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       YOUTH PROGRAMS - CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS - ip.extension.ucsd.edu

                                     WELCOME                                                    WELCOME
                                     TO THE                                                     TO UC SAN DIEGO
                                     UNIVERSITY                                                 EXTENSION
                                     OF CALIFORNIA                                              INTERNATIONAL
                                     SAN DIEGO                                                  PROGRAMS
                                     UC San Diego enthusiastically                              The benefits of an
                                     welcomes international                                     international experience
                                     students. No matter how                                    motivate thousands of
                                     diverse their backgrounds,                                 people to study in the United
                                     our students share one thing                               States every year. As these
                                     in common: an adventurous                                  students seek academic
                                     spirit for learning. They                                  advancement, they also
                                     choose UC San Diego because                                improve their English language
                                     of its worldwide research                                  skills and intercultural
                                     reputation, its prize-winning                              understanding. UC San
                  Mary Walshok       faculty, and the innovative         Roxanne Nuhaily        Diego’s commitment to
                                     character of the San Diego                                 academic excellence is
                   Associate Vice                                        Executive Director
                                     region. In return, they enjoy           of International
                                                                                                reflected in the high quality
                  Public Programs    one of the most valuable                      Programs     of instruction and curriculum
                        and Dean,    educational experiences of         and Associate Dean      in the programs which are
                    UC San Diego     their lives. Taught by talented   for International and    described in this brochure.
                         Extension                                         Academic Affairs
                                     instructors, UC San Diego                UC San Diego      Quality academics, combined
                                     Extension programs offer the                  Extension    with our superb campus
                                     most advanced knowledge                                    facilities, student support
                                     and education formats                                      services, and idyllic natural
                                     available. Students quickly                                surroundings, guarantee the
                                     benefit from immediately                                   best possible opportunities for
                                     applicable information, a                                  your success and satisfaction.
                                     wider network of peers, and a                              The information provided
                                     more insightful understanding                              here shows, in pictures and
                                     of American culture. In                                    in words, why UC San Diego
                                     combination with UC San                                    Extension International
                                     Diego’s striking coastal                                   Programs is the perfect
                                     location, our programs are                                 choice for English language,
                                     unlike any others in the                                   university credit, and
                                     United States.                                             professional programs.
                                     Welcome . . . we look forward                              We welcome you to UC San
                                     to meeting you.                                            Diego and look forward to
                                                                                                helping you embark on the
                                                                                                experience of a lifetime!

2   |   UC San Diego International Programs                                                             Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu
Geisel Library

                                 Triton, the UC San Diego mascot                                 The Sun God

                                                                                  Jacobs School of Engineering
Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                     UC San Diego International Programs    |   3

                                       WHY CHOOSE                        WHY CHOOSE                         UC SAN DIEGO
                                       UC SAN DIEGO?                     SAN DIEGO?                         EXTENSION?
                                                                                                            A GREAT SELECTION OF
                                                                                                            LANGUAGE, ACADEMIC, AND
                                       A GREAT UNIVERSITY                A GREAT LOCATION                   PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS

                                       • Part of the ten-campus          • “America’s Finest City” with     • English language
                                         University of California          a great quality of life            programs for personal and
                                         system: UC Berkeley, UC         • Population: 1.4 million in the     professional development
                                         Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los          city and 3.3 million in the        as well as English language
                                         Angeles, UC Merced, UC            county                             preparation for university
                                         Riverside, UC San Diego,        • 100 kilometers of beaches,         studies in the U.S.
                                         UC San Francisco, UC Santa        mountains up to 2,000            • University credit programs
                                         Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz        meters, and the best climate       offering an immense variety
                                       • 15th internationally in the       in the United States, with         of University and University
                                         2017 Academic Rankings            263 sunny days per year            Extension course options at
                                         of World Universities           • Two San Diego beaches,             UC San Diego
                                         conducted by Shanghai Jiao        including La Jolla Shores,       • Certificate programs for
                                         Tong University in China          were named among the best
                                                                                                              professional growth and the
                                       •5th among U.S. universities        25 in the U.S. by TripAdvisor
                                                                                                              possibility to work in the
                                         in total research and             in 2018
                                                                                                              U.S. through OPT
                                         development expenditures        • Ranked 2nd most inventive
                                                                                                            • Highly experienced
                                         by the National Science           city in the world by Forbes
                                                                                                              International Student
                                         Foundation (NSF)                  magazine and 1st in the
                                                                                                              Services staff and faculty
                                       • 6th in the nation, 2nd among      nation in number of patents,
                                                                           with 3.6 patents for               experts
                                         all U.S. public universities,                                      • Excellent campus location
                                         and 14th in the world for         every 1,000 workers
                                                                         • Home to Comic-Con                • Study for as little as two
                                         total research output by the                                         weeks or more!
                                                                           International, one of the
                                         journal Nature in their 2016                                       • Conditional admissions
                                                                           largest entertainment and
                                         index                                                                arrangements with several
                                                                           comic conventions in the
                                       • 1st in the U.S. for Positive                                         universities and colleges
                                                                           world, with over 135,000
                                         Impact on the United States                                        • Many options for part-time
                                         by the Washington Monthly                                            study
                                                                         • With 120+ craft breweries,
                                         College Guide                     San Diego ranks the 2nd          ip.extension.ucsd.edu
                                       • A huge campus (over               most beer-friendly city in the
                                         5 square kilometers)              U.S.
                                         overlooking the Pacific         • The largest urban cultural
                                         Ocean, with a community of        park in the U.S., Balboa Park,
                                         over 36,000 students              is located in the heart of San
                                       • Ranked the top surfing            Diego. The 1,200-acre park
                                         school in the U.S. by             is home to 19 museums,
                                         Surfline.com                      botanical gardens, cultural
                                       www.ucsd.edu                        venues, and the San Diego
                                                                           Zoo, which is one of the best
                                                                           zoos in the world.
4   |   UC San Diego International Programs                                                                       Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu
Scripps Institution of Oceanography

1. UC San Diego Extension              11. School of Medicine
   International Student                   som.ucsd.edu                                                  4
   Services, English
   Language Institute (ELI)            12. Thornton Hospital
   & International Programs                health.ucsd.edu/locations
   ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                         11
                                       13. UC San Diego                     14                  13
2. On-campus apartments                    Medical Center
   ip.extension.ucsd.edu                   health.ucsd.edu/locations

3. Near-campus                         14. La Jolla Veterans
   apartments by Anatolia                  Medical Center
   ac-housing.com                          www.sandiego.va.gov
4. Off-campus hotel                    15. Recreation and
   accommodations                          Sports Center
   by Residence Inn                        recreation.ucsd.edu              12
   by Marriott La Jolla
                                              • Campus Sports facilities
                                                (facilities include three
5. Price Center bookstore,
                                                swimming pools, over
   movie theatre,
                                                20 tennis courts, two
   restaurants, and more
                                                running tracks, weight
                                                and fitness rooms,
6. Geisel Library                               basketball, racquetball,
   libraries.ucsd.edu                           sand volleyball courts,
                                                baseball, soccer fields,
7. Scripps Institution                          rock-climbing wall,
   of Oceanography                              equipment rental)
                                              • Water sports (including     UC SAN DIEGO CAMPUS
8. La Jolla Playhouse                           sailing) at Mission Bay     AND SURROUNDING AREA
   lajollaplayhouse.org                         Aquatic Center
                                                                            The University of California San Diego
9. Rady School of                             • Camping and other
                                                                            is located 20 km from downtown
   Management                                   outings arranged by         San Diego and the San Diego
   rady.ucsd.edu                                Outback Adventures          International Airport.

