On the Road Back: Berlin Township School District 2020-2021 Restart, Recovery and Reopening Plan

Page created by Samantha Reese
Berlin Township School District

                        On the Road Back:
     2020-2021 Restart, Recovery and Reopening Plan

                         Edythe B. Austermuhl, Ed. D.

Submitted to the Board of Education for approval on Thursday, August 20, 2020
Guiding Consideration for the District Reopening Plan
   • Provide for the health and safety of students and staff to the greatest extent possible
   • Resume in-person instruction to the extent possible in accordance with social distancing guidelines and requirements of governing bodies
       listed above
   • Offer accommodations for those at higher risk for severe disease including remote learning
It should be noted that the guidance provided may be at odds with each other and other agency requirements (ex. NJMVC, Fire Safety, Office of
School Preparedness) and that the full plan is currently under development for submission to the NJ Department of Education, Camden County
Office for review and approval. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the Pandemic situation is ever changing and highly fluid due to the constant flow of
information and changing guidelines. Alterations in the plan and information contained in this document are subject to change upon receipt of
updated guidelines. The intent is to provide the Berlin Township Board of Education and community with a current overview of the instructional
plan in order to assist all parties in planning appropriately for a smooth transition to the 2020-2021 school year

This plan is based on based upon the current guidance and guidelines of the entities listed below and subject to change at their diirection:
                        • Executive Orders of the Governor of New Jersey
                        • New Jersey Department of Education (DOE)
                        • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
                        • American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP)
                        • New Jersey and Camden County Departments of Health
Additional guidance has been provided by:
         •       Capehart Scatchart for Legal Guidance
         •       New Jersey School Boards Association
         •       New Jersey Association of School Administrators

Berlin Township Board of Education Members:                               District Administrators:
Gerard Petersen, President                                                        Edythe Austermuhl, Superintendent
Jeff Souza, Vice President                                                        Megan Stoddart, Business Administrator
Brian Davis                                                                       Marilyn Bright, DDE Principal
Cynthia Mozee                                                                     Michael Murphy, JFK Principal
Kimberly Reed                                                                     Kristin Braidwood, Supervisor of Special Services
Sol Cohen                                                                         Dina Bottley, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction
Lisa Hill-Muff                                                                    Chuck Pfluger, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
Domonic Balducci                                                                  Amy Berth, Technology Coordinator
Holly Murrenburke
Reopening Planning Committee Members:
Cleaning and Sanitization:
        Chuck Pfluger, Mike Schaffer, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl
        Chuck Pfluger, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Antoinette Pearson, Megan Stoddart, Jeff Souza
        Chuck Pfluger, Megan Stoddart, Tracey Richards, Tara Fields, Holly Murrenburke, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl
Building and Classroom Practices:
        Chuck Pfluger, Dina Bottley, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Amy Berth, Tara Corbett, Jennifer Virelli,
        Trish Sebastiano, Jessica Wright, Renee Borgstrom, Molly Kwelty, Laura Burke, Domonic Balducci, Kris Beers, Kelly Mitchell, Lisa
Instructional Practices:
        Chuck Pfluger, Dina Bottley, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Amy Berth, Nancy Sims, Patty Tideman,
        Jennifer Virelli, Renee Borgstrom, Molly Kwelty, Laura Burke, Kris Beers, Kelly Mitchell, Kristin Braidwood, Cynthia Mozee
Food Service:
        Megan Stoddart, Lucia Henry, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Chuck Pfluger

Health and Safety:
        Chuck Pfluger, Dina Bottley, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Amy Berth, Lisa Gillespie, Brian Martino,
        Heather Pack, Lauren Campisi, Sonia Ramos, Barb Kirk, Mike Schaffer, Gerard Petersen

Social Emotional:
        Kristin Braidwood, Tierra King, Ryan Rollins, Ashley Episcopo, Heather Pach, Rosemarie Patrzio, Sara Zimmerman, Dina
        Bottley, Marilyn Bright, Michael Murphy, Edythe Austermuhl, Amy Berth, Lisa Gillespie, Kim Reed, Cynthia Mozee

The slogan of the Berlin Township School District of “Educating Today for Tomorrow’s Success” is meant to focus the educational community on
the broad goal of giving ALL of our children the necessary skills to be successful in all future endeavors. Student achievement is the major priority;
the district prides itself on its creative approach to learning and its emphasis upon helping each student to discover his or her potential. Teachers
use a variety of teaching methods to reach students with a wide range of abilities. Student engagement as volunteers in the learning process is
our primary focus. It is our responsibility to create structures and systems where students are totally engaged in the instruction, which will then
leads to deeper learning and understanding.

The Berlin Township School District commits itself to all children by creating a standards-based school district in which all students receive the
very best educational opportunities possible. Each and every student will surpass the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. To achieve
this, the members of the district will focus on:

       Establishing high standards of excellence for both staff and students
       Communicating openly and frequently within the district and with the community to foster a trusting relationship
       Ensuring a safe and orderly environment for staff and students
       Recognizing that a school district serves as a role model and has the responsibility to encourage high quality character behavior
The Road Back: Restart and Recovery Plan for Education
                 School District:                  Berlin Township

Conditions for Learning
Health and Safety: Standards for Establishing Safe and Healthy Conditions for Learning

Critical Area                            District Actions and Person(s) Responsible
                                         Bold indicates person responsible

General Health and Safety Guidelines           Superintendent, Building Principal, School Nurses
 ● Establishing and maintaining            ●   The superintendent will respond to any outreach from the Camden County Health
    communication with Health Dept;            Department in order to address positive cases of COVID-19 that impacts the
    track local conditions
                                               district/school community that may have been reported to them to commence
                                               contact tracing and case investigation. Should the district/school report to the
                                               health officer about staff, students, or any person with a close relationship to the
                                               school that tested positive, that information will be verified by the health
                                               department before it commences contact tracing and case investigation. All
                                               positive persons will undergo contact tracing and case investigation whether the
                                               information was first passed through the school or came automatically through
                                               the health department communicable disease surveillance system. The Camden
                                               County Health Department will handle all contact tracing and have staff available
 ●   Develop “high risk” criteria and          to perform contact tracing and case investigation.
share with staff and families
                                         ●    Use CDC documentation for High Risk concerns- see Appendix and poster with list of
 ●   Reasonable accommodations for           symptoms
     students and staff at higher risk   ●   Use of NJ Dept of Health document “COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations for
                                             Local Health Dept for K-12 Schools”
 ●   Promote behaviors that reduce       ●   Accommodations for high risk students and staff will be made on case by case basis;
                                             these include work/learn from home; provide technology devices; provide supplies for
                                             completion of tasks; arrange for “zoom” type meeting
                                         ●   Screening protocols established for visitors, students, staff upon arrival
                                                   ○ Bus procedures - Statement of assurance for parents to complete before
                                                       students use the bus; cleaning between runs, deep cleaning after AM and PM
                                                   ○ School: Social distancing; students work in cohorts; 2 days in person & 3 days
                                                       remote; increased cleaning, students/staff wear masks; personal items = no
                                                   ○ Hand sanitizing stations, wipes, cleaning frequently touched items; no
                                         ●   Staff
                                                   ○ Safe schools training for staff members; CDC videos for staff members; staff
 ●   Training
                                                       will have training for protocols
                                                   ○ students will have in person training by nurse, guidance, teachers re: wearing
                                                       masks, washing hands; social distancing, moving in the hallways, cafeteria
                                                       procedures, using materials; Health related lessons by Health/PE teachers

