Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...

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Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...

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English Focus /04
Meet the Governors /08
Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16
Learning in Lockdown /20
and more...
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                             E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L


English Focus
St. Joseph’s Day
                                           School Vision
                                           #1. DREAM
                                           To be loved and trusted as an academic school that nurtures girls
                                                                                                                       Dear Parent,

                                                                                                                       It has been so incredibly rewarding to have welcomed many of our pupils in the
                                            to be happy, confident and resilient and who reach their potential         Junior School back into the physical building after such a difficult few months.
Online Safety                         07
                                           in whichever field they choose.                                             Despite the varying challenges that these months have presented to all of us, we
Meet the Governors                    08
                                                                                                                       can be incredibly proud of the way in which the girls have responded to a very
Learning Exchange                     10
Alumnae                               12
                                           #2. CHARACTER                                                               different type of learning! From Seesaw and Tapestry activities to eventually
                                           Happy      Dynamic                 Academic                                 returning over the last few weeks to see their teachers and friends again, the
Library Appeal Update                 13                                                                               teachers could not have worked harder to sustain the timetable and the pupils
Sport                                 14   United     Nurturing               Ambitious
                                                                                                                       could not have tried harder to respond to the challenges presented to them. We
Farewell Mrs Jeys!                    16   Fun        Committed               Inclusive		                              could not be prouder of our pupils.
Thank You Mrs Jeys                    18   Friendly   Aspirational
Hello from Mrs Smillie                19                                                                               For me personally, I did not anticipate that this would be how my time at AESG
Learning in Lockdown                  20   #3. BELIEFS                                                                 would end but I have loved my time leading this community through difficult times
                                           Providing an outstanding, educational journey to girls from the age         and hugely rewarding ones too. Seeing girls flourish in so many settings has to be
                                                                                                                       a highlight for any Head and I have seen this in so many contexts over the last four
                                           of two to eighteen                                                          years. From Nursery to Year 6, the girls show such incredible character and
                                                                                                                       personality; perseverance, confidence and resilience are observed on a daily basis
                                           Inspiring girls to achieve and to be the very best they can be              and I know that the School will continue to prioritise the development of these
                                                                                                                       characteristics alongside each of the pupil’s academic progress.
                                           Giving every individual girl a truly holistic educational experience
                                                                                                                       Most importantly, it is the community of AESG Junior School that makes it so
                                                                                                                       special and I feel privileged to have worked alongside the most outstanding team
                                           Embracing the very best in technology to provide a personalised             of staff and the most wonderful group of pupils; both of whom I will miss hugely as
                                           approach to learning                                                        I move onto my next school.

                                           Welcoming girls of all faiths in a school with a strong Christian ethos     The first quote I wanted to be displayed on the walls at AESG was Aristotle’s
                                                                                                                       ‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’ What I do
                                                                                                                       know, then, is that the pupils at AESG receive an outstanding education. I wish
                                           Producing successful citizens for the future with global awareness,         them, the teaching staff, you and my successor – Mrs Nicola Smillie – all the very,
                                           empathy and a strong moral compass                                          very best for the future.

                                           Supporting girls with superb pastoral care; one which develops girls’
                                           resilience, self-confidence and self-belief                                 Best Wishes,

                                           Working in partnership with parents to guide girls throughout their
                                           school life

                                           #4. SPIRIT                                                                  Helen Jeys
                                           “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”

                                           #5. FOCUS
                                           Confidence and self-belief

                                                                                                                                                                      A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS   04
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                       E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

English F cus
The teaching of English in the Junior School incorporates many strands, all
essential for the study of every other subject that the girls are likely to encounter
both at Junior and Senior level. Due to the fact that English lessons provide teaching
on how to communicate, a mature grasp of English skills has to be every girl’s
aspiration. Any girl who cannot communicate clearly is effectively disenfranchised.

Speaking and listening                                                 Writing

Spoken language underpins the development of reading                   The development of writing in the Junior School extends
and writing – the quality and variety of language that the girls       from the formation of single letters during the Early Years to
hear and absorb are vital for developing their vocabulary and          the creation of adult-style texts which include sophisticated
grammar. (Language spoken at home is as important as the               language and a full range of literary features in Year 6. At all ages,
variety of language provided at school.) The ability to listen and     girls are asked to consider who the audience is for their writing
maintain concentration allows the girls to formulate questions,        but are encouraged to enjoy the act of writing. We help the girls
answers, arguments and opinions. At every age, a wider                 to master handwriting and spelling as quickly as possible so
vocabulary gives our girls a voice to express their ideas or           that they can concentrate on the pleasure of composition. The
feelings and demonstrate the extent of their imagination. This         girls are taught to understand how a text is structured and given
work is supported in Drama lessons. Teaching on the artistic           appropriate language to use to create different effects.
practice of Drama provides the girls with an outlet for their desire
to adopt different roles for performances before an audience.          As with any engaging writing, the girls write best when they write
                                                                       from personal experience and have the language to express
Reading                                                                their thoughts. Knowledge of current affairs and the wider world
                                                                       is enormously helpful here too. However, there is no greater
Reading skills continue to develop throughout a girl’s education.      pleasure for a teacher than reading a piece of writing that shows
Learning to read consists of two dimensions – word reading             the influence of reading experiences or a strong, original voice.
or decoding, and comprehension (both listening and reading).
Early decoding skills are taught in the Early Years through the        The expectations of children in every year group in relation to
study of phonics – girls who miss out on good phonics teaching         spelling ability, vocabulary depth, punctuation use and grammar
are still obvious in Year 6, mainly because of their poor spelling     accuracy are now high. All are taught specifically in school but
skills. Girls who gain a good grasp of phonics knowledge at an         there is no better substitute than extensive reading for building
early age are able to read fluidly by the end of Year 2, the aim       secure knowledge of these skills. A firm grasp of these elements
for every child. While the girls are in the Infants, we are often      of English is essential throughout school and beyond.
asked by parents to move their daughter up to the next book
band because their word decoding skills are developing at an           Advice
impressive rate. However, the importance of comprehension
skills is not to be forgotten – if a girl jumps through the book       If there is one piece of advice that we could give to parents
bands too quickly, she is missing out on exposure to vocabulary        about raising achievement in English, it would be this: please
and the ideas introduced from the variety of stories and non-          encourage your girls to read, read, read. Read anything and
fiction that each level provides. Good comprehension and its           everything. As you will have gleaned from this article, the
improvement rely on a developing understanding of vocabulary           benefits of reading widely are many. Model this yourself by
and a widening knowledge of the world – this again should be           always having a book on the go or reading the paper. Listen
provided by both school and home.                                      to your daughter read daily; read to her yourself, or enjoy an
                                                                       audiobook together – she will remember these moments forever
The ability to read confidently and fluently in any subject is         and it is one of the most important things that you can do for her.
essential for life at Senior School. However, it is always our aim
to show our girls the joy of reading for pleasure. This might be
the latest children’s novel, a dinosaur or space encyclopedia or
a copy of The Week Junior. Not only has it has been proven that
a child who reads for pleasure will achieve at least one grade
higher in public exams, but there is strong evidence to show that
it can improve well-being throughout life.

