We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...

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We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...

We would
love to see you
at Woodlands.
We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
“The ‘To The Moon’
    project made me
    feel very happy to
    be joining a school
    where people are so
    creative and positive.
    The staff are all
    positive and
    interested in
    your work.”
    Scarlett-Rose – Year 7 student

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
 4   Welcome                            22   Our Expectations
 6   Our Vision and Values              24   Care and Guidance
 8   Curriculum Learning and Outcomes   26   School Uniform and PE Kit
10   Location and Facilities            29   Extra Curricular Activities
12   Enhancing Learning                 31   Contacts
15   From Primary to Woodlands
16   Case Study
18   Admissions Policy
20   Teaching and Learning

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
    At Woodlands we pride ourselves on the warm and friendly
    atmosphere of the school. Relationships are important and
    our aim is to ensure that every student feels safe and happy.
    We strive to provide the best for them and believe that every
    young person deserves the chance to feel successful at school.

    Our motto, ‘Aspire and Achieve’, sums up our hopes and expectations
    for every student who is part of our school community. We want all
    of our students to excel and recognise that, for this to happen, they
    must aspire to achieve ambitious goals and work hard to reach these.
    But, we know that having aspiration can be tough; after all, if you
    dream big, there is a chance that you might not always reach your goal.
    This is why we are here as well-qualified and committed staff to both
    support and challenge all young people to aspire, to dream of what
    might lie ahead and to work hard to make an ambitious goal possible.

    When aspiration and hard work are combined, people achieve amazing things.
    That is what we strive for at Woodlands: to see every student aspire to reach
    or exceed their potential and work hard towards that goal. In turn they will
    receive excellent teaching and support to achieve it and to feel a sense of
    self-worth and pride in doing so. We want our students to be good citizens,
    demonstrating leadership, awareness of global issues, regard for others
    and courage when faced with challenge.

      Our success is built on a strong partnership between students,
      parents/carers, staff and governors; a partnership which flourishes
      in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.

    You will see on page 6 how ‘Aspire and Achieve’ is woven in to the
    fabric of our school through our vison, values and aims that everyone,
    students, parents/carers, staff and governors have contributed to.
    It is a touchstone for how we want to be as a community and is
    under constant review to maintain this focus.

    We are lucky to be a thriving school with a growing intake, a
    broad curriculum and are proud to provide superb extra-curricular
    opportunities in sports, technology and the creative and performing arts
    as well as possessing tremendous facilities. This continues through to
    A level where our sixth form gives the opportunity for further study in
    preparation for university or apprenticeship.

    If you would like to know more, take a good look at this prospectus, visit our
    website or speak to those who know us best – our students and parents/carers
    – and visit us, at the moment through our online virtual Open Evening, to find
    out for yourself and get a feel for what Allestree Woodlands School is all about.

    Gemma Penny

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
Our Vision: Aspire & Achieve
    Enabling aspiration and achievement for all students through delivery of a
    knowledge-rich curriculum underpinned by our CORE values.

    CORE Values:
    Courage       – to be brave in the face of challenge
    Optimism      – to look for solutions and see positives
    Regard        – to care for and be kind to others and yourself
    Endeavour     – to work hard and persevere to achieve one’s full potential

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
Our School                                         1 A refusal to accept discrimination;
                                                     promotion of cultural diversity, British
We are an inclusive secondary school in north
                                                     values and the acceptance of difference.
Derby for over 1300 students aged 11-18 with
                                                   1 A school community including (but not
1 a broad and balanced curriculum
                                                     limited to) students, staff, parents, carers
  in years 7-11.
                                                     and alumni that celebrates success for all,
1 a wide educational offer in years 12-13.           where all voices are heard, fostering a
1 a great range of extra-curricular 		               sense of pride and belonging.
  opportunities in sports, technology              1 Aspiring to lead by example in our care for
  and the creating and performing arts.              the environment and move towards being a
1 excellent facilities and outdoor space.            carbon neutral school.
1 provision for those with additional needs        1 Broad engagement, partnership and
  including an enhanced resource facility for        collaboration within the school and across
  the hearing impaired.                              the community including with other
                                                     schools, employers, parents and carers.
What does this look like?                          1 The school of choice for the families in our
1 People who are inspired, dream big and are         catchment and wider community.
  self-motivated to strive to achieve their best
1 Across all subjects, students including          Enablers
  those who are disadvantaged and those            1 Safeguarding – we are committed to
  with Special Educational Needs & 		                safeguarding, promoting the welfare of our
  Disabilities progress in line with national        students and expect all our staff, governors
  averages or better.                                and volunteers to share this commitment.
1 A regularly reviewed, inspiring curriculum       1 Staff – we aim to have the best possible
  that is relevant to our students and society,      teaching staff, support staff, leaders,
  encouraging them to expand their horizons.         governors and volunteers to enable our
1 Wide enriching experiences within                  students to achieve their full potential.
  and beyond the classroom, leading to             1 Relationships – a clear understanding of
  personal growth.                                   expectations, consistent implementation
1 A thriving sixth form integrated into              supported and maintained by all.
  the school community.                            1 Wider community – engaged and
1 Students well equipped for their next steps        supportive parents and carers with effective
  after Allestree Woodlands School.                  two-way communication.