Classrooms, Testing and Therapy Rooms        Supervisor of Building and Grounds, Building Principals
  ● Student desks, workspaces, and       ●   Classrooms- desks 6’ apart, use of larger rooms as needed to accommodate
      eating spaces separated by 6’          larger classes; classrooms are sparse-no extra furniture 1:1 ratio, few additional
                                             tables to keep clutter under control. Eating = APR with at least 6’ apart and
                                             additional room for students; Recess areas will be marked for cohorts to remain
                                             in the same general area, spacing on fields with paint.
 ●   Physical barriers                   ●   Physical barriers as needed in classrooms between desks - # of students to
                                             remain small, students wear masks; Secretary stations have plexiglass, staff use
masks and shields, taping on the floor to designate where to stand for 6’
                                              distance.. Bathroom sinks and stalls will be block off or water turned off to
●   Face coverings when social                decrease number of people using the restroom at one time.
    distancing not possible           ●       Staff and students are required to wear face coverings when in side; students
                                              mask breaks highly supervised at recess in designated spaces, PE with teacher
                                      ●       Students will have individual supplies in bags or bins. Supply lists will be
●   Limit use of shared objects and           distributed to families stating what is needed and permitted, Students will be
    supplies                                  provided with items as necessary which will remain theirs and placed in their
                                              bin/baggie. Items that can be sanitized easily may be shared after cleaned and
                                              thoroughly dried--usually after 15-20 minutes as per disinfectant directions.

    Ventilation                           ●    All district buildings are air-conditioned
                                          ●    Outside air flow will be increased into each classroom
                                          ●    High quality filters are used and will be replaced according to manufacturer and CDC
                                          ●    Some windows may be opened if they do not present a safety and security risk
                                          ●    District buses are all air conditioned. Windows may be opened to increase air flow
                                               based on current weather conditions to insure the integrity of the HVAC system

                                          ●    Hand sanitizer is available in all classrooms, entrances to buildings, offices, at lease
●   Hand Sanitizer                             60% alcohol solution (check the list for non-compliant products) used for wash-in
                                               /wash-out protocol; in the cafeteria, nurses office, various locations in the hallways.
                                               Sanitizing wipes are also available in each classroom, office and bathrooms.

●   Hand-washing stations                 ●    Most classrooms have sinks with running water and will have soap for traditional soap
                                               and water washing

●   Early Childhood Considerations        ●    PSD and Gen ed pr-school will have separate desks, no tables, no circle time,
                                               individual activities, small cohort groups to maintain social distance, students may wear
                                               face shields as needed with Doctor note and IEP modifications.
                                          ●    Google meets for remote days, parent how-to videos, activity bins for home, guided
                                               practice for parents to follow.
●   Medically Fragile Students
                                                 ●   Nurses will reach out to medically fragile students to determine specific needs in
                                                     school and out of school; nurse will work with family doctor as needed; students may
                                                     opt for fully remote instruction based on individual needs.

                                                 ●   Students and staff will not be permitted to bring items from home without approval of
 ●   Belongings from home                            the district & building administration. Must be reasonable request.

 ●   Use of larger spaces (gyms, cafeteria,      ●   Larger areas will be used for larger in-person homeroom classes (such as art room,
                                                     music room, gymnasium). Cafeteria/APR will be used for breakfast service at both
     auditorium)                                     schools for Free/reduced students. Social distancing will be observed, students will
 ●   Scheduling/Movement                             have assigned seats and need to pre-order meal in order to accommodate the seating
                                                 ●   JFK APR will be used before and after school for the CARE childcare program. This
                                                     program will be limited to 25 students who will be socially distanced, have separate
                                                     bins for materials and personal items. 2-3 staff will be overseeing these students based
                                                     on enrollment needs. AM CARE may be moved to a different location based on the
                                                     breakfast needs of JFK students.
                                                 ●   All PE classes will be outside except on inclement weather days and then the
                                                     specialist, as with all other special area teachers and changing subject teachers in the
                                                     middle school will move from homeroom to homeroom for instruction.

                                                 ●   Staff will be trained on all new district protocols relative to COVID -19 mitigation and
                                                     containment at the beginning of the school year orientation. Safe Schools training
 ●   Training                                        modules will be used as well as district administration via “Google Meets” meetings
                                                     and training by the school nurse for staff, students and parents via “google meets” and
                                                     other recorded videos.

Transportation                                Business Administrator , Supervisor of Building and Grounds
  ● Social distancing on buses                 ● Screening protocol has been developed by the Camden County Dept of Health and
                                                   states “ School districts may choose to perform symptom screening before children get
                                                   on the bus by having a parent/guardian conduct screening at home each morning before
                                                   the school day and report to the school if there are any symptoms. No children with
                                                   symptoms should be sent on a bus.” A statement of assurance will be sent to parents
                                                   /guardians stating this requirement by the Department of Health along with a symptom
checklist and guidance that face coverings must be worn by all students while on the
                                                    bus, unless they provide a doctor's note for an exemption.
                                            ●       Drivers will disinfect buses (seats, windows, handrails) after morning and afternoon runs.
 ●   Cleaning
                                                    Handrails will be wiped down between routes. Deep cleaning after all AM and all PM runs

 ●   Board buses                            ● Students will be spaced apart to maintain social distance, one on each side (22
                                              passengers on a 54 passenger bus). Capacity may be increased if household members
                                              sit together.
                                             ● Signage will be added to the bus for reminding of Social Distance and the need to wear
                                                 Face Coverings
                                            ● Buses are air-conditioned and windows may be open, based on current weather
 ●   Windows                                  conditions, to increase air flow.

