District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...

Page created by Melanie Cannon
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Hamilton Central School District

    District Calendar and Handbook
                              Sophia Juarez - Grade 4
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Hamilton Central School                                                               Building Principals:                                                                       Email address: boe@hamiltoncentral.org
47 W. Kendrick Avenue • Hamilton, NY 13346                                            Mr. Kevin Ellis, Elementary, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        315-824-6330      Meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) in the
315-824-6300 • Fax: 315-824-6314                                                      Ms. Lynda O’Keeffe, Elementary Secretary                                                   Large Group Instruction Room (LGI) on the following days: July
www.hamiltoncentral.org                                                               & Claims Auditor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   315-824-6330   9th, August 16th & 30th, September 11th, October 11th, November 14th,
                                                                                                                                                                                 December 13th, January 10th, February 14th, March 14th, April 23rd,
Central Office Staff:                                                                 Mr. William Dowsland, Secondary, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              315-824-6320   May 21st, June 13th.
Mr. Peter Punzo, Interim Superintendent of Schools . . . . 315-824-6310               Ms. Ivette Mendez, Secondary Secretary. . . . . . . . . . .                 315-824-6320
Ms. Debra Kirley, Secretary to the Superintendent,
District Clerk, Tax Collector                                                         Board of Education:
Mr. Matthew Crumb, Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . 315-824-6372                   Mrs. Michelle Jacobsen, President
Ms. Deborah Welsh, District Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-824-6370               Dr. Ellen Larson, Vice President                                                          Note: The information provided in the school calendar is
                                                                                         Mr. Paul Lehmann                                                                          based on the best information available at the time of publica-
Mr. Christopher Rogers, Director of Technology. . . . . 315-824-6388                                                                                                               tion. Information, dates and times are subject to change. Con-
                                                                                         Mr. Harold Jarcho
Ms. Mary Walker, Interim Director of                                                     Dr. G. Cory Duclos                                                                        sult your child’s school office or the district’s website, www.
Pupil Personnel Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-824-6350                                                                                                hamiltoncentral.org, for the most up-to-date information.
Ms. Caprice Kilts, Secretary to the Director of Pupil Personnel
Ms. Heather Vergara, Attendance Aide. . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-824-6300
District Information                                                                                                                       •    the baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held
                                                                                                                                                by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and
Public Notice of Free/Reduced Lunch Program:                                                                                               •    whether the child is provided services by teacher assistants and, if so, their qualifications.
   In accordance with the National School Lunch Act governing schools participating in the National
Lunch Program, Hamilton Central School District will provide free/reduced lunches for students from                                    Attendance Policy:
qualified families. It is required that such notice be sent out to all families of school children in the district.                      Regular attendance is essential to school achievement. The law requires that all children in NYS be-
   Applications forms for free/reduced lunches will be mailed to all families with school children in the                              tween the ages of 6 and 16 years of age receive full-time instruction in public, private or parochial school.
district. The forms are also available at the elementary and high school offices. Qualified families must                                • Legal excuses for absence are: sickness of pupil; sickness or death in family; impassable roads
apply each year for free/reduced lunches even if they have participated during the previous school year.                                      or weather making travel unsafe; religious observance; quarantine; court appearance; in-house
Forms should be returned to Ms. Andrea Cass as soon as possible. Forms will be made available to                                              music lesson; remedial health treatment; or attendance at organized health clinics.
students new to the district at the time of registration.                                                                                • Examples of Illegal absences include: vacation, shopping, babysitting, hunting, work, over-
                                                                                                                                              sleeping, missing the bus, or road tests. Students who are illegally absent may be required to
Textbooks, Library Books:                                                                                                                     make-up the class time. Also, in the event of an illegal absence a student’s grade may be affected
   Textbooks and library books are provided for pupils in accordance with New York State Educa-                                               as a result of missed or late assignments, projects, class participation or tests. Teachers are not
tion Law. These books remain the property of the school district and they are loaned to pupils with the                                       responsible for providing make-up work or instruction for illegal absences.
understanding that pupils are responsible for the reasonable care and safe return of any texts or library                                • A written excuse is required by State Education Law each time a child is absent or tardy. This
books they borrow. Lost or damaged books will be paid for by the students to whom they were loaned.                                           excuse should be sent with the child when he/she returns to school or on the day of tardiness. The
Early School Closing:                                                                                                                         note, signed by the parent or guardian, should be clear as to the reason and contain the date(s)
    If it should be necessary to close school before the usual time, it is important for your child to know                                   and time(s) of absence or tardiness.
what to do. This is especially important if both parents work and there is no one to look after your child                               •If your child is going to be absent, please call the Attendance Office (824-6301/6302). This allows school
if there is an early dismissal. Please discuss this possibility with your child. All after-school activities                                  personnel to know that the child is safely at home and that the parent is aware of the absence.
are canceled when school is dismissed early.                                                                                           Dignity for All Students Act:
Snow Days:                                                                                                                                The Dignity for All Students act, or DASA, was enacted by the New York State Assembly and went
  In the event of inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, school may be closed or delayed.                                          into effect in 2012. It protects students in New York public schools from harassment, discrimination
Notice of such changes shall be carried over the radio, television and our Global Connect phone call                                   and bullying by other students or school employees. It provided that no student shall be subjected to
system. Be sure that your contact information is current with the District.                                                            discrimination based on his or her actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnic group, religion,
                                                                                                                                       religious practice, disability, weight, sexual orientation, sexual identity, or sex. DASA was amended
Notification of Teacher Qualifications:                                                                                                in July 2013 to include Cyberbullying, which is defined as harassment or bullying by any form of
   In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents are entitled to information                                       electronic communication, and includes incidents occurring off school property that create, or would
regarding the professional qualification of their child’s classroom teacher. You may receive information                               foreseeably create, a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment. DASA explicitly
by contacting the secondary and elementary offices. The information will include:                                                      states that bullying, taunting, and intimidation on these protected grounds are all forms of harassment.
   • whether the teacher has met NYS certification requirements for the grade levels and subject areas                                    Dignity Act Coordinators: Mr. Matthew Crumb as the District-wide and Mr. William Dowsland and
       in which he/she provides instruction;                                                                                           Mr. Kevin Ellis as the Building-wide DASA Coordinators.
   • whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional conditions by which NYS
       certification requirements have been waived;
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
FERPA: Access to Student Records:                                                                                 Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters:
   Release of Student Directory Information: This notice is to inform parents or eligible students of their          Pursuant to the federal No Child Left Behind Act, the school district must disclose to military recruit-
right to refuse the release of student directory information and indicates a time period for their response.      ers and institutions of higher learning, upon request, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of our
Following such public notice and a reasonable response period, the District may release such informa-             high school students. However, the district must also notify parents of their rights and the rights of their
tion to an outside group without individual consent. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act                  children to request, in writing, that the district NOT release such information if it is requested.
(FERPA) defines student directory information as the following: name, address, telephone listing, date               Parents, or students who are at least 18 years old, wishing to exercise their option to withhold their
and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight    consent to the release of the above information to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning,
and height (if members of athletic teams), degrees and awards received, and the name of the educational           must submit their request, in writing, to the secondary principal’s office.
agency or institution previously attended by the student. If any parent would like to request such direc-
tory information NOT be released for the child, such request shall be filed, in writing, with the principal       Homeless Students Policy:
of the school having the record with a copy sent to the superintendent.                                              As required by Every Student Succeeds Act, all districts have responsibilities to homeless students in
                                                                                                                  the district. In order to serve these students, each district must appoint a liaison for homeless children
Consent for Use of Photographs/Videos:                                                                            that currently resident within the district. The liaison for Hamilton Central School District is the Direc-
   Throughout the school year, photographs or videos may be taken of students for use in district-produced        tor of Pupil Personnel Services.
publications videos, websites and Facebook or by the news media. If you do not wish your child to be pho-            Title I Program – Notice to Parents of Right to Receive Information Regarding Professional Qualifi-
tographed or videoed, please indicate this, in writing, to the principal of the school having the record with a   cations of Title I Teachers:
copy sent to the superintendent.                                                                                     Per Title I parental notification requirements, parents have the right to receive, upon request to the
                                                                                                                  District, certain information as authorized by federal law regarding the professional qualifications of the
Asbestos Management Plan:                                                                                         child’s classroom teachers. Upon the District’s receipt of the request, in a timely manner, the following
   In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987, Hamilton                        information will be provided.
Central School District’s facilities have been inspected and response actions are planned to ensure a                Whether the teacher has met New York State Education Department qualifications and licensing
continued safe environment for our students and employees. Copies of the district’s asbestos inspection           criteria for the grade levels and subject areas he/she teachers.
report may be inspected during normal office house in the Business Office by prior appointment. Please               Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which
contact the Business Office at 824-6372.                                                                          New York State Education Department qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived due to
Pesticide Notification:                                                                                           special circumstances.
   New York State law requires that schools and BOCES maintain a list of staff and parents who wish to               The teacher’s college major (undergraduate level); whether the teacher has any graduate certifications
receive written notice 48 hours prior to a pesticide application at our facility. If you wish to be included      or degrees and, if so, the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
on the School District Notification List, please contact the Business Office at 824-6372. You will then              Whether your child is provided services by any teaching assistants and, if so, their qualifications.
receive advance notification of an application of a pesticide product covered by notification require-            Title IX:
ments, except in the event of an emergency application in response to a threat to public health.                     Hamilton Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs
Fire Inspection Report Policy:                                                                                    or activities which it operates and it is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 not to
   Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 2018 of structures within the Hamilton Central           discriminate in such manner. This policy of non-discrimination includes the following areas: recruitment
