NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs

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NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs

Consulting Staff and Executives
Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
Congratulations on your appointment at Mayo Clinic.
We are excited to share the wide variety of benefits offered
to you and your eligible family members.
Please take a moment to review this guide as we share the wide variety of benefits offered to Mayo Clinic
Consulting Staff/Executives and eligible family members. This guide is offered as a resource tool to acquaint you
with your benefits.

You have 31 days from your employment hire date or consultant appointment date to complete your benefits
enrollment. Your benefits will be active on the first day of your consultant appointment.

If you wish to make any changes or have any questions regarding the enrollment process, contact Office of Staff
Services at:
         Rochester - 507-266-0490
         Florida - 904-953-6254
         Arizona - 480-342-0064

Visit HR Connect online to learn more about all of the total rewards available to you through Mayo Clinic.

William A. Brown, J.D.
Chair, Office of Staff Services
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
          As a new benefits-eligible staff member, you have 31 days from your hire date or employment status
          change date to complete your benefits enrollment. Use this checklist to guide you through the different
          decisions you’ll need to make when you enroll.

Choose a Medical Plan
To learn more about medical            M
                                        ayo Premier              A
                                                                   dd eligible dependents under your
plan options, including premium                                   Mayo Medical Plan
amounts, turn to page 3.               M
                                        ayo Select
                                        ayo Basic                P
                                                                   rovide Social Security numbers for
                                                                  eligible dependents
                                                            Mayo Clinic is required by law to submit plan participant Social
                                                            Security numbers to the Internal Revenue Service to comply with
                                                            the Affordable Care Act.

Choose a Dental and/or Vision Plan
To learn more about dental             M
                                        ayo Reimbursement Account (MRA)                                A
                                                                                                         dd eligible
and vision plan options,                                                                                dependents under
including premium amounts,             D
                                        elta Dental - Standard
                                                                                                        your dental and/or
turn to page 15.                       D
                                        elta Dental - Deluxe                                           vision plan
                                        ision Care Plan

Elect a Pre-tax Savings Account
To learn more about pre-tax            Health
                                            Savings Account
savings accounts, turn to
page 19.                               Health
                                            Care FSA
                                              Care FSA

Elect Voluntary Life Insurance
To learn about the life insurance       Voluntary
                                                Group Universal Life Insurance                        D
                                                                                                         esignate a
plans that are right for you, turn                                                                      beneficiary for
to page 22.                             Cash
                                           Accumulation Fund
                                                                                                        each coverage
                                           Life Insurance for your Spouse                           selected
                                             Life Insurance for your Child(ren)
                                              Accidental Death and Dismemberment

To learn more about retirement         Designate
                                               a beneficiary for the Mayo Pension Plan
plans, turn to page 25.
                                               a beneficiary for the Mayo 403(b)/401(k) Plan
                                              contact Fidelity Investments to begin payroll contributions

Elect Legal Insurance
To learn more about voluntary          Legal Insurance
legal insurance, turn to page 28.

                                                                                    Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021           1
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
    Make sure you and your loved ones are covered.
    You are a benefits-eligible staff member if you are          For family coverage, eligible family members include:
    regularly scheduled to work at least half-time (40 hours)       Spouse
    or more per pay period. “Regularly scheduled” means
                                                                    Biological or legally adopted children, and
    that you are on file with Human Resources as having a
                                                                     stepchildren who are under age 26.
    work schedule that is half-time or more. For example,
                                                                    Disabled children age 26 and older may be eligible for
    a 0.4 FTE working extra hours does not qualify as
                                                                    benefits. Contact HR Connect for more information
    “regularly scheduled.”
                                                                    on how to provide proof of disability.

       Eligibility Rules for Mayo Basic
       You are not eligible to participate in Mayo Basic if you or your spouse are:
         Covered under a health plan that is not a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).
         Claimed as a dependent on another person’s federal tax return.
         A resident of California or New Jersey.
         Participating in a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

2   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
Plan options
The information in the chart below provides you with a high-level review of each plan option.

                        Mayo Premier                         Mayo Select                      Mayo Basic
 Premium                Highest premium                      Mid-range premium                Lowest premium

 Deductible             Lowest annual deductible.            Mid-range annual                 Highest annual deductible.
                        You pay for health care              deductible. You pay for          You pay for health care and
                        expenses until your annual           health care expenses until       prescription drug expenses until
                        deductible is met.                   your annual deductible is        your annual deductible is met.

 Copayment              You will pay a copayment for emergency room                           No copayment is charged.
                        visits and certain prescriptions.                                     However, you will pay for most
                                                                                              health care and prescription
                                                                                              drug expenses until your annual
                                                                                              deductible is met.

 Coinsurance            All three medical plan options include a 20% coinsurance for Tier 1 and Tier 2 in-network services.
                        For Tier 3 out-of-network services, a 50% coinsurance applies.

 Out-of-Pocket          Lowest out-of-pocket                 Mid-range out-of-pocket          Highest out-of-pocket
 Maximum                maximum                              maximum                          maximum

                        When you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, the plan will pay for covered services at 100% for the
                        remainder of the year.

Note: Covered medical services and prescription drug expenses are combined into one annual out-of-pocket maximum.

Deductible - The amount that you are responsible for                Coinsurance - This is your share of the expense when
each year before the plan begins to pay for covered                 the plan is paying a percentage. All three medical plan
services (with the exception of preventive care services,           options will cover in-network services at 80% after
which are covered 100% by the medical plan based on                 meeting the deductible. Your coinsurance amount is
age guidelines). Non-covered items do not count toward              20% of allowed charges. Your provider may ask for this
the deductible, and your deductible can vary by how                 amount up front or you may be billed at a later time.
many family members are covered and the networks
                                                                    Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximum - The annual limit
your providers participate in. However, deductible
                                                                    on your expenses for deductible, copayments and
amounts incurred in different network
                                                                    coinsurance. Like the deductible, your OOP Maximum
tiers will cross over and be counted in the other
                                                                    will vary depending on how many family members are
network tiers.
                                                                    covered and the networks your providers participate in.
Copayment - This is a fixed amount you pay to receive               However, OOP Maximum amounts incurred in different
services. Your copayment(s) will count towards your                 network tiers will cross over and be counted in the other
out-of-pocket maximum but not your deductible.                      network tiers. After your expenses have met the OOP
                                                                    Maximum, the plan will pay 100% of covered services
                                                                    for the remainder of the calendar year.

                                                                                          Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021       3
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
Mayo Medical Plan Premiums for 2021
    Mayo Clinic reviews the costs of Mayo Medical Plan                        period amounts. If you choose benefit coverage, the
    options annually. Medical premiums are outlined in the                    appropriate pre-tax premium rate will be deducted from
    table below with both pre-tax monthly and per-pay-                        your paycheck.