1 A professional learning community                1 Facilities & Financial responsibility –
  where staff are supported to develop               buildings, IT, website and subject specific
  continuously their expertise and skill.            facilities that enable the curriculum and
                                                     wider development of our students within a
1 A climate that encourages
                                                     balanced and controlled budget.
  personal wellbeing and good
  mental & physical health, encouraging
                                                   Adopted by the Governing Board July 2020.
  positive relationships with support
  structures including peer mentoring.

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
Curriculum, Learning and
    Outcomes at Woodlands
    At Woodlands, we have a wide range of subject specialists       Year 11 GCSE 9 – 1 Results 2020
    that allow us to deliver a breadth of subjects across the                                    Standard
    different year groups. We deliver lessons drawn from a well                                    Pass
    sequenced curriculum that builds on knowledge and skills                                     9–4%
    over time. To this end, students’ learning expectations are     Art                            85
    high. We expect all our students to show endeavour and a
                                                                    Biology                       96.1
    positive attitude by working hard both in school and at home.
                                                                    Business Studies              78.9
    At Woodlands, students will be taught a broad range of          Chemistry                     94.1
    subjects that incorporate an academic curriculum with the       Computing                     73.3
    arts and sports. We are committed to delivering a knowledge-
                                                                    D&T                           57.7
    rich curriculum that has a focus on key subject knowledge
    which prepares students for their future success. We also       Drama                         75.9
    incorporate elements of our CORE values into our wider          English Language              76.3
    focus on personal development and believe that if students
                                                                    English Literature            79.1
    can develop courage, optimism, regard and endeavour, that
    these principles will set them up for a successful future.      Food & Nutrition              71.4
                                                                    French                        80.5
    We are proud of our attainment at Woodlands, where our          Geography                     79.2
    students achieve a high percentage of grade 4s and above
                                                                    German                        61.5
    across the range of subjects:
                                                                    History                       66.4
                                                                    Maths                         76.4
                                                                    Music                         76.9
                                                                    PE                            76.8
                                                                    Physics                        95
                                                                    RE                            78.7
                                                                    Science (Combined Trilogy)    56.9
                                                                    Spanish                       54.1
                                                                    Creative Media                76.9
                                                                    Engineering                   31.3
                                                                    Health & Social Care          76.2

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
Home Learning
At Woodlands school,              SCHOOL LEARNING
we call any piece of work
                                  1 Teacher demos
that is being completed             and ‘having a go’
at home ‘home learning’.          1 Learning
This could be a piece of            new content
work set by the teacher,          1 Revisiting
watching an educational             prior content                          O L LE A R N I N
                                                                      HO                      G
video, completing an              1 Questions 		                 SC
online quiz or revisiting           answered
notes from a lesson.              1 Support with
All these type of                   your learning

activities are designed
                                                                                                  HOME LEARNING
to build on what a
                                                                                                  1 Microsoft Teams
student has been
                                                                                                  1 Re-reading
taught – we call this
                                                                  HO                                your notes
the home learning/school                                               M E LE A R N   ING
                                                                                                  1 Revisiting and
learning cycle.                                                                                     self-checking
                                                                                                  1 Video sessions
                                                                                                    on BBC bitesize,
                                                                                                    National Oak

at Woodlands
At Woodlands, we assess our students’ knowledge on a regular basis. We do this through a range of methods
such as quizzes, quick fire tests and questioning on a lesson-by-lesson basis. These are designed to both
inform the teacher so they can adapt their teaching and support individual students and to enable students to
understand their learning needs. In addition to this, we also set end of unit and year assessments that monitor
student performance over a longer period time. This will inform students, parents and carers about what
progress is being made and help us to direct our support where needed.

Keeping you
We believe that a positive partnership between parent, school and student is the key to success. It is,
therefore, important to us that we are able to keep our parents and carers fully informed. As a result, parents
and carers will receive a full subject report once a year and will be updated on their child’s progress as a
summary report three times a year. In addition to this, parents and carers will be invited to form and subject
consultation evenings to discuss their child’s progress directly with their subject teachers and their form tutors.

We would love to see you at Woodlands - SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2021 - Allestree ...
Location and Facilities
     A beautiful and functional space for everyone joining Woodlands.

     We have wonderful, modern facilities including           A high quality learning environment is very
     science laboratories, specialist classrooms, music       important to us, and we strive to maintain our
     rooms, drama studio, technology rooms and an             grounds, buildings and facilities to high standards.
     Atrium with Café.
                                                              In addition we have a modern sports hall, fitness
     All the classrooms are spacious with good natural        suite, swimming pool, two floodlit all-weather
     light and equipped to a very high standard across        pitches, extensive sports fields and state-of-the-
     all our curriculum areas. We are constantly              art theatre facilities – all of which we also use
     upgrading our ICT provision and further enhance          to support our partner primary schools and the
     our teaching and learning with a well-stocked            surrounding community.
     library, staffed by dedicated library staff within the
     Learning Resource Centre.

     Our school is named Woodlands for a reason
      – we are surrounded by trees and green spaces
     and are fortunate to have extensive outdoor
     spaces for students to play and relax.

