YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College

Page created by Tom Watson
YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
Secondary College

 YEAR 10
YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
“Achieving Success in a
Caring and Creative Environment”
YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
Welcome to our new Year 10 students for 2021.

You will find all the information you need to know about subject selection in this Handbook.
Take time to read the content of each subject prior to making your final selection for 2021
Remember that your Year Level Coordinators will also help with any information you may

During Terms 3 and 4, Year 9 students will be counselled regarding their selections for 2021.
You will need to discuss your subject selection with your Parents/Guardians and the Year 10
Coordinator. The Middle School Year Level Coordinators and subject teachers are also
important contacts in deciding your Year 10 subjects.

This year, the school has provided videos on our website,
outlining the Year 10 transition process, how to select Year 10 subjects online as well as
some brief subject descriptions. This will assist students and their families in the subject
selection process.

An extensive array of subjects are available to you. Please take your time and choose wisely.
Careful planning and purposeful selection of subjects is important.

Advanced units are offered to students who have studied Advanced Middle School units
(some of these advanced units are offered as VCE subjects).

Year 10 students may (where subjects are available) study a VCE VET subject as part of their
Year 10 program. The opportunity to undertake such studies is dependent on academic
performance, student work ethic and teacher recommendation. If you perform well, you
may be sufficiently prepared to study a VCE Units 3 & 4 (Year 12) subject alongside your VCE
Units 1 & 2 course in Year 11. Many students have done this successfully in previous years.
This arrangement may increase your chances of entry into tertiary education programs, as
ideally you will have completed six VCE Units 3 & 4 subjects instead of the usual five sub-
jects by the end of Year 12.

Success and reward in senior schooling are most likely to be achieved when students attend
regularly and are committed to their studies.

Good luck in 2021!

                                                                                          Page 2
YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
Please note:
 All Wonthaggi SC policies and statements regarding Child Safe practices are
accessible through the Wonthaggi SC website and the Compass Management
               System (School Documentation / School Policies).
YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
     Introduction                                          2
     Child Safe Statement of Commitment                    3
     Index                                                 4-5
     Overview                                              6
     Compulsory Subjects                                   6
     Elective Units                                        6
     Year 10 Time Allocation                               6
     VCE or VET Subjects in Year 10                        7
     The Victorian Curriculum                              8
     The Counselling Process                               8
     Information on College Charges                        9
     Year 10 Booklists                                     9
     Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy 2021 - In Brief   9
     Building Design                                       10    10BUD
     Drama                                                 10    10DRA
     Drama Extension                                       10    10DRE
     Music Performance                                     11    10MUS
     Mixed Media -Sculpture                                11    10MMS
     2D Art                                                11    10ART
     Visual Communication Design Digital                   12    10VDD
     Visual Communication Design                           12    10VCD
     Film Making                                           13    10FIM
     SLR Photography                                       13    10PHO

    Industry and Enterprise VCE Unit 1                     14    10CAR

     English                                               14    10ENG
     English Literature                                    15    10ENL
     English Literature Advanced                           15    10ENL

    General PE - Boys                                      16    10PEB
    General PE - Girls                                     16    10PEG
    Sports Science                                         17    10SSC
    Dance & Movement                                       17    10PDM
    Health Education                                       18    10PHE
    Outdoor Education Semester 1                           18    10OEA
    Outdoor Education Semester 2                           18    10OEB
    VET Sport and Recreation -Unit 1/2 Advance Surfing     19    10VOR
    VET Sport and Recreation -Unit 1/2 Advance Outdoor     19    10PAD

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YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
                                                 PAGE   CODE
   Humanities - History & Geography              20     10HUA
   Business - Business & The Law                 20     10HUB

    Indonesian                                   21     10IND
    Japanese                                     22     10JPN
    Languages School Units                       23

    Mathematics Fundamental                      24     10MFD
    Mathematics Mainstream                       24     10MMA
    VCE General Mathematics                      25     10GMA
    Mathematics Elective: Pre-Calculus           25     10MAC

     Life Science                                26     10SIL
     Advanced Life Sciences                      26     10SAL
     Material Science                            27     10SIM
     Advanced Material Sciences                  27     10SAM

    Information Technology                       28     10ITC
    Fashion & Technology                         29     10TFT
    Fashion & Marketing                          29     10TFM
    International Cooking                        30     10INC
    Foods - Cookery & Service                    30     10TMF
    Engineering in Metal & Plastic               31     10ENM
    Woodwork                                     31     10WOO

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YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
The Year 10 Program at McKenzie is based on a combination of compulsory and elective units. In Year
10, eight subjects are studied in each semester. Three of these are English, Mathematics and Industry
and Enterprise. These subjects run for the full year.

The other five subjects in each semester are a combination of Science, Humanities and the chosen
electives. Each of these subjects runs for one semester.

Students must study English, Mathematics, Industry and Enterprise, Science and Humanities. Students
choose Fundamental or Mainstream for Mathematics and Mainstream or Advanced for Science.

To ensure that students have a broad range of subjects they must choose one Art, one Technology and
one Health and Physical Education subject.
An additional three subjects are chosen from any area. You may not study any subject twice (except
Outdoor Education as each semester is different).

Restrictions: If you choose – VET Sport & Recreation - Advance Outdoor Adventure,
              or Advance Surfing you will have only two additional choices.

             LANGUAGES, you will have only one additional choice.