10. School of Global                   16. Jacobs School
    Policy and Strategy                    of Engineering                   The University of California San Diego
    gps.ucsd.edu                           jacobsschool.ucsd.edu            is a smoke-free campus.
6   |   UC San Diego International Programs                                               Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu


                                                                                                       1                   9

                                      5   6



                                                                                                             AVERAGE ˚C
                                                                                                                LOW HIGH
                                                UC San Diego
                                                                                                  JANUARY        8.9       18.9
                                                                                                 FEBRUARY      10.0        18.9
                                              La Jolla
                                                                                                    MARCH       11.1       18.9
San Francisco                                                                                        APRIL     12.8        20.0
                    Las Vegas
                                                                                                      MAY      14.4        20.6
                                                                                                     JUNE       16.1        21.7
   Los Angeles
                                                         Airport                                     JULY      18.3        24.4
                                                                                                   AUGUST      19.4        25.6
     San Diego
                                                                   Downtown                     SEPTEMBER      16.6        25.0
                                                                   San Diego                      OCTOBER      16.0        24.0
                                                                                                NOVEMBER       12.2         21.1
                                                                                                 DECEMBER        9.4       19.0
Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                 UC San Diego International Programs     |        7
Academic Connections students

21 UNIVERSITY AND                        The following are some of the           Philosophy                               get enrollment approvals for first-
                                         departments and course topics           Physics                                  choice classes in our prestigious
         PROFESSIONAL                    that UPS students have enrolled in:                                              Computer Science department.
                                                                                 Political Science
         STUDIES                         Anthropology                            Psychology
                                         Bioengineering                          Rady School of Management*               *Important information about
The University and Professional           • Biotechnology                        (undergraduate only)                     choosing classes
Studies program provides a flexible       • Bioinformatics                        • Accounting                            UPS students may not enroll in
study abroad opportunity for             Biology                                  • Organizational Leadership             graduate business courses at the
academically excellent students           • Biochemistry and Cell                 • Global Business Strategy              Rady School of Management
and professionals. Universities in        • Ecology, Behavior & Evolution         • Business Ethics & Corporate           or any courses in the School
many countries count these credits        • Human Biology                           Responsibility                        of Medicine or the School of
towards their own bachelor’s              • Microbiology                          • Enterprise Finance                    Pharmacy. In addition, lesson-
or master’s degree programs.              • Molecular Biology                     • Financial Investments                 based courses in Music are not
Transferability is at the discretion      • Physiology and Neuroscience          Scripps Institution of                   available to visiting students. It
of the home university and must          Chemistry                                 Oceanography                           is important to be flexible in your
be verified in advance by the             • Chemical Education                    • Geology                               course selection and include a list
student.                                  • Chemical Physics                      • Geochemistry                          of 12 or more classes per quarter
                                          • Environmental Chemistry               • Geophysics                            that you would like to take when
Program Features:                         • Molecular Synthesis Cognitive        Sociology                                applying for admission to the UPS
• 12-week program                         Science                                Theatre and Dance                        program. For a complete list of all
• Official transcript of UC               • Clinical Aspects of Cognition        Visual Arts                              UC San Diego courses please see
  San Diego or UC San Diego               • Computation                          UC San Diego Extension courses           the “Schedule of Classes” section
  Extension grades – credit may be        • Human Cognition                        (many academic areas)                  at: students.ucsd.edu
  transferable to another college         • Human Computer Interaction           and many more...
  or university in the U.S. or your       • Neuroscience                                                                  For a list of UC San Diego
  home country                           Computer Science                        Enrollment is on a space-available       Extension course offerings please
• Regular academic advising              Economics                               basis                                    see: extension.ucsd.edu. Students
  sessions                               Engineering                             Enrollment in all classes is on a        may also enroll in the UPS program
• Students must achieve above-            • Aerospace Engineering                space-available basis and requires       in order to complete one or more
  average final grades in all             • Computer Engineering                 instructor and/or departmental           of UC San Diego Extension’s
  coursework (“B” or better).             • Electrical Engineering               approval after the student arrives.      part-time professional certificate
• In the fall, winter, and spring         • Engineering Physics                  If there are no available spaces,        programs.
  quarters, UPS students take             • Mechanical Engineering               the instructor may require that the
  a full-time program (12 units)          • Nanoengineering                      student wait for several days to see     Tuition does not include optional
  consisting of UC San Diego              • Structural Engineering               if any other students drop the class     student recreation fee, any
  and/or UC San Diego Extension          Global Policy and Strategy              before enrolling a UPS student.          required course lab fees, or
  courses.                               History                                 Many class enrollments are not           additional premium tuition for
                                         Linguistics                             confirmed and completed until            certain technical courses.
                                         Literature                              the second or third week of the
                                         Mathematics                             quarter. It is especially difficult to   Tuition $7,800 USD

                                                                                   YANNICK ROSENLEHNER
              Going to an American university is very different compared to universities in Europe. I really enjoyed
               the passion everyone brings to the campus. Every professor and every advisor here gives their best
             to make your time at UC San Diego the most enjoyable you can have. Whenever you have a concern,
                   there is someone around to help you out with it. You get a general positive feeling from the first
                                       second you step on campus. I have two overarching goals in my academic life.
                First, I would like to soak in as many influences in regard to countries and cultures as possible. The
              United States was always on my bucket list of countries which I wanted to experience in more detail
             than just as a tourist. UC San Diego, which is located in one of the greatest cities in the country, gives
                                     you the perfect foundation to experience this wonderful country and its culture.
             Second, I am aiming for a career in business. With the high degree of experience every professor has,
                                 they not only taught me the academic side of each subject but also real-world skills
                                                                                    that will benefit me in my career.

16   |    UC San Diego International Programs                                                                                   Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu

      PROGRAM I OR II                 UPS TRACK 1                              UPS TRACK 2                                UPS TRACK 3 AND SUMMER
      (5 WEEKS)                                                                                                           UNIVERSITY PROGRAM
                                      CEFR: level B2                           CEFR: level C1                             CEFR: level C1
The 5-week Summer University          TOEFL iBT: 80                            TOEFL iBT: 85                              TOEFL iBT: 90
Programs are for students
who have a strong academic            IELTS: 6.5                               IELTS: 7.0                                 IELTS: 7.5
background and who would like         Cambridge Advanced Exam: Pass            Cambridge Advanced Exam: Pass              Cambridge Advanced Exam: Pass
to take a full-time or part-time
schedule of credit-bearing Summer     12 course units:                         12 course units:                           12 course units:
Session courses at UC San Diego.      • Maximum of 4 main campus units         • Maximum of 8 main campus units           • 12 units of main campus or
UC San Diego Extension’s Summer       • 3 units in either Oral Presentations   • 4 units in Extension courses               Extension courses
University Program consists             or Academic Writing & Research           (business, engineering, computer
of regular university courses         • 5 units in Extension courses             science, etc.)
compressed into a five-week             (business, engineering, computer
period.                                 science, etc.)

