Page created by Stanley Jimenez
COOKIE PROGRAM                                                     TROOP #         SERVICE UNIT #

       JANUARY 15 – FEBRUARY 28
Digital Cookie Launches &
Order Taking Begins
Cookie Program Begins
My Family Booth Sales
My Troop Booth Sales &
Council Organized Booth Sales
Cookie Program Ends &
Wrap Up Begins
MAY 31
Last Day Cookies May Be Sold

                                QUESTIONS? Contact Your Troop Cookie Manager (TCM)

                                NAME                       PHONE


                                PAYMENT DATES:
                                                  1ST        2ND             3RD          4TH
Dear Girl Scout Family,                                                                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
This Girl Scout Cookie Season, we are celebrating                                                                                        3       What Is the Cookie Program?
the spirit and creativity of all Girl Scouts as they sell                                                                               4        Meet the Cookies
America’s favorite treats with a “We’ve Got This!”
                                                                                                                                         5       Why Participate?
                                                                                                                                        6        What She Will Learn
To make supporting her even easier, we’re                                                                                                7       Cookie Badges & Pins
introducing our new and improved Family Guide.
                                                                                                                                        8        How to Sell Cookies
Please refer to this resource throughout the cookie
season for useful information, tips, and tools that                                                                                     9        Launching Her Digital Cookie
will help you and your Girl Scout have an exciting and
successful cookie season!                                                                                                              10        Signing Up To Participate
                                                                                                                                        11       Cookie Parent Permission
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a council-sponsored                                                                                             Form
money-earning opportunity that enables troops to                                                                                       12        Important Things to Know
earn funds toward exciting and educational activities
                                                                                                                                       13        Girl & Parent/Caregiver
as well as community projects. It also allows family
and friends the opportunity to support their Girl
Scout’s troop and Girl Scouting in your community.                                                                                     14        Safety Guidelines
This time honored tradition not only shapes the                                                                                        15        Cookie Booth Etiquette
entrepreneurial spirit, it also builds girls of courage,                                                                               16        Help Her Succeed
confidence, and character.
                                                                                                                                       17        Goal Setting Worksheet

We know your participation in the Cookie Program is                                                                                    18        Cookie Program Patches
an investment of your time and we appreciate all that                                                                                  19        Cookie Program Rewards
you do to encourage your Girl Scout.
                                                                                                                                      20         Mascot Fun Facts

With Lots of Cookie Love,                                                                                                             22         More Girl Activities!
Your Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
Product Sales Team

ABC Bakery: ABC is one of two bakers         GSE: Girl Scout Entrepreneur. A new             OFR: Outstanding Funds Report (OFR) is a             Safety Wise: An adult designated as
that is licensed by GSUSA to provide Girl    program exclusively for girls who participate   form that is completed when a Girl Scout             having the responsibility for ensuring
Scout Cookies. GSNETX partners with          in the GSNETX Product Sales Programs.           and her family have an unpaid cookie                 the safety and wellness of Girl Scouts,
LBB.                                                                                         balance at the conclusion of the Cookie              individually or collectively, while they
                                             GSNETX: Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas          Program which will impact girl rewards.              participate in Girl Scout activities.
C2S/CC: Community Cookie (formerly                                                           This form is submitted by the TCM.                   Safety-Wise adults must have a current
known as Care 2 Share). Monetary             GSUSA: Girl Scouts of the USA                                                                        Girl Scout membership and an eligible
donations given to girls and/or troops to                                                    PGA: Per Girl Average. Total number of               background check on file.
donate packages to military personnel,       IO: Initial Pre-Season Order. The number        cookies assigned to the troop divided by
first responders, and/or essential           of cookie packages, broken out by flavor,       the number of girls selling. A girl is selling if    SU: Service Units support troops in their
personnel. The packages donated              that you want to begin cookie season with.      she has one or more packages assigned to             local communities and is comprised of a
come from GSNETX inventory, not troop        This order is submitted to your TCM prior to    her in eBudde.                                       team of volunteers who serve as the first
inventory.                                   12/1/2020.                                                                                           point of contact for troops and volunteers
                                                                                             PGL: Program Grade Level. Daisies (K &               in their area.
DOC: Digital Cookie is an online platform    LBB: Little Brownie Bakers is the company       1st), Brownies (2nd & 3rd), Juniors (4th &
that helps girls run and manage their Girl   that GSNETX partners with to bake all of our    5th), Cadettes (6th-8th), Seniors (9th &             SU CPC: Service Unit Cookie Program
Scout Cookie business online.                tasty cookies.                                  10th), and Ambassadors (11th & 12th)                 Coordinator

eBudde: online cookie software system        My GS: A tool located online at      PPF: Parent Permission Form, submitted               TCM: Troop Cookie Manager
that TCMs use to manage the Cookie           that is used to renew membership, update        by the parent/guardian of a Girl Scout to
Program for their troop(s).                  your contact information, and make sure         allow participation in the Girl Scout Cookie         TL: Troop Leader
                                             we have the correct information about all of    Program.
                                             your Girl Scout volunteer roles.


                                                                        2020 STATS

                                                                         of Troops selling

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led
entrepreneurial program in the world. When Girls
participate in the Cookie Program, they build essential
                                                                         Per Girl Average
skills as they begin to think like entrepreneurs, help
their troop earn proceeds to fund their Girl Scout
adventures, and earn personal rewards!
                                                                         # of Girls Selling

                                                  SEE PAGE
                                                   8 FOR
                                                  DETAILS.            Average Troop Proceeds

    2020-2021 Girl Scout Membership                                  72,500+
    2020-2021 Cookie Program Parent Permission Form (PPF)               Packages Donated

    Connect with your Troop Cookie Manager

    Initial Pre-Season Orders (IOs) are due from troops to
    GSNETX on 12/1/20. It is important that you                        Patches, Rewards &
    connect with your TCM to place your order                          Experiences Earned
    prior to this date in order for your Girl
    Scout to be eligible for Initial Pre-Season
    Order rewards.                                                    3.24M+
    Girl Scout/Parent/Guardian Checklist                                  Packages Sold

                                                             2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 3
No High-Fructose Corn Syrup
No Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)                           Crisp wafers covered                                            Crunchy oatmeal                  • Made with
                                                                                                      • Made with
Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving                                in chocolaty coating                    Vegan Ingredients       sandwich cookies with              Natural Flavors
                                                                made with natural oil of                                        creamy peanut butter             • Real Peanut Butter
RSPO Certified (Mass Balance) Palm Oil                                                                • 100% Real Cocoa
                                                                peppermint                                                      filling                          • Whole Grain Oats
NEW! Halal Certification

Crispy lemon cookies                                           Crisp cookies coated in                                          Delicate-tasting shortbread
                                • Naturally flavored                                                 • 100% Real Cocoa                                             • Made with
baked with inspiring                                           caramel, sprinkled                                               that is delightfully simple           Natural Flavors
                                   with other natural                                                 • Real Coconut
messages to lift your              flavors                     with toasted coconut                                             and satisfying
spirits                                                        and striped with dark
                                                               chocolaty coating

                                                                                                            specialty                                                         specialty
                                                                                                           innovation                                                        innovation

Crispy cookies layered                                         Crunchy graham                                                   Rich, buttery cookies
                                                                                                      • Made with                                                • Gluten Free
with peanut butter               • 100% Real Cocoa             sandwich cookies with                    Natural Flavors
                                                                                                                                with sweet, crunchy
                                                                                                                                                                  • No Artificial
and covered with a               • Real Peanut Butter          creamy chocolate and                   • 100% Real Cocoa
                                                                                                                                toffee bits
chocolaty coating                                              marshmallowy filling

• Girls may only sell LBB cookies and      • GSNETX covers 32 counties beginning                  • GS-TOP (Girl Scouts of Texas              • Girls may not trade or buy cookies to
  only for the prices set by GSNETX.         north of Waco extending to the                         Oklahoma Plains) borders GSNETX.            resell from another council, including
  Selling these cookies for any other        Oklahoma state line and from Irving to                 Our Girl Scouts are not allowed to sell     cookies from ABC Bakers. If you have
  price is strictly prohibited.              the Louisiana border. Girl Scouts may                  in their council service area.              questions, please see your TCM for
                                             only sell cookies within these counties.                                                           clarification.
                                             For a list of specific counties, visit

                                                                                                                                                         In addition to being Kosher
                                                                                                                                                      certified, all Girl Scout Cookies®
                                                                                                                                                        baked by Little Brownie have
                                                                                                                                                   achieved Halal certification from the
                                                                                                                                                    Islamic Food and Nutrition Council
                                                                                                                                                      of America, demonstrating our
                                                                                                                                                    commitment to developing cookie
                                                                                                                                                    products that serve the needs of a
                                                                                                                                                     wider segment of cookie buyers.


