Page created by Duane Figueroa
Tubbs                          Alonzo                          TubbsA                      Its9444

                                        BEMIS BULLETIN BOARD (B3)
                                               April 2021

Week of April 26
Schedule for Remainder of 2020-2021 School Year

Parent Self-Screening Tool
                    We appreciate your support and partnership as we make sure our students continue to have a safe and positive learning
                    environment. Each day before you send your child to school, we are asking you to take part in a “screening” process for
                    your child. This screening is for the protection of your child, their friends at school and our dedicated UCS team.
                                                   COVID-19 Student Self-Screening Form
Screen your child before leaving for school or sending them to school. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT SEND THEM TO
Section 1: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
    • Cough                                            • Difficulty breathing
    • Shortness of Breath                              • New loss of smell, New loss of taste
Section 2: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
• Subjective fever (felt feverish) or measured              • Headache                          • Vomiting
  temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or                   • Sore throat                       • Diarrhea
  higher                                                    • Muscle aches                      • Runny nose or congestion
• Chills or rigors (severe chills with shivering)           • Nausea                            • Fatigue
If you answer YES to any one of the symptoms listed in Section 1, or YES to two or more of the symptoms listed in Section 2, please DO NOT
send your child to school. Self-isolate at home and contact your healthcare provider for direction and a PCR Covid-19 test.
If the symptomatic individual does not have recent history of close contact with a positive COVID-19 case, return-to-school now requires
either a negative COVID-19 PCR test result (rapid tests are no longer accepted), or a note from a qualifying physician that the symptoms are
not COVID-19 related.
We need you to call the school office and report that your child is staying home due to COVID19 symptoms (Bemis Attendance Line 586-797-
For site locations that offer testing within your area please visit the following website:
                                         Thank you for continuing to keep our students and staff safe.
     Working together, we can continue to move forward to our goal of having all students returning for in-person services in our schools.
COVID-19: Close Contact Quarantine Update
             The Macomb County Health Department has recently issued a notable modification to the quarantine window for persons
             identified as close contact to a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. This revised window is applied effective immediately for
             both staff and students:
Close contacts are required to quarantine at home for fourteen (14) days after the last contact with a positive person (previously 10 days).
    • Day zero (0) is the day of last contact and the quarantine period concludes at midnight on day fourteen (14).
    • Following the full fourteen days, individuals may resume in-person work or school provided no symptoms have emerged.
    • The quarantine period for household contacts is 14 days after the date the person with confirmed or probable COVID-19 completes
        their isolation period if ongoing close household contact cannot be avoided (own bedroom & bathroom) Isolation period = 10 days +
        14 day quarantine = 24 days
    •    If ongoing close household contact can be avoided, the quarantine period is 14 days after the date close household contact ended.

Utica Community Schools 2021 College Fair
                The district will host its 15th Annual College Fair from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 29, 2021 as a virtual event. This
                event is aimed at current seventh through eleventh graders. There are currently up to forty-five college representatives in
                attendance. Students can visit virtual expo booths where they will receive more information about the college or university
                through video, downloadable documents and/or a live chat with a representative. Please share the link below for free
registration to this virtual event.
Registration is now open at

2021-2022 Virtual Academy
          The Virtual Academy gives families virtual access to K-12 programs offered through the Utica Community Schools, including core
          elementary and specials and secondary elective and required courses. Students can participate in extra-curricular activities,
          including marching band and athletics, through their home schools.
It is strongly recommended that families make a year-long commitment for enrollment in the UCS Virtual Academy. Participation for the
entire 2021-22 school year will ensure stability for elementary students and greater assurance of course availability at the secondary level to
meet your child’s interests and academic goals.
The program is open to UCS families and those wishing to enroll through Schools of Choice who reside in Macomb, St. Clair, Wayne, Lapeer
and Oakland counties. If you live outside of Utica Community Schools and have not yet enrolled through Schools of Choice, please use this
This initial enrollment period for the UCS Virtual Academy will close at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, May 2. Click here for VA Enrollment Form.

Bemis Honor Roll for Quarter 3
Getting on the honor roll is a big, but attainable, goal. It looks good on college and university applications and raises you r confidence
in your work ability. The honor roll is one of the most important awards to get. So, if you achieve this goal while you are in school,
you should feel very proud of your accomplishment. Though seemingly a lot of work, it can be a straightforward task to get on the
honor roll by simply applying yourself and putting in a little extra, strategic effort.
Click here to see the list of students who made the Honor Roll for Quarter 3.

Bemis Student Identification Card Guidelines
           Ensuring the safety and security for all students and staff is our top priority each day. In an effort to enhance our current security
           procedures, the wearing of photo identification cards, (referred to herein as “ID cards”), provides a professional setting and
           promotes College and Career Readiness for all students. The use of ID cards is required at college, university campuses, and in
           the workplace. Identification of staff and students is an important component of the Junior High School safety plan and cannot
           be compromised.
Bemis Junior High School Student Identification Card Guidelines and Procedures
One student ID card with lanyard will be provided to every student at no cost. Students will receive a school lanyard and ID card, but they
may wear their ID card on a lanyard of their choosing.
The benefits of students wearing a current student ID card:
  • Will be identified as a member of the class/school
  • May borrow library books (Library is closed this year)
  • May obtain early dismissals from the main office
  • Will allow movement from the cafeteria during lunch (restrooms)
  • May be on the school campus before or after school
  • Will move between classes and/or use the restroom during a class period
  • Will be able to participate in school activities, assemblies, dances, etc. on the school campus
Student ID Card Guidelines:
A student’s ID card authorizes them to be on the school campus. EVERY student must wear the student ID card while on school grounds.
The following procedures must be adhered to when wearing student ID cards:
  • Student ID cards must be worn on a lanyard.
  • Student ID cards cannot be worn on a shirtsleeve, pants, outside of pockets, under a shirt, coat, jacket or at the bottom of their shirt.
  • The student ID card must be visible AT ALL TIMES (i.e. not kept in a purse, pocket or backpack).
  • The student ID card must be presented to any school staff member or person of authority upon request.
  • The front and back of the student ID card cannot be altered (i.e. no markings, other photos, etc.). Defacing or altering the student ID is
  • Wearing another student’s ID card is prohibited.
  • Lost, stolen, altered, damaged and/or defaced student ID cards must be replaced IMMEDIATELY.
Students may borrow a temporary ID twice. A third instance of not having an ID will require purchase of a replacement ID. Cost of replacement IDs is $5.00.

