February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel

Page created by Marion Cook
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
February 2021
         Shevat ~ Adar 5781

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                                                             Congregation Beth Israel
                                                  A spiritual oasis for the Jewish community!

6 Dundee Park
Suite 301
Andover, MA 01810

PH: 978.474.0540
FX: 978.474.1915

   Congregation Beth Israel
 Where the old is made new,
    and the new, holy.                     Moving? Email change? Please inform us of your new address.

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel                                   Page 1
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
By Rabbi Howard Mandell

 “If I am not for myself, who will be? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?”

     With all of us having, at times, to decide how to allocate our time and other precious resources, I find that I am
frequently either asking this question of myself or offering it as a response to a congregant, family member, or friend.
       With the unique challenge posed by the Covid-19 pandemic this past year in our country, Hillel’s question has
become as profound and relevant in a societal context as it has consistently been in a personal or individual one.
      Purporting to invoke the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, millions of Americans, this past
year, have refused to wear masks and socially distance, despite the clear and unequivocal medical and scientific
evidence demonstrating that both are highly effective ways to limit the spread of the contagious Covid-19 virus. Follow-
ing the constitutional arguments made by those opposed to submitting to the measle vaccine, a significant percentage of
the U.S. population have indicated, moreover, that they will not submit to the Covid-19 vaccine, when it is available,
even if their refusal to do so will make overcoming the spread and limiting the morbidity and mortality of the virus far
more difficult.
     It is not my intent in this article to engage in a debate on the constitutional questions raised by the mask and socially
distancing protesters and the “anti-vaxxers,” but to instead examine how the Jewish Tradition has historically weighed
and balanced the rights of the individual with the best interest of the community as a whole. Fortunately, this exact
question is addressed by one of the Jewish community’s most respected scholars, authors and humanitarians, Rabbi Lord
Jonathan Sacks, z.l., in his most recent book, “Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times.”
       Rabbi Sacks opens his discussion from the perspective of the humanitarian person that he was, a person who
strongly believed in the biblical admonition that all human beings are created in “the image of the Divine” and are thus
entitled to be treated with respect and dignity at all times. Echoing a rationale similar to that offered by the “founding
fathers” of our own country in incorporating a “Bill of Rights” into the U.S. Constitution, Rabbi Sachs emphasizes, in
his book, that any ideology or political philosophy that sacrifices the dignity and value of the individual is to be con-
demned under the biblical standard of morality.
     At the same time, however, while repudiating any ideology that fails to respect and honor the dignity of each of
God’s children, Rabbi Sacks is also concerned with what he perceives to be western societies’ current fixation on the
individual—on the satisfaction of our own desires and the attainment of our own goals,” even if doing so harms and
tears the fabric of the society as a whole. Recognizing Judaism’s (as well as other faith traditions’) strong emphasis on
relationship—our being, first, in relationship, with the Divine (“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all of your might”), and, second, with other human beings (“You shall love your neighbor
like yourself”), Rabbi Sacks argues that it is in both the individual’s and society’s best interest, if we move from what he
calls the “I society” to the “we society,” a society in which the “common good” is paramount.
          Invoking the wisdom of the Jewish Tradition, Rabbi Sacks rejects the notion that the individual comes into this
world and/or best fulfills her/his/their potential as an “unencumbered self.” Our connectedness to others, far from being
an incidental fact about us humans, is integral to who we are, with the dignity of the individual and the centrality of the
common good being two sides of the same coin.
          That Judaism believes that we become our best by being in relationship with others, and not focusing only on
our own desires, is reflected in another teaching by Hillel, “Do not separate yourself from the community.”
        I will leave it to each of you to decide, for yourself, whether those claiming a right not to wear a mask in public or
to socially distance, and those deciding not to submit to taking the measles and/or Covid-19 vaccines, should be permit-
ted to do so, regardless of the impact of their actions on the “public good.”
      What I would like to offer is that, in addition to Judaism’s teaching that each of us benefits most, when we reach
out to and are in relationship with the Divine and with others in our synagogue and in the greater community, CBI will
be best able to fulfill its mission and vision, when as many of us, as possible, are willing to share and contribute our
respective wisdom, talents, and abilities. This relationship is truly a symbiotic, mutually beneficial one!

