Metabolomic biomarkers of polycystic ovary syndrome related-obesity: a review of the literature - Sciendo
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Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 241 Review DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2020-0017 Metabolomic biomarkers of polycystic ovary syndrome related-obesity: a review of the literature Camelia Larisa Vonica1,2#, Anca Daniela Farcas3#, Gabriela Roman1, Andrada Alina Muresan1, Adriana Fodor1*, Simona Cernea4,5,Carmen Emanuela Georgescu2 1. "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy , 6th Department of Medical specialities, Diabetes and Nutrition Diseases, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2. "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 6th Department of Medical specialities Endocrinology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3.“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Cardiology and Internal Medicine I, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 4. Faculty of Medicine/Department M4, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of TarguMures, Targu Mures, Romania 5 Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Outpatient Unit, Emergency County Clinical Hospital, Targu Mures, Romania Abstract Background and objectives: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) displays a phenotype-dependent cardio-metabolic risk. By performing a systematic search of the literature, we aimed to summarize metabolomic signatures associat- ed with obesity in PCOS women. Data sources and study eligibility criteria: We conducted a comprehensive search including: Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science until 31st of May 2019. We used the terms: metabolomics and polycystic ovary syndrome. We excluded the following papers: animal studies, studies that included only lean PCOS women, reviews, meta-analyses, results of interventional studies, those that did not apply metabolomic techniques. Results: The lipid signature in obese women with PCOS showed increased levels of free fatty acids (carnitine, adipic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid) and lower levels of lysophosphatidylcholines and glycerolphosphocholine compared with non-obese PCOS women. Regarding carbohydrate metabolism, a decrease in citric and lactic acid levels characterized obese PCOS women. Decreased lactic acid in obese PCOS women suggests augmented insulin stimulated glucose muscle use in lean, but not in obese women. Considering amino acid metabolomic markers, valine, glycine, serine, threonine, isoleucine and lysine were higher in obese PCOS women. Patients with visceral *Corresponding author: Adriana Fodor, “Iuiu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy , 6th Department of Medical specialities, Diabetes and Nutrition Diseases, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail: # Authors with equal contribution
242 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 obesity presented a diminished uptake of essential amino acids, BCAA, leucine and serine in the skeletal muscle. α-ketoglutarate was significantly higher in obese women with PCOS in comparison with lean women with PCOS, distinguishing these 2 subgroups of PCOS with high ‘predictive accuracy’. Limitations: Overall, a small number of studies have focused on the impact of obesity on the metabolic fingerprints of PCOS women. There is need for properly controlled, high-quality studies. Conclusions: There is compelling evidence of significant alterations in carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism in women with PCOS and obesity. Metabolomics may identify new metabolic pathways involved in PCOS and improve our understanding of the complex relation between PCOS and obesity in order to personalize PCOS therapy. Keywords: untargeted metabolomics, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, biomarkers, targeted metabolomics Received: 9th December 2019; Accepted: 13th February 2020; Published: 24th February 2020 Introduction lism, hormone biosynthesis, medical therapies, and assisted reproduction outcomes (6-10). Rationale and background Objectives: By performing a systematic search Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heter- of the literature, we aimed to summarize me- ogenous disease affecting between 6 to 20% of tabolomic pathways and biomarkers associated women at reproductive age, with a variable with obesity in women with PCOS. cardio-metabolic risk (1). Obesity and insulin resistance (IR) are probably the most common Analytical Techniques