The study workload is very
rigorous. A schedule of 8 units       Additional admission requirements          this. You will find the Course List        would like to take at UC San
(usually two classes) is considered   for all University and Professional        Form on our website under “What            Diego. Go to tritonlink.ucsd.edu
full-time study. Students must        Studies (UPS) program tracks and           to Send” in our “How to Enroll”            to see which classes are offered
achieve above-average final grades    the Summer University Program:             section. Make sure to check the            for Summer Session I and II.
in all coursework (“B” or better).                                               prerequisites for each class. To be        Under “Enrollment Tools” select
                                      1. Copy of transcripts in English for      eligible to enroll into classes, all       “Full Schedule of Classes.” Make
Tuition $6,075 USD (full-time)           the four most recent semesters          prerequisites must be fulfilled.           sure to check the prerequisites
Tuition $4,925 USD (part-time)           of academic studies. These                                                         for each class. To be eligible
                                         transcripts must clearly indicate     For Summer University Program                to enroll into classes, all
                                         excellent academic achievement.       Session I and II:                            prerequisites must have been
                                      2. A one-page statement explaining       4. International students must have          taken.
                                         your reasons for choosing UC             graduated from high school in
                                         San Diego for your study abroad          order to participate in any Summer      Participating in these educational
                                         experience.                              University Program.                     programs does not provide
                                                                               5. In addition to the 2019 International   preference in admission to the
                                      For University and Professional             Programs application, students          University of California degree
                                      Studies (UPS) Track 1, 2, and 3:            must also submit a 2019                 programs. Students interested in
                                      3. List of 12 or more courses per           Supplemental Summer University          applying to UC degree programs
                                         quarter, organized by quarter,           Program Application, which              should refer to the UC Admissions
                                         that you would like to take at           can be found on our website:            website, or the websites of other
                                         UC San Diego or UC San Diego             ip.extension.ucsd.edu                   UC campuses they wish to attend,
                                         Extension. Be sure to use the UC      6. List of 4 courses per session,          for details about their admissions
                                         San Diego Course List form for           organized by session, that you          process.

                                                                                                              Rady School of Management and north campus
Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                  UC San Diego International Programs      |     17
23 BUSINESS                                     BUSINESS                         27 BUSINESS                             2nd Quarter (12-15 units)
                                                                                                                         Required courses and internship
         ESSENTIALS                             ESSENTIALS                             MANAGEMENT
         (1, 2, or 3 QUARTERS)                  SPECIALIZED                            (2 or 3 QUARTERS)                  • Business Decision Making
                                                PROGRAMS                                                                  • 120 hours of internship
Designed for students with one                                                  Designed for students who have
year of university study.                                                       four or more years of full-time          Three required courses in area of
                                         24 BUSINESS ANALYTICS                  professional-level work experience       specialization
The Business Essentials program                 (1 QUARTER)                     or students who have a university        Finance:
offers a broad introduction to                                                  degree with one year of full-time         • Finance Management
American business practices with         25 DIGITAL MARKETING                   professional work experience.             • Financial Statement Analysis
an overview of key business topics              (1 QUARTER)                                                               • International Finance and Capital
including Business Communication,                                               The program offers students                 Markets
Marketing, and Finance.                  26 LEADERSHIP AND                      the opportunity to build their           Accounting:
                                                                                skills and knowledge in one of            • Accounting II
Program Benefits:                               MANAGEMENT                      the following areas: Accounting,          • Financial Statement Analysis
• Gain practical experience in                  (1 QUARTER)                     Finance, International Business, or       • International Finance and Capital
  an American workplace by                                                      Marketing.                                  Markets
  completing an optional 48-hour        Designed for students who have a                                                 International Business:
  unpaid internship. Internships        university degree or two years of       Program Benefits:                         • International Finance and Capital
  may be on-campus or off-              full-time professional experience       • Experience an optional 120-hour
                                        with a high level of English                                                        Markets
  campus.                                                                         unpaid internship in your field of      • International Trade Operations
• Experience a multicultural            proficiency.                              study at a San Diego company.           • Global Marketing
  classroom environment and learn       These specialized tracks in Business    • Study alongside international          Marketing:
  with American students in select      Essentials will enhance your skills       and American students in select         • Market Research and Analytics
  classes in quarters two or three.     and career marketability through          classes.                                • Branding Strategy and
• Learn business fundamentals           focused study. Build your career        • Apply for Optional Practical              Positioning
  from highly qualified, experienced    portfolio and apply newly learned         Training (OPT), which allows            • Digital Marketing
  instructors.                          tools in a real-world project.            students to work in the U.S
• Apply for Optional Practical                                                    for up to one year, after three        3rd Quarter (12-15 units)
  Training (OPT), which allows          Program Benefits:                         consecutive quarters of study.         Advanced Studies:
  students to work in the U.S.          • Qualifying students have the                                                   Students who successfully
  for up to one year, after three         opportunity to pair these quarters    Business Management Overview             complete two quarters of
  consecutive quarters of study.          with any other business certificate
                                          programs.                                                                      Business Management can further
                                                                                1st Quarter (15-17 units)                develop their skills in an area of
                                        • Hands-on experiential project
                                                                                Required courses:                        specialization and earn a Certificate
                                          connects your classroom
Tuition $6,000 USD (1 quarter)            education with real-world              • Business Law for Managers             of Completion in Advanced
Tuition $12,000 USD (2 quarters)          businesses.                            • Elements of Marketing                 Studies.
Tuition $18,000 USD (3 quarters)        • Courses are led by practicing          • Financial Accounting for Non-
                                          industry professionals.                  Accountants (FAFNA) or                Courses include:
                                        • Experience a multicultural               Accounting I                           • Capstone project or class
                                          classroom environment and learn        • Business Economics                     • One required course in area of
                                          with American students in select       • Organizational Behavior                  specialization
                                          classes.                               • Internship Preparation                 • Electives: Students will have
                                        • Schedules are designed to give                                                    the opportunity to choose 2-3
                                          you the freedom to explore
                                          California and the opportunity
                                                                                                                            additional classes.
                                          to attend local professional
                                          networking events.                                                             Tuition $12,000 USD (2 quarters)
                                                                                                                         Tuition $18,000 USD (3 quarters)
                                        Tuition $6,000 USD (each quarter)

                                        PAUL BÂCLE
                                        As I have an engineering education, I wanted to take finance and project management classes to develop
                                        my knowledge in Business. The Project Management with Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate helped me
                                        in a lot of diverse ways. First, I have been accepted in several companies who are amazed I have so much
                                        experience with the Green Belt project, being so young. It gives me knowledge and skills that will prove
                                        useful in my internship and in my career: diagnosing the existing situation, analytical skills, building efficient
                                        solutions to solve problems. It also teaches change management and how to communicate on this topic,
                                        which are key skills to be successful in any job.

18   |    UC San Diego International Programs                                                                                   Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu
Downtown San Diego