Enhancing Learning
     Curriculum                                     Wellbeing Centre
     We believe that every student should           We care about the mental health of our
     have access to the best curriculum on          students and have a dedicated safeguarding
     offer. At Woodlands, that is underpinned       team available to help with concerns. In 2019,
     by a belief that knowledge of a range of       we opened our Wellbeing Centre as a safe
     subjects is vital. We want our students        place that can be accessed if a young person
     to be confident, well-informed young           is worried or needs someone to talk to.
     people who can participate fully in their      Our team of Mental Health Ambassadors
     world as adults. Our academic curriculum       are trained Sixth Form students who can be
     is enhanced by having specialist teachers      a friendly face and will listen to concerns.
     who are passionate about their subjects        They are trained to refer to an adult from the
     and expert in their field. We have a           safeguarding team when necessary.
     thriving creative arts department which
     offers art, music and drama. This year,        Catering
     we won the Music Mark Award for                Our modern student dining facilities are
     our music curriculum offer. We are             ably managed by a fully qualified chef
     also fortunate to have excellent sports        who provides rich, varied and healthy food
     facilities, including our recently renovated   options each and every day of the school year.
     swimming pool meaning that students            This expertise is also transferred to many of
     have access to the full range of sport.        our students who enjoy studying catering and
                                                    who increasingly provide splendid hospitality
                                                    at many school events.

We believe that every child and their family matters.
Therefore the inclusion of pupils identified as having
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
in our school community is fundamental to the
diversity and richness of our school. Our whole-
school inclusive ethos, underpinned by our CORE
values, reflects a genuine belief that all children,
no matter their starting point, will feel included and
inspired to achieve their full potential. The school
also seeks to develop pupil’s independence to
foster a life-long love of learning.
Woodlands has a large team of dedicated,
experienced and highly qualified staff who
support our SEND pupils. We are immensely
proud to be Derby City’s Enhanced Resource
(ER) for Deaf and Hearing Impaired students.
If you have any questions related to SEND
provision, please do not hesitate to contact the
school’s SEND team by calling 01332 551921 or
emailing SEND@woodlands.derby.sch.uk.

From Primary to Woodlands
We all remember how daunting it was to move             Common Transfer Days
from primary to secondary school! At such an
                                                        It is intended that towards the end of the summer
important time we pay careful attention to the
                                                        term, before transferring to Woodlands, all new
needs of our new children and we build on
                                                        students will spend three full days at Woodlands.
the good education they have received at their
                                                        They will have the opportunity to meet their future
primary school. Every effort is made to make
                                                        Form Tutor and Head of House. Through the
the change as smooth as possible.
                                                        “To The Moon” transition project they will find
We have a strong programme throughout the               their bearings and get to know what will be
year to enable new and existing parents to meet         their new learning environment the following
with staff and we place importance on the role of       September. The aim of the three days is to give
the form tutor as a link between school and home.       a substantial experience of life at Woodlands,
In order to make the transfer to secondary              and build on their key qualities of courage,
education as easy as possible for your child,           optimism, regard and endeavour as they prepare
consultation takes place between the staff of the       to begin their secondary education.
primary schools and ourselves. In addition your child
will be involved in the following transfer programme:   New Intake Evening Event
                                                        This information event, for children transferring to
Primary School Visits                                   us and their parents/carers, will form part of the
Our staff liaise with primary schools to facilitate     Common Transfer Days. This will take place as an
a smooth transition and determine appropriate           in-person or virtual event, as circumstances allow.
support for new students. We also create
opportunities for in-person or virtual visits to
meet the new students, as circumstances allow.

“The transition
activities reassured
me about starting
at Woodlands.”
Libby – Year 7 student
Case Study
     “What was the                                           This creates an atmosphere where students go
                                                             beyond the surface level of their subjects and begin
     best thing about                                        to push each other academically. I found myself
                                                             learning almost as much from my classmates as
     being at Woodlands?                                     the teaching staff, because we began to develop
                                                             strong opinions which we proactively debated in
     Realising how                                           class. The biggest difference for me personally