Please be safe! Please Wear a Mask and Socially Distance! Please Be Vaccinated!
Sending Prayers of Peace and Blessing!
Rabbi Mandell

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)       Congregation Beth Israel                                                 Page 2
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
By: Jeff Tye
Hey CBI-ers,

        Have you ever seen the TV show, “Undercover Boss”? The premise of the show is that a member of the leader-
ship team (frequently the CEO) of a good-sized company, and often with many branches, goes out to visit different
sites. The purpose of these visits is to see what’s really going on with the team members as they navigate their daily
duties and experiences. The key to getting truly honest feedback though is that the “boss” is in disguise, so hopefully
no one in the trenches will recognize the leader and thus the avenue for honest communication is opened. Most of the
time, the bosses find out that things in the field are not quite as rosy as the leadership thinks. With these candid, honest
communications, these leaders often find many things that can be corrected to help their company go from “striving” to

        As your CBI leadership, we obviously can’t put on a disguise (except on Purim!), in order to elicit feedback.
Sometimes, we get the feedback we need through periodic surveys distributed to our CBI family. Unfortunately, we
occasionally find that we asked the wrong questions and don’t get the information that was really needed. Sometimes
the surveys will be sent, but answers may not be returned except in “Jewish Standard Time”, if at all. Sometimes, you
may or may not get a timely phone call from Board members about upcoming events and didn’t notice something in the
weekly communications that Amy sends.

       With this in mind, we are embarking on an enthusiastic effort to set up several (Zoom) parlor meetings over the
next month or two in order to elicit your honest feedback. About 2 years ago, our strategic planning committee created
4 Key Value Statements around which we felt we should focus our attention. These are:

        1.) Provide a framework for congregants to experience a fulfilling, meaningful religious life.
        2.) Participate in the joy of helping others (Tikkun Olam).
        3.) Provide enriching social interactions.
        4.) Provide meaningful opportunities for personal Jewish learning and spiritual growth.

        As a congregation, are we meeting or exceeding your needs/wants, or could we be doing something better or
differently? What keeps you connected to CBI? Are there activities/events within our synagogue to which you feel
most attached or disconnected? Why? Are the communications you receive from CBI too few, too many or just right?
What does CBI look like to you several years from now? Are we “thriving” already or what will it take to get us to that
point? Our anticipation is that when the schedule is soon put forth, you, as an honorary Board member will attend a
session and provide YOUR honest answers to the above and other potential soul-searching questions. We truly want to
hear from each and every one of you, even though we won’t be in disguise!

         In the meantime, check out our CBI calendar to see what’s already in the works! Hopefully, you are joining us
(or joined us depending on when you receive the Feb. bulletin) for Shabbat Chai on Jan. 29, which will also feature a
special tribute to our own Amy Sherr. On Feb. 7, join Elaine Winic for a challah baking session. I guarantee you’ll
really be “rolling in dough”! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!) Beginning February 11, Rabbi Mandell, in conjunction with the
clergy of Temple Emanu-El of Haverhill, will be starting a multi session course on “Introduction to Judaism”. Join for
a few classes or hopefully all the classes and enrich your Jewish soul, no matter where your starting point is! (See the
syllabus and other information elsewhere in this bulletin.) Join CBI on Feb. 13 for an enjoyable movie night. In addi-
tion to all this, join us for Erev Purim on Feb. 25. (Details to follow.) Last but not least, join us for regular Shabbat
morning services each week at 9:30a.m. and an evening minyan on every other Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. Help
support those in mourning or observing a Yahrzeit and enjoy the camaraderie of your CBI family and stimulating Divrei
Torah and discussions. (Thursday night minyanim this month are Feb. 11 and 25.) Also, check out the plethora of other
Jewish activities and events from other organizations and agencies. Many of these links are sent out with the weekly
CBI message each Wednesday. (Zoom can also be a blessing, allowing us opportunities that wouldn’t always be availa-
ble to us.). Stay connected and stay informed, but most of all, “ENGAGE ON YOUR JEWISH JOURNEY”!

         L’Hitraot and “Make It So”.

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)      Congregation Beth Israel                                                Page 3
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
Upcoming programs and events:
Memorial Hall Library in Andover is hosting numerous community conversations about social justice as well as climate
change in the coming weeks. You can find more information, including a full list of the programs (too numerous to
include fully here) and register for all of the following programs by visiting www.mhl.org and clicking on events:

Courageous Conversations: The Injustice of This Moment is Not an Aberration
Wednesday, February 10 @7:00 pm
A facilitated virtual discussion hosted by Courageous Conversations, Haverhill Public Library and Memorial Hall Li-
brary. In advance of the event, attendees should watch Michelle Alexander's compelling 2013 talk, The future of race in
America: Michelle Alexander at TEDxColumbus. Her January 17, 2020 opinion piece in The New York Times revisits
the issues she raised in 2010 with The New Jim Crow and in 2013 at TEDxColumbus. The issues are persistent and
urgent, and according to Alexander, "From mass incarceration to mass deportation, our nation remains in deep denial.”