                                                ●     Drivers are required to wear face coverings.
                                                ●     Non-alcohol hand sanitizer will be available upon entering the bus as per NJMVC
 ●   Drivers

 ●   Aides
 ●   Aide in Lieu

                                                ●     Bus waiver forms will be available as per NJ Dept of Education guidelines for parents
 ●   Waive busing                                     who do not want to use services for the year. A form will be sent out prior to creating
                                                      routes to determine expected capacity along with the bus Waiver information.

                                            ●       Staff will be trained on all new district protocols relative to COVID -19 mitigation and
                                                    containment at the beginning of the school year orientation. Safe Schools training
                                                    modules will be used as well as district administration via “Google Meets” meetings and
                                                    training by the school nurse for staff, students and parents via “google meets” and other
                                                    recorded videos.
 ●   Training

Student Flow, Entry, Exit, Common Areas   Building Principals, Nurses
  ● Student and Staff Self-Check              ● Staff will use a self-checklist to assure that when signing in they are fever free,
                                                 symptom free, and have not knowingly been around anyone with COVID-19
●    Designated door for each grade level to enter and dismiss
                                                    ●    Face coverings must be worn by all when entering the building
                                                    ●    Grade level teacher/staff member assigned to bus pick-up/drop off, parent drop off,
●       Location and Process for student
                                                         hallway monitoring for visual check of students
        and staff health screenings
                                                    ●    Students will be visually checked for COVID-19 symptoms upon entering the building.
                                                    ●    Temperature checks and additional health screenings of each student will be
                                                         conducted in a student’s homeroom by designated person per classroom/grade level
                                                         (use of symptom checklist) See also Policy 5141.3
                                                    ●    Parents will be provided a symptom checklist to use at home before sending their child
●       Procedures for symptomatic                       to school. Students who do not feel well should remain home.
        students or staff                       ●       Symptomatic students or staff will be taken to the isolation area. Nurse will wait
                                                        for transport home. See Dr. Nwako’s chart for additional guidance (Camden
                                                        County Health Department.) See also Policy 5141.3; NJ DOH “COVID-19 Public
●       Policy for when person tests positive           Health Recommendations” document

                                                ●       Positive test results will be discussed with Dr. Nwako at the Camden County
                                                        Dept. of Health. Clearing of the area, 24-72 hours out of the space, as guided,
                                                        District will assist with contact tracing as requested. Person can not return
●       Parent Education                                without a doctor’s note clearing the patient to return. See also Policy 5141.3
                                                ●       Information on district website, links to CDC website resources, Nurses to reach
                                                        out as needed, updates to Nurse’s website and provide training videos and links
                                                        to the most up to date information.

●       Face Coverings: School Staff and
                                                    ●    Everyone is required to wear face covering while in the building. A doctor’s
    ●    Students (above age 2)                          note is required for an exemption. If visitors are required to enter the building,
                                                         he/she must have a face covering or will be provided with one. It is suggested
         Visitors without masks                          that persons bring their own face covering, but disposable masks will be
                                                         available, if needed.
●       Training
Contact Tracing                                Superintendent, Nurses, Building Administrators(as requested)
 ● Educate staff, families, and the            ● The superintendent and any designee(s) will work closely with the Camden
     broader community on the role of             County Health Department to support any efforts towards identifying
     contact tracing in keeping                   students/staff necessary to facilitate contact tracing for confirmed COVID-19
     communities safe.                            cases that impact the district/school community.
 ● Develop policies with Dept of                               ■ See guidance documents from Dr. Nwako
     Health, including triggers to activate                    ■ The district will provide support information as requested by the
     and notification protocols                                    Camden County Dept of Health in their efforts to complete
 ● Identify how district can help                                  contract tracing.
     w/contact tracing                                         ■ Building administration will keep daily schedules for each class
 ● Identify staff member who will be in                            and teachers will be responsible for documenting and notifying
     charge of notifications and carrying                          the building administration of any changes to their movement.
     out contact tracing policy, ensuring                          This includes individual students who may need to leave the
     compliance with FERPA and HIPAA                               room for a specific purpose, including using the restroom. Sign
 ● Communications system to allow                                  out sheets must be used to track student movement to the
     staff and families to self-report                             greatest extent possible.
     symptoms/suspected exposure                               ■ Staff, students and parents will be encourage to report all health
                                                                   concerns to building administrator, nurse or any staff member in
                                                                   a confidential manner.

Facilities Cleaning Practices                 Supervisor of Building and Grounds, Building Principals
  ● Develop a procedures manual to               ● Building- We are currently in the process of removing furniture from classrooms in
                                                     order to space out student desks= social distancing, decrease of items to be cleaned
       establish cleaning/disinfecting
                                                         ○ Hand sanitizers will be in classrooms, cafeteria, hallways, entrance/exit to
       schedules for routine and post-
       positive case instances                   ● Classrooms- Nightly cleaning/disinfecting of high touch surfaces- i.e., desks, chairs,
                                                     pencil sharpeners, computer keyboards and mice, sink areas, and door handles.
                                                         ○ Wash in / wash out for students and staff
                                                         ○ Students will not share most items; bins for individual items
                                                         ○ Classrooms will have hand sanitizer and wipes for use to clean some surfaces
 ●   Increase cleaning high-touch                             and for small individualized needs
     surfaces                                            ○ Sinks with soap and water within most classrooms
○ Classrooms will have hand sanitizer and wipes to use Bathrooms-
                                         ●   Bathrooms
                                                 ○ Entrance doors propped open to monitor number of students in the area;
                                                 ○ Block off one sink (based on number in each area)
                                                 ○ increased cleaning of high touch areas such as stall handles, towel
                                                    dispensers, increased wipedown for hallway bathrooms
                                                 ○ Classroom and staff bathrooms- have wipes for users to clean touched
●   Bathrooms                                       surfaces before leaving the room

                                         ●   Hallways-
                                                 ○ In addition to nightly cleaning, dayshift custodians will clean high touch
●   Water fountains                                   surfaces more often during student instructional time. Areas concentrated on
                                                      include: door handles, sanitizer stations. Hallway drinking fountains will be
                                                      turned off and water bottles will be encouraged for students and staff. Limited
                                                      traffic in the hallway and highly monitored by staff to decrease the
●   Hand Sanitizer                       ●   Cafeteria-
                                                 ○ Cleaning will occur after Breakfast is completed and custodial staff can wipe
                                                      down all tables and chairs.
●   Provide sanitizing wipes to staff,           ○ If full day in person schedule is utilized at some point and lunch is required, 20
    cleaner and disinfectant to                       minutes will be scheduled between groups (grade level cohorts) to allow for
    custodians and staff                              cleaning of all services
●   Bus cleaning/sanitizing procedures           ○ Additional tables will be in cafeteria and additional large classroom for overflow
                                                      group to allow for adequate social distancing, as needed
                                         ●   Staffing / Scheduling-
                                                 ○ No changes at the moment. Will be hiring one part time custodian to replace
●   Add physical barriers in schools,                 someone who resigned this past winter. Consideration will be given to altering
    where needed                                      night shift staff as needed. Based on the number of students in the building,
                                                      evening shift may come in early
●   Training                                     ○ Deeper cleaning will be done on the remote day for all students and on Friday
                                                      afternoon/evening in preparation for the next week
                                         ●   Transportation Cleaning:
○   Drivers will disinfect buses (seats, windows, handrails) after morning and
                                                          afternoon runs. Handrails will be wiped down between routes. Deep cleaning
                                                          after all AM and all PM runs
                                              ●   Training will be provided by the Supervisor of Building and grounds using Safe
                                                  schools training modules and review of updated protocols for cleaning.