05      A SP IRE
                                                                                                                                                A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS   06
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                       E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

St. Joseph’s                                                                              Onlin Safety
Day                                                                                       Online Safety is an integral part of
                                                                                          children’s education in today’s digital
                                                                                          world and is embedded in the girls’
                                                                                          learning here at AESG. We want to help
                                                                                          our parents and girls improve their own
This year’s St. Joseph’s Day was a particularly                                           understanding of online issues so they
special occasion as we celebrate 21 fantastic years                                       can learn to use the internet and all digital
of Alderley Edge School for Girls.                                                        media in a safe and secure way.

This was celebrated by a whole school service in the School’s Millennium Hall.            As a parent you will probably realise how important the internet
All girls, along with all staff members, Governors and special friends of the School      is to children - they use it to learn, play, socialise and express
gathered together to reflect upon all that the past 21 years has brought and listen       themselves. It’s a highly creative place that offers amazing
to readings from the students, Head Girls, Headmistress and School Chaplain.              opportunities when used correctly.

Alongside celebrating the School’s 21st birthday, the service focused on the Fruits       We understand that the technology children use every day can
of the Holy Spirit and the diversity of our school community.                             seem a bit daunting and you might worry about the risks your
                                                                                          child can face online - such as bullying, contact from strangers
Our Junior School, from Pre-School to Year 6, presented the fruits, each featured         or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content.
on nine balloons for all to see: Joy, Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness,          In the Junior school, Mr Earnshaw held his second Online Safety
Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control, recognising we all have the ‘key’ to           workshop during the Spring Term. This gives parents a clearer
each of these fruits and should strive to adopt them all in our lives.                    picture of how we teach online safety across our curriculum,
                                                                                          alerts parents to the most recent social media dangers and also
The service was full of fantastic singing not only from our choirs but the whole          allows them to discuss their daughter’s online experience and
school with a rousing version of our school hymn ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’, ‘We’re            receive advice from other parents with daughters of a similar age.
all in this Together’ from High School Musical and a rendition of Stevie Wonder’s         We know how your involvement at home can really help reinforce
‘Happy Birthday’!                                                                         key messages to help your child become more confident when
                                                                                          exploring the online world.
In recognising our diversity, other senior school girls said prayers from faiths
represented within our school community: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism,                     At AESG Junior School, we do not teach ‘app specific’ online safety
Sikhism and Islam. Our prayers focused upon climate change, equality, peace,              as these are constantly changing, but we give clear guidelines and
illness and the plight of refugees respectively before closing with the Lord’s Prayer.    advice to our girls from Reception to Year 6. We use resources such
                                                                                          as Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’, Interland and ThinkUKnow’s
We were also joined by Reverend Butler, who led us in our opening prayer and              Jesse and Friends animations to help reinforce our message.
closing blessing.
                                                                                          Parent quote:

                                                                                         “The recent workshop with Mr
                                                                                          Earnshaw was excellent as always.
                                                                                          Not only did it provide me with tips
                                                                                          on how to keep my children safe
                                                                                          on line at home, I also learned
                                                                                          how the girls are taught internet
                                                                                          safety at school which as a parent
                                                                                          was really reassuring.”
07      A SP IRE
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Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                         E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

Meet the
                                                                                                                                                  After an enlightening interview with Mr       contact and some where not as much.            Do you think student opinions are
                                                                                                                                                  Trueman, it had been arranged for me to       I will have meetings with Mrs Wood, or         heard often within the committees?
                                                                                                                                                  meet Mrs Rostron the next day.                with safeguarding teachers in the Junior
                                                                                                                                                                                                School. They come together and we go           MRS R: Yes, I think they are. I have sat in
                                                                                                                                                                                                through any issues, any policies and make      on the Student Council last year, so that I