in Metabolomics (about 50%, and 70% respectively) and import- Metabolomics is a bio-analytical technique used ant features of PCOS (2, 3). However, they are for the identification and quantification of metab- not part of the diagnostic criteria (2, 3). Andro- olites in various biological samples, that allows gen excess, IR and obesity, mainly the android the characterization of the individual metabolo- phenotype, variably contribute to chronic low- mic fingerprint. This technique is also used to grade inflammation and cardio-metabolic risk in decipher the complex metabolic fluctuations that obese PCOS women (1). A recent meta-analysis which included 29 studies showed that women occur in various clinical conditions (11). The use with PCOS are at higher risk of developing ob- of mass spectrometry (MS)-based techniques for stetrical complications like miscarriages, preg- metabolomics analysis shows high sensitivity, es- nancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabe- pecially when MS is used as liquid chromatogra- tes mellitus, large-for-gestational-age babies and phy (LC) (LC-MS) (12). This type of metabolom- preterm birth (4). ics analysis allows quantitative assessment in the Up-to-date research is progressively focusing on picomolar ranges (12). Easy sample preparation the discovery of innovative biomarkers to bet- and reproducibility favor the use of nuclear mag- ter understand the metabolic changes in PCOS. netic resonance (NMR) as an analytical method. (5) A step forward was made in recent years by (13). NMR is a spectroscopic technique used for metabolomics technology, aiming to identify metabolomics determination. Its principles are metabolites that represent chemical fingerprints based on the fact that atomic nuclei have magnet- of various metabolic pathways relevant for the ic properties and their behavior in a magnetic field pathogenesis of PCOS. Metabolomic profiling in offers information about the molecule regarding PCOS has made its first steps in the early 2012, its structural and chemical properties (13). with few studies that focused on characterization Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC- of the metabolomic signature of lipid metabo- MS) is a double component system that uses GC
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 243 to separate volatile mixtures of compounds, and After excluding duplicates, two independent re- concomitantly uses MS to detect the eluted com- viewers selected eligible articles by reading ti- pounds. GC-MS has a high sensitivity (picomo- tles and abstracts of the remaining articles. Full- lar range versus micromolar range for NMR) for text copies of articles considered eligible in this identifying different types of metabolites like or- step of the review were evaluated by the two au- ganic acids, amino acids, aromatic amines, fatty thors for inclusion and exclusion criteria. A third acids, and sugars (12). reviewer participated in this process in order to There are two types of metabolomic analyses: make an objective decision whenever a disagree- targeted, which identifies and quantifies selected ment surfaced between them. metabolites from a biological sample, and un- targeted, which measures all the metabolites in Inclusion and exclusion criteria a biological sample. However, the second type We included all cross-sectional studies, observa- emerges as a useful tool in detecting new bio- tional studies, and baseline results of interven- markers of diagnosis and prognosis (12). Never- tional trials that were performed in adult (> 18 theless, before translating a potential metabolite years of age) females with PCOS and in whom biomarker into clinical use, additional validation PCOS was diagnosed by Rotterdam criteria. studies are required (14). We excluded studies published in languages oth- er than English, commentaries/personal opin- Methods ions, review articles, meta-analyses and book chapters, studies which enrolled children or ad- In order to achieve the objectives of this review, olescents, in vitro or in vivo animal studies, in- we designed a protocol following the Preferred cluded only lean PCOS women, did not apply Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and metabolomic techniques. Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol (15). Data extraction and synthesis Literature search After the selection process, data were extracted We conducted a comprehensive search includ- by two independent reviewers following an ex- ing: Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science until cel extraction form. We extracted the following 31st of May 2019; using the search terms: me- information: author, year of publication, study tabolomics and polycystic ovary syndrome. An design, sample size, type of study design, selec- example of the search query used in one of the tion criteria, type of metabolomic technique used databases is provided below: (i.e. NMR or MS), type of sample used (urine, ((“metabolomics”[MeSH Terms] OR “metab- blood, saliva, follicular fluid), and a list of me- olomics”[All Fields]) AND (“polycystic ovary tabolites identified to be altered in obese PCOS syndrome”[MeSH Terms] OR (“polycystic”[All women versus lean PCOS/ obese controls/ lean Fields] AND “ovary”[All Fields] AND “syn- controls (Tables 1 and 2). drome”[All Fields]) OR “polycystic ovary syn- drome”[All Fields]) AND (“0001/01/01”[PDAT] Outcome measures : “2019/05/31”[PDAT])) The main outcome measures of included studies We aimed to identify all relevant studies re- in the systematic review were: gardless of publication status (published, un- • Carbohydrate metabolism in obese PCOS published, in press, or in progress). This initial • Lipid metabolism in PCOS in relation to search yielded 213 articles (Figure 1). obesity
244 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 Fig. 1. A flow chart summarizing the selection process • Amino acid metabolisms in PCOS and obe- servational studies we used Methodological in- sity dex for non-randomized studies; all studies with • Alterations of the tricarboxylic acid cycle a score of ≥ 12 were included in this review (16). (TCA) metabolism in obese PCOS women Regarding randomized clinical trials, we as- • Steroid metabolites profiling in patients with sessed the risk of bias by using the Cochrane risk PCOS and obesity. of bias tool (17). We included only the random- ized clinical trials graded as fair or good quality. Quality assessment and risk of bias As for cross-sectional studies, the Quality As- In order to assess quality of the prospective ob- sessment Tool of the National Heart, Lung, and
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 245 Blood Institute was used (18). We included only tribute to the progressive obesity that commonly those graded as fair or good quality. accompanies PCOS (24). Results 2. The lipid signature in PCOS in relation to obesity Study selection By using a nontargeted metabolomics approach, The initial search of the above mentioned da- Zhao X. et al. found increased serum levels of tabases yielded 213 results. After we removed total free fatty acids (FFAs) in subjects with the duplicates, 94 underwent title and abstract PCOS when compared with control subjects, screening for the inclusion/exclusion criteria. particularly in overweight PCOS (25). The in- Subsequently, 55 articles underwent full-text creased levels of circulating FFAs may in turn review, and 46 were excluded because they did contribute to adverse metabolic traits of PCOS, not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria, due to including IR, type 2 diabetes mellitus, arterial quality issues, did not apply metabolomics or hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc. (26, 27). When included only lean PCOS women. Thus, we in- the authors looked at the FFAs pattern, they cluded 9 studies in this systematic review (Fig- found a percentage increase in monounsaturated ure 1). fatty acid (MUFA) and percentage decrease in saturated fatty acid (SFA) in both lean and over- 1. Carbohydrate metabolism in obese PCOS weight PCOS (25). However, the ratio of MUFA GC-MS-based metabolomics conducted by Es- to SFA species, as a measure of stearoyl-CoA de- cobar-Morreale et al. and recently by Troisi et al. saturase activity (SCD) (28), increased signifi- identified increased levels of lactic acid in lean cantly more in obese compared with lean PCOS and overweight PCOS women and decreased patients. The SCD activity was previously re- levels in obese PCOS women, suggesting an ported to be closely related to cholesterol intake, augmented muscle insulin-stimulated glucose hormonal imbalance, body adiposity, etc. (29- use in lean, but not obese women with PCOS 31). Also, increased SCD activity has been as- (19, 20). This difference may indicate that IR sociated with increased risk of cardiometabolic might be more severe and extensive in obese pa- diseases, neurological diseases and cancer (28, tients (19, 20). 