                                                                 The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the primary
               WHERE DOES                                        source of funding for troops to power their
              THE MONEY GO?                                      Girl Scout experience. The funds earned in the
                 18% SU / Troop / Girl                           Cookie Program become property of the troop
         SU & Troop Proceeds, Girl Rewards, etc.                 as a whole, and the girls in the troop should
         25% Cookie Program & Vendor Costs                       take the lead, together, in deciding how these
        Cost of Cookies, Warehouses, Trucks, etc.                funds are used. When girls have an active role
                 57% Girl Scout Services                         in setting up a troop budget, voting on activities
              Customer Service & Support                         they want to do, and beyond, they are more
            Camp Programming & Facilities                        confident and develop skills that will last a
            Girl Scout Leadership Experience        100% OF      lifetime.
                   Member & Volunteer              PROCEEDS
                         Support                     STAYS
                                                     LOCAL       Girls also have the opportunity to earn a variety
                                                                 of rewards through their participation in the
                                                                 Cookie Program. Whether she's interested in
                                                                 earning a resident camp session at her favorite
                                                                 GSNETX camp property or this years' plush
                                                                 mascot, there's something for every girl!


Lemon-Ups      Trefoils       Do-si-dos            Samoas   Tagalongs   Thin Mints      Girl Scout Toffee-tastic
   10%           9%              9%                 22%        14%         26%           S'mores        3%

 troop proceeds                                               rewards
  Troops earn base proceeds of $0.67 for each                 Girls can earn rewards, including
  package of cookies their Girl Scouts sell.                  items, patches and invitations
  Depending on how the girls choose to participate            to exclusive events for reaching
  and at what level they sell, the troop can earn             certain package levels. Most
  several additional proceeds tiers, on top of the            rewards are cumulative, meaning
  base proceeds. All proceeds become property of              they receive all of the items up       SEE THE
  the troop, not individual girls, and can be used to         to the highest level they reach.       REWARD
  fund troop activities, camping, badges, troop shirts,                                            LINE - UP ON
                                                                                                     PAGE 19
  meeting supplies, and more.

  Cadette, Senior & Ambassador troops can earn
  additional proceeds instead of reward items,                girl Scout bucks
  clubs, events, etc., but do qualify for patches and
  Community Cookie rewards. The troop must have               Girl Scout Bucks can be used for Girl Membership,
  a majority vote to opt-out of rewards in favor of           Resident and Day Camps, most GSNETX Program
  additional proceeds. Additionally, the troop must           Events, and purchases made in-store, at our
   be comprised of more than 50% Cadette, Senior &            GSNETX shops.
    Ambassador Girl Scouts in order to select this
     additional proceeds option.
                                                                                2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 5

                                                         It is more than just cookies! The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls learn 5
                                                         skills that are essential to leadership, success, and life. Girls gain these skills
                                                         by working with others, setting goals, and interacting directly with their Cookie
                                                         customers! It is about the experience of running her very own cookie business,
                                                         gaining 5 essential skills, and learning to think like an entrepreneur.

                                                                                Girls learn how                                                                              Girls find their
                                                                                                                                Girls learn to                               voice and build
                                                                                  to set goals
                                                                                                                               think critically                                confidence
                                                                                 and create a
                                                                                                                                 and solve                                  through customer
                                                                                 plan to reach

                                                                                                                                 problems.                                    interactions.




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                                                                                      SETT                                           ION MA

                                                                                                   Girls develop                                            Girls learn
                                                                                                      positive                                              to create a
                                                                                                    values such                                              budget to

                                                                                                   as honesty &                                           spend money



                                                                                                 IN                                                   Y

                                                                                                                                                           M A N AG

                                                                                                      ESS ET

                                             entrepreneurship progression
                                            Girls gain new skills, build their confidence, and develop an entrepreneurial mindset over time. As
                                            they engage in the Girl Scout Cookie Program and beyond, girls learn five valuable skills that will serve
                                            them for the rest of their lives. As you work with your Girl Scout, acknowledge their skill development
                                            and encourage them to challenge themselves further. Soon, they’ll be ready to translate their skills
                                            into true entrepreneurship or bring an entrepreneurial mindset to whatever path they choose.

                                            GIRL SCOUT COOKIES ARE AN INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY
                                            FOR GIRLS TO DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS.
• In order to participate, troops must       • Troops cannot require girls/families to      Examples include Troop Pre-Season               • Participation in a council organized
  have a TCM to manage and facilitate          order by the full case. (One case=12         IO, payment deadlines, My Sale                    money-earning activity is optional and
  the Cookie Program.                          packages of cookies) In doing so,            (Family & Troop) requests, Girl Reward            should be decided by the Girl Scout and
                                               the girl/family cannot maintain the          selections, etc.                                  her family. (i.e. Fall Product Program or
• Troops must have a registered and            recommended variety mix and risks                                                              Cookie Program). Additionally, if a girl
  verified bank account on file with           inventory overage. For example, the         • All money collected, earned or                   chooses to participate, the troop may
  GSNETX.                                      recommended variety mix for 100               deposited in the name of Girl Scouting           not set her sales goal or a minimum
                                               packages is 26 Thin Mints, 22 Samoas,         must be used to meet the purpose of              requirement for a girl to sell. For more
• When troops distribute cookies to girls      14 Tagalongs, 9 Trefoils, 9 Do-si-dos, 10     Girl Scouting in GSNETX. Such money              details, see Volunteer Essentials at
  and families to be sold, prepayment          Lemon-Ups, 3 Toffee-tastics, and 7 Girl       becomes the property of the troop
  of cookies issued is not required.           Scout S’mores.                                and is not the property of individual          • The determination of how proceeds from
  If a girl/family has already received                                                      girls. Girl Scout troop and service unit         Girl Scout troop money-earning activities
  a distribution of cookies from their       • Cookie Program volunteers, including          funds are not to be credited or given            are used must be a girl decision. For more
  troop, the troop may require a               SU CPCs and TCMs have the authority           to individuals. For more details, see GSNETX     details, see GSNETX Policies and Procedures at
  payment from the girl/family in order        to set deadlines in advance of key           Policies and Procedures at,  ,
  to receive additional cookies to be          GSNETX dates to ensure that the
  sold by the girl/family.                     Troop/Service Unit can meet deadlines
                                               and manage the program efficiently.


