Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

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Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board
Guide to Secondary School

                   Printed in 2018
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board
   Every student will explore and enhance their potential, passions, and
            strengths to thrive as contributing global citizens.

    As a learning organization our actions will be guided by our values...

Accountability • Creativity • Empathy • Collaboration • Equity • Integrity

Abbey Park High School                     Iroquois Ridge High School
(905) 827-4101                             (905) 845-0012                      

Acton District High School                 M.M. Robinson High School
(519) 853-2920                             (905) 335-5588                      

Aldershot High School                      Milton District High School
(905) 637-2383                             (905) 878-2839                      

Burlington Central High School             Nelson High School
(905) 634-7768                             (905) 637-3825                      

Craig Kielburger Secondary School          Oakville Trafalgar High School
(905) 878-0575                             (905) 845-2875                      

Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School       Robert Bateman High School
(905) 332-5235                             (905) 632-5151                      

Garth Webb Secondary School                T.A. Blakelock High School
(905) 847-6875                             (905) 827-1158                      

Gary Allan High School                     White Oaks Secondary School
905-632-2944                               (905) 845-5200                     

Georgetown District High School
(905) 877-6966
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                                                                                                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
Graduation Requirements                                                                                                   2-8
    Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)                                                                                 2
    Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)                                                                             3
    Course Information                                                                                                    4-6
    Grade 9 EQAO Math and Grade 10 Literacy Requirement                                                                     7
    Community Involvement Hours                                                                                             8

Transition to Secondary School                                                                                           9-10
    Get Involved                                                                                                           10

Support Services Teams                                                                                                  11-12

Special Education                                                                                                       13-15

Policies and Procedures                                                                                                 16-20
    Well-Being Team                                                                                                        16
    Code of Conduct                                                                                                     16-17
    Assessment and Evaluation Policies                                                                                  18-20

Pathways                                                                                                                21-25
    Apprenticeship, College, Community, University, Work

Regional Pathways Programs                                                                                              26-30
    International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)                                                                   26
    I-STEM                                                                                                                 26
    English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD)                                              27
    Locally Developed                                                                                                      28
    French Immersion                                                                                                       28
    Specialist High Skills Major, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program, Dual Credit, School to Career                   29-30

Additional Learning Opportunities                                                                                       31-33
    eLearning                                                                                                              31
    Cooperative Education                                                                                                  31
    Summer School & Night School                                                                                           32
    Gary Allan High School - Alternative and Adult Programs                                                                33

Websites                                                                                                                  34

Community Resources                                                                                                       35

Terms and Definitions                                                                                                   36-38

Halton Secondary Schools                                                                                                  39

What Do You Need To Graduate?                                                                                             40

The term parent is used throughout this document to refer to the legal guardian of any student under 18 years of age.
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                          In order to earn an OSSD                               WHAT DO YOU NEED TO GRADUATE?
                          a student must:                                        18 compulsory credits
                                                                                 Students must earn the following compulsory credits to obtain the
                          • Earn 30 credits (18 compulsory                      Ontario Secondary School Diploma:
                             credits and 12 elective credits)                     4     credits in English
                          • Complete 40 community                                3     credits in Mathematics
                             involvement hours                                    2     credits in Science
                                                                                  1     credit in Canadian History
                          • Successfully complete the Ontario
                                                                                  1     credit in Canadian Geography
                             Secondary School Literacy
                                                                                  1     credit in the Arts
                                                                                  1     credit in Health and Physical Education
                                                                                  1     credit in French as a second language
                          Compulsory Credits                                     0.5    credit in Career Studies
                          Students must earn 18 compulsory                       0.5    credit in Civics
                          credits. Compulsory credits are                        Plus one credit from each of the following groups:
                          determined by the Ministry                              1      Group 1: an additional credit in English, or French as a second language,
                          of Education.                                                  or a Native language, or a classical or an international language, or social
                                                                                         sciences and the humanities or Canadian and world studies or guidance and
                                                                                         career education or cooperative education.
                          Elective Credits
                                                                                  1      Group 2: an additional credit in health and physical education, or the arts or
                          Students must earn 12 elective                                 business studies, or French as a second language, or cooperative education.
                          credits. Elective credits are
                          determined by the student based                         1      Group 3: an additional credit in science or technological education, or
                          on their pathway plan and post-                                French as a second language, or computer studies, or cooperative education.

                          secondary destination in consultation
                                                                                 In addition to the above the students must complete:
                          with parents and with support from
                                                                                 12     elective credits
                          guidance counsellors.

                                                                                 40     hours of community involvement activities
                          Visit for                    Ontario Literacy Requirement OSSLT or OSSLC
                          educational planning resources.

                                                    SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSE PLANNER
                             Grade 9 Courses             Grade 10 Courses            Grade 11 Courses               Grade 12 Courses               Additional Year
                           • English                 • English                   • English                      • English                      •
                           • Math                    • Math                      • Math                         •                              •
                           • Science                 • Science                   •                              •                              •
                           • Geography               • History                   •                              •                              •
                           • French                  • Civics & Career Studies   •                              •                              •
                           • Physical Education*     •                           •                              •                              •
                           • Technology/Business*    •                           •                              •                              •
                           •  Arts*                 •                           •                              •                              •
                            *options may vary by school
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                                                                                                               GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
The Ontario Secondary School Certificate                  Certificate of Accomplishment
The OSSC is granted to students who have earned           The Certificate of Accomplishment is granted
a minimum of 14 credits.                                  to students who have earned a maximum of
• 7 compulsory credits:                                  13 credits. This certificate may be a useful means
     - 2 credits in English                               of recognizing achievement for students who
     - 1 credit in Canadian Geography or                 plan to enter the workplace or other kinds of
         Canadian History                                 further training. Students who return to school to
     - 1 credit in Mathematics                            complete additional credit and non-credit courses
     - 1 credit in Science                                will have their transcript updated but will not be
     -1  credit in Health and Physical Education         issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment.
     - 1 credit in the Arts or Technological Education
• 7 elective credits.
• Students are not required to complete
   40 community involvement hours.
• Students are not required to complete the
   Ontario Secondary School Literacy Requirement.

Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                          Courses vs. Credits                     study and enhance 			               expectations are individualized
                          Successful completion of a              educational experience.             for the student and generally
                          110-hour course has a credit          5. K-Coded courses are 		             focus on preparing the student
                          value of 1.0. Typically a course         alternative curriculum 		          for daily living.
                          runs for one semester, one period        and are non-credit
                                                                                                      Course Descriptions
                          a day to meet the 110-hour               bearing courses.
                                                                                                      Course offerings and
                          requirement. Some courses are
                                                                                                      descriptions can be found
                          offered for half a semester (e.g.     Six types of courses are offered in
                                                                                                      on your school’s website and
                          Careers, Civics) and have a 0.5       Grade 11 and 12:
                          credit value and some courses         1. Open courses are appropriate      Each school determines its
                          (e.g. Cooperative Education) have         for all post-secondary            own course offerings based
                          a credit value of 2.0 and are two         pathways. These courses           on the courses selected by
                          periods per day.                          prepare students for further      their students. As a result,
                          Types of Courses                          study and enhance educational     course offerings vary by school.
                                                                    experience.                       Contact your school’s Guidance
                          Five types of courses are offered
                                                                2. College Preparation courses are   Office for additional information.
                          in Grade 9 and 10:
                                                                    designed to prepare students
                          1. Academic courses emphasize                                               Course Selection
                                                                    for most college programs and
                             theory and abstract
                                                                    related careers.                  Students select their
                             problem solving.
                                                                                                      courses for the next school
                                                                3. University Preparation
                          2. Applied courses focus on the                                             year in January/February
                                                                    courses are designed to
                             essential concepts of a subject,                                         with support from teachers,
                                                                    prepare students for entrance
                             and develop students’ 		                                                 Guidance Counsellors, Special
                                                                    requirements for university
                             knowledge and skills through                                             Education teachers, parents,
                                                                    programs and related careers.
                             practical applications and 		                                            and online resources such as
                          		concrete examples. Familiar 		      4.	University/College Preparation
                             situations are used to 		              (Mixed) courses are designed to
                                                                                                      Course selection is an important
                             illustrate ideas, and students         prepare students for entrance
                                                                                                      part of pathway planning for
                             are given more opportunities           requirements for specific
                                                                                                      every student. Course selection
                             to experience hands-on 		              university and college programs
                                                                                                      determines the courses,
                             applications of the concepts 		        and related careers.
                                                                                                      timetable, and staffing
                             and theories they study.           5.	Workplace Preparation courses     for their school.
                          3. Locally Developed (Essential)         are designed to prepare            Note: Students may take a 9th credit on
                             courses are designed to focus         students for a variety of jobs,    their day school time table once during
                             on core knowledge and skills to       training programs and careers.     their high school career.
                             meet individual student needs.        These courses emphasize
                                                                   workplace applications.
                          4. Open courses are appropriate
                             for all post-secondary             6. K-Coded courses are non-credit
                             pathways. These courses 		             bearing courses developed by
                             prepare students for further 		        the school board. The course

Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                                                                                                          GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
Course Codes

ENG 1 D 1                           These three letters identify the subject. Subject Codes - the first
                                    letter in the course code denotes the course’s department area.
                                    A = Arts                           H = Humanities & Soc. Sciences
                                    B = Business                       L = International Languages
                                    C = Canadian & World Studies       M = Mathematics
                                    E = English                        P = Physical Education
                                    F = French                         S = Sciences
                                    G = Guidance & Career Ed.          T = Technology

                                      This school indicator is used to
                                      distinguish course characteristics.
                                      1 = Common code          E = ESL
                                      4 = French Immersion     F = Female
                                      B = ALP/IB Program       M = Male

                           This letter identifies the course type.
                            Grade 9-10               Grade 11-12
                           D = Academic              C = College
                           L = Locally Developed     E = Workplace
                           O = Open                  M = University/College
                           P = Applied               O = Open
                                                     U = University

                             This number identifies the grade.
                               1 = Grade 9     3 = Grade 11
                               2 = Grade 10    4 = Grade 12

                                                                                     SBI 3 C 1
Course Outline
A course outline is provided in each course at the start of the semester. The course outline includes:
• The course title, course code and course description.
• The course curriculum expectations, assessment and evaluation information including the course’s
  achievement chart, academic standards and learning skills.

Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                          Course Changes:
                          Students wishing to request a course change should consult their Guidance Counsellor.
                          Parents of students under the age of 18 must approve any course changes. Requests for course
                          changes are subject to course availability and class size considerations as approved by Guidance
                          and/or Administration.

                          Sample Student Timetables

                                         Semestered Program                                             De-semestered Program
                                Semester 1                       Semester 2                        Semester 1                   Semester 2
                           Period        Day 1          Period        Day 1               Period         Day 1             Period        Day 1
                           Period 1      MPM1D1-07      Period 1      SNC1D1-04           Period 1a      MPM1DB-01         Period 1a     MPM1DB-01
                           08:30-09:45   K. Nguyen      08:30-09:45   A. Balogh           08:10-08:47    R. Sangha         08:10-08:47   R. Sangha
                           Sem 1                        Sem 1                             Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1        123            Term 1        214                 Term 2         A219              Term 2        A219
                           Announ                       Announ                            Period 1b      ENG1DB-04         Period 1b     ENG1DB-04
                           09:45-09:50                  09:45-09:50                       08:48-09:24    B. Khan           08:48-09:24   B. Khan
                           Sem 1                        Sem 2                             Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1                       Term 1                            Term 2         A216              Term 2        A116
                           Period 2      FSF1P1-01      Period 2      ENG1D1-08           Period 2a      CGC1DB-09         Period 2a     SNC1DB-04
                           09:55-11:10   M. Canton      09:55-11:10   B. Khan             09:28-10:08    D. Marceau        09:28-10:08   D. Marceau
                           Sem 1                        Sem 2                             Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1        211            Term 1        121                 Term 2         A128              Term 2        A116
                           Period 3                     Period 3                          Period 2b      CGC1DB-0-9        Period 2b     SNC1DB-04
                           11:10-12:10                  11:10-12:10                       10:07-10:43    N. Millar         10:07-10:43   N. Millar
                                               Lunch                        Lunch
                           Sem 1                        Sem 2                             Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1                       Term 1                            Term 2         A128              Term 2        A116
                           Period 4      CGC101-03      Period 4      PPL1OF              Period 3       FSF1DB-02         Period 3      PPL10F-04
                           12:10-13:25   D. Marceau     12:10-13:25   L. Davis            10:48-12:02    M. Canton         10:48-12:02   J. Canton
                           Sem 1                        Sem 2         Gym                 Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1        205            Term 1                            Term 2         A228              Term 2        SGYM3
                           Period 5      AVI101-01      Period 5      TIJ101-23           Period 4                         Period 4
                           13:30-14:45   P. Bell        13:30-14:45   T. Kim              12:07-13:21                      12:07-13:21
                                                                                                            Lunch                            Lunch
                           Sem 1                        Sem 2                             Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                           Term 1        142            Term 1        N127                Term 2                           Term 2
                                                                                          Period 5       ADA101-01         Period 5      TIJ101-23
                                                                                          13:28-14:40    T. Kim            13:28-14:40   Mr. Kim
                                                                                          Sem. 1                           Sem. 1
                                                                                          Term 2         T106              Term 2        T127A
                                    Period #
                                                                            Course Code
                                                                                     Class Time                      Teacher

                                                       Period 5                       AVI1O1-01
                                                       13:30-14:45                    Mr. Bell
                                                       Sem 1
                                                       Term 1                         142
                                                          Semester                                      Room Number

Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                                                                                                               GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
The Grade 9 EQAO                     The Grade 10 Literacy                 • Students with special
Assessment of Mathematics:           Requirement:                             education needs may receive
• Measures the math skills          • Measures whether students             accommodations consistent
   students are expected to have        are meeting the minimum               with regular classroom
   learned in Grade 9.                  standard for literacy (reading        assessment practices and
                                        and writing) across all subjects      as specified in their IEP
• Students working toward a
                                        up to the end of Grade 9.             as permitted by EQAO.
   credit in Grade 9 Mathematics
   (Academic or Applied) are         • Students write the Grade 10        • English Language Learners
   required to take this test as        Literacy Test (OSSLT) in the          may receive accommodations
   part of their final evaluation.      spring of Grade 10.                   as permitted by EQAO.