31, 32). Consequently, altered FFAs metabolism A diminished ability to switch from carbohy- involving increased SCD activity may be closely drate or protein to lipid use in periods of fast- related to PCOS comorbidities. ing, including overnight fast, has been reported Likewise, differences between subgroups in re- as a metabolic defect associated with obesity, lation to obesity were recorded with regards to IR and PCOS (21, 22, 23). It was reported that lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC) (25). LPC are upon stimulation with 75 g of oral glucose after a class of phospholipids that may induce an in- an overnight fast, there is a decrease in pyru- flammatory response, but also play an important vate, alanine, lactate, and acetate levels and an role in glucose metabolism and contribute to IR increase in fructose and glucose levels in PCOS (33, 34). Several authors reported a plasma long- patients compared with healthy subjects (24). chain fatty acids (linoleic, oleic acid, glycerol) In conclusion, women with PCOS may exhibit excess in overweight/obese patients with PCOS, a diminished ability to switch from glucose or as well as increased levels of oleic and palmi- amino acid to lipid oxidation during fasting pe- toleic acid in obese women, irrespective of the riods. This metabolic inflexibility seems to con- presence of PCOS (19, 20, 35). They demon-
Table 1. The main characteristics of included studies. 246 Group Study Type of Study de- Obese Metabolomics sign N subgroups Sample Inclusion Exclusion compared Zhao X. et cc. UHPLC Q-TOF 77 PCOS and 54 age Overweight plasma Rotterdam crite- all other diagnoses have al (2014) MS and BMI matched co. PCOS vs. ria diagnosis been excluded lean PCOS Zhao Y. et cc. 1H NMR and 217 PCOS and 48 Obese PCOS plasma Rotterdam crite- all other diagnoses have al (2012) GC/TOF-MS healthy co. vs. lean ria diagnosis been excluded, diabetes PCOS mellitus and cardiovascular disease Zhao H. et cc. GC/MS; HPLC- 125 PCOS and 139 Obese PCOS folicular Rotterdam crite- all other diagnoses have al (2015) MS/MS healthy age matched vs. lean fluid ria diagnosis been excluded diabetes co. PCOS mellitus, and cardiovascular disease; insulin-lowering drugs Sun et al cc. 1H NMR 34 PCOS and 36 co. Obese PCOS plasma Rotterdam crite- all other diagnoses have (2012) matched ages and vs. obese ria diagnosis been excluded similar average BMI controls Wang W. et cc. Triple TOF fitted 22 PCOS and 15 obese PCOS urine Rotterdam crite- hypertension, cardiovascu- al. (2015) with UPLC–MS/ healthy co. vs. obese ria diagnosis lar pathologies MS controls or diabetes mellitus. Escobar- cc. GC-MS coupled 36 PCOS and 39 Obese PCOS plasma presence of Arterial hypertension, Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 Morreale et to a quadrupole co. matched for age, vs. obese clinical and/or diabetes mellitus, or cardio- al. (2012) HP5973 mass BMI, and frequency controls biochemical hy- vascular events. Medication spectrometric of obesity. perandrogenism, use that might interfere with detector oligoovulation, metabolism. and exclusion of secondary etiolo- gies as reported (table continued on page 7)
Table 1 (continued from page 6) Group Study Type of Me- Study de- Obese sub- tabolomics sign N groups com- Sample Inclusion Exclusion pared Chang et al. cc. LC TOF- 20 obese PCOS and 18 - plasma Rotterdam crite- diabetes mellitus or arterial (2017) MS obese co. ria diagnosis hypertension, smoker, treat- ment for PCOS or blood pressure, insulin sensitizers. Halama et cc. QTRAP 12 PCOS and 10 co. Overweight plasma Rotterdam crite- prediabetes al. (2019) R /Triple matched for age and PCOS vs. ria diagnosis QuadTM BMI overweight 4500 LC- controls MS/MS system Troisi J. et cc. GC-MS 15 PCOS and 15 co. Overweight plasma diagnosis of drugs that affect insulin sen- al (2019) matched for age, BMI, PCOS vs. lean PCOS using Eu- sitivity before enrollment. and frequency of obesity. controls ropean Society of Human Re- production and Embryology criteria Index: Met.-Metabolomics; cc.- case control; PCOS- polycystic ovary syndrome; co-controls; BMI- body mass index; LC TOF-MS - liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 spectrometry; UPLC–MS/MS – ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry; 1H NMR- 1H nuclear magnetic resonance; GC/TOF-MS - gas chro- matography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry; Q-TOF MS- quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. 247