                                   Mayo Premier                          Mayo Select                            Mayo Basic
                                       Monthly         Per Pay Period        Monthly         Per Pay Period       Monthly     Per Pay Period

     Full-Time Employee Premiums (0.75 -1.0 FTE)

                    Employee            $120               $60                $70                $35               $20            $10

      Employee + Child(ren)             $210               $105               $125             $62.50              $30            $15

        Employee + Spouse               $260               $130              $145              $72.50              $35          $17.50

          Employee + Family             $350               $175              $195              $97.50              $45          $22.50

     Part-Time Employee Premiums (0.50 -0.74 FTE)

                    Employee            $180               $90               $105              $52.50              $30            $15

      Employee + Child(ren)             $315             $157.50             $190                $95               $45          $22.50

        Employee + Spouse               $390               $195              $220                $110              $55          $27.50

          Employee + Family             $525             $262.50             $295              $147.50             $70            $35

    Note: The premium is taken out of the first two pay periods per month, so the amount shown per pay period is taken out of your paycheck
    24 times per year. The amount shown does not include the $75 per month spousal surcharge (if applicable).

    Spousal surcharge
    A $75 pre-tax monthly surcharge is added to the                           The following questions will be asked as part of your
    medical plan for staff covering a spouse who is offered                   enrollment to determine whether the spousal
    medical coverage through their employer, does not                         surcharge applies:
    elect that coverage, and is instead covered under the                        Will you cover your spouse on the medical plan?
    Mayo Medical Plan. There are several instances where
                                                                                 Is your spouse employed outside of Mayo Clinic?
    the spousal surcharge will not apply:
                                                                                 Is your spouse offered medical coverage
        pouses who are not employed (or not employed in
                                                                                  through their employer?
       a benefits-eligible position)
                                                                                 Is your spouse enrolled in medical coverage
       Spouses who are employed at Mayo Clinic
                                                                                  through their employer?
        pouses who elect their employer’s coverage and
       enroll in Mayo’s plan as secondary coverage
    Note: If spousal employment changes occur after initial enrollment, contact the Office of Staff Services.

4   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
Summary of benefits: A guide to compare coverage and costs
This table outlines what you would pay for covered                           through premiums, deductibles, coinsurance and/or
services under each plan option. Health plan coverage                        copayments. Search Summary Plan Description
is for specified medical services and prescription                           on HR Connect for more detailed information and a list
drugs. Cost-sharing is reflected in staff contributions                      of each plan option’s benefit limitations and exclusions.

              Mayo Premier                         Mayo Select                            Mayo Basic
Cost-            Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 1       Tier 2        Tier 3         Tier 1           Tier 2          Tier 3
              In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-   In-Network    Expanded       Out-of-      In-Network        Expanded      Out-of-Network
sharing                    In-Network    Network                In-Network      Network                       In-Network

Annual                                                                                   Employee         Employee         Employee
 Deductible   $500         $800         $1,200     $1,000       $1,750        $2,200      (EE): $2,000     (EE): $2,500     (EE): $3,500
              per          per          per        per          per           per
              person       person       person     person       person        person      EE+Child(ren):   EE+Child(ren):   EE+Child(ren):
                                                                                          $4,000           $5,000           $7,000
                                                                                          EE+Spouse:       EE+Spouse:       EE+Spouse:
              $1,000       $1,600       $2,400     $2,000       $3,500        $4,400      $4,000           $5,000           $7,000
              per          per          per        per          per           per
              family       family       family     family       family        family      EE+Family:       EE+Family:       EE+Family:
                                                                                          $4,000           $5,000           $7,000
Annual Out- $2,500        $3,500       $4,500     $4,000       $5,000        $6,000
 of-Pocket                                                                                $5,000 per       $6,000 per       $7,000 per
             per           per          per        per          per           per
 Maximum                                                                                  person           person           person
             person        person       person     person       person        person

              $5,000       $7,000       $9,000     $8,000       $10,000 $12,000
                                                                                          $10,000 per      $12,000 per      $14,000 per
              per          per          per        per          per     per
                                                                                          family           family           family
              family       family       family     family       family  family

                Mayo Clinic offers you and your covered dependents access to air ambulance services when
                you travel more than 150 miles from your home. This service provides access to transportation
                to a Mayo Clinic facility at no cost to you, when approved by AirMed.

                To request air transportation service, call AirMed at one of the phone numbers listed on your
                medical plan ID card. When you call, your needs will be assessed and, if air transport is approved,
                all necessary arrangements will be made for you.

                                                                                                   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021           5
NEW STAFF GUIDE 2021 Consulting Staff and Executives Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Rochester - Mayo Clinic Jobs
Mayo Premier                             Mayo Select                              Mayo Basic
                                            Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3          Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3          Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3
                                         In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-       In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-       In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-
                                                      In-Network    Network                    In-Network    Network                    In-Network    Network
    Physician Visits
    a. Primary care,                    a. $0        a. $0        a. 50%         a. $0        a. $0        a. 50%         a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%
        express care,
        urgent care
    b. Specialty care                    b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%         b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%         b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%
    Preventive Care                      $0           $0           NC             $0           $0           NC             $0           $0           NC
    See Preventive Care Services
    chart on page 10

    Diagnostic                           20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%
    Tests and Labs
    Emergency Services
    a. Emergency                        a. $0       a. $0       a. $0         a. $0       a. $0       a. $0         a. $0       a. $0       a. $0
        transportation to
        nearest qualified
        facility (includes air
        ambulance when
    b. E
        mergency room                   b. $100      b. $100      b. $100        b. $100      b. $100      b. $100        b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 20%
       facility copayment
    c. Professional                     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 20%         c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 20%         c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 20%
        services, diagnostic
        tests, and labs
    Hearing Aids                         20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%
    Up to $5,000 available every three
    years, includes related expenses.

    Inpatient                            20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%
    Hospital Services
    Prior authorization required
    by the plan for Tier 3 services.

    Outpatient Hospital                  20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%            20%          20%          50%
    and Ambulatory
    Rehabilitative Therapy,
    Chiropractic Care and
    Acupuncture Services
    a. Physical therapy (PT),           a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%;        a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%;        a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%;
        Occupational therapy,                                      20-visit                                 20-visit                                 20-visit
        Speech therapy                                             limit for PT                             limit for PT                             limit for PT
    b. C
        hiropractic care                b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%         b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%         b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%
       Limit of 20 spinal
       manipulations per year
    c. Acupuncture                      c. 20%       c. NC        c. NC          c. 20%       c. NC        c. NC          c. 20%       c. NC        c. NC
       Limit of 20 visits per year
    NC = Not covered

6   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Mayo Premier                         Mayo Select                          Mayo Basic
                                       Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3      Tier 1       Tier 2      Tier 3
                                    In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-   In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-   In-Network    Expanded     Out-of-
                                                 In-Network    Network                In-Network    Network                In-Network    Network
Continued Care
Note: Custodial care not covered.
a. Home health care                a. 20%      a. 20%      a. 50%    a. 20%      a. 20%      a. 50%    a. 20%      a. 20%      a. 50%
   (90-day limit per year)
b. H
    ome infusion                   b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%
c. Hospice care                     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%
d. S
    killed nursing                 d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%     d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%     d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%
   care facility
   (30-day limit per year)