                                        28 BUSINESS                              Business Management                   29 PROJECT
                                                MANAGEMENT                       Pre-Master’s Overview                       MANAGEMENT
                                                PRE-MASTER’S                     Quarter 1 (12-15 units)                     CERTIFICATE
                                                (2 QUARTERS)                     • Elements of Marketing                     PROGRAM
                                                                                 • Financial Accounting for Non-             (2 QUARTERS)
                                                PRE-MASTER’S                       Accountants or Accounting I
                                                                                 • Organizational Behavior
                                                (3 QUARTERS)                     • GRE Exam Preparation
                                                                                                                       Designed for students who have
                                                                                                                       a university degree with one year
                                                                                 • Internship Preparation              of full-time professional work
                                        Designed for students who want
                                        preparation for a master’s degree                                              experience or four or more years
                                                                                 Quarter 2 (12-15 units)               of full-time professional-level work
                                        program in a business-related field.
                                                                                 Required courses and internship       experience.
                                        Students will receive Conditional
                                        Nomination to UC San Diego’s
                                                                                  • 120 hours of Internship            Learn the nuances of project
                                        Rady School of Management
                                                                                  • Business Decision Making           management and process
                                        upon acceptance to the Business
                                                                                  • Leadership Course                  improvement from a global
                                        Management Pre-Master’s
                                                                                  • U.S. Academic Preparation          perspective. Students will acquire
                                        program. Students who successfully
                                                                                    Workshop(s)                        the skills to plan, execute and
                                        complete the Pre-Master’s program
                                                                                  • Two required courses in area of    complete complex projects within
                                        and meet additional criteria will
                                                                                    specialization.                    various types of organizations and
                                        receive Official Nomination to Rady
                                        and a $10,000 Fellowship to be                                                 industries. Students will participate
                                                                                 Specializations include:              in the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
                                        applied to tuition costs at Rady.
                                                                                                                       course to improve quality and
     CAMILA CAPPONI                     Program Benefits:
                                                                                 • Finance                             streamline process activities. The
                                                                                 • Marketing
     CHILE                               • Receive Conditional Nomination
                                                                                 • Accounting
                                                                                                                       student will apply newly-learned
                                           to Rady’s MBA, Master of                                                    tools and methodologies in both
                                                                                 • International Business              comprehensive real-world and
                                           Finance, or Master of Business
                                                                                 • Business Analytics                  simulated hands-on projects.
     What I loved most about               Analytics.
     the Business Management             • Experience an internship in your
                                                                                 Optional Quarter 3 (12-15 units)      Program Benefits:
     program was the diversity             field of study at a San Diego
                                                                                 Advanced Studies:                      • Earn both a Project Management
     of topics we covered. Even            company to better prepare you
                                                                                 Students who successfully                certificate and a Lean Six Sigma
     though we chose our own               for the US job market.
                                                                                 complete the third quarter will          Green Belt certificate while
     specialization, we still had        • Practitioner-led instruction to
                                                                                 receive a Certificate of Completion      implementing a real-life project
     plenty of opportunities to            build foundational and advanced
                                                                                 in Advanced Studies                      with a local organization.
     get insight into other fields         business, quantitative, leadership,
                                                                                  • Capstone course in area of          • The curriculum fulfills the
     of study. The advisors                and teamwork skills
                                                                                    specialization                        necessary Project Management
     were outstanding and                • Study alongside international
                                                                                  • One advanced business course in       Institute (PMI) education hours
     UC San Diego staff were               and American students in select
                                                                                    area of specialization                to prepare for the PMP or CAPM
     always very fast answering            classes.
                                                                                  • Electives                             certification exam.
     any concerns I had. I never         • All students who successfully
     felt judged for asking                complete either two or three                                                 • The curriculum fulfills the
                                                                                 Official nomination to the               American Society for Quality’s
     questions. I was only                 quarters of the Pre-Master’s
                                                                                 Rady School of Management                (ASQ) educational requirements
     expecting that the quality            track will receive a Business
                                                                                 is contingent upon successful            needed to prepare for the Six
     of the program would be               Management certificate.
                                                                                 completion of additional criteria        Sigma Green Belt Certification
     good, but I found much              • Apply for Optional Practical
                                                                                 including submission of letters of       (CSSBB) exam.
     more than that—I found                Training (OPT), which allows
                                                                                 recommendation, strong academic        • Transfer select units to the
     support and guidance all              students to work in the USA
                                                                                 records, and required GRE or             online Master of Science in
     the time. UC San Diego                for up to one year, after three
                                                                                 GMAT scores.                             Project Management program
     Extension opens your eyes             consecutive quarters of study.
     to the world and you learn          • Students who receive Official                                                  at the University of Wisconsin,
                                                                                 Tuition $12,000 USD (2 quarters)         Platteville, upon certificate
     to understand life in a               Nomination to Rady will receive
                                                                                 Tuition $18,000 USD (3 quarters)         completion.
     different way. My teachers            a $10,000 USD Fellowship to be
     and classmates shared their           applied to tuition at Rady.
     real experiences—stories            • One GRE test included in the cost                                           Tuition $12,000 USD
     of success and failure—and            of the program.
     for me those were the               • Rady School of Management
     most useful to understand             application fee waived at the time
     and solve business or life            the Business Management Pre-
     problems.                             Master’s student officially applies
                                           to the master’s degree program.

20    |   UC San Diego International Programs                                                                                 Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu

   CERTIFICATE                        CERTIFICATE                           CERTIFICATE                           CERTIFICATE                           CERTIFICATE
                                      SPECIALIZED PROGRAMS                                                        PRE-MASTER’S PROGRAM

   TOEFL iBT: 75                      TOEFL iBT: 80                         TOEFL iBT: 80                         TOEFL iBT: 80                         TOEFL iBT: 80
   TOEIC: 735                         TOEIC: 760                            TOEIC: 760                            PTE: 65                               TOEIC: 760
   IELTS: 6.0                         IELTS: 6.5                            IELTS: 6.5                            IELTS: 7.0                            IELTS: 6.5
   Cambridge First                    Cambridge                             Cambridge                                                                   Cambridge
   Certificate: Pass                  Advanced: Pass                        Advanced: Pass                                                              Advanced: Pass
   ELI Core Level: 107                ELI Core Level: 109                   ELI Core Level: 109                                                         ELI Core Level: 109
   Requirements:                      Requirements:                         Requirements:                         Requirements:                         Requirements:
   • Dated and signed letter          • Dated and signed letter of          • Dated and signed letter of          • Two dated and signed                • Dated and signed letter of
     of recommendation on               recommendation on academic            recommendation on academic            letters of recommendation             recommendation on academic
     academic or company                or company letterhead from a          or company letterhead from a          on academic or company                or company letterhead from a
     letterhead from a professor        professor or supervisor.              professor or supervisor.              letterhead from professors or         professor or supervisor.
     or supervisor.                   • Resume or CV.                       • Resume or CV.                         supervisors.                        • Resume or CV.
   • Resume or CV.                    • Essay: minimum 200 words            • Essay: minimum 200 words            • Resume or CV.                       • Essay: minimum 200 words
   • Essay: minimum 200 words           explaining your qualifications        explaining your qualifications      • Personal statement: minimum           explaining your qualifications
     explaining your qualifications     and motivation for taking the         and motivation for taking the         500 words (see website for            and motivation for taking the
     and motivation for taking the      program.                              program.                              details).                             program.
     program.                         • A spoken language screening         • A spoken language screening         • A spoken language screening         • A spoken language screening
   • A spoken language screening        may be required for students          may be required for students          may be required for students          may be required for students
     may be required for students       applying to all business              applying to all business              applying to all business              applying to all business
     applying to all business           certificate programs.                 certificate programs.                 certificate programs.                 certificate programs.
     certificate programs.            • All official academic transcripts   • All official academic transcripts   • All official academic transcripts   • All official academic
   • All official academic              in English indicating a strong        in English indicating a strong        in English indicating a strong        transcripts in English
     transcripts in English             academic record; include a            academic record; include a            academic record (minimum              indicating a strong academic
     indicating a strong academic       grading key.                          grading key.                          3.0 out of a 4.0 scale); include      record; include a grading key.
     record; include a grading key.   • Recommendation from UC              • Recommendation from UC                a grading key.                      • Recommendation from UC
   • Recommendation from UC             San Diego-ELI Advisor for             San Diego-ELI Advisor for           • Copy of a degree from a               San Diego-ELI Advisor for
     San Diego-ELI Advisor for          prospective students who              prospective students who              4-year accredited university          prospective students who
     prospective students who           choose to attend English              choose to attend English              prior to the start-date of the        choose to attend English
     choose to attend English           language courses at ELI in            language courses at ELI in            program.                              language courses at ELI in
     language courses at ELI in         place of obtaining an official        place of obtaining an official      • Supplemental application form         place of obtaining an official
     place of obtaining an official     language proficiency score.           language proficiency score.           from ip.extension.ucsd.edu            language proficiency score.
     language proficiency score.      • Completion of a university          • Completion of a university                                                • Completion of a university
                                        degree OR two years of full-          degree and one year of                                                      degree and one year of
   Preferred Qualifications:            time professional experience.         professional experience.                                                    professional experience.
   • One year of university study                                           • No degree required if applicant                                           • No degree required if
     preferred but not required.                                              has four years of full-time                                                 applicant has four years of
                                                                              professional work experience.                                               full-time professional work
                                                                              Internships are acceptable.                                                 experience. Internships are