Building Up People, Not Prisons - Thursday, February 11 @7:00 pm
Join Families for Justice as Healing (FJAH) and New Beginnings Re-Entry Services for a panel discussion with directly
impacted women. FJAH is led by women impacted by incarceration, who will share their lived experiences, what's
happening inside our jails and prisons right now, and innovative strategies to create meaningful change like Participa-
tory Defense and Reimagining Communities. While Massachusetts has one of the lowest rates of incarcerating women
in the country, we spend more on incarceration per person than almost any other state. Our policy experts will discuss
current legislation and concrete, common sense steps toward decarceration that promote the wellbeing of women, our
families, and our communities.

Deep Delta Justice: A Virtual Conversation with Author Matthew Van Meter
Wednesday, February 17 @7:00 pm
Author and journalist, Matthew Van Meter will discuss his book, Deep Delta Justice: A Black Teen, His Lawyer, and
Their Groundbreaking Battle for Civil Rights in the South. In 1966 in a small town in Louisiana, a 19-year-old black
man named Gary Duncan pulled his car off the road to stop a fight. Duncan was arrested a few minutes later for the
crime of putting his hand on the arm of a white child. Rather than accepting his fate, Duncan found Richard Sobol, a
brilliant, 29-year-old lawyer from New York who was the only white attorney at "the most radical law firm" in New
Orleans. Against them stood one of the most powerful white supremacists in the South, a man called simply "The
Judge." In this powerful work of character-driven history, journalist Matthew Van Meter vividly brings alive how a
seemingly minor incident brought massive, systemic change to the criminal justice system. Using first-person
interviews, in-depth research and a deep knowledge of the law, Van Meter shows how Gary Duncan's insistence on
seeking justice empowered generations of defendants-disproportionately poor and black-to demand fair trials.
Duncan v. Louisiana changed American law, but first it changed the lives of those who litigated it.

Andover WECAN: Working to Educate for Climate Action Now: A Virtual Conversation with Author Judith
Schwartz - Thursday, February 25 @7:00pm
Andover WECAN: Working to Educate for Climate Action Now presents a virtual conversation with Judith D.
Schwartz, author of The Reindeer Chronicles, Cows Save the Planet, and Water in Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty
World. Judith D. Schwartz is an author who tells stories to explore and illuminate scientific concepts and cultural
nuance. She takes a clear-eyed look at global environmental, economic, and social challenges, and finds insights and
solutions in natural systems. She writes for numerous publications, including The American Prospect, The Guardian,
Discover, Scientific American, and YaleE360. Her latest book, The Reindeer Chronicles, is a global tour of earth repair,
featuring stops in Norway, Spain, Hawai’i, New Mexico, and beyond.

If you know of other programs of interest, of a community organization in need, or have an idea for a Social
Action initiative, please let us know!

Thank you for joining us in Tikkun Olam!

Amy Friedman Lee and Susannah Abbott, Co-Chairs
(amy-lee@comcast.net) (zaninandover@gmail.com)

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February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
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February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel   Page 6
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel   Page 7
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
The MARCH 2021                                     FAMILY FUNDS, TRUSTS,
                                                                  GIFTS & ENDOWMENTS
               Bulletin deadline is
                                                          We ask that you please consider ensuring
         Friday, February 19, 2021.                       Jewish continuity for generations to follow.

                                                          For information on how you can remember
           Send your articles to                          Congregation Beth Israel when preparing
     Newsletter@BethIsraelMV.org with                     your estate planning, please contact Amy
     “March Newsletter" as the subject.                   in the office, 978.474.0540.

                           Saturday, February 13 - Movie Night
                           Thursday, February 25 - Erev Purim
                           Thursday, April 8 - Yom HaShoah Event

                              B OAR D           OF        DIRECTORS
The CBI Board of Directors will meet on Monday, February 8 at 7:15pm for a regularly scheduled monthly
meeting. All Board Meetings are open to the membership. If you would like to attend, RSVP by no later than
Wednesday, 2/3 to Amy at 978.474.0540, amy@BethIsraelMV.org and the Zoom link will be provided.

At this time, all CBI events are held via Zoom, unless otherwise noted. Shabbat Morning Services at 9:30am
are held in person for a very limited number of attendees, and also on Zoom. Reservations to attend in
person MUST be made with Amy by Noon on Fridays.

