Page created by Alan Gray
Active Schools Midlothian
Annual Review 2012–13

Midlothian Council Foreword       3
Active Schools Managers Report    4
Participation                     6
People                            8
Partnerships                      9
Programmes                       10
Projects                         14
New Projects for 2013/14         15
Sports Events and Festivals      16
Penicuik Area Report             18
Lasswade Area Report             22
Dalkeith Area Report             26
Newbattle Area Report            32
Active Schools Midlothian   Annual Review 2012–13

Midlothian Council Foreword

Garry Sheret                Over the last decade there has been a strong political commitment
Head of Property
& Facilities
                            throughout the UK to harness the power of the Olympic and
Management                  Paralympic Games in London 2012 and the Commonwealth
(Including Sport
& Leisure Services)
                            Games in Glasgow 2014 to inspire the nation and get more people
                            participating in sport. There has been massive investment nationally
                            to ensure a lasting legacy. In Scotland we have seen not only an
                            investment in facilities, but investment in national governing bodies
                            of sport, and local sports clubs and numerous initiatives designed to
                            bring sporting opportunities into the heart of our communities.

                            This annual review details the breadth and quality of the work of
                            our Active Schools team to embrace all of sportscotland’s legacy
                            initiatives to help deliver their aim of getting more children more
                            active and increase the profile of sport throughout Midlothian.
                            They have not worked in isolation to increase participation in
                            sport in Midlothian but in partnership with schools, local clubs,
                            volunteers and coaches to deliver 600 extracurricular clubs in
                            40 different sports and activities. The team have also worked closely
                            with their colleagues in Sports Development to build strong and
                            lasting partnership links that provide a pathway from our schools
                            to community clubs ensuring that our young people can continue
                            playing sport into adulthood.

                            Their efforts have to be commended and on behalf of
1 Olympic Torch relay –
                            Midlothian Council I would like to thank the team and wish
Penicuik 2012               them continued success.

Active Schools Midlothian                           Annual Review 2012–13

Active Schools Managers Report

RENA JAMIESON                                       sport, physical activity and PE would             for both new and returning members of
AREA OPERATIONS                                     develop into a co-ordinated and integrated        staff to integrate and build strong working
MANAGER, SPORT                                      service to deliver increased participation in     relationships, not only with fellow team
& PHYSICAL ACTIVITY                                 sport and make a significant contribution to      members but with those teachers and
(INCLUDING ACTIVE                                   health improvement in Midlothian.                 volunteers who are so important to the
SCHOOLS)                                                                                              work we do. Working together as a team
                                                    Unfortunately budgetary constraints               from a central base has, I believe, helped
                                                    experienced by all local authorities forced a     us manage the changes and challenges of
                                                    further restructuring and in June 2010 Active     the past three years to avoid any negative
                                                    Schools was moved from Education into the         impact on the service. It has to be said
                                                    Corporate Resources Division. On a positive       however, that this was not done in isolation
With London 2012 and the performances               note, Active Schools remained in Sport and        and that without the dedication and help
of Olympic and Paralympic athletes an               Leisure with the Sports Development and           from teachers, volunteers, local clubs and
inspiring memory and Glasgow 2014                   Physical Activity team. Much progress has been    coaches it simply could not happen.
Commonwealth Games to look forward                  made integrating the work of the teams and
to our Active Schools team aim to use this          they now work well together on joint projects     Partnership working is crucial to the success
legacy to ensure as many children as possible       and ensure that we make the best of limited       of the Midlothian Active Schools Programme
in Midlothian enjoy the benefit of sport            resources and avoid duplication of effort.        and coordinators work closely with local
and physical activity.                                                                                clubs, national organisations, governing
                                                    Although Active Schools is a small team with      bodies for sport and other service areas within
Active Schools is a national network of staff       only 6.3 FTE coordinator posts, due to the        the Council. This strong partnership working
working across Scotland to provide more             flexible working rights afforded to employees,    has allowed us with very limited resources
and higher quality opportunities for children       we actually have nine coordinators delivering     to embrace the large number of National
and young people to participate in sport            in our schools. Different work patterns can       Programmes that we have been required
before, during and after school.                    present a continuity problem but with most        to deliver over the last few years.
                                                    of the coordinators being long term members
The Active Schools Teams work to increase           of the team and the excellent administrative      I have compiled this annual report to review
the number of opportunities available to            support provided by Thelma Kelly, the             the progress and successes of the Active
children by recruiting volunteers, and also         team’s administration officer, we continue to     Schools team over the last 12 months and
work hard to build partnerships with clubs          provide a great service to schools and fulfil     to give a flavour of what we hope to achieve
and other community organisations to                our main objective of getting more children       in the year to come. In four sections the report
create pathways for pupils to continue their        more active.                                      details our annual results on activities and
participation in sport once they leave school.                                                        participation; the people and partnerships
                                                    Our results are monitored each term via the       that helped us to achieve these results, the
Sportscotland has worked in partnership             national online monitoring system for Active      programmes that added breadth and quality
with Midlothian Council since 2004 by               Schools (ASMO). ASMO has been upgraded            to our service, ending with area reports from
investing in and supporting the Active              and refined over the last year and we are         the team.
Schools manager and coordinators who                now able to chart our progress with much
work with primary, secondary and Additional         more accuracy. In Midlothian the upgrading
Support Needs (ASN) schools and pupils              of ASMO has been complemented by the
across Midlothian.                                  development of a database to take pupil
                                                    information extracted from SEEMIS. This not
Active Schools also contributes to the aim of       only assists us in producing registers and
improving ‘quality of life’ which is at the heart   inputting very accurate distinct participant
of both Midlothian’s Community Plan vision          figures, but also allows us to pinpoint the non
and its Corporate Priorities. The creation          active which will make targeting much easier.
in 2008 of an Education and Communities
directorate and the merging of Active               Since 2010 there have been a number of
Schools with Sports Development presented           staffing challenges within the Active Schools
a unique opportunity to build on previous           team and a number of short term posts were
successes and was seen to ensure that               created to cover staff absences. It takes time

Active Schools Midlothian   Annual Review 2012–13

Active Schools Midlothian                        Annual Review 2012–13


The monitoring data provides details of our      Activity and participant sessions 2010–12
performance including the types of activity
we are providing, the number of sessions,                                  80,000                                                                                              5,000
the number of pupils who attend each session        Participant Sessions
and who delivers them.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Activity Sessions
During the academic year 2012/13 we                                        40,000
delivered 600 extracurricular clubs in our                                                                                                                                     2,000
schools. Where schools are too small to                                    20,000
sustain clubs the introduction of cluster                                                                                                                                      1,000
clubs, 75 over the three terms, ensures that
                                                                                    0                                                                                          0
all pupils can access after school activities.                                                              2010              2011                 2012
                                                                                                                           Full Year
In 2012/13 one third of all pupils attended
our Active Schools Clubs which is a 3%
increase from 2011/12. Of the 3911 distinct      Participation by year group and gender
pupils who attended our clubs 2021 were
male and 1890 were female.