• Different versions of the         • Successful completion of the
                                                                           Support and Preparation
   test are administered in the         OSSLT is a requirement for
                                                                           for EQAO Math and OSSLT
   Academic and the Applied             the Ontario Secondary School
                                                                           • Students are provided with a
   Grade 9 Mathematics courses.         Diploma (OSSD).
                                                                             wide range of support within
                                     • There is support for students        the classroom and outside class
                                        who are not successful,              time to ensure they are well
                                        including an opportunity to          prepared for these evaluations.
                                        rewrite the test or to take the
                                                                           • Test materials and additional
Please contact your Guidance            Ontario Secondary School
                                                                              resources are available at
Counsellor for more details.            Literacy Course (OSSLC).

Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2018 - Halton District School Board

                          Students entering Grade 9 must complete 40 community
                          involvement hours as one of the requirements for their Ontario
                          Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The aim is to encourage students                Tips for Success
                          to become actively involved in making positive contributions to their
                                                                                                          • Be on time
                          community. Students may begin accumulating their 40 hours during
                                                                                                          • Dress appropriately
                          the summer before they enter Grade 9.
                                                                                                          • Listen to instructions
                          Students submit a signed letter(s) from the supervisor (on letterhead)          • Ask for help if in doubt
                          that includes the number of hours completed, a description of the               a Submit evidence of
                          activity and the name of the organization to their Guidance Office.                 earned hours to the
                                                                                                              Guidance Office as
                          Eligible Community                     Ineligible Community                         you earn them.
                          Involvement Activities                 Involvement Activities                   a Completion of the 40
                          An event/activity/program:                                                          hours is recommended
                                                                 • Activities during instructional/          before entering
                          • Designed to be of benefit              class time within the school day.         Grade 11 (by age 16).
                             to the community.                   • Activities that consist of duties    a Students may begin
                          • Supporting not-for-profit               assigned to paid work.                   to accumulate hours
                             agencies, institutions or                                                        following Grade 8
                                                                 • Required activities of a course          graduation.
                             foundations.                          where you earn a credit.
                          • Structured to promote tutoring,
                                                                 • Participating on school sports
                             mentoring, coaching and the
                                                                    teams or clubs.
                             purpose is to assist others.
                                                                 • Experiential learning (e.g.
                          • Supporting work of
                            a global nature.                       “Take Our Kids to Work Day”,
                                                                   job shadow, cooperative
                          • Promoting environmental
                                                                 • Regular family responsibilities
                            ontributing to the health
                                                                    (e.g. chores).
                           and well-being of any group,
                           including school-based activities.    • Court ordered community
                                                                    service programs.
                          • Affiliated with a club, religious
                             organization, arts or cultural
                             association, or political
                             organization that seeks to
                             make a positive contribution
                             in the community.
                                                                                                         For more information:
                                                                                                         Visit your Guidance office


                                                                                                            TRANSITION TO SECONDARY SCHOOL
Transition programs support         Student Mentors                       designed to develop a
the successful transition from      Every secondary school has            strong sense of belonging
Grade 8 to 9.                       student leaders to mentor and         in the school community.
Every school provides               act as role models for incoming       These events may include tours,
comprehensive orientation for       Grade 9 students. These senior        dances or BBQs. Student mentors
students and their families that    student leaders play an integral      stay connected with Grade 9
may include:                        role in planning activities for       students throughout the year
                                    Grade 9 students as they begin        to support academic success
  • Guidance visits to all         their secondary school experience.    and community building. Every
     elementary feeder schools      Grade 9 students are grouped          Grade 9 student is encouraged
                                    with student leaders to familiarize   to engage in the wide range of
  • Grade 8 Information
                                    them with life at secondary school    activities that all secondary
     evening (parent and student)
                                    through a variety of activities       schools offer.
  • Course selection workshops

  • Grade 8 visits/tours

  • Orientation to secondary
     school with senior
     student mentors

  • Grade 9 activities and
     events throughout the year

      Grade 9 students
     are grouped with
       student leaders
        to familiarize
      them with life at
     secondary school.


                                 Athletics and Co-Curriculars

                                 Research shows that students who get involved
                                 are more likely to succeed academically.
                                 There are more than 70 co-curricular activities,
                                 clubs and sports offered in Halton secondary
                                 schools. By getting involved, students explore
                                 their physical, creative, and social selves while
                                 meeting new people and trying new things.

                                   TIP    Check with your school for a list
                                          of co-curricular activities.

                                   TIP    If a club or team of interest is
                                           not currently offered, students
                                           can get involved and get it
                                           started by speaking to other
                                           students, student council and/
                                           or teachers.


                                                                                                                     SUPPORT SERVICES TEAMS
Support Services Teams
Each secondary school has
a Support Services team that
assists students in a variety
of ways to ensure success for
all students. Support Services
staff includes: Administrators,
Guidance Counsellors, Social
Workers, Special Education
teachers, and Student
Success teachers.

Administrators                                  Questions? The Guidance Office can help!
Principals and Vice-principals            Counsellors are available by drop-in, email, phone
play an essential role as school                               and by appointment.
leaders. Every secondary
school has a Principal and
Vice-principal(s). The focus of
                                        The Guidance Office is a safe           Special Education Teachers
                                        place for students to express their     Special Education Teachers, as a
administrators is to develop and
                                        needs and concerns. Counsellors         part of the Support Services team,
maintain effective educational
                                        provide school-based support and        provide a variety of programs
programs within the school.
                                        connect students and their families     to assist students identified as
Principals and Vice-principals are
                                        with community resources.               exceptional by an IPRC and
available to assist and problem-
                                        In addition to individual               students who have needs beyond
solve with students and parents.
                                        counselling services, Guidance          those met by regular classroom
Administrators are responsible for
                                        Counsellors:                            instruction. Special Education
setting the climate in the school,
professional development for            • Facilitate Grade 8 to 9 transition   teachers assist students with goal
staff, and ensuring a safe and          • Complete new student                 setting, self-advocacy, and the
inclusive learning environment             registration                         development of learning skills.
and facility. In addition, Principals   • Lead course selection and            They work closely with students
work to support and encourage              timetabling                          to help them understand
partnerships between the school         • Host pathway planning and            their individual learner
and the broader community.                 information evenings                 profile and recognize which
                                        • Support the transition to            accommodations and resources
Guidance Counsellors                       post-secondary destinations          will enable them to achieve at
                                        • Track and monitor student            their greatest potential.
Guidance Counsellors provide
                                           achievement toward graduation
comprehensive counselling
services to support the academic,
career and personal development
of all students.