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                   you have all the required documents             accepted based on all requirements                WHAT IS OPTIONAL PRACTICAL
FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICATE                     except the language score AND you               except for the language score. This               TRAINING (OPT)?
PROGRAMS                                     are currently attending the UC San              is strictly for students attending an             Students may apply for Optional
                                             Diego Extension English Language                8-week English language program                   Practical Training (OPT), which
IS THERE A DEADLINE TO APPLY?                Institute (ELI). Only students who              at UC San Diego Extension ELI.                    allows students to work in the
Space is limited and the admissions          attend UC San Diego-ELI can apply                                                                 U.S. for up to one year, after three
review is competitive. We                    for conditional acceptance to the               DO I NEED A UNIVERSITY                            consecutive quarters of study in any
recommend you apply early to                 business certificate programs.                  DEGREE?                                           business certificate program.
allow time for your application                                                              For most business certificate
to be reviewed and for your visa             DO I HAVE TO TAKE A LANGUAGE                    programs, applicants with qualifying              IS A CAR REQUIRED?
processing. Visa processing may              EXAM?                                           work experience do not need a                     Access to a car or other reliable
take several months. Not all                 No, if the medium of instruction was            degree. Please see the admissions                 transportation is required as some
applicants are admitted to the               English at your university, you can             criteria for the program you are                  classes (day and/or evening) are
programs. Note: No applications will         request a language waiver, or if you            interested in. Business Essentials                located at the off-campus UC San
be accepted within ten days of a             are attending a UC San Diego ELI                applicants do not need a degree or                Diego Extension facility (University
program’s start-date.                        8-week program you can request a                work experience.                                  City Center), which has very limited
                                             recommendation letter from your                                                                   or no public transportation.
CAN I APPLY WITHOUT ALL THE                  ELI Advisor.                                    CAN I ADD AN EXTRA QUARTER
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS?                                                                          AFTER I ARRIVE?                                   WHO MAY I CONTACT FOR MORE
No, you will need to wait to apply           WHAT IS CONDITIONAL                             Yes, you can add on additional                    INFORMATION?
until you have all the required              ACCEPTANCE?                                     quarters of study at any time.                    For more information, please
documents. The only exception is if          It means you are provisionally                                                                    contact bpis@ucsd.edu.

Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                                     UC San Diego International Programs            |    21

To help students make the most              • Indoor and outdoor swimming
of their stay in San Diego, our               pools
Activities Coordinator organizes            • Beach volleyball and basketball
opportunities to meet American                courts
students and go on excursions to            • Soccer fields
popular attractions.                        • Rock climbing gym
Activities include:                         • Sailing
• Hiking                                    • Surfing
• Kayaking                                 For more information on UC San
• Surfing                                  Diego sports and events, visit:
• Snorkeling                                • recreation.ucsd.edu
• Beach bonfire                             • calendar.ucsd.edu
• Day at the Bay barbecue
• Disneyland                               San Diego Attractions
• San Diego Zoo                            The year-round mild climate,
• SeaWorld                                 beautiful beaches, and proximity
• Universal Studios                        to many other California
• Whale watching                           attractions make San Diego an
                                                                                                                                                       Balboa Park
• Conversation Café                        ideal location.
• San Diego Padres baseball                Attractions include:
  games                                    • Beaches, deserts, and mountains
• Paintball                                • Hiking and biking trails
                                           • Museums
Some activities, such as the Day           • Playhouses and theaters
at the Bay and the Conversation            • Festivals
Cafés, are free of charge. Others          • Music and symphony halls
require a payment to cover                 • Shopping and restaurants
transportation and admission
tickets.                                   For more information about San
                                           Diego, visit sandiego.org
UC San Diego Sports and Events
While studying at UC San Diego             California and the West
Extension, students can join and           San Diego is an ideal starting
participate in UC San Diego’s              point for weekend trips to some
recreational activities. The               of the most exciting attractions
university is great for outdoor            in the American Southwest, such
activities and has one of the most         as Joshua Tree National Park,
comprehensive sports facilities            Yosemite National Park, the Grand
among California universities,             Canyon National Park, and Las
including:                                 Vegas.
 • Over 20 tennis courts                                                                                                                 Kayaking at La Jolla Cove

       MONDAY                    TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY               FRIDAY                   SATURDAY                SUNDAY

 1                      2                         3                     4        America’s
                                                                                    Finest    5     Conversation
                                                                                                           Café        6          SeaWorld
                                                                                 City Tour

 8      UC San Diego
         Trivia Night   9     UC San Diego
                            Farmer’s Market       10                    11                    12     International
                                                                                                           Café at     13    Day at the Bay
                                                                                                                                  Barbecue    14         Snorkeling

                                                                                                    UC San Diego
                                                                                              International center

 15                     16       UC San Diego
                                 Lecture Series   17        San Diego
                                                               Padres   18           Beach
                                                                                 Volleyball   19                       20                     21
                                                        Baseball Game                Game

 22                     23                        24                    25 World
                                                                           San Diego Zoo 26
                                                                                 Famous                Moonlight
                                                                                                           Hike        27                     28   Cabrillo Festival at
                                                                                                                                                    Cabrillo National

