PROSPECTUS 2020 - St Killian's College
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Principal’s Welcome Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, I want to extend to you a very warm St Killian’s is a progressive school site was identified as the preferred welcome to St Killian’s College Open which provides the best non selective option. At present the ICT are, in Day. Choosing a school for your child education for all of the local children consultation with senior members is often a daunting decision to make. I in our catchment area of the Glens and of staff, producing a concept design am delighted that you have taken the east Antrim. We are very proud of the report which will be submitted Board of Governors: time to visit our College and read our fact that we have developed strong academic and sporting excellence. to the Department for approval before a planning application will be prospectus. I know you will be very impressed with what we have to offer. We have been consistently well above submitted. It is anticipated that the Mr Sean Doherty (Chair) Mrs Diana Press (Vice Chair) build will be undertaken in phases the NI Examination averages, lead As an inclusive Catholic College school league tables and deliver for and will commence on site during Mr Jonathan Brady Mr Kieran Downey St Killian’s welcomes all students 2021. our students high quality outcomes regardless of ability and background. which allows them to progress on Mrs Una Duncan Mr Brian McAuley However, judge the College by our Pastoral Care provision is excellent their educational journey. students, our staff and as you tour with our students at the centre of the College be in no doubt that St Mrs Anne McCaughan Mr Denis McKay everything we do. Our wide, relevant Education is in a time of significant challenge but at St Killian’s we are Killian’s offers a unique educational and quality driven curriculum ensures opportunity and experience. Mr Martin McKendry Mrs Catherine McLaughlin confident that we are able to meet that all are engaged and empowered to reach their full potential. that challenge and deliver high I hope that his prospectus and your quality Catholic education to the tour of the College will give you We want our students experience young people on our community. an introduction to the high quality to be enjoyable and for them to be education your child will receive at St St Killian’s was announced to challenged, nurtured and respected. Killian’s. I look forward to developing advance in planning for a major All of our staff are highly dedicated, a strong and meaningful partnership capital work project and since then caring, hardworking and create an with you, as parents, to ensure that work has been ongoing to progress atmosphere of positive discipline your child receives the best possible the project and identify a site. An which delivers top quality education educational experience. Integrated Consultant Team (ICT), for all in our College community. In Hamilton Architects, was appointed fact, my wish for all students in the in 2018 to take the work forward and J . Brad y College is to be happy coming to school, happy in school and happy a steering group formed. An initial J. Brady feasibility study was submitted to the BA(Hons), PGCE, MSc HRM PQH (NI) @S tK il l ian s leaving school. Department and the current school St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 1
‘The best bit about Year 8 so far is how ‘I used to be worried about fitting in, but amazing the teachers are and how they C h a l l e ng e , Nu rt u r e a n d Re s p e c t then I realised that no matter what you like help me learn quickly and how kind they or don’t like, there will always be someone all are.’ Caitlin B 8ML that is there for you’ Peter 8AR At St Killian’s College we are aware of the importance of a smooth • Year 8 Mass in first week to allow parents the opportunity to ‘The best part about St Killian’s is the transition to post-primary education. The pupils are supported meet Form Teachers, Year Head and Senior Leaders as part of ‘The best thing that has happened this year friendly atmosphere from the teachers and throughout their journey into Year 8 in a number of ways; our mission to promote strong parental partnerships. is making new friends. I really wanted to students’ Charlotte 8AR meet new people and now have some great • Participation in a Science Transition project in May/June for • KS5 Prefects allocated to each individual form class who attend friends’ Mollie 8SL local primary 6 pupils which culminates in a day completing registration each morning and assist with class activities. experiments at St Killian’s College. • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who lead assemblies and provide • MidYis testing in June of Primary 7 to ensure appropriate class pupil training as well as ongoing support for all Year 8 pupils. placement, consolidated by Progress Tests in English and Maths • Extra-curricular lunchtime activities run by KS5 Prefects early in Term 1. including uni-hockey, girl’s and boy’s soccer, ICT and homework • Visits to all feeder primary schools by Head of KS3 to review clubs. academic progress of each pupil and highlight any • Lunchtime and after school sport specifically for Year 8 pupils ‘What I love about St Killian’s is how lovely pastoral needs. including girl’s and boy’s rugby hosted by Ulster Rugby coaches, and welcoming all the staff and older pupils • Allocation of pupils to specific form classes with a dedicated Gaelic football, Hurling and Camogie. ‘I enjoy the food most of all, because it’ are. You feel really scared at the start, but Form Teacher, Head of Year and Head of KS3. really good, especially the cheesy bagels at within a week you get to meet lots of new • Extra-curricular workshops and events including a sponsored break!’ Niamh 8ML people!’ Niamh R 8AR • Participation of all Year 8 pupils in the Zumba charity fundraising event for Lepra, participation in Accelerated Reader Programme. a Glens Storytelling Festival workshop, SVdP fundraiser for ‘What I love about St Killian’s is how quick ‘What I love best is making things in HE Children’s Christmas appeal and shoebox kid’s Christmas appeal. you can make new friends and learn more because it’s fun and then I can make them • Orientation day with Form Teachers including a tour of the about yourself’ Emma McK 8AR when I go home’ Laura 8ML school led by KS5 Prefects. ‘I have enjoyed my time at St Killian’s so far. I loved when the ‘When I got here I thought we’d be doing really hard work and that ice-cream van came as a surprise for us and we all got ice cream’ made me a bit worried but we got ice-cream as a treat the first Orla 8AR week and that helped me settle in’ Harry 8SL ‘The most surprising thing was all the activities on at break and ‘One of my worries before I came to St Killian’s was finding my lunch and after school – everyone gets to participate’ Niamh 8ML way, but when you are actually here and walking around you’ll find your way quite easily’ Maeve 8AR St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 3
Why St Killian’s College? ‘ST KILLIAN’S IS A CATHOLIC COLLEGE Mission WHICH STRIVES TO ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE FOR ALL, WITHIN A HAPPY, SUPPORTIVE AND Excellence for All STIMULATING LEARNING COMMUNITY.’ Statement At St Killian’s College we have high academic standards. We are committed to excellence We aim to ensure that: • Our students regardless of their background, for all ensuring that children are both happy ability or talent will succeed and be the best Spiritually alive and successful, achieving their full potential through the provision of a broad and balanced that they can be. St Killian’s College Prayer Our school motto, ‘Caritas et Veritas’, refers to the love and truth of curriculum. • All of our students achievements will be celebrated. God in our midst. An important part of helping our students grow St Killian into well-rounded adults is their spiritual development. Alongside a • Our students are encouraged to develop skills and robust Religious Education programme, we provide opportunities for We ask you to bless and protect us all in values which make them effective learners and our young people to deepen their knowledge of God, discover a love our journey through life. of rich, meaningful prayer, and act with social justice in caring for our inquiring, critical thinkers prepared to take the Guide us in our studies and inspire us neighbours. initiative in life. so we can make the right choices. To these ends, our school has many active programmes in place. The • Our students will foster habits of intellectual Thank you for all those who help us at ‘Prayer Labs’ programme is designed to give our pupils experiences of the college. many types of prayer relevant to their maturity. The ‘Pope John Paul II curiosity, reading, thinking, discussing and Award’ gives Year 13 students the opportunity to volunteer for various problem solving. Make our college a safe place for us. roles in school and their parishes such as Eucharistic Ministers and to Help our teachers to lead the way. assist with our ‘Faith Friends’ who help to mentor pupils from St John’s • Become independent and life long learners. Teach us to be good learners. Primary School, Carnlough, and Corran Primary School, preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. All our students enthusiastically take Help our parents to be there for us. part in the Christmas Toy Appeal and the Trócaire charity campaign, We cannot all do great things which focuses on providing clean water to communities in Uganda. but we can all do small things with We are also blessed to have a beautiful College Chapel; a perfect place “THE VERY HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF THE TEACHERS WHO great love. Help us to live out our motto: for quiet reflection or to come together for services throughout the year. Whatever the faith background a student has, it is our ambition INSTIL IN THE STUDENTS A BELIEF THAT WITH HARD WORK, Caritas et Veritas in our everyday life. that students from Catholic or other Christian traditions will deepen their faith, and that all will see the beauty and value that it holds. THEY CAN EXPERIENCE SUCCESS.” Amen ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT Created by students in 2014 St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 5