                Girls can earn Cookie Business and Financial Literacy badges and
                Cookie Entrepreneur Family pins for every year they participate in
                                 the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

                                                                      2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 7


Door-to-door                                            My Family Sales Booth                                        My Troop Sales Booth
WHO: Girl Scout and their parent/caregiver              WHO: Girl Scouts (in the same household) &                   WHO: Troops & Safety-wise adult Girl Scout
                                                        their parent/caregiver only                                  Volunteers (with current membership &
WHEN: January 15 – February 28, 2021
                                                                                                                     background check on file)
                                                        WHEN: January 15 – February 28, 2021
WHERE: Your Girl Scout’s neighborhood
Door-to-door sales in shopping centers and retail                                                                    WHEN: January 29 – February 28, 2021
                                                        WHERE: Local retailers NOT listed as a
locations is not permitted.
                                                        GSNETX council partner                                       WHERE: Local retailers NOT listed as a
                                                        See the My Sales form available 11/14 for details.           GSNETX council partner
    HOW: Support your Girl                                                                                           See the My Sales form available 11/14 for details.
    Scout’s goal by canvasing her
    neighborhood, selling door-to-door                  HOW: Complete a My Sale Request form for a retailer who is NOT a
    with cookies in-hand.
                                                        council partner. This form will be available on November 14th. Families
                                                        and troops may not ask any location for booth approval until November
         She can use Digital Cookie to take             14th.

         credit card payments from January              • Complete a My Sale Request form for a retailer who is NOT a council partner.
         15-31, 2021 directly in the app.                 The retailer must sign and date the form. Do not ask (in-person or over the
                                                          phone) prior to November 14, 2020. If GSNETX becomes aware of any My Sales
                                                          that were secured prior to November 14 2020, we reserve the right to decline
                                                          the booth. Give the form to your TCM to input into eBudde at least 48 hours
GSNETX Council                                            prior to the start of the booth.
Organized Booth                                         • Wait for TCM to receive approval from the local SU CPC.

WHO: Girl Scouts & Safety-wise Adult                    • Once approval is received, follow GSNETX Safety Guidelines and Booth Etiquette on page 14 & 15.
Girl Scout Volunteers (with current
membership & background check on file)
OR Girl Scouts & their parent/caregiver
only                                                  Workplace
WHEN: January 29 – February 28, 2021                  The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl-led
                                                      program, but we know that parent/caregiver
WHERE: Council Partners like Kroger,                  workplaces are great for helping girls
Tom Thumb, and more.                                  reach their goals. To keep it girl-led,
See the My Sales form for details.
                                                      have your Girl Scout write a personal
                                                      statement to describe how cookie
                                                      sales will support her. She can also
 • GSNETX organizes and coordinates booth
                                                      come along to deliver the product
                                                      or write personal thank you
 • TCMs sign up for booths in limited releases
   through eBudde.                                    notes to customers for their
 • Follow GSNETX Safety Guidelines and Booth          business.

Girls can sell online through their personal Digital Cookie link, see page 9 for
all the details!

  NEW: Digital Cookie can be used as a method of payment at booth sales from
  January 15 through January 31.


                                                                                             Here are 4 easy steps to jump
                                                                                             into the fun, and crush those
                                                                                             cookie goals!

                                                                                                    Check your email (the same email
                                                                                                    you entered on your Girl Scout’s
                                                                                                    PPF) for your link from Digital Cookie
                                                                                                    starting in mid-December. Do not
                                                                                                    forget to check your junk, spam, and
                                                                                                                                                  digital cookie
                                                                                                    promotion folders!                               rewards
WHO: Girl Scouts with support                                                                                                                     These are the rewards that can be
                                                                                                    SET UP YOUR SITE                               earned when a girl sells cookies
from their parent/caregiver                                                                         Help your Girl Scout set up her                 through her Digital Cookie site.
                                                                                                    sales goal, share her cookie story,
                                                                                                    and upload a fun picture or video.
WHAT: Watch your Girl Scout                                                                         Then she is ready to save, review,
build her online marketing                                                                          and publish! (Parents must approve
skills as she sets up her                                                                           before the site can be published.)
very own Digital Cookie                                                                                                                                  Cookie Techie Patch
                                                                                                    INVITE CUSTOMERS                                         Site Setup
website. She can send out                                                                           Girl Scouts and their parent/guardian                 & Send 15 Emails
her personal website link to                                                                        can manage her cookie customer list
family and friends via email                                                                        and easily send ready-to-use emails
                                                                                                    inviting friends & family to support
to increase her sales through                                                                       her cookie goal. Parents/Guardians
online orders. Digital Cookie                                                                       can also promote her personalized
will allow customers to shop from your Girl Scout’s website and ship                                link on their personal social media
                                                                                                    with friends, family, neighbors, and
directly to them.                                                                                   co-workers.

WHEN:                                                                                               TRACK YOUR GOAL                                         25+ Packages
                                                                                                    She can see how close she is to                       Removeable Vinyl
December 11, 2020 – March 7, 2021: Girls can share their personal                                   reaching her goal by tracking the                      Decal Stickers
link for customers to place orders. Customers will have three options                               number of boxes sold and orders
at the time of their purchase:                                                                      placed, as well as sales by delivery
                                                                                                    type and cookie variety. You can
1. Order cookies and pay to ship them directly to their home. These                                 even include offline sales to see total
   cookies are shipped by Girl Scouts and do not come from the girl's                               progress!
   personal inventory.                                                                                                                                     50+ Packages
                                                                                                                                                          Glow In The Dark
2. Order cookies for girl delivery, to be fulfilled by girls in January 2021,                                                                               Cable Horse
   when the Cookie Program begins. These cookies come from the
   girl's personal inventory.
3. Donate cookies online to Community Cookie.
                                                                                                   MY LOGIN
January 15 – 31, 2021: Girl Scouts can use the Digital Cookie Mobile
In Hand feature to take credit card payment for cookies sold directly
from the app. (Door-to-door sales & Booth sales)                                                                                                          100+ Packages
                                                                                                                                                        Multi-Colored Slinky

January 15 – March 7, 2021: Customers can place orders on your Girl
Scout’s website and choose In-Person delivery. (Workplace, etc.)                                   PASSWORD

                                                                                                                                     N S?
                                                                                                                                                           150+ Packages
• Keep in mind any orders for girl-            delivered as soon as possible. Once the   • Rewards are at risk                      e  your              Mini Wooden Boxed
  delivery orders should come from             Cookie Program begins (1/15) orders         for members refusing           Please se                       Table Top Jenga
  your Girl Scout's personal inventory.        should be delivered to customers within     to honor rules and                  TC M  .
  If you placed an Initial Order, you may      5 days. Once cookies delivered the          Digital Cookie access
  have cookies as early as January 15.         parent/caregiver should mark the order      may be terminated.
  No money to collect, since online            complete in Digital Cookie.
  orders are paid for with a credit card.                                                • Links can be shared on social
                                              • GSNETX cannot delete or change an          media but may not be posted in buy,
                                                                                                                                                           200+ Packages
• All girl-delivery orders must be approved     order once the parent/caregiver has        sell, trade, exchange, garage sell, etc.,                        Phone / Selfie
  by the parent/caregiver within 5 days of      approved it. Therefore, you must be        type groups.                                                         Light
  the order in Digital Cookie. Customers        willing to deliver the cookies before
  should be contacted regarding delivery        approving the order.
  arrangements. These orders should be

                                                                                                                                 2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 9

2020-2021 Girl Scout
• Parent Permission Form (PPF)
  Be on the look for an email starting
  in November to complete your Girl
  Scout's PPF online. Check to make
  sure your Girl Scout’s membership is
  current PRIOR to completing the PPF.

• Double check your email address
  for accuracy before you submit!
                                                                            Connect with your TCM
                                                                            for information on
• Make sure your Girl Scout’s first & last name and troop
  number match how they appear in My GS. Ask your Troop
                                                                            the following:
  Leader how they appear in My GS if you are not able to log in.            • Troop Cookie meeting &
  If either of these items do not match exactly, it could cause a             information.
  delay in your Girl Scout being loaded into eBudde™.
                                                                            • How and when to order cookies.
                                                                              (your Girl Scout's Initial Pre-Season Order (IO) & beyond)

                                                                            • How many cookies should you order?
  Please see the Girl Scout and parent/caregiver checklist on page 13 for     Remember, you can always pick up additional cookies from your TCM and
  more detailed information to guide you and your Girl Scout throughout       do not need to order all of your cookies in your IO.
  Cookie Season
                                                                            • When and where to pick up cookies.
  NOTE: Girls that have outstanding balances due to GSNETX                    Be sure to sign and get a copy of your receipt.
  are not able to participate in the Cookie Program.                        • My Sales and Troop Council Booths.