Spirit Days
                        4/30- Harry Potter Day
                        5/4- Star Wars Day
                        5/7- Pajama Day
                        5/14- Hawaiian Shirt Day
**All spirit wear must be school appropriate and follow dress code guidelines**

Bemis Sporting Events
Bemis Track
         7th Grade Boys: Coach Bettys:                       8th Grade Boys: Coach Wood:
         7th Grade Girls: Coach Bates:                     8th Grade Girls: Coach Gray:
                                   7th Grade Track Meet: Wednesday, May 5th vs Jeannette @ 4:30 – Ford Track
                                   8th Grade Track Meet: Monday, May 3rd vs Jeannette @ 4:30 – Ford Track

Ford II Falcons Strength & Conditioning Camp
          Ford II strength and conditioning coach T will be hosting a 6th-8th grade junior Strength & Conditioning Camp.

          Any questions please contact Coach Shaun Tahrebandi:

UCS Virtual Calming Room
                                            Life in today’s world can seem like a constant rush, always full of tasks and things to do. Have you
                                            thought about what it would be like to stop for a minute, disconnect and focus on yourself? Don’t just
                                            think about it, use our calming resources to help to improve your wellness.
                                            Click here to go to the UCS Virtual Calming Room
UCS Wellness

Weekly Meal Distribution
Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT)
             P-EBT provides supplemental food assistance benefits to students who have temporarily lost access to free or reduced-price
             school meals due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the program is to make sure no child goes hungry by missing out on
             school meals.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Michigan Department of Education (MDE) partnered during the 2019-
2020 school year to provide these critical benefits to over 900,000 students. We are excited to be partnering again for the 2020-2021 school
year to provide these benefits to students to help reduce food insecurity. Eligible students must:
    • Be enrolled in a Michigan school.
    • Participate in a virtual or hybrid school schedule.
    • Be eligible for free or reduced lunch or attend a CEP school.
Students eligible for the P-EBT benefits will be notified by MDHHS directly. Additional information is also available by calling (833) 905-0028
or at the following MDHHS website:,5885,7-339-71547_5527_104768---,00.html
Click here for a Parent FAQ document.

Bemis Junior High Yearbook
            Thank you for all of your help and support with the beginning of the school year! We really appreciate it! We are continuing to
            work hard on your 2020-2021 yearbook and cannot wait to share it with you. Yearbooks will be distributed in the Fall of 2021, so
            there is still time to get your order in. Order your 2020 – 2021 Yearbook here:

Now Hiring

Virtual Library
                  UCS and the Sterling Heights Public Library have partnered together to meet the ConnectED Library challenge. This
                  presidential initiative, launched in 2015, encourages collaborations between elected officials, school leaders, and public
                  libraries to create or strengthen partnerships so that every child enrolled in school has a public library card. Our partnership
                  is one of the first of its kind in the nation.
How it works:
  • Students who already have a public library card are ready to go
  • Every student previously without a library card has been issued one automatically using the student’s UCS school ID as the library card
    number and their birthday as their password in the format of MMDD.
  • Students should visit the library’s website (Sterling Heights Library) for information.
  • Students are encouraged to upgrade their access so they can check out print materials and more. Please call the Sterling Heights Library
    for further information. A parent or guardian signature plus photo ID is required.
What you get:
 •, connect to a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (4 pm – 11 pm)
 • Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers
 • eBooks
 • EMagazines (over 90 popular titles)
 • Five free music downloads per week AND three hours of streaming per day (over 11 million commercially produced songs and 15,000
   music videos)
 • Free use of the library’s WIFI and public computers featuring Microsoft Office applications and internet access
 • Since each library is an independent entity, additional resources may be available. Visit the library’s website or speak to the designated
   library contact. Tammy Turgeon, Director 586-446-2640
Help Desk Tips
                 For optimum use of laptop computers, it is best for the students to Power Cycle (Click Power, Restart) their laptops every
                 morning after entering the building. Many people simply close the laptop’s lid which puts the laptop into Sleep Mode. When
                 they open the lid, the laptop tries to reconnect to the last network it used and immediately starts to have issues. A Power
                 Cycle puts the laptop into a fresh state and allows the laptop to easily connect to the building network. Once connected to
                 the building network, the laptop will run network policies which will support the laptops access to district resource.
                  UCS Tech Information Page

                    Check us out and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on happenings at Bemis Junior High School.
                    Click here to be taken to our page.

Kroger Plus card
             Did you know that you can not only earn points for yourself, but you can also earn points for our school? How? It is easy! Just
             shop at Kroger and link your Plus Card to Bemis Jr. High.
             Clink on link for more information Kroger Community Rewards

Word of the day
    Monday                  Role        The customary or expected behavior associated with a particular position in a society.
                                        *She feared that she could not fulfill the role of a royal princess.
     Tuesday            Manipulate      To handle or operate skillfully with the hands.
                                        *He manipulated the clay to form a tiny sculpture.
    Wednesday             Distinct      Different or separate.
                                        *There are many distinct kinds of dogs.
     Thursday           Emphasize       To give particular attention to something.
                                        *The president emphasized the importance of education.
      Friday               Entity       Anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being
                                        *A wife in those days was not viewed as a sperate entity from her husband.