     well prepared I                                         though, was that I found an immediate goal to
                                                             focus on. With university only two years away,
     was to study at a                                       I felt like I had a blank slate and a manageable
                                                             time window to push myself and get the grades
     top five university”                                    I needed to progress. Being in close proximity to
                                                             Year 13s was helpful in this respect; I was able
     Tom Lewsley, former Allestree                           to learn from them throughout the university
     Woodlands School and Sixth Form                         application process. This served me well when it
                                                             was my turn the following year.
     student, graduated with a First Class
     Honours Degree in Politics from the                     What did you find difficult?
     University of Warwick. After leaving                    I remember that the academic step up from GCSE
     university Tom went to work for a                       to AS Level was significant. Perhaps not so much
                                                             from a content perspective, but certainly in terms
     Swiss Investment Bank in the                            of working style and how you are expected to
     City of London. He now works in                         contribute. The first term in Year 12 was all about
     their New York office in Manhattan.                     adjusting to smaller class sizes, contributing more
                                                             actively in discussions and providing more thoughtful
                                                             and analytical written and verbal responses. The
     Why did you do your A Levels at Woodlands?              good news is that all your peers are going through
     In many ways, completing my A levels at                 the same process and collaborate actively to
     Woodlands was the obvious choice for me. I lived        bring each other up to speed. The other key to
     a short walk from school and had already studied        overcoming these challenges is having a smart
     in the main school for five years. Perhaps most         and knowledgeable teacher who understands
     importantly though, I knew that with Woodlands          your needs throughout the process. I can say with
     I would have access to knowledgeable teaching           confidence that the teaching staff at Woodlands
     staff, a solid support network, and a track record of   provide effective support, whilst continuing to push
     sending students to good universities. I had seen       you to the academic levels required.
     older students make the step into A level studies
     successfully and this gave me a level of comfort        How did Woodlands prepare you for university?
     that I could follow a similar path.                     After completing my A levels, I enrolled at the
                                                             University of Warwick to study a degree in Politics.
     How was it different from the main school?              Given Warwick’s position as a top five University,
     Even as part of the main school I had a sense           I always had a slight concern that I might end up
     that A level students were treated differently.         being ‘bottom of the class’ in my new environment.
     Everybody enjoyed having more independence              Soon after joining however, these concerns
     and being trusted to manage their ‘personal             vanished and I realized just how well prepared I
     study periods’, but in reality the changes are          was. I found that many of my peers at university
     more fundamental. Class sizes are smaller and           had been taught the content required to pass their
     students have all opted into a small number of          A level exams, rather than how to use a set of core
     subjects which they are passionate about.               problem solving skills to adapt to the task at hand.

At Woodlands I was exposed to a balance
between these approaches. Towards the end
of Year 13, teachers often set us challenging
problems that were ‘beyond the standard
required for A level students’. I didn’t quite
believe it until I first arrived at university to study
a completely new subject. Without any content
knowledge to fall back on, I realised just how
important these core skills are for succeeding
in unfamiliar environments. In this respect,
Woodlands prepared me incredibly well.

What was University like for you?
Overall, a fantastic experience which has
opened so many doors. Warwick is made up
of 25% international students, so I met people
from all over the world and from a wide range
of backgrounds. After graduating, everybody
spread out across the globe and I found myself
with an amazing network of friends across
geographies. Three years is too much to cover
here, but I had an opportunity to test myself
against intelligent people, to try new sports and
societies and to work for a range of exciting
companies. I can’t recommend it enough.

What advice would you give the
students of today?
I think my advice would change
depending on where you are in the process.
For A levels, it’s all about working hard
academically and focusing on the immediate
goal of getting into a good university.
Start looking at your options early on and
work out what you need to achieve in order to
succeed. You can’t aim too high, so don’t rule
anything out in your first year. Once you’re at
university, it becomes about getting involved
in as much as possible. Meet people, build
your network and apply for work experience
and internship positions starting in your
first year – otherwise you are already a year
behind other proactive students. I found the
easiest way was to find someone who had
been through it all before and learn from their
experience, these people always have helpful
advice and offer a constant reminder that your
goals are achievable.

Admissions Policy
     Allestree Woodlands School is an Academy                 3. Other children living in the normal area at the
     School (11-18) with enhanced resource facilities for        time of admission.
     hearing impaired students. It does not select on
     the basis of ability.                                    4. Children who do not live in the normal area
                                                                 served by the school but who have brothers
     Standard Admissions Number: 240                             or sisters attending the school at the time
                                                                 of their admission. Brothers and sisters are
     Applications for a place at Allestree Woodlands             classed as having one or both natural parents
     School should be made by stating the school as              in common, are related by a parent’s marriage
     a preference on the common application form                 or are adopted or fostered. Brothers and sisters
     available from Derby City Education Authority.              must be living at the same address.
     This common application form must be returned
     to Derby City Council - not the school, by the           5. A child with a parent/carer who is employed at
     closing date.                                               Allestree Woodlands School

     All parents/carers will be notified regarding their      6. Other children whose parents have stated
     application for a place by Derby City Council.              Allestree Woodlands School as a preference on
     Where applications exceed the number of places              the common application form.
     available the following criteria are applied by
     the Governing Body Admissions Committee                  7. Children whose parents stated Allestree
     in the order set out below to decide which                  Woodlands School as a preference on the
     students to admit:                                          common application form but did not return
                                                                 the form to Derby City Education Authority
     1. A ‘looked after child’ or a child who was 		             by the closing date.
        previously looked after but immediately after
        being looked after became subject to an 		            In categories 2 to 5, when choices have to be
        adoption, residence, or special guardianship 		       made between children satisfying the same
        order. A looked after child is a child who is         criteria, children living nearest to the school,
        (a) in the care of a local authority, or              measured by a straight line between their
        (b) being provided with accommodation                 residence and the school, have priority.
        by a local authority in the exercise of their         In category 7, places will be allocated in the
        social services functions (see the definition in 		   same order of priority as for categories 2 to 5.
        section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).              Where children in category 7 have equal priority,
                                                              places will be allocated to those living nearest to
     2. Children who are both living in the normal            the school, measured by a straight line between
        area served by the school and have brothers           the home address and the school using the
        or sisters still attending the school at the 		       National Ordinance Survey Set Points.
        time of their admission. Brothers and sisters
        are classed as having one or both natural 		          Note: The Governing Body Admissions
        parents in common, are related by a parent’s 		       Committee reserves the right to verify
        marriage or are adopted or fostered. Brothers 		      information and, if misrepresentation is
        and sisters must be living at the same address.       confirmed, refuse or cancel the place.