Meals/Food Service                         Business Administrator, Cafeteria Manager/Nutri-Serve Representative
 ● Develop cafeteria schedule and             ● Grab and Go Breakfast and lunch are available to all students who pre-order and pay.
                                              ● Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria for students who qualify for Free/reduced
     procedures for students
                                                 meals and pre-order
                                                     ○ Students will be assigned seats and socially distanced—DDE
                                                     ○ JFK students will have breakfast delivered to the classroom
                                                     ○ Grab and go packaging will be used - all disposable items will be used
                                              ● Early dismissal day schedule does not include lunch; snacks will be eaten in the
 ●   Develop cafeteria procedures for            classroom .
     food service staff
                                              ●   Nutri-Serve will develop procedures for making grab and go meals for in person days,
                                                  and for remote learning days. Those who are fully remote will have the opportunity to
                                                  pick up lunch and breakfast at a designated time coordinated with the building
 ●   Types of meals to be served
                                              ●   F/R lunch will be grab and go and sent home with students for the current day and their
                                                  remote days
                                              ●   Students who wish to purchase Breakfast or lunch must pre-order and pre-pay.

Recess/Physical Education                  Building Principals
 ● Groups: If groups are at recess            ● Cohorts will not be mixed for PE class. During recess, each “homeroom/class”
     simultaneously create 6’ separation          will have a designated area to use so that cohorts are not mixed. These areas
                                                  will be marked off and clearly monitored by staff and building administrators.
 ●   Hygiene                                  ● Little if any equipment will be used and not shared for hygiene purposes.
                                            ● Wash in-wash out for all students and staff as they move out of their room.
 ●   Playground equipment                       Activities will be individual, no group games; mostly skill based
                                            ● Playground equipment will not be used.
●       Lockers and locker rooms at the DDE middle School will not be used. Students
                                                          will not change for PE class.
  ●   Locker Rooms                                ●       Equipment will be individual items and not shared. All items will be sanitized
  ●   Equipment                                           before they are used by another group.
                                                  ●       Cohorts will not be mixed for PE class. During recess, each “homeroom/class” will
  ●   Mixing cohorts                                      have a designated area to use so that cohorts are not mixed.

Field Trips, Extra-Curricular Activities, Use   Superintendent, Building Principals, Supervisor of Building and Grounds
of Facilities by Outside Groups                    ● Fall sports have be postponed until further notice; winter sports will be evaluated
  ● Social distancing                                 in Nov./Dec.
                                                   ● Field trips and off campus activities are suspended until further notice
                                                   ● In-person extra-curricular activities, including athletics, band, chorus, are cancelled until
                                                           further notice.
                                                      ●    Some clubs may take place remotely at the middle school based on administrative
                                                           discretion and ability to be held remotely.
                                                      ●    DDE Beyond the Classroom may take place remotely based on administrative discretion
                                                      ●    Visitors and or volunteers are not permitted at this time.
                                                      ●    Access to the building by outside individuals, including parents/guardians will be limited
                                                           to essential visits and controlled times only - parents will be asked to drop off any
  ●   Field Trips                                          supplies in the security vestibule.
  ●   Assemblies, Large Group Gathering               ●    When access to the building is required, protective barriers have been installed in
                                                           office/reception areas and a visitor screening protocol will be used.
                                                      ●    Events such as Back to School Night and Parent/Teacher Conferences will be virtual.
  ●   Use of Facilities by Outside Groups             ●    Staff are required to socially distance and meetings/ trainings will be virtual.
                                                      ●    Staff are required to maintain social distance in all areas of the building at all times,
  ●   In-Person Gatherings Outside School                  including their lunch and prep times.
      Hours                                           ●    No outside organizations will be permitted to use district facilities during the Pandemic
                                                           Crisis until further notice.
                                                      ●    Picture Day (sponsored by the Parent Teacher Group) may be held after hours based
                                                           on current County situation, ability to work with vendor, and interest of parents. All
                                                           visitor protocols would be followed as previously established.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and School Culture and Climate

Educator Well-Being                             BUILDING PRINCIPALS, SUPERVISOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES
  ● Support educator well-being so they          ● Provide space (maybe virtual groups, intra-net) to process traumatic events,
may best support students                     receive supports and connect with colleagues
                                           ●       Guidance counselors, social worker, nurses, school psychologist, administrative
                                                   team will work together to provide supportive activities and resources for staff.
                                           ●       Create Resource List for mindfulness, relaxation, yoga, exercise opportunities
 ●   Staff Wellness Program                        both virtual and in person

Trauma-Informed SEL- Before September          ●    Create Resource file/folder for mindfulness, relaxation, yoga, exercise
   ● Staff and Student Trauma                       opportunities both virtual and in person
   ● Importance of SEL to student              ●    Investigate various wellness programs for staff in the area or online
      success                                  ●    Guidance counselors, social worker, nurses, school psychologist, administrative
                                                    team will work together to provide supportive activities and resources for staff.
 ●   Staffing for SEL needs                    ●    Provide space (maybe virtual groups, intra-net) to process traumatic events,
                                                    receive supports and connect with colleagues

 ●   Deliberate Opportunities to Connect
                                               ●    Topic of SEL will be included in the district and school level professional
 ●   Professional Development                       development plans. Possible PLC creation in the area based on staff interest
                                                    and student need.
                                               ●    School Guidance counselors, social worker, nurses, school psychologist,
 ●   Establish system of check-ins with             administrative team and teaching staff will work together to create a priority list
     students and families                          for weekly check-ins for students and families. This will include academic
                                                    support and encouragement, as well as family and individual physical and
 ●   Prepare/Review agreements with                 emotional needs.
     mental health service providers           ●    Social worker is creating a list of resources online and paper-based with
                                                    literature and links to share with relevant staff and parents on an as needed
                                                    targeted basis, as well as updating website and links to community resources.