                                                                            • How and when to make payments.
                                                                              Be sure to sign and get a copy of your receipt.

                                                                                                                GIRL SCOUT
                                                                                                                   On my honor, I will try:
                                                                                                                     To serve God* and my
                                                                                                                     To help people at all times,
                                                                                                                     And to live by the Girl
                                                                                                                   Scout Law.

                                                                                                                *Members may substitute for the word
                                                                                                                   God in accordance with their
                                                                                                                       own spiritual beliefs.

                                                                                                                 GIRL SCOUT LAW
                                                                                                                    I will do my best to be
                                                                                                                       honest and fair,
                                                                                                                       friendly and helpful,
                                                                                                                       considerate and caring,
                                                                                                                       courageous and strong, and
                                                                                                                       responsible for what I say and do,
                                                                                                                    and to
                                                                                                                       respect myself and others,
                                                                                                                       respect authority,
                                                                                                                       use resources wisely,
                                                                                                                       make the world a better place, and
                                                                                                                       be a sister to every Girl Scout.


Please login to My GS or ask your Troop Leader for the following information.

                                                                                                                                         This is your

                                                                                                                                        sample copy.
                                                                                                                                       The 2021 Parent
TROOP #                                              SERVICE UNIT #                                                                      Permission
                                                                                                                                           Form is
GIRL FIRST & LAST NAME (as it appears in My GS)



      I agree to accept full financial and personal responsibility, including on-time payment, for all Girl Scout cookies ordered and money due
      related to my Girl Scout’s participation in the 2021 Cookie Program. I understand I am liable for the amount not paid and that it could result
      in being referred to a collection agency and I will be responsible for paying costs and fees associated with all collection efforts.

      I understand that my TCM is responsible for giving me a signed receipt for all products I receive and all money I turn in, and that it is my
      responsibility to keep all copies until May 31, 2021. GSNETX retains the right to request these receipts in the event of discrepancies/conflicts
      beyond May 31, 2021.

3.    I agree that any cookies remaining unsold in my possession by/for my Girl Scout may not be returned to my Troop/GSNETX. After the

      program ends, they are my property and I accept financial responsibility for them.

I will ensure that:
4.    My Girl Scout's membership remains current and active for 2021: October 1, 2020-September 30, 2021.

5.    No cookie orders may be taken, prior to the official order taking date of December 11, 2020. Any cookie orders taken prior to this date are
      strictly prohibited. Cookies may be sold through May 31, 2021 at the prices set by GSNETX.

6.    My Girl Scout has adult guidance at all times. We will follow all booth safety and etiquette at approved booth sales and understand that
      failure to follow the process and etiquette will result in a $25 fine per instance applied to the girl/family and/or troop who violates the policy.
      This includes not approaching council partners such as Walmart, Kroger, Tom Thumb, etc. that are set up by GSNETX. All council partners
      will be listed on the My Sales form published at My Sales requests can begin on November 7, 2020. Additionally,
      failure to follow booth sale etiquette and safety guidelines may affect your troop’s approval and sign-up for future booths.

7.    Girl Scout cookies may not be sold by a business, retailer, and/or restaurant without proper booth approval and a Girl Scout must be
      present at all times.

8.    We will only sell Little Brownie Baker products for the prices set by GSNETX within the GSNETX 32 county boundary lines. Additionally, I
      agree that credit card fees will not be passed along to the customer.

9.    I agree to abide by the GSNETX social media policy guidelines for the Cookie program and Digital Cookie as

           • Only use the first names when signing emails or cookie alerts regarding sales.

           • Posts about cookies on sites such as eBay, Craigslist, and/or any other “for sale” sites are strictly
             prohibited. This includes garage sale sites, Facebook Market Place, etc.

           • To ensure the best customer experience, when using Digital Cookie, only accept orders that can be
             delivered within 7-10 days. The only exception to this is Digital Cookie preorders prior to January 15,

10. My Girl Scout will not receive rewards if her balance for the Girl Scout Cookie program is not paid in full
    and on time. Girl reward items are ordered only for eligible girls who have paid their balance in full by the
    end of the program on the date set by GSNETX. Girls and troops may continue to sell cookies until May 31,

Please see your TCM if you have any questions about any of the above.

                                                                                                            2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 11

                                                      IE S
                                                                                              LOCAL RESTRICTIONS

                                                                                            Some cities require permits

                                                     ON IS
                                                                                            for booth sales and door-
                                                                                            to-door sales. It is the troop

                                                           JANUARY 15 – FEBRUAR
                                                                                            and family’s responsibility
                                                                                            to confirm whether or not a
                                                                                            permit is needed. Permits are
                                                                                            provided by GSNETX and will be posted on or before
                                                                                            January 15, 2021 at in the For
                                                                                            Volunteer's section.


                  SOCIAL MEDIA

                                                                                            You have the right to:


                                                                                            • Participate at a level that is comfortable for you and
                 All online sales efforts should
                                                                                              your Girl Scout. There are no minimum cookie sales

                      always be led by the
            Girl Scout and supervised by parent/                                              requirements.
           guardian. Posts about cookies on sites
            such as eBay, Craigslist, Marketplace                                           • Decide how many cookies you will accept. Cookie
               and/or any other “for sale” sites                                              orders placed to the TCM are final and can not be
               are strictly prohibited. Personal                                              canceled or returned. You are financially responsible
                   information should not be
                          shared online.                                                      for what you order.

                                                                                            You are responsible for:
                                                                                            • Every cookie package ordered / picked up / signed for.
                                                                                            • Collecting and turning in all customer payments to
                                                                                              your TCM regularly and on time. On time payments
                                                                                              matter. In order to guarantee rewards, girls must pay
                                                                                              their cookie bill, in full, by the due date set by your
                                                                                              TCM and GSNETX.
                                                                                            • Signing and retaining a copy of the receipt for money/
                                                                                              cookies. This is your proof for payments and cookies
                                                                                              picked up. (GSNETX retains the right to request these
                                                                                              receipts in the event of discrepancies/conflicts.)
                                                                                            • Completing girl-delivery purchases received through
                                                                                              Digital Cookie by arranging for and delivering cookies
                                                                                              within 7-10 days of the customer's order.


                                                  Follow this checklist to ensure a
                                                  successful cookie season.
                                                  Pre-Sale                                      Goal Setter
                                                     Register your Girl Scout for the              Start selling to door-to-
                                                     2020-2021 membership year.                    door with cookies in hand on
                                                                                                   January 15, 2021.
                                                     Submit the PPF online.
                                                                                                   Contact your TCM to order/pick up
                                                     Attend your troop family cookie
                                                                                                   more cookies for any girl-delivered
                                                     meeting and pick up materials from
                                                                                                   orders taken after the starting
                                                     your TCM.
                                                                                                   inventory is sold.
                                                     Learn about the 5 skills, cookie-related      Be sure to sign and keep a copy of your
                                                     badges and the Family Activity pin.           receipt!

                                                     Review the cookie rewards and work            Money is collected ONLY when
                                                     together with your Girl Scout to set a        cookies are delivered, not before.
                                                     realistic goal.                               This does not apply to orders placed
                                                                                                   through Digital Cookie.
                                                                                                   Turn money in frequently to your TCM.
                                                  Starting Inventory/                              They will let you know specific dates
                                                                                                   for your troop.
                                                  Delivery                                         Be sure to sign and retain your receipt!