Maternity Care
a. Prenatal and                    a. $0        a. $0        a. 50%     a. $0        a. $0        a. 50%     a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%
    postnatal visits
b. D
    elivery, inpatient             b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%
Infertility Services                50% for      50% for      NC         50% for      50% for      NC         50% for      50% for      NC
Office visits and                   eligible     eligible                eligible     eligible                eligible     eligible
outpatient or hospital              services     services                services     services                services     services
Up to $15,000 lifetime maximum

Mental Health and
Chemical Dependency
a. Office visits for               a. $0       a. $0       a. 50%     a. $0       a. $0       a. 50%     a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%
    evaluation and                  b. 20%      b. 20%      b. 50%    b. 20%      b. 20%      b. 50%    b. 20%      b. 20%      b. 50%
                                    c. 20%      c. 20%      c. 50%    c. 20%      c. 20%      c. 50%    c. 20%      c. 20%      c. 50%
b. O
    ffice and outpatient
c. Inpatient services and          d. 20%      d. 20%      d. 50%    d. 20%      d. 20%      d. 50%    d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%
   residential treatment
Special Services
a. Applied Behavior                a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%     a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%     a. 20%       a. 20%       a. 50%
    Analysis (ABA)
    Prior authorization required
b. Chemotherapy/                   b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%     b. 20%       b. 20%       b. 50%
    radiation therapy
c. Disposable supplies              c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%     c. 20%       c. 20%       c. 50%
d. D
    urable, non-durable            d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%     d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%     d. 20%       d. 20%       d. 50%
   medical equipment
e. O
    rthotics and                   e. 20%       e. 20%       e. 50%     e. 20%       e. 20%       e. 50%     e. 20%       e. 20%       e. 50%
f. Tobacco cessation                f. $0        f. $0        f. NC      f. $0        f. $0        f. NC      f. $0        f. $0        f. NC
g. T
    obacco Treatment               g. $0        g. $0        g. NC      g. $0        g. $0        g. NC      g. $0        g. $0        g. NC
NC = Not covered
                                                                                                     Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021              7
Annual total risk perspective
    When you consider the three medical plan options from         not reach their out-of-pocket maximum. Some may not
    an annual total risk perspective, it can help you determine   even meet or pay any deductible, especially if they only
    which plan option is right for you and your eligible          seek preventive care services. We share this information
    dependents.                                                   to provide you with peace of mind should an unexpected
                                                                  event occur, or if you are a high utilizer of the medical plan.
    Keep in mind this is for Tier 1 in-network coverage, and
                                                                  We believe providing you with the right service at the right
    many covered staff members and their dependents do
                                                                  time creates a strong benefits foundation to build on.

8   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Provider networks
The Mayo Medical Plan provides you with a choice                       If you select an out-of-network provider, you will receive
to go to an in-network or out-of-network provider to                   a reduced level of benefits and you will be subject to
receive care. When you choose an in-network provider,                  usual and customary charges. You can search for in-
the plan provides a higher level of benefits coverage,                 network providers at
meaning lower costs for you.

 If the employee                    Arizona                         Florida               Minnesota             All other states
 resides in…                                                                             or Wisconsin            of residency
 Tier 1                 Mayo Medical Plan                     Mayo Medical Plan        Mayo Medical Plan        Mayo Medical Plan
                        Network                               Network                  Network                  Network
 In-Network             (Tier 1 providers)                    (Tier 1 providers)       (Tier 1 providers)       (Tier 1 providers)

                         lue Cross Blue Shield of
                        B                                     PHCS Network                                      First Health Network
                        Arizona Network Except for adult      (Tier 1 providers)
                        services in: Audiology, Oncology,
                        Cardiology, Vascular Surgery,
                        Endocrinology, Nephrology,
                        Hepatology, Plastic Surgery

 Tier 2                 Mayo Medical Plan                     Mayo Medical Plan        Mayo Medical Plan        Mayo Medical Plan
                        Network                               Network                  Network                  Network
 Expanded               (Tier 2 providers)                    (Tier 2 providers)       (Tier 2 providers)       (Tier 2 providers)
                        Blue Cross Blue Shield of             PHCS Network              irst Health Network
                        Arizona Network for adult             (Tier 2 providers)       (except certain
                        services in Audiology, Oncology,                               excluded providers)
                        Cardiology, Vascular Surgery,
                        Endocrinology, Nephrology,
                        Hepatology, Plastic Surgery

                        Outside Arizona: First Health         Outside Florida: Zelis
                        Network                               National Access

 Tier 3                 Other licensed providers              Other licensed           Other licensed           Other licensed
                        nationwide                            providers nationwide     providers nationwide     providers nationwide

Note: You and your eligible family members will be responsible for any charges above usual, customary, and reasonable rates when
receiving covered services out-of-network. Such payments will not count toward your deductible and/or out-of-pocket maximum.

                                                                                             Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021          9
Preventive care services: Designed to protect your health
     To protect the health of you and your family, the Mayo Medical Plan covers specific preventive care services at no
     cost to you when:

        ou visit a Tier 1 or Tier 2 provider. Preventive care services received from a Tier 3 out-of-network
       provider are not covered by the plan. You will be responsible to pay the full cost of services.

       You receive the service(s) within the age limitations outlined in the chart below.

      Covered preventive care services
                All Ages       Behavioral interventions and FDA–approved drug therapy for smoking cessation
                               in individuals who use tobacco*
                                BRCA risk assessment, counseling and genetic testing for women at higher risk for breast,
                                 ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer
                                 Breastfeeding comprehensive support and counseling for pregnant and nursing women
                                  Breast cancer preventive medications*
                                   Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening for women
                                    Diabetes screening
                                     Formulary generic contraceptives for women: devices, emergency (not including abortifacient
                                      drugs), female condoms (male condoms not covered) and oral
                                      HIV antibody screening
                                       Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening for women
                                        Non-hospital grade manual or electric breast pump and supplies for pregnant and nursing women
                                         when purchased at a Durable Medical Equipment supplier
                                         Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with effective antiretroviral therapy to persons who are at high risk
                                          of HIV acquisition (prior authorization required)
                                          Preventive prenatal services
                                           Qualifying COVID-19 preventive services in-network and out-of-network
                                            Screening for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in persons at high risk for infection and adults born
                                             between 1945 and 1965
                                             Syphilis screening
                                              Tuberculin skin testing

           Birth-6 years       utism screening between 0-2 years
                              E xpanded newborn screen (blood)
                               Evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE)
                                Fluoride supplements for children without fluoride in their water source*
                                 Lead level
                                  Pediatric vision screening
                                   Prophylactic ocular topical medication for all newborns to prevent gonococcal ophthalmia

          Birth-10 years      Routine hearing exam

          Birth-18 years       emoglobin or hematocrit
                              Well-baby/child care

          Between 2-20        Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders

         Beginning at 5       Hepatitis B screening

         Beginning at 7       Routine eye exam not including refraction

10   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Covered preventive care services
      Between 9-45         Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination

     Between 11-65         Aspirin for pregnant women who are at high risk for preeclampsia*
                           Folic acid supplements for women who may become pregnant*
                            Well-woman gynecological services

    Beginning at 18        Preventive exam

    Beginning at 20        Lipid panel

     Between 21-65         Cervical cancer screening for women (papanicolaou smear)

    Beginning at 40        L ow or moderate intensity statins, when cardiovascular criteria are met
                            (prior authorization required) up to age 75
                            Mammogram for women, including Tomosynthesis

    Beginning at 50        spirin to prevent Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Colorectal Cancer* up to age 59
                          Colorectal Cancer Screen Options (one of the following):
                                – Barium enema and flexible sigmoidoscopy
                                – Cologuard DNA screening up to age 85
                                – Colonoscopy
                                – CT colonography
                          – Fecal occult blood test annually (series of three) with flexible sigmoidoscopy
                           Colorectal preop consultation
                            Osteoporosis screen for women
                             Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test for men up to age 75
                              Varicella-zoster (shingles) vaccine

    Between 55-80          Low-Dose Computed Tomography Lung Cancer screening for those with smoking history

     Between 65-75         Abdominal aneurysm screen for men

*Prescription required

                  If, in the course of a screening or test, your doctor diagnoses you with a health condition requiring
                  treatment, the services you receive may no longer be considered “preventive.” These services may
                  be considered diagnostic and subject to deductible, coinsurance and/or copayments. In addition,
                  any added tests beyond the age limits listed in the Covered Preventive Care Services chart will be
                  subject to deductible and coinsurance.

                                                                                        Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021   11
Mayo Medical Plan prescription drug coverage
                                       Mayo Premier/Mayo Select*                              Mayo Basic*
      Prescription Drug                Mayo Clinic       Mayo Clinic          MaxorPlus       Mayo Clinic      Mayo Clinic       MaxorPlus
      Coverage                         Mail Service      Outpatient           Pharmacy        Mail Service     Outpatient        Pharmacy
                                        (up to 90-day    Pharmacy             (up to 34-day    (up to 90-day   Pharmacy          (up to 34-day
                                           supply)        (up to 90-day          supply)          supply)                           supply)
                                                                                                               (up to 90-day
                                                          supply except
                                                         where indicated)

           Formulary generic and          $10               $10                 $10
                                                          maximum                                  5%              10%              25%
            preferred drug (Tier I)     maximum         up to 34-day supply

              Formulary Brand or           25%                30%                40%
                                                                                                  25%             30%               40%
           injectable drug (Tier II)   ($25 minimum)     ($25 minimum)        ($25 minimum)

              Non-formulary drug           50%                50%                60%
                                                                                                  50%              50%              60%
                        (Tier III)**   ($25 minimum)     ($25 minimum)        ($25 minimum)

      Deductible                                             None                                  Combined with medical deductible

      Annual out-of-pocket                                       Combined with medical out-of-pocket maximum

     * Certain specialty prescriptions are covered under the Plan only when filled by a Mayo Clinic Specialty Pharmacy, Mayo Clinic Pharmacy
        Mail Service or a Mayo Clinic or Mayo Clinic Health System outpatient pharmacy.
     ** Non-formulary (Tier III) prescriptions do not apply to the Mayo Premier or Mayo Select plans’ out-of-pocket maximums.

     Understand how each medical plan option covers prescription drug costs
     At Mayo Clinic, all medical plan options include a                        you are responsible for the full cost of prescription
     prescription plan benefit, which you receive without                      drugs until the plan deductible has been met, then
     incurring an additional premium charge. There are                         you pay coinsurance. Under Mayo Premier and Mayo
     some differences among the medical plan options, so                       Select, the plan deductible does not apply so you will
     carefully review plan information. Under Mayo Basic,                      pay a copayment or coinsurance.

       Specialty pharmaceuticals – prescription drug coverage
       Under your pharmacy benefits you have access to the Mayo Clinic Specialty Pharmacy, offering pharmacy services
       to people who have certain chronic health conditions that require complex or long-term therapies. If you receive a
       prescription for a specialty medication, a representative from the Mayo Clinic Specialty Pharmacy will contact you
       by phone to encourage you to enroll and to walk you through the process.

       The pharmacy team can help optimize your treatment by coordinating services with your health care provider. In
       addition, you can call 1-800-337-3736 (toll-free) to consult with pharmacists and staff if you have questions about
       the program or concerns about your specialty medications.
       Note: Mayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Health System outpatient pharmacies may not have all drugs listed on the Mayo Specialty Drug List
       in stock.
       To learn more, contact the Mayo Clinic Specialty Pharmacy or visit:

12   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
The amount you pay will depend on the pharmacy you use to fill your prescription and the formulary tier of the
prescription drug
   he Mayo Clinic Pharmacy Mail Service generally
  T                                                          Mayo Clinic’s prescription drug coverage uses the
  gives you the highest benefit level and is appropriate      Alluma Care Formulary in determining prescription
  for long-term maintenance prescription drugs.               drug coverage.
   ayo Clinic and Mayo Clinic Health System
  M                                                              The Alluma Care Formulary is an approved list
  outpatient pharmacies generally give you a higher               of drugs developed by the Mayo Clinic
  benefit level than other network pharmacies outside             Pharmaceutical Formulary Subcommittee.
  of Mayo.                                                       Prescriptions for medications not listed in the
   he Mayo Medical Plan contracts with Alluma to
  T                                                               Alluma Care Formulary will have the highest
  provide access to the MaxorPlus network to offer you            coinsurance, regardless of the pharmacy you use.
  access to more than 66,000 pharmacies across the         You can access the formulary on the Mayo Intranet
  country. To locate a pharmacy in the network, use the    by typing “formulary” in the search bar. You can also
  online pharmacy search tool, available when you sign     access a PDF of the Alluma Care Formulary through the
  in to your account at         View Prescription Benefits link at
   rescriptions filled at pharmacies outside the Mayo
  P                                                        MemberSite or the Member tab at
  Clinic or MaxorPlus networks are not covered, except
  in emergency situations.

Mayo Clinic Pharmacy Mail Service
Mayo Clinic Pharmacy offers home delivery for              To order refills:
prescription drugs. You pay your cost-sharing amount
with a credit/debit card and your prescription is mailed
to your home. Mail order offers you the most convenient       Calling the Mayo Clinic Pharmacy refill line at
service and is most appropriate for long-term                  1-800-445-6326 and selecting the mail order option.
maintenance prescription drugs for which you typically
                                                           Please note: The refill website and phone line are only
receive more than a thirty day supply.
                                                           available for prescriptions that have been previously
You can access the Pharmacy Mail Service Registration      filled by the Mayo Clinic Pharmacy Mail Service or
Form at        one of the outpatient pharmacies in Arizona, Florida
The registration form is also available online at          or Rochester. on the Members tab under Forms.
Once the pharmacy receives your prescription, you
should receive your medication within 7 to 10 business
days. Shipping is free, unless you request
overnight delivery.