                                       BIRTHDAYS - FEBRUARY 2021

                        Heather Dudley, 2/1                 Best wishes for many more
                         Howie Spector, 2/1               happy and healthy celebrations!
                         Sam Spector, 2/11
                         Dena Brody, 2/20
                        Rabbi Mandell, 2/21
                        Alan Friedman, 2/25
                        Beth Edelstein, 2/27

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel                                   Page 8
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
From                              To                       Occasion
Michelle & Larry Soll             Tina & Howie Spector      In honor of the engagement of Cassandra & Todd Alter
Alan & Debby Friedman             Amy Sherr                 In honor of being recognized by SCM as CBI’s Hero
Cindy & Burt Ochs                 Michelle Soll             Get well wishes
Jim Shainker                      Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Tina & Howie Spector              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Michelle & Larry Soll             Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Cantor Emily & Drew Pincus        Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Letitia and Jonathan Gonzalez     Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Caren Jacobson & Blair Roberts Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Caren Jacobson & Blair Roberts Rev. Irene Monroe            In appreciation
Jerry Golner                      Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Arlene & Phil Wizwer              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Sandra & Mark Dorros              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Elaine Winic                      Ellen Macklin             In memory of beloved husband, Lester Macklin
Elaine Winic                      Ann & Ruby Macklin        In memory of beloved father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Elaine Winic                      Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Caren Jacobson & Blair Roberts Yaffa Family                 In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Tina & Howie Spector              Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Robin & Mike Rose                 Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Robin & Mike Rose                 Cindy & Burt Ochs         In honor of the engagement of Stephen and Marsha Lyulyeva
Robin & Mike Rose                 Tina & Howie Spector      In honor of the engagement of Cassandra & Todd Alter
Robin & Mike Rose                 Faye & Rich Soll          In honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Fiona Willow Allen
Bob Macauley                      Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Jill Schoenberg                   Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
The Galler Family                 Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Michelle & Larry Soll                                       In appreciation of the Rev. Irene Monroe Program
Hillery & Daniel Bauman                                     In appreciation of the Rev. Irene Monroe Program
Kevin & Leah Macklin              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved grandfather, Lester Macklin
Tina & Howie Spector              Jill Aszling              Get well wishes
Alan & Debby Friedman             Albert Bernstein & Family In memory of beloved wife, mother, grandmother, Barbara Bernstein
Alan & Debby Friedman             Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Cynthia Cohen                     Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Barbara Brody                     Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Susan Haimowitz           Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Barbara & Stephen Low             Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Wendy & Joseph Katz               Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Marcia Sszymanski                                           In appreciation of the Rev. Irene Monroe Program
Charles & Ida Marget              Enid Simon                In memory of beloved husband, Jack
Charles & Ida Marget              Larry Birn                In memory of beloved wife, Susan
Lucille & Jerry Kort              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
The Mickelson Family              Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Shayna Jankell                    Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Samantha & Ryan Kunstadt          Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Jeff & Gayle Tye                  Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Jeff & Gayle Tye                  Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Terry Fetters                     Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Terry Fetters                     Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Rosalie & Gary Mauser                                       In appreciation of programming
Sharyn Russell                                              In appreciation of the Rev. Irene Monroe Program
Elinor Handel                     Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Jay & Phyllis Rothbart            Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Ellen & Jon Brody                 Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Ellen & Jon Brody                 Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Ellen & Jon Brody                 Jill Aszling              Get well wishes
Georgia & Cliff Weinstein         Ellen Macklin & Family In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Cheryl Rivers                     Yaffa Family              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa
Mary & Kevin McCarthy             Lee Yaffa & Family        In memory of beloved mother, grandmother, Phyllis Yaffa

                                                                                     Continued on page 10
  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)      Congregation Beth Israel                                                  Page 9
February 2021 Shevat Adar 5781 - Congregation Beth Israel
Continued from page 9

From                            To                       Occasion
Rebecca Fishbein and            Rabbi Mandell            In appreciation
 Mitch Guttentag
Shainker Family                 Henry Yaffa              In memory of beloved mother, grandmother
Shainker Family                 Jill Aszling             Get well wishes
Terry Fetters                   Rabbi Mandell            In appreciation
Roberta Hodsdon                 Ellen Macklin & Family   In memory of beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
Ann Macklin                     Rabbi Mandell            In appreciation

From                            To                               Occasion
Jeff & Gayle Tye                Jeanne Zeller                    In honor of Tu B’Shevat
Jeff & Gayle Tye                Les Tye                          In honor of Tu B’Shevat
Jeff & Gayle Tye                Dara Tye & Josh Goldberg         In honor of Tu B’Shevat
Jeff & Gayle Tye                Jordan & Rachel Tye              In honor of Tu B’Shevat
Jeff & Gayle Tye                David Tye                        In honor of Tu B’Shevat