                                                     Guide her to set practical and useful         Volunteer to work a Troop Cookie
                                                     goals using the goal worksheet to             booth and/or set up your own My
                                                     determine how many packages                   Family Sale booth.
                                                     of cookies to order for your Initial
                                                                                                   Help your Girl Scout reach her goals by
                                                     Pre-Season Order. Ask your TCM for
                                                                                                   supporting her during cookie delivery
                                                     help and if you have any questions.
                                                                                                   and booth sales.
                                                     Remember, you can always get more
                                                     cookies later.                                Be sure to log in to Digital Cookie and
                                                                                                   check for new orders. Remember
                                                     Girls can earn Initial Pre-Season Order
                                                                                                   that orders for girl delivery should be
                                                     See page 19 for all the details.              approved within 5 days of the order
                                                                                                   and delivered within 7-10 days
                                                     Send emails to friends, family, and           of the order to ensure the
                                                     more through Digital Cookie beginning         best customer service
                                                     December 11, 2020.                            experience possible.                    RY 28
                                                  Coach your Girl Scout                         Wrap Up
                                                     Listen to her practice her sales pitch.       Work with your TCM to pick
                                                     Pretend to be a potential customer            up a booth sale if you still have
                                                     and ask her questions.                        remaining inventory to sell.
                                                     Review cookie materials together.             Turn in all cookie payments to
MONEY TIPS                                           Be a role model for business ethics           your TCM.
• Always count money in front of the                 and safety rules. Page 14-15.                 Double check that there are no
  customer when giving back change.                  Have fun with her!                            outstanding deliveries needed
                                                                                                   in Digital Cookie.
• Be cautious about accepting bills larger
                                                                                                   Let the TCM know your
  than $20, as they can be counterfeit.
                                                                                                   Girl Scout's reward choices.
  Pro Tip: Some troops and families invest in a     REMEMBER: The Girl Scout Cookie
  counterfeit marker.                               Program is a part of the Girl Scout
                                                    Leadership Experience, which is girl-
• Ask your TCM if your troop plans to accept        led. Let your Girl Scout take the lead in   After the Sale
                                                    selling cookies and reaching goals. Your
  checks and understand who is responsible                                                         Celebrate with your
                                                    encouragement, coaching, and guidance
  for returned checks fees and money                will be key ingredients to a successful        Girl Scout and her troop!
  outstanding due to returned checks.               Cookie Program experience for her.

• Have a plan for keeping money safe at a
  booth sale.

                                                                                                2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 13

            Follow these tips to stay safe and have fun while helping your Girl Scout
             crush her cookie goal and master the 5 Skills of the Cookie Program.
Show You Are a Girl Scout                Plan Ahead                               Be Internet Savvy
Girl Scouts should wear a uniform         Always have a plan for                  Take the GSUSA Internet Safety
(vest, tunic, sash), or GS shirt, to     safeguarding money and avoid             Pledge at before
identify themselves as a Girl Scout,     walking around with large amounts        going online and follow the specific
especially at booth sales.               of money or keeping it at home or        guidelines related to marketing
                                         school. Turn in money to your TCM        online.
Be Streetwise                            frequently, and on time.
Become familiar with the areas                                                    Safety Wise Adults
and neighborhoods where your Girl        Do Not Enter                             Girl Scout/Adult ratios must be
Scout will be selling cookies.           Girls should never enter the home        maintained at all booths.
                                         or vehicle of a person when selling
                                                                                  • My Family Sales Booth:
Be Safe                                  cookies or making a delivery. Girls
                                                                                    Minimum of 1 Girl Scout & 1 adult
Always follow safe pedestrian            should also avoid selling to people
practices, especially when crossing      in vehicles (unless it is a drive thru
at intersections or walking along        cookie booth) or going into alleys.      • Troop/Council Booths: 2 Girl
roadways. Be aware of traffic when                                                  Scouts & 2 Safety Wise adults
unloading cookies from vehicles.         Sell in the Daytime                      • All booth sales held Monday-
                                         Girls should only sell only during         Saturday must conclude by 8pm.
Partner with Adults                      daylight hours, unless accompanied         Booth sales held on Sundays
Adults must accompany Girl Scout         by an adult.                               must conclude by 6pm.
Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors
when they are taking orders,             Protect Privacy                          COVID-19 Restrictions
selling, or delivering product. Girls    Girls’ full names, addresses, and        Due to COVID-19, additional
in grades 6-12 must be supervised        email addresses should never             restrictions are in place to limit
by an adult when selling door-to-        be given to customers. Use a             the number of people allowed at
door and must never sell alone.          group contact number or address          booths to keep our girls, volunteers
Adults must be present at ALL            overseen by an adult for customers       and customers safe.
cookie booths at all times.              to request information, reorder, or      • Parents/caregivers and Girl
                                         give comments.                             Scouts hosting a My Family
                                                                                    Sales Booth must be from the
                                                                                    same household. No more than
                                                                                    2 adults and 3 Girl Scouts can be
                                                                                  • When hosting a Troop Booth,
                                                                                    a maximum of 2 adults and
                                                                                    2 Girl Scouts from 2 different
                                                                                    households is allowed. There is
                                                                                    an exception for sisters in the
                                                                                    same troop to allow 2 sisters to
                                                                                    host a booth with 1 unrelated Girl
                                                                                    Scout sister from the same troop,
                                                                                    for a total of 3 Girl Scouts.
                                                                                  • No tagalongs are permitted.


                                                                     R E M E M B E R!
                                                                   Adhere to the
                                                                  of the Girl Scou
                                                                                   t Promise
                                                                   and Law and fo
                                                                                    llow all
                                                                     GSNETX guidel

  We value our booth sale partners and are grateful for their
  support of Girl Scouts. They are granting us access to their
  valuable real estate and customers and it is of utmost importance
  to show them our appreciation and respect! Girl Scouts, their
  families and troops and their behavior can impact whether a
  partner allows ALL Girl Scouts to sell at their location.

Honest & Fair                              Considerate & Caring                                • If a store decides to cancel a booth
• Tip jars and soliciting donations        • Arrive and leave on time and                        sale, politely pack up and respect
  for funds for the troop are not            make sure to check in with store                    the change of plans.
  permitted. Troops may offer                management upon arrival.                          • Stores may occasionally double
  customers the opportunity to                                                                   book My Sales. You SU CPC can
                                           • Never block or impede a store’s
  donate cookies to GSNETX’s                                                                     help determine who had the My
                                             foot traffic with booth setup.
  Community Cookie (formerly                                                                     Sale approved first in eBudde and
  Care 2 Share), where packages of         • Bring proper change and do not
                                                                                                 therefore, who will be permitted to
  cookies are donated to military, first     ask stores to make change for your
  responders and essential workers.          booth.
  Remember, this is not a solicitation     • If the store permits girls to ask                 Use Resources Wisely
  of funds for those groups or               customers to purchase cookies                     • What recycled materials can your
  organizations.                             when arriving or leaving, not                       Girl Scout use to level up her
• Girl Scouts are not allowed to             both and always say “thank you”                     cookie selling setup.
  solicit money on behalf of another         whether the customers buy or
                                                                                               Make the World a Better Place
  organization when identifying              not.
                                                                                               • Do not use the store’s trashcans.
  ourselves as Girl Scouts. i.e.           Courageous & Strong                                   Break down the cookie cases and
  advertising that a portion of the        Responsible                                           take them home to recycle. Girl
  proceeds will be donated to another      • Do not run, yell, talk loudly or use                Scouts leave a place cleaner than
  organization is not permitted.             inappropriate language.                             they found it!
  Troops can support another
  organization through take-action         • Do not sell cookies from a car in                 Be a Sister to Every
  projects.                                  place of a booth.                                 Girl Scout
                                                                                               • Girls should cheer on and support
Friendly & Helpful                         Respectful
                                                                                                 their fellow Girl Scouts, whether
• Always be polite & friendly and          • Be sure to read and follow any
                                                                                                 within their own troop or just
  follow all instructions given by           store-specific instructions
                                                                                                 meeting for the first time.
  store management.                          provided through eBudde to your
• Settle any disputes politely and
  calmly without involving store           • Your Girl Scout troop number must
  management whether with                    be clearly displayed at all times
  customers or other troops.                 during your booth sale.

                                                                                               2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 15

 help her succeed
 Understanding the Cookie Program will help parents and caregivers feel knowledgeable and confident and in
 turn will help your Girl Scout succeed. Let's take a look at some fun facts and details that you might find helpful.