School District for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, and employees              and appointment of employees, employment pay and benefits, counseling services for students, access
therein has been completed.                                                                                       by students to educational programs, course offerings and student activities.
   Structures inspected include all buildings owned by the district. The report is available for review by        Privacy – Parents Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security:
all interested persons at the District Office.                                                                       As part of the Common Core Implementation Reform Act of 2014, New York State Government en-
Use of School Facilities:                                                                                         acted a new requirement for school districts to publish and supplement a “Parents bill of Rights for Data
   Organizations who hope to use the facilities of the school district may obtain a Building Use Form             Privacy and Security.” This bill of rights is a part of an overall strategy designed to prevent, and address
from the main office. Depending on the nature of activity, a certificate of insurance may be required.            the consequences of, an inadvertent release of personal information about students, as well as teachers
A custodian must be on duty when the facilities are used. Groups may be charged a fee for the use,                and administrators.
depending on the date, time and nature of the event. Please make plans and application well in advance               Specifically, the new law created Section 2-d of New York’s Education Law entitled “Unauthorized
of the date your group may wish to use the facilities.                                                            Release of Personally Identifiable Information.” The information intended to be protected include: 1)
   The building is not available for use on holidays, snow days, Sundays or other special days.                   Student data, which means personally identifiable information from student records held by or created
                                                                                                                  by a district, and 2) Teacher or principal data, which means personally identifiable information from a
Code of Conduct:                                                                                                  district’s records relating to the annual professional performance reviews (APPR) of classroom teachers
   The Hamilton Central School District is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning envi-               or principals that is confidential and not subject to release by law.
ronment in which students may receive quality educational services without disruption or interfer-                   Child Abuse Hotline Telephone Number and Directions—School districts are required to post the
ence. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, personnel, parents and other visitors is essential to           toll-free telephone number (1-800-342-3720) operated by the New York State Office of Children and
achieving this goal.                                                                                              Family Services (OCFS) to receive reports of child abuse or neglect, and directions can be found at:
   The Board of Education has adopted a district Code of Conduct. The code applies to all students,                http://ocfs.ny.gov/main/cps
school personnel, parents and other visitors when on Hamilton Central School District property or at-
tending a schools function. The Code of Conduct policy can be found on our website at:
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Elementary Staff Directory:                                                                                 missed. Only those with written permission will be allowed to sign a student out. If employees don’t
                                                                                                            recognize an adult, they may ask the adult to provide identification.
Pre-Kindergarten                 Art                                  RtI Specialist
Jennifer Briggs   Victoria Kowalski      Heather Carter Jackson                                             Walking Policy:
Allison Forth		                          Joanne Jandreau                                                       Students in Grade 3 or higher, who have a note, may walk home from school. Students in Grade 2
		                Music                  Peter Massi                                                        or below can walk home when they are accompanied by a parent or a sibling in the 6th Grade or older.
Physical Ed       Michael Coldren        Nichole Pawlikowski                                                Students will need written permission to walk home.
Carrie Stoddard   Dawn Giddings          Capri Trivisonno                                                      Parents are reminded that the playground is not supervised after 2:40 p.m. and children must be
		                Annette Silver         Anne Farnsworth-LTS                                                properly supervised by a parent/guardian.
			                                                                                                         Elementary Open House:
Kindergarten      School Counselor       Teacher Assistants                                                    Is an opportunity for parents to meet teachers, listen to brief curriculum overviews, see classrooms,
Laure Coddington  Deniz Cabas            Jennifer Brooks                                                    and meet other parents. Parents of students receiving AIS/RtI services are invited to learn more about
Meg Rose		                               Barbara Fuller                                                     their services from their AIS/RtI providers.
Bridget Smith     Psychologist           Rebecca Mosella
		                Donna Stanistreet      Laura Russin                                                       Extra-curricular Activities:
Grade 1 		                                                                                                    Students in the elementary school are invited to participate in the numerous activities made avail-
Althea Brooks     Speech                 School Nurse                                                       able to them. These activities in the past have included:
Audrey Miller     Robin Dunadee          Betsy Marcellus                                                    Computer Coding Club Liberty Kids (Reader’s Club) Drama Club                   Math Club
			                                                                                                         Enrichment Pods           PARP Program                      Prize Speaking     Foreign Language Club
Grade 2           Occupational Therapist                                                                    Geography Club            Student Council                   Journalism Club Writing Club
Jessica Poyer     Stephanie Pope                                                                            Kickball Club             Science, Innovation & Technology Fair
Susan White		                                                                                               Fire Prevention Week:
		                Teacher Aides                                                                               All students in grades K-5 participate in fire safety education activities during Fire Prevention Week.
Grade 3           Amanda Coger		                                                                            These sessions are conducted by members of the Hamilton Fire Department.
Renee Merkt       Rachel Jackson                                                                              Some of the main topics covered include “Stop, Drop, and Roll” the use of fire extinguishers, flam-
Hope Hanson       Beverly Jones                                                                             mable substances, practicing an emergency evacuation procedure, and developing a home escape plan.
		                Alison McCorkle
Grade 4           Patricia Moscari                                                                          Parent Instrument Night:
Sharon Follett    Renee Rashford                                                                               The Band and Strings teachers coordinate this meeting to introduce parents to the Band Program,
Celia Marhefka    Susan Stradling                                                                           which begins in 3rd grade, and the Strings Program, that begins in 2nd grade. Any family with a band or
Patricia Rowland  Lori Whitney                                                                              string instrument should bring it to the meeting to have it checked for proper working condition.
		                Cheri Zielinski                                                                           Elementary Field Day:
Grade 5		                                                                                                     The entire elementary school celebrates the end of the school year with games and a picnic on
Elizabeth Merrill                                                                                           school grounds.
Robert Poznar
                                                                                                            Fall Festival Parade (on Halloween)
Daily Schedule:                                                                                                A midday costume parade for all elementary students and teachers is led by the High School Marching
7:50 AM - Students Enter Classrooms                                                                         Band. The parade starts at the school and proceeds through the Village before returning to the school. This is
8:00 AM - Attendance Taken                                                                                  a must-see for families!
2:40 PM - Elementary Dismissal
                                                                                                            Cell Phones/Electronic Devices:
7:40 - 7:50 AM. Buses Arrive - Elementary students transported by bus, except those participating in           Cell phones should be turned off at ALL TIMES during the school day and are to be kept in the
                the breakfast program, will remain on their respective buses until 7:40 AM                  lockers. Gaming devices, such as PSP’s, Game Boys and Nintendos should not be brought to school.
7:40 - 7:50 AM Walkers/Students transported by Parents Arrive - We respectfully request that students       Students may use phones before and after school.
                who walk to school or are transported to school by a parent not arrive before 7:45AM.       Report Cards:
7:40 - 7:50 AM Students must report directly to the cafeteria, where supervision will be provided.             Report cards are issued at regular, 10-week intervals throughout the school year. Parents may view their
Late Entry/Early Departure Procedures:                                                                      child’s report card through the Parent Portal. Hand copies are also made and sent home for each student. If
   Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will be considered tardy.Excessive tardies will result in a response   you wish to have hard copy report cards for multiple parent addresses, please notify the elementary office, in
from the office. Please make sure your child is here on time to start each day with his or her peers. If    writing, of the secondary address.
you are picking your child up early from school, please notify the office, in writing or by phone, prior    Classroom Visitation:
to your arrival.                                                                                               If you would like to visit your child’s classroom, you must make an appointment with your child’s
Pick Up:                                                                                                    teacher. You will be required to sign in at the main entrance and carry a visitation sticker.
  Students in grades K-2 being picked up will be taken to the Elementary Library at the end of the
day. A teacher assistant will have a sign out sheet that must be signed prior to each student being dis-
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
  Parent-teacher conferences are an important and valuable part of pupil reporting procedures in our
                                                                                                                   Health Department Information:
schools. At least one parent-teacher conference is scheduled yearly for each child in the elementary.              Medication In School
This is done at the conclusion of the first marking period in November.                                               All medication including over-the-counter drugs must be given to the school nurse by the parent
  The value of a parent-teacher conference comes from a frank and honest exchange of information.                  and/or guardian. Medications will be given upon written order of a physician and parent. New medi-
This helps both parties have a better understanding of the child, his or her abilities and needs, the              cation permission forms are required each school year.
experiences that have formed the child’s background to date and the aspirations that will form their
education in the future.                                                                                           Health Records
  To help realize this value, we offer the following suggestions for conferencing:                                   Please let us know of changes in your child’s health status that might affect school performance.
  1. Please plan to keep the conference schedule.                                                                  Please submit physician’s proof of any immunizations that have been given. Notification of any
  2. If you are unable to keep your appointment, kindly notify the school as soon as possible. An-                 emergency contact names, numbers and place of employment need to be kept current within your
       other appointment will be arranged.                                                                         child’s records.
  3. If at all possible, please make arrangements to come to the conference without the child or other children.   Physical Exams
  4. Before attending the conference, you might find it helpful to make a list of the things you wish                 Physicals are required for all students in PreK, kindergarten, second, fourth, seventh and tenth
       to discuss with the teacher.                                                                                grades. They will take place during the early fall by our school physician. Parents who wish to have
  5. A form will be sent home prior to your child’s conference. If you have specific topics you                    the exam done by their family physician at their own expense may obtain forms for this purpose from
       would like addressed, please fill this form out and return it to your child’s teacher prior to              the school nurse.
       the conference.
Kindergarten Eligibility:                                                                                            The District carries a student accident insurance plan to assist in the coverage of accidents sustained
   Children who will be 5 years old on or before December 1, 2019, are eligible to attend kindergarten             by pupils while participating in a school-sponsored activity. This coverage is designed to supplement the
during the 2019-20 school year. Parents may register their child for kindergarten starting in March 2019.          parents’ insurance, not replace it. For more information, contact the school nurse or Business Office.
At the end of the registration period you will be contacted to set up an appointment for your child to be
screened. It is a requirement for all public schools in New York State to screen all new entrants. The
screening process helps us to determine the best placement for your child and to meet his or her needs.              Middle/High School Staff Directory:
   In order for registration to be complete, each child is required to provide a copy of the birth certifi-        Staff Directory:
cate, proof of residency, proof of custody, if applicable, and evidence of immunization against measles,           Grade 6            Agriculture          Art
rubella (German measles), mumps, polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria and chicken pox.                                   Jamie Boardway     Johanna Fox-Bossard		Ryan Bane