                     KEY LEARNING AREA                                LESSONS PER WEEK
            CORE SUBJECTS
              Mathematics                                                       4
              English                                                           4
              Careers                                                           2
             Compulsory subjects taken as electives
              Humanities                                                        4
              Science                                                           4


                                                                     (3 Electives x 4 lessons
              Health & Physical Education
                                                                          per semester)
              Includes one compulsory PE elective

                     TOTAL NUMBER OF LESSONS PER WEEK                         30 *

           * current time allocation is being revised and is subject to change in 2021
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YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
VCE and VCE VET subjects are undertaken in Years 11 and 12, however, a limited number of VCE Units
1 & 2 subjects and several VCE VET subjects are offered to Year 10 students. The main reasons for
considering this option would be:
     to challenge and extend yourself.
     to gain some experience of how VCE/VCE VET works.
     to improve your chances of selection into tertiary studies by taking a Units 1 & 2 subject in Year 10
       then Units 3 & 4 (Year 12 level) in Year 11. This will give you 6 studies at the end of Year 12
       instead of the usual 5. There is also the possibility of studying a first year university subject in Year
       12, provided you have already successfully completed a Year 12 subject in Year 11 (See VCE
       Coordinator for more information).
     to study a subject, in which you are interested, but would not have room for in a full VCE program.
An electronic copy of the VCE/VCAL/VCE VET handbook is available from the Wonthaggi Secondary
College website:, follow the curriculum link.

English Literature, Textiles, Foods, Engineering, Accounting, Economics, Business Management, Legal
Studies, Geography, History, Music, Drama, Psychology, Biology, Health and Human Development,
Physical Education, Outdoor and Environmental Education, Information Technology etc.
Furniture Making, Sport and Recreation and Screen and Media

In most cases, Year 10 students would attend a Year 11 class, however, VET Furniture Making, VET Sport
& Recreation, VCE General Maths and Industry & Enterprise (Unit 1) will be offered in the Year 10 blocks
(subject to sufficient numbers).

Interested students should see the VET Coordinator, for information on off campus courses.

These studies are external to McKenzie Campus and incur a completion fee. To secure a place in these
courses in 2021, students will be required to pay for their course before the end of the current year
(date to be advised).
Students who are approved to do an external VCE VET subject will be required to pay the difference
between the cost of the VCE VET course charged by the external provider and the funding received by the
school. The VET coordinator will advise you of the approximate cost.

To be able to successfully undertake a VCE or VCE VET or an OFF CAMPUS VCE VET unit in Year 10, the
student in most cases will need to have excelled in related studies in Year 9 or achieved success in related
extension studies in Year 9. It is essential when considering an advanced program to seek the advice of
your Year 9 teachers.

Places for Year 10 students in VCE/VCE VET are dependent on availability and timetable restrictions,
therefore places are limited. Students need to seek advice from Year Level Co-ordinators, teachers and
the Pathways Co-ordinator.
Students will be interviewed by the Year 10 Co-ordinator where their subject choices will be discussed
with them. Where students have missed out on a subject, they will be asked to choose again from the
available subjects.
 As a general rule, one VCE or VCE VET or OFF CAMPUS VCE VET Year 11 subject, is the limit for Year 10
students to ensure success in all subjects undertaken.

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YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
From Year 10 onwards, students become more specialized as their preferred pathways become clear.

The Victorian Curriculum incorporates eight Curriculum Learning Areas and four main Capabilities as
shown in the table below.

                         LEARNING AREAS                         CAPABILITY AREAS
           English                                                  Personal and Social
           Mathematics                                         Critical and Creative Thinking
           Science                                                     Intercultural
           Health & Physical Education                                    Ethical
           Humanities & Social Sciences (History, Geography,
           Civics & Citizenship, Business and Economics)
           The Arts
           Technologies (inc ICT)

The Victorian Curriculum documents outline the curriculum from Prep (Foundation) to Year 10 that all
government schools use to plan, assess and report to parents There is a learning continuum over 11

For more information contact - the Assistant Campus Principals or Curriculum Coordinator at either

Students can make informed decisions about subject selection by consulting all of the resources
available to them. These include:

 Parent Information Evening - cancelled this year - all subject information and selection processes
  outlined on the Wonthaggi Secondary College website
 Year 10 Handbook 2021
 Year 9 and 10 Co-ordinators
 Pathways Co-ordinator - Michael Owen (McKenzie)
 Integration Co-ordinators – Kate McKittrick (McKenzie) Penny Gordon (Dudley)
 Subject teachers – Dudley Campus
 Parents and siblings

Always seek help if you are unsure. Students should choose subjects they are interested in and/or
have good skills in.

Students will be required to enter their subject selections online by Friday 7th August. A timetable
will then be developed to cater for as many of students’ first choices as possible. It is not always
possible for all students to have their first choice, and for this reason we ask the students to make
reserve choices in order of preference.

On Friday 14th August a counselling session will be available to all Year 9 students at the Dudley
Flexible Learning Centre with a Year 10 Co-ordinator or Careers Teacher.

Students who have selected VCE/VCE VET subjects will be counselled by the Year 10 Co-ordinator, as
will students where clashes or other problems have occurred.

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YEAR 10 HANDBOOK 2021 - Wonthaggi Secondary College
Wonthaggi Secondary College is committed to providing quality programs while keeping necessary charges
to a minimum. We minimise charges by ensuring that all program participants contribute.

For a comprehensive list of the 2021 charges, please see the 2021 College Charge Guide available on the
school website. The College Charge Guide indicates charges and costs applicable for all subjects.
Most activities, excursions and camps are subsidised by subject charges. If subject charges have not been
paid by the date of the activity/camp/excursion, the full price of the activity will have to be paid.

