OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

Page created by Jeffrey Garza
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide
Edition 1

OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide
  The University of Adelaide offers
  an exciting range of presentations,
  workshops and hands-on activities
  to inspire your students and help
  support them through the process of
  understanding future career options.
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide
   2020 Times Higher
                            2020 QS World
                                               2019 Academic Ranking of
Education world ranking   University ranking   World Universities (ARWU)

   Only South Australian university with QS ranking in
           Dentistry and Veterinary Science

                                                        School term

                                                        student numbers

                                                        Duration of activity


                                                       Suitable year level

                                                                       Outreach Guide   1
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide
                                            KARNKANTHI INDIGENOUS                               WIRLTU YARLU OUTREACH
    REQUEST                                 EDUCATION PROGRAM                                   AND ENGAGEMENT SCHOOL
    A BOOKING                                                                                   VISITS
    To request an activity for
    your students, please contact
    us at:                                     all terms          Not applicable   Negotiable

    Email:                                                                                       Available
                                                                                                                  Not applicable   Negotiable
                                                                                                 all terms
    Phone: (08) 8313 6991                                  In school                 10-12

                                                                                                             In school                8-12
                                            The Karnkanthi Indigenous Education
                                            Program is a university pathway. It
    Activity offerings are subject to       ensures success of Aboriginal and Torres            Outreach and Engagement Officers from
    availability of staff and facilities.   Strait Islander high school students as             Wirltu Yarlu regularly visit schools in the
    If you have special requests            they transition through their senior years          metropolitan area, as well as regional and
    please send them via email.             and into university by supporting their             rural South Australia, Northern Territory,
                                            unique personal, academic and cultural              New South Wales and Victoria.
    Whilst every effort will be             strengths.
    made to meet your requests,                                                                 Our school visits are tailored to meet
                                            This program is designed for students               the needs of Aboriginal and Torres
    particularly with presenting            with academic and leadership potential              Strait Islander students and generally
    activities in your school, this         who want to go to university and are                comprise of a motivational presentation
    is not always possible. We              motivated and ready to work hard to                 about university degrees, pathways, entry
    appreciate your understanding.          grow that potential.                                requirements and alternative pathways.
                                            Key benefits include:                               Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education
                                            • access to private tutoring for school             supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                              studies (via Skype/FaceTime/email)                Islander students into the University. This
                                                                                                is done through foundation and degree
                                            • opportunities to participate in monthly
                                                                                                programs, administering the Special
                                              academic, personal, cultural and career
                                                                                                Entry Access Pathway and providing
                                              development activities
                                                                                                support services.
                                            • financial support for travel and                  The University delivers a Preparation
                                              accommodation                                     Program and the Indigenous Knowledges
                                            • access to student development                     and Society major to assist students
                                              scholarships*.                                    further.
                                            *Conditions apply.

                                              Book a visit from a member of
                                              the outreach and engagement
                                              team to learn more about the
                                              Karnkanthi program.

2   The University of Adelaide
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

 Term 3 only     Not applicable   Full day

      North Terrace campus          8-12

Marni Wingku is an annual educational
program for Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander students in years 8-12.
The program provides students with the
opportunity to participate in fun and
engaging activities designed to introduce
them to specific areas of study. The skills
learned through participation in these
activities can then be applied to different
pathways into university.


 Available                         45-60
 all terms       Not applicable   minutes

      North Terrace campus         10-12

Take a tour with current University
students and staff from Wirltu Yarlu to
explore the our North Terrace campus.
Learn about our facilities, degrees,
support services and what life is like
as a university student.

                                              Outreach Guide   3
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

4   The University of Adelaide
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

ARTS AT                                                                                                TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                     AUSTRALIA FOR:

                                                                                                           ARTS AND
                                                                                                           (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)

                                        MUSEUM OF CLASSICAL                           ROMAN WARRIOR TO
REQUEST                                 ARCHAEOLOGY                                   EGYPTIAN GOD
To request an activity
for your Year 7 students,
please contact us at:                      Available
                                           all terms         15            1 hour
                                                                                        all terms
                                                                                                            35             1-1.5 hours

Phone: (08) 8313 6991
                                           Classics         North Terrace campus         Classics        North Terrace campus

                                        Visit the Faculty of Arts’ Museum of          Enthralled by ancient history, classical
Activity offerings are subject to       Classical Archaeology, holding SA’s           studies or archaeology? Get your
availability of staff and facilities.   largest collection of artefacts from          students involved in history through
                                        ancient Greece and Rome in the state.         role-playing. Imagine yourself as a
If you have special requests            A guided tour by one of our Classics          citizen of the past, see how democracy
please send them via email.             honours students will provide insight         functioned, recreate the birth of the
Whilst every effort will be             into the culture, lives and loves of          Olympic Games in Greece and play out
made to meet your requests,             ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.               the fall of the Roman Empire. Students
                                        Students will discover glass, pottery and     will re-enact key scenes from the past,
particularly with presenting            metalware, from Minoan Crete and              and reflect on how these events have
activities in your school, this         Hellenistic Greek cities in southern Italy,   impacted current times.
is not always possible. We              to Etruscan Italy and the Roman
appreciate your understanding.          provinces of Britain, Gaul and Egypt.
                                        A group booking fee of $55 applies.
                                                                                      CLASSICAL AND JAZZ
                                                                                      MUSIC CONCERTS

                                                                                         all terms      Not applicable       2 hours
                                         all terms          30            1-2 hours

                                                                                       Classical and           Elder Hall -
                                                                                        Jazz Music        North Terrace campus
                                           Arts           North Terrace campus

                                                                                      Our talented students from the Elder
                                        The study of Arts at Adelaide
                                                                                      Conservatorium’s Classical and Jazz
                                        encompasses languages, music,
                                                                                      music degrees bring their interpretations
                                        linguistics, education, sociology,
                                                                                      to the Elder Hall stage, in a vibrant
                                        gender studies, classics, geography,
                                                                                      celebration of skillful music making
                                        anthropology, politics, media,
                                                                                      in the Concert Series. After the
                                        international relations and more. If you
                                                                                      performance, tour our music facilities
                                        have a class interested in any of our Arts
                                                                                      and discover more about the future of
                                        disciplines, please contact us to discuss
                                                                                      the classical, jazz, pop and sonic arts
                                        how we can tailor a workshop especially
                                                                                      music industries. Discounted concert
                                        for your students.
                                                                                      fees apply.