                                                                                                                                                                                                sure that the policies are up to date. We      could then report back to the governors
                                                                                                                                                                                                get a lot of communication externally from     what the students had to say. I also think
                                                                                                                                                                                                the government and the local councils,         it’s important, when they did the LGBTQ+
                                                                                                                                                                                                and we make sure that we are following         training, I was quite strongly involved, so I
                                                                                                                                                                                                those procedures and that they work            went to every meeting that followed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                for the School. So, I get a lot of policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                to read, but I have to ensure that I am        And so just like that, I had found myself
                                                                                                                                                                                                happy with them and that the governing         wondering about the other members of
                                                                                                                                                                                                body would be happy with them. I’m             the governing body, but perhaps that is
                                                                                                                                                                                                probably in school on average in a half        for another time. I would like to thank Mrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                term, about 3 or 4 times, but then I have      Rostron and Mr Trueman for sparing me
                                                                                                                                                                                                correspondence from Mrs Wood or Mrs            some time to complete these interviews
My name is Lily Beasley, and as a student in the Sixth Form, I have never actually                                                                                                              Jeys more regularly even than that. On top     and for giving me an insight into their
                                                                                                                                                                                                of that, I love coming into school, so any     daily tasks. I hope we have all learned
considered in any real detail what the roles of the governors are. Why do we need                                                                                                               excuse!                                        something new; I certainly have! I look
them? What do they do? I took it upon myself to find these answers out and found                                                                                                                                                               forward to meeting other governors in
                                                                                                                                                                                                Would you like the governors to be             future editions of Aspire!
myself interviewing two of the school governors in one week, Mr Trueman and Mrs                                                                                                                 more involved in the daily life of the
Rostron. I began by meeting with Mr Trueman.                                                                                                                                                    School?                                        Lily Beasley.

                                                                                                                                                                                                MRS R: Yes, and I think I have tried to do
                                                  and there are three sub-committees;                As governors, everybody is really                                                          that. My history with the School is that my
                                                  Marketing and Development, Curriculum              switched on to safeguarding; there has                                                     two daughters came here. My youngest;
                                                  and Finance and Building. I joined the             been so much change in the world. Every      What is your name and position?               she was the first one that went through
                                                  Curriculum Committee as it interests me            governor has a responsibility to keep a                                                    reception, all the way through to Upper
                                                  more than finance, as I was a teacher              check on safeguarding in school.             MRS R: My name is Joanna Rostron and I        Sixth. She was the first one who went
                                                  for many years. The Finance Committee                                                           am the safeguarding governor. I also sit on   through the entire school when Alderley
                                                  tends to be made up of the same group              During the Curriculum Committee, we          the Marketing Committee, and because          Edge School for Girls was first created.
                                                  of people, and we meet at least every half         see more of the teachers, the Deputy         of my safeguarding role, I sit on the         So, I like to come into school. I think a
                                                  term, sometimes more often, because                Heads and representatives from the           Curriculum Committee as well.                 lot of the older girls were the younger
                                                  we’re running a business. It is a school           Junior School. Every time we meet, we                                                      girls when my daughters were here;
                                                  and we are helping the students to learn,          have presentations from each one of the      As a student myself, we normally just         they know who I am, but other people
                                                  but it is also a business and there are quite      academic departments, which is always        see the governors every now and then,         don’t necessarily. Yes, I do think its very
                                                  a lot of administrative staff. We have to          very interesting, particularly from the      such as occasions like Prize Giving.          important that the governors come in, I
                                                  attract pupils and parents to the school,          Junior School because their interest in      How would you describe your daily             come in as much as I can. I came to the
                                                  which is why we have a Marketing and               reading, writing and maths might seem        tasks?                                        school production and mass for Ash
                                                  Development team, to make sure that the            simple but a lot of effort is put into it.                                                 Wednesday. I think it’s important for the
What is your name and position?                   message about the school is getting out.           It’s interesting to see how things have      MRS R: For me personally, being the           staff particularly to know who I am, so they
                                                                                                     changed.                                     safeguarding governor, I report a lot to      feel they can approach me and equally, for
MR T: My name is Chris Trueman and I’ve           The Finance Committee is about keeping                                                          Mrs Jeys and Mrs Wood. They will also         the girls as well.
been associated with the School for a             track of the income and expenditure and            Would you like the governors to be           tell me about anything going on at the
long time. Around three years ago, I was          making decisions mainly about what to              more involved in the daily life of the       School which I need to know about on
invited to join the Governing body. I am          spend money on. You do have to make                School?                                      a safeguarding basis. I probably don’t
currently the chair person of the Finance         decisions because there is never enough                                                         have contact daily, but I go through
and Building Committee and also sit on the        money to live in a dream world and we              MR T: I believe they have the opportunity    phases where I seem to have a lot of
Curriculum Committee.                             have to prioritise. My job as Chair Person of      to do so, such as during inspections and
                                                  that meeting is to make sure that all views        class observations, but it’s completely
As a student myself we normally just              are represented and if you have to prioritise      their choice.
see the governors now and then,                   things, you also have to make sure
either in school or outside of school at          everyone knows what the costs are and              Do you feel as though student voices
events such as Prize Giving. We don’t             what options are available. Part of my role        are heard enough at the committee
tend to hear a lot about the governors            is when you’re spending large amounts              meetings?
themselves and what they actually do.             of money in an organisation, to make
How would you describe your daily                 sure there are financial checks so people          MR T: There is the School Council and
tasks as a school governor?                       cannot be wrongly accused of misconduct            the Headmistress represents the pupils
                                                  in the financial department. We all keep           and any views at the meetings. Pupils and
MR T: Well, the Governing committee               checks on each other, and then once every          especially Sixth Formers can feed back
operates on three or four committee               month I authorise certain things which are         through various means; via the Head of
levels; there is a full governing body            of a higher value. It’s not a difficult task but   Sixth Form for example.
which meets approximately once a term             it is quite a big responsibility.

09      A SP IRE
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S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                        E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

Ex c hange

For our students to make excellent progress, they need ownership of their own
learning, opportunities to be self-reflective about how they learn and identify and
set their own goals to achieve their potential. These aims are embedded into the
AESG Junior culture and celebrated annually at the Learning Exchange.