Any student with outstanding subject charges from previous years may not be considered for those
subjects in the following year.
Parents with a valid Health Care Card are entitled to a $225 payment per student (no age limit from the
Victorian Government to go towards students’ Camps, Sports and Excursions costs. Please contact the
school (5611 4000) for an application form or download one at

Students are required to purchase their own text books and stationery.
A Year 10 Book List will be handed out to students during the Year 10 into 11 Headstart week.

In Brief
Wonthaggi Secondary College students are to provide their own Personal Learning Device. Many
educational benefits arise from students using their own devices at the McKenzie Campus and it is a
requirement that students bring a fully charged device to school every day. Smart phones and tablets are
inappropriate devices for the majority of educational purposes, as a consequence, laptops or netbooks
are the preferred device.

It is up to individual families to decide which devices suit their child’s requirements. Please check the full
BYOD policy or speak to our IT technicians to help with this decision. Computers can be purchased through
the school, via the ordering portal on our website. Computers not purchased through the school must
meet minimum requirements in order to connect to the school wireless network and perform the
necessary tasks.
The full BYOD policy is available on the school website, which includes information on how to order a
computer through the school, or the minimum requirements if you are purchasing your own device.

                                                                                                       Page 9

Course        Building Design is a conventional (technical) drawing area. Emphasis is placed on relevant
Content:      skills and understanding of correct procedures, layouts, line uses and presentation.
              Creative problem solving is also undertaken. Students will maintain a comprehensive
              sketchbook recording notes, theory, and procedures. This subject can also effectively lead
              into VCE Visual Communication Design and other practical studies.

Topics:       Pictorial drawing - two and three dimensional
              Working to a brief

Assessment: Students will be graded on a variety of introductory skill
            exercises, the developmental of idea, final artwork and
            theoretical studies.

10DRA       DRAMA
Course       In Year 10 Drama students are involved in a series of practical workshops through which
Content:     they explore a variety of performance styles. Students identify and apply play-making
             techniques and expressive skills to develop and enhance their own drama works. They
             develop performances individually and in small groups, which they script, direct and
             perform. Students identify, analyse and interpret drama. They will review and
             evaluate their own and others performances, offering constructive feedback to
             develop their drama language. They will also view a professional performance; critically
             analysing the work using appropriate language. The semester culminates in the
             presentation of a play devised by the students to other members of the school community.

Assessment: A series of devised performances and a performance analysis will be assessed.


Course       This subject is an opportunity for students with a strong commitment to Drama to further
Content:     develop the skills acquired in Year 10 Drama. The focus of the course content is developing
             students’ performance skills through intensive workshops.
             Students will explore the theatre styles or naturalism and non-naturalism and gain an
             understanding of the elements required to stage a production of a scripted Australian play.
Assessment: Each term will culminate in a performance with students assuming responsibility for
            creating, performing and producing a naturalistic play and a devised non-naturalistic play.
            They will also be required to write an analysis of a professional performance.
             Special Requirement: It is suggested that students complete 10DRA – Year 10 Drama in
             preparation for Drama Extension. Alternatively, teacher recommendation is required for
             entry to this subject.
             It is strongly recommended that students considering studying VCE Drama complete this
  Page 10

Course      Music Performance is centred on students putting on a concert that they select repertoire
Content:    for, rehearse, promote and stage manage. All students are expected to be practising an
            instrument and all students are expected to perform. The emphasis is on students
            becoming responsible for their own growth as a musician. Students develop theory and
            aural skills and also explore music of a variety of styles. This subject is highly recommended
            for students considering VCE Music Performance.
Assessment: Public performance (solo and/or group)
             Rehearsal diaries and approaches to practise
             Music styles reports
             Written examination


Course        In Mixed Media Sculpture, students will explore a variety of traditional and contemporary
Content:      sculpture artists, techniques, mediums and artworks. Students will learn how to
              investigate, research and develop ideas, which can then be produced in a three
              dimensional art form. Students will be required to have a sketchbook to document their
              research, plans, drawings, technical information, process and evaluations. Written work
              will examine various artists, styles and techniques that relate
              to practical tasks studied.

Assessment: Sketchbook
            Final artworks
            Written assignment tasks

10ART      2D ART
Course        In 2D Art, students will explore a variety of traditional and contemporary artists
Content:      techniques and artworks which will then influence their own practice. Students will learn
              how to investigate, research and develop ideas, which can then be used by the student to
              produce a body of artwork. Student will be required to have a sketchbook to document
              their research, plans, drawings, technical information, process and evaluations. Written
              work will examine various
              artists, styles and techniques
              that relate to practical tasks

Assessment: Sketchbook
            Final artworks
            Written assignment tasks

                                                                                                 Page 11
Course        This course is designed to provide an introduction to the Adobe Creative Suite of software
Content:      used by designers in a variety of professional areas.
              The course aims to develop skills and a solid basis for further studies in a broad array of VCE
              Arts subjects. Students will develop skills across a range of techniques which could include
              Logo and Print Design, Creative Digital Photography, 2D and 3D Digital Animation, and
              elements of web and print design. Students will become aware of the design process,
              including responding to a brief, brainstorming and developing a folio of ideas, skills and
              techniques in the production of their own work.

Topics :      Topics may include: Illustration, web design, print design, photo manipulation
              and animation.

Assessment: Students will be graded on technical development, final production and theoretical


Course        This unit of study look at all aspects of design and attempts to build on existing knowledge
Content:      and improving skills in both conventional and creative areas. Illustrative, photographic and
              digital methods will be explored as we create visual solutions to varied conceptual needs.

