CHARTER 2019 COBHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Achieving For Life He Kahurangi t ō tangata me t ō pono

Page created by Edna Mack
CHARTER 2019 COBHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Achieving For Life He Kahurangi t ō tangata me t ō pono

         CHARTER ​2019
              Achieving For Life
    He Kahurangi t​ō​ tangata me tō​ ​ pono
CHARTER 2019 COBHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Achieving For Life He Kahurangi t ō tangata me t ō pono

                                                                  THIS DOCUMENT
This Charter documents the strategies and targets formulated to meet our school’s determination for continuous improvement in meeting the needs of our students.
It combines the regulatory requirements by the Ministry of Education (e.g., National Educational Goals (NEGs) and the National Administration Guidelines (NAGs)),
with school values and principles. It is a living document—on-going review will ensure its utility, implementation, and modification as necessary.

                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction to the School                                                                                                                                     3
Principles                                                                                                                                                     6
Vision and Values                                                                                                                                             11
 Strategic Vision 2018-2020                                                                                                                                   14
Annual Action Plan (2019)                                                                                                                                     15
Processes and Reporting                                                                                                                                       30
Student Achievement Targets 2019                                                                                                                              34
Summary                                                                                                                                                       45

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CHARTER 2019 COBHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Achieving For Life He Kahurangi t ō tangata me t ō pono

                                                       INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHOOL
 Cobham Intermediate School is one of the largest intermediate schools in the South Island, and has a reputation around New Zealand as a school with students
 that excel in a wide range of cultural, academic and sporting events. This is confirmed in the latest Education Review Office (ERO) report

                                                            GENERAL INFORMATION
 School type          State co-educational intermediate School (Years 7, 8 ), Ministry of Education school 3323.
 Established          February 1963
 Name                 Cobham Intermediate School​—originally named Fendalton Intermediate School, but with another Fendalton School in the area the
                      then governor-general of New Zealand—John William Leonard Lyttelton, Viscount Cobham (1943–2006)—allowed the school to
                      use his name
 Address              294 Ilam Road, Fendalton, Christchurch
 Motto                Achieving for Life
 Logo                 (as below)
 Decile rating        8 (​see​ ​​)
 Roll                 691
 2019 Prospectus
 Cultural diversity   European (59%), Asian (18%), Māori (8%), Pasifika (2%), other (13%)

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CHARTER 2019 COBHAM INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL - Achieving For Life He Kahurangi t ō tangata me t ō pono

Logo​: This richly textured design has 3 swirls representing the 3 baskets of knowledge. The steps represent the steps to higher learning, and the water shows
tranquillity and calmness. The Waimakariri River is represented, as are the Canterbury Plains. A mountain (Mt Cook/ Aoraki) is also shown with the long white cloud
of New Zealand/Aotearoa and the stars depict the Southern Cross and the Pointers. The fading of colours from dark to light, and back to dark, represents the children
entering our school not really knowing what is in store for them, then everything becomes clear. They move back into darkness unsure of what the future holds.
 Finally they move from the tranquillity of the water to reach for the stars and their dreams.

Associated with the logo is the phrase ​He Kahurangi t​ō​ tangata me t​ō​ pono​ (people of honesty and integrity).

Cobham empowers students to live the school motto ​Achieving for Life. T​ his is indicated by the successes of our past students, who have gone on to excel in the areas
such as politics, business, music, sports, innovation and the media , among many others.

Not only do we celebrate the success of many excellent past students, Cobham is named after Lord Viscount Cobham, a former Governor General, an innovator and
who among other achievements was involved in the establishment of Outward Bound.

We expect each student reach their potential through quality learning and teaching with specialist teachers who understand the unique needs of emerging
adolescents. Our sole focus at Cobham is achieving this for this specific age group. There are 3 key aspects to this.

1.   We place an emphasis on individuals. It is important to us that our students can be themselves and develop in their own unique ways. We value students being
     known by teachers within the teams they are clustered in and by staff across the school. These connections allow them to flourish and grow as individuals.

2.   Secondly, we place an emphasis on achievement. Our record in local, regional, national and international competitions and events is outstanding. Students are
     encouraged to achieve personal goals, and to reach the highest achievement levels possible.

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3.   Finally, Cobham has a wide variety of opportunities outside the classroom. We are recognised and well regarded for our music programmes and the performing
     arts in general, along with a history of success in local, regional and national sporting events. Families choose Cobham for the opportunities on offer.

The cultural and arts opportunities are both diverse and rich and include: a Kapa ​haka ​group, rock bands, orchestra, chamber orchestra, ukulele orchestra, chorale,
choir, dance groups and a variety of ​itinerant ​music teachers​. ​A biennial production is a ​much-anticipated tradition in ​our school, along with annual participation ​in
both ​the ​Christchurch Schools' Cultural and Music Festivals.

Cobham Intermediate has purpose-built facilities such as our Science Centre, the Hayley Westenra Music Suite and Performing Arts Centre, along with our ​large
gymnasium/hall, four ​technology rooms, ​24 classrooms, well-presented administration area, a ​library ​and various ancillary spaces. These ​buildings ​are ​nestled
amongst ​park-like ​grounds with beautiful trees and gardens, open field spaces and a lovely stream flowing alongside the boundary.

Cobham Intermediate is characterised by its commitment to promote:

●    Engagement, progress and achievement.
●    Strong links with our community.
●    Our 3RP@C values – Respect, Responsible, Resilient and Positive.
●    A rich curriculum founded on the New Zealand Curriculum principles and values, (together with our 3RP@C values) that has a balance of integration and
     individual, specialist curriculum rigour.
●    Opportunities across cultural and sporting experiences.
●    Effective use of information and communication technologies.

Cobham Intermediate is an outstanding learning environment and is at an exciting phase. The Connected @ Cobham programme ensures each student is given a
“tool-box” of skills and attributes that will enable them to be a connected life long learner. The programme ensures all students are supported with appropriate
resourcing to develop a clear understanding of their personal well-being.