Fair Access
Local Authorities are required to have ‘Fair Access Protocols’ in order to make sure those
unplaced children who live in the Local Authority, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a
place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. This includes admitting children above the
published admissions number to schools that are already full.

Right of Appeal
Should the Governing Body Admissions Committee be unable to offer places to all students who
have applied the parents/guardians will have the right to appeal to -

The Independent Appeals Panel,
c/o Allestree Woodlands School,
Blenheim Drive, Allestree, Derby DE22 2LW

Parents will be given this information in the letter informing them of a Governing Body Admissions
Committee’s decision regarding places.

Waiting List
If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available a waiting list will be established
and maintained until the end of September by Derby City Council using the above criteria.

Applications Made Outside of the Normal Round of Admissions
An application for a place can be made at any point during the school year by stating
Allestree Woodlands School as a preference on the common application form obtained
from and returned to Derby City Council. The Governing Body Admissions Committee
will consider the application against the above criteria and a place will be offered by
Derby City Council and/or the school if one is available.

Approved by the Governing Body of Allestree Woodlands School.

Teaching and Learning
     We will pursue the school’s commitment to equal
     opportunities policies in the belief that all young
     people are entitled to equality of access to the
     curriculum throughout their time at Woodlands.

     Years 7–9                                          GCSE (Years 10–11)
     The first three years at Woodlands are the years   Year 10 and 11 students follow a core curriculum
     for establishing a strong and broad foundation     of English, Mathematics, Science, PSHCE and PE.
     for further study. Students are taught in a        In addition to these subjects students will choose
     variety of different ways, dependent on their      from further GCSE courses including Art, Business
     needs and abilities.                               Studies, Computing, Creative Media, Design &
                                                        Technology, Drama, Engineering, Food & Nutrition,
     The curriculum at KS3 includes the CORE subjects
                                                        French, Geography, German, Health & Social
     of Mathematics, English and Science; and the
                                                        Care, History, Philosophy & Ethics, PE, and Work
     FOUNDATION subjects of:
                                                        Related Learning.
     1 Art
                                                        Students will be placed in the most appropriate
     1 Design and Technology
                                                        teaching group for each subject, although
     1 Drama                                            opportunity exists for moving from one group to
     1 Geography                                        another, depending on the progress made. We
                                                        are very focussed on ensuring that our curriculum
     1 History
                                                        is flexible, broad and balanced to the current and
     1 Information and                                  future lives of our students.
       Communications Technology (ICT)
     1 Modern Foreign Languages
                                                        The Sixth Form (Years 12–13)
       (French, German or Spanish)
                                                        A wide and exciting range of Advanced Level
     1 Music
                                                        courses are available in our Sixth Form and we
     1 Physical Education (PE)                          have a separate prospectus available on request.
     1 Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship
       Education (PSHCE) including Careers
     1 Religious Education

Planning for life after Woodlands                       Supporting and
– Further Education and careers                         Developing our Students
We understand how important it is that our              We strive to ensure our students are healthy,
students are well informed about the options            well-rounded, tolerant and confident citizens.
open to them after school. Using a wide variety         Throughout their time at Woodlands all students
of resources including outside speakers, industry       take part in activities and learning to support these
links, and careers services, we support them to         aims. Some of this will take place in curriculum
become informed about their future choices.             areas such as Physical Education (PE), Religious
Careers education is part of the ongoing PSHCE          Education (RE) and Personal, Social, Health and
programme and students also have the opportunity        Citizenship Education (PSHCE); but we also
to meet qualified careers advisors as they progress     hold regular assemblies where at least once
through school. We also host a Curriculum and           a week students gather together for a formal
Careers Evening for parents/carers and students,        school assembly often taken by senior staff and
where each curriculum area provides an exhibition       outside speakers. These assemblies engender
of its work and syllabuses for Year 10 and 11.          a community spirit, encourage achievement and
This also provides an opportunity for parents/          offer an opportunity to promote shared values
carers, friends of the school, representatives from     and social cohesion.
industry and commerce to present occupations            In the often sensitive areas of relationship and
e.g. ‘Work in Engineering’, ‘Work in Finance’,          sex education, our staff and governors believe
‘Working with People’, ‘Working in the Arts’.           that all children are entitled to responsible and
We think this helps our students get a truly broad      relevant information. The teaching in this school
taste of the diverse and exciting careers options       seeks to be complementary to, and supportive of,
available to them. It also helps them to see the        the role of parents/carers and also seeks to reflect
implications of their Year 10 option choices.           the range of cultural, religious and moral ideals
One of the most interesting and exciting                held by families. Importantly, it should be shared
opportunities happen in Year 10, when all of            enterprise between home and school.
our students enter into the world of work with
the school’s ‘Work Experience’ module in the
Summer Term. Then our Year 11 students
are challenged by our industry partners on
a ‘World of Work Day’ with real interview
experience and job application information.