                         Social Worker
                         Social Workers are part of
                         the Support Services team in
                         every secondary school and
                         can provide counselling for
                         students and families. They bring
                         unique knowledge and skills to
                         support students’ learning and
                         success, particularly in the area
                         of mental health and wellness.
                         Social Workers also act as the
                         attendance counsellor for the
                         school in situations that involve
                         prolonged absences. Social
                         Workers assist students in
                         developing competencies in the
                         following key areas: confidence
                         building, problem-solving,
                         adapting to change and taking
                         responsibility. Referrals to a
                         Social Worker may be made by
                         students themselves, parents,
                         and the Support Services team.              “Working in partnership with students,
                         Students aged 14 and over can
                                                                       families, and community to meet the
                         access social worker services
                         without parental consent,                     educational needs of every student.”
                         however involving parents in
                         their child’s support is a priority.
                                                                improve outcomes for struggling    courses, eLearning, and
                         Student Success Teacher                students, re-engage early school   specialized co-operative
                         Student Success Teachers               leavers, and work with parents     education.
                         collaborate with all staff as          and the wider community.           These programming supports are
                         members of the Support Services        Student Success programs in        determined by local needs and
                         team to ensure the success of          secondary schools may include:     available resources.
                         all students. Student Success          credit rescue, credit recovery,
                         teachers track and monitor             homework clubs, study hall,
                         the progress of students               after school remediation,
                         who are behind in credit               learning strategies courses,
                         accumulation, provide assistance       peer tutoring, locally developed
                         and instruction to students to         compulsory courses, literacy
                         improve achievement, facilitate        test support, multiple-credit
                         school-wide initiatives to             technology programs, self-paced


                                                                                                                  SPECIAL EDUCATION
The Halton District School Board      The Special Education                   expectations that are modified
is committed to the principle that    Resource Teacher (SERT)                 from the expectations for the
learning is a developmental process   Special Education Resource              age-appropriate grade level in
and children proceed through the      Teachers provide a variety of           a particular subject or course,
stages of development at varying      supports and services in a school.      as outlined in the Ministry of
rates. The HDSB is also committed     These may include diagnostic            Education’s curriculum policy
to early recognition of learning      assessments to determine the            documents, and/or alternative
needs and early intervention as the   student’s learning strengths            expectations in program areas
most effective way to ensure the      and needs; providing support            not represented in the
learner remains confident about       to the student’s classroom              Ontario curriculum.
his/her own abilities as a learner    teachers by generating ideas            Regulation 181/98 requires that
and is engaged in the schooling       and suggestions for developing          an IEP be developed for every
process for years to come.            modified expectations, alternative      student identified as exceptional
                                      programs, or accommodations             by an Identification, Placement
Special Education Plan                (e.g., individualized teaching or       and Review Committee (IPRC).
The Halton District School Board      assessment strategies, human            In addition, an IEP may be
Special Education Plan outlines       support, individualized equipment);     developed for a student who
the school board’s framework for      providing advice about materials        has not been formally identified
the delivery of special education     and resources; planning instruction     as exceptional but who
programs and services in Halton.      to address those expectations           requires a special education
This plan has been written in         and assessing the student’s             program and/or services when
compliance with the Ministry          achievement of the expectations;        a student’s achievement will
Standards for School Boards’          and working with the classroom          be assessed on the basis of
Special Education Plan and is         teacher(s) to maintain ongoing          modified expectations; and/or
available on the Board’s website      communication with the student’s        the student regularly requires
at                       parents and other teachers.             accommodations for instructional
                                                                              or assessment purposes.
School Resource Team (SRT)            Individual Education Plan (IEP)
                                                                              The parent/guardian and the
A formal team composed of a           An IEP is a written plan describing     student, if the student is 16
school administrator, teachers        the special education program           years of age or older, must be
and other staff as needed to          and/or services required by a           asked to sign the IEP and the
discuss student needs. This team      particular student, based on the        Contact Form and to indicate
meets as part of the problem          student’s strengths and needs and       whether they were consulted in
solving pathway. Parents are          their effect on the student’s ability   the development of the IEP; they
invited to school resource team       to learn and to demonstrate             declined the opportunity to be
meetings and are active partners      learning. The IEP may include           consulted; they have received
in determining how to best            a record of the particular              a copy of the IEP; and any
support their student at school.      accommodations needed to help           comments they provided during
                                      the student achieve his or her          the development of the IEP.
                                      learning expectations, learning


                    Identification, Placement                                                  option of being timetabled into
                    and Review Committee                                                       the class/section of the core
                    (IPRC)                                                                     academic subjects of English,
                    The IPRC is a committee                                                    Math, Science, Geography and
                    of school board staff who                                                  History, where common course
                    determine whether or not a                                                 selections occur, timetables
                    student should be identified as                                            permit and with student/parental
                    exceptional according to the                                               input. Secondary gifted students
                    categories and definitions of                                              in Grade 11 and 12 will have
                    exceptionalities provided by                                               the option of being timetabled
                    the Ministry of Education and                                              into the same class/section of
                    decide an appropriate placement                                            the core University destination
                    for that student based on the                                              subjects of English, Math,
                    information presented by the                                               Science, Geography and History,
                    student’s home school.                                                     where common course selections
                    Parents are invited and                                                    occur, timetables permit and with
                                                         Special Education
                    encouraged to attend the                                                   student/parental input.
                                                         Placement Options
                    IPRC meeting.                                                              Please note: Not all high schools
                                                         A. Resource Support Placements:
                    The Education Act defines                                                  offer Secondary Gifted Placement
                                                         • A regular class with
                    an exceptional pupil as, “a                                                – for further information, please
                                                            consultative support
                    pupil whose behavioural,                                                   contact your secondary school
                    communicational, intellectual,       • A regular class with               Principal or Head of
                    physical or multiple                    resource assistance                Special Education.
                    exceptionalities are such that       • A regular class with
                    he or she is considered to need                                            B. Self-Contained Placements:
                                                            withdrawal assistance
                    placement in a special education                                           • A special education class
                    program.” Students are identified    For students identified as gifted        with partial integration
                    according to the categories and      in Grade 8 moving into high           • A special education
                    definitions of exceptionalities      school and for all identified            class full-time
                    provided by the Ministry             gifted students currently in          • Communication and
                    of Education.                        high school:                             Community Independence
                    Working Together is a guide                                                   Class (available in secondary)
                                                         • Secondary Gifted Placement
                    for parents, guardians and                                                    students move towards
                                                            offered at designated schools
                    students about the Identification,                                            supported independence
                                                            East - Oakville Trafalgar HS,
                    Placement and Review                                                          and a high quality of life.
                                                            Iroquois Ridge HS, Abbey Park HS
                    Committee (IPRC) process in                                                   The placement focuses on
                                                            North - Georgetown District HS,
                    Halton. This document sets                                                    the following eight program
                                                            Milton District HS
                    out the procedures involved in                                                areas: Functional Life Skills,
                                                            West - Nelson HS
                    identifying a student                                                         Communication Skills, Social
                                                         Secondary gifted students in
                    as exceptional.                                                               Skills, Leisure and Recreation
                                                         Grade 9 and 10 will have the