Mourner                         Departed
Anita & Ken Adams               David Boruchin, Grandfather
Arlene Wizwer                   David Fiegleman, Father
Les Tye                         David L. Bronstein, Father-in-Law
Les Tye                         Aubrey Bronstein, Brother-in-Law
Debra Levasseur                 Edward Wiseman, Great-grandfather
Jill Brown                      Elaine, Craig & David Kaplan, Mother & Brothers
Alisa Himelfarb                 Nancy Berman, Beloved Mother
Rebecca Fishbein                Steven Fishbein, Brother
James Herscot                   Harry Herscot, Father
Natalie Greenblatt              Edward Greenblatt, Brother-in-Law
Alvin Lebowitz                  Lillian Lebowitz, Mother
Ida Marget                      Arthur Kallman, Father
Kenneth A. Wernick              Virginia Ciapciak, Sister
Beth Edelstein                  Elaine Jacobson Shapiro, Sister
Beth Edelstein                  Irving Jacobson, Father
Peter Edelstein                 Sylvia Edelstein, Mother
Gary & Linda Rogers             Sylvia Rogers, Mother
Les Tye                         Mel Tye, Son
Anita & Ken Adams               Gecheved Boruchin, Grandmother
Harvey Freedman                 Sam Cole, Stepfather
Elizabeth Ryan                  Julie Aronson, Sister
James Gill                      Rose Gill, Mother
Herbert Zarkin                  Dorothy Zarkin, Mother

                           May the memory of our loved ones always be for a blessing.

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)    Congregation Beth Israel                                                  Page 10
                                       ‫ רפואה שלימה‬- Refuah Shelamah
                                                   Jonathan Brody

                                      ‫ תודה רבה‬- Todah Rabah, Thank You
                                   Sue Nellhaus, for administrative support
                                Barbara Moverman, for administrative support
                   Rabbi Mandell, for leading Thursday Night Minyans and his teachings
         Jim Shainker, for publicizing CBI events during his L’Chaim radio show on WCAP 980AM

                                      ‫ ~ מזל טוב‬Mazel Tov, Congratulations
                              Alissa & Philip Onigman, on their move to Wakefield

                                      ‫ תנחומים‬- Tanchumim, Condolences
           Ellen Macklin, on the death of her beloved husband, father, grandfather, Lester Macklin
         Caroline, Eliot, Gerald, and Henry Yaffa, on the death of their beloved mother, Phyllis Yaffa
                 Cantor Vera Broekhuysen, on the death of her beloved nephew, Eric Medoff
                   Josh Goldberg, on the death of his beloved grandmother, Rose Goldberg

                              We mourn the death of CBI member, Lester Macklin.
                                  May his memory always be for a blessing.

                               We mourn the death of CBI member, Phyllis Yaffa.
                                  May her memory always be for a blessing.

                                        Rev. Irene Monroe
                  The Intersectionality of Racism, Oppression & Anti-Semitism
                          On January 10, CBI was fortunate to host Rev. Irene Monroe as we honored the
                          legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a nearly 2 hour engaging talk and
                          discussion. We had over 60 participants zooming from locations such as Maine,
                          Florida, Michigan, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
                          Rev. Irene was inspiring. She shared her personal stories that have shaped her ability
                          to break down barriers of hatred. One poignant story was her accidental relationship
                          with the owner of her neighborhood laundromat who, to the anger of the African
                          American church, closed his shop on Saturdays preventing them from washing
                          clothes and going to church wearing their Sunday best. Though he was known as the
                          devil in her church, this Holocaust survivor reached out to Irene and they developed a
                          nurturing and sustaining relationship which fostered in Irene the avoidance of judg-
                          ment of people based on stigma.
Rev. Irene challenged us on our “whiteness” and what does being white signify. She encouraged us to decon-
struct our “whiteness” and recognize how our whiteness intersectionalizes with our Jewish roots and not to
forget them.
                                  ~ Caren Jacobson, Programming Chair
 February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)      Congregation Beth Israel                                        Page 11
       Show your appreciation…

        Please consider a donation to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund which gives Rabbi Mandell the ability to
purchase or fund items that benefit the synagogue, our members, and our neighbors in need. Kindly send your
donation to Amy in the CBI office, check made out to CBI, including a notation of “RDF”, and it will be
credited accordingly.

       Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

             For information on these
           programs and more, contact
                laurie@mvjf.org or

 February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 12
February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel   Page 13
The following names will be read, and people remembered at yahrzeit, on Shabbat Morning
                           z”l ~ zichronam livracha, may their memories be for a blessing

February 6 / 24 Shevat         Helene Myra Borke            Arnold Bass                Mary Zelin Bloom
                               Gecheved Boruchin            Nathan Bell                Clara C. Boches
Dr. William L. K. Austin       Mailach Bruski               David Bernstein            Jonathan Edward Brenner
Mitchell Baker                 Sonia Burke                  Henry Block                George J. Bresth
David Boruchin                 Joseph Byers                 Rivarose Blumenstock       Rae Bronstein
Aaron Braverman                Katie Cogan                  Lena Chedekel              Rev. Leo Bulman
Aubrey Bronstein               Ida Frank Cohen              Max Coggan                 Esther Caras
David Brother                  Leo Cohen                    Lena Cohen                 David Cohen
Bessie Cantor                  Sylvia G. Edelstein          Meyer Cohen                Elizabeth Cohen
Barnet Cohen                   Samuel Edstine               Hans R. De LaFuente        Herbert Cohen
Rebecca Cohen                  Jack Feldman                 Sophie Eilberg             Pauline Cohen
Virginia Dorfman               Joseph Feldman               Roland Epstein             Samuel Cole
Paul Arthur Finkelstein        Lillian Feldman              Zesse Feinman              Lena Dendy
Asi Fleet                      Samuel Feuer                 Claire Fleet               Bradley Donenfeld
Harry Fox                      Lucille Ash Fishbein         Harry Gerson               Esther Fox
Paul Gallin                    William Fleet                Israel Gerstein            Ethel Franks
Bessie Gidansky                Rose Gedansky                Bertha Levine Goldberg     Joseph Franks
Rebecca Gilboard               Rebecca Goldman              Louis Goodtree             Max Gardner
Edward J. Greenblatt           Dr. Stephen Z. Grosz         Elias Wolfson Gordon       Selma Garwin
Joseph Grossman                Judith Halbstein             June Gordon                Lila H. Gass
Samuel J. Hamburger            Henry Harris                 Sima Gordon                Bertha Gerson
Samuel Hoffman                 Ira Harris                   Sally Green                Dorry L. Glassman
Roger Hostetler                Morris Heifetz               Freyda Grossman            Herman M. Goldberg
Meyer Kaplan                   Mollie S. Hershfield         Ruth Halzel                Abraham J. Goodman
Abraham Kremer                 Molly Isenberg               Rose Fleischman Jacobson   Leopold Gottlieb
Bessie Lebowitz                Craig Kaplan                 Gabriel Kahn               Myer Karas
Sylvia Levine                  Abraham Kaufman              Morris Klaiman             Pearl Kline
David S. Lipinsky              Francis Rose Kniaz           Annie Konikoff             Benjamin Kritzman
Morris Marmer                  Nathan Kropp                 Abraham Koupchik           Elizabeth Meister
Joseph Meister                 Philip Levine                Fannie Kremgold            Leonard Kaye Millen
Edward Milstone                Katie Orenstein              Ida Labinsky               Fannie Port
Harry Palefsky                 Eugene Randall               Isaac Lapidus              Mildred Reinhertz
Ida Palefsky                   Annie Rich                   Nancy Lieberman            Elizabeth Richards
Samuel Raifman                 Lena Richstein               Meyer Lipchitz             Simon Rosenberg
Edward Richards                Max Rindler                  Ida Malis                  Selma Roth
Elaine Rick                    Philip Roemer                Mae L. Mascott             Harry Schwartz
Harriet Roberts                Russell Rose                 Richard Nellhaus           Helen C. Schwartz
Calvin Robinson                Samuel Rosenbloom            Moshe Tzvi Orenstein       Solomon Serkman
Sarah Rosenberg                Rebecka Linder Rubin         Edward R. Paris            Elaine Jacobson Shapiro
Evelyne Segal                  Abraham Scolnick             Anna Peacard               Maurice Shinberg
Ruth B. Shapiro                Helen Shapiro                Richard B. Robinson        Eva Shuman
Donald Siegal                  Vital Shay                   Sadie Rosenblatt           Richard Siegal
Morris Nathan Silton           Israel Shinberg              Annie Rosengard            Barbara (Freedman) Silverman
Bessie Silverman               Dorothy Sidman               Joel Schrank               Samuel Silverman
Sidney Solomon                 Ronald Siegel                Max Schwartz               Sadie Solkoff
Tzirrel White                  Max Soffer                   Jennie Shay                Albert Steinberg
Edward Wiseman                 Anna Solomon                 Ruth Rose Silver           Lena Steinberg
Sarah Zeller                   Gussie Stowsky               Mary Silverwatch           Edith Marjorie Tenenbaum
                               Philip L. Straser            Celia Steinberg            Julius Thrope
February 13 / 1 Adar           Abraham Robert Tubin         Leah Tucker                Daniel G. Versman
                               Isaac Tuton                  Merrill A. "Mel" Tye       Sarah (Baker) Vinecour
Selma Abrahamson               Joseph Weinstein             Ephraim Vineglass          Benjamin Weisberg
Dr. Malcolm Artenstein         Sarah Weinstein              Dorothy Zarkin             Benjamin Wheeler
David Baker                    William Wolfe                                           William Wolfson
Solomon Baker                  William Yafa                 February 27 / 15 Adar      Joseph Zidle
Rose Bebchick                                                                          David Ziskind
Jacob J. Bekesha               February 20 / 8 Adar         Samuel Abramson
Louis Bick                                                  Dr. Harry Beller
Alexander Blumenstock          Ida Annis                    Jacob Berman
                               Julie Aronson                Annie Bivetsky