                                                                                                                    Outreach Guide       5
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

STEM AT                                                                                                           TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                                AUSTRALIA FOR:

                                                                                                                                 (QS, ERA)

    EXPLORE THE WORLD OF                             THE MONTY HALL                               SUSTAINABILITY:
    PETROLEUM ENGINEERING                            CARD GAME                                    FLOATING HOUSES

      On request                        50 minutes                                      30-40
                           25-30                       On request         30           minutes                    35 - larger      45min -
                                                                                                   On request
                                                                                                                  group upon        1 hour

     Engineering           North Terrace campus                             In school and
                                                         Maths          North Terrace campus
                                                                                                                         In school and
                                                                                                  Engineering        North Terrace campus
    This session will incorporate engaging,
                                                     Behind one closed door is a car, and
    hands-on activities that allow students
                                                     behind the other two are grumpy              After exploring the living conditions of
    to learn about the important science
                                                     hippopotami. The game show host asks         people living around/on Cambodia’s
    behind the oil and gas industry. Students
                                                     the contestant to choose one of the doors    Tonle Sap Lake, students are split into
    will be introduced to oil and natural
                                                     to open; the contestant will get to keep     groups and challenged to design and
    gas formation, production and recovery
                                                     whatever is behind it. After the door        construct a floating structure using
    through visual samples and a virtual
                                                     has been chosen, the host opens one of       simple materials (e.g. cardboard, ping
    reality offshore oil platform visit.
                                                     the other two to reveal a hippopotamus.      pong ball, recycled materials, string).
                                                     He then asks if the contestant wants to      Students compete to see which group
                                                     change their mind and pick the other         can design a ‘house’ to hold the most
                                                     door. Assuming the preference is to go
    CIPHERS                                          home with a car, rather than a bulky
                                                                                                  ‘people’ (marbles) before sinking.
                                                                                                  Discussions for this activity will focus
                                                     river-dwelling mammal, should they           on cost, climate, buoyancy/density
                                                     change or not? Your students can find        of objects, accessibility of knowledge
                                                     out for themselves by playing the card       and materials, appropriate technology
                                                     game and, in the process, learn more         and more.
     On request             30          50 minutes   about probability.

                               In school and
                           North Terrace campus
                                                     HOW TO WIN AT GAMES
    Being able to keep our personal
    information safe is important. When we
    use our credit cards to buy things online,
                                                      On request         30          30 minutes
    security protocols ensure our details are
    protected. In this activity students will
    discover the maths behind coding (and
    decoding) secret messages, and how
                                                                            In school and
    these principles underpin many of the               Maths           North Terrace campus
    security protocols we rely on today.
                                                     Your students will be amazed by a simple
                                                     card trick, and win the game of Nim by
                                                     using binary.

6    The University of Adelaide
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide
RENEWABLE ENERGY,                            WATER FOR ALL –                               MAKING AND CRACKING
WHAT IS IT?                                  HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING                      ENCODED MESSAGES WITH
                                                                                           THE ENIGMA MACHINE

On request    35 – larger group    45min –   On request    35 – larger group    45min –
                upon request        1 hour                   upon request        1 hour
                                                                                           On request        30            45 minutes

                       In school and                                In school and
Engineering        North Terrace campus      Engineering        North Terrace campus
                                                                                            Computer            In school and
                                                                                            Science/IT      North Terrace campus
This session highlights the importance of    This session aims to educate students
sustainable energy sources. Students will    about the basics of a sand/gravel water
be split into groups and design their own    filter, as well as the concept of             Discover how the Enigma machine used
wind turbine base and blades using basic     humanitarian engineering (how                 in World War II (movie Imitation Game)
materials (e.g. cardboard, plastic spoons,   developing countries adapt to create          works and use your own model machine
thick recycled cardboard and other           appropriate technologies to suit their        to encode and decode secret messages.
easily accessible/recycled materials).       communities’ needs). The class will be
This session emphasises the importance       split up into groups of approximately 4-5
of social, environmental and economic        students, and each group will represent a
factors in decision-making and how           different country. The ‘countries’ are
these impact final designs. Students will    given instructions and ‘funds’ which will
then compete and test their designs to       be used to build the sand filter.
see which is most effective.                 Developing countries may seek further
                                             funding/knowledge/materials from
                                             developed nations or find alternative
                                             ways to build an equally efficient filter
DESIGNING SUBMARINES                         with limited resources. The winner is the
                                             group who produces the best working
                                             filter (i.e. most effectively cleans dirty/
                                             muddy water).

On request           25            minutes

                       In school and
Engineering        North Terrace campus

This activity challenges students
to design a submarine to achieve
performances—whilst meeting the
constraints of engineering balances.
Students play a board game where they
pick submarine hull parts and equip
them with systems/components in order
to deliver the performances they want.
Students will be exposed to the basic
physics that govern submarines, and will
explore the various possibilities in terms
of combinations, as an introduction to
what is generally acknowledged as the
most complex piece of engineering in
the world.

                                                                                                                      Outreach Guide    7
OUTREACH GUIDE Edition 1 - adelaide.edu.au - University of Adelaide

8   The University of Adelaide

ARTS AT                                                                                                         TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                              AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                            ARTS AND
                                                                                                                    (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)

                                              DIGITAL STORYTELLING                             MUSEUM OF CLASSICAL
 REQUEST                                      WORKSHOP                                         ARCHAEOLOGY
 To request an activity
 for your Year 8 students,
 please contact us at:                         Available
                                                                                 1-1.5 hours
                                                                                                                                      1 hour
                                               all terms           30                             all terms           15
 Phone: (08) 8313 6991
                                              Digital Media      North Terrace campus             Classics         North Terrace campus

 Activity offerings are subject to            Get an introduction to producing online          Visit the Faculty of Arts’ Museum of
                                              videos for different platforms. See what         Classical Archaeology, holding SA’s
 availability of staff and facilities.        our Media students have produced in              largest collection of artefacts from
 If you have special requests                 class and discover what makes a good             ancient Greece and Rome in the state.
 please send them via email.                  digital story. Learn the process of              A guided tour by one of our Classics
                                              storyboarding, scripting and sourcing            honours students will provide insight
 Whilst every effort will be                                                                   into the culture, lives and loves of
                                              images, and work in pairs to transform
 made to meet your requests,                  a compelling story of your own into              ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.
 particularly with presenting                 a short online video. Where possible,            Students will discover glass, pottery and
                                                                                               metalware, from Minoan Crete and
 activities in your school, this              students are asked to bring their own
                                                                                               Hellenistic Greek cities in southern Italy,
 is not always possible. We                   devices, or iPads can be supplied.
                                                                                               to Etruscan Italy and the Roman
 appreciate your understanding.                                                                provinces of Britain, Gaul and Egypt.
                                                                                               A group booking fee of $55 applies.

                                              CLASSICAL AND JAZZ
                                              MUSIC CONCERTS                                   ROMAN WARRIOR TO
ARTS@ADELAIDE                                                                                  EGYPTIAN GOD

                                                  all terms     Not applicable     2 hours

 Available                                                                                        Available
 all terms          30            1-2 hours                                                                                        1-1.5 hours
                                                                                                  all terms           35

                                                Classical and           Elder Hall -
                                                 Jazz Music        North Terrace campus
   Arts           North Terrace campus                                                             Classics         North Terrace campus

                                              Our talented students from the Elder
The study of Arts at Adelaide                 Conservatorium’s Classical and Jazz              Enthralled by ancient history, classical
                                              music degrees bring their interpretations        studies or archaeology? Get your
encompasses languages, music,
                                              to the Elder Hall stage, in a vibrant            students involved in history through
linguistics, education, sociology,                                                             role-playing. Imagine yourself as a
gender studies, classics, geography,          celebration of skillful music making
                                              in the Concert Series. After the                 citizen of the past, see how democracy
anthropology, politics, media,                                                                 functioned, recreate the birth of the
international relations and more. If you      performance, tour our music facilities           Olympic Games in Greece and play out
have a class interested in any of our Arts    and discover more about the future of            the fall of the Roman Empire. Students
disciplines, please contact us to discuss     the classical, jazz, pop and sonic arts          will re-enact key scenes from the past,
how we can tailor a workshop especially       music industries. Discounted concert             and reflect on how these events have
for your students.                            fees apply.                                      impacted current times.