                                                                                                              SPECIAL EDUCATION
Skills, Transition to Work Skills,   Please note: Not all schools       Special Education Advisory
Functional Academics, Social/        offer these self-contained         Committee (SEAC)
Emotional/Self-Regulation,           placements – for further           Special Education Advisory
Personal Life Management             information, please contact your   Committee members are
and others as appropriate so         secondary school Principal or      representatives of local
students can be successful in        Head of Special Education.         associations appointed by the
their post-secondary destination.                                       Board, and, as such, attend
                                                                        monthly participatory meetings.
                                                                        They act in an advisory capacity
                                                                        to the Halton District School
                                                                        Board on issues and policies that
                                                                        affect Special Education.
                                                                        They act as a liaison to their
                                                                        local associations; so that issues,
                                                                        concerns, and recommendations
                                                                        of a local association can be
                                                                        brought to a SEAC meeting.
                                                                        Similarly, those changes in policy
                                                                        or procedure initiated by the
                                                                        Board or Ministry are shared
                                                                        with SEAC members. Each
                                                                        SEAC member in turn shares
                                                                        this information with his or her
                                                                        local association. There are also
                                                                        members at large who do not
                                                                        represent a local organization.
                                                                        (More information on SEAC
                                                                        can be found at


                          Every student has the right            Code of Conduct                       • Treat others with kindness,
                          to learn in a safe, healthy and        for Safe, Caring                         dignity and respect
                          engaging environment. This core        and Inclusive Schools —               • S how respect for school property
                          belief guides the implementation       A Shared Responsibility
                          of the Safe Schools Act, the Code      When staff, students and              The parent’s role:
                          of Conduct, and the development        parents work together to
                                                                                                       • Understand your school’s
                          of policies to ensure our schools      keep their school safe, it has a
                                                                                                          Code of Conduct as well
                          are safe and supportive places         powerful impact on the culture
                                                                                                          as the Board and provincial
                          to learn. A positive and inclusive     and climate of the school.
                                                                                                          Code of Conduct
                          school environment is essential        Each partner has an important
                          for students to succeed. Staff,                                              • Show an active interest in
                                                                 contribution to make.
                          students, parents and community                                                 your student’s school progress
                          partners have a part to play in        The school’s role:
                                                                                                       • Talk with your student about
                          making our schools safe.               • Provide a climate free                how they can contribute to
                          Halton District School Board              from distractions                    keeping their school a safe place
                          policies have been developed           • Teach and model positive           • Assist your student in following
                          in accordance with provincial             behaviour and good citizenship        the rules of positive behaviour
                          legislation and Ministry of
                                                                 • Teach acceptance of and            • Communicate with your
                          Education directives to ensure
                                                                    respect for others                    student’s school
                          schools are safe and
                                                                 • Foster open, honest                • Be a positive role model for
                          caring communities.
                                                                    communication                         your student
                          Information regarding bullying,
                                                                 • Help students work to their
                          prevention and intervention
                                                                    full potential and develop their
                          policies and the changes in
                                                                    sense of self-worth
                          legislation concerning school safety
                          can be found at           • Provide bullying prevention
                                                                    programs, including bullying         “When staff, students
                          Well-Being School Team                    prevention throughout
                                                                    the curriculum in daily
                                                                                                            and parents work
                          Each school has a well-being
                                                                    classroom teaching                      together to keep
                          team. Well-being is fundamental
                          to overall student access.             The student’s role:                        their school safe,
                          The team is composed of                • Practise honesty and integrity           it has a powerful
                          students, parents, teachers,
                                                                 • Exercise self-control and            impact on the culture
                          support staff, community
                          partners and the Principal.                                                         and climate of
                          To learn more, contact                 • Come to school prepared,
                          your Principal.                           on time, and ready to learn                 the school.”
                                                                 • Show respect for self and others


                                                                                                            POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Progressive Discipline              Student Attendance                  final evaluations in January and
Progressive Discipline is a whole   Students who attend school          June. Absences during this final
school approach that uses a         regularly are more successful       evaluation period may require
continuum of interventions,         than students who do not.           documentation.
support and consequences            Regular school attendance and       Parents are kept informed about
that include opportunities for      punctuality is an expectation of    student attendance through
reinforcing positive behaviour      all students and an important       automated notification systems
and helping students make           component of strong learning        by email or phone. Parents
good choices. The progressive       skills. Absent students miss out    may also log in to the Student
discipline approach includes:       on the carefully planned sequence   Information System at
• Early and ongoing prevention     of instruction.            (requires
   and intervention strategies                                          birth date and student number)
                                    Parents should notify the school
                                                                        to review their student’s
• Addressing inappropriate         of any and all attendance
                                                                        attendance history. Parents are
   behaviour                        concerns (lates and absences)
                                                                        also encouraged to consider their
• Opportunities for a student      through the Student Absence
                                                                        student’s attendance on report
   to learn from their choices      Reporting System. Upon arrival
                                                                        cards, progress reports and in
                                    or departure from the school the
• Parental awareness and                                               dialogue with teachers.
                                    student is to sign in/out at the
                                    main office.
                                                                        For additional information on
• A shift from solely punitive
                                    Early notification of planned       HDSB policies and procedures
   to both corrective and
                                    absences is important. Vacations    please consult your student’s
   supportive measures
                                    should not be planned during        agenda or visit

Student Transportation
Busing is provided to students
who live beyond set distances
from their designated secondary
school. Distances vary based on
grade and whether it is an urban
or rural setting.
Transportation information is
available at


                          Assessment and                       • Are ongoing, varied in nature,                                                                                          Student Reports
                          Evaluation Policies                     and administered over a                                                                                                 Teachers provide regular
                          Classroom practices for all             period of time to provide                                                                                               feedback on student
                          courses are aligned with Ministry       multiple opportunities for                                                                                              achievement. Formal reports
                          of Education policy. The primary        students to demonstrate the                                                                                             are provided at both midsemester
                          purpose of assessment and               full range of their learning.                                                                                           and semester-end (see sample
                          evaluation is to improve             • Provide ongoing descriptive                                                                                             copy below). There are additional
                          student learning.                       feedback that is clear,                                                                                                 opportunities to receive
                                                                  specific, meaningful, and                                                                                               feedback on student progress
                          The Seven Fundamental                   timely to support improved                                                                                              and achievement. Parents are
                          Principles                              learning and achievement.                                                                                               encouraged to communicate
                          To ensure that assessment,          • Develop students’                                                                                                        at any time with their
                          evaluation, and reporting are valid    self-assessment skills                                                                                                   student’s teachers and/or
                          and reliable, and that they lead       to enable them to assess                                                                                                 guidance counsellor.
                          to the improvement of learning         their own learning, set                                                                                                  Reporting focuses on two distinct
                          for all students, teachers use         specific goals, and plan                                                                                                 but related aspects of student
                          practices and procedures that:         next steps for their learning.                                                                                           achievement: the achievement
                          • Are fair, transparent, and                                                                                                                                   of curriculum expectations
                             equitable for all students.                                                                                                                                  (Achievement Chart) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                          development of learning skills.
                          • Support all students, including
                             those with special education
                             needs, those who are learning
                             the language of instruction        Student: Nathan Lee                                                                                                                                                                                      OEN                        Grade: 9