Trauma-Informed SEL- School Year
  ● Create opportunities for staff and
     students to reflect on SEL                ●    Guidance counselors and social worker will work with Health and PE teachers to
     competencies                                   address the SEL competencies. Classroom and school wide activities will be
●   Careful Conversations around                  created to include all staff and students with a focus on improving the school
     impacts of COVID-19                           climate and individual mental health.
                                              ●    The school nurse will work to support lessons directly related to anxiety and
                                                   mis -information about COVID -19 in conjunction with guidance staff, social
 ●   Training                                      worker, school psychologist and Health and PE teacher in order to further
                                                   support the NJSLS standards in Health. Use of staff meeting time, Professional
                                                   development days along with individual personal time.

School Culture and Climate                ●       Promote health and emotional well being using the School Safety Team,
  ● Positive School Culture                       Guidance personnel, Principal, CST supervisor.
                                          ●       DDE working with Rutgers Univ. on school climate program. Principal will share
                                                  information with the Administrative team as relevant.

Utilizing the Strengths of Staff              ●    Under the direction of building and district administrators, the school guidance
 ● School Leaders                                  counselors, social worker, nurses, school psychologist, administrative team and
                                                   teaching staff will work together to create a priority list for weekly check-ins for
                                                   students and families. This will include academic support and encouragement,
                                                   as well as family and individual physical and emotional needs.
                                              ●    Instructional aides will be utilized to support students by being part of the
 ●   Student Support Staff                         check-in team to support academic needs to assist the teachers.

 ●   Teachers                                 ●    The school nurse, guidance, social worker, and psychologist will work to
                                                   support SEL lessons within the classroom providing models for teachers to use .
                                                   The Supervisor of Curr and Instructional will also assist by determining places
                                                   within the academic lessons that could further support the NJSLS standards in

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

                                         Building Principals, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, Supervisor of
                                         Special Services
 ●   Universal Screening                    ● Screening tools in ELA and Math (Star Literacy and Star Math), use data to
inform instruction and supports,

 ●   Collaborative Problem-Solving
     Teams                               ●   Use of data (benchmark, grades, anecdotal notes, summer program work) to
                                             inform instruction and intervention decisions. Use of RTI staff, classroom
                                             teachers, LDTC, Sup of Curr & Instruction, building principals. I & RS team and
                                             behavior team will work in this area. Principals will schedule I & RS/RTI, I & E
                                             meetings with grade level staff as needed in virtual format
                                         ●   Families will be included in the decision making process relative to the
 ●   Family Engagement                       experience of last spring and remote learning and how best parents feel their
                                             child learns. This will help with the interventions selected and staff to assist.
                                         ●   Use of data (benchmark, grades, anecdotal notes, summer program work) to
                                             inform instruction and intervention decisions. Use of RTI staff, classroom
 ●   Data-based Decision Making              teachers, LDTC, Sup of Curr & Instruction, building principals. I & RS team and
                                             behavior team will work in this area.

Wraparound Supports

                                      Building Principals, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, Supervisor of
                                      Special Services

 ●   Mental Health Supports              ●   School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist along with
                                             the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide emotional and academic
                                             support to students and families as needed. (In person and remote learners)
                                                 ○ Resources for students and families (virtual portal, hard copies)
                                                 ○ Checking in with students and parents - create a priority list for weekly checks
 ●   Primary Health and Dental Care
○   Create parent tutorials and resource library of “ How to’s” for remote learning
 ●   Family Engagement                               materials, etc. so parents can better support students at home learning needs
                                                 ○   Social stories (JFK students)
                                                 ○   Positive reinforcement & clear expectations
                                                 ○   School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist
                                                     along with the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide
                                                     emotional and academic support to students and families as needed. (In
                                                     person and remote learners)
                                                 ○   Resources include NJ Family Care, NJSNAP, NJ Helps, local food banks,
 ●   Academic Enrichment/Expanded                    community agencies, hospitals, clinics, Camden Count Dept of Health, DCPP,
     After-School Learning               ●   Teachers will utilize the fully remote day to address individual student needs,
                                             including enrichment projects. Unique student abilities and interests will be
                                             highlighted in order to encourage students to become more independent
                                             learners. Ways to share “projects” are also being explored.
                                         ●   BTC at DDE may be started if students are in need of additional help beyond
                                             the small group remote time

Food Service and Distribution

Honor our moral imperative to feed   BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR & NUTRI-SERVE PERSONNEL
students                                ● Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria and or classroom for students who qualify for
                                           Free/reduced meals and pre-order
                                               ○ Students will be assigned seats and socially distanced-DDE
                                               ○ JFK students will have breakfast delvered to the classroom
                                               ○ Grab and go packaging will be used - all disposable items will be used
                                        ● Early dismissal day schedule does not include lunch; snacks will be eaten in the
                                           classroom .
                                        ● Nutri-Serve will develop procedures for making grab and go meals for in person days,
                                           and for remote learning days. Those who are fully remote will have the opportunity to
                                           pick up lunch and breakfast at a designated time coordinated with the building
                                        ● F/R lunch will be grab and go and sent home with students for the current day and their
                                           remote days
                                        ● All students may purchase breakfast and or lunch but must pre-order and pre-pay.
●   Arrangements will be made for fully remote students/families who qualify for
                                          Free/reduced meals to pick up lunch & breakfast
                                      ●   Keep additional lists of Food Banks and other agencies that may be able to assist
                                          those in need

Quality Child Care

More families may need childcare   CARE STAFF AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR will determine the needs of the program
                                      ● Eligibility
                                             ○ Current credits available; ask those parents first - limit of 25 students
                                             ○ Student may only attend on the days that the student is in school
                                      ● Arrival/dismissal
                                             ○ Parents must call when they arrive; CARE staff will meet the student upon
                                                  arrival and bring the student outside for dismissal
                                             ○ AM students will be screened for temperature and symptoms upon arrival
                                             ○ CARE will end at 5:00 so that staff have time to clean materials for the next
                                             ○ Custodians will clean the entire area used during evening cleaning
                                      ● Set-up
                                             ○ Use of JFK all purpose room to socially distance; 4 students per cafeteria
                                                  table; siblings may sit at same table in closer proximity
                                             ○ Students will have an assigned seat and staff member
                                             ○ individual tubs for each student’s materials
                                                       ■ Items will be sanitized daily
                                                       ■ Cleaning materials will be provided by Facilities Manager
                                             ○ Hand sanitizer and wipes will be available for use as needed
                                             ○ Face coverings must be worn
                                      ● Staffing
                                             ○ 2-3 adults based on number of students (about 8 students per adult)
                                      ● Activities
                                             ○ Individual play areas assigned
                                             ○ Socially distanced at all times
                                             ○ Items from home will be discouraged
○  Materials from CARE will be distributed for individual student use on a weekly
                                                       basis and will be cleaned
                                            ●   Snack/Playing outside
                                                   ○ Weather permitting snack time will be outside and there will be an opportunity
                                                       to be outside for individualized activities
                                                   ○ Students will be assigned an individual area and individual items for recreation
                                                   ○ Lunch will be available for students who are eligible for Free/reduced meals
                                                       and for purchase if pre-ordered by others.