Pre-Kindergarten Eligibility:                                                                                      Monica Chamberlain			Victoria Kowalski
    Children who will be four (4) years of age on or before December 1, 2019 are eligible to attend                		                 English
Pre-Kindergarten for the 2019-20 school year. Parents may register their child for PreK beginning in               Business Education Donna Moren          Foreign Language
February of 2019. Applications can be obtained online or from the elementary office.                               Kathryn Roy        Brian Rose           Karrie King
    After PreK registration closes March 29, 2019, all students that are Universal Pre-Kindergarten                		                 Holly White          Susan Pietsch
(UPK) eligible are put into a drawing. April 1, 2019, (25) students are randomly (*) pulled out and are            Library		                               Renee Rashford- LTS
designated “UPK students.” Because we are UPK funded, we must enroll 25 students under this title.                 Amy Jerome         Music
UPK eligible students must live in the district and be of UPK age (4 years old) by December 1, 2019.               		                 Michael Coldren      Physical Education
    The remaining families (those who were not chosen) are then mailed an application to determine                 Mathematics        Dawn Giddings        Joseph LePage
if they qualify as an economically disadvantaged family. To qualify for this, we use the formula of                Devin Clive        Annette Silver       Lauren Reynolds
2x the Reduced Price Eligibility Income Chart listed on the Guidelines for Free and Reduced Meals                  Zachary Darrow
(NYS). We have space for 36 total students (UPK allows up to 18 per classroom) so that leaves 11                   Susan Lehmann      Science              Social Studies
more spaces to fill. If more families qualify for this than there are spaces, those who qualify will go            Sarah McElroy      Mark Arquiett        Richard Hanson
into a random drawing. Free and reduced applications must be returned by April 9, 2019.                            		                 Marion Haskins       Emily Freeth
    If there are spaces available after the targeted economically disadvantaged families have been                 Teacher Assistants Barbara Orth         Victoria Seager
enrolled, all remaining applicants will go into a final random drawing to till the remaining spots (36             Sheila Dowsland
total). This will take place on April 10, 2019.                                                                    Robette Schubert   Teacher Aides		School Counseling
    All students not chosen will be placed on a waiting list. The students will be placed and ordered              		                 Michelle Dye         Victoria Daoust
onto the list by random selection until all students have been placed on the list.                                 Special Education  Morgan Larson		Gina Torre
    If there is room (36 or less), all students will be accepted into our PreK program.                            Kim Cunningham     Maureen Spelllicy		Kim Powrie, Secretary
    Parents will be notified of their child’s status as soon as it is made available. All parents will be          Bridgitte Cook     Regis Steinkamp
notified beginning April 11, 2019.                                                                                 Victoria Moats
    At the end of the selection process, parents will be contacted to set up an appointment for your child to be   Michael Sidoran
screened. It is a requirement of all public schools in NYS to screen all new entrants. The screening process       Sara Zogby
helps us determine the best placement for your child and provides a baseline for assessing growth.
  *    The random selection is done in the presence of an HCS Board of Education member and the elemen-
       tary principal.
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Homework:                                                                                                      Physical Exams
   It is important to keep up on your work, even if you are absent. You can arrange for a friend or sibling       Physicals are required for all students in PreK, kindergarten, second, fourth, seventh and tenth
to get your work or you can call the Attendance Office (824-6301) and ask for work to be sent to the main      grades. They will take place during the early fall by our school physician. Parents who wish to have
office. Special arrangements will need to be made for any long-term absences. You may also get your home-      the exam done by their family physician at their own expense may obtain forms for this purpose from
work by checking your teacher’s Schoology page. Refer to the Middle/High School Handbook for more              the school nurse.
detailed information regarding the HCS Homework Policy and expectations.
Five-Week Progress Reports:                                                                                       The District carries a student accident insurance plan to assist in the coverage of accidents sustained
   At the halfway point of each ten-week marking period a written notice will be sent home to parents          by pupils while participating in a school-sponsored activity. This coverage is designed to supplement
or available on our Parent Portal if your child is in danger of failing a particular course. Parents may ar-   the parents’ insurance, not replace it. For more information, contact the school nurse or Business Office.
range to have a conference with teachers who have sent out the five-week notices. Arrangements would
be made through the Counseling Office.                                                                         Secondary Extra-curricular/Co-curricular Activities:
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices                                                                                    Almeda Literary Society, Amnesty International, FFA, Foreign Language Club, HS Select Chorus,
   Cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off during ALL INSTRUCTIONAL TIMES                      Student Council, Jazz/Marching Band, Masquers (theatre), Mathletics, Model UN, National Honor Soci-
throughout the school day. Students may use cell phones/electronic devices during passing, lunch, or a         ety, Junior National Honor Society, SADD, Sisters, Technology Club, Art Club.
scheduled study hall. Refer to student handbook for detailed information.
Dress Code Guidelines:                                                                                         Parent Portal:
   All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately          Grades and attendance are available online through our Parent Portal. Open your web browser to our
for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for ac-            district’s website at www.hamiltoncentral.org. Interim reports and quarterly reports cards will be posed
ceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and          on the Parent Portal. If you do not have access to a computer and require a paper copy, please contact
reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance        the secondary office at 824-6320 or guidance office at 824-6327.
in the school setting.
   Clothing which is or which bears messages which are lewd, vulgar, obscene, or sexually provocative,         Cafeteria Information:
as well as clothing bearing messages advocating illegal activities, including drug or alcohol use, is likely
to distract students from learning and is therefore forbidden.                                                 Cafeteria Management: Andrea Cass, Manager/Cook • 824-6382
   The Superintendent of Schools and other designated administrative personnel shall have the authority to     Food Service Helpers: Christy Jones-Maxwell, Jona Conley, Lisa Winn
require a student to change his/her attire should it, in their opinion, be deemed inappropriate according to   Public Notice of Free/Reduced Lunch Program:
the above guidelines.                                                                                             In accordance with the National School Lunch Act governing schools participating in the National
   More information on student dress code can be found in the Student Handbook.                                Lunch Program, Hamilton Central School District will provide free/reduced lunches for students from
Technology Usage:                                                                                              qualified families. It is required that such notice be sent out to all families of school children in the
   HCS considers technology a valuable tool for education and encourages the use of technology in              district.
district classrooms. Through software applications, online resources, and the Internet, technology use            Applications forms for free/reduced lunches will be mailed to all families with school children in the
will significantly enhance educational experiences.                                                            district. The forms are also available at the elementary and high school offices. Qualified families must
   To use technology in a classroom or a computer lab, a student and his/her parent or guardian must           apply each year for free/reduced lunches even if they have participated during the previous school year.
read and sign the Responsible Use Policy. Students who do not submit the Responsible Use Policy or             Forms should be returned to Ms. Andrea Cass as soon as possible. Forms will be made available to stu-
violate provisions of the policy may lose the privilege of using computers independently. Additional           dents new to the district at the time of registration.
disciplinary action may be taken for violations of the Policy.                                                 Prices:
                                                                                                                   Breakfast - $1.25
Health Department Information:                                                                                     Elementary Lunch - $2.25
                                                                                                                   Middle/High School Lunch - $2.50
Medication In School                                                                                               Student Milk - $.60
   All medication including over-the-counter drugs must be given to the school nurse by the parent and/            The HCS Food Service Program offers all families an opportunity to establish a debit account for
or guardian. Medications will be given upon written order of a physician and parent. New medication            students. Prepayment can be made in any amount the parent(s) wish. Parent(s) can specify how money
permission forms are required each school year.                                                                is to be distributed in the accounts, such as breakfast, lunch, open account or any combination of the
Health Records                                                                                                 three options. Money put into an open account can be used for any items sold in the cafeteria. Prepay-
  Please let us know of changes in your child’s health status that might affect school performance. Please     ments not specified for credits will be put into an open account. If sending in prepayments for more than
submit physician’s proof of any immunizations that have been given. Notification of any emergency contact      one student, please specify how the money or credits are to be distributed per student. If you have any
names, numbers and place of employment need to be kept current within your child’s records.                    questions, please call 824-6382.
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Transportation Information:                                                                                         Parents of elementary students will receive copies of the form in September. Additional copies may
                                                                                                                 be obtained, if needed.
Head Bus Driver:                                                                                                    Grades PreK-2 requires visual contact of an adult when dropping off.
  TBD, 824-6392                                                                                                     Grades 3-5 requires written permission from parent/guardian to drop off student without visual contact.
Bus Drivers: Allen Blinebry, Donna Foster, Holly Haugh, Diane Law, Edward Mucinsky, Holly                           Grades 6-12 no visual contact required for drop off.
Roberts, Jeffrey Schindler                                                                                          Parents are requested to complete a copy of the form each time there is a change in their child’s
                                                                                                                 normal transportation plans. Students should present the completed form to their teacher upon entering
Transportation Safety:                                                                                           the classroom.
  The district recognizes its responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff on              If changes in transportation plans need to be made, please call the attendance office at 824-6301 or
school buses. The district will continue to use video cameras to monitor student behavior on the buses.          6302 no later than 2:00 p.m.
The cameras help the driver focus his/her attention on the road.
  If any parents have questions regarding the procedures involved, please call the Transportation De-            Transportation Requests:
partment at 824-6392.                                                                                            PLEASE NOTE...
Drop-off Procedures:                                                                                             As per New York State Law, parents that wish to request alternate transportation routes, for the
  1. The cut-out area in front of the playground is designated as a drop-off zone for all students. Dur-         purposes of day care, MUST do so before April 1st of the preceding year.
       ing the arrival and dismissal times, it should not be used as a parking area. Students are not to be
       dropped off in the front circle.
NOTE: Please allow buses the right of way to enter & exit circle freely.                                         Athletic Department Information:
  During times of morning arrival, afternoon dismissal, and after-school athletic events, the driveway and         Interim Athletic Director: William Dowsland, 824-6322
parking areas are congested and children may be coming from many different directions in the parking area.
All drivers should use extreme caution while entering and leaving the parking areas.                               Fall Sports           Winter Sports		Spring Sports
  Students should plan to arrive to school each day between 7:45 - 7:50 a.m. We advise parents to avoid
dropping off students from 7:55 - 8:00 a.m. as it becomes more congested with buses returning to the               Boys Soccer           Boys Basketball		Baseball
bus garage at this time.                                                                                           Girls Soccer w/M-E    Ice Hockey @ Cazenovia		Softball
  Thank you for your cooperation with these procedures.                                                            Cross Country         Girls Basketball		Tennis
                                                                                                                   Football w/Waterville			Track & Field
Late Bus:                                                                                                          Field Hockey w/M-E
  Please note that the late bus will run Monday thru Thursday’s at 4:00 p.m. for the 2018-19 school                Girls Lacrosse @ Caz
year. Students must sign up no later than 1:30 p.m. for the late bus.                                              Volleyball
Student Transportation Forms:
   These forms are a means of maintaining accountability for students who ride a bus to a location other than    Maintenance Information
their home.                                                                                                        Interim Superintendent of Building & Grounds: Craig Schick, 824-6342
   The form is printed in triplicate, with the student, teacher, and office each receiving a copy. This            Maintenance Helper: Mac Mikalunas
substantially improves communication between school personnel and eliminates confusion in regard to                Head Cleaner: Frank Mazzeo
end of the day transportation plans that parents have arranged for their child.                                    Custodial Staff: Lorraine Alter, Jason Camp, Jayson Johnson, Melanie Britton