                             (English or French), and those
                                                                                                                                                                         Learning Skills & Work Habits
                             who are First Nations, Métis,
                                                                                 Courses                                                                                                                                                                                 Comments
                             or Inuit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Independent Work
                                                                                                                     Percentage Mark
                                                                                                  Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
                                                                                                                                       Course Median

                                                                                                                                                       Credit Earned


                          • Are carefully planned to relate

                             to the curriculum expectations
                             and learning goals and, as         Course Title: English                  1st              75 74                                            G                G               G                 G               G             G              Student specific
                                                                Couse Code: ENG1D1                                                                                                                                                                                       comment from course teacher
                             much as possible, to the           Teacher: A. Balogh
                                                                         J. Smith                    2nd

                             interests, learning styles and     ESL/ELD                  IEP
                                                                French                   SHSM
                                                                                                   Final                                               1.00              G                G               G                 G               G             G
                             preferences, needs, and
                                                                Course Title: Math                     1st              75 76                                            G                G               G                 G               G             G              Student specific
                             experiences of all students.       Couse Code: MPM1D1-01                                                                                                                                                                                    comment from course teacher
                                                                Teacher: M. Johnson
                          • Are communicated clearly           ESL/ELD                  IEP
                                                                                                  Final                                                1.00              G                G               G                 G               G             G
                             to students and parents at         French                   SHSM

                                                                Course Title:                          1st                                                               G                G               G                 G               G             G
                             the beginning of the school
                                                                Couse Code:
                             year or course and at other        Teacher:

                             appropriate points throughout      ESL/ELD                  IEP
                                                                                                   Final                                               1.00              G                G               G                 G               G             G
                                                                French                   SHSM
                             the school year or course.         Course Title:                          1st                                                               G                G               G                                 G             E
                                                                Couse Code: MCF3M1-01
                                                                Teacher: Shalini Singal

18                                                              ESL/ELD
                                                                                                  Final                                                1.00              G                G               E                 E               E             E

                                                                                                                     POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Achievement Chart                      Assessment and evaluation             The final percentage grade for
The achievement chart is a             is based on the provincial            all secondary school courses is
standard province-wide guide           curriculum expectations and           derived as follows:
used by teachers and includes four     achievement levels.                   • 70% of the final grade
categories of knowledge and skill:     The percentage grade represents          is based on term work
Knowledge & Understanding              the student’s overall achievement        evaluations conducted
                                       of the course expectations as            throughout the course.
• Subject-specific content acquired
                                       described in the achievement chart.      This portion of the grade
   in each grade/course (knowledge),
                                                                                should reflect the student’s
   and the comprehension of
                                            “Today’s Learning                   most consistent level of
   its meaning and significance
                                                                                achievement throughout
   (understanding).                       Skills are Tomorrow’s                 the course, although special
Thinking                                 Employability skills”                 consideration should be given
• The use of critical and creative                                             to the more recent evidence
   thinking skills and/or processes.   Learning Skills                          of achievement.

Communication                          The development of learning skills    • 30% of the final grade
                                       and work habits is an integral part      is based on a final evaluation(s)
• The conveying of meaning
                                       of a student’s learning. Teachers        towards the end of the course.
   through various forms.
                                       will support the development of          Final evaluation may include
Application                                                                     a final performance task
                                       learning skills and work habits
• The use of knowledge and            identified as: Responsibility,           and/or a final exam.
   skills to make connections          Organization, Independent
   within and between                  Work, Collaboration,
   various contexts.                   Self-Regulation, Initiative.

      Percentage Mark                       Achievement of the Provincial Curriculum Expectations

                                 The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with a high degree
            80-100               of effectiveness. Achievement surpasses the provincial standard. (Level 4)

                                 The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable
             70-79               effectiveness. Achievement meets the provincial standard. (Level 3)

                                 The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable
             60-69               some effectiveness. Achievement approaches the provincial standard. (Level 2)

                                 The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with limited
             50-59               effectiveness. Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. (Level 1)

                                 The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. Extensive
            Below 50             remediation is required.


                          Credit Counselling Summary
                          A student’s Credit Counselling
                          Summary lists all credits and marks.
                          It also shows how many credits are
                          still needed to graduate, how many
                          community involvement hours
                          are submitted and whether the
                          literacy requirement is complete.
                          Credit Counselling Summaries are
                          available from your Guidance office.
                          Please note: A Credit
                          Counselling Summary is not an
                          official transcript.

                          Ontario Student Transcript
                          The Ontario Student Transcript
                          is an official and consistent
                          summary of a student’s
                          achievement in Ontario secondary
                          school credit courses. A current,
                          accurate and complete copy of
                          the OST will be included within
                          the Ontario Student Record.

                          Ontario Student Record (OSR)
                          The Ontario Student Record
                          is the official school record for
                          a student. Every Ontario school
                          keeps an OSR for each student
                          enrolled at that school. The OSR
                          contains achievement results,
                          credits earned and diploma
                          requirements completed, and            Students and their parents (if     of the OSR. The Education Act
                          other information important            the student is under 18 years of   and Freedom of Information
                          to the education of the student.       age) may examine the contents      legislation protect these records.


Pathways initiatives provide            include specialized regional                Most students’ secondary school
a wide range of course                  pathways programs.                          experience includes courses
types, programs and learning            Pathways are flexible and                   from a variety of course types.
opportunities to prepare students       may be combined and changed.                Pathways in secondary school
for success in secondary school         As students begin to know                   prepare students for their chosen
and beyond.                             themselves as learners they                 post-secondary destination.
Secondary schools offer a variety       have the opportunity to adjust              The five destination Pathways
of course types to meet the             pathway plans as they move                  initiatives are: Apprenticeship,
needs of all learners.                  through secondary school, with              College, Community, University
Each pathway includes different         the assistance of their Guidance            and Work.
course types and may also               Counsellor and parents.




         E N TICES   CO
                          LLEGE        IV E R S   ITY        WORK
                                                        Apprenticeship is             combination of on-the-job
                                                         a practical method            training and in-school
                                                         of learning, providing        training usually done at a
                                                         hands-on training in          local college, and usually
                                                         over 130 skilled trades.      lasts two to five years.
                                                         pprentices are paid while
                                                        A                              Consider Apprenticeship if:
                                                        gaining work experience.       • Y ou enjoy hands-on
                                                        Wages increase with skill         learning and have good
                                                        levels.                           mechanical and
                                                        Apprenticeship leads to:          spatial abilities.
                                                                                       • You enjoy fixing
                                                        Apprenticeships can
For more information on                                                                   things, assembling and
Apprenticeship, visit:                                  lead to careers such as:
                                                                                          disassembling structures.                                            construction workers,
                                                                                       • You are able to solve                               chefs, horticulturists,
                                                                                          problems, determine                                information technologists,
                                                                                          why something does not                                 educational assistants
                                                                                          work and how it can be                                  and hairstylists.
                                                                                          done better.                                  How long does                  • You are interested in a                                Apprenticeship take?
                                                                                          career that requires the                Becoming a certified              completion of
                                                        tradesperson requires a           an apprenticeship.