In 2012/13 we delivered 40 different sports       8000
and physical activities at 40 venues including    6000
schools, leisure centres, pavilions and halls.
The wide variety of activities on offer are
rotated around schools in a cluster to ensure     2000
that there is something for every pupil over              0
the school year and most provide routes/links                               P1     P2      P3     P4   P5     P6   P7           S1     S2     S3    S4        S5    S6          ASN P ASN S
to community clubs.
                                                 Participant sessions by school type
The 40 activities offered equates to 4794
activity sessions which is the number of
sessions delivered throughout the school                                         Primary                                Secondary                                          ASN
year. This is calculated by multiplying the      35000                                                 50000                                       10000
number of clubs by the number of weeks           30000
                                                                                                       40000                                        8000
each club runs.                                  25000
                                                 20000                                                 30000                                        6000
Although actual participant sessions             15000                                                 20000                                        4000
increased dramatically between 2010 and          10000
                                                                                                        10000                                       2000
2011 and then declined between 2011 and           5000
                                                     0                                                         0                                          0
2012, this was mainly due to coordinators
                                                                           2010     2011        2012                2010      2011     2012                        2010     2011      2012
in some secondary schools recording
                                                                                  Full Year                                Full Year                                      Full Year
statistics from national programmes such as
Soccer One. Such externally funded national
programmes provide very high but short
                                                                                                                        2012 – Full Year
term increases in the number of activity and
participant sessions that are unfortunately
not sustainable when funding ends.
Comparing the statistics of the three year
period from 2010 we note a steady 2% rise
in participant sessions.

Active Schools Midlothian                           Annual Review 2012–13

There were 77912 participant sessions in
                                                    Top 10 activities by participant sessions
2012/13. To calculate the participant sessions
the system multiplies the number of pupils by
the number of sessions they attend a club                Football
so ten pupils attending for ten weeks equals
                                                         Dance and Movement
100 participant sessions.
                                                         Daily Physical Activity
The ASMO statistics now give us access
                                                         Rugby Union
to much more detailed information on our
participant sessions by year group and                   Athletics
gender authority wide and can also give
information by cluster or by individual school.
This is now a powerful management and                    Basketball
planning tool which will allow us to identify
gaps and address them.
Forming robust links with local sports clubs
is an important element of the work of Active
Schools ensuring that children who develop               Other
a passion for a particular sport can continue
to participate beyond school. As with many
other areas in Scotland, Midlothian has an
abundance of football and rugby clubs and
strong development pathways in both sports
from grass roots to senior level. Football and
rugby aside, we have developed strong
partnerships with a total of 44 local sports
clubs whose coaches deliver sessions at
our Active School clubs and provide a
transition from schools to community clubs
and opportunities for lifelong participation
in sport.

Children in Midlothian can participate in a
wide variety of sports and the top ten activities
in Midlothian include football, dance, rugby,
athletics, gymnastics, basketball, swimming
and badminton. Our club links allow us to
provide pupils with the opportunity to try a
range of other sports and activities including
archery, badminton, cricket, cheerleading,
table tennis, new age kurling, petanque, lawn
bowls, judo, karate and hockey.

Active Schools Midlothian                       Annual Review 2012–13


Midlothian has an ageing population and the     Our people are important to us and their          Coach and Volunteer Education
level of volunteering is generally higher in    skills and professionalism help us deliver        Programme
projects targeting older people e.g. Ageing     a quality service. Without their help there       Sport specific
Well. However although recruitment from         would be a much diminished programme              Football Level 1
outside schools remains a challenge, the        and we are extremely grateful for their           Football Level 2
overall performance of Active Schools in        time and commitment. To thank them for            Clubgolf
the recruitment and retention of volunteers     their commitment we run an annual coach           Rugby Ready
remains very good. The majority of our          and volunteer education programme in              Rugby Refereeing Level 1
volunteers are high school teachers and         partnership with our colleagues in Sports         Rugby Youth Coaching
senior pupils and since volunteers are          Development and sportscotland. During             Cycle Training Assistant
important to the sustainability of our work     2012/13 we had 165 coaches and volunteers         BoxFit
the team will continue to explore new ways      attend at least one of the training courses on    Athletics Level 1 Assistant
to recruit and retain them.                     our sports specific programme and a further       Hockey
                                                99 attended non-sports specific courses.
In recognition of the invaluable contribution   215 club leaders, coaches and parents have        Non sport specific
volunteers make to the Active Schools           attended PCS workshops and 182 young              Sports Psychology
Programme, a new category of award was          leaders in primary schools have been trained      First Aid
included in the 2011 Annual Sports Awards.      as playground pals and junior jog leaders.        Child Protection
Nine nominations were received and after                                                          Positive Coaching Scotland
much deliberation the judges awarded the        Midlothian Council has long recognised            Disability Inclusion
title to Ellice Cackett from Broomieknowe       that good volunteers are an asset to any          Playground Pals
Golf Club.                                      service and has an excellent grant reward         Junior Jog Leaders
                                                system in place for sports clubs and individual
During 2012-13 we had 213 volunteers and        coaches helping us to provide the support,
coaches help deliver more than half (55%)       supervision and training opportunities our
of our afterschool clubs and assist with our    volunteers deserve.
interschool sports events.

Who are our deliverers?
Total number of volunteers                152
Total number of paid deliverers            61

Where do our volunteers come from?
Teachers and other school staff  88
Senior pupils                    35
Students                          16
Parents                            8
Club coaches                       5

Active Schools Midlothian                          Annual Review 2012–13


The main aim of Active Schools is to provide       Internal Partners
all school aged children with the opportunity      • PE Specialist Teachers
to get active through the provision of a quality   • Head Teachers, School Staff and pupils
programme of sport and physical activity after     • Sports Development Officers
school and in the community. In order to do           (Football, Rugby and Generic)
this and to ensure future sustainability we        • Outdoor Learning team
need to recruit and train teachers, parents,       • School Travel Coordinator
senior pupil volunteers to help deliver our        • Principle Officer Community
programme. We also need to develop strong             Sport Hubs
links between schools and local sports             • Get Going Officer
clubs to make it easier for young people           • Area Leisure Managers and facility teams
to continue playing sport once they leave          • Community Safety Partnership
school. Partnership working is vital to the        • School PTAs
success of Active Schools and we would like
to acknowledge the very positive contribution      External Partners
of the individuals and organisations listed        • Sport Clubs and Coaches
opposite for their ongoing support over the        • Sportscotland
past 12 months.                                    • Sportscotland Partnership Managers
                                                   • Scottish Governing Bodies of Sport &
                                                      Regional Sports Development Managers
                                                   • Parents and Volunteers
                                                   • Youth Sports Trust
                                                   • Winning Scotland Foundation
                                                   • Y Dance

