Diasporas (MENA-Region)

Webinar: Arab Diasporas in Europe - Spaces of Political Subjectivity Formation and Activist
Zenia Yonus, Mostafa Shehata, Thomas Fibiger, Ehab Galal, Zeina Bali
ARI, 21.01.2021, 02:00 PM in Paris
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> Bürgerkriege (allg./theoret.)

How leaders’ experiences and rebellion shape military recruitment during civil war
Suparna Chaudhry, Sabrina Karim, Matt K Scroggs
In: Journal of Peace Research (online first), 12.2020, 15 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Talks before the talks: Effects of pre-negotiation on reaching peace agreements in intrastate armed
conflicts, 2005–15Lindsey Doyle, Lukas Hegele
In: Journal of Peace Research (online first), 12.2020, 17 S.
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> Politische Theorie: Ibn Khaldun

How significant is the term ‘condition’ (ḥāl) to understanding Ibn Khaldūn's historical and political
thought? Al-ʿaṣabiyya as an ‘essential condition’ of human association
Lilian Abou-Tabickh
In: The Journal of North African Studies (online first), 01.2021, 25 S.
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> Islamismus / Islamisten

Qutb’s hakimiyyah through the lens of Arendtian authority
Hisseine Faradj
In: Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 01.2021, 20 S.
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> Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung

Virtual Open Debate on International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism 20 Years After the
Adoption of Resolution 1373 [12.01.2021]
What's In Blue/SCR, 11.01.2021


2020 Trends in Terrorism: From ISIS Fragmentation to Lone-Actor Attacks
Alastair Reed; Kateira Aryaeinejad
USIP, 08.01.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links

Suicide Bombings Worldwide in 2020

                                                                                                Seite 24 von 26
Yoram Schweitzer, Aviad Mendelboim, Arella Hendler-Bloom
INSS, 11.01.2021, 5 S.

ISIS Messaging on the New Biden Administration
Mohamed Mokhtar Qandil
Fikra Forum, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Bringing in the Other Islamists - Workshop: Changing Warscapes, Changing Islamists? Religion, Or-
ganization, Strategic Context and New Approaches to Jihadist Insurgencies
POMEPS, 01.2021, ca. 2 S.

If Ayman al-Zawahiri is really dead, what's next for al Qaeda?
Ali Ozdogan
SWJ, 11.01.2021, ca. 2 S.

Ideology matters: cultural power in the case of Daesh
Jamileh Kadivar
"... acknowledges that Daesh’s ideology is central to its power and is present in all aspects of the
Khilafah’s activities, including in its multi-faceted power (i.e., its cultural, media, political and eco-
nomic power). ..."
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (online first), 12.2020, 34 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

Jihadism after the ‘Caliphate’: towards a new typology
Anne Stenersen
In: British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 47, Issue 5 (12.2020), S. 774-793.
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> Erdölpolitik / Energiewirtschaft (MENA-Region)

The Energy Transition in the Middle East: The Outlook for 2040
Joshua Yaphe
NCUSAR, 23.12.2020, 13 S.

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                                                                                                      Seite 25 von 26
> Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (allg./global)

The impact of COVID-19 on the eradication of poverty: an incorrect diagnosis
Crelis F. Rammelt
"The COVID-19 pandemic is said to have reversed a decade of progress towards poverty alleviation.
This opinion piece contends that this diagnosis is incomplete and possibly incorrect. ..."
In: Third World Quarterly (online first), 01.2021, 7 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

The COVID-19 Pandemic, International Cooperation, and Populism
Jon C.W. Pevehouse
In: International Organization (online first), 12.2020, 22 S.
Abstract und Download für SWP:

The Politics of Pandemic Othering: Putting COVID-19 in Global and Historical Context
Kim Yi Dionne, Fulya Felicity Turkmen
In: International Organization (online first), 12.2020, 18 S.
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