248 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 Table 2. The metabolites identified in obese PCOS women vs. lean PCOS women or obese controls. Authors Compared groups Metabolite Tendency Signaled pathway Zhao X. et al Overweight PCOS vs. 2014 lean PCOS Carnitine C18:1 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 16:1 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 18:1 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 20:3 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 20:4 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 20:5 ↑ Lipid metabolism FFA 22:5 ↑ Lipid metabolism LPC 18:1 ↓ Lipid metabolism LPC 18:2 ↓ Lipid metabolism LPC 20:5 ↓ Lipid metabolism Gly.Phe ↑ AAA metabolism Phenylalanine ↑ AAA metabolism Phe−Phe ↑ AAA metabolism Zhao Y. et al Obese PCOS vs. lean Valine ↑ AA metabolism 2012 PCOS Glycine ↑ AA metabolism Serine ↑ AA metabolism Threonine ↑ AA metabolism Zhao H. et al Obese PCOS vs. lean α- ketoglutarate ↑ Carbohydrate metabolism 2015 PCOS Valine ↑ BCAA metabolism Leucine ↑ BCAA metabolism Sun L. et al Obese PCOS vs. Citrate ↓ Carbohydrate metabolism 2012 obese controls Glycerophosphocholine/ ↓ Lipid metabolism phosphocholine Sun L. et al Obese PCOS vs. Citrate ↓ Carbohydrate metabolism 2012 obese controls Glycerophosphocholine/ ↓ Lipid metabolism phosphocholine Leucine ↓ BCAA metabolism Wang W. et al Obese PCOS vs. Cortolone-3-glucuronide ↑ Lipid metabolism 2015 obese controls Tetrahydroaldoste- ↑ Lipid metabolism rone-3-glucuronide Testosterone glucuronide ↑ Steroid metabolism Escobar-Mor- Obese PCOS vs. reale H. et al Lactic acid ↓ Carbohydrate metabolism obese controls 2012 Adipic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism (table continued on page 9)
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 249 (table continued from page 8) Authors Compared groups Metabolite Tendency Signaled pathway Glyceric acid ↑ Lipid metabolism Glycerol ↑ Lipid metabolism Linoleic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism Oleic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism Chang Y. et al Obese PCOS vs. Linoleic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism 2017 obese controls Lysine ↑ AA metabolism α-aminoadipic acid ↑ AA metabolism Tyrosine ↑ AAA metabolism Valine ↑ BCAA metabolism Isoleucine ↑ BCAA metabolism Leucine ↑ BCAA metabolism Halama et al. Overweight PCOS vs. Leucine/Isoleucine ↑ AA metabolism 2019 overweight controls Glutamate ↑ AA metabolism Methionine ↑ AA metabolism Ornithine ↑ AA metabolism Phenylalanine ↑ AA metabolism Tyrosine ↑ AA metabolism Proline ↑ AA metabolism Troisi J. et al Overweight PCOS vs. Lactic acid ↑ Carbohydrate metabolism 2019 lean controls Glucose ↑ Carbohydrate metabolism Linoleic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism Palmitic acid ↑ Lipid metabolism Glyceric acid ↓ Lipid metabolism Valine ↑ TCA Phenylalanine ↑ TCA Glutamine ↓ TCA Arginine ↓ TCA Citric acid ↓ TCA Choline ↓ TCA Ketoisocapric acid ↑ AA metabolism Creatinine ↓ AA metabolism Index: PCOS- polycystic ovary syndrome; FFA- free fatty acid; Gly.Phe - Glycyl-L-phenylalanine Phe−Phe- Di-L-phenylalanine; LPC – ly- sophosphatidylcholine, AA- amino acid, AAA- Aromatic amino acids, BCAA - Branched chain amino acids, Tricarboxylic acid cycle -TCA.
250 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 strated that obese patients with PCOS had a keto-acids appear to represent the most sensi- different profile of FFA metabolites suggestive tive signature of obesity (40). In contrast, Sun of increased lipolysis compared with non-obese et al. showed that plasma leucine levels where women with PCOS, who demonstrated suppres- decreased in the obese PCOS subgroup when sion of lipolysis. Accelerated lipolysis is possibly compared with non-obese PCOS women (26). due to impaired insulin action in adipose tissue Also, leucine uptake differs throughout the fol- (19). Nonetheless, this vicious circle further pro- licle development, but metabolomics studies motes IR when PCOS is associated with obesity involving lean PCOS and lean controls showed (36). This triad of metabolic impairments is fur- no differences between groups regarding leucine ther linked to metabolic syndrome and non-alco- (40). Leucine regulation of granulosa cell metab- holic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (37). olism is important for understanding the role of Moreover, two studies showed that subjects environmental substrates, such as dietary leucine with PCOS have a pro-atherogenic lipid profile intake from protein rich foods in fertility regula- characterized by higher levels of triglycerides tion. Studies performed on mice showed that in- and LDL-cholesterol (LDL), and lower levels of creased follicular influx of leucine increased fol- HDL-cholesterol (HDL) (26, 38). licular maturation. This is mediated via mTOR signaling activation (40). Also, leucine has been 3. Amino