Some years ago the Ministry of Education announced that Cobham Intermediate was to be co-located with Burnside Primary School and a satellite unit associated
with Allenvale School. As part of this Cobham will have the opportunity to rebuild our school during 2021-2023 and we are excited about providing NZ ‘s newest
intermediate school which has a mix of both traditional and flexible learning environments specifically designed for early adolescents.

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We are proud of our recent work and current status in terms of Community Engagement, the Treaty of Waitangi, Cultural Diversity and Inclusion. At Cobham we have
outstanding, authentic relationships with all stakeholders. Our curriculum review in 2018 involved all stakeholders with specific, Maori, Pasifika and student reference
groups. Alongside these groups generic questionnaires were widely circulated. We were pleased with the responses from our community and these responses both
enhanced and endorsed our current curriculum. There is clear evidence of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) principles in our strategic plan, in our school culture
and through teaching and learning programmes. Community engagement is a feature of our school.

We have strong relationships with the range of groups that make up our school. From Whanau Hui, Pasifika Fono, cultural diversity groups, Maori leaders and
cultural leaders, all groups have voice and their views contribute to the direction on the school. Specific actions sit behind these groups with clear action plans for
both Maori and Pasifika groups, literacy and numeracy programmes for both targeted and priority learners that focus on accelerated learning and specific culturally
responsive practices in all aspects of our school. We know that all learners are immersed in an environment to succeed.

The New Zealand Curriculum Principles are also the key driver in our developed Framework for Engagement, Progress and Achievement. This provides clarity around
how we structure teaching and learning at Cobham starting with the Principles, Values, Thinking Skills and finally the content. Teachers and students move from the
outside to the centre and then back again as they progress through their teaching and learning, but it takes away the focus on the content and places it at the heart
of the skills, qualities and dispositions we are striving for our students to acquire.

The New Zealand Curriculum sets 8 principles, which are to underpin decision making and the continual development of the Cobham Intermediate curriculum

Treaty of Waitangi
Cobham Intermediate acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. When developing policies and
practices for Cobham Intermediate every endeavour will be made to reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity including the unique position of Māori.

1.       The school provides cultural learning experiences through an active Kapa haka group. This has grown from 40 students in 2013 to over 100 students in 2018.
         This group performs with precision, passion and pride at school events and participates in the Christchurch Schools’ Cultural Festival, they perform with the
         Burnside High School Kapa Haka group and they will perform at a Cluster Cultural Festival this year. This group is taught by a well respected tutor from outside
         the school.

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2.        Students learn an elementary level of tikanga and Te Reo Māori at Cobham Intermediate School. All classes and teachers use Te Reo on a daily basis through
          simple commands and daily karakia. (Karakia are of a secular nature.) Karakia are used at the beginning and the end of assemblies.

3.        From 2019 all new students to Cobham will learn and understand the school’s pepeha.

4.        Our Code, Our Standards ​has clear links and expectations for kaiako around the Treaty of Waitangi. Through the Maori Achievement Collaborative and the
          school’s appraisal expectations staff understand the importance of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and their expectations as educators.

5.        Teachers use resources in the curriculum (especially reading, maths, science, social studies, art, music, and health and PE) that recognize New Zealand’s dual
          cultural heritage.

6.        Tikanga and Te Reo Māori is integrated through all curriculum areas.

7.        Expert teachers - we have two expert Te Reo teachers in our school, one who has just returned from a year long total immersion course.

8.        The first hui for parents and whānau of our Māori students is due to take place in March. The purpose of this is to discuss the achievement and educational
          success of our students identified as Māori, to address the school’s commitment to and honouring of Māori culture, to authentically seek the aspirations of our
          whanau and to collaboratively plan for improved engagement and progress for our Māori students.

9.        Reports to the Board of Trustees on student achievement include a separate analysis of Māori student achievement, where practicable. The BoT will receive
          reports on Maori achievement on a termly basis.

10.       School learning facilities and the library offer a range of resources to assist in the teaching and learning of Te Reo and reflect our cultural diversity.

11.       A ​Maori Achievement Plan has been developed in collaboration with and acknowledging the aspirations of staff, students, whānau and iwi to plan and
          implement actions to work towards our overarching goal “We will utilise culturally responsive practices to ensure that educational programmes are accessible,
          equitable and responsive to the learning aspirations of our Māori learners, whānau and Ngāi Tūāhuriri hapū as mana whenua”.

12.       There is a school wide expectation that cultural practices that reflect Maori language and culture are part of daily practices. For example school karakia are
          carried out on a daily basis in every class and also in assemblies and staff meetings, school waiata, everyday conversational te reo Māori spoken by staff
          members and mihi whakatau used to welcome all manuhiri. All new students and staff are welcomed with a mihi whakatau at the beginning of each term.

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13.       In 2018 Te Reo assemblies were trialled. From 2019 we will host a one Te Reo assembly per term, where the entire assembly is conducted in Maori - with
          English subtitles.

If whānau requests a higher level of tikanga and/or te reo than is presently evident in our school’s Māori programme, the staff and family will discuss and explore the
following options:

1. Further explanation of existing programmes

2. Further extension of existing programmes if and as possible

3. Combine with a neighbouring school for parts of the day/programme

4. Provide in-school support and resources to further enhance inclusion of te reo and tikanga Māori within the student’s classroom

5. Explore other schools which may offer programmes closer to their expectations

6. Use of community expertise (people and places) to help with any of the above

Cultural Diversity

Cobham ​Intermediate is proudly multicultural school with 25 ethnicities represented on our roll. We value this and enjoy and embrace the richness this brings to our
school. Our revered curriculum reflects New ​Zealand's ​cultural diversity, and values the histories ​and ​traditions ​of all ​people. ​Priority is ​placed ​on ​including ​aspects of
the ​school's proud local ​history, ​and recognition ​of the cultures represented ​within ​the ​school community.

At Cobham ​Intermediate ​School ​we cater for ​a ​range ​of cultures ​through:

1.        Being a signatory ​to the ​Code of ​Practice for the ​Pastoral Care of ​International ​Students​. ​We host both short term and long term international students. We
          employ ​an international ​student ​coordinator ​and ​translators.