Students with special educational needs                                     Enhanced resource facility
At Woodlands we have a skilled Enhanced Learning Faculty which              available for students with
supports our students with special educational and emotional needs.         hearing impairment
Most of this support takes place in the classroom, primarily by             A facility where highly
Teaching Assistants. Where appropriate, students undertake specific         qualified Teachers of
programmes to support Literacy, Numeracy and learning in other areas.       the Deaf and Communication
If you would like more information, our Special Needs Policy based on       Support Assistants work
the Code of Practice is available on request.                               closely with these students.

Our Expectations
     At Woodlands we love to celebrate the success        1 Everyone shows regard
     of our students. This is done in many ways, but        – treat others as you wish to be treated
     usually through the awarding of CORE points.         1 Positive attitudes
     Students are awarded CORE points for showing           – everyone follows instructions
     Courage, Optimism, Regard and Endeavour in the
                                                          1 Everyone to have the courage
     classroom and around school. Students will be
                                                            to do what they think is right
     presented with certificates, badges and postcards.
     Students’ positive attitudes, behaviours and         1 No mobile device use without
     achievements are recognised in assemblies, on          permission from your teacher
     school displays and on our website. There are also
                                                          On the rare occasions when expectations are
     opportunities for students to earn CORE points for
                                                          not met, staff will hold restorative conversations
     taking part in House activities and competitions.
                                                          with the student with the intention of helping
     We encourage all students to get involved and look
                                                          them to make better decisions and improve
     forward to sharing their success with them.
                                                          their behaviour in the future. Sanctions may
     The school provides an environment where             be applied if students do not respond positively
     students can learn effectively and feel safe.        to these conversations.
     Our behaviour procedures link directly to our
                                                          We do not accept any form of intolerance or
     CORE values and focus on building good
                                                          derogatory comments including bullying, racism,
     relationships, reconciliation and clarity.
                                                          homophobia, religious intolerance or abusive
     The behaviour system has six key expectations:       language. When it occurs, this behaviour will
                                                          be challenged and actions taken to prevent it
     1 Everyone to arrive on time
                                                          from occurring again.
       with all of their equipment
     1 Everyone shows endeavour                            Working in close partnership with parents is
       – get the most from every lesson                   crucial in ensuring our high standards and
                                                          expectations are upheld.

Everyone to arrive on time
with all of their equipment.

     Everyone shows endeavour
     – get the most from every lesson.

 Everyone shows regard
 – treat others as you wish to be treated.

Positive attitudes
– everyone follows instructions.

          Everyone to have the courage
          to do what they think is right.

     No mobile device use without
     permission from your teacher.

Care and Guidance
     When students arrive at Woodlands they become           forms of abuse, our Headteacher is obliged to
     members of a House Tutor group. The Head of             follow the Child Protection procedures established
     House and Tutor have overall responsibility for the     by Derby City Council and inform Social Services
     day to day life of the students. Usually the form       of any concerns.
     group stays together for the full five years.
     The school has access to the advice and services        Medical Support
     of the Educational Psychology service and a             Illness/accident within School
     School’s Medical Officer. The Education Welfare         Woodlands provides First Aid support. Students who
     Service works closely with the school in order to       fall ill at school or who are involved in an accident,
     ensure good attendance and to offer advice and          are attended to by a First Aid trained member of staff.
     support to families when a student has problems
                                                             If your child is feeling unwell they will be given
     with attending school.
                                                             some rest time to see if they are then fit to return
     If you have an enquiry concerning your child’s          to class. If they have sustained a minor injury then
     welfare at school it should, in the first instance,     First Aid treatment will be given. If illness or injury
     be communicated to your child’s Form Tutor              indicates your child is unable to return to class we
     and Head of House.                                      will contact you and ask you to collect your son or
     It is important that this is the first point of         daughter. In emergencies, an ambulance will be
     contact because your enquiry is dealt with              called and you will be contacted. We are unable
     by those members of staff who know you and              to send a member of staff to accompany your
     your child best.                                        child, so it is essential that we are able to contact a
                                                             parent/carer or nominated person to travel with, or
     Child Protection                                        meet the ambulance at the hospital.

     At Woodlands we take the protection of children         Please ensure that if any of your contact numbers
     in our care very seriously. All adults working in the   change that you inform us in writing. Please note
     school are police checked through the Criminal          that we are not allowed to dispense medication
     Records Bureau.                                         e.g. Paracetamol.

     Parents should be aware that the school is              Additional Medical Services
     required to take any reasonable action to ensure        The school has access to a medical health team
     the safety of its students. In cases where the          and in special circumstances can arrange for your
     school has reason to be concerned that a child          child to have an appointment with a doctor or nurse.
     may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other       The medical health team also carry out the usual
                                                             school health checks and immunisation programmes.

     The ‘New Intake Day’
     really helped me feel
     that I was not alone.
     Alice – Year 7 student

School Complaints Procedure                            Charging and Remissions Policy
                                                       The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution
Where you have concerns about the school
                                                       that the wide range of additional activities, including
curriculum or other matters these will be              clubs, trips and residential experience can make towards
discussed, as far as possible, with informal contact   students’ personal and social education.

and meetings with the appropriate teachers, senior     The Governing Body aims to promote and provide
staff or the Headteacher. It is hoped that your        such activities both as part of a broad and balanced
                                                       curriculum for the students of the school and as
concerns can be resolved speedily and amicably.        additional optional activities.