acid metabolisms in PCOS and obe- shown to reduce insulin resistance via the same sity mTOR pathway activation (40). Thus, increas- Chang et al. compared obese PCOS women with ing dietary leucine intake could improve insulin age- and BMI-matched controls without PCOS sensitivity and restore many metabolic abnor- (35). They observed higher concentrations of malities. branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), essential Altogether, the high variability of metabolomic amino acids, and lysine metabolite α-amino-ac- signatures may, in fact, reflect the phenotypic ids (AA) in obese PCOS compared with control heterogeneity of PCOS (27). This disorder can obese patients. The authors suggest that IR, but have a mild presentation in some individuals, not obesity or hyperandrogenism is responsible mainly in lean women, while in others, partic- for the metabolic changes in PCOS (35). On the ularly in obese women, a severe disturbance of other hand, Zhao et al. also showed that the lev- endocrine and metabolic functions may occur els of valine and leucine were significantly in- (38). Due to this fact it is difficult to provide a creased in the obese subgroup of women with unique metabolomic fingerprint to characterize PCOS compared with non-obese PCOS women, PCOS. while isoleucine and intermediates of BCAA Moreover, Zhao Y. et al. found that the de- catabolism did not differ between the two sub- creased ratio of BCAA to aromatic AA (AAA) groups (27). was directly correlated with the development When the metabolomic pattern of visceral and of PCOS (38). This ratio was not influenced by subcutaneous adipose tissue samples was ana- obesity, nor by IR. However, serum levels of ser- lyzed in non-obese and obese subjects, patients ine and threonine, but also valine and glycine, with visceral obesity presented a diminished up- were closely correlated with both IR and obesi- take of essential amino acids, BCAA, leucine, ty (38). Increased glycolysis may represent the and serine. Furthermore, these metabolic alter- key factor for increased serine serum levels in ations appeared before any significant clinical anovulatory PCOS patients. Specifically, ovula- onset (39). Nevertheless, plasma branched-chain tory PCOS subtypes had reduced concentrations
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 251 of serine and threonine, presumably because of mate, ornithine, tyrosine, methionine, proline, the negative correlations of serine and threonine phenylalanine, and leucine/isoleucine. However, with obesity and IR. The decreased BCAA/AAA the authors demonstrated the positive impact of ratio in anovulatory patients was strongly related exercise on these metabolic alterations. After 8 to the severity of the PCOS phenotypes, with the weeks of supervised physical exercises, the lev- highest values in phenotype A (menstrual disor- els of amino acids that were increased at base- der + clinical and/or biochemical hyperandro- line did not differ between PCOS and controls, genism + polycystic ovaries) and lowest values despite no weight changes in both groups (44). in phenotype D (clinical and/or biochemical hy- perandrogenism + polycystic ovaries) (38). Con- 4. Alterations of the tricarboxylic acid cycle sequently, this ratio may be considered the hall- (TCA) metabolism in obese PCOS women mark of metabolic heterogeneity associated with Under fasting conditions, fatty acids, BCAA, PCOS (38). Increased levels of valine and de- and AAA are degraded to acetyl-CoA, which creased levels of glycine progressively changed serves as a substrate in the tricarboxylic acid as insulin sensitivity decreased in PCOS wom- (TCA) cycle. The metabolite α-ketoglutarate en compared with controls (43). Low levels of (also known as 2-oxoglutarate, 2-ketoglutaric glycine downregulate adiponectin levels, which acid, or oxoglutaric acid) is a key intermediate increases inflammation observed in PCOS (43). of TCA cycle. Zhao H. et al. showed that α-ke- AAA levels and BCAA/AAA ratio changes were toglutarate was significantly higher in the fol- not induced by IR and obesity, but were strongly licular fluid from obese women with PCOS in associated with PCOS severity (38). From this comparison with lean women with PCOS (27). point of view, decreased BCAA/AAA ratio may Plasma α-ketoglutarate was reported to be also play an important role in the development of associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease PCOS (38). (NAFLD), a condition frequently associated Zhao X. et al. found increased levels of glycat- with obesity (45). ed phenylalanine in PCOS women