2.        We employ an ESOL specialist for four days per week and ​run ​effective ​programmes for ​our ESOL students and ​migrant ​and ​refugee ​students.

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3.       One of our Deputy Principal’s ​has been a contributor to the MoE’s Making Language and Learning Work series, a member of the ESOL online advisory team and
         a participant in the English Language Learning Progressions sector group meetings. He supports staff in developing teaching practices, which are inclusive of
         students from diverse language and cultural backgrounds.

4.       We ​hold international ​language weeks, cultural ​lunches, ​cultural ​weeks, we have cultural leaders ​and specific ​professional development for ​staff​.

5.       We are part of the Asian Language Learning in Schools (ALLiS) Burnside Cluster. All Year 8 students at Cobham are exposed to Mandarin with the help of
         Mandarin Learning Assistants. Korean is taught to all Year 7 students with the help of a Korean learning assistant.

High Expectations

We have a dynamic curriculum that supports and empowers all students to learn and achieve personal excellence, regardless of their individual circumstances. The
Board provides staffing and resources above MoE funding levels to support extra programmes of learning support and extension for numerous students. Positive
Behaviour For Learning (PB4L) has had a significant impact in improving our expectations. This year we will be consolidating Tier 2 of this programme. We have a
well regarded school-wide behaviour management plan that includes a rewards/incentives programme, certificates and awards. The parent community is largely one
that has high expectations that children will achieve success through stimulating learning programmes, a range of opportunities and quality teaching. Our students
tell us that they believe that at Cobham there is a culture of high expectation, effort, achievement and success.


Cobham Intermediate has school policies that ensure the unconditional focus on the growth, progress and high educational achievement of each and every unique
student. All school policies ensure that students’ identities, languages, abilities, and talents are recognised and affirmed, and that their learning needs are addressed.
The rich curriculum mirrors school policies - recognising and affirming languages, differences and needs. We are an inclusive school. Through standardised surveys
like ​Me and My School and the new ​Well-Being @ School su    ​ rvey students from across our diverse school tell us that they feel happy, safe, included and a part of the
school community. Across numerous indicators in these surveys we perform above national norms. The Well-Being Survey outcomes from previous years have
helped formulate aspects of the Connected@C programmes.

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Learning to Learn

Cobham Intermediate has a well developed curriculum and assessment practices that encourage all students to reflect on their own learning processes. Formative
assessment practices are used, and teachers include regular individual student goal setting as part of teaching and learning programmes. Students have ownership of
their learning, including knowing and understanding what they need to do to make progress.

Community Engagement

Cobham Intermediate has a rich curriculum that has meaning for students, connects with their wider lives, and engages the support of their families, whanau, and the
wider community. Parents are active participants in the daily school life, but this can prove a little difficult with intermediate age students developing their
independence. The parent community is regularly consulted and informed through newsletters, parent meetings, open forums, information evenings, and social
activities. Our engaging website is informative for students, parents and the wider community.

Future Focus

The curriculum challenges students to look to the future by exploring future-focused issues like sustainability, citizenship, enterprise, and globalisation. Cobham
Intermediate runs a successful Future Problem Solving programme and often has students qualify for the national championships. Annually, we consistently have a
presence at the World Future Problem Solving Finals in the United States of America.

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                                                                       VISION AND VALUES
Continuously improve our specialist environment ensuring every Cobham student is provided with a fit for life educational experience delivered by inspired,
passionate and skilled teachers.


Respect, Responsible, Resilient, Positive at Cobham. These work in collaboration with the values stated in the New Zealand Curriculum and are infused into all aspects
of our school’s culture and approach to teaching and learning. These fundamentally underlie our vision and the Cobham ethos.

In addition, the Board of Trustees and the Principal enforce a specific Code of Conduct in relation to their own activities and functions. ​Members of the Board will:​

1.        Ensure that the needs of the students and their learning are given full consideration when planning, resourcing and implementing the school’s curriculum.

2.        Ensure that all students are provided with an education which respects their individuality and which challenges them to reach the highest standards of
          personal achievement.

3.        Serve their school and their community to the best of their ability and be honest, reliable, trustworthy, loyal and fair.

4.        Act with fairness and integrity in all matters concerning staff, the principal, parents and students.

5.        Maintain the confidentiality and trust vested in them.

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6.        Ensure strict confidentiality of papers and information related to the Board’s position as employer.

7.        Ensure that individual trustees do not act independently of the Board and its decisions.

8.        Accept that the Principal is the professional leader of the school who is responsible to the Board.

The Principal will also​:
1.        Ensure that the needs of the students and their learning are given full consideration in planning, resourcing and implementing the school’s curriculum.

2.        Show commitment to the belief that each student is of equal value and is entitled to an education which respects her/his individuality and challenges her/him
          to reach her/his highest standards of personal achievement.

3.        Be loyal to the charter and fully committed to achieving its purpose, aims and objectives.

4.        Act fairly and with integrity in all matters concerning staff, members of the Board of Trustees, parents and students, and show a commitment to the continuing
          development of the staff’s professional skills.

5.        Work cooperatively with school staff, but take final responsibility for decisions within the Principal’s authority as delegated by the Board.

6.        Provide all information about a student to any person with legal rights to the information who requests it and respect confidentiality by keeping information
          about a student from people who have no right to it.

7.        Not vote in Board of Trustees’ decisions in relation to the Principal’s employment.

National Administration Goals:
●    In meeting the national and local priorities, the school undertakes to work within the National Administration Guidelines framework.

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                                            WAIMAIRI-IRI COMMUNITY OF LEARNING
Cobham Intermediate is part of the Waimairi -iri Community of Learning (CoL) and has been since the latter part of 2017. The CoL is made up of 15
schools within the North-West of Christchurch and caters for over 5000 learners.

The CoL has a number of achievement challenges that all schools work towards. The challenges have a clear focus on the well-being of all learners and
there are clear links from these to Cobham’s strategic and annual plans.

Waimairi-iri Learning Challenges​.