Topics:        Pictorial drawing - two and three dimensional
               Working to a brief

Assessment: Students will be graded on their initial ideas, studies, developmental drawing, final
            artwork and theoretical studies.

   Page 12
Course       This course aims to give students a taste of Media Studies and teach them some of the
Content:     theoretical and practical skills required for the creation of short films. The course aims
             to develop film making skills. Students will complete a film study and analysis of how
             meaning is constructed in film. The course aims to develop a range of practical media skills
             including storyboarding, plot development, video camera technique, audio recording, video
             and audio editing. Much of the content is ‘hands on’. Students will be required to work on
             smaller group exercises and develop a production in a collaborative manner.

Assessment: 1. Film analysis
            2. Video editing exercise
            3. Group productions

Course       This subject provides an introduction to the fundamental skills and practices of SLR
Content:     photography in a digital environment. Students will focus on learning how digital SLR
             cameras work, developing these skills and learning the principals of good photography.

Assessment: 1. Maintain A3 folio
            2. Complete all practical exercises
            3. Written assessment tasks

                                                                                                Page 13
              This subject is compulsory for all Year 10 students at WSC. On successful completion of
              this subject, students will have a credit of one unit towards their VCE program. It is
              expected that students participate in the school's Work Experience Program to
              satisfactorily complete the unit.

Course         This unit involves a thorough career exploration designed to allow students to match
Content:       their skills, interests and abilities with future job prospects. The unit also considers
               work place issues and integrates Work Experience as a key component.

Areas of         Exploring career options through an understanding of the student’s skills,
Study:            interests and abilities.

                 Investigating possible career pathways.
                 Job application preparation including letters of application, resumes and
                   preparing for a job interview.

                 Investigating workplace issues such as Workplace Health and Safety
                  and conditions of work.

                 Senior Programs course counselling and subject selection.

Assessment: S or N based on the demonstrated achievement of the required outcomes. Assessment
            tasks will be graded (ie. A+ through to N) with the final grade provided on the end of year
            report. A progress report will be provided at the half year.

Year 10 students are required to study a year long program in English.

10ENG        ENGLISH
General      The Year 10 English Program seeks to develop students’ skills in and knowledge of reading,
Description: writing, speaking and listening as well the study of techniques of persuasive writing.
             Students will develop a folio of written work, incorporating the use of ICT, which contains
             texts written for different audiences and purposes. Students will explore a range of text
             structures and develop skills of re-drafting and proof-reading using and improving their
             skills in spelling, grammar and punctuation. They will read a wide range of complex texts
             whilst considering their context and purpose, writing Analytical Text Responses to
             demonstrate their understanding of themes, place, symbols and character. They will learn
             techniques to use in producing creative writing pieces and will submit a creative piece for
             assessment in Semester One. They will also study persuasive writing and speaking and will
             deliver an oral presentation to the class, based on a current issue in the media.

Course         Work book/ digital English folio - questions & short pieces of writing
Content:       Writing- comprehension & analytical text / context response which may include:
               Novels, films, poetry, short stories, plays
               Analysis of persuasive language, oral presentations
               Speaking and listening (class contribution)
               Texts required:
               1. “I am Malala” - Malala Yousafzai (young readers edition)
               2. “Of Mice and Men” (play) - John Steinbeck

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10ENL      ENGLISH LITERATURE (Semester 1)
This is an extension English Elective, students must still complete English as part of the Year 10 program.

General      In Year 10 Literature, students will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the
Description: variety of human experience and a critical appreciation of our culture and the cultures of
             others, past and present, as they are represented in literature. This class will help extend
             students’ understanding of the different ways in which literary texts are constructed.
             Students will also examine the historical and social context of the author, and how it can
             affect the texts they create. The analytical skills introduced in this course will be a valuable
             foundation for VCE Literature. Students will respond to the set texts personally, critically
             and creatively. This variety of approaches to reading invites questions about the ideas and
             concerns of the text. It also gives some insight into the assessment types students will
             encounter in Literature in future years.
Assessment Film:        “Far from the Madding Crowd” - Thomas Vinterberg (*subject to change)
Tasks:                  Close analysis of a scene in which students will examine how the director creates
                        and enhances meaning within the film.

              Novel: “The Dressmaker” - Rosalie Ham
                     Students will respond critically and creatively to the ways in which this text reflects
                     the attitudes and culture of this past era.

              Novel: “Medea” - Euripides
                      An analysis of the views and values evident in selected passages.

This is an extension English Elective, students must still complete English as part of the Year 10 program.
Although it builds on work in Semester 1, it can be completed without the Semester 1 course.

General      Students will examine how authors create meaning with language and structure. Students
Description: will also learn to produce an interpretation of a text using different literary perspectives to
             inform their own view. Furthermore, students will investigate ways in which writers
             portray attitudes within a social context and how the reader interprets the text, depending
             on their own world view. Students will respond to the set texts personally, critically and
             creatively . This variety of approaches to reading invites questions about the ideas and
             concerns of the text. It also gives some insight into the assessment types students will
             encounter in Literature in future years.

Assessment Poetry: A collection of poems by poets such as Carol Ann Duffy, Kate Tempest,
Tasks:             William Ernest Henley and more.
                   Students will produce an analytical and creative response in which they will
                   examine patterns of language and imagery used in the text and discuss how the
                   features and conventions of the text contribute to meaning.

               Play:    “Macbeth” - William Shakespeare
                        Students will produce an analytical response in which they will examine the
                        relationships between authors, audiences and contexts.