  Normal Daily Time Schedule		       Assembly Schedule		                  2-Hour Delay Schedule                    Normal Daily Time Schedule		       Assembly Schedule		                 2-Hour Delay Schedule
  Middle School		                    Middle School		                      Middle School                            High School		                      High School		                       High School
  7:50             Warning Bell      7:50               Warning Bell      9:50                 Warning Bell        7:50             Warning Bell      7:50              Warning Bell      9:50                 Warning Bell
  7:55-8:00                  Forum   7:55 - 8:03                  Forum   9:55 - 10:00                   Forum     7:55 - 8:00                Forum   7:55 - 8:00                 Forum   9:55 - 10:00                  Forum
  8:03 - 8:52          1 Period
                                     8:03 - 8:44            1 Period
                                                                          10:03 10:35              1st Period      8:03 - 8:52          1 Period
                                                                                                                                                      8:03 - 8:44           1 Period
                                                                                                                                                                                          10:03 - 10:35           1 Period

  8:55 - 9:44          2nd Period    8:47 - 9:28           2nd Period     10:38 - 11:10           2nd Period       8:55 - 9:44         2nd Period     8:47 - 9:28          2nd Period     10:38 - 11:10           2nd Period
  9:47 - 10:47         3rd Period    9:31 - 10:21           3rd Period    11:13 - 11:55           3rd Period       9:47 - 10:47        3rd Period     9:31 - 10:21          3rd Period    11:13 - 11:55           3rd Period
  10:50 - 11:39        4th Period    10:24 - 11:05          4th Period    11:55 - 12:25                  Lunch     10:50 - 11:39        4th Period    10:24 - 11:05         4th Period    11:58 - 12:30           4th Period
  11:39 - 12:09              Lunch   11:08 - 11:49          5 Period
                                                                          12:28 - 1:00             4 Period
                                                                                                                   11:42 - 12:31        5 Period
                                                                                                                                                      11:08 - 11:49         5 Period
                                                                                                                                                                                          12:30 - 1:00                  Lunch
  12:12 - 1:01         5 Period
                                     11:49 - 12:19                Lunch   1:03 - 1:35              5 Period
                                                                                                                   12:31 - 1:01               Lunch   1:52 - 12:33          6 Period
                                                                                                                                                                                          1:03 - 1:35             5 Period