   ● To identify the wellbeing of all tamariki in order to support and improve the wellbeing status across the Kāhui Ako.
   ● To promote a positive learning environment by being culturally responsive through valuing language, culture and identity whilst recognising the
     unique bi-cultural partnership in Aotearoa.
   ● Promote collaborative teaching and learning in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning through the process of inquiry across the
     Kahui Ako.

Associated with the Learning Challenges, the CoL have access to appropriate professional development opportunities for staff. The CoL has secured
significant hours of professional development from approved providers and this year Cobham will access supports for mathematics teaching, our
inquiry teams will be given guidance, those responsible for culturally responsive practices will have supports, we have access to the Maori Achievement
Collaborative and we expect guidance in literacy. The resource attached to the CoL is of benefit to the staff and students of Cobham Intermediate.

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                                                          STRATEGIC VISION

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                                                                       ANNUAL PLAN
ERO Process Indicators

The process indicators below describe practices and processes that contribute to school effectiveness and improvement. They are organised in six key domains that
work together to promote equity and excellence in student outcomes. They will assist schools to identify areas in which changes are needed. (ERO 2016)

        Key          Process Indicators
     Domain 1:       Stewardship

     Domain 2:       Leadership of conditions for equity and excellence

     Domain 3:        Educationally powerful connections and relationships

     Domain 4:       Responsive curriculum, effective teaching and opportunity to learn

     Domain 5:       Professional capability and collective capacity

     Domain 6:       Evaluation, inquiry and knowledge building for improvement and innovation.

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Strategic Area 1 - Quality - ​“We are connected to every student’s personal journey of achievement allowing us to
proactively respond to their needs and monitor their well being”

Focus/ERO Domain                    Actions                                                  Responsibility               Completed By   Review & Future Focus

1. Connected @ C                        ●     Conduct the annual NZCER Well-Being in         Connected @ C                Term 2
                                              school survey and collate comparative data.    Champions,
Domain 3 : Educationally powerful       ●     Analyse data from survey and action.           All staff
connections and relationships           ●     Conduct Waimairi-ir CoL istudent               Deputy Principal
                                                                                                                                         T1 Y7 orientation to PB4L,
                                              engagement hacks to
                                        ●     Establish Tuakana Teina mentoring
                                              programme across the school for new cohort
                                              in term 1.
                                        ●     Maintain daily connecting time within
                                        ●     Students can identify two people they could
                                              approach to support them.
                                        ●     Align the Mana Ake support workers with
                                              the Connected @ C systems and structures.      All staff/deputy principal
                                        ●     Identify and facilitate students who would
                                              benefit from counselling/support.
                                        ●     Ensure all classes have lessons with the

2. Community of Learning (CoL)          ●     Access CoL resource for external supports in   Deputy Principals &          Term 2
Waimairi-iri                                  culturally responsive practices, mathematics
                                              and literacy.

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Domain 5: Professional capability       ●   Access CoL resource to assist with Teaching     Curriculum leaders
and collective capacity                     as Inquiry.
                                        ●   Access CoL resource to work alongside New
                                            Zealand Council for Education Research
                                            (NZCER) to gain deeper understanding of
                                            Well-being survey.
                                        ●   Manage relationships and involvement of
                                            staff in relation to CoL time expectations.

3. Code of Conduct                      ●   Review Code of Conduct with staff at            Principal                February
                                            beginning of the year.
Domain 1: Stewardship                   ●   Include Code of Conduct as part of induction                             Ongoing
                                            process for all new staff.
                                        ●   Review ​Keeping Cobham Teachers Safe            IT team
                                            Expectations w​ ith all staff.                                           February

4. Reflecting on and evaluating     ●   Utilise the ‘Teaching as Inquiry’ model (P35 NZC)   Deputy Principals Team   Ongoing
teaching practice                       and ‘The Spiral of Inquiry​’ Timperley, Kaser and   Leaders Suzie Gould
                                        Halbert 2014​ to assist with the evaluation of      (CORE Education)
Domain 5: Professional capability       teaching and learning programmes.
and collective capacity             ●   Enter stage 2 of work with Suzie Gould from
                                        CORE Education. Focus to be on further
                                        development of ‘Teaching as Inquiry’ leadership
                                        and goal setting related to inquiries with team
                                    ●   Arrange PD for staff around actions which the
                                        2018 PLG’s determined will facilitate improved
                                        outcomes for students.
                                    ●   Leaders of the PLD groups for 2019 consolidate
                                        their experience and expertise around use of
                                        ‘The Spiral of Inquiry’ :

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                                               ● Connected at Cobham
                                               ● PB4L
                                               ● Literacy
                                               ● Mathematics
                                         ●    Culturally responsive practice and the new
                                              digital technology curriculum become new PLG
                                              groups in 2019.

5. Devices- programmes growing                                                                   Towards Transformation   Ongoing
teacher capacity                     ●       Assist teachers to use a teaching as inquiry        team.
                                             approach to deliver a quality programme that
Domain 4 : Professional capability           integrates iPads into teaching and learning.
and collective capacity              ●       Increase teacher confidence and competence
                                             with the use of iPads and digital technology as
                                             teaching and learning tools.

6. Pasifika / Māori​ ​Engagement     ●       Ensure students are engaging in quality learning    Deputy Principal         Term 3-4
and achievement                              programmes.                                         All Staff
                                     ●       Ensure all students are given equal opportunities
Domain 2: Leadership of conditions           to achieve.
for equity and excellence            ●       Ensure all staff know the school’s pepeha.
                                     ●       Ensure all staff understand and can unpack the
                                             Treaty of Waitangi with the relevance to
                                     ●       Provide opportunity for all staff to see, touch
                                             and feel school’s pepeha.
                                     ●       Introduce gifted and talented Pasifika and Māori
                                             elements to entrance test.
                                     ●       Collect and collate data to be reported to the
                                             BoT via actions plans at the end of each term.
                                     ●       Update Pasifika ​Action Plan
                                     ●       Update Māori ​Action Plan
                                     ●       Complete ​Māori Achievement Collaborative​.