 To start, here are the average number of packages of cookies sold by girls at each of our Program Grade Levels
 (PGL) in the 2020 Cookie Program:

   DAISY             BROWNIE                JUNIOR              CADETTE                 SENIOR           AMBASSADOR
   189                 243                   268                  260                    194                  148
  packages            packages              packages             packages               packages             packages
    sold                sold                  sold                 sold                   sold                 sold

 All girls are different. However, the following information is a guideline of what you should expect from girls at different
 levels and the appropriate amount of time girls could be at a booth. Please consider your girl’s abilities, fatigue factors,
 and goals to keep boothing fun, not a chore.
 Daisies are generally able to greet customers, have product knowledge, and explain Community Cookie program.
 Attention spans are short, and girls need close supervision. Recommended booth time = 1 hour

 Brownies are generally able to make change with adult assistance, greet customers, have product knowledge, share
 goals and explain Community Cookie program. Attention spans are short. Recommended booth time = 1-2 hours

 Juniors are generally able to make change and speak with customers. Juniors should be able to share their goals in
 detail. Attention span is moderate. Recommended booth time = 2-3 hours or more depending on the girl

 Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors are generally able to complete the sale without adult assistance. Girls at this age
 are able to clearly express their goals and can be active in setting up their booths. Recommended booth time = up to
 4 hours or more depending on the girl

cookie history
 1910:   Cookie sales began in 1917 as a way to finance troop activities in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
 1920:   Girl Scouts baked & sold sugar cookies door to door in wax paper bags, for $0.25 - $0.35 per dozen.
 1930:   Cookies were sold for the first time in the shape of a trefoil and packaged in a box.
 1940:   During World War II, sugar, flour and butter shortages occurred and instead of cookies, Girl Scouts sold calendars.
 1950:   Girl Scouts sold 3 cookies, Sandwich, Shortbread, and Chocolate Mints & booth sales in shopping malls began.
 1960:   14 bakers were licensed to bake Girl Scout cookies & wrapped the boxes in printed aluminum to protect the
         cookies from going stale.
 1970:   Girl Scout cookie boxes depicted scenes of Girl Scouts in action like hiking and canoeing.
 1980:   Girl Scout councils were required to sell three varieties; Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos, and Trefoils and could also sell up
         to four additional flavors.
 1990:   For the first time low-fat and sugar-free cookies were sold.
 2000:    Daisies began selling cookies and Girl Scouts sold up to eight varieties. All cookies were kosher.

•                                 GOAL SETTING WORKSHEET

             GOAL SETTING
         Hi Girl Scout! Are you ready to dive into the 2021 Cookie Program? Let's start by setting a SMART goal.
         What is a SMART goal you ask? Let's take a closer look.

        S        smart | What exactly do you want to accomplish? This could be a specific number of packages that you
                 want to sell, a skill that you want to learn or a reward that you want to earn.

        M        measurable | How will you know when you have met your goal? How can you track your progress? This
                 could be a chart to show how many packages you have sold and how many you have to go.
                 attainable | Is it possible to meet this goal in the time you have to complete it? Consider what it will take
        A        to meet your goal. This could be a list of people to ask to purchase cookies, the number of booth sales you
                 would participate in, etc.

        R        relevant | Is this goal something that is important to you and that you are excited about? Think about why
                 you are setting this goal and how it motivates you to be successful.

                 time-bound | What is the deadline you set to meet your goal? Make sure you create a plan to achieve your
                 goal by the date you set.

        Ready to set your first goal? A great place to get                  Now that you've set your goal, build your pitch
    1   started is to check out the rewards on page 19.            2        and practice like a pro! Make sure to share your
        Goal:                                                               goal!
                                                                            Here's an example of a cookie pitch:
        S                                                                   Hi! My name is Juliette and I'm a Girl Scout Brownie.
                                                                            Would you like to by some Girl Scout Cookies? My

        M                                                                   goal is to earn a week of summer camp and funds
                                                                            for my troop to plant a community garden.
                                                                            Other helpful pitch builders:
        A                                                                   - If you can't eat 'em, treat 'em and donate cookies
                                                                            to local first responders.

        R                                                                   - We take cash or credit!
                                                                            Don't forget to say thank you!
                                                                            Now grab a piece of paper and build your pitch that
        T                                                                   you would use to ask customers to support you!

             ACTION PLAN
        Did you know the average in-person customer buys 3 packages of cookies? The average customer
        who purchases online through Digital Cookie buys 4-5 packages. Considering participating at a booth
        sale? The average number of packages sold at a 2 hour booth sale is 30-50 packages. Next, let's make
        a list of those who you plan to ask to support you and how you plan to reach your sales goal.
              family              friends          neighbors                 other                   booth sales
        1.                   1.                   1.                   1.                  1.
        2.                   2.                   2.                   2.                  2.
        3.                   3.                   3.                   3.                  3.
        4.                   4.                   4.                   4.                  4.
        5.                   5.                   5.                   5.                  5.
        6.                   6.                   6.                   6.                  6.
        7.                   7.                   7.                   7.                  7.
        8.                   8.                   8.                   8.                  8.
                                                                                         2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 17

                                     Fall Cookie Crossover
                                     Girls who sent at least 15 emails in the Fall
                                     Product Program can earn this personalized patch
                                     by also selling 300 packages of cookies during the
                                     2021 Cookie Program

  2021 Bar                          We’ve Got This                                Cookie Club                           Super
  Earned by selling 2021            Theme patch earned by selling                 Earned by selling 600 packages        Earned by selling 1,200 packages
  packages                          24+ packages

                                                                       Care 2
Goal Getter                          Community Cookie                                Cookie Techie                      Cookie Sleuth
Earned by placing and picking up     Earned by donating 15+ packages to              Earned by setting up site and      Cookie Sleuths are on the lookout
an Initial Pre-Season Order of at    GSNETX's Community Cookie Program.              sending 15 emails                  for cookie sellers that know their
least 100 packages                   Benefiting military, first responders                                              cookie facts and are running a girl-
                                     and essential workers.                                                             led business.

  ITEMS IN THE RETAIL SHOP                                                                                                G IR L SCO
                                                                                                                                        UTS   ®

 Troops, parents and caregivers can purchase any of these from our GSNETX Shop.

                                                                                                                        Cookie Rookie
                                                                                                                        For first time sellers.

                                                                                                                             G IR L


 Booth Sales                        Cookie Rally                                   Gift of Caring
 To memorialize a Girl Scout's      Attend a Cookie Rally with your                Donate packages to a nonprofit
 participation in booth sales.      Troop, Service Unit or GSNETX.                 organization of the troop's choice    Cookie Captain
                                                                                                                         Designed for Girl Scout Juniors and
                                    Pocket Pillow &                                                                      above who want to use their experience
                                                         Backpack Purse
                                      Look for more de                  Su               rprise Packs                    to help younger girls succeed.
                                                       tails from our Shop
                                                                                  in January/Februa
2021 cOOKie ReWaRDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               GS $10
         12+ Packages                               24+ Packages                             75+ Packages                           125+ Packages                                    175+ Packages                                    250+ Packages
    Participation Certificate                        Theme Patch                               Bandana                            Socks AND Thin Mint                              Reusable Straw OR                                  Horse Plush OR
                                                                                                                                        Charm                                     Friendship Bracelets                           Dry Bag OR $10 GS Bucks

                                                                                                                    cookie club                                                    GS $10

                                                                                                                      21-22                      GS $25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GS $10
     GS $5                                                                            GS $10                                600+ Packages
                                                                                                                           Cookie Club Events                                  750+ Packages                                         1000+ Packages
                                                                          450+ Packages
                300+ Packages                                                                                           (Girl + Chaperone) OR                              Glow-In-The Dark Blanket                        Camp Stool & Mess Kit OR Stainless
                                                                    Phone Chair OR Girl Scout Hat
       Canvas Pennant AND Horse Charm                                                                                 Girl Scout Membership OR                                OR Misting Fan OR                            Steel Insulated Water Bottle OR $10
                                                                      OR $10 Girl Scout Bucks
             OR Journal & Pen OR                                                                                         $25 Girl Scout Bucks                                $10 Girl Scout Bucks                                    Girl Scout Bucks
              $5 Girl Scout Bucks