                                                                                                                              Outreach Guide     9

STEM AT                                                                                                             TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                                  AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                                          STEM
                                                                                                                                  (QS, ERA)

     WHAT IS ENGINEERING,                            EXPLORE THE WORLD OF                           MAKE YOUR OWN PERFUME!
                                                                                                    On request                       50 minutes

                                                     On request         25-30          50 minutes

                        15-30 (larger       30-60
     On request
                       groups can be       minutes                                                  Engineering       North Terrace campus
                     accommodated on
                      special request)
                                                     Engineering        North Terrace campus
                                                                                                    Discover how perfume is made by
                                                                                                    making your own in this exciting, hands-
                                                     This session will incorporate engaging,        on workshop. Students will learn how
                               In school and
        STEM               North Terrace campus      hands-on activities that allow students        chemical engineers use processes like
                                                     to learn about the important science           distillation, heat exchange and separation
                                                     behind the oil and gas industry. Students      to make perfume and other products.
     What exactly is engineering, computer           will be introduced to oil and natural
     science, and mathematical sciences              gas formation, production and recovery
     (ECMS)? And what do engineers,                  through visual samples and a virtual
     computer scientists, and mathematicians
     do? This interactive, workshop-style
                                                     reality offshore oil platform visit.
                                                                                                    PAPER PLATE LOUDSPEAKER
     presentation will introduce students to
     the exciting and vibrant world of ECMS,
     and demonstrate the huge variety of
     established and emerging industries our
                                                     PIGS, FOAMS AND FISHING
                                                                                                    On request                       50 minutes
     graduates can contribute to.                                                                                       30

     MATHS BUSKING                                   On request     Not applicable
                                                                                                    Engineering       North Terrace campus

                                                                                                    In this activity, students discover the
                                                                                                    operating principles of electromagnetic
                                                                            In school and           loudspeakers by constructing one out
                                            30-40    Engineering        North Terrace campus        of inexpensive materials. They can also
     On request              30            minutes                                                  explore audio concepts, such as the
                                                     Each day the world needs 14 billion            effects of changing frequency, amplitude
                                                     litres of oil and 3300 billion cubic           and wave shape.
                               In school and
                                                     metres of gas to live the way we do.
       Maths               North Terrace campus      Learn how petroleum engineers
                                                     combine mathematics and science with
                                                     engineering and economic principles,
     Ever wonder how grifters on the streets         to design and supervise all aspects of
     always win their games? These activities        petroleum recovery to help meet our
     will give you an idea of how you can            daily needs. But where do pigs, foams
     guarantee you will (almost) always win.         and fishing fit in? Find out more about
                                                     this exciting area of engineering through
                                                     this presentation.

10   The University of Adelaide
AQUALIBRIUM                                   THE MONTY HALL                               SUSTAINABILITY:
                                              CARD GAME                                    FLOATING HOUSES

On request          30           50 minutes
                                                                                30-40                                             45 min -
                                              On request         30            minutes     On request    35 - larger group
                                                                                                           upon request            1 hour

Engineering       North Terrace campus
                                                                   In school and
                                                Maths          North Terrace campus                               In school and
                                                                                           Engineering        North Terrace campus
Have you ever thought about how
water reaches your house? The answer          Behind one closed door is a car, and
is through a complex water distribution       behind the other two are grumpy              After exploring the living conditions of
network. In this activity, students must      hippopotami. The game show host asks         people living around/on Cambodia’s
use their science and maths know-how          the contestant to choose one of the doors    Tonle Sap Lake, students are split into
to develop a network system of pipes          to open; the contestant will get to keep     groups and challenged to design and
that will evenly distribute water between     whatever is behind it. After the door        construct a floating structure using
three ‘houses.’ Challenge your students       has been chosen, the host opens one of       simple materials (e.g. cardboard, ping
to see who can conquer Aqualibrium!           the other two to reveal a hippopotamus.      pong ball, recycled materials, string).
                                              He then asks if the contestant wants to      Students compete to see which group
                                              change their mind and pick the other         can design a ‘house’ to hold the most
                                              door. Assuming the preference is to go       ‘people’ (marbles) before sinking.
CIPHERS                                       home with a car, rather than a bulky         Discussions for this activity will focus
                                                                                           on cost, climate, buoyancy/density
                                              river-dwelling mammal, should they
                                              change or not? Your students can find        of objects, accessibility of knowledge
                                              out for themselves by playing the card       and materials, appropriate technology
                                              game and, in the process, learn more         and more.
On request          30           50 minutes   about probability.

                                                                                           RENEWABLE ENERGY,
                      In school and
                  North Terrace campus
                                              HOW TO WIN AT GAMES                          WHAT IS IT?

Being able to keep our personal
information safe is important. When we
use our credit cards to buy things online,    On request         30           30 minutes                 35 – larger group        45min –
                                                                                           On request                              1 hour
security protocols ensure our details are                                                                  upon request

protected. In this activity students will
discover the maths behind coding (and
decoding) secret messages, and how                                 In school and
                                                Maths          North Terrace campus                               In school and
these principles underpin many of the                                                      Engineering        North Terrace campus
security protocols we rely on today.
                                              Your students will be amazed by a simple     This session highlights the importance of
                                              card trick, and win the game of Nim by       sustainable energy sources. Students will
                                              using binary.                                be split into groups and design their own
                                                                                           wind turbine base and blades using basic
                                                                                           materials (e.g. cardboard, plastic spoons,
                                                                                           thick recycled cardboard and other
                                                                                           easily accessible/recycled materials).
                                                                                           This session emphasises the importance
                                                                                           of social, environmental and economic
                                                                                           factors in decision-making and how
                                                                                           these impact final designs. Students will
                                                                                           then compete and test their designs to
                                                                                           see which is most effective.

                                                                                                                             Outreach Guide   11
WATER FOR ALL –                                   DESIGNING SUBMARINES                          COMPUTATIONAL THINKING
     HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING                                                                        HANDS-ON

                                                       On request          25            minutes
                                           45min –                                                   On request                         45-60
     On request       35 – larger group                                                                                 30             minutes
                        upon request        1 hour

                                                                             In school and
                                                       Engineering       North Terrace campus

                               In school and                                                          Computer             In school and
     Engineering           North Terrace campus                                                       Science/IT       North Terrace campus

                                                       This activity challenges students
                                                       to design a submarine to achieve
     This session aims to educate students                                                           Discover some of the key algorithms
                                                       performances—whilst meeting the
     about the basics of a sand/gravel                                                               used for solving real-world problems
                                                       constraints of engineering balances.
     water filter, as well as the concept                                                            in these hands-on activities from CS
                                                       Students play a board game where they
     of humanitarian engineering (how                                                                Unplugged. Pave a muddy city with the
                                                       pick submarine hull parts and equip
     developing countries adapt to create                                                            least number of paving stones. Find the
                                                       them with systems/components in order
     appropriate technologies to suit their                                                          minimum number of ice cream trucks to
                                                       to deliver the performances they want.
     communities’ needs). The class will be                                                          guarantee everyone has access to a street
                                                       Students will be exposed to the basic
     split up into groups of approximately 4-5                                                       corner with ice cream. Students will
                                                       physics that govern submarines, and will
     students, and each group will represent                                                         explore these activities and many more
                                                       explore the various possibilities in terms
     a different country. The ‘countries’ are                                                        to discover how they relate to our use of
                                                       of combinations, as an introduction to
     given instructions and ‘funds’ which                                                            computers in problem-solving. Suitable
                                                       what is generally acknowledged as the
     will be used to build the sand filter.                                                          for all secondary year levels.
                                                       most complex piece of engineering in the
     Developing countries may seek further
     funding/knowledge/materials from
     developed nations or find alternative
     ways to build an equally efficient filter                                                       HOUR OF CODE – DISEASE
     with limited resources. The winner is the
     group who produces the best working               MAKING AND CRACKING                           EPIDEMIC (PYTHON) -
     filter (i.e. most effectively cleans dirty/       ENCODED MESSAGES WITH                         GROK LEARNING
     muddy water).
                                                       THE ENIGMA MACHINE

     BUILD YOUR OWN                                                                                  On request         30

                                                       On request          30           45 minutes

                                                                                                      Computer         North Terrace campus
     On request                           50 minutes    Computer             In school and
                             30                                          North Terrace campus
                                                                                                     Learn the basics of Python programming
                                                                                                     while solving the source of a glowing-
                                                       Discover how the Enigma machine used
                                                                                                     nose epidemic with an Hour of Code
                           North Terrace campus        in World War II (movie Imitation Game)
     Engineering                                                                                     activity from Grok Learning.
                                                       works and use your own model machine
                                                       to encode and decode secret messages.