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7. Appraisal                        ●   Maintain a consistent and robust appraisal            All Staff             Ongoing
                                        process across the school.                            Team Leaders
Domain 6: Evaluation, inquiry and   ●   Review the Cobham Quality Practice Document.          Deputy Principals
knowledge a.     ing for            ●   Construct a diagrammatic of the school’s
improvement and innov                   appraisal process.
                                    ●   Moderate and model the quality of teacher
                                    ●   Conduct and document evidence of formal
                                        professional conversations between team
                                        leaders and teachers each term, including
                                        discussion on priority learners and target
                                    ●   Conduct classroom observations.
                                    ●   Include the following objectives in all teacher
                                            Completion of one Nearpod lesson per
                                            Completion of all Digital Literacy lessons in
                                            Term 1.
                                            Digital Literacy lessons to be assessed
                                            Collation of all ICT reports by the ICT leader.
                                            Completion of the Digital Passport by all
                                            teaching staff.
                                            Active ‘Google Classrooms’ for Home and
                                            Maths classes.
                                            Hail articles written a minimum of once a

8. Strengthening the curriculum     ●   Implement Cobham’s new 2019 integrated                Reading and Writing   Term 2-4
                                        curriculum.                                           Leaders

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Domain 4: Responsive curriculum,     ●   Selected members of teaching teams are            Leadership Team
effective teaching and opportunity       involved in concept/inquiry master planning
                                         each term.                                        Deputy Principal, Sophie
to learn                             ●   Continue to consolidate the use of SOLO           Crawford, Nadia van Vliet
                                         processes within curriculum areas.                Julie Mills
                                     ●   Consolidate the Cobham curriculum into one
                                         document. (e)
                                     ●    Have our curriculum critiqued by an external
                                     ●    Work with Damon Ratai, MAC facilitator to
                                          develop authentic approaches to the infusing
                                          Māori​ cultural content into our curriculum.
                                     ●    Consider the notion of ngākau (from the heart)
                                          in the above.

9. Moderation practices              ●   Ensure that team leaders and the SLT              Learning Teams              Ongoing
                                         effectively conduct assessment and overall        Leadership Team
Domain 5: Professional capability        judgement moderation.
and collective capacity              ●   Develop a moderation plan which will prepare
                                         teachers for curriculum level assessment in
                                     ●   Investigate use of the PacT tool for the above.
                                     ●   Timetable team moderation meetings
                                         throughout the year.
                                     ●   Conduct at least two full- staff writing
                                         moderation sessions in 2019.

10. Student success                  ●   Continue to build all students’ understanding     Deputy Principal            Term 2
                                         and ownership of their own learning, progress                                 Term 4
Domain 2: Leadership of conditions       and achievement. (e)
                                     ●   Establish a Cobham Graduate Profile that

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for equity and excellence                 includes cultural and tribal aspirations.
                                      ●   Ensure that all students can articulate at least
                                          two learning goals at anytime during their
                                          Cobham education.
                                      ●   Assist teachers to utilise SOLO taxonomy for the
                                          identification of next learning steps in inquiry
                                      ●   Link transition data with systems for identifying,
                                          monitoring, and reporting on priority learners.
                                      ●   Ensure ​that all priority learners, ​who are below
                                          cohort levels, take part in 8- 10 week ALL and or
                                          ALiM programmes.

Strategic Area 2 - Place - ​“Our culture of excellence will facilitate academic and personal growth”

Focus/ERO Domain                     Actions                                                   Responsibility              Completed By   Review & Future Focus

1. Professional learning              ●   Continue to use CoL resource to access external      Leadership Team
programmes                                supports for mathematics and literacy.               Reading & writing Leaders
                                      ●   Build on the existing agile approach to PLD to       Class Teachers
Domain 4: Responsive curriculum,          enable staff to have some choice in their focus
effective teaching and opportunity        area for skill and knowledge development.
to learn                              ●   Consolidate teachers’ use of the ‘Teaching as
                                          Inquiry’ framework to support staff
                                          development and help teachers plan
                                          programmes to improve student outcomes.

   21      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

                                      Continue to work with Suzie Gould from CORE
                                      Education to support teaching as inquiry.
                                  ●   Teaching as Inquiry PLGs develop a PD
                                      programme which they will present to staff on
                                      key elements of their respective inquiries.
                                  ●   Continue working with Kevin Hannah from UC
                                      EdPlus to support maths PLD.
                                  ●   PLD on culturally responsive practice will be
                                      support by Damon Ratai, MAC facilitator

2.Intermediate specific teacher   ●   Provide opportunities for staff to attend       Deputy Principals   September
professional development.             intermediate school specific professional
                                  ●   Lead professional development for other
                                      intermediate school teachers.
Domain 2: Leadership for equity
                                  ●   Provide contestable personal professional
and excellence
                                      development fund for staff.

3. PB4L                           ●   Develop a framework which articulates           Deputy Principal    Ongoing
                                      Cobham’s varied systems and processes for the   PB4L team
Domain 1: Stewardship                 pastoral and behavioural care of students.
                                  ●   Consolidate PB4L Tier 2 interventions and
                                  ●   Ensure all team’s maintain their ‘Behavioural
                                      Concerns’ register.
                                  ●   Share PB4L data with staff each term.
                                  ●   Develop new PB4L lessons on a needs basis.
                                  ●   Identify areas for new PB4L focus, based on
                                      school needs, and construct lessons.
                                  ●   Report PB4L data to the BoT

   22     Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

4. Connected @ C                   ●   Teach specific 3RP@C modules at beginning of     Deputy Principal
                                       year for Year 7 students and as needed for all   Connected team
Domain 3: Educationally powerful       other students.
connections and relationships      ●   Develop further 3RP@C lessons on a needs
                                       basis.                                           PB4L Team
                                   ●   Teach specific digital literacy lessons.         All teachers
                                   ●   Collaborate with the 24/7 team to arrange
                                       mentoring - both group and individual.           Deputy Principal
                                   ●   Liaise with BHS and attend ‘Rock On’ meetings
                                       around attendance issues.
                                   ●   Proactively address attendance issues.           Deputy Principal/SENCO
                                   ●   Liaise with contributing schools to collect
                                       information on students to assist a smooth
                                       transition to Cobham. This would include         Deputy Principal
                                       supporting student’s transition from Cobham
                                       into High School.