Where a particular difficulty cannot be resolved a     Charges
complaint can be registered with the Chairman of       The Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge
                                                       in the following circumstances for activities organised by
the Governing Body who can be contacted via the        the school:
school. The school follows a complaints procedure
                                                       School journeys in school hours – The board and lodging
that follows local and national guidelines.            element of residential activities deemed to take place within
                                                       school hours. Parents are required to meet the full cost
If you would like a copy of our complaints
                                                       except those who receive income support / family credit.
procedures please contact the school office
                                                       Activities outside school hours – The full cost to each
or access it on our website –                          student of activities deemed to be optional extras taking
www.woodlands.derby.sch.uk                             place outside school hours.

                                                       Individual music tuition – The cost to the students for
                                                       providing individual music tuition provided by outside tutors.
                                                       vCharging in kind – The cost of materials, ingredients,
  Allestree Woodlands School is                        equipment (or the provision of them by parents) for
  committed to promoting a safe and                    practical subjects. The Governing Body may charge for
                                                       ingredients and materials or require them to be provided
  healthy workplace culture, and will
                                                       if the parents have indicated in advance that they wish to
  take a positive approach towards                     own the finished product. Parents/carers will be expected
  tackling the problem of bullying and                 to replace or reimburse the school for lost items or damage
                                                       to school property.
  harassment at work.
                                                       Examination fees
  The School will not tolerate violence,               If you wish your child to be entered for a prescribed public
  threats of violence or abusive                       examination for which they have not been prepared by the
  language or behaviour towards our                    school, the Governing Body may make a charge for the
                                                       cost of entering them for the examination, as they can for
  staff (including Governors and others                entries to non-prescribed examinations whether or not
  who provide services to and for the                  prepared by the school.
  School). If this happens legal action                On occasions parents/carers and students may elect to re-sit
  will be taken.                                       a public examination or to request that an examination paper
                                                       be re-marked. Under these circumstances a charge will be
                                                       made to parents in order to cover all costs incurred.

                                                       If a student fails without good reason to complete
                                                       the examination requirements for any public examination
                                                       for which the school has paid (or is liable to pay) an entry
                                                       fee, then the Governing Body may recover the fee from
                                                       the parent/carer.

                                                       The Governing Body may, from time to time, amend the
                                                       categories of activity for which a charge may be made.
                                                       Nothing in this policy statement precludes the Governing
                                                       Body from inviting parents to make a voluntary contribution
                                                       towards the cost of providing education for students.

                                                       If you are in receipt of income support or family credit, the
                                                       Governing Body will remit, in full, the cost of board and
                                                       lodging for any residential activity that it organises for the
                                                       student if the activity is deemed to take place within the
                                                       school hours or where it forms part of the syllabus for a
                                                       prescribed public examination or the National Curriculum.


     School Uniform and PE Kit

     Boy’s Standard Uniform                                      Physical Education Kit
     Tailored   Plain black of full length (no jeans, chinos     Outdoor Kit
     Trousers   or tight-fitting trousers) worn around
                                                                 *Red rugby shirt (boys)
                the waist with plain black belt if worn
                                                                 *Black ¼ zip top (girls)
     Shirt      Plain white with collar (must be suitable
                for wearing a tie and long enough to             Black shorts (boys)
                be worn tucked in)                               *Black Skort (girls)
     *Tie       School House tie                                 Red knee-length football/hockey socks (boys/girls)
     Pullover   Plain black fine gauge ‘V’ necked waist          Training shoes and football boots (boys)
                length pullover or cardigan (Optional)
                                                                 Training shoes (Girls do not need to buy boots
     Footwear Smart leather plain black shoes                    as hockey is played on the Astroturf pitch)
              (No trainers, pumps, canvas shoes
              or boots. No logos)                                Shin pads for hockey/football

     Blazer     Plain black with School badge                    Optional
     Coat       Dark coloured coat with small logo only.         Tracksuits during winter (at the discretion of PE staff)
                It must be able to be worn over the blazer.
                                                                 Indoor Kit
                Hoodies are not acceptable and you
                will be asked to remove it.                      White polo shirt (boys/girls)
                                                                 Black shorts (boys/girls) – not cycling/fitness
     Girl’s Standard Uniform                                     type and not Navy
     Trousers   Plain black tailored trousers of full length     White socks
                (no hipsters, lycra, jeans, leggings or
                jeggings) with plain black belt if worn          Swimming
     *Skirt     School approved skirt with black or              Swimming costume or trunks (any colour)
                flesh coloured tights. (NB. if girls do not      Swimming hat
                wear skirts appropriately we will
                insist that they wear trousers)                  Towel for swimming and showers

     Blouse     Plain white with collar (must be suitable        For rugby or hockey all students must wear
                for wearing a tie and long enough to             shin pads and mouth guards – these are
                be worn tucked in)                               compulsory in all year groups. If you need
     *Tie       School House tie                                 to be excused because you have a serious
                                                                 illness or injury you must bring a note.
     Pullover   Plain black fine gauge ‘V’ necked waist
                length pullover or cardigan (Optional)
                                                                 * These items and the School badge can only
     Footwear Smart leather plain black low heeled shoes         be purchased from the school’s OFFICIAL
              (No stiletto heels, sandals, pumps,                uniform supplier, Morleys Schoolwear, who
              trainers, canvas shoes, boots or Ugg boots)        can be contacted via our website.
     Blazer     Plain black with School Badge
                                                                 Hats, hoodies, caps and other headwear
     Coat       Dark coloured coat with small logo only.         are not part of school uniform and must
                It must be able to be worn over the blazer. 		   not be worn.
                Hoodies are not acceptable and you
                will be asked to remove it.                      All items of school wear including PE kit must
                                                                 be labelled with student’s name.