     Students will have the opportunity to
     build a simple working electric motor
     using everyday items like magnets,
     copper wire and paper clips.

12    The University of Adelaide
DISCOVER ARTIFICIAL                          MINERALS AND FOSSILS AT                          INGENUITY: SA’S LARGEST
INTELLIGENCE                                 THE TATE MUSEUM                                  STEM STUDENT EXPO

                                    45-60                                        60 minutes                                         2 hour
On request          30             minutes     Limited             30                           Term 4         No limit            minimum

                   North Terrace campus                                                                     Provided closer
 Computer                                                                                        STEM        to the event            8-10
                                                Earth             North Terrace campus
  Science                                      Science       (Tate Museum, Mawson building)

Learn how computers can learn to                                                              Ingenuity offers an interactive showcase
play a simple game and how they are          Take a tour of the University of
                                                                                              of University student projects exploring
able to interact with us to help us solve    Adelaide’s famous Tate Museum where
                                                                                              the real-life applications of STEM
problems. This presentation introduces       students will discover and identify
                                                                                              outside of the school environment. This
students to the concepts of artificial       some of the museum’s minerals and
                                                                                              hands-on opportunity provides students
intelligence and its various applications.   fossils. Followed by an earth science
                                                                                              with exposure to engineering and
                                             presentation, students will learn about
                                                                                              high-technology disciplines, and helps
                                             tectonic plates, carbon dating and mass
                                                                                              them learn about opportunities within
                                                                                              engineering, computer and mathematical
                                                                                              sciences by providing insight into
                                                                                              the tangible outcomes of studying
                                                                                              at university.

                                                                                                                              Outreach Guide   13

14   The University of Adelaide

ARTS AT                                                                                                         TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                              AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                           ARTS AND
                                                                                                                   (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)

                                              DIGITAL STORYTELLING                             MUSEUM OF CLASSICAL
 REQUEST                                      WORKSHOP                                         ARCHAEOLOGY
 To request an activity
 for your Year 9 students,
 please contact us at:                         Available
                                                                                 1-1.5 hours
                                                                                                                                     1 hour
                                               all terms          30                              all terms          15
 Phone: (08) 8313 6991
                                              Digital Media     North Terrace campus              Classics         North Terrace campus

 Activity offerings are subject to            Get an introduction to producing online          Visit the Faculty of Arts’ Museum of
                                              videos for different platforms. See what         Classical Archaeology, holding SA’s
 availability of staff and facilities.                                                         largest collection of artefacts from
                                              our Media students have produced in
 If you have special requests                 class and discover what makes a good
                                                                                               ancient Greece and Rome in the state.
 please send them via email.                                                                   A guided tour by one of our Classics
                                              digital story. Learn the process of              honours students will provide insight
 Whilst every effort will be                  storyboarding, scripting and sourcing            into the culture, lives and loves of
 made to meet your requests,                  images, and work in pairs to transform           ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.
                                              a compelling story of your own into              Students will discover glass, pottery
 particularly with presenting                 a short online video. Where possible,            and metalware, from Minoan Crete
 activities in your school, this              students are asked to bring their own            and Hellenistic Greek cities in southern
 is not always possible. We                   devices, or iPads can be supplied.               Italy, to Etruscan Italy and the Roman
 appreciate your understanding.                                                                provinces of Britain, Gaul and Egypt.
                                                                                               A group booking fee of $55 applies.

                                              CLASSICAL AND JAZZ
                                              MUSIC CONCERTS                                   ROMAN WARRIOR TO
ARTS@ADELAIDE                                                                                  EGYPTIAN GOD

                                                  all terms     Not applicable      2 hours
 Available                                                                                                           35           1-1.5 hours
                    30            1-2 hours                                                       all terms
 all terms

                                                Classical and          Elder Hall -
                                                 Jazz Music       North Terrace campus
                                                                                                  Classics         North Terrace campus
   Arts           North Terrace campus

                                              Our talented students from the Elder
                                                                                               Enthralled by ancient history, classical
                                              Conservatorium’s Classical and Jazz
The study of Arts at Adelaide                                                                  studies or archaeology? Get your
                                              music degrees bring their interpretations
encompasses languages, music,                                                                  students involved in history through
                                              to the Elder Hall stage, in a vibrant
linguistics, education, sociology,                                                             role-playing. Imagine yourself as a
                                              celebration of skillful music making
gender studies, classics, geography,                                                           citizen of the past, see how democracy
                                              in the Concert Series. After the
anthropology, politics, media,                                                                 functioned, recreate the birth of the
                                              performance, tour our music facilities
international relations and more. If you                                                       Olympic Games in Greece and play out
                                              and discover more about the future of
have a class interested in any of our Arts                                                     the fall of the Roman Empire. Students
                                              the classical, jazz, pop and sonic arts
disciplines, please contact us to discuss                                                      will re-enact key scenes from the past,
                                              music industries. Discounted concert
                                                                                               and reflect on how these events have
how we can tailor a workshop especially       fees apply.
                                                                                               impacted current times.
for your students.

                                                                                                                            Outreach Guide      15

STEM AT                                                                                                            TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                                 AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                                         STEM
                                                                                                                                 (QS, ERA)

     WHAT IS ENGINEERING,                            EXPLORE THE WORLD OF                          MAKE YOUR OWN PERFUME!
                                                                                                   On request          30           50 minutes

                                                     On request         25-30         50 minutes

                        15-30 (larger       30-60
     On request        groups can be       minutes                                                 Engineering       North Terrace campus
                     accommodated on
                      special request)
                                                     Engineering       North Terrace campus
                                                                                                   Discover how perfume is made by
                                                                                                   making your own in this exciting, hands-
                                                     This session will incorporate engaging,       on workshop. Students will learn how
                               In school and
        STEM               North Terrace campus      hands-on activities that allow students       chemical engineers use processes like
                                                     to learn about the important science          distillation, heat exchange and separation
                                                     behind the oil and gas industry. Students     to make perfume and other products.
     What exactly is engineering, computer           will be introduced to oil and natural
     science, and mathematical sciences              gas formation, production and recovery
     (ECMS)? And what do engineers,                  through visual samples and a virtual
     computer scientists, and mathematicians
     do? This interactive, workshop-style
                                                     reality offshore oil platform visit.
                                                                                                   PAPER PLATE LOUDSPEAKER
     presentation will introduce students to
     the exciting and vibrant world of ECMS,
     and demonstrate the huge variety of
     established and emerging industries our
                                                     PIGS, FOAMS AND FISHING                       On request                       50 minutes
     graduates can contribute to.