                                                                               Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021      13
                 When you enroll in Mayo Premier or Mayo Select, you are automatically eligible to receive an
                 employer contribution of $10,000 annually for reimbursement of eligible expenses. Each January 1
                 the account renews to $10,000. This plan is not available if you participate in Mayo Basic.
                 The $10,000 may be used for the following expenses:

                      Dental and orthodontic services at any provider
                       ifference between out-of-network and in-network coinsurance (30%) incurred under the
                      Mayo Medical Plan
                       sual and customary charges – the difference between the billed and the allowed amount for
                      out-of-network (tier 3) services incurred under the Mayo Medical Plan

                 Easy and convenient access to your MERP account:
                      An option for either direct deposit or check reimbursement directly to you
                      Reimbursements processed within three business days
                      24/7 access to your account online or via mobile app, including claims submission

14   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
As with health care coverage, Mayo Clinic offers a choice in dental and vision plans, providing flexibility
in your benefits package. Carefully review the information to understand the coverage differences.

Mayo Reimbursement Account (MRA)
The Mayo Reimbursement Account (MRA) is a                              January, no more than $3,850 of your current balance
reimbursement account that Mayo Clinic contributes                     will be rolled-over to allow the full $1,150 contribution to
to on an annual basis. You can use the dollars in the                  be added. The maximum balance amount of the MRA
account to reimburse yourself for eligible dental and                  is $5,000.
vision expenses incurred by you and your enrolled
                                                                       When you participate in the MRA, you have the flexibility
dependents. The annual contribution from Mayo Clinic
                                                                       to choose any dental and vision care provider. You
is $1,150 if eligible in the month of January; for all other
                                                                       will pay your provider at the time you receive services
eligibility months the contribution is prorated. If you do
                                                                       and submit a claim for reimbursement through
not spend the funds in your account, they will roll-over
                                                                       MedicaONESource (see page 21 for more information
from year to year as long as you remain enrolled. In
                                                                       about claims submission).

 Mayo Reimbursement Account (MRA)*
Deductible                                                                                    N/A

Annual Contribution (paid by plan)                                                 $1,150 per calendar year

Preventive (exams/cleaning)                                                        $0 after reimbursement*

Basic Services                                                                     $0 after reimbursement*

Major Restorative Services (crowns/inlays)                                         $0 after reimbursement*

Lifetime Orthodontic Maximum (paid by plan)                                    $1,500 per individual per lifetime

Vision Expenses                                                                    $0 after reimbursement*

* Results in $0 employee responsibility when services are reimbursed with MRA dollars.

Prorated allotment of MRA dollars for new hires and newly benefits-eligible employees:
 Month of          MRA Proration               Month of         MRA Proration                Month of         MRA Proration
 Eligibility       Amount                      Eligibility      Amount                       Eligibility      Amount
 January           $1,150.00                   May              $766.66                      September        $383.33
 February          $1,054.17                   June             $670.83                      October          $287.50
 March             $958.33                     July             $574.99                      November         $191.67
 April             $862.50                     August           $479.16                      December         $95.83

                                                                                            Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021          15
Delta Dental
     The Delta Dental plan is a traditional cost-sharing plan               Premier®. When you choose a dentist that participates
     with two options, and a participating provider network                 in the Delta Dental PPO network, you receive the
     in which you pay a premium based on who is enrolled                    highest cost savings on services due to negotiated
     in the plan. Preventive exams are covered 100% by                      rates for services, which means your out-of-pocket
     the plan twice per year. A deductible and coinsurance                  costs are lowered. Delta Dental Premier network also
     applies for basic and major services.                                  provides network savings, which can lower your out-of-
                                                                            pocket costs, but the negotiated rates do not provide
     When you select Delta Dental, you have two provider
                                                                            the same level of discount as the PPO network.
     networks options: Delta PPOSM and Delta Dental

                                                                     Standard Option                            Deluxe Option
     Deductible                                                $50 per person / $150 per family         $50 per person / $150 per family

     Annual Maximum (paid by plan)                                     $1,000 per person                        $2,000 per person
                                                                       per calendar year                         per calendar year

     Preventive (exams/cleaning)                                                $0                                      $0

     Basic Services                                                            20%*                                    10%*

     Major Restorative Services (crowns/inlays)                                50%*                                    40%*

     Lifetime Orthodontic Maximum (paid by plan)                $1,500 per individual per lifetime       $2,500 per individual per lifetime

     Vision Expenses                                                           N/A                                      N/A

     *Percentage you pay after deductible.
     Note: This is a summary of benefits only and does not guarantee coverage. For a complete list of covered
     services and limitations/exclusions, please refer to the Mayo Dental Plan Summary Plan Descriptions.

16   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Vision Care Plan
The Vision Care Plan is voluntary for you to enroll in and              review the cost and coverage for the Vision Care Plan
can assist with the cost of eye exams, lenses, frames,                  to determine if it is right for you and your family
and contact lenses. The plan is administered by Avesis,                 members. If you choose not to enroll in the Vision
a national leading vision plan provider with more than                  Care Plan, you can continue to submit eligible vision
48,000 points of access to provide convenience                          expenses for reimbursement through the Mayo
and choice.                                                             Reimbursement Account (MRA), Flexible Spending
                                                                        Account (FSA), and Health Savings Account (HSA). If
The plan design includes copays for in-network
                                                                        you do enroll, the vision plan can work together with the
coverage and reimbursements (up to plan limits) for out-
                                                                        above plans to stretch your vision benefit dollars further.
of-network coverage. Since you receive plan benefits
regardless of the network status of the provider, you                   Important note: Mayo Clinic Health System Optical
have greater choice and flexibility in seeking vision care.             locations are in-network under the Vision Care Plan.
                                                                        Mayo Clinic Optical locations in Rochester, Arizona, and
As with any benefit offering, you are encouraged to
                                                                        Florida are out-of-network under the Vision Care Plan.

 Vision Care Plan In-Network Coverage
                   Service                          Dollars            Frequency                              Explanation

Exam Copay                                    $10               Once per 12 months         Includes case history, refraction evaluation,
                                                                                           and diagnosis and treatment plan

Material Copay – Spectacle                    $25               Once per 12 months         Includes single vision, bifocal, trifocal,
Lenses*                                                                                    level 1 and 2 progressive lenses, and
                                                                                           enhanced lens options

Material Copay – Frames                                         Once per 24 months         Pay one copay if purchasing both lenses
                                                                                           and frames at same time

Frames Allowance                              $150              Once per 24 months         Includes product up to $150 retail value
                                                                                           at most optical centers (less at discount
Contact Lenses Allowance**                                      Once per 12 months         retailers)

 Vision Care Plan Out-of-Network Reimbursement
Exam Reimbursement                            $45               Once per 12 months         Includes case history, refraction evaluation,
                                                                                           and diagnosis and treatment plan

Material Reimbursement –                      $25 single,       Once per 12 months         Member reimbursed for spectacle lenses
Spectacle Lenses*                             $45 bi-focal,                                based on type of lenses listed
                                              $60 tri-focal

Material Reimbursement – Frames               $65               Once per 24 months         Member reimbursed for either, up to dollar
                                                                                           amounts listed
Contact Lenses Reimbursement**                $130              Once per 12 months

*Lens package includes adult polycarbonate, standard scratch-resistant coating, ultra-violet screening,
solid or gradient tint, standard antireflective coating, level 1 and 2 progressives.
**In lieu of spectacle lenses and frames

                                                                                               Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021            17
Dental and vision plan premiums for 2021
     Dental and vision premiums are outlined in the table below with both pre-tax monthly and per-pay-period
     amounts. If you choose benefit coverage, the appropriate pre-tax premium rate will be automatically
     deducted from your paycheck.