What is the Learning Exchange?                                       As the girls prepare for their visitors, the discussions held about    Quotes from the girls:         Quote from parents:
                                                                     the learning, helps to review their understanding. They reflect
Parents are invited into the classroom, for a student-led            on why they are proud of the work, what they didn’t know and
discussion where the girls present their work and guide the          what they still want to learn about and improve. It helps the class   “I love showing my mummy       “There is something very
discussions. Parents listen to their daughter explain her            teacher to understand how best to challenge and support each
academic progress, learning strengths and needs. The teacher is      student.                                                               and daddy all the work I have  special about your daughter
present, but the discussions are between students and parents.
                                                                     Teachers are present to help with questions that go beyond the         done, they are surprised at    talking about what she has
The Learning Exchange is structured in this way to allow             Exchange and can understand the parent-student dynamic
students to be central in the discussion of academic and extra-      better, by observing the discussions. Advice and ideas for home        how much my writing has        learned in a way that no amount
curricular goals, with an opportunity to discuss with parents (and   support can be exchanged. It also identifies the teacher as a
the teacher) what help and support they might need to succeed.       keen participant in the student’s success.                             improved and that my stories of ‘What did you do today at
We have three Parents’ Evenings a year and these discussions         Students facilitate the discussion, show their work and                are funny!”                    school?’ will ever uncover!”
are invaluable for discussing progress and targets. However,         communicate their learning goals with parents and parents can
we have found that parents really enjoy looking at the work that     listen and talk with their child in a relaxed environment.
their daughter has produced, plus having her explain what she                                                                              “I like showing my parents
learned and why she is proud of it; it is a celebration of student   Parents will see a variety of work including Maths and English,
success.                                                             the Integrated Curriculum topic folders including Science and          around the classroom, seeing
                                                                     more. Some rooms are set up as learning stations, for example
At Parents’ Evening students often don’t feel a sense of             the Computing room, for a more interactive experience of               all my displayed work, that
responsibility. Their role is pedestrian rather than active. The     learning. Displayed work including stories, poems, letters etc,
Learning Exchange encourages them to reflect, in their own           activities from STEAM week and Art and Design and Technology           I wouldn’t be able to talk
words, on how far they have come, what they still need to            projects are also seen. The girls attach a note to the work,
learn, and identify what they are proud of. The students receive     identifying it as of special interest and will be ready to explain     about show them without
encouraging and useful feedback from their parents and are           why they chose the work, why they are proud of it, what they
invested in their own learning.                                      have learned and sometimes, how they would change and                  the Learning Exchange”
                                                                     improve it, if they were to do it again!
Teachers also benefit from the Learning Exchange, giving
students time to select what they want to share at the Exchange      The Learning Exchange is an opportunity, for all to see the
and discussing what has been chosen and why. This ensures            learning that has taken place and to look forward to the learning
parents see the work on display, on ICT platforms and in folders     to come. This happens because the student, parents and
and books.                                                           teachers are invested in making it happen.

11      A SP IRE
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S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                                          E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

As our alumnae network grows, we are delighted to introduce you to more of
Alderley Alumnae’s newest members! Whether you are an old girl of Alderley Edge
School for Girls, St. Hilary’s or Mount Carmel, we would like to speak to you!

                                                                                                                                             L brary Appeal
Class of

Annette Boden MSc
                                        As a former pupil of Mount     Self-compassion teaches that it is ok to make mistakes, that
                                        Carmel I was thrilled to be    we are not perfect but that we can learn so much when we
                                        invited to share my journey    treat ourselves with kindness. I now teach the Mindful self-
                                        in the hope that it inspires   compassion programme and bring compassion focused therapy
                                        and motivates all the young    into my clinical practice. It is my life’s work and my soul’s
                                        women coming up through        purpose, to live in accord with the core values that I learned from
                                        the ranks of Alderley Edge     the school days I enjoyed so much and have never forgotten.
                                        School for Girls.
                                                                      I am really looking forward to delivering a ‘Lunch and                 As many of you will be aware, we have been working hard to raise funds for the
                                        During my formative years     Learn’ session in the School where I will share some tips              complete refurbishment of both our Junior and Senior School Libraries.
                                        at Mount Carmel I wanted to   and techniques with girls from overcoming exam nerves, to
                                        become a journalist, however, spreading their wings and choosing a vocation that they are
                                        that was not to be my path.   passionate about.                                                      We have recently received a generous donation from the Sisters
                                                                                                                                             of St. Joseph and we have now managed to reach the goal for
I have always been proud of the values I learned from my                                                                                     our Junior School Library Appeal which we plan to fit over the
school days and compassion was a big part of the teaching. I              Peter Ainsworth                                                    summer. Pupils, parents staff and our wonderful PFA have worked
found once I left school that I was drawn to helping people in                                                                               incredibly hard to support us. We are also incredibly grateful to
whatever role I undertook. I began a journey of self-discovery            We are saddened to inform you of the death of former               have received a generous donation which has come in to the
and completed a BSc in Psychology and a Masters in                        School Governor, Peter Ainsworth. Until the end of the last        School in memory of a member of our alumnae.
Psychology but not immediately after school. I took the long              academic year, Peter served as a governor of AESG and
and winding road through retail management and found that                 prior to that, at Mount Carmel School.                             In the Spring Term, the girls in the Junior School completed a
I enjoyed supporting staff and encouraging them to be their                                                                                  sponsored readathon and all monies raised from World Book Day
very best and passionate about all they undertook.                        Peter was an accountant and served for many years as               will also go to the Library Appeal. Our PFA also hosted a brilliant
                                                                          Chair of the Finance Committee, providing a long and               Ladies’ Lunch at Piccolino.
I found that I was drawn to a vocation of health care and                 extensive level of support to the School. There will be
psychotherapy and have been in practice for over twenty years             a family-only funeral held shortly but a public memorial           In the Senior School and Sixth Form, we are planning a £21 pledge
now. I learned much about myself and compassion, but it                   service is being planned and we will communicate that              where the girls undertake tasks at home or in the community in
wasn’t until I became unwell with a chronic physical condition            information to you as soon as we know more.                        order to raise £21 each to donate towards to appeal to celebrate
over ten years ago now that I learned to treat myself with the                                                                               our 21st Birthday with the hope of completing the fundraising for
same care and compassion I offered to others, to listen to my             Sister Aida Gill                                                   both projects in 2020.
body and use all the skills I learned during my school days.
                                                                          It is with great sadness that we can confirm the passing           We have also been speaking to many of our suppliers about the
I came across the work of Kristin Neff and Chris Germer -                 of Sister Aida Gill from the Order of St Joseph. Sr Aida           project, some have already confirmed that they are willing to
pioneers in the field of self-compassion research and teaching            was based at the Convent of St Emilie, in Bowdon. Many             support us with donations for the final push.
and I began to develop a new relationship with myself - one               memories have been shared online amongst Mount Carmel
of care and kindness. This helped with pain management but                alumnae so please do send in any messages or memories              If you would like to support our appeal or donate either personally
also gave me the confidence to continue my work as a health               you may have.                                                      or through your business, please contact Debbie Dawson by
care professional writing articles for magazines.                                                                                            email ddawson@aesg.co.uk or phone 01625 588045