                                                                                                   Engineering       North Terrace campus
     MATHS BUSKING                                   On request
                                                                    Not applicable

                                                                                                   In this activity, students discover the
                                                                                                   operating principles of electromagnetic
                                                                           In school and           loudspeakers by constructing one out
                                            30-40    Engineering       North Terrace campus        of inexpensive materials. They can also
     On request              30            minutes                                                 explore audio concepts, such as the
                                                     Each day the world needs 14 billion           effects of changing frequency, amplitude
                                                     litres of oil and 3300 billion cubic          and wave shape.
                               In school and
                                                     metres of gas to live the way we do.
       Maths               North Terrace campus      Learn how petroleum engineers
                                                     combine mathematics and science with
                                                     engineering and economic principles,
     Ever wonder how grifters on the streets         to design and supervise all aspects of
     always win their games? These activities        petroleum recovery to help meet our
     will give you an idea of how you can            daily needs. But where do pigs, foams
     guarantee you will (almost) always win.         and fishing fit in? Find out more about
                                                     this exciting area of engineering through
                                                     this presentation.

16   The University of Adelaide
AQUALIBRIUM                                   TOPOLOGY AND GEOMETRY                         THE MONTY HALL
                                                                                            CARD GAME

On request                       50 minutes                                      30-60
                    30                        On request          30            minutes
                                                                                            On request         30             minutes

                                                                    In school and
Engineering       North Terrace campus                          North Terrace campus
                                                                                                                  In school and
                                                                                              Maths           North Terrace campus

Have you ever thought about how               Every school student is familiar with the
water reaches your house? The answer          usual geometric objects such as triangles     Behind one closed door is a car, and
is through a complex water distribution       and circles. Modern mathematics has           behind the other two are grumpy
network. In this activity, students must      taken these ideas to very far and strange     hippopotami. The game show host asks
use their science and maths know-how          places. Learn about the strange field of      the contestant to choose one of the doors
to develop a network system of pipes          topology, where distances don’t matter        to open; the contestant will get to keep
that will evenly distribute water between     and coffee cups can be squashed into          whatever is behind it. After the door
three ‘houses.’ Challenge your students       doughnuts.                                    has been chosen, the host opens one of
to see who can conquer Aqualibrium!                                                         the other two to reveal a hippopotamus.
                                                                                            He then asks if the contestant wants to
                                                                                            change their mind and pick the other
                                              UNEXPECTED LINES                              door. Assuming the preference is to go
CIPHERS                                                                                     home with a car, rather than a bulky
                                                                                            river-dwelling mammal, should they
                                                                                            change or not? Your students can find
                                                                                            out for themselves by playing the card
                                                                                            game and, in the process, learn more
                                              On request          30           30 minutes
On request                       50 minutes                                                 about probability.

                      In school and             Maths
                                                                    In school and
                                                                North Terrace campus        HOW TO WIN AT GAMES
  Maths           North Terrace campus

                                              About 1700 years ago, a Greek
Being able to keep our personal
                                              called Pappus discovered an amazing
information safe is important. When we
                                              arrangement of lines. Nothing happened        On request
use our credit cards to buy things online,                                                                     30            30 minutes
                                              for the next 1300 years until the 16-year-
security protocols ensure our details are
                                              old Blaise Pascal discovered an even
protected. In this activity students will
                                              more amazing arrangement! Everyone
discover the maths behind coding (and
                                              thought his dad had found it. But no, it
decoding) secret messages, and how                                                                               In school and
                                              was young Blaise who went on to invent          Maths          North Terrace campus
these principles underpin many of the
                                              all sorts of things. In this session learn
security protocols we rely on today.
                                              about what these guys found and more
                                              besides. There are always new things          Your students will be amazed by a simple
                                              to find.                                      card trick, and win the game of Nim by
                                                                                            using binary.

                                                                                                                        Outreach Guide    17
BUILDING EARTHQUAKE-                             RENEWABLE ENERGY,                              WATER FOR ALL –
     PROOF BUILDINGS                                  WHAT IS IT?                                    HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING

      On request                            30-45                                        45min –
                             30            minutes                  35 – larger group                On request    35 – larger group    45min –
                                                      On request                          1 hour                                         1 hour
                                                                      upon request                                   upon request

     Engineering           North Terrace campus
                                                                             In school and                                  In school and
                                                      Engineering        North Terrace campus        Engineering        North Terrace campus

     Want to build the tallest and most
     stable, but also the lightest, building?         This session highlights the importance of      This session aims to educate students
     This fun activity introduces students            sustainable energy sources. Students will      about the basics of a sand/gravel
     to the principles of civil engineering           be split into groups and design their own      water filter, as well as the concept
     and structural design used to create             wind turbine base and blades using basic       of humanitarian engineering (how
     earthquake-proof buildings.                      materials (e.g. cardboard, plastic spoons,     developing countries adapt to create
                                                      thick recycled cardboard and other             appropriate technologies to suit their
                                                      easily accessible/recycled materials).         communities’ needs). The class will be
                                                      This session emphasises the importance         split up into groups of approximately 4-5
     SUSTAINABILITY:                                  of social, environmental and economic          students, and each group will represent
                                                      factors in decision-making and how these       a different country. The ‘countries’ are
     FLOATING HOUSES                                  impact final designs. Students will then       given instructions and ‘funds’ which
                                                      compete and test their designs to see          will be used to build the sand filter.
                                                      which is most effective.                       Developing countries may seek further
                                                                                                     funding/knowledge/materials from
                                           45 min -
                                                                                                     developed nations or find alternative
                      35 - larger group
      On request
                        upon request        1 hour                                                   ways to build an equally efficient filter
                                                      BUILD YOUR OWN                                 with limited resources. The winner is the
                                                                                                     group who produces the best working
                                                      ELECTRIC MOTOR                                 filter (i.e. most effectively cleans dirty/
                               In school and                                                         muddy water).
     Engineering           North Terrace campus

     After exploring the living conditions of         On request           30           50 minutes
     people living around/on Cambodia’s
     Tonle Sap Lake, students are split into
     groups and challenged to design and
     construct a floating structure using
                                                                         North Terrace campus
     simple materials (e.g. cardboard, ping           Engineering
     pong ball, recycled materials, string).
     Students compete to see which group
                                                      Students will have the opportunity to
     can design a ‘house’ to hold the most
                                                      build a simple working electric motor
     ‘people’ (marbles) before sinking.
                                                      using everyday items like magnets,
     Discussions for this activity will focus
                                                      copper wire and paper clips.
     on cost, climate, buoyancy/density
     of objects, accessibility of knowledge
     and materials, appropriate technology
     and more.

18    The University of Adelaide
DESIGNING SUBMARINES                         MAKING AND CRACKING                          CRYPTOLOGY
                                             ENCODED MESSAGES WITH
                                             THE ENIGMA MACHINE
                                   45-60                                                  On request         30            50 minutes
On request          25            minutes

                                             On request         30           45 minutes
                                                                                                            North Terrace campus
                      In school and                                                         Maths
Engineering       North Terrace campus

                                                                  In school and
                                                                                          Maths and technology join forces in this
This activity challenges students             Science/IT      North Terrace campus        exciting activity. Join us on campus to
to design a submarine to achieve                                                          discover the maths behind coding (and
performances—whilst meeting the                                                           decoding) secret messages utilising our
constraints of engineering balances.         Discover how the Enigma machine used         computer suites.
Students play a board game where they        in World War II (movie Imitation Game)
pick submarine hull parts and equip          works and use your own model machine
them with systems/components in order        to encode and decode secret messages.
to deliver the performances they want.
Students will be exposed to the basic
                                                                                          HOUR OF CODE – DISEASE
physics that govern submarines, and will                                                  EPIDEMIC (PYTHON) -
explore the various possibilities in terms
of combinations, as an introduction to
                                             COMPUTATIONAL THINKING                       GROK LEARNING
what is generally acknowledged as the        HANDS-ON
most complex piece of engineering in
the world.