Why St Killian’s College? Subjects that students will study include: Subjects that students are offered at Key Stage 4 include: n Art & Design n Art & Design n Applied Business Studies* n Drama n Applied Science* n Business Communications* n English n Child Development n French n Construction n Double Award Science n Geography n Drama n English Language n History n English Literature n French Spirit of Enquiry n Home Economics n Digital Technology n Further Mathematics n Geography Key Stage 3 n Irish Happy and Successful n Health & Social Care n History n Spanish n Home Economics All of our students in Years 8 – 10 will have an equal opportunity to n Digital Technology follow a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the requirements n Learning for Life and Work Key Stage 4 n Irish of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Students will be allocated to n Learning for Life and Work n Mathematics At Key Stage 4 a wide range of academic and n Mathematics classes that are best suited to their individual needs as indicated by vocational subjects will be offered in order n Music n Media Studies Primary school reports and by diagnostic tests in Year 8. These are to meet the needs and range of ability of n Motor Vehicle Studies designed to assess their aptitude not only in literacy and numeracy, n Physical Education n Music all our students. St Killian’s will collaborate but also in their wider skill base. n Religious Education n Occupational Studies with a range of educational providers to u Business Services* Key Stage 3 students will have the opportunity to transfer between n Science fulfil that aim. The students will study the u Technology & Innovation* classes based on their educational achievements and needs measured choice of subjects that best suits their n OCN (NI) Extended Certificate in n Technology & Design Applied Science* by continuous formative assessments. educational needs. n OCN (NI) Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications* “THE KEY STAGE 3 CURRICULUM IS BROAD AND BALANCED “THE PUPILS EXPRESSED A STRONG n OCN(NI) Religious Studies* n Physical Education SENSE OF PRIDE IN THEIR SCHOOL AND AND MEETS EFFECTIVELY THE NEEDS AND INTERESTS OF ALL WERE ARTICULATE n Princes Trust Achieve Programme* n Religious Education THE STUDENTS.” AND CONFIDENT.” n Single Award Science n Spanish ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT n Technology & Design * Level 2 course St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 7
Subjects that students will study include: Post 16 Curriculum n n Applied Science Art & Design At Post 16 students may choose three or four A Levels and/or Level 3 n Biology courses from the following suite of subjects. n Chemistry The College will continue to adjust the post 16 curriculum offer to n Construction Double Award* meet with the academic needs of the students and the demands of n Construction Single Award* an ever changing society. Additional subjects will be on offer through n Engineering* n English Literature collaborative arrangements between our partners in the Larne n French Learning Community. n Geography The College also offers a wide range of Enrichment courses at Post n Health & Social Care Double Award* 16 to widen students’ knowledge and skill base and prepare them for n Health & Social Care Single Award* Adult Life and the World of Work; these include: n History n Home Economics n Autocad n Careers n Cookery n Digital Technology n European Studies n GAA Coaching Award n Gold Crest n Information Technology* n Heart Start n Makaton (sign language) n School Choir n Irish n Mathematics n Media Studies n Music Academic Results n Physical Education n Physics n Professional Business Services n Religious Studies n Spanish n Sports Studies* “OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS A NUMBER OF n n Technology & Design Theatre Studies STUDENTS HAVE ACHIEVED HIGHLY AT GCSE AND * Level 3 course POST 16 WHICH HAVE BEEN RECOGNISED BY “POST 16 HAS A VERY GOOD RANGE OF SUBJECTS CCEA AWARDS ACROSS A RANGE OF SUBJECTS.” ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT COMPLEMENTED WITH A COMPREHENSIVE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME.” ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 9
Examination Results 2019 was another highly successful year for St Killian’s College with the examination results confirming that non-selective education delivers excellent results at GCSE, AS and A level, underscoring the high quality of Learning and Teaching that is the hallmark of this college. GCSE and A level results for 2018-2019 were good. The analyses of these are detailed below. GCSE Results GCSE LEVEL RESULTS (OR EQUIVALENT) 2018-2019 NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 125 Subject Entries A* A B C* C D E F G U X Q Agriculture Art & Design Business & Communication Systems 14 15 17 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 4 0 2 2 3 1 5 4 0 4 4 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 AS Level Business Studies Child Development 42 17 0 1 9 1 7 6 9 4 9 2 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Results Construction 28 0 11 6 6 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Design and Technology 26 1 11 9 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Drama 14 1 4 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 English Language 125 3 27 21 29 28 9 2 5 1 0 0 0 AS LEVEL RESULTS (OR EQUIVALENT) 2018-2019 English Literature 9 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 62 Food and Nutrition 21 4 4 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subject Entries A B C D E U French 30 1 4 2 3 12 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 Biology 23 9 5 6 2 0 1 Geography 43 2 6 15 6 7 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 Business Studies 15 1 2 6 2 3 1 Health & Social Care 35 1 3 10 6 13 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chemistry 9 3 3 1 1 0 1 History 33 2 9 7 8 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Design and Technology 5 4 0 1 0 0 0 Information Technology 36 3 13 7 6 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Digital Technology 10 1 1 4 1 2 1 Irish 7 1 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 English Literature 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Mathematics 125 15 23 30 24 18 7 3 3 1 1 0 0 Geography 5 0 