                                 Mayo                              Delta Dental                   Delta Dental                   Vision Care
                                 Reimbursement                     Standard                       Deluxe                         Plan
                                 Account (MRA)                     Option                         Option
                                   Can be elected with Vision      Can be elected with Vision     Can be elected with Vision      Can be elected with MRA
                                 Care Plan, but not Delta Dental    Care Plan, but not MRA         Care Plan, but not MRA             or Delta Dental
                                   Monthly       Per Pay Period     Monthly      Per Pay Period    Monthly      Per Pay Period    Monthly     Per Pay Period

      Full-Time Employee Premiums (0.75 -1.0 FTE)
                   Employee           $4               $2            $15             $7.50          $30              $15            $9           $4.50
      Employee + Child(ren)           $4               $2            $25            $12.50          $70              $35           $16             $8
        Employee + Spouse             $4               $2            $35            $17.50          $60              $30           $19           $9.50
         Employee + Family            $4               $2            $40              $20          $105            $52.50          $24             $12
      Part-Time Employee Premiums (0.50 -0.74 FTE)
                   Employee           $4               $2            $15             $7.50          $30              $15            $9           $4.50
      Employee + Child(ren)           $4               $2            $35            $17.50         $105            $52.50          $16             $8
        Employee + Spouse             $4               $2            $45           $22.50           $89           $44.50           $19           $9.50
         Employee + Family            $4               $2            $55            $27.50         $160              $80           $24             $12

     Note: The premium is taken out of the first two pay periods per month, so the amount shown per pay period is taken out of your
     paycheck 24 times per year.

     Dual coverage                                                                 Orthodontic coverage

     Mayo employees who are married to each other and                              Both the MRA and Delta Dental Standard option offer
     covered under the Mayo benefits program may choose                            a lifetime orthodontic benefit of $1,500 per covered
     either plan for dental coverage. If couples elect to have                     member. For dependent children, if both parents
     coverage under both plans, you are required to use                            are benefits-eligible Mayo employees, the covered
     Delta Dental as your primary plan. If double coverage                         dependent can use the lifetime orthodontic benefit once
     is desired under the MRA, all eligible dependents will                        under each parent. The Delta Dental Deluxe option
     be required to be enrolled in both MRA plans to ensure                        provides an additional $1,000 orthodontic benefit once
     coverage. There is coordination of benefits for both                          per lifetime.
     dental plan options. Double coverage is not allowed
     under Delta Dental or the Vision Care Plan.

18   Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Health Savings Account
The Health Savings Account (HSA), combined with             Health Savings Account 2021 annual
Mayo Basic, helps you meet your current health care         contribution maximums*
needs while saving for future expenses. Your Fidelity        Coverage Level                          Maximum
HSA is a savings account that is funded with
                                                                           Employee                    $3,600
pre-tax dollars.
                                                              Employee + Child(ren)                    $7,200
You may use the account to pay for both current and
future qualified medical expenses as defined under the         Employee + Spouse                       $7,200
Internal Revenue Code. The account generally covers              Employee + Family                     $7,200
most medical care, dental services, vision care and
                                                            *If you are between the ages of 55 and 64, you can make an
prescription drugs. There is a 20% tax penalty for using    additional “catch-up” contribution of $1,000 each year to your HSA.
a HSA for non-eligible expenses.
                                                            Additional features of an HSA:
For additional details on HSAs, visit,
                                                               It is portable. If you leave Mayo Clinic or change
and search for “health savings account” or view
                                                                medical plans, you can take this account with you to
Publication 969 or 502.
                                                                pay for future qualified expenses.
If you have not previously enrolled in a High-Deductible       The balance in your HSA rolls over from year to year.
Health Plan at Mayo Clinic, you will have the option
                                                               It’s easy to use. Fidelity gives you several options of
to open a new Fidelity HSA. To complete the online
                                                               how to use the dollars in the account, including a
application, go to, log on (or
                                                               debit card, a checkbook and an online bill-pay tool.
register if you are a first-time user), click on Open HSA
link to open your HSA. You will receive a New Account       Health Savings Account (HSA) IRS guidelines:
Profile from Fidelity Personal Investments confirming
                                                               You are not able to contribute to an HSA if you are
your HSA application has been approved. Fidelity HSAs
                                                                age 65 or older.
are subject to a quarterly $9 administration fee.
                                                                ou must be enrolled in Mayo Basic for a full plan year
Services provided in the plan year, but prior to the           in order to remain eligible to contribute to an HSA.
activation of your HSA account are not reimbursable            The penalty for using a HSA for non-eligible
with HSA dollars, but do go towards the deductible for          expenses is a 20 percent tax.
Mayo Basic.                                                    For additional details on HSAs, visit,
Important Note: Mayo Basic participants are not                 and look for publication 969 or 502.
eligible for the Medical Expense Reimbursement
Plan (MERP).

                                                                                 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021                 19
Flexible Spending Accounts
    A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a voluntary pre-                Dependent Care FSA
    tax savings account that can help you stretch your                   A Dependent Care FSA is used to pay for certain
    benefit dollars. Participation in a FSA allows you to set            expenses to care for dependents who live with you,
    aside pre-tax dollars to help pay for eligible expenses              and dollars are available as they are contributed. Most
    incurred by you or your eligible family members*. The                commonly, a Dependent Care FSA is used to pay
    minimum annual contribution amount is $130. The                      for child care up to age 13; however, it can also be
    contribution amount elected is divided by 26 pay                     used to pay for care for another dependent living with
    periods and deducted from each paycheck.                             you (such as a spouse or parent) who is physically or
    If you decide to participate in a FSA, it is important to            mentally incapable of self-care. The maximum annual
    base your contribution amount on your best estimate of               contribution for the Dependent Care FSA is $5,000 per
    expenses for the upcoming calendar year. You may                     household. Expenses must be employment-related,
    request reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred                 which means they are necessary to allow you (and
    during the calendar year. Claims may be submitted up                 your spouse, if married) to work. With this account, no
    to March 31 of the following year.                                   rollover is allowed, so funds must be used for current
                                                                         year expenses.
    *Eligible family members are defined as persons who qualify as a
    dependent on your federal tax returns. You may not file claims for   Expenses that would qualify under the
    non-tax dependents.
                                                                         Internal Revenue Code include:
    Health Care FSA                                                         In-home day care
    If you choose a Health Care FSA, your entire contribution               Nursery schools
    amount is available right away to pay for eligible health
                                                                            Day care centers
    care expenses including but not limited to: deductible,
                                                                            Other child/adult care providers
    copayments, coinsurance, dental cleanings, and
    eye exams. Over-the-counter medications are not
    considered an eligible expense for FSA reimbursement,
    unless prescribed by a physician or for insulin. For                   Easy and convenient access to
    examples of eligible expenses, please utilize IRS
    Publication 502. The maximum annual contribution for
                                                                           your Flexible Spending Accounts
    the Health Care FSA is $2,750. If both you and your                    through Medica ONESource
    spouse are benefits-eligible staff members at Mayo
                                                                           Convenient access to your benefits include:
    Clinic, each of you may contribute up to the annual
                                                                             Debit card available for eligible health care
                                                                              expenses. Documentation may be required.
    Use it or roll it over. Up to $500 of your unused
                                                                             An option for either direct deposit or check
    Health Care FSA balance can be carried over into the
                                                                             reimbursement directly to you
    following plan year - making enrollment in an FSA much
    less risky. Any remaining balance above $500 will be                     24/7 access to your account online, and by
    forfeited. To be eligible for roll-over you must maintain                 mobile app
    plan eligibility. The roll-over amount does not count
    towards the IRS maximum annual contribution.