                                                                                          On request                         45-60
                                                                                                             30             minutes
                                             On request                        45-60
COMBUSTION: SPACE                                                             minutes

AND SAVING LIVES                                                                           Computer         North Terrace campus
                                                                  In school and
                                              Computer        North Terrace campus
                                                                                          Learn the basics of Python programming
                                                                                          while solving the source of a glowing
                                             Discover some of the key algorithms
                                   45-60                                                  nose epidemic with an Hour of Code
On request          30                       used for solving real-world problems
                                  minutes                                                 activity from Grok Learning.
                                             in these hands-on activities from CS
                                             Unplugged. Pave a muddy city with the
                                             least number of paving stones. Find the
                      In school and
                                             minimum number of ice cream trucks
Engineering       North Terrace campus       to guarantee that everyone has access to
                                             a street corner with ice cream. Students
                                             will explore these activities and many
This activity involves making small          more to discover how these relate to how
rockets—and firing them! Through             we use Computers to solve problems.
this activity, students will gain an         Suitable for all secondary year levels.
understanding of the principles of
combustion and how it relates to nearly
everything around us.

                                                                                                                      Outreach Guide    19
DISCOVER ARTIFICIAL                              MINERALS AND FOSSILS AT                              INGENUITY: SA’S LARGEST
   INTELLIGENCE                                     THE TATE MUSEUM                                      STEM STUDENT EXPO

    On request                           45-60                                             60 minutes                                     2 hour
                          30            minutes       Limited                                              Term 4         No limit       minimum

                                                                                                                       Provided closer    8-10
                        North Terrace campus
    Computer                                                               North Terrace campus             STEM        to the event
     Science                                                          (Tate Museum, Mawson building)

                                                                                                         Ingenuity offers an interactive showcase
   Learn how computers can learn to                 Take a tour of the University of                     of University student projects exploring
   play a simple game and how they are              Adelaide’s famous Tate Museum where                  the real-life applications of STEM
   able to interact with us to help us solve        students will discover and identify                  outside of the school environment. This
   problems. This presentation introduces           some of the museum’s minerals and                    hands-on opportunity provides students
   students to the concepts of artificial           fossils. Followed by an earth science                with exposure to engineering and
   intelligence and its various applications.       presentation, students will learn about              high-technology disciplines, and helps
                                                    tectonic plates, carbon dating and                   them learn about opportunities within
                                                    mass extinction.                                     engineering, computer and mathematical
                                                                                                         sciences by providing insight into
   WHAT MAKES SPINACH                                                                                    the tangible outcomes of studying
   GREEN?                                           GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY
                                                                                                         at university.

                                                    WITH AG

     Limited                           30 minutes
    availability          20

                                                      Available all                      30-60 minutes
                                                        terms                25

                        North Terrace campus

                                                      Agriculture,                Waite campus
                                                     Food and Wine
   Everyone recognises spinach by its
   vivid green leaves, but have you ever
   stopped to think why they are green? Is          Did you know that the largest
   it just green chlorophylls or does it also       agricultural research institute in
   contain other natural components like            the southern hemisphere is in our
   carotenes and xanthophylls? How would            own backyard?
   you separate out this mixture to identify        Students will get their hands dirty in
   what is present? Luckily chemistry has           practical activities and tour the Waite
   the answer!                                      campus, home to SA’s only viticulture
   Students will use the technique of thin          and oenology (wine science), and
   layer chromatography to determine just           agriculture degrees. You can choose from
   how many components there are in a               activities in:
   spinach leaf extract.                            • flavour and Aroma
   Note: closed footwear must be worn.              • soils
                                                    • DNA
                                                    • tours of the Plant Accelerator
                                                      and Winery
                                                    Notes: Bookings made online through
                                                    why-waite programs: www.thewaite.org/
                                                    participate/schools/ why-waite/

20 The University of Adelaide

          Outreach Guide   21

                                             CAREERS WORKSHOP                            JOBS OF THE FUTURE
     To request an activity
                                                                                         Available all                      45-60
     for your Year 10 students,              Available all
                                                                                           terms             30            minutes
                                               terms                           minutes
     please contact us at:
     schools@adelaide.edu.au                                                               Careers             In school and
                                                                   In school and
     Phone: (08) 8313 6991                     Careers
                                                               North Terrace campus                        North Terrace campus

                                             While some students may have a clear        It’s estimated that over 40% of jobs
                                             idea of what they want to study, others     are at risk of becoming automated
     Activity offerings are subject to       may need some extra guidance. This          in the next 20 years. The aim of this
     availability of staff and facilities.   session is designed to help your students   presentation is to get students thinking
     If you have special requests            find their path to their ultimate career    about the ‘Jobs of the Future’, and
                                             while learning about jobs of the future.    what this could mean for their future
     please send them via email.
                                             This interactive workshop will guide        career direction. Hear about emerging
     Whilst every effort will be             students through the multitude of career    technologies and industries, as well
     made to meet your requests,             options available to them. Throughout       as the skills your students will need to
     particularly with presenting            the session students will explore their     thrive in an ever-changing workforce.
     activities in your school, this         interests and determine how these can
                                             be translated into viable employment
     is not always possible. We
                                             outcomes through an examination of
     appreciate your understanding.          current and future job trends.

22 The University of Adelaide


Available all                       45-60
  terms         Not applicable     minutes

 Student               In school and
Experience         North Terrace campus

The transition from high school
to university can be daunting. To
help dispel some of the common
misconceptions between school and
university, we invite your students to
participate in an interactive workshop
with a current University of Adelaide
student. Together, they will explore what
uni is really like, as our current students
share their own experiences and tips for
making the most of university study.


Available all                       45-60
  terms         Not applicable     minutes

 Student           North Terrace campus

This activity gives students the
opportunity to tour the University
from the perspective of a current
student. Students learn about the
university structure and lifestyle as
well as academic and personal support
services. Current students share their
experiences of transitioning to university
and showcase vibrant learning and study
spaces. This activity is recommended to
be bundled with the Uni Life Workshop.