  February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)     Congregation Beth Israel                                         Page 14
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February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel                               Page 15
                                                                         It is a Tree of Life
                                                                     to those who hold fast to it!
                                                             Many special occasions in the lives of the members
                                                             of our Congregation are recorded on the leaves of
                                                             the Tree of Life in the
                                                             Sanctuary. There is room for

                                                             To honor the special people
                                                             and milestones in your life,
                                                             please consider having a leaf
                                                             engraved with a personalized

                                                             We now also have rocks
             JewishBoston.com                                available for engraving which
                                                             will ‘strengthen’ the base of
 For Jew(ish), Young(ish), Kids, PlusKids,                  the tree.
   Tradition, Activism                                       For more information on how
                                                             you can preserve your
                                                             memories, please contact Amy
 For Culture, Food, Holidays, Jewish Learning,
                                                             at 978.474.0540, or
   Shabbat, Israel, Current Affairs, History                 amy@BethIsraelMV.org.

 For Boston and it’s Environs - Events and Blogs

 JewishBoston.com’s goal is to be the digital home
   of the Jewish community in Boston.

 JewishBoston.com aims to unite all of Boston’s
   Jewish voices into one cohesive platform.

 JewishBoston.com is committed to representing
   Boston’s diverse Jewish community, and
   welcomes a broad spectrum of viewpoints.

         Visit http://www.jewishboston.com                               Tel: (978) 535-6449
                                                                         Fax: (978) 535-6816
    An Initiative of Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP)
                                                                            474 Lowell Street
                                                                           Peabody, MA 01960
 February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)      Congregation Beth Israel                                      Page 16
                                                                       AVAILABLE AT CBI

                                                                For a contribution of $18 (same price as
                                                                online at the JNF website), you can
                                                                request a personalized JNF Trees for
                                                                Israel certificate be sent to the recipient
                                                                of your choice, for any occasion!

                                                                What a meaningful way to honor,
                                                                memorialize and celebrate friends and
                                                                loved ones at birthdays, anniversaries,
                                                                accomplishments,     b’nei    mitzvah,
                                                                weddings, births, healing, get well
                                                                wishes, and more!

                                                                Please call or email Amy in the office for
                                                                more information and to order your
                                                                certificates today!

                                                                To learn more
                                                                about the work of
                                                                Jewish National
                                                                Fund, visit their

February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)   Congregation Beth Israel                                     Page 17
Board of Directors

     Executive Vice President,
                                         Jeffrey Tye
      Operations                                                       Howard Mandell
     Vice President,
                                         Caren Jacobson
      Programming                                                      Rabbi Mandell is
     Vice President, Finance                                          available by calling
                                         Jonathan Brody
      Past President                                                    the Synagogue
     Clerk                               Robert Moverman                  or via email,
              DIRECTORS                  Sarah Blumenstock Girrell     BethIsraelMV.org

                                         Judy Mizner                 Synagogue Hours
                                                                     Monday through Friday
                                         Burt Ochs                     9:00 am - 5:00 pm

                                         Philip Onigman                    In this time of
                                                                     coronavirus, please call
     Past President                      Robin Rose                  or email before making a
                                                                     trip to the Synagogue to
                                                                        be sure someone is
                                         Elaine Winic                 available to greet you.
          PAST PRESIDENTS                Howard Spector                Phone: 978.474.0540

                                         Tanya Gould                    Fax: 978.474.1915

                                         Howie Flagler               amy@BethIsraelMV.org

                                         Jim Shainker

                                      CBI Email Addresses
                              OFFICE / STAFF / LEADERSHIP / COMMITTEES
Rabbi Howard Mandell = RabbiMandell@BethIsraelMV.org
Administrator, Amy Sherr = amy@BethIsraelMV.org
Executive Vice President, Operations, Jeff Tye = JTMedic1@comcast.net
Vice President, Programming, Caren Jacobson = carenblair@aol.com
Vice President, Finance/Treasurer, Jonathan Brody = JonBrody@comcast.net
Clerk, Bob Moverman = bmoverman@gmail.com
CBI Cares, Barbara Moverman = CBICares@BethIsraelMV.org
Newsletter, Amy Sherr = newsletter@BethIsraelMV.org
Social Action / Chesed, Susannah Abbott & Amy Friedman Lee = SocialAction@BethIsraelMV.org
Back To Shul Task Force, Caren Jacobson = carenblair@aol.com
Webmaster, Rick Pike = webmaster@BethIsraelMV.org
Website, Robin Rose = rmrose6016@verizon.net
 February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)    Congregation Beth Israel                              Page 18
February 2021
                                                                                          Shevat ~ Adar 5781
      Sunday              Monday            Tuesday       Wednesday          Thursday            Friday           Saturday