Active Schools Midlothian                        Annual Review 2012–13


Positive Coaching Scotland                       trained as tutors and we have begun the
Positive Coaching Scotland (PCS) is a cultural   process of rolling this out to clubs across
change programme imported from America           Midlothian. The Officers are co delivering
and adapted by sportscotland and Winning         workshops and to date six club leaders,
Foundation for use in Scotland. PCS involves     127 coaches and 106 parents have attended
the key influencers in young people’s            PCS training sessions.
lives, parents, teachers, coaches and club
leaders in training designed to ensure           Sports Leaders
that they create a positive environment for      Three of our High Schools offer Sports
young people participating in sport. The         Leaders UK as part of the curriculum. There
programme teaches the value of effort and        are no exams in the programme but pupils
learning as opposed to winning at all costs.     do have continuous assessment on their
Earlier this year Jenna and Kate our Active      ability to lead for a certain period of time.
Schools coordinators received training           The Active Schools team work with PE staff
to lead the roll out Positive Coaching           to support pupils and provide them with
Scotland in Midlothian and in April all our      volunteering opportunities at Active Schools
                                                                                                 2 Tommy and Denise
Active Schools Coordinators, Community           Clubs. Last year ASCs supported 24 pupils       role out PCS to Penicuik
Recreation and Sports Development Officers       to gain this award.                             Club Leaders


Active Schools Midlothian                          Annual Review 2012–13

ClubGolf                                           Clubgolf programme stats
The Scottish Government’s successful bid
to host the Ryder Cup in 2014 contained            Academic Year		No of Schools	No of P5 children
a pledge to introduce every 9-year-old in          			             delivering		  participating
Scotland to golf. The ClubGolf programme
was the mechanism developed to deliver             2009–10	Target             30           100%          727              80%
this pledge and Active Schools tasked with         		       Actual            24            80%          627              69%
its implementation. In 2009/10 we achieved         2010–11	Target             30           100%          818              95%
80% participation in the programme and             		       Actual            26            88%          751              87%
this increased to 88% in 2010/11 which             2011–12	Target             30           100%          850             100%
was above the national average and we felt         		       Actual            20            66%          553              65%
confident that with 26 of our 30 primary           2012–13  Target            30           100%          850             100%
schools engaging with the project that             		       Actual            18            60%          581            68.3%
the 100% participation target set by the
First Minister was within reach. However,          3
there have been a number of challenges
over the past few years in achieving our
targets principally with dwindling numbers
of teachers undergoing training and
problematic exit routes to local clubs in the
west of the County.

Our challenge is to reverse this trend and we
hope that the introduction of two new exit
routes being developed in the Rosewell and
Penicuik area and introducing Ryder Cup
Festivals in all clusters combined with the
drive to achieve two hours of quality PE
in primary schools will help us achieve
100% in 2013. The ASCs put a lot of time
and effort into the promotion of FCG with
no corresponding impact on ASMO stats.

Champions in Schools                               Midlothian’s Champions
We signed up for Champions in Schools
programme delivered by Winning                     School         Athlete          Sport
Foundation and supported by the ASCs.
The programme places high performing               Newbattle   Ben Cairns      Scottish Rugby Union 7s internationalist
athletes in all our secondary schools and          St David’s  Jamie Bowie     Athletics, 400m, European U23 Champion
Saltersgate ASN School to deliver three            Dalkeith    Allan Scott     Athletics, Hurdles
inspirational workshops designed to                Saltersgate Keith Cook	Fencing, British Champion, 5 Commonwealth medals
educate pupils to:                                 Lasswade	Dewald Nel	Cricket, Scottish internationalist
• Set and achieve goals                            Beeslack    Susan Egelstaff Badminton, Commonwealth medallist
• Adopt healthy and active lifestyle               Penicuik    Adam McKenzie	Field Hockey Defender
• Appreciate the value of hard work
• Adopt a positive, winning attitude               4                                                      3 Club Golf Festival
                                                                                                          2012 Lasswade Primary
The athletes provide positive role models
                                                                                                          4 Champions in School
and deliver the workshops each lasting three                                                              theory session
hours to groups of 25 pupils. The workshops,
a mix of theory and practical coaching,
were thoroughly enjoyed by 175 high school
pupils and it is our intention to run this again
next year.

Active Schools Midlothian                          Annual Review 2012–13

Y Dance                                            5
In partnership with Y Dance, Scotland’s
National Youth Dance Agency, we offered
high school pupils the opportunity to attend a
full day Y Dance workshop. 120 girls attended
the workshop which aimed to motivate and
inspire them to be more physically active and
develop their dance skills. After completion of
the workshop, 37 girls registered an interest
in taking part in the next stage and 28 actually
completed the Dance Leadership course.
The girls from Newbattle, Lasswade, Dalkeith
and St David’s High Schools will volunteer
with active schools next year to lead after
school dance clubs.

Lead 2014
Now entering its 3rd year, Lead 2014 is an
exciting programme aimed at harnessing the
enthusiasm of our young people. Through a
partnership between sportscotland, Youth
Sport Trust and Glasgow 2014 a series of                               5 Midlothian Y Dance    6
conferences are being delivered to help                                Leaders course 2013

young people develop and enhance their                                 6 Young Ambassador
                                                                       Mentors from Dalkeith
leadership and volunteering skills. In return,                         and St Davids
the young sports leaders raise the profile of                          7 Young Ambassadors
the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games                                    Conference Ratho 2012
in their schools and in their communities.                             8 Midlothian Young
                                                                       Ambassadors 2012
Two of our high schools, Penicuik and
                                                                       9 Young Ambassadors
Dalkeith, deliver Lead 2014 and there are                              assisting at the 2012
currently 16 Lead 2014 young leaders                                   Giant Heptathlon
in Midlothian.

Young Ambassadors
The Young Ambassador programme was
introduced across the UK in the lead up to the
London 2012 Olympics and across Scotland
the focus is now firmly on the Commonwealth
Games Scotland. Newbattle High School was
one of the first schools to be involved in the
programme sending two young ambassadors
to the first ever conference in Scotland. Last
year two young ambassadors from each of                                                        8
our six High Schools were selected for their
sporting talent and ability as young leaders.
Our 12 young ambassadors in Midlothian
were mentored by their Active Schools
coordinator or a nominated PE teacher and
provided with support and development
opportunities through the programme. Our
YAs are outstanding role models promoting
the positive and health values of school sport
and PE and assisting as young leaders in
the Active Schools annual sports event                                                         9

programme for schools.