  Super seller levelS All girls who reach Super Seller 1200+ will also receive the Super Seller patch
  and a t-shirt with their reward selection.
                 1200+ Packages                                                  1600+ Packages                                                        2021+ Packages                                                     2800+ Packages
                              Great Wolf Lodge Event                                                                                                                                OR                                           Fit Bit Verse 2
                                                                                                         Disney+ Annual                                     Apple Airpods                                                        Smart Watch                 OR
                       One night stay with hotel room and
                       waterpark passes for the Girl Scout                                                Subscription                                                  Ice Cream
                       and one adult guest (must be 21+),                                                      OR                                                         Maker
                       plus a programmatic activity for the
                      girl. Specific room types and capacity                                                 Custom                                                            OR                                           Hoverboard
                       are not guaranteed. Programmatic                                                                                                                                                                                     OR
                     activity is available on a first come, first                                       OR                                                                 Heavy Duty
                                      serve basis                                                                                                                        Camping Cooler                                           Canon Cliq Camera &
                                                                                           3D Pen with Refill Pack                                                                              OR
                                OR                                                                                                                                                                                                   Printer In One
                                                                                                 OR                                                   Movie Projector &                                                                      OR
                 One GSNETX Resident Camp                                                Mini Popcorn                                                                                                               GSNETX Chaperoned Texas Road Trip
                 Session of 5 nights or less†
                                                                                           Machine                                                               OR                                                       Experience (Girl Only)
                                OR                                                               OR                                                                                                                                  OR
                                                                                                                                                 $75 Girl Scout Bucks                  OR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $100 Girl Scout Bucks               OR
                   $100 Girl Scout Bucks                                                    Walkie Talkie Set           OR
                                                                                                                                                                      One GSNETX Resident Camp                                    One GSNETX Resident Camp
                                                                                                                                                                      Session of 5 nights or less†                                Session of 5 nights or less†
                                                                                            $75 Girl Scout Bucks

   initial order                                                                                                                                                     community cookie
   These rewards can only be earned by ordering and picking up packages for                                                                                          These rewards can only be earned by
   a Girl Scout on her pre-season Initial Order.                                                                                                                     allocating packages to be distributed through
                                                                                                                                                                     GSNETX’s Community Cookie Program.

                                                                                                                                                                                         15+ Packages                                               35+ Packages
                Goal Getter Patch                                    Ice Cream Bowl Set                            Long Sleeve T-Shirt                                                  donated through                                            donated through
          For the Girl: 100+ Packages                           For the Troop: 250+ PGA on                      For the Girl: 300+ Packages                                                                                                       Community Cookie
                                                                                                                                                                                       Community Cookie
       ordered on the initial pre-season                       the troop’s initial pre-season                      ordered on the initial
               order via eBudde                                       order via eBudde                         pre-season order via eBudde

   digital cookie These rewards can only be earned through a girl’s participation in bar patches
   Digital Cookie. This includes sending emails through Digital Cookie to family and friends as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Package levels
   selling cookies through Digital Cookie using her link that is shared with customers or by processing
   transactions in the Digital cookie app.                                                                                                                                                                              100+                600+ 1200+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        200+                 700+ 1600+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        300+                800+ 2021 +
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        400+                900+ 2800+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        500+                1000+
   Cookie Techie Patch
       Site Setup                                                           50+ Packages                    100+ Packages                         150+ Packages                      200+ Packages
    & Send 15 Emails                      25+ Packages                     Glow In The Dark               Multi-Colored Slinky                  Mini Wooden Boxed                     Phone / Selfie
                                        Removeable Vinyl                     Cable Horse                                                         Table Top Jenga                          Light
                                         Decal Stickers
† All items and event dates are subject to change. The Council reserves the right to replace any item of equal or higher value.
† If selection is not made, default selections will be made by GSNETX as the girl forfeits her ability to choose.
† No substitutions/no transfers of winnings. All packages must be picked up from TCM, reflected in the online cookie software system and paid for in full, to qualify.
† Camp spaces are reserved on a first come, first served basis. GSNETX does not guarantee space at any specific camp or session.
• Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Troops can earn extra profit in lieu of reward items, clubs, events and trips, but do qualify for patches and Community Cookie rewards.
• To receive the Initial Order 100+ patch, the girl must have at least 100 packages allocated to her in eBudde at the time of the Initial Order. Similarly, to receive the 300+ shirt, the girl must have at least 300 packages allocated to her in eBudde at the time of the
Initial Order.
• Initial Order troop reward of 250 PGA is calculated automatically in eBudde to include girls who have at least one package allocated at the time of the troop’s Initial Order, and who meet the PGA requirement.
NOTE: Girls are at risk to forfeit their rewards, including items, cookie dough, events and trips should they fail to pay on time, in full and/or if the Girl Scout and her family do not adhere to all policies and guidelines published in the Family Guide and contained in the
parent permission form, which is executed by her parent/guardian in order to participate in the Cookie Program.                                                                             2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 19
e llo
         Hello, ,
         H eig
           n eigh h
                       ! r!                                                                                                                                                                                 HAY GIRL, HAY!

           n                                                                                                                                                                                             Horses are herbivores, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                         plant eaters. The average
                                                                                                                                                                                                            horse eats 15 to 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                          pounds of hay per day,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and drinks at least 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                          gallons of water a day.

      Get  a kick out
        Get a kick out
      of othese          acts
                   fun ffacts
           f thesefun
                                                                  pow -nap
                                                                     er   WE’RE
      about    t horses.
          abouhorses.                                                POWER-NAPPERS!
                                                                    Not only can
                                                                                 horses                                                                                         Hay Girl, HAY!
                                                                          an ding up, they                                                                                                rbivores, or
                                                                     ep st
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                                                                            ep  with their
                                                                   often sleNot only can horses                                                                                        . Th e average
                                                                      plant  eaters. The average                                                                       plant eaters
                                                                         eyes open!                                                                                        horse eats 15
                                                                                                                                                                                              to 20
                                                                             Not    standing
                                                                                 only         up, they
                                                                                      can horses                                                                                    of  ha y pe  r day,                    Hay Girl, HAY!
                                                                              often  sleep with their
                                                                           sleep standing up, they                                                                        and drinks      at le as t 25
                                                                                                                                                                                            ter aHorses
                                                                                                                                                                                                   day.                    are herbivores, or
                                                                                    eyes open!                                                                            ga llo ns of   wa
                                                                            often sleep with their                                                                                                                 plant eaters. The average
                                                                                 eyes open!                                                                                                                           horse eats 15 to 20
                 u kn
           Did yoKNOW?           ow?                                                                                                                                                                                pounds of hay per day,
      DID YOU         to
                    es tolike to listen                                                                                                                                                                              and drinks at least 25
       HorsesHorslike        listen to n
              us ic!  Sc ience has show                                                                                                                                                                             gallons of water a day.
     music!  Science  know? has      t horses
           music     ca  n he  lp pu
                                       They like
                                                                 Keep your eyes
                             m  oo d.
    Horses   alike
     musicincan    sitto
                pohelp  ivelisten    tocountry
                            put horses
                                                                  on the prize!
                       l music an
           classicamood.                                                                  an
  music!  Science
   in a positive          haskin shown
                                   d of m like
                                             usic                           bigger eyes th
            music. What                                      Horses have
 music   can    help      put    horses
                                   lis te n to ?                      her lan d m ammal. In                                                                                                                    TALK ABOUT
    classical do
                   you lik ande country
                                to                            any  ot                      0
                                                              fact, they can
                                                                              see nearly 36                                                                                        Talk about
in amusic.
      positive    mood.
             What kind of music They     like                                          e.                                                                                                  HORSEPOWER!
                                                                   Keep your
                                                                   degrees at
                                                                   KEEP YOUR eyes
                                                                               EYES tim
 classical  music
       do you   like to  and    country
                            listen    to?                                                                                                                                            Horses    have bigger eyes than
                                                                                                                                                                                          rses can
 music. What kind of music                                          on the prize!
                                                                    ON THE PRIZE!                                                                                          On average, ho
                                                                                                                                                                                      to On
                                                                                                                                                                                         30 to 40
                                                                                                                                                                                             average,  horses can
                                                                                                                                                                            gallop up
   do you like to listen to?                                  Horses
                                                                                            than                                                                               miles per ho ur.
                                                                                                                                                                                           gallop  up to 30 to 40
                                                                                   mammal.In  In                                                                                                                    miles per hour.
                                                              fact, they
                                                                fact, theycan
                                                                                       time.                                                                                                                        Talk about
                                              less,                                                                                                                                                      On average, horses can
                             Fillies are fear                                                                        Did you know?                                                                        gallop up to 30 to 40
                                  Just like you!                                                                                    babies
                                                                                                                 It takes human                                                                              miles per hour.
                                              ale horse
                                A young fem                                                                          betw ee n 9 an d 12
                                    is called a filly.                                                            months to lea
                                                                                                                                  rn how to
                                                                                                                                   al (baby
                                                                                                                  walk. But, a fo
                                                                                                                          can  ru n an hour
                                                                                                                               ing  bo rn!
                                                                                                                      after be