 29                     30                        31

Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                       UC San Diego International Programs       |     25
GENERAL                            FEES FOR LATE ARRIVAL                      WITHDRAWALS AND                        REFUND SCHEDULES
                                        If you arrive on time and you are          NON-REFUNDABLE FEES                    ALL PROGRAMS THAT LAST 8
                                        not able to complete registration          All fees are non-refundable            WEEKS OR MORE
                                        by the end of the first day of the         and non-transferable. The non-         • Prior to first day of the program
                                        program or if you arrive late, we          refundable, non-transferable fees        (published start-date in brochure):
Download the International              will charge you a $200 USD Late            are the following: application,          Full refund of tuition, student service
Programs application form at            Arrival Fee. You should be sure to         medical insurance, international         fee, and medical insurance.
ip.extension.ucsd.edu, “How to          arrange your travel to San Diego           student service, express mail, bank-   • 1st day of program through end
Enroll.”                                and accommodations in advance so           to-bank transfer, program change,        of first week of classes (3:00 p.m.
                                        that you can be here for the first day     late arrival, and cancellation.          Friday): 50% refund of tuition only
WHEN TO APPLY                           of the program. The first day of the       Students who apply through               minus a $500 withdrawal fee
It is best to apply 12–16 weeks         program is the published start-date        an agency or representative are        • Week 2 of program classes and
before the program start-date           in our brochure and on our website.        subject to the agency refund             later: No refunds
to allow enough time for us to          If you pay all fees to an agency, you      policy and will receive any refund
process your application and for        must bring an agency receipt to the        through their agency, not from         ALL PROGRAMS THAT LAST
you to make your visa and travel        program registration to verify that        UC San Diego. All refund requests      FEWER THAN 8 WEEKS
arrangements.                           all payments to an agency have             must be in writing. All fees are       • Prior to first day of the program
                                        been made.                                 subject to change. Please ask about      (published start-date in brochure):
MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENT                                                            current fees at time of withdrawal       Full refund of tuition, student service
With the exception of our Youth         CERTIFICATES                               or change of program. Refunds            fee, and medical insurance.
Programs, you must be 18 years          Certificates with the UC San Diego         take approximately 5-6 weeks to        • Day 1 of program: 50% refund
old to enroll in our international      university seal are awarded upon           process.                                 of tuition only minus a $500
programs. Seventeen-year-old            successful completion of your                                                       withdrawal fee
students may be admitted when           program. Excellent attendance              Note: We recommend paying of           • Day 2 of program and later: No
living with an adult guardian           and academic performance are               tuition and fees by credit card. If      refunds
and the parents submit a letter         essential for certificate eligibility in   you cancel or withdraw from
attesting to the student’s maturity.    all programs.                              a program, a refund to a credit card   YOUTH PROGRAMS AND SUMMER
For more information please                                                        takes just 7-10 business days. A       UNIVERSITY PROGRAM
contact ipadmission@ucsd.edu.           STUDENT VISAS                              refund to you by any other means       Refund Schedules for Youth
Guardianship services are available     UC San Diego Extension                     can take 5-6 weeks to process,         Programs and Summer University
through Family Abroad Homestay          International Programs is authorized       plus 4-10 weeks for overseas mail      Program may be found on the UC
(fahomestay.com).                       under federal law to enroll non-           delivery.                              San Diego Extension International
                                        immigrant alien students. We issue                                                Programs website at
PAYMENT                                 the Form I-20 to students who                                                     ip.extension.ucsd.edu
Total fees and tuition must be          meet our admission requirements
received in our office 30 days prior
                                        and who provide evidence of
to the published program start-date.
                                        sufficient financial verification.
Accepted methods of payment:
                                        Almost all students in our full-time
cash, credit card (VISA/MasterCard/
                                        programs come to the United States
AMEX/Diners Club/JCB/Discover),
                                        on F-1 student visas. In order to
traveler’s checks, personal check,
                                        apply for an F-1 student visa, you
money order, cashier’s check (drawn
in U.S. currency on a U.S. bank),       will need a Form I-20 (Certificate
or bank-to-bank transfers using         of Eligibility for F-1 visa). You then
Western Union Business Solutions        take this I-20 to a U.S. Embassy or
online. We cannot accept payment        Consulate and apply for an F-1 visa.
by bank wire for the application fee    If you plan to apply for an F-1
or express mail fee. Please pay these   visa, please complete the I-20
fees by credit card or check (U.S.      Request section on page A4 of
bank only). It takes 10 – 15 business   the application form and provide
days for payments to be applied         signatures and a statement of
to your account. It is important        financial verification as indicated.
to talk with your bank before           You can find our application form on
sending credit card details because     our website: ip.extension.ucsd.edu
payments made by credit card are        under the tab called “How to Enroll.”
sometimes delayed due to credit
card limits. Due to these delays, we    If you are in any doubt about
strongly recommend that you or          which kind of visa you need, we
your agent complete payment of          recommend that you ask either
all tuition and fees at least 45 days   your local counseling source or
before the program start-date to        the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for
ensure timely receipt and recording     information. You may also contact
of payment and to avoid delays in       our office at ipinfo@ucsd.edu.
the beginning of your program.