               Novel: “The Great Gatsby” - F Scott Fitzgerald
                      Students will develop critical and analytical responses to this text. They will
                      investigate literary criticism informing both the reading and writing of texts.

                                                                                                     Page 15

Course         This unit will provide students with an insight into the following key areas:
Content:       Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. The course
               content and practical activities will specialise in issues relevant to boys in Year 10.


Course         This unit will provide students with an insight into the following key areas:
Content:       Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. The course
               content and practical activities will specialise in issues relevant to girls in Year 10. In PEG
               we aim to create a supportive and safe environment where students can feel comfortable
               and confident to be able to share and discuss issues that are relevant to girls.

Personal, Social and Community Health

Theory     Alcohol and Drugs
Component: Health and Wellness
           Healthy People, Healthy Communities
           Relationships and Sexuality

Movement and Physical Activity

Theory     Games and Sports - Coaching, Tactics and Manipulative Skills
Component: Physical Activity Plan

Practical:     Practical lessons will include a range of games and sports that promote participation as
               well as offer options to experience diverse physical activities not commonly undertaken in
               everyday life. They will be linked to content taught in theory lessons, through a variety of
               labs, training programs and motor skills.

Assessment: Each student will be assessed according to progress in practical sessions and satisfactory
            completion of the work requirements of the theoretical component. A minimum of 80%
            participation in practical sessions is required for satisfactory completion of the course.

    Page 16

Course        This unit will provide students with the background for the understandings required for Year
Content:      11 and 12 Physical Education. This course is targeted to students who are planning to do VCE
              PE and contains harder content than the General PE course. The topics studied include:
              Body systems - skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory and energy systems
              Biomechanics - study of sporting skills
              Practical classes will complement theory work.

Assessment:      1.    Practical Participation
                 2.    Workbook
                 3.    Semester Test/Exam/Biomechanical Analysis
                 4.    Practical Labs


Course        This unit provides students with the opportunity to experience and develop skills in the
Content:      area of Dance and Movement. Active involvement in all areas and the ability to work
              co-operatively with peers is essential.

              a) Dance: Exposure to social and cultural dance styles and modern and creative dance.
                 A brief history of dance and differences in dance styles will be researched.

              b) Movement: Aerobics, dance instructors for modern dance and ballroom dance.

              c) Theory Work: Body systems and fitness, nutrition and sporting performance, party safe:
              drug education safe practises and harm minimisation, lifelong physical activity, health benefits
              of physical activity and body image.

Assessment:      1.    Practical Participation – 80% minimum
                 2.    Workbook & Labs
                 3.    Classwork
                 4.    Theory Tests
                 5.    Group and individual routines in dance and movement
                 6.    Exam

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Aim:          To enhance the physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional dimensions of health and
              wellbeing of students by increasing their knowledge of skills useful in everyday life, helping
              them understand themselves and others in developing skills needed in engaging in
              relationships, making decisions and taking action.

Course        The content will be designed to include topics relevant to Year 10 students from the
Content:      following areas:

                 1.    Health and Wellbeing                2.    Nutrition
                 3.    Health Status                       4.    Factors Affecting Health and Wellbeing
                 5.    Major Youth Health Issues

Assessment: Students will be required to participate actively in class discussions, complete individual
            and group projects relevant to specific topics covered and maintain a personal
            development workbook. C.A.T.S. include: health and wellbeing presentation, dietary
            analysis, youth health issues research project and end of semester exam.

The subject will be offered on a semester basis as - 10OEA for Semester 1 & 10OEB for Semester 2

Course        Outdoor Education examines ways in which experience in the outdoor natural environment
Content:      influences human development. Students examine methods of safe participation in
              outdoor adventure activities in a theoretical setting and through the practical application
              of theoretical concepts covered. The impact that humans have on their immediate
              environmental surrounding is also examined. This includes both the impact of recreational
              and other practices. Strategies humans can use to minimise such impacts are investigated.

Semester 1: Practical Component (Chosen From)              Theory Component (Chosen From)
            1. Surf life saving/surfing                    Water safety/surf awareness
            2. Snorkelling                                 First aid basics
            3. Canoeing                                    Terms & types of outdoor environment
                                                           Media portrayals of nature

Semester 2: Practical Component (Chosen From)              Theory Component (Chosen From)
            1. Bush cooking                                Characteristics of outdoor environment
            2. Mountain bike riding                        Indigenous relationships with the environment
            3. Bushwalking                                 The impact of technology on outdoor
            4. Surfing                                           environments
                                                           Community based environmental action
                                                           Surf safety/awareness and conditions

Assessment: Students are assessed through four methods all of equal weight. These include:
            1. Coursework completed in class
            2. Major projects completed each term
            3. Practical component
            4. Exam

  Page 18

Course       Sport and Recreation - Advance Surfing is specifically aimed at learning about the surfing
Content:     industry, developing personal surfing skills and gaining nationally recognised
             qualifications. These qualifications will include Cert II in Aquatic Rescue and Level 2 First
             Aid. Students will have a pre-requisite to be able to swim 200metres in under five minutes
             as part of the pre test for the SRC certificate. Students will have the option to do further
             study to complete the Level 1 Surf Coach. Students will be required to develop leadership
             roles in assisting and organising outdoor experiences, planning and running surf events
             internally at school and externally on organised camps. Students will complete a Certificate
             III in Sport and Recreation (Surfing) and will also be required to complete a work experience
             component for a full completion of the course. There is a strong practical component of the
             course which will require students to participate in a variety of surf craft activities,
             lifesaving and to develop a wide range of outdoor skills and experiences. This subject is
             aimed specifically at students with an interest in participating in surfing, organising and
             judging surfing events and learning how to coach beginners. You do not need to be a
             great surfer - just to have an interest in the area.