Active Schools Midlothian   Annual Review 2012–13

Active Schools Midlothian                          Annual Review 2012–13


Summer of Sport                                    CAROLYN                                         Since the Launch in September 2012 we
The Active Schools and Sports Development          CAMERON                                         have established a productive working
teams work together to deliver a sport and         DO FOR SPORT                                    group, improved promotion of existing
physical activity programme during the             HUBS                                            activities and upgraded the floodlight system
school summer break. This summer there are                                                         at the rugby and football pitches in Penicuik
activity camps in athletics, tennis, basketball,                                                   Park with funding from local councillor
gymnastics, trampolining, dance, aquatics,                                                         Adam Montgomery and sportscotland.
taekwondo, football and rugby. Children can                                                        The Hub also funded a new petanque pitch
swim, dive, do a rookie lifeguard course or                                                        in the park. Branding and commitment
if 16+ try for their National Pool Life Guard                                                      from sportscotland via the Hub grant have
Qualification. There are also a number of                                                          allowed the clubs to work together on
come and try activities including bowling,         Community Sport Hubs                            promotional materials and given the Hub a
fencing, tennis, skiing and snowboarding           Initially, we chose three different models of   sustainability which would have been more
which link to our Commonwealth Passport            Community Sport Hubs; an area based Hub         difficult otherwise.
launched on the 1st July.                          in Penicuik, a community hall based Hub in
                                                   Roslin and a school based Hub in Newbattle.     Tommy Goldie came into post in June 2012
                                                   This was done for a number of very valid        to cover the maternity leave of the Hub
                                                   reasons however the most successful has         Development Officer, Carolyn Cameron.
                                                   been the area based Hub which has gone          Carolyn has now returned to her substantive
                                                   from strength to strength since its launch in   post and we would like to thank Tommy for
                                                   September 2012.                                 his contribution to the development of the
                                                                                                   Hubs over the past year.
                                                   Over the last year, the clubs involved have
                                                   grown both in their number and participation    Because of the success of the Penicuik model,
                                                   and commitment to the Penicuik Community        Carolyn will revisit the Roslin and Newbattle
                                                   Sport Hub. This has been demonstrated by        Hubs in the autumn and explore remodelling
                                                   the establishment of a Hub constitution and     them as area based Hubs.
                                                   by the taking up of office bearer positions
                                                   within the steering group. At a lower level,
                                                   we also have non-office bearer roles
                                                   being committed to such as Hub website
                                                   co-ordinator and other roles. We also have
                                                   Penicuik and Beeslack High schools and
                                                   Ladywood Leisure Centre (a community
                                                   managed social enterprise) and the local
                                                   YMCA on board.

                                                   The main challenges of the past year have
                                                   been integrating organisations which
                                                   previously had not worked together to move
                                                   forward for the common good. Establishing
                                                   a constitution took months and was perhaps
                                                   the most tangible challenge which was
                                                   overcome. Meeting with clubs on a one to
                                                   one basis outside of normal Hub meetings
                                                   to establish a positive working dynamic and
                                                   strengthen working relationships was very
                                                   time consuming but productive.

Active Schools Midlothian                          Annual Review 2012–13

New Projects for 2013/14

Commonwealth Passport                              Active Midlothian website
To celebrate the Glasgow 2014                      The activemidlothian website was developed
Commonwealth Games, the Commonwealth               in partnership with NHS Lothian and launched
Passport aims to encourage our young               on the 1st June 2013. The website was
people to get active and enjoy a range of          developed following feedback from the
Commonwealth sports. The Passport is open          Physical Activity and Health Alliance (PAHA)
to pupils in P4 to P7. In partnership with local   stakeholder event held in 2012. Although
sports clubs and leisure centres young people      participants at the event agreed that there
will have a number of opportunities to try         was a wealth of physical activity and sporting
out a Commonwealth Sport between 1st July          opportunities available in Midlothian they
2013 and 6th April 2014.                           felt that information on the activities was not
                                                   easily accessed.
In addition to Commonwealth Sports, we
have provided the opportunity to get some          Post event, the PAHA members discussed
points for sports and activities that don’t        a number of options for improving public
feature in the Commonwealth or Olympic             knowledge on sport and physical activity
Games but are popular in Midlothian.               opportunities in Midlothian and agreed that a
                                                   dedicated web site was the best solution. The
All sports have been awarded points based          website provides a wealth of information on
on accessibility and certificates and medals       how to get active in Midlothian whether you
will be distributed in May /June 2014 and          prefer independent activities such as walking
pupils who earn a Gold Medal will be entered       or cycling through our beautiful country
into a prize draw and get the opportunity to       parks and glens or want to join a club or take
take part in the Queen’s Baton Relay when it       part in structured classes in sports centres.
travels through Midlothian.                        From Active Schools to Ageing Well there is
                                                   something from everyone on our website.

 10                                                                                                  10 Provost Joe Wallace
                                                                                                     launches Commonwealth
                                                                                                     Passport at Primary
                                                                                                     Athletics event

Active Schools Midlothian                            Annual Review 2012–13

Sports Events and Festivals

Each year the Active Schools and Sports              Cross Country Festival                              Hockey Festival
Development teams plan and deliver an                Eighteen Primary Schools took part in this          Schools are offered a block of hockey
exciting programme of curricular sports              year’s Cross Country Festival at Vogrie             coaching prior to the festival in May and the
festivals and inter school events, some              Country Park. The Country Park is a new             3rd and 4th placed school teams go on to
leading to regional and national competition.        venue for the event and provides a more             represent Midlothian at the National Primaries
Pupils take part in curricular and extracurricular   challenging course for the 270 runners taking       Hockey Festival at Peffermill. The top two
training before coming together to                   part Jog Scottie and MAC Bear took part too         teams on the day take part in a Regional
compete in the hugely enjoyable basketball,          and were a great hit with all the boys and girls.   Festival which each participating authority
hockey, athletics, sportshall athletics, giant                                                           takes a turn at organising and hosting. Eskvale
heptathlon, football, rugby and cross country        Primary Sportshall Athletics Festival               Hockey Club supports the event providing
events and festivals. In partnership with            Twenty five primary schools took part in this       a pathway via satellite community clubs
schools and the new Community Sport Hubs             year’s event which comprises six field and five     for pupils.
being developed in Midlothian, it is hoped           track disciplines. Five heats were held during
to expand the programme in 2013/14                   January with each school entering a team of         Primary Athletics event
to include new sports such as petanque               20 pupils made up of ten boys and ten girls.        The Primary Athletics event takes place
and swimming.                                        The overall winning team receives a shield to       annually on the first Tuesday in June at
                                                     display for a year and this year’s top two teams    Dalkeith Campus athletics facility and is
Basketball Festival                                  Paradykes and Mauricewood, represented              open to P5-P7 pupils. Schools prepare
More than 150 pupils representing 12                 Midlothian at the East of Scotland finals           their teams for the event with the support of
schools took part in this year’s Basketball          organised by Scottish Athletics and held at         school staff and PE specialists. This year 13
Festival. The festival had two small court           Meadowbank in March 2013.                           schools took part in the large school event
round robin tournaments followed by                                                                      held in the morning and nine in the small
some full court games. Player of the Festival        The Midlothian event is delivered in                schools event in the afternoon. The pupils
trophies goes to the best boy and girl               partnership with Lasswade Athletics Club            participate in a variety of both track and
player on the day. The event is supported            providing a clear development pathway for           field disciplines including the shot put, 80m
by Basketball Scotland.                              all pupils taking part. Lasswade Athletics invite   sprint and long jump. The winners of each
                                                     all pupils to join the community satellite clubs    event receive a medal and the two winning
                                                     regardless of ability.                              schools are each awarded a trophy which
                                                                                                         they keep for a year. The overall winners of
                                                                                                         the Armstrong Cup and the Headmasters
                                                                                                         Trophy in 2013 were Woodburn (morning)
                                                                                                         and Tynewater (afternoon).