Pictured above
                                                                                     is the Woodlands
                                                                                     skirt adopted in
School Dress Requirements
                                                                                     2017. This is the
All students will wear school dress when attending school or participating in        only skirt that
school organised activities (unless advised otherwise)                               will be accepted
                                                                                     and has been
Health and Safety issues                                                             introduced to
Jewellery – Single ear studs, a simple necklace and a single, simple ring only       maintain a
are acceptable. These must be removed for PE and any other lesson where the          consistent and
member of staff considers there to be a health and safety risk.                      appropriate
Following guidance issued by Derby City Council Health and Safety Advisors,          standard.
the wearing of all other jewellery and body piercing is not allowed. Exceptions
are made for religious jewellery and items worn for medical reasons. If you fall
into this category please inform the school.
Body Piercing – A student attending school wearing other jewellery or body
piercing will be told to remove the item(s). If the item(s) cannot be removed they
may be prevented from attending lessons and you will be contacted.
Hair – NO exaggerated hair styles or colours are acceptable.
Long hair must be tied back particularly in practical subjects.
Makeup – NO makeup should be worn in Years 7, 8 & 9.
Makeup for Years 10 – 13 should be discrete.
No false nails or nail varnish should be worn.

Extra Curricular Activities
Woodlands has a wide extra curricular programme          Other clubs and groups include:
in Sport, Music, Dance, Drama, Technology, and           1 British Sign Language Club
Science to name but a few.                               1 Chess Club
We hold school and inter-house activities including:     1 Drama (House Plays)
netball, hockey, rugby, soccer, basketball, athletics,   1 Choir
cricket, tennis, swimming and triathlon. Other clubs
                                                         1 Sports Clubs including Basketball, Trampoline,
include swimming and gymnastics where students
                                                           Football, Cross Country and Table Tennis
have an opportunity to improve their skill level.
                                                         1 Folk Groups
Students are also encouraged to join outside
                                                         1 Jazz band
clubs and many achieve area and county standard.
                                                         1 Cheerleading/Dance
Where possible we arrange trips to demonstrate
how working hard can lead to excellence e.g.             1 School Magzazine
Wimbledon, Lords, Wembley and Pride Park.                1 Youth Theatre
                                                         1 Lego Robots
We have extensive local                                  1 Science Clubs
sports club links including:
                                                         1 Gardening Club
1 Cooper Netball, Derbyshire Netball Association.
                                                         1 Physics Olympiad
1 Woodlands Hockey Club.
                                                         1 CANSAT rocket club
1 Quarndon Cricket Club, Allestree Cricket Club
1 Woodlands Tennis Club.                                 Under normal circumstances a wide range of
1 Derby Rugby Club.                                      trips and holidays are arranged in addition to
1 Allestree Juniors Football                             an annual activities day. These include:
1 Allestree Woodlands Ladies Football                    1 Theatre trips
1 Derbyshire TT Association and                          1 Student conferences
  Woodland TT Club                                       1 Houses of Parliament
1 Derbyshire Junior Badminton Association                1 Annual trips abroad and in the UK
Woodlands also provides the facilities to run a          1 Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme
Swim School.                                             1 Field trips in sciences and geography

                                   Mrs G Penny
                      Deputy Headteachers:
                       Mrs R Middleton-Lee
                                 Mr S Roe
                           House Teams:
 Cedar: Miss L Colley and Mrs C McEntee
 Maple: Mrs E Pitter and Mr D Hammond
       Oak: Miss H Smith and Mr A Swift
     Rowan: Mrs H Curr and Mr M Kenny
Assistant Headteacher/Head of Sixth Form:
                             Miss C Mills
            Assistant Head of Sixth Form:
                            Mr A Forsyth
             Chair of the Governing body:
                              Mr R Travis

            The information given in this brochure
            is as accurate as possible at the time
            of publication. Any changes will be
            reported to parents/carers in
            the school’s newsletter and
            published on our website.
            It should not however be
            assumed that there will not
            be any changes before, during
            or after the school year 2021– 2022.

            All images © Hannah Fox.
            © Allestree Woodlands School

            Designed and produced by foxcreate.com

“The thing I really
 like about being at
 Woodlands? It’s fun
 and exciting. I am
 learning new things.”
 Jake – Woodlands student

                         Be part of the Woodlands community
Go to the school’s website at www.woodlands.derby.sch.uk for information about the school,
            or for daily updates you can follow us on Twitter @woodlands_derby

                           A L L E ST R E E WOO D L A N D S S C HOO L
        Blenheim Drive, Allestree, Derby DE22 2LW. Telephone: 01332 551921 Fax: 01332 553869
           Email: the.office@woodlands.derby.sch.uk or headteacher@woodlands.derby.sch.uk
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