NOTE:        This subject is to be selected both in Semesters 1 & 2.
             Students cannot select ADVANCE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE if choosing this subject

Assessment : Each module can be assessed by several
             different ways, these include:
             1. Tests
             2. Assignment Work
             3. Practical Participation

Camps:       Students will attend a surfing camp
             during the year.


Course      This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop teamwork and team building
Content:    skills, leadership and initiative, community service responsibilities and accredited skill
            development in Surf Life Saving (Bronze Medallion) and Level 2 First Aid. Students will have
            to attend the Bronze Camp as part of this subject and a pre-requite to this is being able to
            swim 400 metres in under nine minutes. Students will also complete the Certificate III in
            Sport and Recreation which is an industry recognised qualification. This course equips
            students with the skills necessary for supervised and assistant level employees in Outdoor
            Education activities. Some of the practical elements of the course include mountain biking,
            surfing, lifesaving, snorkelling, snowboarding, canoeing, rock climbing and sit on top surf

             NOTE: This subject is to be selected both in Semesters 1 and 2. Students cannot select
             ADVANCE SURFING if choosing this subject

Camps:       Students will have the option to participate in several
             camps during the year.

             Snowboarding Camp - approximate cost
             $650-$700, depending on student numbers.

                                                                                                  Page 19
Humanities develops the knowledge and skills already acquired in previous studies and provides an
understanding of the content of subjects which can be studied in VCE: History, Geography, Legal
Studies, Business Management, Accounting, Australian & Global Politics and Economics.

This unit develops students’ knowledge of the history of the twentieth century and the geography of
human and natural environments.

Areas of
Study:        1. History - An overview of significant events of the twentieth century and an in depth
                 study of World War Two, including the causes, events and significance, with an
                 emphasis on Australia’s involvement in the war.

               2. Geography - An introduction to geographic concepts and skills, a study of coastal
                  environments and their management and an examination of how geographers measure
                  and compare human living standards and quality of life.

This unit develops students’ knowledge of the main areas of business studies.

Areas of
Study:        1. Economics - how economic decisions are made and how they affect businesses and

               2. Accounting and business planning for small businesses - developing a business plan and
                  basic accounting skills.

               3. Law - an introduction to the operation of the courts and the legal system, including how
                  the law affects young people.

Assessment: A variety of assessment tools are used to assess students including assignments,
            research projects, topic tests and exam. A grade is recorded for each area of study, tests
            and exam.

   Page 20
                                          Why Study Languages?

Students are encouraged to continue studying a language at Year 10 and onto the VCE level for a variety
of reasons.

Studying a language contributes to the development of higher order thinking skills and it improves a
students understanding of grammar and literacy in the English language.
Learning another language also allows students to develop a better understanding of their own culture as
well as appreciate the cultures of others.

Greater Employment Opportunities
Studying a language opens the doors to greater employment opportunities in fields such as: Tourism and
Hospitality, Engineering, Trade and Commerce, Technology, Education, Art and Design, Health and
Welfare, Journalism, Environmental Sciences , Law and Accounting.
Knowledge Of Other Cultures
Australia is a multicultural society, necessitating the ability to understand the world from the perspectives
of other cultures. Studying a second language will improve understanding and use of English.

Indonesian and Japanese units run for the whole year, students undertake the unit in both
Semesters 1 & 2.

Course        This unit will develop confidence and gain skills in the four main areas of language
Content:      development: listening, reading with understanding, speaking and writing with fluency and
              accuracy. It is a prerequisite that a good pass in Year 9 be obtained in order to participate
              in this unit. It is highly recommended that students intending to study Year 10 Indonesian
              continue their language studies to VCE Indonesian.

Assessment: Students will be assessed in the areas of aural and oral skills, reading comprehension and
            writing in Indonesian. Areas of study covered will be 'Impian' - dreams and hopes,
            'Kesehatan' - health and nutrition, 'Cerita' - story telling and stories. Students will continue
            to use their Year 9 textbook and workbook: 'Dari Kami ke Kita'. Students will have the
            opportunity to participate in experiences with native speakers and Indonesian

                                                                                                   Page 21

Course        By the end of Year 10, students will be able to use written and spoken Japanese to
Content:      interact with peers, the teacher and other Japanese speakers to exchange information
              and opinions about personal interests and experiences. With support, students share
              information about broader topics of interest, such as education, travel, sport, teenage
              life and popular culture.

              The course will help students to develop their skills to:
               become more fluent and accurate in spoken and written language production
               compare, analyse and reflect on their understandings of Japanese language and culture
              and of their own language(s) and culture(s)
               use Japanese to communicate and interact
               understand sound variation in the pronunciation of borrowed words
               explore and produce a range of texts associated with different contexts and analyse
              information and concepts relevant to their social, cultural and communicative interests.

Assessment: Students will be assessed in the areas of Oral Communication, Listening and Reading
            Comprehension, Written Production and Intercultural Language Learning

              N.B.    See Languages Learning Area Chart next page

   Page 22
                       YEAR 7                        YEAR 7
                      JAPANESE                    INDONESIAN

                       YEAR 8                        YEAR 8
                      JAPANESE                    INDONESIAN

                       YEAR 9                        YEAR 9
                      JAPANESE                    INDONESIAN

                      YEAR 10                        YEAR 10
                      JAPANESE                    INDONESIAN

             VCE                                       VCE
           JAPANESE                               INDONESIAN

                              Add the times of day to make formal
                           greetings: “Selamat pagi”: “Good morning.”
                             “Selamat siang“: “Good day.” “Selamat
                            malam“: “Good evening”. “Selamat jalan“:
                                   “Safe journey!” (Goodbye).