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS   14
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                             E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Success at The Association of Junior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Independent Schools

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Once again, our Junior girls ran, jumped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and threw their way to success in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   recent AJIS Indoor Athletics event at Robin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Park Wigan. It was a fun and competitive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   day which saw children from 27 schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   participate in a variety of events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   throughout the day. All of the girls who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   participated gave a fantastic effort in every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   event and thoroughly enjoyed the day. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   huge well done to all our competitors, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   an extra special well done to our podium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   finishers who we are extremely proud of.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Ophelia T (Y6) 1 Lap Sprint
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Sofia C (Y4) Balance


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Ophelia T (Y6) Triple Jump
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Aston W (Y6) Long Jump
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Kayla D (Y6) Speed Bounce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Talia C T (Y6) Vertical Jump
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – Talia, Florence, Kayla,
Cross Country                                                                                                                              Macclesfield School Sports Partnership                                                                  Ophelia (Y6) Obstacle Race
                                                                                                                                           Sports Festival
Determination and stamina over a muddy course.                      each girl displaying great determination and stamina. The Year
                                                                                                                                           The MSSP Inclusive Multi Sports Festival took place on Friday 2nd November at the
                                                                    3 & 4 girls finished 4th out of 16 schools and the Year 5 & 6 girls
                                                                                                                                           Sports Hall facilities of Tytherington High School. Twelve schools from the Wilmslow       Lacrosse
Eight girls represented the Junior School energetically and         finished 2nd out of 18 schools.
                                                                                                                                           area attended the event, with each school entering a maximum of 5 children.
enthusiastically at the annual Independent Schools Association
Cross Country Race hosted by Scarisbrick Hall over a course of      Huge congratulations to Lalli, Ava B, Amelia L and Doris who
1500m Years 3 & 4 and 2000m Years 5 & 6.                            have qualified to represent the North in the National race. The        ‘The festival is an event designed to encourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      On Tuesday 26 November, all junior
                                                                    girls qualified by finishing in the top ten in their race out of one    participation in sport with the focus being on providing                                  girls in Years 4 – 6 took part in a taster
Despite the chilly temperature, it was a wonderful afternoon with   hundred runners.                                                        pupils with a fantastic opportunity to try a range of                                     session of Pop Lacrosse during their
                                                                                                                                            sports in a fun and enjoyable environment.’                                               PE lessons. POP Lacrosse is the form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of lacrosse played in primary schools.
                                                                                                                                           There were seven stations for pupils to take part in and each school team played           It is a non-contact version of lacrosse
                                                                    House Netball                                                          against or alongside a different school throughout the areas. The stations                 which uses inexpensive plastic-
                                                                                                                                           consisted of Boccia Blast, Netball Skills, Seated Volleyball, Kurling Spin, Target         headed sticks and large, softer
                                                                                                                                           Golf, Bean Bag Throw and Parachute games.                                                  lacrosse balls. POP has been used in
                                                                    On Tuesday 18 November, Year 5 House Netball took place.                                                                                                          primary schools since the 1980s and
                                                                    All four houses were extremely excited to play and more                The attitude of all the pupils taking part was wonderful. Each individual represented      since then has become very popular.
                                                                    importantly, all girls of all abilities were invited to play.          their school team with great joy and tried their best at each station. This energy         It is particularly suitable for delivering
                                                                                                                                           filled the arena and gave the whole morning a great feeling for all who attended.          invasion skills within the Physical
                                                                    This year, the girls split into two teams and arranged the positions                                                                                              Literacy PE Curriculum.
                                                                    for their first High – Five match. Thereafter, each player had to      Netball Success
                                                                    rotate position on the court to allow everybody to play to their                                                                                                  The session was led by Victoria,
                                                                    strengths. Both teams played a total of 8 matches (6 minutes) and      Many congratulations to the U11                                                            Junior coach at Brooklands Lacrosse
                                                                    the scores from each match were collated together to ascertain         Netball Team who were crowned                                                              Club. Victoria introduced various
                                                                    the team total. Matches were close and well contested but it was       winners in the Macclesfield School                                                         techniques including the pick-up,
                                                                    the Blue team who won by just one goal.                                Sport Partnership High Five Netball                                                        passing the ball, receiving in the air
                                                                                                                                           Tournament.                                                                                and cradling the ball. Our girls made
                                                                    The girls played very well all afternoon, showing much skill that                                                                                                 quick progress with their hard work
                                                                    has clearly developed during the term. It was a real pleasure to       The girls won all of their pool games                                                      ethic and their focus ensured that
                                                                    watch a variety of abilities working together and motivating each      to win their group and have qualified                                                      they quickly got into the games which
                                                                    other during the matches.                                              for the finals.                                                                            they really enjoyed.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS   16
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                     E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