Leadership and Planning
Requirements to Re-Open

Critical Area                            District Actions and Person(s) Responsible

                                         DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM & School Reopening Planning sub-
What We Know                             committees; SCIP committees
 ● Public Health Trends Support School      ● The administrative team will develop comprehensive plans to reopen schools
    Re-Opening                                 based on guidance from all governing agencies and the data available at the

 ●   Schools Must Reopen for In-Person
     Instruction Start of School Year       ●   As per guidelines from the Dept. of Education and the Governor of NJ, the
 ●   Many Schools Will Operate on               district reopening plan will include in person instruction in a hybrid model as
     Reduced Capacity                           well as the choice for parents to select a fully remote instructional model.
                                            ●   The administrative team will develop an instructional model for teachers clearly
                                                stating the requirements for instruction based on the models offered.
●   Districts Need to Prepare to Pivot to
     Remote Instruction                         ●   Thought will be given to improving the remote component of the models so as
                                                    to better engage students, address their academic needs in a timely manner,
                                                    and encourage intrinsic motivation to become independent learners. The
                                                    administrative team is working on this document as well as training
                                                    opportunities, and time for collaboration with input from the SCIP committees.

                                             SUPERINTENDENT, SUPERVISOR OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, BUSINESS
Operational Requirements                     ADMINISTRATOR
 ● Prepare Buildings and Grounds                ● All cleaning routines have been reviewed and policy 3510 has been updated to
                                                   stay consistent with CDC and local, state and federal guidelines.
                                                ●   Building- removal of furniture from classrooms in order to space out student desks=
                                                    social distancing, decrease of items to be cleaned
                                                ●   Classrooms- Nightly cleaning/disinfecting of high touch surfaces- i.e., desks, chairs,
                                                    pencil sharpeners, computer keyboards and mice, sink areas, and door handles.
 ●   Form Pandemic Response team in
                                                        ○ Wash in / wash out for students and staff
     the District                                       ○ Students will not share most items; bins for individual items
 ●   Clear Communications Protocols                     ○ Classrooms will have hand sanitizer and wipes for use to clean some surfaces
                                                             and for small individualized needs
 ●   Adopt Contingency Plans in Event                   ○ Sinks with soap and water within most classrooms
     Schools Must Close                                 ○ Classrooms will have hand sanitizer and wipes to use Bathrooms-
 ●   Collect Feedback from Stakeholders                 ○ Entrance doors propped open to monitor number of students in the area;
                                                        ○ Block off one sink;
                                                        ○ increased cleaning of high touch areas such as stall handles, towel
                                                             dispensers, increased wipedown for hallway bathrooms
                                                        ○ Classroom and staff bathrooms- have wipes for users to clean touched
 ●   Key Considerations re: Policy and
                                                             surfaces before leaving the room
     Practice Changes                           ●   Hallways-
                                                        ○ In addition to nightly cleaning, dayshift custodians will clean high touch
                                                             surfaces more often during student instructional time. Areas concentrated on
                                                             include: door handles, sanitizer stations. Hallway drinking fountains will be
turned off and water bottles will be encouraged. Limited traffic in the hallway
             and highly monitored by staff to decrease the contamination.
●   Cafeteria-
        ○ Cleaning will occur after Breakfast is completed and custodial staff can wipe
             down all tables and chairs.
        ○ If full day in person schedule is utilized at some point and lunch is required, 20
             minutes will be scheduled between groups (grade level cohorts) to allow for
             cleaning of all services
        ○ Additional tables will be in cafeteria and additional large classroom for overflow
             group to allow for adequate social distancing, as needed
●   Staffing / Scheduling-
        ○ No changes at the moment. Will be hiring one part time custodian to replace
             someone who resigned this past winter. Consideration will be given to altering
             night shift staff as needed. Based on the number of students in the building,
             evening shift may come in early
        ○ Deeper cleaning will be done on the remote day for all students and on Friday
             afternoon/evening in preparation for the next week
●   Communication protocols are being established in conjunction with the County
    Dept of Health. Nurses will be in contact with the Health Department, the
    school physician, building and district administration, parents and staff on an as
    needed basis as outlined by Dr. Nwako from the Camden County Dept. of
    Health. The Office of Emergency local commander is in contact with the
    Superintendent and Supervisor of Building and Grounds and will assist with
    contact to local EMS if needed, as well as the Police Chief.
●   Feedback from stakeholders has been collected via parent surveys, participants
    in the sub-committee meetings, and by public comment at recent board of
    education meetings.
●   Classroom and building procedures for staff and students will change and this
    must be deliberately shared with all involved so that expectations and
    guidelines are clear. Use of the building administrators, nurses, teachers, OEM,
    SROs will be needed to show examples and to guide all towards compliance for
    the sake of health and safety. Guidance counselors can address this as a way to
be kind and through other pillars of character in their lessons.

School-Level Pandemic Response Teams

Establish School-Level Pandemic              ●    JFK PRT = Michael Murphy, Brian Martino, Dorothy Micale, Debra Wash, Gena
Response Teams (PRT)                              Clark, Jacklyn Lawlor, Tara Corbett,J annett Masterson
  ● Identify PRT in Each School
                                         ●       DDE PRT =Ashley Episcopo, Molly Olcese, Ryan Rollins, Rosemarie Patrizio,
                                                 Marilyn Bright
 ●   Identify Responsibilities of PRT
                                             ●    Teams will assist with coordinated actions related to COVID-19 response and
                                                  implementation of the district reopening plan.