  1:04 - 1:53          6th Period    12:22 - 1:03           6th Period    1:38 - 2:10              6th Period      1:04 - 1:53          6th Period    12:33 - 1:03                Lunch   1:38 - 2:10             6th Period
  1:56 - 2:45          7 Period
                                     1:06 - 1:47            7 Period
                                                                          2:13 - 2:45              7 Period
                                                                                                                   1:56 - 2:45          7 Period
                                                                                                                                                      1:06 - 1:47           7 Period
                                                                                                                                                                                          2:13 - 2:45             7th Period
  		                                 1:50 - 2:45           Assembly                                                		                                 1:50 - 2:45          Assembly
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Ryker Jones- Grade 3
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
september 2018
                 SUNDAY                             MONDAY                                  TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                              FRIDAY                          SATURDAY

AUGUST 2018 OCTOBER 2018 1
 S   M   T   W    T    F    S     S   M    T   W     T     F    S
				 1            2    3     4   		 1      2    3     4    5    6
 5  6  7  8       9   10    11     7  8    9   10    11   12   13
12 13 14 15      16   17   18     14 15   16   17   18    19   20
19 20 21 22      23   24   25     21 22   23   24   25    26   27
26 27 28 29      30   31         28  29   30   31

                            2                                       3                                   4                               5                                 6                                   7                                  8
                                          Labor Day                               Supt. Conf. Day                Supt. Conf. Day               First Day of School                SAT Registration Deadline                   ACT Test
                                                                             Kindergarten Orientation       Masquers Fall Play Auditions
                                                                                     3:30 p.m.                      3:00 p.m.                Welcome Back Students
                                                                              New Family Orientation                                          FFA Apple & Mum Sale Starts
                                                                                     5:00 p.m.                                                Masquers Fall Play Auditions
                                                                          6th Gr. Orientation - 6:30 p.m.                                              3:00 p.m.

                            9                                  10                                      11                              12                                13                               14                                  15
                                                                          Board of Education Meeting                                           Elem. Open House - 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                   6:30 p.m.                                                      Secondary Open House
                                                                                                                                                         6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                 Parent Instrumental Night
                                                                                                                                                         6:30 p.m.

                           16                                  17                                     18                               19                               20                                21                                 22
                                                                                 Senior Class                 PTO Meeting - 3:00 p.m.         Senior Pictures & Class Picture                                     Mathletics @ Oriskany - 7:45 a.m.
                                                                          Magazine/Catalog Sale starts

                           23                                  24                                    25                                26                                27                              28                                  29
                                                                                                                                                                                  ACT Registration Deadline           FFA COLT Conf. 8:00 a.m.


H A M I L T O N                  C E N T R A L                          S C H O O L                 D I S T R I C T                •        H O M E           O F         T H E       E M E R A L D                    K N I G H T S
District Calendar and Handbook - 2018-2019 Sophia Juarez - Grade 4 - Hamilton ...
Aoife Douglas- Grade 6
october 2018
         SUNDAY                    MONDAY                             TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY                          SATURDAY
		                                            1                                  2                                  3                                   4                                5                                     6
                                                                                                                                 PreK-5 Pictures
                                                                                           PTO Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.           Farm Days @ Morrisville College      PreK-12 Half-Day Dismissal            SAT & Subject Tests
                                                                                                                                                                        @ 11:30
                                                                                                                                                                  End Progress Period 1
                                                                                                                                                                SAT Registration Deadline

              7                              8                                   9                                  10                                 11                                12                                   13
                       NO SCHOOL                            Spirit Week               MS Musical Auditions - 3:00 p.m.            School Physicals              Progress Reports Available
                                                                                                                                                                      Parent Portal
                      Columbus Day                 MS Musical Auditions - 3:00 p.m.    PSAT/NMSQT Exam - 8:00 a.m.        Gr. 6 - 11 & Fall Sports Pictures
                       (observed)                   MVCA College Nights @ Utica                                                                                    Pep Rally - 11:30 am
                                                                                                                            Board of Education Meeting
                                                         College 6:30 p.m.                                                            6:00 p.m.               Homecoming Dance - 9:00 p.m.