3 1 0 1 0 Mathematics Further 24 7 7 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Health & Social Care SA 22 5 8 8 0 0 1 Media Studies 14 0 5 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Motor Vehicle & Road User Studies 12 0 0 1 3 2 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 History 13 4 3 5 1 0 0 Physical Education 26 19 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Home Economics 6 1 0 2 1 2 0 Religious Studies 125 7 43 21 11 14 11 7 6 5 0 0 0 Mathematics 21 5 9 6 0 0 1 Science Single Award 15 0 1 1 4 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 Media Studies 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 Spanish 31 6 7 5 5 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Physics 7 1 0 5 0 1 0 Subject (Double Award) Entries ** *A AA AB BB B1 C1 C2 CC CD DD DE Religious Studies 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 Science DA 100 7 6 11 7 19 17 7 14 5 4 3 0 Subject (Level 2) Entries Dist* Dist Merit Pass U Subject (Level 3) Entries Dist* Dist Merit Pass Applied Science 9 N/A N/A N/A 9 0 Subsiduary Diploma in Construction (First Year) 3 3 0 0 Occupational Studies Business & Services 6 5 1 0 0 0 Cambridge Tech Intro Diploma in ICT (First Year) 14 14 0 0 Occupational Studies Design & Creativity 11 0 0 1 6 4 Cambridge Tech Intor Diploma in Sport 18 17 1 0 Occupational Studies Technology & Innovation 9 0 6 1 0 2 (First Year) Prince’s Trust Achieve Programme 10 N/A N/A N/A 10 0 St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 11
A LEVEL RESULTS (OR EQUIVALENT) 2018-2019 STEM Successes Sporting Achievements NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 58 The 2019 STEM calendar started with our almost annual attendance The students continue to enjoy a range of activities from Archery Subject Entries A* A B C D E U at the prestigious BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. Liam to Zumba in their PE classes. Most notable successes include the Black and Cathal McDonnell were successful in gaining entry to the Sports Hall Athletics and the NEBSSA Cross Country staring at both Biology 12 0 3 2 5 2 0 0 competition with their project ‘QUAD (Quad Universal Alarm Device) U13 and U15 in the Ulster Schools Cross Country Finals. Cormac Business Studies 13 1 2 0 3 3 3 1 for Quads’ and were highly commended for their efforts in January McKeown in Yr10 qualified for the All Ireland Finals and then went Chemistry 9 0 3 4 2 0 0 0 2019. Their project acts as an alert to the driver that the gradient on to represent N. Ireland in the London Marathon. Design and Technology 5 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 they are driving on is too steep. Ultimately, if an accident occurred Digital Technology 6 0 2 0 3 1 0 0 The college Hurling teams enjoyed great success at all levels in and the quad was to overturn, the device communicated via SMS English Literature 4 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2018/19. Year 11 and 12 boys reaching the final in the Leonard and to let a family member or colleague know and give an indication of Geography 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 Forresters’ cups and Year 8 and 9 boys winning the Thompson and location. This project took the boys on a journey that included the McNamee cups. In Camogie our U14s won the Fr Davies Junior Cup Health & Social Care SA 18 0 1 9 6 2 0 0 grand finale of Scifest in Dublin and The Big Bang final held in the May 2019, our Junior girls lost the Liatroim Fonenoy’s Cup by the History 5 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 NEC, Birmingham impressing judges wherever they went. Liam was narrowest of margins in Nov 2019 and our Senior girls are in the final Mathematics 17 4 5 3 3 0 2 0 also successful in being selected to attend the Broadcom Masters of the Fr Davis Senior Cup to be played in Jan 2020. Our Yr10 and Media Studies 5 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 International Science Conference as 1 of 25 delegates chosen globally. 11 girls who won the Camogie Sevens Plate 2019 and progressed to Nutrition & Food Science 9 0 1 2 1 4 1 0 An experience he will never forget. the All-Ireland in September 2019. In girls Gaelic football our U16s Physics 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 2019 also saw Year 10 students Amy McMullan and Tess Brady bring are through to the Ulster semi-final after beating Mulroy, Donegal. Religious Studies 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 their idea ‘Be Seen Trendy’ to life. Using NFC technology, they sought The college is proud of the fact that we had two All Stars in Camogie Theatre Studies 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 to give back independence to those with visual impairments to choose for 2019/20 in Shauna McDonnell and Caoimhe McNaughton, their clothes/garments themselves. When a label is brought close to with Caoimhe collecting her second All Star Award. Not to be out Subject (Level 3) Entries Dist* Dist Merit Pass U a reader it gives an audio description of the piece of clothing allowing done, Sean McKay received an Ulster Schools All Star in Hurling Extended Certificate in Applied Science 10 0 0 2 2 6 the user to mix and match as they see fit. With this project Amy and 2018/19 and Padraig McKillop and Daniel Kearney received Future Subsiduary Diploma in Construction 10 7 1 2 0 0 Tess won the Specsavers Award at the regional Scifest Competition Stars awards in Hurling from QUB in Dec 2019. Calum Kilgore and Subsiduary Diploma in Engineering 5 3 0 2 0 0 held in St Mary’s College, Derry. This award secured a place at