                                                                                                                                              10. Do you have a bucket list and if so,     16. The School encourages reading              19.What will you miss most about
                                                                                                                                                   what’s on it?                                 for learning and reading for                  AESG?
                                                                                                                                                                                                 pleasure and has been working on
                                                                                                                                              To visit India and Vietnam. I am                   fundraising for two new libraries.         The real sense of community and family
                                                                                                                                              fascinated by religion and I would love            What is your favourite book as an          that reflect what is really special about

 Mrs Jeys!
                                                                                                                                              the opportunity to immerse myself in the           adult and what was your favourite          AESG. I will genuinely miss both staff
                                                                                                                                              culture of these two amazing countries.            childhood book?                            and pupils - I have learned so much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and have loved everything about
                                                                                                                                              11. Do you have any guilty pleasures?         My favourite childhood book was                 my experience at the School. I also
                                                                                                                                                                                            ‘Malory Towers’ by Enid Blyton. I really        have been privileged to work with an
                                                                                                                                              My family would say that I have               enjoyed reading about the mischief the          incredibly talented senior team who all
                                                                                                                                              an unfortunate taste in 80s music;            girls got up to at boarding school. As an       pull together; I will really miss them.
                                                                                                                                              something for which I will not apologise!     adult, I have always enjoyed ‘Rebecca’
                                                                                                                                                                                            by Daphne Du Maurier ... “Last night I          20. The girls have learned a lot about
                                                                                                                                              12. What was your favourite subject at       dreamt I went to Manderley again....”                growth mindset and coming
                                                                                                                                                   school?                                                                                       back from perceived failings and
                                                                                                                                                                                            17. What is your most memorable                     learning from them. What would be
 As we prepare to say farewell to Mrs Jeys after 4 years, we thought it would be                                                              Religion and Philosophy - obviously -              AESG Assembly?                                  your best piece of advice?
                                                                                                                                              but I also loved Music and English too.
 fun to ask her 21 questions and find out things that perhaps you didn’t know in                                                                                                            Any assembly presented by Mr Russell.           To know that as a woman, you can strive
 commemoration of our 21st Birthday. Read on to find out more about Mrs Jeys’                                                                 13. Who was your most influential            He is a wonderful story-teller and always       and achieve whatever you want and in
                                                                                                                                                   teacher and why?                         manages to think of creative ways to            any field. Aim high and never live with
 most memorable AESG moments, her secret talent and the best piece of advice                                                                                                                illustrate a topic.                             regrets.
 she has received!                                                                                                                            Mr Cunningham, my English teacher.
                                                                                                                                              He was an incredible teacher but also         However, the single assembly I                  21. What’s the best piece of advice
                                                                                                                                              knew how to ensure that I kept things in      remember the most is last year’s                     you’ve ever been given?
 We also have a special note from Mrs Herring, our Chair of Governors thanking                                                                perspective too. When I became worried        Christmas assembly; this is always the
 Mrs Jeys for all she has done during her time at AESG.                                                                                       about my ‘A Levels’, he reminded me           highlight of the year for me. I really enjoy
                                                                                                                                              that - if things didn’t go as well as I
                                                                                                                                              would have wanted - the sun will still rise
                                                                                                                                                                                            watching the pupils’ reactions to the
                                                                                                                                                                                            different news stories in my summary of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ‘Never live with
 So Mrs Jeys, here we go!                                                                                                                     in the morning. I always remember this
                                                                                                                                              phrase and it always reminds me to keep
                                                                                                                                                                                            the year but this year’s rendition of ’The
                                                                                                                                                                                            Twelve Days of Christmas’ is like nothing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             regret’. It is always
 1. What would be your perfect day?                3. Who inspires you?                           6. This is a crucial one – are you a cat
                                                                                                                                              my priorities in order.                       I have ever heard before. The volume
                                                                                                                                                                                            was incredible and everything about it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             my ‘go to’ piece of
 The way I would describe my perfect               Gosh ... Aristotle, Malala, Jacinda Ardern
                                                                                                      person or dog person?!                  14. What was your first job?                  just reflected real joy. Fantastic!!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             advice if I am ever
 day has changed quite a lot because
 of lockdown as I am sure it has for
                                                   (who I think is an amazing leader), Oprah
                                                   Winfrey, Emmeline Pankhurst, Eleanor
                                                                                                  Definitely a cat person. I have two
                                                                                                  rescue cats - Milo and Busby - who love
                                                                                                                                              I worked in a cattery when I was sixteen
                                                                                                                                              and then, while at university, I worked
                                                                                                                                                                                            18. What is your most memorable
                                                                                                                                                                                                 AESG moment?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             faced with a big
 everyone. My perfect day is spending
 the day relaxing with my family -
                                                   Roosevelt (another source of amazing
                                                   quotes!), Ella Fitzgerald (incredible jazz
                                                                                                  lying over my computer keyboard when
                                                                                                  I am typing.
                                                                                                                                              as a Credit Control Clerk in a firm in the
                                                                                                                                              middle of Birmingham. I had to ring up        It is so difficult to say that there is ‘one’
 anywhere - but preferably outside in the          singer), Maya Angelou....                                                                  companies and ask why they had not            moment but there are events I remember
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Thank you Mrs Jeys!
 sun with a good book at the ready!                                                               7. Do you have a pet-hate? If so, what     paid their bills…. It was not the most        incredibly clearly and for different
                                                   4. If you could have lunch with one               is it?!                                 uplifting of positions!!                      reasons. I remember the morning after
 2. We know you love inspiring quotes,                person, who would it be and why?                                                                                                     the Manchester Arena bombing and
     which is your favourite?                                                                     Untidiness and people putting empty         15. Did you always want to be a              how we all stood outside praying for
                                                   Gandhi would be fascinating to have            boxes back in the larder - Grrrrrr!              headteacher?                             those who had been affected by this
 Without a doubt,                                  lunch with. His philosophy surrounding                                                                                                   terrible tragedy. I also remember my first
                                                   equality and peaceful protest continues        8. What’s the first concert you            No, but I did always want to teach. I         speech at the Bridgewater Hall (that was
                                                   to be of influence. But if I could have            attended?                               have always loved my subject and have         incredibly scary) and I also remember
“Educating the mind                               a dinner party where Jesus joined                                                          always wanted to share my passion with        introducing Helen Sharman to a packed
                                                   us alongside Martin Luther King and            Do I admit this one?! I think my first      others. I have, however, always been          Millennium Hall last year; that was an
  without educating                                Siddhartha Gautama, I think that would         concert was ‘Erasure’ - they were           very ambitious and becoming a Head            amazing memory for so many of us.
                                                   be incredible.                                 amazing!!                                   has reflected a natural progression in
  the heart is no                                                                                                                             terms of my career.
                                                   5. What’s the one skill you think             9. What’s one thing about you that
  education at all”                                    everyone should have?                          surprises people?