             14                              15                               16                                    17                                18                                 19                                   20
                                                      Author Steve Sheinkin Visit                                                 Sport Physicals                                             Mathletics @ Stockbridge Valley
                                                             (Gr. 4 & 5)                                                                                      NO SCHOOL - Supt. Conf. Day                8:10 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                              1st Annual HCS Pumpkin Walk
                                                                                                                                                                         5:00 p.m.

             21                            22                                 23                                    24                                25                                 26                                   27
                    School Bus Safety Week             National FFA Convention           National Jr. Honor Society                                                                           All-County Music Auditions #1
                                                           (Indianapolis, IN)         Induction Ceremony - 6:00 p.m.                                                                                    7:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ACT Test

             28                           29                                  30                                    31
                                                                                                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 2018                        NOVEMBER 2018
                                                                                                                                                                S   M   T   W   T    F   S       S    M     T   W    T    F   S
                  Modified Sports Winter Season                                               Halloween
                            #1 Starts                                                                                                                         							1                        					 1                     2    3
                                                                                       Elementary Fall Festival Parade                                         2  3  4  5  6  7  8              4  5  6  7  8             9   10
                                                                                                 1:15 p.m.                                                     9 10 11 12 13 14 15             11 12 13 14 15            16   17
                                                                                                                                                              16 17 18 19 20 21 22            18  19 20 21 22            23   24
                                                                                                                                                              23 24 25 26 27 28 29            25  26 27 28 29            30

H A M I L T O N   C E N T R A L                   S C H O O L               D I S T R I C T                     •        H O M E           O F         T H E        E M E R A L D                    K N I G H T S
Brayden Nagel - Grade 1
november 2018
                    SUNDAY                                MONDAY                          TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                              THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                      SATURDAY

                                                                                                                                                                           1                               2                                3
 S   M    T   W     T     F    S      S   M     T    W     T    F    S
		 1      2    3     4    5    6
                                   							1                                                                                                      PreK-11 Picture Retakes        SAT Registration Deadline           SAT & Subject Tests
  7  8    9   10    11   12   13      2    3     4    5    6    7    8                                                                       FFA Citrus & Cheese Sale Starts    ACT Registration Deadline       Masquers Fall Play - 7:00 p.m.
 14 15   16   17   18    19   20      9   10    11   12   13   14   15
 21 22   23   24   25    26   27     16   17   18    19   20   21   22
                                                                                                                                                                               Masquers Fall Play - 7:00 p.m.
28  29   30   31                     23   24   25    26   27   28   29
                                     30   31

                               4                                     5                                6                                 7                                 8                                9                              10
                                   National Honor Society Inductions                                          PTO Mtg. - 3:00 p.m.                  School Physicals               End Marking Period 1
                                              6:00 p.m.
                                      JV/Var Winter Sports Starts

                              11                                    12                            13                                 14                                 15                                16                               17
                                                                                                                                                                               Marking Period 1 All Grades
                                                                                                                                                                                       Parent Portal
Empire Alpaca Show 7:00 a.m.              Veteran's Day                                                    Board of Education Meeting               School Physicals                                            Area All-State Music Festival
       FFA Volunteer                                                                                                6:00 p.m.                                                  Area All-State Music Festival    @ SUNY Oneonta - 7:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                               @ SUNY Oneonta - 2:00 p.m.         Mathletics @ Canastota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8:10 a.m.

                              18                                    19                           20                                  21                                 22                                23                              24

                                      Parent/Teacher Conferences                                              NO SCHOOL                           NO SCHOOL                        NO SCHOOL
                                          Pre-K–5 Half-Day
                                          Dismissal @ 11:30                                               Thanksgiving Recess                 Thanksgiving Recess              Thanksgiving Recess
                                                                                                                                                Thanksgiving Day

                              25                                    26                            27                                 28                                 29                                30
                                     Parent/Teacher Conferences             Masquers Spring Musical         Blood Drive - 8:00 a.m.           All-State Music Festival Conf.   All-State Music Festival Conf.
                                     Pre-K–5 Half-Day Dismissal              Auditions - 3:00 p.m.                                               @ Rochester - 2:00 p.m.                @ Rochester
                                                                                                           Masquers Spring Musical
                                            @ 11:30 a.m.                                                     Auditions - 3:00 p.m.

H A M I L T O N                     C E N T R A L                        S C H O O L            D I S T R I C T                  •          H O M E           O F         T H E       E M E R A L D                K N I G H T S
Walden Oren- Grade K
december 2018 SUNDAY                        MONDAY                                  TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                            THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                        SATURDAY

     NOVEMBER 2018
      W T F S S M T W T F S
                                  JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                                     1
					 1            2    3   			1        2    3     4    5                                                                                                                                                  SAT & Subject Tests
  4  5  6  7  8    9   10    6  7  8    9   10    11   12
 11 12 13 14 15   16   17   13 14 15   16   17   18    19
18  19 20 21 22   23   24   20 21 22   23   24   25    26
25  26 27 28 29   30        27 28 29   30   31

                        2                                   3                                 4                            5                                  6                                    7                              8
                                                                  MS Winter Concert - 6:00 p.m.     PTO Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.          HS Winter Concert - 6:00 p.m.                                             Upper Mohawk Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Model UN Conf. 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ACT Test
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jr. FFA CDE Wksh. & Kickball
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tournament - 2:00 p.m.

                        9                              10                                    11                            12                              13                                 14                                 15
                                                                                                                                    Board of Education Mtg.            End Progress Period 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mathletics @ Westmoreland
                                                                                                                                           6:00 p.m.                  MS Masquers Production                    7:55 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                             7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        MS Masquers Production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          FFA “Thank a Farmer
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Basket Delivery

                       16                              17                                    18                            19                              20                                 21                                 22
                                                                 Elem. Winter Concert - 6:30 p.m.    Concert Snow Date                                                Progress Reports Available
                                                                                                         6:30 p.m.                                                          Parent Portal

                       23                              24                                   25                             26                              27                                28                                  29
                                NO SCHOOL
                               Winter Recess                           NO SCHOOL                     NO SCHOOL                         NO SCHOOL                         NO SCHOOL
                               Christmas Eve                          Winter Recess                 Winter Recess                     Winter Recess                     Winter Recess
                                                                      Christmas Day
                       30                              31
                                 NO SCHOOL
                               Winter Recess
                               New Year's Eve
H A M I L T O N             C E N T R A L                       S C H O O L               D I S T R I C T              •        H O M E          O F          T H E        E M E R A L D                  K N I G H T S
Nathan Hoham - Grade 2
january 2019
         SUNDAY                     MONDAY                        TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                                    FRIDAY                             SATURDAY
  			                                                                      1                            2                                  3                                        4                                   5
                                                         NO SCHOOL                NO SCHOOL                       Classes Resume                   NYSTEA Student Conference
                                                        Winter Recess            Winter Recess                                                        FFA Winter Weekend
                                                                                                                                                     @ Camp Oswegatchie
                                                       New Year's Day

              6                                7                          8                            9                                 10                                     11                                     12
                  Modified Sports - Winter Season                                   Electives Fair           Winter Sports Pictures - 2:45 p.m.    CNY/MUN Conf. 9:00 a.m.                    CNY/MUN Conf.
                             #2 Starts
                                                                                Gr. 8-11 - 1:50 p.m.             Board of Education Mtg.                                                Mathletics @ RFA - 7:45 a.m.
                                                                                PTO Mtg. - 3:00 p.m.                     6:00 p.m.