Fun Facts
                   April 26- National Pretzle Day: If you love a Pretzel, then National Pretzel Day on April 26 is the day for you Pretzels,
                   somewhat surprisingly, got their start in the Catholic Church. Sometime around the 7th Century A.D., monks presented
                   their students with treats of baked dough twisted in the shape of crossed arms. At the time, crossing one’s arms was the
                   traditional posture for prayer. Not only that, but pretzels, made from water, flour and salt, were also the perfect food for
                   Lent — when meat, dairy and eggs were prohibited. So, there you have some National Pretzel Day history — with a twist!
                   April 27- Babe Ruth Day: Celebrated by baseball fans all over the USA and the world, Babe Ruth Day is on April 27. Babe
                   Ruth was and still is known as one of the best baseball players of all time. From hitting record after record and receiving
                   many accolades, Ruth came to be known as ‘The Colossus of Clout’ and ‘The Sultan of Swat.’ He was a big star and
                   inspiration to many youngsters but, when he was a youngster himself, he was rebellious and would constantly get into
                   trouble. Due to this, he was sent to a Catholic reformatory and orphanage at the age of seven. However, nothing could stop
                   Ruth’s talent as he went on to become one of the greatest baseball players to ever exist.
                   April 28- National Superhero Day: Marvel employees created National Superhero Day on April 28, 1995 to celebrate
                   everyone’s favorite superhero. This is for superheroes only — we all know villains aren’t deserving of their own day.
                   Still, the idea behind superhero day is to honor those who serve and protect while fighting evil. No matter who your
                   favorite hero is, honoring the real or fictional people that inspire us is a worthwhile cause this April 28.
                   April 29- International Dance Day: April 29 is International Dance Day, so put your dancing shoes on and get ready to step
                   out. Dancing is universal — woven into virtually every society all over the world. Humans simply love dance. It brings us
                   together whether we are the ones on the dance floor or are watching the professional performance of others. Dancing is
                   exhilarating and impressive. Let’s honor the world of dance today, together!
                   April 30- National Raisin Day: When it comes to raisins, there are generally two groups of people: those that love them and
                   those that believe they ruin a perfectly good cinnamon bagel. But whether you find these wrinkly fruits irresistible, or
                   believe they should have stayed out in the sun where people found them, it’s hard to deny the impact these sweet snacks
                   have had on history, pop culture, and cuisine. We’re celebrating National Raisin Day on April 30. Raisins show up
                   throughout history and literature as a healthy, transportable snack for everyone from the Egyptians to Christopher
                   Columbus to George Washington. And of course, those little red raisin boxes are a classic symbol of childhood.
Week of April 19
Schedule for Remainder of 2020-2021 School Year

Parent Self-Screening Tool
                  We appreciate your support and partnership as we make sure our students continue to have a safe and positive learning
                  environment. Each day before you send your child to school, we are asking you to take part in a “screening” process for
                  your child. This screening is for the protection of your child, their friends at school and our dedicated UCS team.
                                                   COVID-19 Student Self-Screening Form
Screen your child before leaving for school or sending them to school. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT SEND THEM TO
Section 1: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
    • Cough                                            • Difficulty breathing
    • Shortness of Breath                              • New loss of smell, New loss of taste

Section 2: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
• Subjective fever (felt feverish) or measured              • Headache                          • Vomiting
  temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or                   • Sore throat                       • Diarrhea
  higher                                                    • Muscle aches                      • Runny nose or congestion
• Chills or rigors (severe chills with shivering)           • Nausea                            • Fatigue

If you answer YES to any one of the symptoms listed in Section 1, or YES to two or more of the symptoms listed in Section 2, please DO NOT
send your child to school. Self-isolate at home and contact your healthcare provider for direction and a PCR Covid-19 test.
If the symptomatic individual does not have recent history of close contact with a positive COVID-19 case, return-to-school now requires
either a negative COVID-19 PCR test result (rapid tests are no longer accepted), or a note from a qualifying physician that the symptoms are
not COVID-19 related.
We need you to call the school office and report that your child is staying home due to COVID19 symptoms (Bemis Attendance Line 586-797-
For site locations that offer testing within your area please visit the following website:
                                         Thank you for continuing to keep our students and staff safe.
     Working together, we can continue to move forward to our goal of having all students returning for in-person services in our schools.

Bemis Student Identification Card Guidelines
           Ensuring the safety and security for all students and staff is our top priority each day. In an effort to enhance our current security
           procedures, the wearing of photo identification cards, (referred to herein as “ID cards”), provides a professional setting and
           promotes College and Career Readiness for all students. The use of ID cards is required at college, university campuses, and in
           the workplace. Identification of staff and students is an important component of the Junior High School safety plan and cannot
           be compromised.
Bemis Junior High School Student Identification Card Guidelines and Procedures
One student ID card with lanyard will be provided to every student at no cost. Students will receive a school lanyard and ID card, but they
may wear their ID card on a lanyard of their choosing.
The benefits of students wearing a current student ID card:
  • Will be identified as a member of the class/school
  • May borrow library books (Library is closed this year)
  • May obtain early dismissals from the main office
•   Will allow movement from the cafeteria during lunch (restrooms)
  •   May be on the school campus before or after school
  •   Will move between classes and/or use the restroom during a class period
  •   Will be able to participate in school activities, assemblies, dances, etc. on the school campus
Student ID Card Guidelines:
A student’s ID card authorizes them to be on the school campus. EVERY student must wear the student ID card while on school grounds.
The following procedures must be adhered to when wearing student ID cards:
  • Student ID cards must be worn on a lanyard.
  • Student ID cards cannot be worn on a shirtsleeve, pants, outside of pockets, under a shirt, coat, jacket or at the bottom of their shirt.
  • The student ID card must be visible AT ALL TIMES (i.e. not kept in a purse, pocket or backpack).
  • The student ID card must be presented to any school staff member or person of authority upon request.
  • The front and back of the student ID card cannot be altered (i.e. no markings, other photos, etc.). Defacing or altering the student ID is
  • Wearing another student’s ID card is prohibited.
  • Lost, stolen, altered, damaged and/or defaced student ID cards must be replaced IMMEDIATELY.
Students may borrow a temporary ID twice. A third instance of not having an ID will require purchase of a replacement ID. Cost of
replacement IDs is $5.00.