                                                                                                                                         Bear at Bioengineering
26    |   UC San Diego International Programs                                                                                    Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu
ADDITIONAL                            a home—For an additional fee            MEDICAL INSURANCE                       MEALS
                                        your host family will pick you up       (REQUIRED)                              The cost of meals varies greatly
  COSTS                                 and bring you to the San Diego          UC San Diego Extension medical          depending on budget and tastes,
                                        airport when you return to your         insurance is mandatory for all          but a good meal costs about $8
                                        country at the end of your UC San       students.                               - $10. Note that some housing
APPLICATION FEE (REQUIRED)              Diego studies. Ask about airport
Application fee must be paid by                                                 2-week programs $90                     choices include some meals.
                                        transportation when booking             4-week programs $180                    Homestay, for example, can include
credit card at the time of the          accommodation.
application.                                                                    5-week Summer University                breakfast and dinner, and summer
                                        • Near-campus apartments
English Language Programs $150                                                     Program $270                         on-campus housing includes three
                                        provided by Anatolia Corporate
Youth Programs $200                     Housing for a fee.                      8-week programs $450                    meals per day.
University Credit Programs $200         • Off-campus housing by the             Certificate & University Credit
Certificate Programs $200               Residence Inn by Marriott La Jolla—        Programs - 1 quarter $585
                                        Information about a discount shuttle    Certificate & University Credit         UC SAN DIEGO PHOTO
                                        will be provided after reservation         Programs - 2 quarters $1,170         IDENTIFICATION CARD
EXPRESS MAIL FEE $50                                                            Certificate & University Credit
                                        confirmation. Ask when booking for                                              (OPTIONAL)
(OPTIONAL)                                                                         Programs - 3 quarters $1,800
                                        details.                                                                        The cost of one UC San Diego photo
If you would like express mail
                                        • On-campus housing (summer             Students with sponsors who              ID card is included in the ISS fee.
delivery of the I-20, this fee is due
                                        only)—Information on airport shuttle    provide medical insurance that          You will pay $15 USD to replace a
with the application. It is strongly
                                        and taxi transportation is included     meets our minimum requirements          lost photo ID card.
recommended. Regular airmail may
                                        with UC San Diego Extension             can request a Medical Insurance
take 10-12 weeks for delivery. The
                                        International Programs’ acceptance      Waiver form from
fee may vary depending on location.
                                        materials.                              iphealth@ucsd.edu.                      RECREATION CARD (OPTIONAL)
                                                                                                                        To use the campus swimming pools,
ISS PROGRAM CHANGE FEE $150                                                     Note: Between certain programs,         tennis courts, fitness centers, and
This fee is required each time          BOOKS AND INSTRUCTIONAL
                                                                                there are gaps in insurance             other campus recreational facilities,
you want to change programs or          MATERIALS
                                                                                coverage. You must purchase             you must buy a “Rec Card,” which is
program dates after submitting the      Books and materials are not
                                        included in the program tuition.        additional insurance coverage           approximately $110 per quarter.
original application for enrollment.                                            for any gap period. The UC San
                                        Books and instructional materials
                                        CANNOT be purchased in advance.         Diego Extension medical insurance
                                        They must be purchased upon             policy for international students       TRANSPORTATION (OPTIONAL)
                                        arrival at UC San Diego.                provides unlimited coverage for         Bike rental: approximately $45 per
This fee is required if you are not
                                        • ELI 8-week Programs:                  medical conditions, with few            week, or $130 per quarter.
able to complete registration by the
end of the first day of the published     approximately $300-$500 per           exceptions. The insurance plan          Shuttle service: free with student
program start-date, or if you do          program                               covers hospitalization, pre-existing
                                                                                                                        photo ID card
not arrive on the first day of the      • ELI Short-term Programs:              conditions, mental health, and
                                                                                                                        Bus pass: quarterly passes are
program.                                  approximately $150-$175 per           many other medical expenses, but
                                          program (varies by program)                                                   approximately $150 and monthly
                                                                                not dental or eye care. You can
                                        • Certificate and University                                                    passes are approximately $75.
                                                                                purchase dental and vision plans
                                          Credit Programs: approximately                                                Prices are subject to change.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                                                           at an additional cost. Medical
SERVICES FEE (REQUIRED)                   $200-$800 per quarter.                                                        Car rental: approximately $500 per
                                                                                insurance is non-refundable.
You have access to many University                                                                                      month.
                                                                                Accompanying spouses or children
Extension resources, including                                                                                          Parking on campus: student permits
                                                                                should also have medical insurance
computer labs, academic advising,       COMPUTER LABS AND                                                               are approximately $75 per month.
                                        INTERNET ACCESS                         for the duration of your enrollment
visa counseling, housing assistance,                                                                                    See parking.ucsd.edu. Note: Parking
                                        All international students have         at UC San Diego. Medical insurance
campus Student Health Services,                                                                                         availability on campus is limited
                                        access to two computer labs (46         for a spouse or children of UC San
and assistance with medical                                                                                             and students are not guaranteed a
                                        stations) at UC San Diego Extension.    Diego Extension IP students is $35
insurance matters, planning and                                                                                         parking spot with the purchase of a
implementation of recreational/         Preference for computer lab use         per week per person. UC San Diego
                                                                                Extension medical insurance for         permit.
social activities, a student ID card,   is given to class-related work. All
and many other general student          computers have high-speed internet      your accompanying dependents is
needs.                                  connections and are functional in       available for purchase if you have
                                        multiple languages. There is no         purchased UC San Diego medical          OPT APPLICATION ASSISTANCE
Short program or seminar of 1-4         cost for computer use. Printing is      insurance. For information on this      (OPTIONAL)
  weeks $175                            available with a Print Card and costs   requirement, contact our staff at       We provide advising and application
1-quarter program or session of         10 cents per page; scanning is also     iphealth@ucsd.edu. Note: Medical        assistance to students who apply to
  5-12 weeks $380                       available and is free of charge.        insurance fees are subject to           the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
2-quarter programs $760                                                         change.                                 Services for permission to work in
3-quarter programs $1,140                                                                                               the U.S. for up to one year under
                                        LIBRARY CARD (OPTIONAL)                                                         the Optional Practical Training
                                        You can use the campus library                                                  benefit. (See page 24.) Cost: $100
AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION                  without charge. To borrow books,                                                (Government filing fees are a
                                        however, you must buy a library         See pages 28-29. Also check
The San Diego airport is located in                                                                                     separate cost.)
downtown San Diego, about 30            card: approximately $15 per quarter.    ip.extension.ucsd.edu for updated
minutes from the UC San Diego                                                   information and additional details on
                                                                                housing options for UC San Diego        Please Note: All fees are subject to
campus by car and about 1 hour 20
minutes by bus.                                                                 Extension international students.       change.
• Homestay or rent a room in
Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                UC San Diego International Programs      |   27
HOUSING                              a fee, if requested).                • High-quality amenities, including    business days of the published
                                        • The average commute by bus             tennis courts, pools, spas,          move-in date. However,
                                          is 45 minutes (maximum 60              business centers and fitness         if you cancel on-campus
                                          minutes door-to-door).                 centers at most locations            accommodation MORE THAN
HOMESTAY                                • Internet access is available, but    • Walk to school, shopping             14 business days before the
                                          students will need to provide          centers, restaurants, grocery        published move-in date, you
Contact Foreign Student                   their own computers.                   stores, coffee shops                 will receive a full refund minus
Homestay at fshsandiego.com,                                                   • You live with other international    $1,000.
or San Diego Homestay at                                                         students and/or UC San Diego
sandiegohomestay.com, or                                                         students
Family Abroad Homestay at
                                        NEAR-CAMPUS                                                                   BENEFITS
                                        APARTMENTS                                                                    • Short walk or bike ride to
                                                                               THINGS TO CONSIDER                       classes, swimming pool, gym
Available year-round
                                        by Anatolia Corporate Housing          • Meals are not included. A fully        and all campus events.
                                        www.ac-housing.com                       accessorized kitchen is provided     • Apartments include a kitchen,
COST                                                                             so you can cook your own               dining area, living room area,
Placement Fee $200                      1- & 2-bedroom                           meals.                                 and outdoor patio or balcony.
                                        Available year-round                   • You must share your bedroom,         • All meals are included at campus
Private Room
                                                                                 bathroom, kitchen and living           cafeteria.
(incl. breakfast and dinner)
                                                                                 area (two people to a room, four     • Sheets, blankets, towels
4 weeks             $960                COST                                     to an apartment, two bathrooms         and some housekeeping are
9 weeks             $2,160              Placement Fee       $250                 per apartment).                        included.
11 weeks            $2,640
                                        Shared Bedroom                         • Same-gender apartments               • Internet access available for a
weekly rates        $240
                                        4 weeks             $925                 (accommodations for couples            small set-up fee.
additional nights $35 per night
                                        9 weeks             $2,020               are available upon request.)         • You live with other international
Rent a Room (no meals included)         11 weeks            $2,422                                                      students and/or UC San Diego
4 weeks             $860                26 weeks            $5,345                                                      students.
9 weeks             $1,935                                                     ON-CAMPUS
11 weeks            $2,365              Private Bedroom
                                        4 weeks             $1,525             APARTMENTS                             THINGS TO CONSIDER
weekly rates        $215                                                                                              • No kitchen utensils or dishware
additional nights $35 per night         9 weeks             $3,402
                                        11 weeks            $4,152             ip.extension.ucsd.edu                  • You must follow campus rules.
                                        26 weeks            $9,345             Available in summer only                 (For example, smoking is not
All fees are payable directly to the                                                                                    allowed anywhere on campus
homestay agency (not UC San                                                                                             and no alcohol unless you are
Diego). Ask at the time of booking      All prices are per person for          COST
                                        shared rooms (two people to                                                     over 21 and inside your room.)
for the San Diego airport pick-up                                              July 4-week programs                   • The nearest cafeteria is a
fee of $60 and a drop-off fee           a room, four to an apartment)
                                        and private bedrooms. Contact          Move-in          June 30                 10-minute walk away and has a
of $40. If a student breaks the                                                Move-out         July 27                 fixed schedule.
contract with homestay agency           Anatolia for price/availability of
                                        single and family apartments. A        Shared bedroom $ 1,755                 • A TV and telephone are not
he/she has to pay $250 penalty.                                                Private bedroom $ 2,025                  provided: installation is available
                                        non-refundable $250 placement
                                        fee is required to reserve your        August 4-week programs                   for an additional fee.
BENEFITS                                                                       Move-in          July 28               • A campus parking permit is not
                                        space. The rest of your fees are
• For a fee of $60 USD, your host                                              Move-out         Aug 24                  included.
                                        due on or prior to arrival. All fees
  family or host meets you at the                                              Shared bedroom $2,025                  • Arrange your own airport
                                        are payable directly to Anatolia
  San Diego airport                                                            Private bedroom $2,295                   transportation. Instructions are
                                        (not UC San Diego). 4-week
• For a fee of $40 USD your host                                                                                        provided with your acceptance
                                        accommodation is limited in
  family will take you to the San                                              If you are in an 8-week summer           materials.
                                        October and November.
  Diego airport                                                                program and you are interested         • There are no private bathrooms;
• You can see how Americans                                                    in on-campus housing at UC San           there is one bathroom per
  live and you will have more           BENEFITS                                                                        apartment.
                                        • There is a $65 USD fee for pick-     Diego, please contact iphousing@
  opportunities to practice your                                               ucsd.edu for availability and price.   • You have to share the bathroom,
  English.                                up at the San Diego Airport.                                                  kitchen and living area.
• Homestay includes two meals           • Close to UC San Diego (10-15                                                • Usually four or five people per
                                          minutes by bus or bike ride to       Three meals per day at
  a day (breakfast and dinner) or                                              assigned campus cafeterias are           apartment
  you may rent a room with no             UC San Diego Extension)                                                     • Student-style, simple living
                                        • Staff on call to assist              included. Space is limited. Early
  meals included.                                                              reservations are important. Full
• Sheets and towels are provided          international students.
                                        • Fully furnished apartments           payment is due at the time of
  regularly.                                                                   submitting the reservation and
• Laundry facilities are available        including cotton bed
                                          linens, blankets, TV & DVD,          should be paid by credit card.
                                          kitchen utensils, washer and         Other payment methods will
THINGS TO CONSIDER                                                             delay or lose the reservation
• Students are expected to be                                                  guarantee. No reservations will
                                        • Utilities, weekly maid service,
  courteous about the rules set by                                             be made without full payment.
                                          local phone, wireless high-speed
  the host family.                                                             Refunds: There are no refunds
                                          internet, basic cable TV service
• Host families do not provide                                                 for on-campus housing if a
                                          are all included.
  transportation (except San Diego                                             cancellation is made within 14
  airport pick-up and drop-off for
28    |   UC San Diego International Programs                                                                                Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu
The Residence Inn by Marriott La
Jolla www.marriott.com/lajca