the Calum McIlwaine also received individual success winning the Ulster Cambridge Tech Intro Diploma in ICT 13 10 1 2 0 0 grand finale of Scifest held in the Marino Conference Centre, Dublin Schools Hurler of the Month award for March 2019 and October 2019 Cambridge Technical Intro Diploma in Sports 14 14 0 0 0 0 where they were awarded Excellence in STEM awards. Following the respectively. In recent years Rugby has proven to be very successful regional final of Scifest the girls attended the regional Sentinus Big in the College with teams completing in various competitions in Year Bang competition winning a Northern Ireland Young Engineers Award 8 and 9, this year we have also introduced Rugby to Year 8 girls. gaining a much coveted place at the Big Bang 2020 competition at In Football our Yr10 and Yr12 boys both reached the Mid-Antrim the NEC, Birmingham. Amy and Tess will also represent the college at Cup final and our Yr10 boys were beaten finalists in the N. Ireland the BTYSTE 2020 at the RDS, Dublin in January following successful Plate. In Netball we also had a very successful year with Naoise application. McDonnell, Orlaith McAllister, Kate Ewings, and Colleen Duffy all selected for the Antrim Area Development Squads. Colleen Duffy Emma Martin and Niamh Reid commenced their project, Weight was also selected for the N. Ireland Development Squad. Our Year 9 Watching Plate at the same time as their peers Amy and Tess. In girls won the N. Ireland B League, Year 11 and 12 girls won the District an attempt to tackle the growing obesity problem, the girls began league and were runners up in the Ballymena League and our Year 10 developing a project that allowed the user to gain immediate feedback girls were runners up in the NEBSSA tournament. on the number of calories contained in each food group that they put on their plate. This allows the user to accurately track what they are Many of our students have excelled in other sports and have eating. The girls attended the Sentinus Big Bang competition and not attained representative honours for Antrim, Ulster and at Irish level to be outdone were also award a Northern Ireland Young Engineers in Archery, Athletics, Boxing, Camogie, Hurling, Gaelic Football, Award, 1 of only 5 to be awarded and will attend the prestigious Big Judo, Netball, Rugby, Sailing, Soccer and Skiing. Achievement in Bang final at NEC, Birmingham. Emma and Niamh have also been Sport is not just practical but also officiating, with Anna O’Kane Yr8 successful in gaining a place at this year’s BTYSTE in January. officiating at Croke Park during half time of the Senior and Junior All Ireland Ladies 2019 Football Finals. A Level Results St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 13
A Sense of Belonging Pastoral Care Our aim is to ensure that the College will be a happy community where all are respected, nurtured and listened to. A happy student is Our students will become not only the positive contributors to society but will create and shape its future based on the values that they a successful person who will be committed to will learn in St Killian’s. their life and add value to all that they do. We expect a high standard of behaviour from The welfare of the individual student is of all of our students. The College prides itself on paramount concern to all members of staff the family atmosphere that it creates which and we will promote the full academic and ensures that problems are detected and personal development of students within resolved at an early stage. Self discipline is a a child centred Christian environment. The crucial part of the Pastoral Care Programme. form teacher has a detailed knowledge of the We pride ourselves on the promotion of a needs, aspirations, interests and academic positive reward system which leads students progress of each student and integrates to take responsibility for their own actions the work of teachers, parents and others and gives them confidence to act with justice. to support the learning and development The College also works closely with outside of students. This strong pastoral care government and voluntary agencies to deal system provides a network of support for all with personal or social issues when they arise. individuals and maintains close links with our parents to ensure that all students get the “I AM REASSURED THAT THE COLLEGE IS CONTINUALLY opportunity to reach their full potential. WORKING HARD TO ENSURE MY CHILD IS BEING EDUCATED IN AN ENVIRONMENT WHICH IS CHALLENGING HIM TO ACHIEVE HIS BEST WHILE ENSURING HE IS SAFE AND HAPPY.’ YEAR 10 PARENT St K i l l i a n’ s C ol l e g e 14 St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 15
A Sense of Belonging Special and Additional Educational Needs Provision for additional educational needs in As an inclusive college St Killian’s will seek St Killian’s College forms an integral part of to ensure all its students feel secure and Pastoral Care the whole school’s overall policy on curricular and pastoral provision. The policy is informed by the caring Christian ethos of the college; its practical procedures are shaped by the equally valued through the provision of a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. St Killian’s strives to provide effective working relationships with parents, “THE PUPILS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATIVE OF THE WORK OF THE Code of Practice on the identification and external agencies and staff to ensure that the TEACHERS TO HELP THEM ACHIEVE THEIR TARGETS AND OF Assessment of Special Needs established child is placed at the centre of the educational THE RANGE OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE by the Education (Northern Ireland) Order process in a caring, listening and supportive 1996 and also the Special Educational Needs environment. TO THEM.’ Disability Order 2005. YEAR 10 PARENT Students who have additional educational needs will be fully integrated in the everyday “THERE IS A CLEAR COMMITMENT • The wellbeing of our students is central to all that we • Parents are encouraged to play an active role in do as a college. supporting the College in the promotion of life of the college. The Learning Support BY THE WHOLE SCHOOL TO Coordinator working closely with the Senior • Communication with all of our college community good behaviour. Leadership and Pastoral Care Teams, will PROVIDE FOR THE NEEDS OF is vital. • Counselling services are available when needed. seek to identify those students who may STUDENTS WHO HAVE SPECIAL experience barriers to their learning. Where • We aim to meet every child’s needs. • Bullying will not be tolerated. identified there will be a holistic approach EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND TO • Your concerns will be listened to. • Every student will be expected to contribute in all aspects of college life to the best of their ability. to addressing these needs be they cognitive, ENSURE THEIR INCLUSION IN ALL • Every step will be taken to resolve difficulties. emotional, behavioural, communicative, social or physical in nature, on an individual ASPECTS OF SCHOOL LIFE.” • The outcome will be reported to you as soon ETI STANDARD INSPECTION REPORT basis, in line with the Code of Practice. as possible. St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 17
In Year 13 the students main focus is on the research of potential post 18 options, primarily Further, Higher and Degree apprenticeship options Education. This usually incorporates Why St Killian’s College? visits from representatives from a variety of institutions and trips to industry or conventions. They will also have the opportunity to experience the world of work Planning for the Future through our work placement programmes as well as other work related activities. Students are encouraged to maintain a personal portfolio as they prepare for Post 18 University of Dundee St Andrews career paths. Edinburgh In Year 14 guidance and support is provided Napier Careers Education, Information, Advice and related learning’ opportunities. Each student Glasgow Herriot Watt on the completion of application forms for Strathclyde Guidance (CEIAG) forms an integral part of all will also receive an individual interview with a UCAS, CAO, Universities in Europe, Further students programmes of study from Year 8-14. member of the Careers department to ensure Newcastle Education, US Scholarships, Apprenticeships NRC Northumbria Students are enabled to become effective appropriate subject choice at GCSE. etc… All students will be able to attend the St Mary’s decision makers, empowered to manage their Greenmount Belfast Met Cumbria local universities and Colleges Open Days as In Year 12 students have the opportunity Loughry Ulster SERC Stranmillis QUB well as listen to talks from visiting speakers. own career development successfully with to research more fully the range of career The students are prepared for interviews and due respect for their own needs, those of possibilities within the Skills Sector that may Dundalk experience a mock interview. others and of their wider community. Edge Hill interest them. They will explore all options Liverpool Hope Liverpool JM Manchester MU Student Destinations The ‘CEIAG Learning Offer’ underpins the available to them and will be assisted in Salford Barnsley Maynooth Sheffield Last year 92% of careers provision across the whole school making an informed career path choice at Bangor Staffordshire Glyndnr Nottingham our Year 14 students curriculum, taking account of careers Post 16. To support this, all students will have Harper Adams secured their preferred education, careers information, the access to a personal interview with a specialist Birmingham college courses across Coventry Cambridge development of employability skills, work careers advisor from the Careers Service NI the UK and Ireland. related learning and advice and guidance. and to externally facilitated employment Bedfordshire St Killian’s College Oxford programmes arranged by the Careers has had students In Year 10, students begin to explore their Queen Mary RHUL department and other subject departments. Cardiff personal strengths, skills and qualities. In Uni Creative Arts Kings College awarded All Ireland Careers Fairs and Conventions promoted and The O’Fiaich Scholarships. Students order to assist research of potential career by local Business Enterprise Partnerships are now applying successfully to higher paths, students are introduced to the Skills etc are used to further enhance our student apprenticeships in companies such as PWC Sector Council, STEM and school based ‘work and Kainos. experience. University of St Mark & St John St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 19