Spirit Days
                        4/23- Earth Day
                        4/30- Harry Potter Day
                        5/4- Star Wars Day
                        5/7- Pajama Day
**All spirit wear must be school appropriate and follow dress code guidelines**
Bemis Sporting Events
         All Track students: Dig out and dust off those running shoes! Track practice begins April 19 th at 3:30 p.m.
                                      ***Please be sure you have a ride home!***
            7th Grade Boys: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Coach Bettys:
            7th Grade Girls: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Coach Bates:
            8th Grade Boys: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Coach Wood:
            8th Grade Girls: 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Coach Gray:

Help Desk Tips
                 For optimum use of laptop computers, it is best for the students to Power Cycle (Click Power, Restart) their laptops every
                 morning after entering the building. Many people simply close the laptop’s lid which puts the laptop into Sleep Mode. When
                 they open the lid, the laptop tries to reconnect to the last network it used and immediately starts to have issues. A Power
                 Cycle puts the laptop into a fresh state and allows the laptop to easily connect to the building network. Once connected to
                 the building network, the laptop will run network policies which will support the laptops access to district resource.
                  UCS Tech Information Page

UCS Wellness
Weekly Meal Distribution

UCS Virtual Calming Room
                         Life in today’s world can seem like a constant rush, always full of tasks and things to do. Have you thought about what
                         it would be like to stop for a minute, disconnect and focus on yourself? Don’t just think about it, use our calming
                         resources to help to improve your wellness.
                         Click here to go to the UCS Virtual Calming Room
Bemis Junior High Yearbook
             Thank you for all of your help and support with the beginning of the school year! We really appreciate it! We are continuing to
             work hard on your 2020-2021 yearbook and cannot wait to share it with you. Yearbooks will be distributed in the Fall of 2021, so
             there is still time to get your order in. Order your 2020 – 2021 Yearbook here:

Now Hiring

Virtual Library
                  UCS and the Sterling Heights Public Library have partnered together to meet the ConnectED Library challenge. This
                  presidential initiative, launched in 2015, encourages collaborations between elected officials, school leaders, and public
                  libraries to create or strengthen partnerships so that every child enrolled in school has a public library card. Our partnership
                  is one of the first of its kind in the nation.
How it works:
  • Students who already have a public library card are ready to go
  • Every student previously without a library card has been issued one automatically using the student’s UCS school ID as the library card
    number and their birthday as their password in the format of MMDD.
  • Students should visit the library’s website (Sterling Heights Library) for information.
  • Students are encouraged to upgrade their access so they can check out print materials and more. Please call the Sterling Heights Library
    for further information. A parent or guardian signature plus photo ID is required.
What you get:
 •, connect to a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (4 pm – 11 pm)
 • Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers
 • eBooks
 • EMagazines (over 90 popular titles)
• Five free music downloads per week AND three hours of streaming per day (over 11 million commercially produced songs and 15,000
    music videos)
  • Free use of the library’s WIFI and public computers featuring Microsoft Office applications and internet access
  • Since each library is an independent entity, additional resources may be available. Visit the library’s website or speak to the designated
    library contact. Tammy Turgeon, Director 586-446-2640

                   Check us out and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on happenings at Bemis Junior High School.
                   Click here to be taken to our page.
Kroger Plus card
             Did you know that you can not only earn points for yourself, but you can also earn points for our school? How? It is easy! Just
             shop at Kroger and link your Plus Card to Bemis Jr. High.
             Clink on link for more information Kroger Community Rewards

Word of the day
    Monday              Innovation      A new idea, product, or way to do something.
                                        *Thanks to innovations in technology, many people can now make use of a computer.
     Tuesday              Range         The two end points or limits between which something can vary, or the distance between these two limits.
                                        *In this school, the range of ages is from twelve to fourteen
    Wednesday         Sophisticated     Having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience; not ignorant or simple
                                        *This author writes for a sophisticated audience.
     Thursday            Obvious        Easy for anyone to see or understand; clear
                                        *It was obvious that he liked her a lot.
      Friday              Design        To draw plans for the form or structure of something.
                                        *She designs and makes her own clothes. He designed an addition to his house

Fun Facts
                  April 19- National Garlic Day: One thing’s obvious: There’s a certain something in the air during National Garlic Day.
                  Did you know that Egyptians worshipped garlic as a god—and even used it as currency? That’s not all. Garlic supposedly
                  gave strength to Greek athletes and warriors, warded off the evil eye, and protected maidens from evil nymphs. Not to
                  mention, vampires. (Thanks, Dracula!)
                  Just think about all the garlicky foods we love. There’s garlic bread and garlic fries for starters. If you feel as strongly about
                  garlic as we do, celebrate with us on April 19.
                  April 20- National Cheddar Fries Day: National Cheddar Fries Day, on April 20, is all about stuffing your face with the best
                  cheddar fries you can get your hands on! Since the day was created by Snuffer’s Restaurant and Bar, tradition requires you
                  to head over to their outlet and devour some scrumptious fries. Live too far away from Snuffer’s? In that case, just book a
                  table at your favorite eatery or, better yet, stay in and cook your own cheddar fries version for your loved ones. The motto
                  of the day: Eat, eat, and repeat!
                  April 21- Administrative Professionals Day: On National Receptionists Day, we specifically celebrate the people making the
                  first contact with clients and customers, acting as the face associated with their companies. They keep clients and
                  customers satisfied and calm no matter the chaos happening behind the scenes, and often take the blame for
                  circumstances out of their control. They’re hard workers whose tough job is often overlooked, which is why these
                  administrative professionals have a whole day to themselves.
                  April 22- Earth Day: For the past 50 years, Earth Day has been celebrated by billions of people around the globe, annually
                  every April 22, to join together in promoting awareness for the health of our environment. Why should we continue to
                  celebrate this holiday? Some people may view it as just another holiday, or an excuse to wear green and a flower crown,
                  similar to St. Patrick’s Day, but with serious concerns about our changing environment being studied and addressed today
                  by prominent scientists, politicians, and young climate change activists alike, some people are adapting to more
                  environmentally friendly ways of living — every day, not just on April 22 every year. Cue the composting, recycling,
                  repurposing, carpooling, thrifting, and metal straws to save the turtles.
                  April 23- World Book Day: We love books, and our friends at UNESCO agree. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and
                  Cultural Organization proposed World Book Day as a day of celebrating the joy of reading for enjoyment. One hundred
                  countries observe World Book Day, and why not? Children who regularly read for enjoyment have higher test scores,
                  develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures than their non-
                  reading counterparts. Whether you read traditional paperbound books or turn to your Kindle/iPad/whatever, reading’s a
                  passport to this and many other worlds.
Week of April 12