                                                  Outreach Guide   23

ARTS AT                                                                                                             TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                                  AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                                   ARTS AND
                                                                                                                           (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)

   THE X FACTOR:                                     ARTS@ADELAIDE                                  GEOGRAPHY MATTERS

                                                      Available                                         Term 3
                                                                          30            1-2 hours                     Not applicable        3 hours
                                                      all terms
     all terms            30              1 hour

                                                        Arts            North Terrace campus          Geography           North Terrace campus

       Arts              North Terrace campus
                                                     The study of Arts at Adelaide                  Discover the relationships between
                                                     encompasses languages, music,                  people, places and environments in
   How do you structure an essay or design
                                                     linguistics, education, sociology,             our interactive workshop. Students will
   a research project so it is truly original
                                                     gender studies, classics, geography,           explore, analyse and apply the concepts
   and creative? Learn practical writing
                                                     anthropology, politics, media,                 of place, space, environment and
   and study tips for new approaches to
                                                     international relations and more. If you       sustainability, whilst investigating the key
   assignments. Become a high-achiever in
                                                     have a class interested in any of our Arts     challenges facing our environment.
   the humanities and social sciences and
                                                     disciplines, please contact us to discuss
   discover how to make the jump from
                                                     how we can tailor a workshop especially
   good to brilliant.
                                                     for your students.
                                                                                                    HISTORY WORKSHOP
   YOUR CAREER IN ARTS                               CREATIVE WRITING
                                                     WORKSHOP                                                                              3 hours
                                                                                                      Term 2        Not applicable

     all terms       Not applicable     30 minutes

                                                         Term 3       Not applicable     3 hours      History          North Terrace campus

                             In school and
       Arts              North Terrace campus                                                       History describes the past and represents
                                                                                                    the future. Students will have the
                                                        Creative                                    opportunity to consider their own
   The Faculty of Arts encompasses                       writing         North Terrace campus
                                                                                                    connection to history, whilst exploring
   an immense range of study options.
                                                                                                    the relationships between past and
   From music and media, to teaching,
                                                     This on-campus, immersive workshop             present, and historians and their sources.
   criminology, creative writing, politics,
                                                     will focus on various writing styles, such     Budding historians can play detective—
   international development, geography,
                                                     as poetry, short stories, blogging, novels     collecting, interpreting and explaining
   history, languages, environmental policy,
                                                     and political writing. Structured in           evidence from historical events.
   philosophy, international relations,
   classics, English, anthropology, sociology,       two short lectures, followed by writing
   Indigenous studies and more. Our                  exercises and group discussion, we’ll also
   staff are available to visit your school          explore the career options available as a
   or classroom to discuss what we offer             professional writer. Bring a notepad, pen
   and what unbelievably exciting careers            and your creativity!
   await you.

24 The University of Adelaide
DIGITAL STORYTELLING                                 TEACHABLE MOMENTS                          ROMAN WARRIOR TO
WORKSHOP                                                                                        EGYPTIAN GOD

                                                      Available all
                                                                         35            1 hour
                                                                                                   Available all            30
   Available all                                                                                                                        1-1.5 hours
                                       1-1.5 hours                                                   terms
     terms                  35

                                                        Teaching        North Terrace campus
                                                                                                     Classics             North Terrace campus
  Digital Media          North Terrace campus

                                                     Curious about what it’s like to be a
                                                     teacher? What about leading a school?      Enthralled by ancient history, classical
Get an introduction to producing online
                                                     Learn what qualities make a great          studies or archaeology? Get your
videos for different platforms. See what
                                                     teacher and experience first-hand the      students involved in history through
our Media students have produced in
                                                     challenges and rewards of leading others   role-playing. Imagine yourself as a
class and discover what makes a good
                                                     to learn.                                  citizen of the past, see how democracy
digital story. Learn the process of
storyboarding, scripting and sourcing                                                           functioned, recreate the birth of the
images, and work in pairs to transform a                                                        Olympic Games in Greece and play out
compelling story of your own into a short                                                       the fall of the Roman Empire. Students
online video. Where possible, students               MUSEUM OF CLASSICAL                        will re-enact key scenes from the past,
                                                                                                and reflect on how these events have
are asked to bring their own devices, or             ARCHAEOLOGY                                impacted current times.
iPads can be supplied.

                                                                                                ENGLISH WORKSHOP
CLASSICAL AND JAZZ                                     Available all
                                                         terms            15           1 hour
                                                                                                  Term 2           Not applicable        3 hours
                                                        Classics        North Terrace campus
Available all                          2 hours
  terms            Not applicable

                                                     Visit the Faculty of Arts’ Museum of
                                                     Classical Archaeology, holding SA’s                              North Terrace campus
                                                     largest collection of artefacts from
Classical and
                                                     ancient Greece and Rome in the state.      Discover the impact the spoken word
                      North Terrace campus
 Jazz Music                                          A guided tour by one of our Classics       has had on society. Students will explore
                                                     honours students will provide insight      the relationships created between the
                                                     into the culture, lives and loves of       author, text and audience, and learn
Our talented students from the Elder                 ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.            how to think critically about how we
Conservatorium’s Classical and Jazz                  Students will discover glass, pottery      interpret texts.
music degrees bring their interpretations            and metalware, from Minoan Crete
to the Elder Hall stage, in a vibrant                and Hellenistic Greek cities in southern
celebration of skillful music making                 Italy, to Etruscan Italy and the Roman
in the Concert Series. After the                     provinces of Britain, Gaul and Egypt.      FRENCH DAY OUT
performance, tour our music facilities               A group booking fee of $55 applies.
and discover more about the future of
the classical, jazz, pop and sonic arts
music industries. Discounted concert
fees apply.                                                                                         Term 3                               3 hours
                                                                                                                    Not applicable

                                                                                                 French Studies         North Terrace campus

                                                                                                Vive la France! The French language is
                                                                                                one of the most widely spoken of all
                                                                                                languages, and is the first or second
                                                                                                language in many European, African and
                                                                                                Caribbean countries. Celebrate the
                                                                                                French language with a short French
                                                                                                speaking class and learn about
                                                                                                traditional and modern French culture
                                                                                                through immersive activities.

                                                                                                                                     Outreach Guide   25

BUSINESS,                                                                                 TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                        AUSTRALIA FOR:

LAW AND                                                                                                       LAW
                                                                                                              (QS, ERA)

                                NEW DESIGN THINKING                          HIGH SCHOOL MOOT

                                  Term 2            30            2 hours
                                                                               Term 2                          Full day

                                 Business         North Terrace campus          Law            North Terrace campus

                                                                             Do you want to be the next Atticus
                                Gain an understanding into how               Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird), Rachel
                                businesses use the creative process          Zane (Suits), or Dennis Denuto (The
                                to find solutions and experience the         Castle)? The Adelaide Law School is
                                challenge of design thinking for yourself!   offering teams of six to eight students
                                Centred around improving the user            from South Au stralian high schools the
                                journey and experience, design thinking      opportunity to compete in our annual
                                is fast becoming a desired skill of          mooting competition. The competition
                                employees. You will learn in more detail     is held over two days. On day one you’ll
                                about the overall concept and have           attend a workshop run by law students
                                the opportunity to put it into practice      and expert mooters. Here you’ll create
                                with activities.                             written submissions and develop your
                                                                             oral arguments. On day two, armed with
                                                                             your submissions and a plan of attack,
                                                                             you’ll compete against other schools in
                                                                             front of judges made up of academics
                                                                             and members of the legal profession.
                                                                             Participating students will gain insight
                                                                             into the workings of a mock-trial, whilst
                                                                             learning invaluable skills in persuasion
                                                                             and argumentation.