St Killian’s promotes health and physical fitness and is keen to ensure that it continues to develop its sporting prowess and build on our tradition. As a school community we believe that physical activity, healthy lifestyles and the right life choices are important aspects of college life which results The college offers a wide range of sports and in students who are receptive to learning and extra-curricular activities; these include: disciplined in all aspects of their life. Sport plays an important part in the life of n Athletics n Archery St Killian’s. n Camogie n Cycling n Cross Country n Eco Club n Golf n Gaelic Football n Hurling n Netball Healthy Lifestyle n Sailing n Soccer Both the Physical Education and Home Economics knowledge, standards of performance, attitudes and their n Squash n Swimming departments encourage all students to enjoy and plan understanding and appreciation of their own and others’ n Rugby a healthy lifestyle. Physical Education is compulsory performance. Students are encouraged to participate in for all students and can be studied at both GCSE and A a number of sporting activities in order to acquire and Level. Personal qualities such as team work, commitment, develop a range of skills related to selected games and discipline, leadership, confidence, communication and sports. a sense of achievement are only a few of the positive We are also very fortunate to have a fully qualified Nurse at features of any sporting involvement. Extra-curricular the college who has helped us to develop a range of health activities take place at both lunchtime and after school. related programmes such as Heart Start, Mental Health The programmes are led by our own dedicated staff Awareness, RSE and a range of other programmes aimed however we have also made use of opportunities to engage external coaches and mentors from our own to empower our students to be aware of their health but crucially to give them the skills that are required to make Sports and county and further afield. All students follow a planned and progressive programme them resilient young men and women. In partnership, the college nurse, the staff and the Student Council have Extra-curricular of study which focuses on improving and developing their created a Health and Well Being Policy. Activities St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 21
Educational Visits • Gold, Silver and Bronze Crest Awards. • BT Young Scientist. • Art Exhibitions. • Digital Technology Exhibitions. • Sentius Activities. • Trips to Local and National Businesses. • Ski Trip. Drama and Music • • Out Door Pursuits Activity Programmes. Geography and History Field trips. • Theatre Visits. The Drama and Music departments have recently The Music Department offers a wide range of activities • Educational Trips to England, France, undergone a modern refurbishment which now affords for students with differing tastes. There is a developing Spain, Italy. our students the opportunity of excellent facilities across school choir, an Irish Traditional group and a rock band; • Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. both departments. furthermore students can pursue other instruments which • Watersports Trip. • Camp International to Kenya and are offered through individual or group tuition by the At St Killian’s there is a thriving Drama department where Cambodia peripatetic service. Students are entered for Associated students from Year 8 – 14 flourish. The department has a Board and Trinity College examinations in order to achieve drama club which is led by the Year 13 and 14 students at their grades in the various instruments on offer. lunchtime, there are regular trips to the Lyric, the Opera Student Mentors House and the Mac as well as visits to the Riverside. As a Most recently the two departments came together and department the outcomes for our students are of a very produced a highly acclaimed Christmas Concert and this high standard. undoubtedly will be a hallmark for the future. Our Senior Students are encouraged • These mentors are involved in to give back to the college community. form class activities and build One of the most significant ways in relationships with the younger which they do this is through our members of the well defined mentoring system which college community. supports students with difficulties • Anti-bullying mentors. and develops our Catholic beliefs. St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 23
Eco and Gardening Clubs The college has thriving Eco and Gardening Clubs which take place at lunchtime. The Eco Club has developed connections with the Glens Red Squirrel Group and has Applications and Admissions successfully acquired funding to create a protective habitat for the red squirrel, hedgehog and bat populations in the school woodland area. The Gardening club has created their own vegetable patch and our green house facilities have successfully been used to cultivate a range of flowering plants. Student Council The college has an active Student Council which is made up of representatives of all year groups. Each member took part in Student Council elections in September where they had to speak in front of their year group to convince them that they were the best person to represent their year group. The opinions of our students are frequently sought across a range of areas including Learning and Teaching, extra-curricular activities, lunchtime activities and student welfare (e.g.) Anti-Bullying Policy and Mobile Phone Policy. The council meets regularly and has been instrumental in creating the school badge, uniform and College Prayer which was created by the student body. St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 25