                                                                        Page 23
This is a core subject offered in two levels, which provide the essential skills for various avenues of further
study. Alternatively advanced students may take VCE General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 (see next page).

               Students are required to choose (in consultation with their Year 9 Mathematics teacher)
               one of the following three:

               Year 10 Mathematics Fundamental
               Year 10 Mathematics Mainstream
               VCE General Mathematics

Course        In Fundamental Mathematics, the emphasis is on consolidation of the previous years'
Content:      experiences and development of skills studied in Year 9 Mainstream Mathematics.

              Students may continue studying Fundamental Mathematics through to Year 12.

Course        In Mainstream Mathematics, the emphasis is on preparing students for extended study in
Content:      mathematics. For students who have done very well in Mainstream or SEAL Year 9
              Mathematics, the basic concepts of maths are considerably extended.

               Students considering studying mathematics at tertiary level should undertake Mainstream
               Mathematics or VCE General Mathematics.
Topics         Both Year 10 Fundamental and Mainstream levels have a common core of basic concepts
Covered:       which is extended further in the Mainstream level.

               Trigonometry                     Geometry
               Indices                          Algebra
               Business Mathematics             Measurement
               Graphs                           Statistics

Assessment: Assessment will be made by unit tests, projects, homework, assignments and exams.

   Page 24
              General Mathematics is offered to provide further extension for students who have
              completed (SEAL) accelerated maths classes in middle school or who are highly capable
              advanced mathematics students. Students considering studying higher mathematics
              at tertiary level should undertake VCE General Mathematics.

              VCE General Mathematics is taken instead of Year 10 Fundamental or Mainstream

Areas         Univariate and Bivariate Statistics       Financial Mathematics
of Study:     Graphs                                    Variation
              Matrices                                  Algebra
              Measurement                               Trigonometry
              Networks                                  Recursion

Assessment: S or N will be awarded depending upon satisfactory achievement of the outcomes in
            each unit.

Course       This is a semester-based elective subject offered to students who wish to study a Maths
Content:     Science course at VCE and beyond (Science, Medicine, Engineering etc), as well as
             students who enjoy studying Mathematics. Students will be provided with the essential
             skills for study of higher levels of Mathematics at VCE and into various tertiary courses.
             It is expected that students successfully completing this course will choose Mathematical
             Methods Units 1 & 2 and strongly consider Specialist Mathematics Units 1 & 2 in their
             first VCE year.

Topics       Linear equations                           Linear relations
Covered      Functions and relations                    Surds, Exponential functions & Logarithms
will be a    Gallery of graphs                          Circular functions
selection    Introduction to Calculus                   Problem Solving / Investigations

Assessment: Assessment will be made by unit tests, assignments and exams.

                                                                                              Page 25
Year 10 Science is a core subject. There are two semesters of work, each with a different emphasis.
It is preferred that each semester is studied separately; occasionally students will complete them both in
one semester.

Students are to choose either Mainstream Science - 10SIL and 10SIM or Advanced - 10SAL and 10SAM

               This unit of study prepares students for further study in Biology, Psychology and
               Environmental Science.

               Students identify heritable characteristics and how they are handed down through the
               generations through the role of genes and the function of DNA. The diversity of life on
               earth is examined and students discover how individuals and species change over time
               through natural selection. The evidence for evolution is explored by examining scientific
               evidence such as the fossil record. The earliest life forms, the existing descendants and
               microbes, are also investigated.

               By exploring galaxies, stars and solar systems and the Big Bang Theory, the origins and
               future of the universe are discovered. Global Warming and Climate Change will be
               investigated through an understanding of the energy and nutrient cycles.
               Through practical investigations students explore how these concepts affect our
               understanding of life and where humans fit within the universe.

Assessment: 1.   Written Tests
            2.   Practical Reports
            3.   Extended Practical Investigations
            4.   Assignments
            5.   Exam

               This unit prepares students for further study in Biology, Psychology and Environmental
               Science at a higher level than the SIL course.

               Students examine the basis of life including inheritance, genetics and genetic engineering,
               how these processes work, and the impact of new genetic understanding and
               biotechnology. Through practical investigations students explore how this affects our
               understanding of life.

               Students discover how individuals and species change through evolution, and what this
               means for our future. The interactions of ecosystems, energy cycles and nutrient cycles
               lead into investigations of what effects the environment has on the future.

               The diversity of microbes and their adaptability are studied.

               Life on other planets, the history of stars, and the theory of the Big Bang, all form part of
               the study of the universe.

Assessment: 1.   Written Tests
            2.   Practical Reports
            3.   Extended Practical Investigations
            4.   Assignments
            5.   Exam

   Page 26

Course       10SIM is intended to prepare students for study of Physics and Chemistry in VCE.
             This unit of study explains the properties of everyday materials in terms of particles and
             the forces holding them together.
             Through practical investigations, students explore ideas as to how chemicals are grouped
             together according to their behaviour and summarise different kinds of chemical reactions.
             Students will learn about electricity and the design of electrical circuits. The function of
             magnets, electromagnets and their fields will also be explored.
             Students will have the opportunity to formulate their own hypotheses and plan and
             conduct investigations in order to explain the relationships between force, mass and
             movement using qualitative and quantitative data.