                                    There will be NO School – Friday, April 2nd - Friday, Apr 9th
                                              School will resume on Monday, Apr 12
Schedule for Remainder of 2020-2021 School Year

Spring Break Travel Guidelines
As Utica Community Schools approaches spring break, the school community including staff and students are reminded to familiarize
themselves with all applicable guidelines for travel as issued in the January 18, 2021 Presidential Executive Order and Center for Disease
Control (CDC) Travel Guidance. Please reference the links below:
     • CDC Guidelines: Testing and International Air Travel
     • Executive Order: Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in Domestic and International Travel | The White House
Notably, the Presidential Order establishes that the CDC recommendations for international air travel currently remain in full force and effect
(same as mid-winter break guidelines). For Utica Community Schools this means both students and staff must adhere to the following upon
international air travel return and prior to resuming in-person school or work within the district:
     • Quarantine at home immediately upon return from international air travel. This should be for a minimum of seven (7) or ten (10)
         calendar days.
     • Get tested for COVID-19 upon return from international air travel. Two types of viral tests are acceptable: PCR and/or rapid
         (antigen). This is best conducted during the window of three to five days after return.
              o If test result is positive for COVID-19, follow all applicable quarantine requirements.
              o If test result is negative for COVID-19, continue to self-monitor, and may return to school or work after the full seven days,
                   provided no symptoms emerge.
     • If an individual does not get tested within the window indicted above, she/he is to self-monitor for ten days and may return to
         school or work after the full ten days, provided no symptoms emerge.
     • Even upon completing quarantine, individuals who have engaged in international air travel should continue to distance from
         medically fragile persons for fourteen days from return.
Persons who have been fully vaccinated and/or tested positive for COVID-19 in the past three months are not exempt from the mandated
The week following spring break, April 12 through April 16, is scheduled for remote teaching and learning so quarantined students and staff
should be able to engage as applicable. Students and/or staff who must quarantine into the week of April 19 must notify the school
(students) and Human Resources (staff).
Thomas Yaw, Bemis Junior High School Principal

Parent Self-Screening Tool (UPDATED)
                  We appreciate your support and partnership as we make sure our students continue to have a safe and positive learning
                  environment. Each day before you send your child to school, we are asking you to take part in a “screening” process for
                  your child. This screening is for the protection of your child, their friends at school and our dedicated UCS team.
                                                   COVID-19 Student Self-Screening Form
Screen your child before leaving for school or sending them to school. If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19, DO NOT SEND THEM TO
Section 1: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
    • Cough                                            • Shortness of Breath                         • Difficulty breathing
• New loss of smell, New loss of taste

Section 2: In the last 24 hours, has your child developed any of the following symptoms that are new/different/worse from baseline of any
chronic illness:
• Subjective fever (felt feverish) or measured              • Headache                          • Vomiting
  temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or                   • Sore throat                       • Diarrhea
  higher                                                    • Muscle aches                      • Runny nose or congestion
• Chills or rigors (severe chills with shivering)           • Nausea                            • Fatigue

If you answer YES to any one of the symptoms listed in Section 1, or YES to two or more of the symptoms listed in Section 2, please DO NOT
send your child to school. Self-isolate at home and contact your healthcare provider for direction and a PCR Covid-19 test.
If the symptomatic individual does not have recent history of close contact with a positive COVID-19 case, return-to-school now requires
either a negative COVID-19 PCR test result (rapid tests are no longer accepted), or a note from a qualifying physician that the symptoms are
not COVID-19 related.
We need you to call the school office and report that your child is staying home due to COVID19 symptoms (Bemis Attendance Line 586-797-
For site locations that offer testing within your area please visit the following website:
                                    Thank you for continuing to keep our students and staff safe.
    Working together, we can continue to move forward to our goal of having all students returning for in-person services in our schools.

2021-2022 Scheduling Information
                   We are proceeding with our scheduling process for the 2021/2022 school year, this will be for current 7th and 8th grade
                   students that are either in person or in the Virtual Academy. If you applied for a UCS Specialty Program as an 8th grade
                   student, please continue to fill out the schedule for Ford High School. If you are planning on continuing in the Virtual
                   Academy for the 2021/2022 school year, please continue to fill out the schedule for Bemis Junior High School. In both
                   circumstances, once we learn of acceptances into those programs, we will be able to modify schedules accordingly. Virtual
Academy signup for the 2021/2022 school year will tentatively open in May. Completing an online schedule will serve as a placeholder into a
class for these students.
Check out our one-stop scheduling spot HERE. All the videos, forms, and information you should need to schedule for next year. Whether
you are a current sixth grader or eighth grader, we have you covered! Scheduling is due by April 12, 2021.