             13                              14                           15                           16                                 17                                    18                                     19
                                                                                                                                                   All County Music Festival #1          All County Music Festival #1
                                                                                                                                                       @ Oneida - 4:00 p.m.                  @ Oneida - 8:00 a.m.

             20                              21                          22                            23                                24                                     25                                     26
                         NO SCHOOL                       Regents Exams            Regents Exams                      Regents Exams                          Regents Exams                     FFA 212*/368* Conf.
                                                                                                                                                       End Marking Period 2                  All County Auditions #2
                        Martin Luther                                                                                                                                                               7:00 a.m.
                        King Jr. Day

             27                             28                           29                            30                                31                 DECEMBER 2018                          FEBRUARY 2019
                                                                                                                                                   S    M     T   W   T     F   S        S     M     T   W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                                  							1                              						1                         2
                                                                                                                                                   2  3  4  5  6  7  8                   3   4  5  6  7  8              9
                                                                                                                                                   9 10 11 12 13 14 15                  10  11 12 13 14 15             16
                                                                                                                                                  16 17 18 19 20 21 22                  17 18 19 20  21 22             23
                                                                                                                                                  23 24 25 26 27 28 29                  24 25 26 27  28
                                                                                                                                                  30 31

H A M I L T O N   C E N T R A L                     S C H O O L          D I S T R I C T           •        H O M E            O F        T H E             E M E R A L D                    K N I G H T S
Alexis Rice - Grade 10
february 2019
                   SUNDAY                          MONDAY                              TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                          THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY                        SATURDAY

     JANUARY 2019 MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                      1                               2
 S   M   T   W     T    F     S    S   M   T   W    T   F    S
			1          2    3     4    5   						1                    2                                                                                                         Marking Period 2/ All Grades on        Groundhog Day
 6  7  8      9   10    11   12    3   4  5  6  7  8         9                                                                                                                  Parent Portal             FFA District 5 CDE Competitions
13 14 15     16   17   18    19   10  11 12 13 14 15        16                                                                                                                                                        8:00 a.m.
20 21 22     23   24   25    26   17 18 19 20  21 22        23
27 28 29     30   31              24 25 26 27  28 29        30

                              3                                  4                               5                             6                                   7                                  8                               9
                                  FFA State Leaders Experience         FFA State Leaders Experience     PTO Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.                                              SAT Registration Deadline        Mathletics @ VVS - 7:50 a.m.
                                             Albany                               Albany
                                                                                                                                                                                                          FFA District 5 CDE Competitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Snow Date - 8:00 a.m.

                             10                             11                                  12                             13                             14                                 15                                 16
                                                                                                                                        Valentine’s Day
                                                                                                                                      Board of Education Meeting
                                                                                                                                               6:00 p.m.

                             17                             18                                  19                             20                             21                                 22                                 23
                                      NO SCHOOL                           NO SCHOOL                      NO SCHOOL                       NO SCHOOL                          NO SCHOOL
                                   Mid-Winter Recess                   Mid-Winter Recess              Mid-Winter Recess                                                  Mid-Winter Recess
                                    President's Day                                                                                   Mid-Winter Recess
                                       National FFA Week

                             24                             25                                 26                              27                            28
                                  Masquers Spring Musical Tech
                                            Week 1

H A M I L T O N                   C E N T R A L                      S C H O O L              D I S T R I C T              •        H O M E         O F        T H E          E M E R A L D                   K N I G H T S
Bradley Holcomb - Grade 10
march 2019
                  SUNDAY                          MONDAY                        TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                                  FRIDAY                        SATURDAY

     FEBRUARY 2019 APRIL 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                              1                                  2
 S    M   T   W   T   F    S    S   M    T   W     T     F    S
						1                    2   		 1      2    3     4    5    6                                                                                                      End Progress Period 3
 3   4  5  6  7  8         9     7  8    9   10    11   12   13
10  11 12 13 14 15        16    14 15   16   17   18    19   20
17 18 19 20  21 22        23    21 22   23   24   25    26   27
24 25 26 27  28                28  29   30

                           3                                      4                  5                                 6                                    7                                8                                   9
                                                                                                                                                                  PreK-12 Half-Day Dismissal
                               Masquers Spring Musical Tech                                     PTO Mtg. - 3:00 p.m.                                                       11:30 a.m.                  Masquers Spring Musical
                                         Week 2                                                                                                                                                           1:00 & 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                Progress Reports on Parent Portal
                                NHS Blood Drive - 9:00 a.m.                                                                                                                                                   SAT Test
                                                                                                                                                                   ACT Registration Deadline
                                JV/Var Spring Sports Starts
                                                                                                                                                                  Oneida Jazz Fest. - 7:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                   Masquers Spring Musical
                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 p.m.

                          10                                 11                      12                                13                              14                                    15                               16
                                    Latin Day - 9:00 a.m.                                                                      Board of Education Meeting                NO SCHOOL                    All County Music Festival #2
                                                                                                                                        6:00 p.m.                       Supt. Conf. Day                   @ VVS HS - 8:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                  All County Music Festival #2      FFA CDE Sub-State Competitions
                                                                                                                                                                      @ VVS HS - 4:00 p.m.                     8:00 a.m.

                          17                                 18                      19                                20                              21                                    22                              23

                                Agricultural Literacy Week                                                                                                                                          FFA CDE Sub-State Competitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Snow Date - 8:00 a.m.
     St. Patrick’s Day         Modified Spring Sports Starts
                                  National College Fair
                                   @ OCC SRC Arena

                          24                                 25                     26                                 27                             28                                     29                              30

                                                                                          Science, Innovation & Technology
                                                                                                    Fair 5:00 p.m.


H A M I L T O N                C E N T R A L                          S C H O O L   D I S T R I C T                •         H O M E         O F        T H E           E M E R A L D                    K N I G H T S
Ashley LaRuffa - Grade 11
april 2019
         SUNDAY               MONDAY                          TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                                    FRIDAY                             SATURDAY
   		                                   1                                  2                           3                                 4                                          5                                      6
                    April Fool's Day              Gr. 3-8 ELA Testing            Gr. 3-8 ELA Testing                                               End Marking Period 3
                                                                                PTO Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.                                             SAT Registration Deadline

              7                        8                                 9                             10                                11                                    12                                    13
                                                                                                              Elem. Report Cards Available             NO SCHOOL                                     ACT Test
                                                                                                                                                      Spring Recess
                                                                                                                                                        Marking Period 3
                                                                                                                                                     Grades on Parent Portal

             14                        15                                16                            17                              18                                      19                                    20
                     NO SCHOOL                    NO SCHOOL                      NO SCHOOL                        NO SCHOOL                             NO SCHOOL
                    Spring Recess                Spring Recess                  Spring Recess                    Spring Recess                          Good Friday

             21                        22                               23                             24                             25                                     26                                      27
                     NO SCHOOL                Board of Education Meeting                                       Operation Safe Stop Day
                                                       6:00 p.m.
                    Spring Recess

             28                        29                               30
                                                                                                                                                           MARCH 2019                            MAY 2019
                                                                                                                                                 S     M    T   W   T    F      S        S   M   T     W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                              						1                           2       				 1              2    3     4
                                                                                                                                               3   4  5  6  7  8                9        5  6  7  8         9   10    11
                                                                                                                                              10  11 12 13 14 15               16       12 13 14 15        16   17   18
                                                                                                                                              17 18 19 20  21 22               23       19 20 21 22        23   24   25
                                                                                                                                              24 25 26 27  28 29               30       26 27 28 29        30   31

H A M I L T O N   C E N T R A L             S C H O O L                 D I S T R I C T            •        H O M E         O F          T H E             E M E R A L D                     K N I G H T S
Isiah Figueroa- Grade 11
may 2019
                    SUNDAY                          MONDAY                           TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                               THURSDAY                                  FRIDAY                       SATURDAY

     T W
         APRIL 2019
         T F S S M T W T F S
                                            JUNE 2019                                                                               1                                    2                                   3                                 4
		 1      2    3     4    5    6   							1
  7  8    9   10    11   12   13    2  3  4  5  6  7  8
                                                                                                            PTO Mtg. - 3:00 p.m.                 FFA State Convention           SAT & ACT Registration Deadline         SAT & Subject Tests
 14 15   16   17   18    19   20    9 10 11 12 13 14 15                                                      Gr. 3-8 Math Testing                   OnCenter, Syr.
 21 22   23   24   25    26   27   16 17 18 19 20 21 22
                                                                                                     District-wide Art Show - 5:30 p.m.          Gr. 3-8 Math Testing
28  29   30                        23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                                                                    Spring Sports Pictures - 2:45 p.m.