Assessment: 1.   Written Tests
            2.   Practical Reports
            3.   Extended Practical Investigations
            4.   Assignments
            5.   Exam


            10SAM is Advanced Materials Science and is intended to prepare students for study of
            Physics and Chemistry in VCE.

            This unit of study explains the chemistry of reactions, looking at the reaction process
            through equations, comparison of reactants and products and calculations of ratios of
            materials. Properties of materials are related to the electron structure of elements and

            Students will learn about electricity and the design of electrical circuits. The function of
            magnets, electromagnets and their fields will also be explored.

            Newton’s laws of motion are investigated with a focus on acceleration and the application
            of vectors to forces.

            Students will have the opportunity to formulate their own hypotheses and plan and
            conduct investigations in order to explain the chemical and physical relationships of

Assessment: 1.   Written Tests
            2.   Practical Reports
            3.   Extended Practical Investigations
            4.   Assignments
            5.   Exam

                                                                                                    Page 27

Course        This elective focuses on developing students’ understanding of presentation techniques
Content:      while writing a blog, developing knowledge of object orientated programming with C#
              and working with databases.

Assessment: 1. Web Communication blog

              2. Game Development project

              3. Database project

              The completion of these assessment tasks will allow students to display their knowledge
              of Investigation, Design, Production and Evaluation skills and techniques.

Note:         This elective requires the use of a micro SD card that can store at least 8GB of space.
              It is also recommended that students use laptops for this class.

   Page 28
Course       This unit aims to introduce students to the basics of the fashion industry, drawing and
Content:     design. Students will learn to construct garments to individual measurements using
             commercial patterns and learn complex sewing techniques for construction. Students will
             investigate sustainability issues, current fashions and fashion designers, along with fibres
             and fabrics.

             1.   Research investigation into fibres and sustainability issues
             2.   Design folio of processes and techniques
             3.   Production - making two or three products
             4.   Evaluation - evaluating the design process and material suitability

Note:        Students to bring a drawstring bag from home. Most fabrics and notions will be provided by
             the school.

Assessment: Assessment will be based on the design process stages of Investigation, Generating,
            Planning, Production and Evaluation for each project.

Course       This unit aims to introduce students to the fashion industry. Students will explore the
Content:     basics of fashion merchandising, fashion blogs and fashion websites. Students will design,
             produce and evaluate a range of practical products that could be suitable to sell in the
             marketplace. Students will further develop construction skills of textile products and then
             evaluate their effectiveness.

             1.   Research into Fashion Trends and Merchandising
             2.   Design Folio
             3.   Production - making a range of practical products
             4.   Evaluation and effectiveness of marketing potential

Assessment: Assessment will be based on design folio, research work tasks and producing a suitable
            range of marketable products.

                                                                                                  Page 29
Course       International Cooking allows students to explore the cuisines of various countries and to
Content:     appreciate how these have impacted on contemporary eating patterns in Australia.
             Knowledge of various processes and ingredients key to these cuisines will be utilised as
             students develop and trial a modern recipe of their own.

                 Cooking of nutritious multicultural foods
                 Factors that influence personal food choices
                 Current trends in foods - diet and health issues
                 The design process

Assessment: 1. Design Project
            2. Production Planning
            3. Production/Cooking
                 - Safety
                 - Method
                 - Finish
            4. Production Evaluations

Course        This elective focuses on developing students' understanding of the principles of hygienic
Course:       and safe preparation of food. Students will examine preservation, preparation,
              presentation, sensory properties and sustainability of food. They will apply this knowledge
              to creating food solutions for healthy eating.

                 The design process
                 Safety and hygiene
                 Properties of key foods
                 Organisation and time management

Assessment: 1. Design Project
            2. Production Planning
            3. Production/Cooking
                - Safety
                - Method
                - Finish
            4. Production Evaluations

  Page 30

Course        This course will develop skills and knowledge in using a variety of materials and machines
Content:      common in an engineering and sheet-metal workshop. Students will complete one major
              design project and two minor skill development projects. They will use CAD to produce
              working drawings of their designs and laser cut some components.

              The major project has four phases - Investigate, Design, Produce and Evaluate.
              This is commonly referred to as the Technology Process.

Assessment: Students will produce a design folio which will be assessed along with their final production


Course        Year 10 Woodwork seeks to develop design ideas that are aesthetically pleasing.
Content:      Various species of timber are used and basic construction techniques are explored.
              The two products that are completed in Year 10 are the serving tray and chopping board
              or kitchenware product and a jewellery box.

              Safe use of hand and power tools are demonstrated. Students work through investigating
              existing products on the market and designing their own plan for production. When
              complete, students evaluate their work.

Assessment: 1.   Investigation – Existing products
            2.   Design – Initial ideas, plans
            3.   Production - construction, safety, finish
            4.   Evaluation

                                                                                                  Page 31
TERM DATES FOR 2021-2022
                              Term 1: 27 January (teachers start) to 1 April
                                     Term 2: 19 April 1to 25 June
                                   Term 3: 12 July to 17 September
                                  Term 4: 4 October to 17 December

                              Term 1: 28 January (teachers start) to 8 April
                                       Term 2: 26 April to 24 June
                                   Term 3: 11 July to 16 September
                                  Term 4: 3 October to 20 December

     “Achieving Success in a Caring and Creative Environment”

2 McKenzie Street
Wonthaggi 3995
Phone: (03) 5611 4000
Postal Address: PO Box 119, Wonthaggi 3995
Email Address:

     An electronic copy of this handbook is available from the Wonthaggi Secondary College website:
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