             Fillies are fearless,                                                                                                                                DID YOU KNOW?
                  Just like you!
                    FILLIES   ARE FEARLESS,                                                                                                                           It takes human babies
                A young female         LIKE YOU!
                                                                                                                              Did you know?
                                                                                                                                          between 9 and 12
                    is called Aa young
                                 filly. female horse                                                                                     months to learn how to
                                                                                                                       It takes human babies
                                        is called a filly.                                                                between 9 andwalk.
                                                                                                                                          12 But, a foal (baby
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             e and mark, and all
                                                                                                                       months to learn how    tocan run an hour                                                 E BAKERS nam

                                                                                                                                         horse)          are owned by
                                                                                                                                                                      Girl Scouts of
                                                                                                                                                                                     the USA. The LITT
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LE BROWNI

                                                                                                                                       and logotypes,                        quity Inc. WGT
                                                                                                                                                             ™ & © 2020 Fere

                                                                  The GIRL SCO
                                                                                               mark, and all asso ciate
                                                                                                                       walk. But, a foal (baby
                                                                                                                        d trademarks
                                                                               UTS® name and ed by Ferequity Inc., an affil
                                                                                                                              iate of Ferrero
                                                                                                                                              Int’l, S.A. ®,
                                                                                                                                            after being born!
                                                                                  emarks are own
                                                                  associated trad
                                                                                                                       horse) can run an hour
                                                                                                                           after being born!

Did you know that the African Zebra
is a type of horse? It’s considered a
wild horse. Each zebra’s stripes are
   one-of-a-kind, like snowflakes!

                                        These horses are rare. Malani horses
                                        are found in India and are famous for
                                           their perky, inward turned ears!

A miniature horse is defined by its
 small height—usually less than 34
to 38 inches. They are small due to
selective breeding. Mini horses are
 so smart, that they can be house                                                     Bashkir Curlies are easy to spot!
         trained like dogs!                                                          This breed of horse has hair that is
                                                                                    naturally curly. Sometimes, their tight
                                                                                         curls turn into dreadlocks!

                                           Pronounced AH-CALL TEK-KEE.
                                        This breed has a dazzling coat that
                                          earned it the nickname “Golden
                                         Horse.” The Akhal Teke come from
                                        Turkmenistan, which is a country in
 Appaloosa horses are best known
                                                    central Asia.
  for their spotted coats, and they
are found mostly in North America.
Each horse has its own unique spot
                                                                                2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 21
Thank you for helping me achieve my personal goal of:                                      packages, which will help us reach our troop goal
of:           packages so we can:                             TEAM ACTIVITY GOAL                               *We are happy to deliver your donated
cookies to:                                  ORGANIZATION

                                The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS®
                                name and mark, and all associated trademarks are owned by Ferequity Inc., an affiliate of Ferrero Int’l, S.A. ®, ™ & © 2020 Ferequity Inc. WGT_060420

                                                                                                                                      for ch
                                                                                                                                      Sta he

                                                  Girl Scouts®
                                                  age level:
                                  Skills girls
                                build with this
Girls can gain STEM              Goal Setting                                    Have the girls use markers                  Cover one end of the toilet
                                                                                 to write down their 5 cookie                paper roll with aluminum foil.
knowledge about                                                                  season goal(s) on the toilet                Use washi tape to secure it.
                                                                                 paper roll.
constellations with this
                                                                                                                             Use the indent marks and the
goal setting activity.                                                           Print out constellation                     printed template as a guide to
                                                                                 flashlights template on                     poke the star formation into
Encourage them to reach                                                          8.5"x11" printer paper. Cut out             the aluminum foil with the
high and get one step                                                            one of the constellations from              toothpick.
                                                                                 the template. Cut out a 5"
closer to earning the                                                            aluminum foil square.

Science Explorer badge!
                                                                                 Use the printed template
                                                                                 and a pen or pencil to indent
                                                                                 the star formation into the
  SUPPLIES                                                                       aluminum foil.

 • One printed constellation            • One toothpick                                                                      Turn the lights off and have
   flashlights template                                                                                                      girls shine their flashlights
                                        • Scissors                                                                           through the decorated craft
 • One cardboard craft tube                                                                                                  tube to reveal their “out of this
                                        • Markers                                                                            world” constellation creations!
           Can be an empty                                                                                                   No flashlight, no problem! Keep
                                        • Washi tape

                                                                                                                             the lights on and hold it up to
           toilet paper roll.
                                        • Pen or pencil                                                                      the light while viewing through
                                                                                                                             the open end of the tube.
                                        • Optional: one small flashlight
 • Aluminum foil
                                                                                                                = cut here           = poke toothpick here


           Equuleus “Little Horse”                         Ursa Major “Big Dipper”                       Ursa Minor “Little Dipper”

                                                          Cookie Constellations

                      Samoas®                                      Thin mints®                                        Do-si-dos®
                                                                                                         2021 COOKIE PROGRAM FAMILY GUIDE 23
      Thin ty!
       min                                                            Cheesecake Cup
                                                                        •   1 box of Trefoils®
                                                                            Girl Scout Cookies

                                                                        •   Instant cheesecake
                                                                            pudding mix
                                                                            (check the box for
                                                                            extra ingredients)

                                                                        •   12 oz. Cream
                                                                            cheese (softened)
Thin Mint Brownies                                                      •   Strawberries

Ingredients                                                             •   Chocolate syrup
  •    1 box of crushed Thin Mints Girl Scout Cookies

  •    1 box of brownie mix
                                                                      1. Crush half box of Trefoils®. Mix softened
  •    2 eggs (3 eggs for cake-like brownies)                            cream cheese and cheesecake pudding until smooth.
  •    1/4 cup of water                                               2. Layer crushed cookies and cheesecake pudding in a
  •    1/2 cup of vegetable oil                                          cup and repeat layering of ingredients.

                                                                      3. Garnish with strawberries (or your favorite berries) and
Directions                                                               2 full Trefoil cookies. Drizzle with chocolate syrup.
1. Crush Thin Mints® into medium size pieces.

2. Mix all ingredients into mixing bowl. Do not use electric mixer.
   Batter will be stiff.

3. Spread batter evenly in greased baking pan (13 x 9 x 2 inch).

4. Bake in center of oven at 350 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes.

5. Remove from oven and allow to cool before cutting.

          This space is intentionally left blank for the constellation
                             activity on page 23.
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