 This Aristotelian quote can be found              The ability to type! Everyone complains        The fact that I can speak and understand
 outside of the PA Hall and, for me, sums          about the noise that I make when I type -      Hebrew.
 up what an outstanding education                  but I was taught to touch type at school
 should be all about.                              and can type over 100 words per minute.
                                                   I am incredibly grateful for that skill when
                                                   faced with well over 100 emails every
                                                   day! Everyone should learn!!

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS   18
Happy to be back! - inside English Focus /04 Meet the Governors /08 Farewell Mrs Jeys! /16 Learning in Lockdown /20 and more - Alderley Edge ...
S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                          E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

   Thank you                                                                                                                                       Hello from
   Mrs Jeys                                                                                                                                        Mrs Smillie!
   A note from                                                              The improvements in appearance throughout the school were
                                                                            immediate, including inspirational quotations to make us all think
                                                                                                                                                           As mentioned in my last letter, I am delighted to be taking up
                                                                                                                                                           the post of Headmistress of Alderley Edge School for Girls in
                                                                            and reflect, and the impressive displays of alumnae in the hall
   Shirley Herring,
                                                                                                                                                           September 2020 and building on the successes achieved by
                                                                            and corridors. She targeted the upgrading of sports facilities as a            Mrs Jeys and her Senior Leadership Team. Before lockdown,
                                                                            priority and the improvement in sporting success, as well as the               I was fortunate to visit the school several times to begin a
   Chair of Governors                                                       impressive climbing wall, will be a happy reminder of how she
                                                                            got things done.
                                                                                                                                                           handover process with Mrs Jeys. I joined current Year 6 pupils in
                                                                                                                                                           January when they sat the 11+ Examination and was delighted
                                                                                                                                                           to join the school to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day in March. I am in
   When I first met Helen Jeys at the interviews for Headmistress of        Her ability to act decisively was evident after the terror attack at           regular contact with Mrs Jeys and the Senior Leadership Team
   AESG I knew she was an exceptional person with the potential to          the Manchester Arena, where she spoke to reassure the girls                    to continue this handover process, even though at present it is
   achieve great things. In the four years she has been                     immediately the next morning and employed a counsellor to                      using technology rather than face to face.
   Headmistress, she has achieved even more than I could have               support girls who needed it. This was appreciated and praised
   expected or hoped for. I had hoped she would be with us longer           by parents.                                                                    Having grown up in the North West and having lived in South
   but we are grateful for what she has achieved in four high-                                                                                             Manchester before re-locating to the Midlands, my husband
   intensity years.                                                         Her excellent communication skills have been recognised widely                 and I are excited by the prospect of moving back north and
                                                                            as she has been asked to write articles for newspapers and                     being closer to family and friends. Once lockdown restrictions
                                                                            magazines and appear on the radio. However, the crowning                       are relaxed, we are looking forward to visiting the area again. I
                                                                            glory has been the invitation she received to speak at the Global              have thoroughly loved my 6 years as Head of Saint Martin’s
                                                                            Education Conference in Washington. This confirmed her                         Girls’ School but was keen to move to Alderley Edge School for
                                                                            growing reputation in International circles and also reflected very            Girls following my Governors’ decision to merge my school with
                                                                            well on the school.                                                            Solihull School, a large co-educational mixed school.