as a conse- Nonetheless, obese women with PCOS had quence of accumulation of advanced glycation a lower concentration of serum citrate versus end products due to altered glucose and hormone non-obese patients (26). The decrease in citrate metabolism (25). Moreover, the authors includ- seems to be due to mitochondrial metabolism ed glycated phenylalanine into a combined me- remodeling during adipocyte hypertrophy (26). tabolite biomarker, together with dihydrotestos- However, this process could be an adaptation to terone sulfate, uridine and FFA 18:1/FFA 18:0, prevent excessive influx of carbon into the Krebs FFA 20:3, which showed good sensitivity and cycle, reconfirming that during obesity there is specificity in PCOS screening (25). The valida- a metabolic shift from energy provision to lip- tion process of this combination of biomarkers id storage. High levels of succinate, malate, and offered a 0.874 AUC and even higher for lean oxaloacetate and low levels of cis-aconitate in PCOS women (0.906 AUC) (24). These metabo- the follicular fluid of women with classic PCOS lites could provide a deeper insight in the patho- can decrease the mitochondrial biogenesis in the genesis of PCOS (24). cumulus cells, but also can affect the develop- Recent studies also show increased levels of mental potential of oocytes (27, 33). amino acids in obese women with PCOS when Moreover, Troisi et al. identified several other compared with metabolically healthy obese. metabolites related to TCA cycle with altered These changes involve amino acids like gluta- concentrations: citric acid, glutamine, choline,
252 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 and arginine were decreased, but valine and phe- number of articles included is low. This is due nylalanine were increased (20). These modifica- to the small number of studies overall that have tions are also associated with oocyte maturation focused on the topic chosen. Metabolomics is a and insulin resistance (45, 46). new field to be discovered in different diseases in order to better understand their mechanism and 5. Steroid metabolites profiling in patients with act accordingly. From this point of view there PCOS and obesity is need for high-quality studies, properly con- Wang et al. identified 3 urinary metabolites that trolled for potential confounders (i.e. obesity, in- were increased in obese PCOS women compared sulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, etc.) and with with the obese control group: cortolone-3-glu- longer follow-up period. curonide, tetrahydroaldosterone-3-glucuronide, and testosterone glucuronide (37). Of these, Conclusions cortolone-3-glucuronide and tetrahydroaldoste- There is compelling evidence of significant al- rone-3-glucuronide correlated positively to obe- terations in carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid sity and triglycerides (37). Apparently, increased metabolism among women with obesity-asso- levels of these two metabolites are caused by ciated PCOS. Due to its phenotypic and patho- altered glucuronidation, which occurs primarily physiological heterogeneity, there is no typical in the liver. Moreover, both obesity and hypertri- metabolomic profile or single biomarker to pre- glyceridemia are associated with increased lev- dict PCOS. However, further metabolomic stud- els of circulating FFAs and increased prevalence ies may provide crucial steps in identifying the of NAFLD, which could further increase the ex- metabolic pathways involved in PCOS. pression of the first two metabolites mentioned (48). Abbreviations The best single hormonal marker, elevated in AA - amino-acids 86% of the women with PCOS, is testosterone AAA - aromatic AA glucuronide (37). Unlike plasma testosterone, BCAA - branched-chain amino acids urinary testosterone glucuronide is mostly inde- BMI - body mass index pendent of its short-term of circadian changes in FFAs - free fatty acids the blood and it could be used as an indicator of GC-MS - gas chromatography-mass spectrome- androgen excess. Besides this, elevated testos- try terone glucuronide excretion and decreased uri- HDL - High density lipoproteins - cholesterol nary 11α-hydroxyprogesterone were confirmed IR - insulin resistance and validated as urinary biomarkers in patients LC - liquid chromatography with PCOS (37). LDL - Low density lipoproteins-cholesterol LPC - lysophosphatidylcholines Strengths and limitations MS - mass spectrometry To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sys- NAFLD - non-alcoholic fatty liver disease tematic review to assess the impact of obesity NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance on the metabolic fingerprints of PCOS women PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome compared with controls. Even if we performed TCA - tricarboxylic acid a comprehensive search of the literature, the WHO - World Health Organization