26 The University of Adelaide

HEALTH AT                                                                                                      TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                             AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                                HEALTH
                                                                                                                        (Times Higher Ed, QS, ERA)

STUDY HEALTH WITH US                              REWARDS OF NURSING                             HEALTHY SMILES

                No limit in school                Available all                         45-60    June/July and                         45-60
  Term 2                             45 minutes                       20               minutes                         20
                 25 on campus                       terms                                        Nov/Dec only                         minutes

                           In school/                                   AHMS/Nth Tce
  Health             North Terrace campus           Health                                          Health             North Terrace campus

Your students’ path to a rewarding health         Nursing is considered a hands-on               Oral health is a fundamental part of a
career starts at the Faculty of Health            profession and the rewards nurses gain         person’s health and wellbeing. Oral health
and Medical Sciences. This program                from looking after people stretch far          therapists and Dentists play a key role
presentation provides information about           beyond just ‘helping’ them. Whether            in the community by promoting and
study options in the area of health and           supporting care in people’s homes,             maintaining good oral health. Come to
medical sciences and explores potential           hospitals or out in the community,             the state-of-the art Dental Simulation
careers in health.*                               your compassion will be valuable in            Clinic and participate in a range of hands-
                                                  maintaining your patients’ quality of life;    on interactive activities. These include:
                                                  and in return, you will share significant      making alginate impressions/study
                                                  moments in their lives. Clinical               models, evaluating sugar/acid content of
WHAT CAN GO WRONG WITH                            placement is a major part of the Bachelor      foods/drinks, investigating teeth (form
THE HUMAN BODY?                                   of Nursing degree and we teach you             and function) and using our virtual reality
                                                  many communication and practical skills        dental simulators. Students will meet
                                                  in the simulation centre before you go         passionate and award winning staff and
                                                  out on placement. This session will give       students from the Adelaide Dental School
                                                  you the opportunity to talk to staff about     and find out about careers in oral health
Available all                          45-60      the Bachelor of Nursing requirements,          and dentistry.*
                       25             minutes
  terms                                           as well as gain insight into some of the
                                                  skills you will be required to perform as a
                                                  student nurse.*

  Health             North Terrace campus

Come and learn about what can go
wrong with the human body. Explore
what diseases such as heart attacks,
strokes and cancer actually look like
in a human body by looking at real
human pathological specimens in the
Vernon-Roberts Anatomy and Pathology
Museum. Students will gain a great
insight into the causes and complications
of such diseases and the areas of
anatomy, pathology and physiology.
This session will also give students the
opportunity to talk with some of our
Health and Medical Sciences academics
and learn more about the Bachelor of
Health and Medical Sciences degree, our
research and much, much more!*                                                                    * subject to staff and facility availability

                                                                                                                                Outreach Guide       27
PSYCHOLOGY, BEHAVIOUR                            ADELAIDE HEALTH                               ADELAIDE HEALTH
   AND THE MIND                                     SIMULATION, ADELAIDE                          SIMULATION IMMERSION
                                                    HEALTH AND MEDICAL                            AND VR SUITE, FROME
                                                    SCIENCES BUILDING                             ROAD CAMPUS
    Available all         25           45 minutes

                                                    On request          30           60 minutes   On request           30           60 minutes

      Health            North Terrace campus

                                                      Health       North Terrace campus - AHMS                   Frome Road, Helen Mayo South
   Have you ever wondered why other                                                                 Health

   people behave the way they do? Have
   you ever wondered why YOU behave the                                                           Adelaide Health Simulation (AHS) is
                                                    Adelaide Health Simulation (AHS) is
   way you do? Psychology is the scientific                                                       the most technologically advanced health
                                                    the most technologically advanced health
   study of behaviour and the mind. We                                                            simulation facility in Australia and the
                                                    simulation facility in Australia and the
   seek to understand the brain and all the                                                       only Australian centre accredited with the
                                                    only Australian centre accredited with the
   many amazing, strange and sometimes                                                            Society of Simulation in Healthcare for
                                                    Society of Simulation in Healthcare for
   surprising things people (and other                                                            excellence in learning and teaching.
                                                    excellence in learning and teaching.
   animals) do and think. In this talk you
   will have the opportunity to take part           Adam Montagu, Director of Simulation          Adam Montagu, Director of Simulation
   in some interesting demonstrations               for the Faculty of Health and Medical         for the Faculty of Health and Medical
   that provide insight into the way your           Sciences invites you to experience            Sciences invites you to experience our
   brain works! *                                   first-hand how educators and students         immersion and virtual reality laboratory, a
   * subject to staff and facility availability     come together to learn in our 24 room         key element of our simulation offering.
                                                    simulated hospital. Key areas of interest
                                                                                                  Each of the 10 hospital rooms within this
                                                    include anaesthetic and operating
                                                                                                  centre has been fitted with virtual reality
                                                    theatres, maternity manikins, infant and
                                                                                                  headsets. Learn how students learn from
                                                    paediatric suites and fully functional
                                                                                                  virtual patient presentations, advanced
                                                    patient rooms.
                                                                                                  human anatomy visualisation, and
                                                    Simulation allows students to practices       gamification.
                                                    patient care and learn new skills in a
                                                    safe environment. Specialised academic        Our immersion room allows 360 degree
                                                    staff will share stories with you and         multi-media presentations and is a
                                                    show you why the simulation facilities at     must-see. This engaging tour will show
                                                    the University of Adelaide are the best       digitally savvy and curious students how
                                                    in Australia!                                 we embrace cutting-edge technology in
                                                                                                  our teaching.

28 The University of Adelaide

STEM AT                                                                                                   TOP IN SOUTH
                                                                                                        AUSTRALIA FOR:

ADELAIDE                                                                                                                STEM
                                                                                                                        (QS, ERA)

WHAT IS ENGINEERING,                        EXPLORE THE WORLD OF                          MAKE YOUR OWN PERFUME!
                                                                                          On request          30           50 minutes

                                            On request         25-30         50 minutes

                15-30 (larger
On request     groups can be                                                              Engineering       North Terrace campus
             accommodated on
              special request)
                                            Engineering       North Terrace campus
                                                                                          Discover how perfume is made by
                                                                                          making your own in this exciting, hands-
                                            This session will incorporate engaging,       on workshop. Students will learn how
                      In school and
   STEM           North Terrace campus      hands-on activities that allow students       chemical engineers use processes like
                                            to learn about the important science          distillation, heat exchange and separation
                                            behind the oil and gas industry. Students     to make perfume and other products.
What exactly is engineering, computer       will be introduced to oil and natural
science, and mathematical sciences          gas formation, production and recovery
(ECMS)? And what do engineers,              through visual samples and a virtual
computer scientists, and mathematicians
do? This interactive, workshop-style
                                            reality offshore oil platform visit.
                                                                                          PAPER PLATE LOUDSPEAKER
presentation will introduce students to
the exciting and vibrant world of ECMS,
and demonstrate the huge variety of
established and emerging industries our
                                            PIGS, FOAMS AND FISHING
graduates can contribute to.                                                              On request          30           50 minutes

MATHS BUSKING                               On request     Not applicable     minutes     Engineering       North Terrace campus

                                                                                          In this activity, students discover the
                                                                  In school and
                                            Engineering       North Terrace campus
                                                                                          operating principles of electromagnetic
On request
                                   30-40                                                  loudspeakers by constructing one out
                    30            minutes
                                                                                          of inexpensive materials. They can also
                                            Each day the world needs 14 billion           explore audio concepts, such as the
                                            litres of oil and 3300 billion cubic          effects of changing frequency, amplitude
                      In school and         metres of gas to live the way we do.          and wave shape.
  Maths           North Terrace campus      Learn how petroleum engineers
                                            combine mathematics and science with
Ever wonder how grifters on the streets     engineering and economic principles,
always win their games? These activities    to design and supervise all aspects of
will give you an idea of how you can        petroleum recovery to help meet our
guarantee you will (almost) always win.     daily needs. But where do pigs, foams
                                            and fishing fit in? Find out more about
                                            this exciting area of engineering through
                                            this presentation.

                                                                                                                      Outreach Guide    29
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