 11                                                                             12

Active Schools Midlothian                        Annual Review 2012–13

Secondary Athletics Championship                 15
The Secondary Athletics Championship
open to S2 and S3 pupils and all six
secondary schools in Midlothian take part.
The competition held at the Dalkeith Campus
includes 12 athletic disciplines.

This year’s winning team was Dalkeith High at
the event supported by High School PE staff
and coach volunteers from Lasswade Athletics
Club. The winner of each event receives a
medal and in the past the best performers in
each discipline have been invited to form a
team to represent Midlothian at the Inter Area
Event at Grangemouth. The Midlothian teams
have not performed as well at the Inter Area
events compared to larger local authorities
and rather than have pupils demoralised we
hope to develop a regional event with our
neighbouring authorities.

Giant Heptathlon
Giant Heptathlon is a new athletics
competition format for S1 and S2 pupils          16

introduced by Scottish Athletics in 2012.
Teams of 14 (7 boys and 7 girls compete in
every event including 60m, 60m hurdles,
Endurance Challenge, Step Up Challenge,
Shot Putt, Long Jump and Standing Triple
Jump. In February 2013 all 6 High Schools
competed at Lasswade HS and Beeslack and
Newbattle represented Midlothian at the East
Regional Finals.

 13                                              17                       19

 14                                              18                      11 Midlothian Basketball   15 MAC Bear, Jog Scotty and
                                                                         Festival 2012              Provost with Tynewater PS
                                                                         12 Jog Scotty visits       16 Primary Athletics 2013
                                                                         the 2012 Midlothian        held at Dalkeith Campus
                                                                         Cross Country Primary      17 Javelin event at the
                                                                         Championships              Secondary Athletics 2013
                                                                         13 Sport Hall Athletics    18 Beeslack pupils
                                                                         14 P4 & P5 pupils          celebrate winning the
                                                                         competing at Primary       Giant Heptathlon 2013
                                                                         Cross Country at Vogrie    19 High Jump at the
                                                                         Country Park               Secondary Athletics 2013

Active Schools Midlothian                         Annual Review 2012–13

Penicuik Area Report

Penicuik High School                              2012 Highlights                                     Plans for 2013/14
Penicuik High School is situated in the town      Penicuik High is significantly involved in          The focus for the new academic year will
of Penicuik in the west of Midlothian. The        many of the Active Schools’ initiatives and         be to continue to increase the number
school currently has approx 640 pupils and        programmes. They are consistently improving         of extracurricular clubs and the variety of
is situated opposite Penicuik Park and next to    opportunities for pupils in projects such as        sports activities to be experienced in order
Penicuik Centre which pupils have access          Young Ambassador, Lead 2014 and Sky                 to maintain the upward trend in activity
to in curriculum time for PE classes and for      Sports Living for Sport projects with an aim to     and participant sessions. Positive links
extracurricular clubs. The school has four main   encourage a positive leadership culture within      will be maintained with the 2012 Young
feeder primary schools: Cornbank, Cuiken,         the school.                                         Ambassadors and links established with
Strathesk and Sacred Heart.                                                                           the newly elected Young Ambassadors for
                                                  The extracurricular programme is growing            2013/14 to ensure the success achieved
                                                  from year to year and provides opportunities        this year is maintained.
                                                  for pupils to join extracurricular clubs and join
                                                  school teams. Working in partnership with the
                                                  Penicuik Sport Hub ensures that exit routes
                                                  are in place for our pupils to sustain lifelong
                                                  involvement in their chosen sports and
                                                  physical activities.
Kate Murray
Active Schools                                    Active Schools – Adding Value
Coordinator                                       The Young Ambassadors have had a very
                                                  successful year promoting the extracurricular
                                                  programme in the primaries and secondary
                                                  school and have created a recognition
                                                  scheme to celebrate sport in Penicuik HS.

                                                  With a focus on improving leadership,
                                                  a group of eight S3 pupils attended the
Kate Murray joined the Midlothian Active          LEAD 2014 conference in Edinburgh and
Schools Team in January 2005 when the             then planned and delivered a successful
programme was launched in Midlothian              Commonwealth Games themed event for                  20
and has worked hard to promote and                P7 pupils from all the feeder primary schools.
deliver Active Schools in the Penicuik area.      A positive link has been created with the
Kate has a BA Hons. Degree in Sport               sports leaders who gained coaching awards
and Leisure from Edinburgh University             and qualifications as part of their course.
and previous posts prior to joining               They then were given the opportunity to
Active Schools, were with Fitness                 deliver lunchtime clubs in the feeder primary
Scotland and also Fife Council working            schools to gain further coaching experience
on their New Opportunities (Lottery) Fund         and to provide increased opportunities for
Sports Programmes. Active Schools is a            primary pupils to be active. Several pupils
fantastic programme to be involved in             have also had the opportunity to be involved
and has continued to grow and have a              in the Champions in Schools initiative and
positive impact in the Penicuik area and          the Sky Sports Living for Sport project,
wider community.                                  which has been inspiring and motivating
                                                  to those involved.