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 28, Nr. 3, Iulie, 2020 253 Authors contributions C, Daykin C et al. Lipidomic analysis of plasma sam- ples from women with polycystic ovary syndrome Me- Conceived and designed the review: CLV; Per- tabolomics. 2015;11(3):657-66. DOI: 10.1007/s11306- formed the search of articles: GR; AAM; Read 014-0726-y all the articles and applied the exclusion crite- 7. Dong F, Deng D, Chen H, Cheng W, Li Q, Luo R et ria: AF; Substantial contribution to interpreta- al. Serum metabolomics study of polycystic ovary tion of data: SC; Gathered the information and syndrome based on UPLC-QTOF-MS coupled with valid biomarkers from the articles: ADF; Wrote a pattern recognition approach. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2015 Jun;407(16):4683-95 DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015- the manuscript: CLV, CEG. All authors critically 8670-x revised the manuscript for important intellectu- 8. Vonica CL, Fodor A, Roman G, Mureasan AA, Farcas al content, approved the final the version to be AD, Inceu GV, et al. Metabolic Analysis in Women submitted and agreed to be accountable for the with Polycystic Ovary Highlight Specific Biomark- content of the manuscript. ers of Insulin Resistance. Rev.Chim.(Bucharest). 2019;70(10):3644-8 DOI: 10.37358/RC.19.10.7613 Conflict of interest 9. Bellver J, De Los Santos MJ, Alamá P, Castelló D, Privitera L, Galliano D et al. Day-3 embryo metabo- The authors report no conflict of interest related lomics in the spent culture media is altered in obese to the development of the present manuscript. women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril. 2015 Jun;103(6):1407-15.e1 DOI: 10.1016/j.fertn- References stert.2015.03.015 10. Vonica CL, Ilie IR, Socaciu C, Moraru C, Geor- 1. Conway G, Dewailly D, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Es- gescu B, Farcaş A et al. Lipidomics biomarkers in cobar-Morreale HF, Franks S, Gambineri A et al. The women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) polycystic ovary syndrome: a position statement from using ultra-high performance liquid chromatogra- the European Society of Endocrinology. European phy-quadrupole time of flight electrospray in a pos- Journal of Endocrinology 2014; 4 1-29. DOI: 10.1530/ itive ionization mode mass spectrometry. Scand EJE-14-0253 J Clin Lab Invest. 2019 Oct;79(6):437-42. DOI: 2. Wang R, Mol BW. The Rotterdam criteria for poly- 10.1080/00365513.2019.1658215 cystic ovary syndrome: evidence-based criteria? Hum 11. Johnson CH, Ivanisevic J, Siuzdak G. Metabolomics: Reprod. 2017 Feb; 32(2):261-4. DOI: 10.1093/humrep/ beyond biomarkers and towards mechanisms. Nat Rev dew287 Mol Cell Biol. 2016 Jul;17(7):451-9. DOI: 10.1038/ 3. Gambineri A, Pelusi C, Vicennati V, Pagotto U, Pasqua- nrm.2016.25 li R. Obesity and the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Int J 12. Kosmides AK, Kamisoglu K, Calvano SE, Cor- Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Jul;26(7):883-96. DOI: bett SA, Androulakis IP. Metabolomic Fingerprint- 10.1038/sj.ijo.0801994 ing: Challenges and Opportunities. Crit Rev Biomed 4. Sha, T, Wang X, Cheng W, Yan Y. A meta-analysis Eng. 2013;41(3):205-21. DOI: 10.1615/CritRevBio- of pregnancy-related outcomes and complications in medEng.2013007736 women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing 13. Zhou B, Feng Xiao J, Tuli L. LC-MS-based metabo- IVF. Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Aug;39(2):281-93. lomics. Mol Biosyst. 2012 Feb; 8(2): 470-81. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2019.03.203 10.1039/C1MB05350G 5. De Leo V, Musacchio MC, Cappelli V, Massaro MG, 14. Lee K-M, Jeon J-Y, Lee B-J, Lee H, Choi H-K. Ap- Morgante G, Petraglia F. Genetic, hormonal and met- plication of Metabolomics to Quality Control of Nat- abolic aspects of PCOS: an update. Reprod Biol En- ural Product Derived Medicines. Biomol Ther (Seoul). docrinol. 2016 Jul 16;14(1):38. DOI: 10.1186/s12958- 2017;25(6):559-68. DOI: 10.4062/biomolther.2016.249 016-0173-x 15. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, Group 6. Haoula Z, Ravipati S, Stekel DJ, Ortori CA, Hodgman P. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews
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