                                        SERVICES, SUPERVISOR OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION
What Counts?
 ● School Year, School Day                   ●    School day shall consist of not less than four (4) hours which may include
                                                  synchronous and asynchronous instruction. “Hours of instructional time” is
                                                  defined as a student engaged in standards-based learning under the guidance
                                                  of a teacher. The school year shall consist of 180 student days.
                                                      ○ A/B in person cohorts = 2 days in person, 3 days remote (M/Th & T/F)
                                                      ○ C cohort = 5 days remote
                                                      ○ Teachers will use afternoon time (may be flexible to meet
                                                          parent/student needs but remain within the contractual obligations to
                                                          Association members) to reach out to the C cohort and then the A/B
                                                          group of students who were on remote learning that day.
                                                      ○ Wednesdays will be used for C cohort and for small groups as needed
 ●   Recommendations                                      as well.
●    Beginning of the school year will be used to establish relationships between
                                         students and teacher groups
                                    ●    Parent how-to videos and material will be provided, as well as designated staff
                                         to check in with parents to assess their needs re: student academics or family
                                    ●    The district is prepared to PIVOT to full Remote Learning mode as the need
                                         arises. This model has been established as a choice for parents to select at the
                                         beginning of the 2020-2021 school year..
 ●   Hybrid Guidelines
                                    ●    Teachers will establish simple and clear work expectations for students and
                                         parents to assist and guide learning
                                    ●    Students must demonstrate participate and keeping up with work, or reaching
                                         out for assistance
                                    ●    Exploring synchronous opportunities for remote learners along with recorded
                                         lessons for all to use as reference. Gr. 2-8 will have Chromebook so
                                         synchronous opportunities will be more feasible for this group than the
                                         younger students in Sept.

Implementation Strategies       ●       Plans are sent to parents/staff via SENDIT notification and posted on Website
  ● Communication

 ●   Attendance                         Attendance is flexible regarding excused absences and synchronous vs
                                         asynchronous delivery of instruction. Participation and communication
                                         between teacher/parent/student is towards assisting in progress and effort of
                                         student. See Policy 5113.
 ●   Access to Technology               Surveys were conducted at the end of 2019-2020 to determine status of access.
                                         Chromebooks will be issued to students in gr 2-8, additional machines are on
                                         order to cover grade 1. Use of CARES 2 grant for machines for gr. K. Staff
                                         working to determine which households for gr. PK -1 have older sibling with
                                         school machine to see how access for these students can be enhanced.
 ●   Professional Development           District and school PD plans are developed to include online learning in the
areas of blended learning, online learning, online apps, social emotional and
                               trauma related information, and racism and tolerance. Staff are also
                               encouraged to share best practices in grade level and staff meetings as well as
                               informally. Resource folders of professional information are also being created
                               and shared with the entire staff.
●   Feedback Loops            Admin team to check in with staff/parents/students to see what is working and
                               enhance those practices and to abandon or discard practices that are not
                               working. Staff and parents surveys from June on positives and negatives of
                               remote learning have been reviewed and considered in order to improve
                               practices for September.
●   Contingency Planning      District administration will remain flexible regarding instructional needs and
                               models and will alter instructional models as needed. Parent request to change
                               Instructional Model form has been created so that parents have the
                               opportunity to change selected model at each Interim and end of Marking
●   School Personnel           Period as indicated on the district approved school calendar.
                              Requests for leave, telework and accommodations will be made on a case by
                               case basis according to current regulations including but not limited to FFCRA,
                               EFLMA, FMLA, and ADA. Forms and information has been disseminated to staff
                               and remain in a shared folder accessible to all staff members.
●   Access to Supports        Student needs will be assessed and support will be provided as indicated in IEP,
                               504 plans and medical needs as per doctor’s orders.
                                   o Guidance counselors, CST members, nurses, RTI staff, teachers, and
                                        Administrators will work together to assess needs of student to
                                        determine who is best assist student and family
●   Class Schedules
                              Building principals, supported by Supervisor of Cur. and Instruction and
                               Supervisor of Special Services will work to determine a schedule based on the
                               early dismissal time frame that addresses core subjects, special areas, and
                               student developmental needs. This includes the hybrid instructional model as
                               well as the fully remote model in order to address in-person instruction while
                               giving consideration to those who are learning from home 5 or 3 days a week.
Daily Instructional Expectations are being developed to guide each staff
 ●   Accommodations                         member and support accountability.
                                           Student needs will be assessed and support will be provided as indicated in IEP,
                                            504 plans and medical needs as per doctor’s orders.
                                                o Guidance counselors, CST members, nurses, RTI staff, teachers, and
                                                    Administrators will work together to assess needs of student to
                                                    determine who is best assist student and family
                                                o Accommodations for staff needs will also be reviewed and implemented
 ●   Learning Management System                     according to current regulations including but not limited to FFCRA,
                                                    EFLMA, FMLA, and ADA.
                                           Daily Instructional Expectations are being developed to guide each staff
                                            member and support accountability. These expectations will also guide student
                                            expectations and staff will be creating Weekly Agenda documents to include in
                                            their Google Classroom or work packet for parents/guardians to assist with the
                                            completion of work and grade level expectations.


Guidance                          SUPERINTENDENT, BUILDING PRINCIPALS
 ● Mentoring                       ● https://www.nj.gov/education/covid19/teacherresources/mentguidance.shtml

 ●   Educator Evaluation           ●       https://www.nj.gov/education/covid19/teacherresources/edevaluation.shtml
 ●   Certification                         Certification

Instructional Staff                             ○ Daily self-checklist for symptoms has been disseminated for staff use
  ● School Operations                             prior to sign-in
                                                ○ Building protocols/ procedures developed, shared with staff and will be
                                                  reviewed by Administrative team with staff at New Year Orientation
                                          ○ Reopening plan posted on website for staff and community review.
                                          ○ Staff participation in Board meeting re: questions
●   Instructional Contributions   ●   Staff are also encouraged to share best practices in grade level and staff
                                      meetings as well as informally. Resource folders of professional information
                                      are also being created and shared with the entire staff.
                                          ○ District and school PD plans are developed to include online learning in
                                              the areas of blended learning, online learning, online apps, social
                                              emotional and trauma related information, and racism and tolerance.
                                          ○ Supervisor of Curr and Instruction has reviewed anchor standards with
                                              grade and subject area teams in order to prioritize teaching points
                                          ○ RTI staff to support students as well as instructional aides reaching out
                                              to students on remote learning days to assist with work
●   Wellness                      ●   Staff and student daily health screenings based on CDC and Camden County
                                      Dept of Health guidelines
                                          ○ School nurses and Health /PE teachers to support healthy living
                                              practices and hygiene practices. In-class and recorded lessons.
                                              Guidance and primary grade teachers will use Social Stories to
                                              emphasize the need for proper hygiene and social distancing and use of
●   Feedback and Assessment                   masks.
                                  ●   Staff will provide regular feedback to assess progress and to make adjustments
●   Materials                         as needed to support student learning.
                                  ●   Student “Back to School” lists will be created with the idea of a hybrid model of
                                      learning. Supplies for in-school as well as at home. Principal are developing a
                                      system of securing materials in school to protect for hygiene considerations.
                                      Schools supplies will not be shared. Emphasis will be placed on using
                                      technology for as much written work as possible to decrease the use of paper
                                      and transporting “books” to and from school.
                                          ○ Primary grades (PK and K) will create with activity packets that can
                                              remain home and be used for a variety of needs. Teachers will be
                                              creating how to videos to assist parents and guardians with creating
these kits as well as how to use them.