                                                                                        SENCO, Class Placement

   23     Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

Strategic Area 3 - Opportunities - ​“Every student is exposed to a wealth of exceptional opportunities that encourages
them to find their passions and chase their dreams”

1. Student Council                   ●   Establish a strong group of students, one          Deputy Principal   April
                                         representative from each class, to be lead by      2 Class Teachers
Domain 2: Leadership of conditions       Head Students.
for equity and excellence            ●   Collect and collate students’ voice on a variety
                                         of aspects of Cobham life.
                                     ●   Establish student representatives to Report to
                                         the Senior Leadership Team once a month.
                                     ●   Present to the BoT once a term creating an
                                         avenue for student voice

2. Student Leadership                ●   Establish a student leadership programme to        Deputy Principal   Term 2
                                         enable all students to succeed in a variety of
Domain 2: Leadership of conditions       avenues.
for equity and excellence            ●   Establish academic/sporting - peer mentoring /
                                         tutoring workshops for students needing help to
                                     ●   Strengthen connections with cluster schools
                                         through cultural groups.
                                     ●   Strengthen connections with community
                                         networks - preschools /rest homes/ businesses.

3. Cultural Diversity Group          ●   Establish a group of students from across all      Deputy Principal   April
                                         cultures within our Cobham community.
Domain 3: Educationally powerful     ●   Establish regular assembly slots including guest
connections and relationships            speakers
                                     ●   Create a section in the school newsletter.
                                     ●   Conduct Cobham ‘Cultural Day’
                                     ●   Invite contributing schools to ‘Cultural Day’.

   24      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

4. ​Māori​ Leaders                   ●   Organise Māori leaders to run one assembly in        Teachers in charge of   November
                                         Te Reo per term.                                     Māori​.
Domain 2: Leadership of conditions   ●   Establish an extended Māori peer group who
for equity and excellence                develop ideas and goals for our Māori students.
                                     ●   Encourage Māori leaders take on a greater role
                                         for the hui-a-whānau.
                                     ●   Organise a marae visit and stay for all interested
                                         students and whānau.
                                     ●   Organise the annual hangi.
                                     ●   Seek Māori whanau to put names forward for
                                         BoT elections.

5. Connected @ C                     ●   Establish schoolwide classroom mindfulness           Wellbeing Team/Deputy
                                         sessions.                                            Principal
Domain 4: Responsive curriculum,     ●   Create ‘Growth Mindset’ lessons.
effective teaching and opportunity   ●   Provide optional yoga / breathing classes for
                                         students at break times.                             PB4L Tier 2 Team
to learn                             ●   Provide a school counsellor.                         BOT/PTA

   25      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

Key Strategic Area 4 - Innovation - ​“Innovative thinking and practice and a pioneering spirit are developed to enhance
learning outcomes and access to Cobham Intermediate School”

Focus/ERO Domain                     Actions                                                    Responsibility            Completed By   Review & Future Focus

1.Community of Online Learning         ●   Establish a second trial module for Cobham           IT team                   July
School. (COOLs)                            online learning.
                                       ●   Trial online learning module with a new
Domain 3: Educationally powerful           curriculum concept.
connections and relationships          ●   Seek feedback from students and families
                                           regarding online module.
                                       ●   Seek opportunities/pilots offered by the MoE
                                           to be accredited as a COOL.

2. IT & Digital Citizenship            ●   Create opportunities and supports for all            All classroom teachers.   Ongoing
                                           students to complete online teaching and
Domain 4: Responsive curriculum,           learning modules regarding digital citizenship.
effective teaching and opportunity     ●   Ensure all staff complete the ‘​Digital Passport.’
to learn                               ●   Replace censorship with education.

3. “Connected @ C”                     ●   Align Cobham’s framework for pastoral care           Deputy Principal          Ongoing
                                           caters for students’ varying needs.                  Connected @ C Champions
Domain 1: Stewardship                  ●   Maintain Cobham’s triage approach to identify
                                           students in need of support.
                                       ●   Conduct triage meetings with professionals as
                                           needed.                                              BOT/School Leadership
                                       ●   Create opportunities for guests to inspire

   26      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

Strategic Area 5 - Pathways- ​“To grow our children amidst a curriculum and culture that gives a clear sense of identity
and a path to future success”

Focus/ERO Domain                   Actions                                                   Responsibility           Completed By   Review & Future Focus

1. Music                             ●   Expand musical pathways for all learners.           Secondary School music   July
                                     ●   Link secondary music teachers with Cobham           departments.
Domain 3: Educationally powerful         students.
connections and relationships.       ●   Expose Cobham musicians to new
                                         options/instruments.                                                         July
                                     ●   Explore opportunities for a music performance
                                     ●   Increase opportunities for specialist groups to                              July

2. Kapa Haka                         ●   Perform with Burnside High School Kapa Haka         Kapa Haka Tutors         May
Domain 3: Educationally powerful     ●   Participate in mihi whakatau, cultural festival,    Principal
connections and relationships.           Poroporoaki and Māori Prizegiving.
                                     ●   Host Ngai Tahu educational speaker at
                                         Wh​ā​nau Hui.
                                     ●   Provide supports for wh​ā​nau to access             Deputy Principal
                                         educational opportunities for students.

3. Science Clubs                     ●   Maintain ​Chemistry Club.                           Science Teachers         May
Domain 3: Educationally powerful     ●   Create ​Chemistry Club ​model in other scientific
connections and relationships.           areas.