Active Schools Midlothian                        Annual Review 2012–13

Beeslack High School                             Active Schools – Adding Value                     Plans for 2013/14
Beeslack Community High School is situated       Complementing the increasing extracurricular      Beeslack will be focussing on increasing
in the south-west of the region and is one of    programme, Beeslack CHS, within the               the number of volunteers involved in the
two secondary schools based in the Penicuik      last year, has been involved in several new       extracurricular programme to ensure a greater
area. Beeslack CHS has three main ASG feeder     initiatives. The introduction of the Young        variety of activities are available. The new
primary schools: Roslin PS, Glencorse PS and     Ambassadors Programme has proven to be            Young Ambassadors will be encouraging
Mauricewood PS, with also a vast number of       successful after a slow start, with the Young     fellow pupils to try new sports and will be
pupils travelling from wider vicinities.         Ambassadors most noticeably being involved        working on the development of inter-house
                                                 in the Penicuik area launch of the Midlothian     participation to increase whole school activity
2012 Highlights                                  Commonwealth Passport. A group of S1              levels. A key focus will be aimed at S1 pupils
Beeslack Community High School is based in       pupils have been involved in the Champions        to try to maintain participation levels and
the beautiful grounds of a spacious 17.5 acre    in Schools project aimed at encouraging           reduce drop-out figures.
site, formerly part of the estate of Beeslack    pupils to alter their lifestyle through changes
House. This fantastic outdoor space lends        to their diet and physical activity levels by     Increased effort will be made to encourage
itself to a variety of outdoor sports on offer   inspiring them to work hard and set small         improved festival and event participation and
at Beeslack including; rugby, football, hockey   goals to achieve targets.                         special focus will be made in aiming to retain
and cricket with cycling becoming more                                                             the Giant Heptathlon champion’s title.
and more accessible. Indoor activities           Annually a group of senior Sports Leaders
currently on offer consist of an excellent       are trained to lead Junior Jog Scotland
dance programme, fitness sessions,               sessions and also complete the Rugby
dodge ball and more.                             YCC and are then set a task of delivering
                                                 rugby taster sessions in the local primary
                                                 schools concluding with a small festival
                                                 in conjunction with the Midlothian Rugby
                                                 Development Officer.

Active Schools

                                                                                                                            20 Lead 2014 pupils from
                                                                                                                            Penicuik High
                                                                                                                            21 NASUWT National
                                                                                                                            Primary Hockey Festival
Jenna completed a degree in Sport and                                                                                       2013
Exercise Science in 2006 having spent many
years as a multi-sports coach and manager         21
of an Out of School Care Provision. During
this time Jenna also played football at the
highest level, travelling to various countries
representing Hibernian Ladies and indeed
Scotland during two European campaigns
in the UEFA women’s cup before retiring due
to injury. After completing her degree Jenna
worked briefly as part of the East Lothian
Active Schools Team after graduating
from University and soon moved to Active
Schools Midlothian in January 2007 to
cover a maternity post. Changes in the
Active Schools programme led to the
continuation of Jenna’s employment with
Midlothian Council.

Active Schools Midlothian                            Annual Review 2012–13

Penicuik & Beeslack Feeder Primaries                 Plans for 2013/14
Penicuik benefits from two secondary schools         For 2013-14, the focus will be on developing
and both work closely with the seven feeder          and promoting opportunities aimed at raising
primary schools – Cornbank, Cuiken, Sacred           awareness of the Commonwealth Games for
Heart, Strathesk, Roslin, Glencorse and              example Midlothian Commonwealth Passport
Mauricewood– on a number of different                for pupils in P4-P7. Using the excitement
projects throughout the year.                        generated in the run up to the games we will
                                                     encourage more pupils to try new sports
2012 Highlights                                      and activities. A key focus will also be on
We offer a cluster based extracurricular             raising awareness of the 2014 Ryder Cup
programme which is open to pupils from all           via a cluster ClubGolf festival. We also plan
seven primary schools in Penicuik. Developed         to re-visit transition opportunities within
over a number of years to maximise after             our primary schools to ensure health and
school club attendance this allows the pupils        wellbeing, and in particular Active Schools,
from all schools to access a greater variety of      is highlighted as a key priority in both Penicuik
activities. Efforts to establish more formal links   and Beeslack High Schools and their feeder
with Penicuik sports clubs are ongoing and           primary schools.
have been enhanced with the development
of the Penicuik Community Sport Hub thus
ensuring that more pupils can enjoy a more
positive pathway from school sports club to                                                                   22 Susan Egelstaff
local community sport clubs with ease.                                                                        delivering a Champion
                                                                                                              in Schools theory session
                                                                                                              at Beeslack
Katie Stocks is an example of how good                                                                        23 Katie Stocks at the
school/club links benefits our pupils. After                                                                  Karate Scottish Open
trying out Karate at the after school club
Katie became an enthusiast. She joined                                                                   22

the Meadowbank Karate Club and after a
couple of years training went on to represent
them at the Scottish Open and the British
Championships winning bronze and silver
medals galore in individual and team events.

Active Schools – Adding Value
Collectively, all of the primary schools have
embraced the Active Schools programme
from the outset and their continued support
and enthusiasm has been tantamount to the
success of Active Schools in the Penicuik Area.
A new Active Schools Programme is offered
each term and numbers attending these
clubs continue to increase year on year. The                                                             23
enthusiasm of pupils, the support of parents
and the dedication of teachers, volunteers,
young leaders, parents and coaches all add to
the success of the programme in the area. As
well as extracurricular clubs, schools have also
embraced taster sessions delivered by clubs
in curriculum time, attending Active Schools
events and festivals, delivering both ClubGolf
and Bikeability Cycle Training.

ASMO Stats 2012/13
Penicuik Cluster
Activity Sessions                          998
Participant Sessions                      12171
Volunteers                                   46
Qualified Volunteers                         20
Qualified Senior Pupil Volunteers            19
School to Club Links                         14

Active Schools Midlothian   Annual Review 2012–13

Active Schools Midlothian                       Annual Review 2012–13

Lasswade Area Report

Lasswade High School                            2012 Highlights                                Active Schools – Adding Value
The Lasswade cluster comprises Lasswade         There are a wide variety of extracurricular    There have been many success stories
High School a non denominational secondary      clubs running within the school. During        from Lasswade High School from National
school in Bonnyrigg and 10 feeder primary       the academic year 2012 Active Schools          Initiatives to pupil attainment. Over the
schools from the towns and villages of          introduced Boccia, Netball and Freestyle       last few years Active Schools have been
Bonnyrigg, Lasswade, Loanhead and               Gymnastics Clubs. On-going extracurricular     working to promote physical activity for girls.
Rosewell. Home to 1287 pupils the school        clubs include Dance and Movement, Rugby,       Lasswade High School received funding
takes pride in both its academic and sporting   Football, Hockey, Snowboarding, Skiing,        from Fit for Girls; a joint initiative between the
achievements, in particular the title Fittest   Fitness, Badminton, Cheerleading, Table        Youth Sport Trust and sportscotland, aimed
School in Britain awarded in 2009.              Tennis and Basketball. Clubs are run by a      at increasing physical activity participation
                                                mixture of teacher volunteers, volunteer       among Scottish secondary school girls aged
                                                coaches, senior pupils and paid coaches;       11-16 years. At Lasswade High we aim to reach
                                                which allows us to continue running the        girls who are disengaged with sport and
                                                clubs free of charge.                          physical activity. I offer personal support to the
                                                                                               girls, providing one to one personal training
                                                Football has been extremely popular at         sessions in a gym setting. Each participant has
                                                Lasswade High School this year; and all the    a personal training plan and I hope to expand
                                                football club transition sessions were fully   the programme in 2013 using those girls who
Denise                                          subscribed. In June 2013 Lasswade High         have completed as positive role models and
Whitehead                                       School U15s Girls Football Team reached the    mentors for new recruits.
Active Schools                                  finals of the Girls Scottish Shield. Through
Coordinator                                     linking with the local clubs Active Schools    Vaila Chapman, currently ranked number
                                                aims to provide a solid pathway from           one on the UK women’s snowboarding
                                                participation at primary through secondary     freestyle circuit, first in the 16-plus age
                                                to community club level and beyond.            category and prized for Best Overall Female in
                                                                                               Scotland, takes part in extracurricular Fitness
                                                                                               at Lasswade HS. In the run up to the Winter
                                                                                               Olympics 2014 I will work closely with Vaila
Denise is the newest addition to the                                                           providing support and sport specific training.
Midlothian Active Schools team, having
started in October 2012. After graduating
in Sport and Exercise Science, Denise
started work with Midlothian Council as a
Youth Worker in Community Learning and
Development. With over 10 years coaching
and fitness instructor experience Denise
hopes to promote the benefits of being
physically active for health.