                                                             College programs provide


 PR                                                          an effective combination

       E N TICES   CO
                        LLEGE         IV E R SITY     WORK
                                                             of real life skills with
                                                             quality education.

                                                             College leads to:
                                                             College programs give
                                                             you the skills you need to
                                                             pursue a variety of careers
                                                             such as: journalists, police
                                                             officers, dental hygienists,    Consider College if:
                                                             website technicians,            • You find success in hands-on/
                                                             paralegals and chemical            applied curriculum
                                                             technologists.                  • You enjoy smaller classes and
                                                                                                the personal approach
                                                             How long does
                                                                                                to instruction
                                                             College take?
                                                                                             • You have specific career goals
                                                             Colleges have certificate,
                                                                                                that require a college education
                                                             diploma, graduate
                                                             certificate, applied degree,    • You are interested in
                                                             or joint college - university      developing technical and
                                                             programs, that usually             occupational skills required for
                                                             take one to three years            your chosen career area
                                                             to complete.

               For more information
               on College, visit:



                                  The Community Pathway           programs (CICE -
                                  Program (CPP) is designed       Community Integration
                                  for students with special       through Co-operative
                                  education needs who             Education) offered at a
                                  are primarily accessing         few Ontario colleges.
                                  non-credit courses
                                  leading to a Certificate      Students graduate with
                                  of Accomplishment. In         one of the following:
                                  some cases, students          • Ontario Secondary
                                  may work toward an               School Certificate
                                  Ontario Secondary School         (OSSC)
                                  Certificate (OSSC), which
                                                                  T his certificate is
                                  requires 14 credit courses.
                                                                   awarded to students
                                                                   who successfully
                                  Making Plans for
                                                                   complete a minimum
                                  this Pathway?
                                                                   of 14 credits including
                                  • Special Education staff,      7 compulsory credits
                                     parents and community         — 2 credits in English,
                                     support agencies work         1 credit in each of
                                     together in a collaborative   the following: Math,
                                     community process to          Canadian Geography
                                     individually plan and         or Canadian History,
For more information
                                     prepare students for life     Science, Health and
on the Community Pathway visit:
                                     in the community upon         Physical Education, (search: Special
                                     leaving secondary school.     Arts or Technological
Education Plan)
                                     (Students in this pathway     Education ­— plus 7
                                     may remain in school          optional credits.
                                     until June of the year in                                    • Certificate of
                                     which the student turns
                                     21 years of age).
                                                                   This certificate is
                                  • In planning, options
                                                                    awarded to students
                                     could include, but are
                                                                    upon leaving school
                                     not limited to: volunteer
                                                                    who have made
                                     work, paid employment,
                                                                    progress in completing
                                     and participation in
                                                                    individual personal and
                                     recreational programs.
                                                                    educational goals.
                                     A few students may
                                     access specialized



                                                              University offers degree      Consider University if:


S    CO
           LLEGE        IV E R S   ITY   WORK                 programs that are             • You enjoy abstract
                                                              theoretical in nature            concepts associated
                                                              in the General Arts,             with course material
                                                              Sciences and Business.           and academic/theoretical
                                                              University leads to:             learning

                                                               niversity can lead to
                                                              U                             • You enjoy independent
                                                              careers such as: teachers,       learning
                                                              engineers, doctors,           • You have specific
                                                              accountants, computer            career goals in mind
                                                              programmers and lawyers.         that require a
                                                                                               university education
                                                              How long does
                                                              University take?
                                                              • Students in university
                                                                 obtain bachelor degrees,
                                                                 master degrees, and
                                                                 doctorate degrees,
                                                                 ranging from three to
                                                                 10 years of study
                                                              • Universities also offer
                                                                 continuing education
                                                                 and certificate programs
                                                                 for specific occupations

                   For more information
                   on University, visit:



                                          A wide variety of careers    Consider direct entry
IV E R SITY     WORK                      require a high school        into Work if:
                                          diploma, followed by         • You have developed
                                          specific on-the-job             practical workplace
                                          training or entry-level         skills that have
                                          positions from high             prepared you for a
                                          school including: real          specific career without
                                          estate agents, animal           needing to pursue
                                          care workers, bank              college, university, or an
                                          tellers, photographers,         apprenticeship first
                                          website designers and
                                                                       • You have been
                                          construction labourers.
                                                                          successful in workplace
                                          Some students who               pathway courses
                                          choose direct entry into        and wish to explore
                                          work may later pursue           workplace opportunities
                                          apprenticeship, college
                                                                       • You want to gain
                                          and/or university.
                                                                          workplace experience
                                          Several programs                before continuing
                                          in Halton provide               post-secondary
                                          opportunities for               education
                                          students to meet initial
                                                                       • You have specific
                                          requirements for entering
                                                                          career goals in mind
              For more information        specific industries,
                                                                          that allow you to go
              on direct entry into        allowing them to make a
                                                                          directly to the workplace
              Work, visit:                successful transition from
                                                                          for on-the-job training
               school to the workplace.


                             International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

                             The Halton District School Board    programme that takes place            Halton secondary schools
                             offers a variety of specialized     in the last two years of secondary    offering IBDP include:
                             Regional Pathways such as:          school (Grade 11 & 12). An IB         All IBDP schools offer a cluster
                             French Immersion, International     Diploma holder may also               program for Grade 9 and 10
                             Baccalaureate, and ESL (English     receive credit for courses at         students accepted to IBDP.
                             as a Second Language). Senior       some universities.                    This two-year programme is
                             students may also enter Regional    The IB Diploma Programme is           designed to prepare students
                             Pathways Programs including:        designed as an academically           for the academic rigour and
                             Specialist High Skills Major        rigorous and balanced                 challenges of the IBDP.
                             (SHSM), Dual Credit, Ontario        programme of education with           Halton secondary schools
                             Youth Apprenticeship Program        final examinations that prepare       offering IBDP include:
                             (OYAP) and School to Career.        students for success at university
                                                                                                       East – White Oaks SS
                             International Baccalaureate         and life beyond. The programme
                                                                 has gained recognition and            North - Georgetown District HS,
                             Diploma Programme (IBDP)
                                                                 respect from the world’s leading      Craig Kielburger SS*
                             • A multidisciplinary program
                                                                 universities.                         West - Robert Bateman HS,
                             • A preparation for                                                      Burlington Central HS**
                                                                 Students who succeed in earning
                                university study
                                                                 the IB Diploma will at the same        * proposed program to begin
                             • Internationally recognized       time earn the Ontario Secondary        in 2020/21. Grade 9 will begin
                                curriculum, expectations,        School Diploma.                        preparation program in 2019/20.
                                and focus                                                               See for updates.
                                                                                                        ** 2019/20 Grade 9 will attend
                             • High level of university
                                                                                                        Burlington Central, Grade 10-12
                                acceptance and                                                          will remain at Robert Bateman HS.
                                scholarship potential                                                   2021/21 Grade 9-12 will attend
                                                                                                        Burlington Central HS.
                             The IB Diploma Programme
                                                                                                        Please Note: HDSB does not provide
                             is a comprehensive two-year                                                transportation for IB programme or
                                                                                                        Grade 9/10 preparation program.