Administrators                     DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM
 ● School Operations                  ● Participate and monitor below:
                                             ○ Daily self-checklist for symptoms has been disseminated for staff use
                                                 prior to sign-in
                                             ○ Building protocols/ procedures developed, shared with staff and will be
                                                 reviewed by Administrative team with staff at New Year Orientation
                                             ○ Reopening plan posted on website for staff and community review.
                                             ○ Staff participation in Board meeting re: questions
 ●   Instructional Contributions      ● Support staff to continuously improve virtual learning environment by working
                                         with individually to ensure teaching & learning, assessment, support and IEP
                                         services are planned and implemented to the greatest extent possible; provide
                                         examples of high quality instructional models for teachers to review and
                                         implement as appropriate.
                                             ○ Supervisor of Curr and Instruction has reviewed anchor standards with
                                                 grade and subject area teams in order to prioritize teaching points
                                             ○ RTI staff to support students as well as instructional aides reaching out
                                                 to students on remote learning days to assist with work
                                             ○ Resource folders of professional information are also being created and
                                                 shared with the entire staff.
                                             ○ District and school PD plans are developed to include online learning in
                                                 the areas of blended learning, online learning, online apps, social
 ●   Wellness                                    emotional and trauma related information, and racism and tolerance.
                                      ● Staff and student daily health screenings based on CDC and Camden County
                                         Dept of Health guidelines
                                             ○ School nurses and Health /PE teachers to support healthy living
                                                 practices and hygiene practices. In-class and recorded lessons.
                                                 Guidance and primary grade teachers will use Social Stories to
                                                 emphasize the need for proper hygiene and social distancing and use of
●    Staff w/ Health Concerns               masks.
                                             ○ Additional supports and information will be available by Guidance,
                                                 Social Worker, for staff as needed.
                                     ●   Requests for leave, telework and accommodations will be made on a case by
     ●    Evaluation                     case basis according to current regulations including but not limited to FFCRA,
                                         EFLMA, FMLA, and ADA. Forms and information has been disseminated to staff
                                         and remain in a shared folder accessible to all staff members.
     ●    Scheduling                    As per NJ Dept of Education guidelines. Instructional Expectations document is
                                         being created to. Daily Instructional Expectations are being developed to
                                         guide each staff member and support accountability.
                                     ●   Building principals, supported by Supervisor of Cur. and Instruction and
                                         Supervisor of Special Services will work to determine a schedule based on the
                                         early dismissal time frame that addresses core subjects, special areas, and
                                         student developmental needs. This includes the hybrid instructional model as
                                         well as the fully remote model in order to address in-person instruction while
                                         giving consideration to those who are learning from home 5 or 3 days a week.
                                             ○ Staff requests for telework and accommodations will be made on a case
                                                 by case basis according to current regulations including but not limited
                                                 to FFCRA, EFLMA, FMLA, and ADA.

  ● School Operations                    SUERINTENDENT
                                             ○ Daily self-checklist for symptoms has been disseminated for staff use
                                                 prior to sign-in
                                             ○ Building protocols/ procedures developed, shared with staff and will be
                                                 reviewed by Administrative team with staff at New Year Orientation
 ●       Support Teaching                        meetings.
                                             ○ Reopening plan posted on website for staff and community review.
                                     ●   RTI staff to support students as well as instructional aides reaching out to
                                         students on remote learning days to assist with work
●   School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist along with
                                         the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide emotional and academic
                                         support to students and families as needed. (In person and remote learners)
                                             ○ Resources for students and families (virtual portal, hard copies)
                                             ○ Checking in with students and parents - create a priority list for weekly checks
                                             ○ Create parent tutorials and resource library of “ How to’s” for remote learning
                                                 materials, etc. so parents can better support students at home learning needs
                                             ○ Social stories (JFK students)
                                             ○ Positive reinforcement & clear expectations
                                             ○ School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist
                                                 along with the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide
                                                 emotional and academic support to students and families as needed. (In
                                                 person and remote learners)
                                     ●   Staff and student daily health screenings based on CDC and Camden County
 ●   Wellness                            Dept of Health guidelines
                                             ○ School nurses and Health /PE teachers to support healthy living
                                                 practices and hygiene practices. In-class and recorded lessons.
                                                 Guidance and primary grade teachers will use Social Stories to
                                                 emphasize the need for proper hygiene and social distancing and use of
                                             ○ Additional supports and information will be available by Guidance,
                                                 Social Worker, for staff as needed.

  ● School Operations
                                     ●   Instructional Aides
                                             ○ Daily self-checklist for symptoms has been disseminated for staff use
                                                prior to sign-in
                                             ○ Building protocols/ procedures developed, shared with staff and will be
 ●   Instructional Contributions                reviewed by Administrative team with staff at New Year Orientation
○ Reopening plan posted on website for staff and community review.
                                          ●   RTI staff to support students as well as instructional aides reaching out to
                                              students on remote learning days to assist with work
                                          ●   School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist along with
                                              the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide emotional and academic
                                              support to students and families as needed. (In person and remote learners)
                                                  ○ Resources for students and families (virtual portal, hard copies)
                                                  ○ Checking in with students and parents - create a priority list for weekly checks
                                                  ○ Create parent tutorials and resource library of “ How to’s” for remote learning
                                                      materials, etc. so parents can better support students at home learning needs
                                                  ○ Social stories (JFK students)
                                                  ○ Positive reinforcement & clear expectations
                                                  ○ School guidance counselors, district social worker and school psychologist
                                                      along with the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide
                                                      emotional and academic support to students and families as needed. (In
 ●   Wellness                                         person and remote learners)
                                          ●   Staff and student daily health screenings based on CDC and Camden County
                                              Dept of Health guidelines
                                                  ○ School nurses and Health /PE teachers to support healthy living
                                                      practices and hygiene practices. In-class and recorded lessons.
                                                      Guidance and primary grade teachers will use Social Stories to
                                                      emphasize the need for proper hygiene and social distancing and use of
                                                  ○ Additional supports and information will be available by Guidance,
                                                      Social Worker, for staff as needed.

Educator Roles Related to School Technology Needs

  ● Support                                AND INSTRUCTION, BUILDING PRINCIPALS
                                           Help ticket system will be used for reporting tech problems for staff, students,
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