                                                 24                                             25

Active Schools Midlothian                            Annual Review 2012–13

Plans for 2013/14                                                            27
This year I am increasing my hours to full time
working and in addition to Lasswade High
I will be working with six feeder primary
schools in the Lasswade cluster. I am looking
forward to further strengthening the transition
links between the high school and its feeder
primary schools. Building on the success of
this year’s transition event, I aim to offer more
clubs at primary level that will feed into the
existing high school clubs as well as cluster
clubs at the High School to encourage the
P7s to link into their High School during their
transition year. I also want to ensure that all
year groups in primary can take part in sport
and activities that link directly with either High
School or Community clubs.

Lasswade High School is in a brand new
building and I want to take advantage of
the amazing sports facilities to increase the
programme of activities; swimming will be a
new and welcome addition and an excellent
opportunity for the development of the
Lasswade High School Swim Team.


24 2013 Giant Heptathlon
event hosted by Lasswade
High School
25 Scottish Snowboarding
Champion Vaila Chapman
26 After school Club
football session in the
Lasswade Cluster
27 Lasswade primaries
take part in the Midlothian
Basketball Festival

Active Schools Midlothian                         Annual Review 2012–13

Lasswade Feeder Primaries                          28
The Lasswade Primary cluster is spread
across three towns and is comprised of ten
primary schools in total. Three schools in the
town of Loanhead (Paradykes, Loanhead and
St Margaret’s) two schools in the village of
Rosewell (St Matthews and Rosewell) and
five in the conurbation of Bonnyrigg &
Lasswade (Burnbrae, Hawthornden,
St Marys, Bonnyrigg and Lasswade).
The non denominational schools directly
feed the new Lasswade High School with
the remaining three faith schools of St Marys,
St Matthews and St Margaret’s connected
to St David’s High School in Dalkeith.
                                                                                                                         28 Paradykes girls
                                                                                                                         compete in the Tug- O’War
                                                                                                                         at the Primary Athletics
                                                                                                                         29 Primary Athletics
                                                                                                                         relay race
                                                                                                                         30 Endurance challenge
                                                                                                                         at the Midlothian Giant
                                                                                                                         31 Mini Olympics in
                                                                                                                         Lasswade Cluster

Scott                                             Bobby Mooney                                  2012 Highlights
Montgomery                                        Active Schools                                A wide range of activities have been offered
Active Schools                                    Coordinator                                   across all the schools in the cluster this year.
Coordinator                                       (Loanhead, Paradykes                          The activities offered have ranged from
(Bonnyrigg,                                       & St. Margaret’s                              taekwondo and rugby to hip hop dance and
Hawthornden,                                      Primary Schools)                              athletics. Many of the clubs rotate around the
Hopefield, Lasswade,                                                                            schools and ages to give as many children the
Rosewell, St Mary’s                                                                             chance to try the activities as possible.
and St Matthews                                                                                 We have also started some before school
Primary Schools)                                                                                clubs in two schools which have proved
                                                  Bobby graduated with an MSc in Sport          successful and provide an opportunity to get
After leaving Penicuik High School Scott          & Exercise Science from the University        the pupils active first thing in the morning.
studied Sports Coaching with Development          of Glasgow in 1998. In his youth, he          Many of the clubs in the schools are delivered
at Edinburgh’s Telford College before             represented Scotland on the track and at      by coaches who run clubs in the local
spending five years in the USA on a soccer        cross country as well as winning medals at    community which provides an exit route
scholarship where he received a degree            county and national level while competing     for continued participation.
in Communications. He then returned to            for Greenock Glenpark Harriers. He is now
work as a Youth Sports Development Officer        a Level 2 Athletics Coach and coaches Run,
with Midlothian Council before leaving for        Jump and Throw at Law & District AAC. He
Scottish Borders Council to take up a post as     has also worked with the GB Squad at the
an Active Schools Coordinator. Scott then         World Cross Country Championships for
returned to Midlothian Council to continue        athletics with a learning disability. Apart
working in Active Schools and has been            from coaching athletics, Bobby who joined
the coordinator for the Lasswade Area             the team in 2005, is qualified to coach
for almost four years. Scott played junior        basketball, football, tennis, badminton,
football for ten years with Penicuik Athletic     cycling and ClubGolf.
and Edinburgh United until he was forced to
retire through injury. As a result he has taken
up cycling both as a form of exercise and a
way to commute in all weathers.

Active Schools Midlothian                           Annual Review 2012–13

Active Schools – Adding Value                                               29
One of the most successful links we have is
with the local golf clubs; all P5 pupils received
a block of ClubGolf during school time and
were given the opportunity to take a block
of golf at a local club. Broomieknowe and
Melville being the two closest clubs benefited
the most with a mixture of pupils attending
from the cluster primaries.

The number of schools delivering Bikeability
Level 2 on the road has also increased.
Due to a successful funding bid to Cycling
Scotland we were able to provide mentors
to support schools to deliver cycle training
on the road as opposed to it taking place
in the playground. The training on the road
is far more realistic and provides a training                               30

environment and prepares the child more

ASMO Stats 2012/13
Lasswade Cluster
Activity Sessions                         1156
Participant Sessions                    15033
Volunteers                                  17
Qualified Volunteers                        12
Qualified Senior Pupil Volunteers            1
School to Club Links                        18

Plans for 2013/14
This year Scott will retain responsibility for
Bonnyrigg, Hawthornden, Lasswade and
Burnbrae, and take over responsibility for ASN
Midlothian and Saltersgate ASN School. As                                   31

a result St Marys, St Matthews and Rosewell
will be covered by Denise Whitehead who
is also taking responsibility for the remaining
three primaries in Loanhead from Bobby
Mooney who is moving his responsibility
from Lasswade to work with schools in the
Newbattle Cluster.