Spring Testing
                       For the spring 2021, seventh-grade students will be taking the M-STEP (Michigan Student Test Educational
                       Progress). Eighth-grade students will take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) 8/9 and the M-STEP
                       (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress). The PSAT 8/9 is the first exam in the SAT suite of assessments and will
                       help families and the school staff see where students are in their overall achievement.
                     The PSAT 8/9 is comprised of three tests: reading, writing and language, and math. It is important that our students do
                     their best as the assessment will provide families with important information on academic progress.
Please note the following changes to our school calendar:
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
8th graders will report to school at 8:10 a.m. for testing and will be dismissed after testing.
Learning will be asynchronous for 7th – 8th grade.
M-STEP for seventh graders will cover English language arts and mathematics, this assessment will be scheduled between April 26, 2021 and
May 21, 2021. M-STEP for eighth graders will cover science and social studies and will be scheduled between April 19, 2021 and May 7, 2021.
This schedule is an additional measure to provide our students every opportunity for success. For more information regarding this
assessment, refer to the following link:
Please feel free to contact the Bemis Main Office staff at (586) 797-2500.
Thomas Yaw, Bemis Junior High School Principal
Testing Week Schedule (April 12 – April 16)
Monday: We will be following the Remote Day Schedule usually held on Wednesday.
Tuesday: Students not testing will follow the A Block schedule with students working remotely and instruction being Asynchronous.
Wednesday: Students not testing will follow the B Block schedule with students working remotely and instruction being Asynchronous.
Thursday: All students will follow the A Block schedule remotely with synchronous instruction.
Friday: All students will follow the B Block schedule remotely with synchronous instruction.
PSAT 8-9 Parent Announcement March 2021
On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, all eighth-grade students will be taking the PSAT 8/9 assessments. All students who are attending
face to face instruction at Bemis will report to their 4th hour class. UCS Virtual Academy students are expected to attend Bemis
Junior High School on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, to take the PSAT 8 assessments. UCS bus transportation will transport all eligible
students to and from Bemis Junior High School. The assessments will last approximately 3 1/2 hours and replaces the ELA and
Math M-STEP, that took six hours to complete. The PSAT 8/9 assessments are paper and pencil tests, while the M-STEP
assessments are digital and accessible via laptop computers. On the assessment date, we are asking that your student brings a
calculator to school for the Math assessment that allows for the use of a calculator.
Thank you for reinforcing this information with your student.
PSAT 8/9 Test Day Student Information:
   • Students, please bring two, sharpened number 2 pencils. No mechanical pencils.
   • All students who are eligible for district transportation will be bussed to Bemis and to the student’s home after the
       assessments, which should conclude at approximately 11:45 am.
   • UCS Virtual Academy students who are eligible for bussing, will also receive transportation to and from Bemis Junior
       High School, before and after the conclusion of the assessments.
   • Bemis face to face students are to report to their fourth hour class for their assessments.
   • Bemis Virtual Academy students, please report to the following classroom based upon the first letter(s) of your last
           o A-Ke, Room 26
           o Kh-Sta, Room 39
           o Ste-Z, Room 38
   • All electronic devices, including mobile telephones and smart watches are prohibited from being in the classrooms
       during the testing sessions. If your student must bring these devices to school for the PSAT assessments, and subsequent
       Social Studies and Science M-STEP assessments, the devices will be collected by the assessment proctors during testing.
   • Linked to this message is the 2020-2021 College Board PSAT 8/9 Student Guide. Please have your student review the
       guide prior to the Tuesday, April 13, 2021 testing day.
Thank you for taking the time to review the student guide and the above information with your student. Thomas Yaw, Bemis
Junior High School Principal
Bemis Student Identification Card Guidelines
           Ensuring the safety and security for all students and staff is our top priority each day. In an effort to enhance our current security
           procedures, the wearing of photo identification cards, (referred to herein as “ID cards”), provides a professional setting and
           promotes College and Career Readiness for all students. The use of ID cards is required at college, university campuses, and in
           the workplace. Identification of staff and students is an important component of the Junior High School safety plan and cannot
           be compromised.
Bemis Junior High School Student Identification Card Guidelines and Procedures
One student ID card with lanyard will be provided to every student at no cost. Students will receive a school lanyard and ID card, but they
may wear their ID card on a lanyard of their choosing.
The benefits of students wearing a current student ID card:
  • Will be identified as a member of the class/school
  • May borrow library books (Library is closed this year)
  • May obtain early dismissals from the main office
  • Will allow movement from the cafeteria during lunch (restrooms)
  • May be on the school campus before or after school
  • Will move between classes and/or use the restroom during a class period
  • Will be able to participate in school activities, assemblies, dances, etc. on the school campus
Student ID Card Guidelines:
A student’s ID card authorizes them to be on the school campus. EVERY student must wear the student ID card while on school grounds.
The following procedures must be adhered to when wearing student ID cards:
  • Student ID cards must be worn on a lanyard.
• Student ID cards cannot be worn on a shirtsleeve, pants, outside of pockets, under a shirt, coat, jacket or at the bottom of their shirt.
  • The student ID card must be visible AT ALL TIMES (i.e. not kept in a purse, pocket or backpack).
  • The student ID card must be presented to any school staff member or person of authority upon request.
  • The front and back of the student ID card cannot be altered (i.e. no markings, other photos, etc.). Defacing or altering the student ID is
  • Wearing another student’s ID card is prohibited.
  • Lost, stolen, altered, damaged and/or defaced student ID cards must be replaced IMMEDIATELY.
Students may borrow a temporary ID twice. A third instance of not having an ID will require purchase of a replacement ID. Cost of
replacement IDs is $5.00.
Spirit Days
                             4/16- Sports Day- Any sport/Any team
                             4/23- Earth Day
                             4/30- Harry Potter Day
                             **All spirit wear must be school appropriate and follow dress code guidelines**