                                                                            However, Helen’s goal has always been the improvement in                       Having worked in girls’ schools since 1995, I am an advocate
                                                                            academic achievement. Last year saw the school’s best ever A                   for single sex education for girls. I believe that girls thrive in an
                                                                            level results. With this exceptional improvement in examination                all girls setting as they achieve the highest academic standards,
                                                                            results, AESG is now respected for its academic prowess and is                 without stereotyped, gender weighted expectations whilst
                                                                            ranked in the top 5% of schools nationally for A level progress.               developing self-confidence and self-belief. This is certainly the
                                                                                                                                                           case at AESG.
                                                                            I would never have expected Helen to slow down as she
                                                                            completed her time here. However, nobody could have foreseen                   Before training to become a teacher, I read Hispanic Studies
                                                                            the impact of a global pandemic in her final term. Typically, with             and French at Liverpool University. As part of my course I was
                                                                            her Senior Leadership Team, she set about organising online                    fortunate to be awarded an Erasmus study grant to complete
                                                                            teaching for all pupils. Her foresight in leading the development              part of my degree at Seville University which was a fantastic
                                                                            of AESG as an Apple Distinguished School ensured that the                      opportunity. I am looking forward to teaching Spanish when
                                                                            quality of the distance learning exceeded most other schools.                  I join the school, as well as getting to know the girls and staff
                                                                            She has worked through weekends and holidays to ensure the                     through leading assemblies, observing lessons and supporting
                                                                            safe return of those year groups recommended by the                            the many co-curricular activities which are provided for the girls.
                                                                            government and all of the Juniors, in addition to Years 10 and 12
                                                                            have been back to school for a time this term.                                 In the meantime, I hope that you and your families stay safe and
                                                                                                                                                           well. I look forward to meeting you in person later this year.
                                                                            We are grateful for all she has achieved at AESG and wish her
                                                                            every success and happiness for the future.                                    Best Wishes,

                                                                            Shirley Herring

Mrs Herring and Mrs Jeys celebrating the school’s 21st Birthday this year                                                                                  Nicola Smillie

   19      A SP IRE
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S P RI N G A N D SU MMER T ERM 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                          E A R LY Y E A R S A ND JUNI O R S CHO O L

Learning in
                                                                                                                                  ‘The way the lessons                                                  ‘We’d just like to
                                                                                                                                    are structured gives                                                   reiterate how grateful
                                                                                                                   Club artwo       the girls the most                                                     we are to the school
                                                                                                             liday           rk
                                                                                                           Ho                       likeness to a usual                                                    and teachers for

                                                                                                                                    day at school, and                                                     providing, from what
                                                                                                                                    the teachers and                                                       I have seen amongst
                                                                                                                                    teaching assistants                                                    family and friends, the
                                                                                                                                    have been great                                                        best online learning
                                                                                                                                    in responding to                                                       provision during the
                                                                                                                                    the girls’ work, and                                                   past few months.’

                                                                                                                                                                      Isla learning in lockdown                                                Tilly enjoying school at home

                                                                                                                                  Titanic work from home                                                                        Making bags for NHS workers
What do you do when faced with a                                 ‘I think these small
                                                                   individual Teams
situation you never thought you would                              groups are very
be in? You go back to what you know                                good for building
and find another way of doing it!                                  confidence in
                                                                   answering questions
                                                                   and having a go.
When the discussions of school closures were on the news,          My daughter seems
AESG Juniors were putting a plan in place to roll-out the
                                                                   to love them. I
learning portfolios Seesaw and Tapestry. We had used them
                                                                   have much better
successfully in a few year groups, but now was the time to
think of how a whole timetable could be taught, including          understanding of the
specialist lessons such as Drama, PE, language learning and        work my daughter
Music and over potentially a prolonged period.                     does - and how and
                                                                   why she does it.’
                                                                                                     Year 5 artwork by Eden
In a short space of time all teachers were trained on how to
transfer their lessons creatively onto Seesaw. All our girls
were taught how to access the activities and post their work     Virtual chat with Mandip Gill
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ‘The lessons are engaging and well thought out
back to their teachers. Lockdown came and our girls were all
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and organised.’

Teams was added to Seesaw and Tapestry so we could                                                                                                                                                       Virtual assembly with Mrs Jeys
’meet’. Now, difficult Maths problems could be explained
and discussed, creative writing ideas could be shared and
built upon and the energy, care and spirit of the Junior AESG
classroom were resumed!

We are proud of our teaching staff who have planned and
                                                                                                                                              Reception – socially distanced and back in the classroom
designed such engaging and enriching online lessons and
marked, giving encouragement and guidance.
                                                                                                                                  ‘We have found the teaching effective and
We are very proud of our girls who have worked so hard                                                                              engaging.’
during this unusual time in their school lives. They have
produced excellent creative writing pieces, mastered Maths
operations, read and researched many different integrated
                                                                 ‘AESG girls are very fortunate to have had the                  Year 6 virtual trips                Be Happy
curriculum topics and produced work they can be very proud of.     structure and remote offering provided. Thanks                 around the world                                                       ‘AESG has remained
                                                                   to all involved.’                                                                                                                       caring and nurturing.
We must also thank our families for the support you have                                                                                                                                                   Since March, I feel
given your daughter at home to make remote-learning such                                                                                                                                                   school have worked
                                                                 Sophia uses the sanitiser station
a success and for your on-going support of our teachers and                                                                                                                                                very hard to adjust to
our school.                                                                                                                                                                                                the new world, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           make plan B work
                                                                                                                                                                                                           until we can return to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           plan A.’                                Fr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     en                                          n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ch                                ow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               le s s o n s i n l o c k d

21      A SP IRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A L D E R LEY ED G E S C H O O L FO R G IR LS             22
Alderley Edge School for Girls, Wilmslow Road, Cheshire, SK9 7QE
             T. 01625 583028 E. schoolmail@aesg.co.uk
www.aesg.co.uk     @schoolforgirls     /Alderley-Edge-School-For-Girls

         Registered Company No. 2659703 Registered Charity No. 1006726
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