Admissions Criteria For Entry Into Year 8 Transfer Between Schools The Board of Governors at St Killian’s College, has delegated to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which will comprise The college will welcome applications from three Governors and the Principal, the authority to determine the admissions on its behalf. Preference will be given to students in years 9-13 who reside in the students who are resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the college over students not parishes listed above and who may wish so resident. to take advantage of the education that St Killian’s will offer. If the number of applications is greater than the admissions number, the following Admissions Criteria will be applied in the order of priority set down below: Admissions To Year 8 1. 1. Applicants who have a sibling enrolled, at the date of application in St Killian’s College. After 1 September 2020 Parents who wish to have their child 2. Applicants who are the eldest child in a family eligible to transfer to mainstream post primary considered for admission in the event of education. This criterion covers “only children” and will treat twins or other multiples as joint eldest. a place arising after 1 September 2020 3. Applicants who are children of the permanent (including part-time) teaching, administrative, technical should write to the Principal clearly stating or ancillary staff of the school, or of staff due to take up such appointment by the 1st October. this. In the event of a vacancy arising the 4. Applicants who, at the date of application, normally reside in any of the following parishes; Braid, above criteria will be applied to these Carnlough, Cushendall, Cushendun, Glenariffe, Glenarm, Glenravel, Larne. applications only. 5. Applicants who attend any Maintained, Controlled or Integrated Primary School located within the boundaries of the parishes listed in criterion 4. 6. 6 In the event of oversubscription then students will be admitted by a criterion that prioritises applicants where the letters of their name (as entered on a Birth Certificate) places them on a Duty to Verify rank established by any order of all of the letters within the alphabet. Children will be selected The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such for admission on the basis of initial letter of surname (as entered on Birth Certificate) in the order supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or determined by a randomised selection of letters carried out prior to the college receiving the Transfer verify information on any Application Form/Transfer Form. Forms. The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide information within deadlines set by the College CDHOMIKSETZNRAJBVGUXPYLWFQ may result in the withdrawal of a place or the inability of In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter, the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in the College to offer a place. alphabetic order. In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the initials of the forenames will be used. St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 27
Transport Arrangements Children Flourish Charges and Remissions Policy Students who transfer to the college and are entitled to free transport can complete the EA transport form in this Unique Environment The Board of Governors of each grant-aided school is required by the Education Reform (NI) Order 1989 to establish a charging policy for which will entitle them to a Bus Pass. The college will have activities funded from resources under its control. public transport arrangements for any student who lives within the catchment area of East Antrim and the Glens. The policy of the college is to charge: For further details regarding transport arrangements 1. The costs of board and lodging for all students on residential contact the college so that queries will be dealt with prior field trips (when such field trips take place mainly within school to September. hours parents in receipt of Income Support will have these charges remitted if they so request); 2. The cost of residential and non-residential field trips wholly or mainly outside school hours when the student’s participation has Contributing Primary been agreed in advance by the parent; the charge will include Schools the cost of travel, entrance fees, equipment and materials and, where appropriate, board and lodging; 3. The cost of breakage and / or fines deemed necessary as a result The college will serve all of the communities of East Antrim of a student’s misbehaviour; and the Glens. The college will endeavour to provide seamless transition from primary to post primary school and welcome 4. The cost of entering a student to sit or re-sit an examination where no preparation has been provided by the school or where children from all traditions whose parents wish them to a student is re-sitting a modular element for a second time; benefit from the opportunities for personal and educational development offered by St Killian’s. 5. The cost of any re-marking of public exams when requested by the parent; The college will serve all of the students who live in the 6. The cost of individual tuition in the playing of a musical following parishes or who attend primary schools in those instrument; areas; 7. The cost of optional extra activities, including transport, which n Ballyclare n Braid are not an integral part of the school curriculum and where participation is on the basis of parental choice and a willingness n Carnlough n Carrickfergus to meet such charges as are to be made. n Cushendall n Cushendun Every effort has been made to ensure that the n Glenariffe n Glenarm information contained in this Prospectus is correct at the time of going to press. n Glenravel n Larne St Ki lli a n’ s C olleg e 29
25 Tower Road Carnlough Co.Antrim BT44 0JS t. 028 2888 5202 f. 028 2888 5492
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