The aim is to build on the successes of last
year and ensure that the percentage of
different pupils attending continues to grow
along with the number of activity sessions.
Scott will work with colleagues in Saltersgate,
Lothian Disability Sport and Scottish Disability
Sport to ensure that Midlothian’s ASN pupils
get the same opportunities to participate.
I also want to increase the number of
volunteers and improve the links between
the primaries and the high school. As we
move towards the end of the school year
we anticipate using the Commonwealth
Games and Ryder cup as a way to increase
activity levels.

Active Schools Midlothian                         Annual Review 2012–13

Dalkeith Area Report

Dalkeith Schools Community Campus                 Mark Gaffney                                      Active Schools – Adding Value
which opened in 2003 is a unique three            Active Schools                                    Last year saw Midlothian Active Schools
school campus (non-denominational,                Coordinator                                       implement the first full roll-out of the Young
denominational and a special school) situated                                                       Ambassador (YA) programme within
in the east of Midlothian, where common                                                             Midlothian secondary schools and the
facilities extend educational, community and                                                        St David’s YAs have made a significant
leisure opportunities for pupils and the wider                                                      difference to the school already. One of these
Midlothian population. Woodburn Primary                                                             projects has seen has seen the YAs introduce
one of the feeder primary schools for Dalkeith                                                      the ‘St David’s HS Sports Personality of
High school located to the Campus in                                                                the Year’ award whereby six pupils were
August 2009.                                      Mark has been Active Schools Coordinator          nominated for their performances within
                                                  with special responsibility for ASN pupils        sport in their schools, communities, regionally
St David’s High                                   for nine years. A graduate of Edinburgh           and nationally and the other pupils within
St David’s RC High School is one of the four      University, Mark is a keen tennis player          the school voted for who they thought was
schools on the Dalkeith Schools Campus.           and his claim to fame is being part of            most deserving. A trophy was purchased and
St David’s High School draws it’s 900 pupils      one of the few teams to take on and beat          presented at an awards ceremony and this
from all areas of Midlothian and several parts    ITV’s Eggheads! Mark became involved              will now be an annual event to help celebrate
of East Lothian and works very closely with all   in disability sport as a volunteer and            achievement of the school’s pupils in an
feeder primary schools.                           became very passionate about ensuring             extracurricular environment.
                                                  that pupils with special needs were given
                                                  every opportunity to participate in all our       Plans for 2013/14
                                                  programmes and activities. Although he has        At the moment we are happy that our
                                                  moved to a new post with SDS he leaves a          extracurricular programme offers a wide and
                                                  solid programme of inclusion that will be         varied opportunity for pupils to be involved in
                                                  built upon in the years to come. Mark is also     sport and physical activity and we have strong
                                                  the coordinator for Dalkeith and St David’s       links with local clubs so a major target for us
                                                  secondary schools.                                would be to drive up participation numbers
 32                                                                                                 and encourage non-participants to partake.
                                                  2012 Highlights                                   We will also re-visit transition opportunities
                                                  St David’s High School are significantly          within our primary schools to re-establish
                                                  involved in many of the Active Schools’           relationships to ensure continuity between
                                                  initiatives and programmes. They are              the St David’s High School and our feeder
                                                  consistently leading from the front in projects   primary schools.
                                                  such as the Young Ambassador, Lead 2014
                                                  and Sky Sports Living for Sport projects which    We have recently established the first School
                                                  encourages a positive leadership culture          Sports Council in over a decade at St David’s
                                                  within the school.                                HS and will work hard to ensure that it makes
                                                                                                    a real and tangible contribution to sport
                                                  We have worked hard to develop school             and physical activity in the school and
                                                  club pathways within our extracurricular          the community.
                                                  programme. This involves encouraging pupils
                                                  who show enthusiasm within curricular sport
                                                  to attend extracurricular after school clubs
                                                  delivered by coaches from local community
                                                  clubs. This means we can provide exit routes
                                                  for our pupils to sustain lifelong involvement
                                                  in their chosen sports and physical activities.

Active Schools Midlothian                         Annual Review 2012–13

Dalkeith High                                     Active Schools – Adding Value                    Plans for 2013/14
Dalkeith High School is the non                   During 2012 Active Schools has supported         Dalkeith will be focussing on further
denominational High School on the Dalkeith        various leadership projects within the High      developing the leadership programme
Schools Campus. Dalkeith High School has          School. One was selected to inform good          and introducing more non-traditional
four main feeder primary schools: Danderhall,     practice for the newly developed recruiting      opportunities for volunteers to engage in the
King’s Park, Tynewater and Woodburn which         and managing volunteers training course          extracurricular and leadership programme
is also situated on the Campus.                   to be rolled to new Active Schools               through involvement in promotion, social
                                                  Coordinators this year by sportscotland.         media, website updating and newsletter
2012 Highlights                                   This project involved the Sports Leader          production. We will also work on transitioning
Dalkeith HS has created a strong leadership       Group who, having previously trained in          more pupils from the school-club structure
culture within the school with a strategic        event management, co-ordinated a number          into community clubs.
volunteer structure which involves an             of sporting festivals for the feeder primaries
extremely committed group of senior pupils,       and the associated ASN School. The sports        Dalkeith HS aims to maintain their success
teachers and other school staff assuming          leaders tutored a class of P7 pupils in how to   in the Active Schools inter school events
responsibility for clubs and initiatives within   deliver a clubgolf event. The P7 group then      calendar and aim to keep the title in the
the school and its feeder primary schools.        delivered an excellent clubgolf festival to      Secondary Athletics Championship.
This is supported by a targeted coach             64 P4 pupils. This project had a positive
and volunteer education syllabus which            effect on over 100 pupils across the school.
aids in sustaining a wide and varied
extracurricular programme.                        A large number of extracurricular clubs
                                                  have also been opened up to the feeder
Active Schools facilitate partnership             schools P7 groups as part of the transition
working between school staff and local            programme. This enables the pupils to make
community clubs to deliver their transition       new friends within the school, experience
and extracurricular programmes to ensure          the facilities and staff as well as providing
that pupils can pursue life-long participation    continuity within sport and physical activity
in their chosen physical activity.                after their transition from primary school.

                                                                                                                           32 St David’s Young
                                                                                                                           Ambassadors with GB
                                                                                                                           hockey player Laura Bartlett
                                                                                                                           33 Sky Sports Living
                                                                                                                           Project visit St David’s
                                                                                                                           High School
                                                                                                                           34 Pupils form Saltersgate
                                                                                                                           take part in Disability Sports
                                                                                                                           Hall Athletics


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