                                                              I-STEM PROGRAM
                                                              The I-STEM regional program is an interdisciplinary, experiential,
                                                              competency-based and inquiry-based program focused on innovation.
                                                              Students work collaboratively and in partnership with post-secondary and
                                                              community partners to solve social, economic or environmental local and
                                                              global issues. I-STEM is a new program that will be offered at Aldershot
                                                              High School beginning in 2019-2020 for students entering Grade 9.
                                                              For more information, visit (search: I-STEM).

                                I-STEM                           Note: HDSB does not provide
                                                                 transportation for I-STEM students.

English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD)

                                                                                                                REGIONAL PATHWAYS PROGRAMS
The English language proficiency      The assessment provides               English As a Second Language
of all English Language Learners      information about the type            (ESL) and English Literacy
(ELL) will be assessed upon           and the amount of support the         Development (ELD) STEPs 1-5
registration with the Halton          student needs to develop English      sites include:
District School Board. The time       language skills and address gaps      East - T. A. Blakelock HS,
needed to complete the                in learning.                          White Oaks SS
assessment will vary based            In secondary schools, placement       North - Craig Kielburger SS
on individual student needs.          in courses will depend upon the       West - Burlington Central HS
The assessment will include:          results of the assessment and the
                                                                            All other secondary schools offer
• A structured interview to assess   student’s educational background.
                                                                            programming and/or support for
   oral communication skills
                                                                            students at STEPs 4+.
   (listening and speaking)
• An assessment of
   reading comprehension                                                    Please note: Transportation is
• An assessment of                                                         provided for students who live
   student writing                                                          more than 3.2 km from their ESL
• An assessment of mathematical                                            secondary school.
   knowledge and skills
                                        *English Literacy

                                            ELD LEVEL 1
                                                                            This chart shows how most
                     English as a             ELDAO                         English language learners
                  Second Language                                           progress through ESL and/
                                                                            or ELD courses and into
                       ESL LEVEL 1          ELD LEVEL 2                     mainstream English courses.
                         ESLAO                ELDBO
                                                                            Not all students will follow
                                                                            this pathway exactly.
                                            ELD LEVEL 3                     Individual students may vary
                       ESL LEVEL 2
                         ESLBO                ELDCO                         in the rate at which they
                                                                            progress through the levels.

                       ESL LEVEL 3          ELD LEVEL 4
                         ESLCO                ELDDO

  ENG1P/1D                                  ELD LEVEL 5          ENGLDCC
                       ESL LEVEL 4
  ENG2P/2D                                                       ENG1P/2P
                         ESLDO                ELDEO
  ENG3E/4E                                                       ENG3E/4E

                                         *When offered, these courses
  ENG3U/3C             ESL LEVEL 5
  ENG4U/4C               ESLEO           must all be completed prior to
                                         taking ESL courses.


                             Locally Developed
                             Locally Developed Programs are         The LEAP Program is available
                                                                                                            LEAP and Locally Developed Program
                             for students who:                      to select Grade 8 students who
                                                                                                            sites include:
                             • Require flexibility and support to   are likely to attend the Locally
                                                                                                            • East - White Oaks SS
                               meet graduation requirements         Developed Program. Grade 8
                                                                                                            • North - Craig Kielburger SS,
                             • Are several grade levels behind      students in the LEAP Program have
                                                                                                                        Georgetown District HS
                               in literacy and numeracy skills      the opportunity to earn 4 high
                                                                                                            • West* - M.M. Robinson HS,
                             • Benefit from structure and           school credits towards their OSSD.
                                                                                                                        Nelson HS,
                               organization                         The LEAP Program:
                                                                                                                        Robert Bateman HS
                             • Complete tasks and homework          • Eases the transition to high school
                                                                                                            * 2019/20 Grade 8 and 9 at
                               with assistance, support,            • Improves confidence                   M.M.Robinson HS, program will be
                               and prompting                        • Builds literacy and numeracy skills   extended to Grade 10 in 2020/21,
                             • Benefit from authentic, hands-       • Develops academic and social          Grade 11 in 2021/22, Grade 12 2022/23.
                                                                                                            The program from Robert Bateman HS will
                               on learning experiences                skills through project-based          move to Nelson HS for Grade 8 and 9 in
                                                                      learning                              2019/20, it will be extended to Grade 10-12.

                             REGIONAL PATHWAYS PROGRAMS
                             French Immersion and Extended French

                              The French Immersion Program is open            Students in the French Immersion Program take
                              to students who have completed the              the following:
                              French Immersion program in a Halton            Grade 9: French Immersion Course plus 3 additional courses
                              elementary school or with principal                        taught in French*
                                                                              Grade 10: French Immersion Course plus 3 additional courses
                              permission for appropriate students from                   taught in French*
                              school boards outside Halton.                   Grade 11: French Immersion Course
                                                                              Grade 12: French Immersion Course
                              French Immersion students must
                              accumulate a total of 10 immersion              The Extended French Program begins in Grade 7 at
                              credits in order to receive a Certificate       Sir E. MacMillan PS and continues in Grade 9 -12 at
                              of Immersion Studies. The 10 immersion          M.M. Robinson HS.
                              credits include 4 French Language Arts          Extended French students must accumulate a total of 7 extended
                              credits and 6 additional courses in other       French credits in order to receive a Certificate of Extended French.
                              subjects taught in French.                      The 7 extended credits include 4 French Language Arts credits
                              Halton secondary schools offering               and 3 additional courses in other subjects taught in French.
                              Early French Immersion include:                 Students in the Extended French Program take
                              East – Iroquois Ridge HS,                       the following:
                              Oakville Trafalgar HS, T.A. Blakelock HS,       Grade 9:  Extended French Course plus 2 additional courses
                              White Oaks SS, Garth Webb SS                               taught in French
                                                                              Grade 10: Extended French Course plus 1 additional course
                              North – Acton District HS,                                 taught in French*
                              Craig Kielburger SS, Georgetown District        Grade 11: Extended French Course
                              HS, Milton District HS                          Grade 12: Extended French Course
                              West – Aldershot HS, Nelson HS,                *some school’s French Immersion program may adjust the number of
                              Burlington Central HS, M.M. Robinson HS        additional courses taught in French for the Grade 9-11 years, additional
                                                                             courses taught in French may vary by school.
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