                     1       19 Shevat 2      20 Shevat   3   21 Shevat 4        22 Shevat 5       23 Shevat 6        24 Shevat

                                                                                        4:46p Candle
                                                                        7:30p Strategic lighting            9:30a Shabbat
                                                                          Planning Comm                       Morning Service
                                                                                                            Parashat Yitro
                                                                                                            5:47p Havdalah

7        25 Shevat 8         26 Shevat 9       27 Shevat 10   28 Shevat 11       29 Shevat 12      30 Shevat 13          1 Adar

11a Challah          7:15p Board of                                                         4:55p Candle    9:30a Shabbat
  baking               Directors                                        6:30p Minyan          lighting        Morning Service
                                                                        7:30p Intro to      Rosh Chodesh    Parashat Mishpatim
                                                                          Judaism             Adar          Shabbat Shekalim
                                                                                                            Rosh Chodesh Adar
                                                                                                            5:56p Havdalah
                                                                                                            Movie Night

14            2 Adar 15         3 Adar 16         4 Adar 17      5 Adar 18           6 Adar 19        7 Adar 20         8 Adar

                                                                        7:30p Intro to      5:04p Candle    9:30a Shabbat
                                                                          Judaism             lighting        Morning Service
                                                                                                            Parashat Terumah
                                                                                                            6:05p Havdalah

21            9 Adar 22        10 Adar 23        11 Adar 24     12 Adar 25         13 Adar 26        14 Adar 27         15 Adar

                                                                        6:30p Minyan                        9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                              Morning Service
                                                                        Erev Purim                          Parashat Tetzaveh
                                                                                            5:13p Candle    6:14p Havdalah

28         16 Adar

Shushan Purim

     February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)      Congregation Beth Israel                                                Page 19
March 2021
                                                                                                  Adar ~ Nisan 5781
      Sunday              Monday              Tuesday          Wednesday           Thursday            Friday              Saturday

                     1        17 Adar 2            18 Adar 3        19 Adar 4            20 Adar 5          21 Adar   6          22 Adar

                                                                              7:30p Intro to      5:22p Candle        Parashat Ki Tissa
                                                                                Judaism             lighting          Shabbat Parah
                                                                                                                      9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                                        Morning Service
                                                                                                                      6:23p Havdalah

7          23 Adar 8          24 Adar 9            25 Adar 10       26 Adar 11          27 Adar   12        28 Adar 13           29 Adar

                     7:15p Board of                                           6:30p Minyan        5:30p Candle        Parashat Vyakhel-
                       Directors                                              7:30p Intro to        lighting            Pekudei
                                                                                Judaism                               Shabbat
                                                                                                                      9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                                                        Morning Service
                                                                                                                      6:31p Havdalah
                                                                                                                      Daylight Saving
                                                                                                                        Time Begins
14         1 Nisan 15          2 Nisan 16          3 Nisan 17       4 Nisan 18           5 Nisan 19         6 Nisan 20           7 Nisan

11a Book Review
Rosh Chodesh                                                                  7:30p Intro to      6:38p Candle        Parashat Vayikra
Nisan                                                                           Judaism             lighting          9:30a Shabbbat
                                                                                                                        Morning Service
                                                                                                                      7:39p Havdalah

21         8 Nisan   22        9 Nisan    23      10 Nisan 24      11 Nisan   25       12 Nisan   26       13 Nisan       27    14 Nisan

                                                                              Ta’anit Bechorot    6:46p Candle        Parashat Tzav
                                                                              6:30p Minyan          lighting          Shabbat HaGadol
                                                                              7:30p Intro to                          9:30a Shabbat
                                                                                Judaism                                 Morning Service
                                                                                                                      Erev Pesach - 1st
                                                                                                                      7:47p Candle

28        15 Nisan   29      16 Nisan    30       17 Nisan 31      18 Nisan

Pesach 1             Pesach 2            Pesach 3 (CH”M)   Pesach 4 (CH”M)
Second Night         1st day of Omer
Seder                7:50p Havdalah
7:48p Candle

     February 2021 (Shevat ~ Adar 5781)         Congregation Beth Israel                                                       Page 20
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