                               5                              6                                7                                    8                                    9                                   10                               11
                                                                    MS Spring Concert - 6:00 p.m.     AP English Lit. & Composition         HS Spring Concert - 6:00 p.m.       AP US History Exam - 8:00 a.m.      NYSSMA Solo Music Festival
                                                                                                                8:00 a.m.                                                                                             @ Norwich HS - 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                 NYSSMA Solo Music Festival
                                                                                                                                                                                  @ Norwich HS - 3:00 p.m.        Anticipated Prom Date - 9:00 p.m.

                              12                            13                                14                                   15                                  16                                    17                               18
                                    AP Biology Exam - 8:00 a.m.    AP Calculus AB Exam - 8:00 a.m.       AP English Language &                 AP World History Exam                 End Progress Period 4
     Mother’s Day                                                                                        Composition - 8:00 a.m.                       8:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                             AP Statistics Exam - 12 Noon
                                                                                                                                           Elem. Spring Concert - 6:30 p.m.

                              19                            20                                21                                   22                                  23                                    24                               25
                                                                       Kindergarten Screening              Kindergarten Screening               Kindergarten Screening              Secondary Wellness Day
                                                                                                                                                                                           8:00 a.m.
                                                                   School Budget Vote/Election
                                                                        Noon til 8:00 p.m.                                                                                           May Jam - 11:30 a.m.
                                                                     Board of Education Mtg.                                                                                     Progress Reports/Parent Portal
                                                                            6:00 p.m.

                              26                            27                               28                                    29                                  30                                    31
                                        NO SCHOOL                                                          Hammy’s - 6:30 p.m.
                                       Memorial Day
                                     Memorial Day Parade
                                         9:00 a.m.

H A M I L T O N                    C E N T R A L                  S C H O O L              D I S T R I C T                     •          H O M E            O F         T H E          E M E R A L D                  K N I G H T S
Isabella Bonini- Grade 9
JUNE 2019
                  SUNDAY                              MONDAY                                 TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                           THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

     MAY 2019 JULY 2019
 S   M   T   W    T    F    S       S   M    T   W     T     F    S
				 1            2    3     4    		 1       2    3     4    5    6                                                                                                                                              SAT & Subject Tests
 5  6  7  8       9   10    11      7  8     9   10    11   12   13
12 13 14 15      16   17   18      14 15    16   17   18    19   20
19 20 21 22      23   24   25      21 22    23   24   25    26   27
26 27 28 29      30   31          28  29    30   31

                             2                                        3                                 4                              5                                6                                    7                          8
                                    4th Gr. Written Science Test                                            Athletic Banquet - 6:00 p.m.                                        Jazz Café @ Palace Theater            ACT Test
                                                                                                               PTO Mtg. - 6:30 p.m.                                                      7:00 p.m.

                             9                                   10                                    11                              12                              13                                14                            15
                                                                                                               FFA Year-End Banquet            Board of Education Meeting       English/Math Local Finals
                                                                                                                     6:00 p.m.                          6:00 p.m.                      8:00 & 1:00
                                                                                                                                                                                  MS Awards Ceremony
                                                                                                                                                                                       10:50 a.m.

                           16                                    17                                   18                               19                             20                                 21                            22
                                         Regents Exams                           Regents Exams                   Regents Exams                      Regents Exams                   Regents Exams
     Father’s Day                       SS/Sci,. Local Finals                 Pre-K Year-End Program        Elem. Field Days - 8:30 a.m.      Kindergarten Year-End Program       End Marking Period 4
                                            8:00 & 1:00                              9:45 a.m.                                                           12 Noon
                                 HS Awards Ceremony - 10:50 a.m.
                                  HS Graduation Walk - 12 Noon
                                  Last day for Secondary Students

                           23                                    24                                  25                                26                              27                                28                            29
                                        Regents Exams                              Regents Exams                 Regents Exams                                                   Marking Period 4 Grades         Commencement
                                   Elem. Field Days - Rain Date             5th Gr. Moving Up - 9:30 p.m.         Last day for K-5                                                    Parent Portal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10 AM
                           30            PreK Screening                             PreK Screening          Elem. Report Cards Available
                                                                                                                  PreK Screening

H A M I L T O N                   C E N T R A L                           S C H O O L               D I S T R I C T                •        H O M E          O F        T H E        E M E R A L D               K N I G H T S
Zachary LaFrance- Grade 9
JULY 2019
         SUNDAY            MONDAY                TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                      SATURDAY
   		                              1                  2                    3                         4                              5                                 6
                                                                                  Independence Day

              7                   8                   9                    10                    11                                 12                               13

             14                   15                  16                   17                    18                                 19                               20

             21                   22                 23                    24                   25                                  26                               27

             28                   29                 30                    31
                                                                                                                   JUNE 2019                      AUGUST 2019
                                                                                                          S   M    T   W   T    F   S     S   M    T   W    T    F   S
                                                                                                         							1                        					 1                 2    3
                                                                                                          2  3  4  5  6  7  8              4  5  6  7  8         9   10
                                                                                                          9 10 11 12 13 14 15             11 12 13 14 15        16   17
                                                                                                         16 17 18 19 20 21 22            18  19 20 21 22        23   24
                                                                                                         23 24 25 26 27 28 29            25  26 27 28 29        30   31

H A M I L T O N   C E N T R A L        S C H O O L   D I S T R I C T   •        H O M E   O F    T H E            E M E R A L D               K N I G H T S
                    SUNDAY                                MONDAY                   TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY   FRIDAY   SATURDAY

     JULY 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019
                                                                                                                        1       2          3
 S   M    T   W     T     F    S      S   M     T   W      T    F    S
		 1      2    3     4    5    6      1    2    3     4    5    6    7
  7  8    9   10    11   12   13      8    9   10    11   12   13   14
 14 15   16   17   18    19   20     15   16   17   18    19   20   21
 21 22   23   24   25    26   27     22   23   24   25    26   27   28
28  29   30   31                     29   30

                               4                                         5              6                    7         8        9         10

                              11                                    12                 13                   14         15      16          17

                              18                                    19                 20                   21        22       23         24

                              25                                    26                  27                 28         29       30         31

H A M I L T O N                    C E N T R A L                     S C H O O L   D I S T R I C T
•		 Aim High & Strive for Excellence
•		 Approach challenges with confidence, 
    optimism & humor
•		 Have courage to be open minded 
    & accepting
•		 Take pride in doing the right thing 
    even when no one is watching

                                              Sarah Rogers- Grade 5
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