20 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
How Does a Reimbursement Account Work?
For MERP, Mayo Reimbursement Account               When you incur eligible expenses, you will need to
(MRA), Health Care Flexible Spending               complete a claim and submit it for reimbursement.
Account, or Dependent Care Flexible
                                                   For your convenience, we offer three choices for
Spending Account
                                                   submitting reimbursement claims:
 1. E
     nroll in your reimbursement account
                                                    The Medica ONESource mobile app.
 2. C
     hoose your contribution amount (FSA only)
                                                     nline through the Reimbursement Accounts portal
 3. Incur eligible expenses
                                                    when you sign in to your account at
 4. P
     ay for eligible expenses            
 5. C
     omplete a reimbursement account claim
                                                     he paper Reimbursement Account Claim form,
    (claims are submitted automatically when you
    use the Health Care FSA Visa debit card and     available when you sign in to your account at
    documentation may be required)        
 6. Attach documentation for your claim           Note: If you enroll in a reimbursement account
 7. Submit your claim                             but not the Mayo Medical Plan, you can access
                                                   account information online at
 8. T
     rack your account balances

                                                                     Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021   21
    Mayo Clinic understands the importance of protecting your family when the unexpected occurs.
    Life Insurance, underwritten by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, is a part of the
    protection that will help bring peace of mind to your family and includes:

    Mayo Paid Group Variable Universal Life (GVUL) Insurance
    Mayo Paid GVUL insurance pays benefits to your designated beneficiaries in the event
    of your death. This life insurance pays a benefit of three times your annual salary.

    Employer Paid Accidental Death & Dismemberment
    Employer paid Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage pays a benefit amount
    equal to your annual salary to your designated beneficiaries in the event of your accidental death
    or a percentage of the benefit for a qualified dismemberment based on the type of loss.

    Group Universal Life Insurance (GUL)
    You may purchase Group Universal Life (GUL) insurance equal to one or            Premium Table
    two times your annual salary. You may also apply for life insurance equal                         Monthly Cost per
    to three, four, five, or six times your annual salary by providing Evidence of                   $1,000 of Insurance
    Insurability to Prudential. This process can be initiated by completing an        Under age 25         $0.035
    e-Request on the “life insurance” article in HR Connect, or by calling HR
                                                                                         25–29             $0.042
    Connect. You may cancel the amount of your GUL coverage at any time
                                                                                         30–34             $0.056
    by contacting the Office of Staff Services.
                                                                                         35–39             $0.063
    You pay the cost for any GUL coverage in which you enroll. The monthly
                                                                                         40–44             $0.070
    cost for each $1,000 of GUL coverage is based on your age. Your premium
    amount is calculated as if your age changes on January 1 of each year.               45–49             $0.105

    However, if you are age 65 or older, it is assumed your age changes on the           50–54             $0.161
    first of the month following your birthday. A Staff Financial Planner in the         55–59             $0.302
    Office of Staff Services can assist you in projecting premiums for varying           60–64             $0.463
    levels of coverage.
                                                                                         65–69             $0.891
    An Example                                                                           70—74             $1.445
    Assume you are age 30, your annual salary is $200,000 and you are                    75–79             $1.936
    enrolled in GUL coverage for one time the amount of your annual salary.
                                                                                        80—84              $2.904
    The monthly cost is $11.20 (200 x $.056).
                                                                                       85 or Older         $5.612

22 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Cash Accumulation Fund
   When you enroll in Group Universal Life (GUL) insurance, Prudential sets up a cash
   accumulation fund account in your name. Deposits to the account are made from your payroll
   contributions and the return of excess premiums. You may increase the balance in your fund
   by contributing an amount equal to one through twelve times your monthly premiums for the
   GUL insurance. The minimum contribution you may make is $10 per month. You may increase
   or decrease your contributions to this fund account at any time during the year.

     Earns a 4 percent interest rate.
     You may withdraw from your fund any time and use the money for any purpose.
      eturns of excess premiums are a non-taxable return of unused contributions and are
     automatically deposited into your cash accumulation fund.
      ontributions are subject to taxation. Taxes will be deducted from each contribution at the
     time the money is deposited into your Cash Accumulation Fund. For more information,
     contact Prudential.

   Certificate Fund
   GVUL participants are eligible to contribute to a Certificate Fund. You can contribute to this
   fund by lump sum contributions only.
     Earns a 4 percent interest rate.
      ou may withdraw at any time. The amount must be for at least $200 or the balance of the
     fund if less than $200.
      ontributions are subject to taxation. Taxes will be deducted from each contribution at the
     time the money is deposited into your Certificate Fund. For more information, refer to the
     fund prospectus or contact Prudential.

Family Life Insurance
If you are enrolled in Group Universal Life (GUL) insurance, you may also enroll in Family Life
Insurance for eligible dependents. Family Life Insurance pays benefits to you in the event of your
covered family member’s death.

Cost and Coverage for Your Spouse
  You may purchase coverage in the amount of one or two times your annual salary
  Cost is based on your spouse’s age and your salary according to the table on page 22

Cost and Coverage for Children
  Each eligible child is insured for $10,000

  Cost for this coverage is 71 ½ cents per month per family

  If you are unmarried, married and enrolled in Spouse coverage, or married to another
   Mayo Clinic employee and both enrolled in GUL coverage, the Child Life premium is waived

                                                                                 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021   23
Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment
    In addition to your Employer Paid coverage, you may purchase up to $225,000 in Voluntary
    AD&D coverage. Coverage must be purchased in multiples of $10,000 or $25,000. The cost is
    12 cents per $10,000 of coverage. If you do not enroll when first eligible, you may enroll at any

    Benefits Payable in the Event of Death: In the event your death is accidental, the full value of
    your coverage under the Employer Paid AD&D coverage and any Voluntary AD&D coverage in
    which you are enrolled is paid to your beneficiary.