   27      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

Strategic Area 6 - Community- ​“We are continually strengthening relationships within our community and celebrate our

 Focus/ERO Domain                   Actions                                                  Responsibility                Completed By   Review & Future Focus

 1.Celebrate/share Cobham            ●   Offer April and July holiday programmes in          Principal Deputy Principal.   July
                                         dance and drama, science and robotics for
 Domain 3: Educationally powerful        prospective Year 6 students.
 connections and relationships       ●   Invite and pay transport costs for contributing
                                         schools to visit Cobham initiatives - production
                                         and music initiatives.                                                            August
                                     ●   Invite greater numbers of parents to
                                         “Experience Cobham days”.
                                     ●   Open “Experience Cobham” to more                                                  July
                                         non-contributing schools.                                                         July
                                     ●   Establish new advertising platforms.                                              July
                                     ●   Define and freely articulate the “Culture of
                                         Cobham.”                                                                          May

 2. Communications                   ●   Communicate “Connected @ C” programme               Connected @ C                 Ongoing
                                         with community.                                     Champions.
 Domain 3: Educationally powerful    ●   Communicate digital learning initiatives with all                                 March
 connections and relationships.          parents via newsletter and website.
                                     ●   Advertise and communicate with wh​ā​nau
                                         through various online platforms.                   Principal                     Ongoing
                                                                                             Deputy Principal

 3. Annual Survey                    ●   Hold a Year 7 parent information evening at the     Principal & BoT               February
                                         beginning of term 1.

   28      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

 Domain 3: Educationally powerful    ●   Complete a Cobham student and parent
 connections and relationships.          transition survey after term 1.                                          April

 4. Family engagement                ●   Hold multiple Pasifika Fono and whānau hui for       Principal           March
                                         Pasifika and Māori families.                         Deputy Principal
 Domain 3: Educationally powerful    ●   Maintain Māori and Pasifika parent focus
 connections and relationships.          groups.                                              Principal           March
                                     ●   Ensure speakers, role models and high school         Deputy Principal
                                         representatives are included at specific family
                                     ●   Stipulate expectations of A&E programmes with
                                         new families.                                        A&E Teachers        February
                                     ●   Hold mihi whakatau for all new students and
                                         teachers to Cobham.
                                     ●   Introduce the student portal of Linc-Ed for          All staff           February
                                         students to share learning with whānau.

                                                                                              LINC-ED Leaders     Ongoing
                                                                                              Deputy Principal

 5. Rebuild                          ●   Create and share a ​Rebuild Timeline​ for the        Rebuild Committee   June
 Domain 3: Educationally powerful    ●   Participate in the detailed design process.
 connections and relationships.      ●   Invite a range of staff to be part of the detailed
                                         design process.

   29         Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

                                                           PROCESSES AND REPORTING
At Cobham Intermediate we set goals for every student and review their progress and achievement on an on-going basis. We report to the Board of Trustees monthly
about school-wide achievement and emerging trends across a range of learning areas. We report regularly to parents and community about student achievement,
learning progress and next steps.

We also report specifically about student achievement data in relation to the National Standards for reading, writing and maths. In 2018 we plan to continue with
National Standards until we get some clear direction from the MOE.

To facilitate this process, we have implemented a cycle of inquiry based on the Timperley, Kaser and Halbert Spiral of Inquiry. ​Innovation and the Spiral of Inquiry

The cycle begins when each teaching team selects reading, writing or maths groups from end/start of year data, which are focussed on our priority or targeted
students. National standard achievement targets are set for each group.

Priority learners at Cobham include Māori and Pasifika students, and students with special education needs who are at risk of not meeting academic expectations at
Year 7 and 8.

Targeted learners at Cobham are students identified by Cobham teachers as being at risk of not meeting academic expectations within their respective classrooms.

English language learners, who are below cohort levels, are members of classroom teachers target groups, and also receive support from the Cobham ESOL specialist

Interventions are planned to assist students in reaching the set target by the end of the year.

Interim reports are created and submitted to the Board of Trustees mid-year. Team leaders meet with their teachers and reflect on how their focus groups are going.
What does assessment say?

Are our students on track to meet the targets by the end of the year? What is working? What needs to change? Is more or different intervention needed? Regular
discussions also occur on the progress of the focus groups at leadership meetings. Teachers record their work in their online professional journal.

   30      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

The Senior Leadership Team meet with the BOT Curriculum Rep and review the findings both mid and end of year. The BOT Curriculum Rep then reports back on
these findings at the next meeting. At the end of the year assessment data for the focus groups is analysed and teachers reflect on whether or not the interventions
have worked. Have the students achieved the targets? What’s made a difference? Where to next?

Analysis of Variance is completed for all targets by the team leaders. The cycle begins again at the start of the next year.

In supporting the Strategic Plan, the school undertakes a variety of governing activities and reporting processes. This section summarises some key processes and
delivery of all these ensure that the school meets its legal obligations and effectively supports student learning.

   31      Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

                    Cobham Intermediate School BOT 3 Year Review & Reporting Plan 2019-2021
Agenda 2019-2021                          Term 1                                Term 2                                     Term 3                                      Term 4

                                 Feb 25             Mar 25           May 27                Jun 24          Jul 29          Aug 26           Sep 23            Oct 29            Nov 25

     Curriculum                                      Maths            English             ICT            Technology    Target Learners     Science                         Target Learners

1. Call to order        ·​       ​Attendance & Apologies
                        ·​        ​Establish a Quorum
                        ·​         ​Adoption of Agenda
                        ·​          ​Declaration of Interest

2. Minutes/Action       Motion: that the minutes from the meeting held on [xxx], having been circulated, be signed as a true and accurate record.

3.Correspondence        Motion: that correspondence In be received.
                        Motion: that correspondence Out be accepted.

4. Board Process        ·​ ​Appoint Chair      ·​ ​Code of         ·​ ​BoT Self          ·​ ​BoT         ·​ ​Appoint   ·​ ​Community     ·​ ​Strategic   · Community      ·​ ​Adopt Strategic
                        ·​ ​Principal              Conduct             Review                Elections       Chair          Comms            Planning      comms              Plan
                        Appraisal              ·​ ​Community       ·​ ​Community                                            (Chair)          begins
                                                   Comms               Comms

5. Principal’s Report   ·​   ​   ​Strategic Progress
                        ·​         ​Policy Assurance and Consultation - Per School Docs 3 Year Schedule [NAGs?]
                        ·​          ​Community
                        ·​           ​ - CoL
                        ·​            ​Curriculum Report Feedback [NEGs?]