Please see their website for
current prices. Studio includes
one queen-size bed and one pull-
out sofa bed (no twin beds). All
fees payable directly to Marriott
(not UC San Diego).

Embassy Suites
embassysuites.com                                                                                                                                                       Students near on-campus
                                                                                    Near-campus apartments                                                                 Tamarack Apartments
Please see their website for
current prices or call
+1-858-453-0400 and request
the ”UC San Diego” discounted

Embassy Suites is conveniently
located in the University Towne
Centre neighborhood near the UC
San Diego campus and a major
shopping mall. They offer two-
room suites. All fees are payable
directly to Embassy Suites (not UC
San Diego).

Best Western Premier Hotel Del
Mar www.hoteldelmar.com                            Embassy Suites Hotel                                                                                     On-campus Tioga and Tenaya Halls
Please see their website for
current prices or call
                                     Off-campus hotel accommodations by
+1-858-755-9765 and request the       Best Western Premier Hotel Del Mar
“UC San Diego” discounted rate.
                                                                                                                 NORTH TORREY PINES

                                                  On-campus apartments

Best Western Premier Hotel Del

Mar overlooks the Pacific Ocean,                  International Programs,                                                                              UNIVERSITY OF

                                                  UC San Diego Extension

and is within walking distance to                                                PACIFIC                                                               CALIFORNIA
                                                                                                                                                       SAN DIEGO
Del Mar’s many shops, galleries,                                                 OCEAN
restaurants and cafes. All fees
                                     Off-campus hotel accommodations by
payable directly to the Best                              Embassy Suites
Western Premier Hotel Del Mar                                                                                                                          LLAGE DR.
                                                                                                                                            LA JOLLA VI
(not UC San Diego).                  Off-campus hotel accommodations by
                                         Residence Inn by Marriott La Jolla
                                                                                                                        TOREY PINES RD.

                                                                                                                                                           NOBEL DR.
A credit card is required for a      Near-campus apartments by Anatolia
reservation with the discount
                                                                                           LA JOLLA SHORES DR.


rates. Hotel accommodations

allow several people to use the

same room for the same rate.
                                                                                                                                          GILMAN DR.




                                                                              LA JOLLA                                                                                                      RD




Apply at ip.extension.ucsd.edu                                                                                                            UC San Diego International Programs                     |   29
JANUARY                      FEBRUARY                         MARCH

                                                        CONVERSATION      1     Jan 7 - Feb 1               Feb 4 - Mar 1                   Mar 4 - 28

                                            CONVERSATION AND FLUENCY      2     Jan 7 - Feb 1               Feb 4 - Mar 1                   Mar 4 - 28

                                      UNIVERSITY PREPARATION ACADEMY      3
    2-WEEK                                            BUSINESS ENGLISH    4                                                                 Mar 4 - 28
   4-WEEK                                   LEGAL ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS    5
   ENGLISH                    ENGLISH FOR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY      6    Jan 7 - Feb 1                Feb 4 - Mar 1                   Mar 4 - 28
 PROGRAMS                        ENGLISH FOR PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES      7                                 Feb 4 - Mar 1

                                                      MEDICAL ENGLISH     8    Jan 7 - Feb 1

                                            ACADEMIC ENGLISH (4-WEEK)     9    Jan 7 - Feb 1                Feb 4 - Mar 1                   Mar 4 - 28

                                            ACADEMIC ENGLISH (2-WEEK)     9    Jan 7 - 18 Jan 22 - Feb 1   Feb 4 - 15   Feb 19 - Mar 1   Mar 4 - 15   Mar18-28

                                          COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE 10                         Jan 2 - Mar 1

                                INTENSIVE COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE       11                   Jan 2 - Mar 1

    8-WEEK                                 INTENSIVE ACADEMIC ENGLISH     12                   Jan 2 - Mar 1
  INTENSIVE                                INTENSIVE TOEFL PREPARATION    13                   Jan 2 - Mar 1
 LANGUAGE                                   INTENSIVE IELTS PREPARATION 14                     Jan 2 - Mar 1
 PROGRAMS                 ACADEMIC ENGLISH THROUGH SERVICE-LEARNING       15                   Jan 2 - Mar 1

                                            INTENSIVE BUSINESS ENGLISH 16                      Jan 2 - Mar 1

                                               INTENSIVE LEGAL ENGLISH    17                   Jan 2 - Mar 1

                                 ACADEMIC CONNECTIONS INTERNATIONAL 18
                                    LEADERSHIP AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP       19
                                       AMERICAN UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE 20
                                  UNIVERSITY AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES     21                   Jan 2 - Mar 23
                                        BUSINESS ESSENTIALS (1 QUARTER) 23                     Jan 3 - Mar 23
                                      BUSINESS ESSENTIALS (2 QUARTERS) 23                      Jan 3 - Jun 14

                                      BUSINESS ESSENTIALS (3 QUARTERS) 23                      Jan 3 - Sep 7

                                         BUSINESS ANALYTICS (1 QUARTER) 24                     Jan 3 - Mar 23

                                          DIGITAL MARKETING (1 QUARTER) 25                     Jan 3 - Mar 23
 PROGRAMS                      LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (1 QUARTER) 26                        Jan 3 - Mar 23
  BUSINESS                          BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (2 QUARTERS) 27                        Jan 3 - Jun 14

                                    BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3 QUARTERS) 27                        Jan 3 - Sep 7

                       BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRE-MASTER’S (2 QUARTERS) 28                        Jan 3 - Jun 14

                      BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRE-MASTER’S (3 QUARTERS) 28                         Jan 3 - Sep 7

                                          TEFL PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE 30                      Jan 3 - Mar 15
CERTIFICATE                                     SPECIAL STUDIES IN TEFL   31                   Jan 3 - Mar 15
              TEFL PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (6-MONTH FORMAT) 32                        Jan 3 - Jun 14
               TEFL PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (HYBRID FORMAT) 33                        Jan 3 - Mar 15
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