Bemis Sporting Events
         All Track students: Dig out and dust off those running shoes! Track practice begins April 19th at 3:30 p.m.
         ***Please be sure you have a ride home!***
UCS Wellness

Weekly Meal Distribution
UCS Virtual Calming Room
                                               We are operating in uncharted territory right now, and many things are still unknown. Your Utica
                                              Cares and Supports Wellness team wants you to know that your feelings are valid, no matter what
                                              they are.
                                              You might feel scared, confused, overwhelmed, angry, alone, grateful, or completely calm. You might
                                              feel many things throughout the days, or all at once; like being upset that an event was cancelled,
                                              but happy that you can wear pajamas all day.
Your feelings are normal-the situation is not.
Don't forget to breathe.
This Virtual Calming Room is a place for students, families, and staff to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings and
building our resilience during this pandemic.
We are here to support you. Click here to go to the UCS Virtual Calming Room

Help Desk Tips
                  For optimum use of laptop computers, it is best for the students to Power Cycle (Click Power, Restart) their laptops every
                  morning after entering the building. Many people simply close the laptop’s lid which puts the laptop into Sleep Mode. When
                  they open the lid, the laptop tries to reconnect to the last network it used and immediately starts to have issues. A Power
                  Cycle puts the laptop into a fresh state and allows the laptop to easily connect to the building network. Once connected to
                  the building network, the laptop will run network policies which will support the laptops access to district resource.
                  UCS Tech Information Page

Bemis Junior High Yearbook
            Thank you for all of your help and support with the beginning of the school year! We really appreciate it! We are continuing to
            work hard on your 2020-2021 yearbook and cannot wait to share it with you. Yearbooks will be distributed in the Fall of 2021, so
            there is still time to get your order in. Order your 2020 – 2021 Yearbook here:

Virtual Library
                    UCS and the Sterling Heights Public Library have partnered together to meet the ConnectED Library challenge. This
                    presidential initiative, launched in 2015, encourages collaborations between elected officials, school leaders, and public
                    libraries to create or strengthen partnerships so that every child enrolled in school has a public library card. Our partnership
                    is one of the first of its kind in the nation.
How it works:
  • Students who already have a public library card are ready to go
  • Every student previously without a library card has been issued one automatically using the student’s UCS school ID as the library card
    number and their birthday as their password in the format of MMDD.
  • Students should visit the library’s website (Sterling Heights Library) for information.
  • Students are encouraged to upgrade their access so they can check out print materials and more. Please call the Sterling Heights Library
    for further information. A parent or guardian signature plus photo ID is required.
What you get:
 •, connect to a professional tutor online to receive help with difficult homework problems (4 pm – 11 pm)
 • Electronic reference sources including encyclopedias that can be used for writing school papers
 • eBooks
 • EMagazines (over 90 popular titles)
 • Five free music downloads per week AND three hours of streaming per day (over 11 million commercially produced songs and 15,000
   music videos)
 • Free use of the library’s WIFI and public computers featuring Microsoft Office applications and internet access
 • Since each library is an independent entity, additional resources may be available. Visit the library’s website or speak to the designated
   library contact. Tammy Turgeon, Director 586-446-2640

                     Check us out and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on happenings at Bemis Junior High School.
                     Click here to be taken to our page.

Kroger Plus card
             Did you know that you can not only earn points for yourself, but you can also earn points for our school? How? It is easy! Just
             shop at Kroger and link your Plus Card to Bemis Jr. High.
             Clink on link for more information Kroger Community Rewards
Word of the day (Week of April 12)
    Monday              Shift          To move or change position.
                                       *The boy shifted in his chair.
     Tuesday             Modify        To change in some way; alter.
                                       *They modified the language of the play so that the younger children could understand it.
    Wednesday            Evident       Easily seen; clear.
                                       *Her happiness was evident to all.
     Thursday           Conceive       To give shape to in the mind.
                                       *She conceived a cleaver story.
      Friday             Region        An area of the earth’s surface that has a certain type of land and climate.
                                       *This tree grows only in tropical regions.

Fun Facts
                 April 12- National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day: Crispy bread and melted cheese. How can something that tastes so good be
                 this simple? Welcome to National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day on April 12! What’s the secret? We asked Aaron
                 Christenson, the owner of a small Central Oregon restaurant which won a recent readers’ poll in the categories of “Best Kids
                 Menu” and “Best Family Restaurant.” His response?
                 “A perfect grilled cheese has to have a super crispy exterior, brushed with garlic oil. Lots of melty cheese in the center. Thick
                 cut, handmade bread is a must!” And there you have it. Now get grilling.
                 April 13- National Scrabble Day: National Scrabble Day has cast a spell on us. April 13 is the day Scrabble inventor Alfred
                 Mosher Butts was born. He gave the world an iconic board game now played all over the world. Today, more than seven
                 decades later, we live for “Triple Word Scores”! Not to mention, the strategic use of those mysterious blank tiles. Now then,
                 time to lift the lid on that game box, pick out your first seven letters, and begin! Don’t forget the Scrabble Dictionary. We
                 don’t want any squabbles — which, by the way, happens to be a valuable Scrabble word (21 points)! It’s time to C-E-L-E-B-
                 R-A-T-E one of the world’s most iconic board games.
                 April 14: National Gardening Day: National Gardening Day on April 14 is a day of encouragement, a day created to give
                 gardeners a shove and a shovel so that they can begin their gardening journey. Weather permitting, gardening has always
                 been an endearing task for patient lovers of the great outdoors. A good gardener plans years ahead as they shape the
                 nature that surrounds them according to their vision and needs. With National Gardening Day arriving during Spring, it’s a
                 great chance for you to warm up your green fingers and get planting and preparing for the summer. Our gardens are a
                 unique space, use this day to get out there and make the most of them.
                 April 15- National Rubber Eraser Day: Correcting mistakes since 1770, National Rubber Eraser Day on April 15th
                 commemorates the date the invention first began making written errors disappear. Tablets of rubber (or wax) were used
                 to erase lead or charcoal marks from paper before there were rubber erasers.
                   • April 15, 1770, Joseph Priestly founded a vegetable gum to remove pencil marks. He dubbed the substance “rubber.”
                   • 1770 Edward Nairne developed the first marketed rubber eraser.
                   • 1839 Charles Goodyear discovered vulcanization (a method that would cure rubber and make it a durable material)
                      This method made rubber erasers standard.
                   • 1858 Hyman Lipman (Philadelphia, Pa.) patented the pencil with an eraser at the end.
                 We all make mistakes while holding a pencil in our hand, but thanks to the inventions by these men many years ago, we can
                 erase those mistakes away.
                 April 16- National Librarian Day: National Librarian Day on April 16 is a chance to be thankful for all the knowledge that
                 librarians possess. You may think of them as book-slingers who spend all day cataloging and reshelving, but librarians play a
                 much more important role. From children’s storytime to literacy classes, libraries offer a wealth of free public resources.