   32       Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

                         ·​ ​Charter and    ·​ ​Pasifika focus    ·​ M
                                                                     ​ aori Focus   ·​ A​ nnual Report   ·​ M
                                                                                                            ​ aori Focus   ·​ ​Pasifika Focus   ·​ M
                                                                                                                                                   ​ aori Focus   ·​ P
                                                                                                                                                                     ​ asifika Focus   ·​ ​Maori and
                              Annual Plan   ·​ ​Prizegiving                         ·​ ​Pasifika Focus                     ·​ ​Nat Standards                                              Pasifika
                         ·​ ​AOV                Review                                                                          Review                                                    Collated Focus
                                            ·​ ​Staff

                         Motion: the principals report be accepted including recommendations therein.

6. Policy                Policy Review - Per School Docs 3 Year Schedule​ ​

                         Motion: that any amendments to policies or procedures be approved.

7. Health & Safety       Motion: that the Health & Safety sub committee report be approved.

8. Finance               ·​ ​Financial Reports
                         ·​ ​International Students
                         Motion: that the Financial reports, including payments, be accepted.
                         Motion: that the International Students report be accepted.

                         Budget                                  Auditors Report    Asset Register                                                                                     DRAFT Budget
                         Reforecast/                                                Review

9. Special Programmes                                            ESOL               Connected@                                                                     SENCO               Gifted &

10. General Business     As Required

   33        Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

                                                    STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT TARGETS 2019
Please note, the group classified below as ​students requiring learning support is made up of students who have been identified as requiring extra
assistance in their learning and are on the SENCO’s register. These students are differentiated from ​Students with Diagnosed Specific Learning
Difficulties​ (STLDs).

 Links to Strategic Plan
 Quality: ​We are connected to every student’s personal journey of achievement allowing us to proactively respond to their needs and monitor their wellbeing.
 Place:​ Our culture of excellence will facilitate academic and personal growth.
 Baseline Data:
 At the end of the 2018 academic year, 21% (70/328) of Year 7 students were below or well below expected levels in reading. This included 25/93 Asian, 11/36 Māori, 5/9 Pasifika
 students, Boys 44/167 and Girls 26/161
 Year 8 Students beginning 2019
 Total below: 52, (​Māori​ 8, Pasifika 4, English language learners (ELLs) 13, Students requiring learning support 7, Students with Diagnosed Specific Learning Difficulties 4, Boys 34,
 Girls 18).
 Total well below: 18, (Māori 3, Pasifika 1, English language learners 8, Students requiring learning support 2, Students with Diagnosed Specific Learning Difficulties 2 , Boys 10, Girls
 8). Two year 8 students are working at Level 1 in reading.
 Academic Targets 2019
      ● All Year 8 ​Māori​ and Pasifika students, who are below expectation in reading, will make accelerated progress and be working at level 4 of the curriculum by the end of the
           2019 academic year.
      ● All Year 8 ​ELLs,​ who are below expectations in reading, will make accelerated progress and be working at level 4 of the curriculum by the end of the 2019 academic year.
      ● All students requiring learning support will make accelerated progress (2 sub-level shift or more in asTTle reading) and be at or approaching level 4 of the curriculum in
           reading by the end of the 2019 academic year.
      ● The 18 students who are well below expectation in reading, will make more than a year’s progress, (2 sub-level shift or more in asTTle reading), and be approaching upper
           level 3 or early level 4 by the end of 2019.
      ● The two level 1 learners will make at least a 1 sub-level shift as measured by asTTle reading.
 When          What                                      Who                         Indicators of progress

   34     Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter

 Term 1     ●  Review data pertaining to           Principal, Deputy          ●   Review conducted, and results communicated to leadership team and BoT.
 Weeks         target groups and identify          Principals,                ●   Target groups visible to all staff on LINC-ED.
 1-3           learning needs.                     SENCO/literacy leader
            ● Create target groups on              and Year 8 team
               LINC-ED.                            leaders.
 Term 1     ● Conduct Pasifika consultation        Principal, Deputy          ●   Parents are informed of Pasifika students’ learning needs in reading.
               fono ​to explain progress plans     Principals,                ●   Parents gain an understanding of Tapasā and how if can be used to support students.
               and next steps in reading to        SENCO/literacy leader,     ●   Work done in 2018 with Pasifika group regarding supporting student progress is built on in
               Pasifika parents.                   culturally responsive          2019.
            ● Review Pasifika education plan       practice PLG leaders and   ●   Next steps for Pasifika group are written and shared.
               and add 2019 reading targets.       Year 8 team leaders.
            ● Pasifika parents are introduced
               to the Tapasā cultural
               competencies framework. The
               leadership team will explain
               how it will be used to improve
               teacher skills and knowledge of
               effective pedagogies for Pasifika
            ● Invite parents back to follow up
 Term 1     ● Conduct whānau​ hui ​to explain      Principal, Deputy          ●   Parents are informed of Māori students’ learning needs.
               progress plans and next steps in    Principals,                ●   Whanau student progress aspirations, established in 2018, are reviewed and revised for 2019
               reading with Māori parents.         SENCO/literacy leader,     ●   2019 next steps for Māori whānau group are written and shared.
            ● Review Māori education plan          culturally responsive      ●   Positive relationships and engagement with Māori students and whānau are built on.
               and add 2019 reading targets.       practice PLG leaders and
            ● Staff receive culturally             Year 8 team leaders.
               responsive teaching support
               from Māori Achievement
               Challenge (MAC) facilitator.
 Term 1      ● Cobham teachers will make           Team leaders and           ●   Parents have a clear appreciation of their child’s learning needs and what will take place to
                direct contact with Pasifika       classroom teachers.            improve outcomes.
                families who are have children
                who are below cohort levels in

   35     Cobham Intermediate School | 2019–2021 Charter
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