    Benefits Payable in the Event of Dismemberment: If you suffer dismemberment as a result
    of an accident, the Employer Paid AD&D coverage and any Voluntary AD&D coverage in which
    you are enrolled may pay you a percentage of the benefit based on the loss.

    It’s important to designate beneficiaries for your life insurance, 403(b)/401(k) and pension benefit plans. Your
    beneficiaries will receive payment of benefits provided under the plan provisions in the event of your death. Taking a
    few minutes to designate your beneficiaries now will help ensure that your assets will be distributed according to your
    direction. It’s also important to review your beneficiary elections on a regular basis to ensure they are updated as life
    changes. Below you will find information on how to update or designate your beneficiary for each of your Mayo Clinic

      Life Coverage - Go to HR Connect, Log into Self-Service, select Bookmarks, Employee Self-Service, Benefits,
       Beneficiary. Fill in your beneficiary for each coverage listed.

      403(b)/401(k)/457(b) Retirement Savings Plan - Log on to NetBenefits through Fidelity to enter your beneficiary
       information in the Your Profile tab.

      Mayo Pension Plan – Go to HR Connect, select Your Pension Estimator. After logging in select Profile, My Pension
       Beneficiaries, Add/Edit Available Beneficiaries, to update your beneficiary designation.

    If you have questions regarding your beneficiary elections, contact Office of Staff Services.

    Short-Term and Long-Term Disability
    If you become ill or injured, Mayo Clinic provides income protection if you are unable to work
    due to a serious health condition. Short-Term Disability begins immediately and protects 100%
    of your salary for the first six months. If you are unable to work beyond six months you may
    be eligible for a Long-Term Disability benefit that protects 84% of gross income on your “own
    occupation” until age 65.

    You may be eligible for payments when either fully or partially disabled. The Long-Term
    Disability payments will be offset by other employment or disability income from any source.

24 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
Defined Benefit Plan - Pension Plan
The Mayo Pension Plan is an employer sponsored                  Pension Plan Formula
defined benefit plan. Contributions to the plan are made        The Mayo Pension Plan uses an Annual Accumulation
by Mayo Clinic, not by you. Your pension payment can            formula to determine your benefit. Accruals are based
be predicted because it is determined by a formula              on your annual service (hours worked) and salary not
rather than by investment results.                              exceeding the IRS maximum ($290,000 in 2021).
Vesting Information                                             Pension Example
To receive a pension benefit, you must be vested.               Pension Calculation = Monthly compensation x pension
Vesting means you have achieved one of two vesting              percentage (2% x annual pension benefit service)
schedules and are entitled to your earned pension               – covered compensation offset = monthly pension
benefit when your employment with Mayo Clinic ends.             benefit at age 65 payable in a life only annuity.
Vesting requirements are at age 28 or older with three
years of pension benefit service; or age 21 or older with       The example below is based on the IRS annual salary
five years of vesting service and some pension benefit          limit of $290,000 and a full-time FTE (1.0) less the
service.                                                        covered compensation offset based on the Social
                                                                Security Wage Base of $142,800.

 Monthly Compensation       Pension Percentage                Less Covered                  Benefit payable each month
                            Pension Benefit Service x 2%      Compensation Offset           at age 65 in a life only annuity

$290,000/12 = $24,166.67 $24,166.67 x 2% x 1.0 = $483.33 $11,900 x .6% x 1.0 = $71.40        $483.33 - $71.40 = $411.93

Supplemental Retirement Plan (SRP)
Staff are eligible to receive a non-qualified retirement
plan that provides benefits beyond the Mayo                       Online Resource:
Pension Plan when salary is greater than the annual               Your Pension Estimator
compensation limit ($290,000 in 2021). Payment                    Your Pension Estimator is available to pension
percentages are based on a point system equal to a                eligible employees a few weeks after your eligibility
combination of your age and years of pension benefit              date. This tool will assist you in retirement planning
service in increments as follows:                                 by allowing you to estimate your future pension at
                                                                  a retirement date of your choosing.
 Points Equal Age and Years of Pension Benefit Service
                                                                  You can access Your Pension Estimator by visiting
  Combined      Under 50     50-60      60-70     Over 70
                                                                  HR Connect or at
   Payment         5%         10%        15%        20%
                                                                  Once you access Your Pension Estimator, you can
The percentage is applicable to the excess salary                 click “Estimate My Pension Benefit” in order to run
greater than the annual compensation limit multiplied by          an estimate. You will be able to print any estimates
your benefit service for the plan year. Payments from             you run.
the plan are made annually. To learn more about this
benefit, contact a Staff Financial Planner at the Office of
Staff Services.

                                                                                  Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021             25
Defined Contribution Plan - 403(b)*/401(k)
    Mayo Clinic offers benefits-eligible employees the                       Financial Engines
    opportunity to invest pre-tax or post-tax Roth dollars                   Asset management services are also available through
    to an investment plan administered through Fidelity                      Financial Engines, LLC and you are automatically
    Investments. You will be automatically enrolled                          enrolled in the Professional Management Program
    in a Fidelity Freedom Fund account at a 4%                               when your account balance reaches $5.00. The first
    contribution of your bi-weekly salary (after 45                          $5,000 invested is managed at no charge. You may opt
    days). Re-hires are not automatically enrolled and                       out of this service at anytime by calling 1-888-815-7558.
    you must contact Fidelity Investments to begin                           Employer Match
    the Fidelity contribution. You may also contact a
                                                                             Mayo Clinic will also match up to the first 4 percent of
    Staff Financial Planner in Office of Staff Services to
                                                                             your contributions (on a per pay-period basis) based
    assist you with the Fidelity contribution. To change your                on your pension benefit service as shown in the chart
    contribution amount logon to                        below. Matching will increase at intervals to recognize
    You may opt out of this plan at any time.                                longevity at Mayo Clinic. You become vested in the
                                                                             Mayo Clinic matching contributions after you have
    There are many investment options to choose from,
                                                                             earned three years of vesting service.
    including a self-directed brokerage account. You may
    generally defer up to 50% of your annual salary or the
    annual IRS limit. The 2021 annual IRS limits are $19,500
    if you are under age 50 and $26,000 if you are age
    50 or over.

     Length of pension                 Mayo Clinic match (%)                         Example Match 4% Contribution
      benefit service                                                           (Salary $150,000 annually $5,769.00 per pay-period)

                                           50% on the first 4% of                           $230.77 employee contribution
                                           employee contribution                                $115.38 Mayo match

                                           75% on the first 4% of                           $230.77 employee contribution
                                           employee contribution                                $173.08 Mayo match

                                          100% on the first 4% of                           $230.77 employee contribution
                                          employee contribution                                 $230.77 Mayo match

    *Employees who participate in the Mayo 403(b) Plan and also own controlling interest (over 50%) of an outside, for-profit business, must
    report any contributions made on their behalf to a qualified retirement plan through that business. Please contact HR Connect to report
    outside for-profit business interests.

26 Mayo Clinic New Staff Guide 2021
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