                                                    IMPORTANT SCHOOL POLICIES

Dress Code
Bemis follows the dress code located in the Parent and Student Handbook. This dress code does differ from the elementary school dress
code. Student conduct is affected by student dress. Bemis strives to maintain a comfortable learning environment and our staff appreciates
parental support in guiding appropriated dress for school. Students not conforming to the district code will have to call home for a change of
clothing or wear a clean t-shirt and/or sweatpants provided by the school for the day.
Junior High School Parent and Student Handbook
The Utica Community Schools Parent-Student Handbook serves as quick references for families seeking answers to school policies,
procedures, and district activities. UCS Handbooks are published for elementary, junior high and senior high schools. Each handbook is
created with student learning and parent partnership in mind.
You are encouraged to download a copy and find the answers you seek at your leisure. Save a copy for future reference or go back and visit
again. Remember: Handbooks are updated each year. Please click here to find the 2020-2021 Handbook.
Parents and students can view their student’s schedules, attendance, and grades. Click here to access the PowerSchool Portal. Parents with
multiple UCS students can now create an account to access all of their data with a single login. Parents will need the access ID and access
password for each student. Click here for helpful instructional guides. Access IDs and passwords follow students from year to year. Please
contact the main office with any questions.
Bemis Attendance Line
Parents are reminded to call the school attendance line, 586-797-2599, to report their child’s absence or tardiness. In order to be excused, all
late/tardy students must be called in by a parent. A doctor’s note must be provided to excuse late/tardy arrivals. Bemis Attendance line is
available 24 hours a day. All late arrival/tardy students must report to the Main Office upon arrival to receive a late pass. If your child is
absent and we have not received notification, we will call the parents.
Early Dismissal
Students who need to be excused during the school day should bring a signed note from their parents to the Main Office before school
begins that morning. The note should include the date, time, and reason for dismissal as well as who will be picking the child up. By doing
this, we keep classroom disruptions to a minimum as well as have your child waiting for you in the Main Office when you arrive. PLEASE
NOTE: Anyone signing a student out, must show identification and that person must also be on the students’ yellow Emergency Card.
Students will not be released to anyone that is not listed on the Emergency Card.
Homework Requests
Homework requests are not accepted until the third consecutive day of absence. You may request your child’s homework on that third day
by emailing your child’s teacher. You can find a list of email addresses by clicking here.
Use of Electronic Communication Devices is Prohibited
The personal use of cell phones or other electronic communications devices (ECD) by students is prohibited at any time while in school or in a
district vehicle. Students may carry ECDs during the school day, but they cannot be displayed or used without permission from a teacher or
administrator for educational purposes. Personal use of the device shall be limited to the time before and after the school day and only when
students are outside the building. ECDs shall not be used during instructional time, lunch, passing time between classes or on any school bus
without permission of a school official. The use of an ECD’s picture-taking or internet connection capability is not permitted without
permission of a teacher or administrator. Utica Community Schools will not be responsible for the theft, loss, or damage of any ECD.
Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against students who violate the policy regulating ECDs.
If a student’s ECD rings/vibrates during the school day, the ECD will be confiscated and must be picked up in the main office by the student’s
parent. Should this occur a second time, the student will receive a one-day suspension. If a student uses an ECD anytime inside the school,
the ECD will be confiscated and the student will receive a one-day suspension.
All school meal menus are digitally accessible on all devices allowing for personalized viewing options. Users can select to view nutritional and
allergen information, as well as customize print and language settings. Menus can be viewed at
Concussion Awareness
As part of a new state law, all UCS and Michigan parents will receive information about concussions, their symptoms and what to do if you
suspect a concussion. Bemis parents that attended the Bemis Spartan Registration days received this information and completed the required
form during our registration. All students are required to have this form completed and on file in the Main Office prior to participating in any
physical activity, including PE class and sports teams.
Body Spray
Bemis Junior High has several students and staff members who have allergic reactions to strong perfumes, after-shave, and men’s cologne.
The reactions range from mild to severe headaches that can result in nausea and being sent home from school. In addition, strong perfume
smells can trigger asthma attacks. Junior high is filled with a variety of smells ranging from strawberries to old spice. When those smells
dominate the hallways, problems do occur. We are asking students to put on your favorite fragrance once in the morning before school.
Please do not bring in bottles and sprays of cologne, after-shave, and perfume to re-apply throughout the day.

Recycle for Charity at Bemis
            Look for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Donation Bin, located in the receiving driveway on the east side of Bemis Junior
            High. All items will go to the Disabled American Veterans, a non-profit organization located in Westland. Tax receipts can be
            found in the office. Donate your gently used clothes, shoes, toys, and small house appliances.

Student Drop-off/Pick-up
You can also read