PHIP NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE - By Brad Nunemaker, PHIP Acting President - Amazon AWS
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January - March 2021 Sally Spenny Volume XVIII, Issue I Editor clubs can post pictures or video PHIP NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE on what they're doing. Our Trop By Brad Nunemaker, PHIP Acting President Rockers would be able to post music videos too. It might even be possible to show live events so I would like to thank the out- if you are not able to attend, going board including Andrew you'd still be able to watch it live Talbert for all their years of ded- (like the main stage at the Casa) icated service and to Jim Bro- or even watch the event again gren for stepping up and helping years down the road. the last half of the year. We have asked Jim to stay on as in- I'd also like to add a Director of terim VP until the special elec- Communications position to help tion is completed. As for work- with all things related to social ing with the new and holdover media and our website, so hope- board, I'm really excited because fully more Parrot Heads can be we all have some great plans made aware of all the great and ideas. We all realize Rome events our clubs have across the wasn't built in a day so any country and increase participa- changes will be slow to ensure tion. they are done right. Happy New Year to all you I'm sure there will be some grow- Parrot Heads. The new year has just begun but ing pains with this new board so I have been working on a few please be patient. We won't be I know 2020 was very diffi- things already to improve the fully staffed until after the special cult for so many of us person- overall Parrot Head experience. election has been completed. ally, socially and PHiP relat- To begin, a few months ago, Like I said before, Rome wasn't ed. We've lost several great Bart Mason had suggested we built in a day but I have no doubt Parrot Head Phriends along recruit Bill Connolly and Rob this board can, and will bring the way. Our charities took a Hill to head up MOTM as Co- great things to the Parrot Head beating because so many of Chairs. I'm so very pleased they universe. If anyone has any ques- us have been, or are still, both have agreed to take on the tions or suggestions, please reach locked down. Worst of all, we position. I absolutely have no out to your club presidents and have missed almost a year doubts MOTM will be as good have them reach out to their Re- hanging out with some of our as ever so save the date Wednes- gional Communicators so they can best phriends and I'm sure day, Nov 3, 2021- Sunday Nov pass it along to the Board of Di- that has really taken its toll on 7, 2021. rectors. I want everyone to feel all of us. We all know that included in all things Parrot Head 2021 isn't going to start off Next, I have recruited a team to related. well but it would appear help come up with ideas on how things are looking up by late to promote PHiP so we can PHINS UP everyone and Take spring, early summer. I for reach more people. Our PHiP Care one am looking forward to YouTube channel has only 31 getting back to Partying with followers. I'd really like to uti- Brad Nunemaker a Purpose!!! lize that platform more so that PHIP, Inc. Acting President.
The Latest Hummin’ 2021 PHIP Headlines Board Of Directors PHiP Presidents Message Pg 1 Tribute to Bart Mason Pg 2 New PHIP Dir of Finance Pg 3 Tradewind Times Editor Pg3 New PHIP Dir of Membership Pg 4 BART MASON 2020 Golden Coconut Winner Pg 5 Membership Contest Winner Pg 6 This past November the entire Acting President Parrot Head nation mourned the Website Contest Winners Pg 6 Brad Nunemaker loss of the newly elected PHiP, Newsletter Contest Winners Pg 6 Inc. President, Bart Mason. PHIP Special Election Pg 6 Interim Vice President He was a passionate soul who Jim Brogren 2019 MOTM Charities Pg 7 loved his Parrot Head PHAMI- LY. A proud member of the PHiP Financials Pgs 8-10 Isle of Iowa, Parrot Head Club, Secretary Lone Palm Foundation Pg 11 serving as Club President. David Cohen MOTM 2021 Pg 12 Jimmy Buffett and TROP Rock Alzheimer’s Walk Update Pg 12 Dir. of Finance Music ran deep in his veins. The Steve Elliott Island Fever Showcase held at PHIP Annual Renewal Pg 12 the historic Surf Ballroom is a Emerald Isle PHC Pgs 13-14 grand example of his passion Dir. of Membership and leadership. PHIP Scholarship Raffle Pg 14 Eric Babin Parrot Head Club Birthdays Pg 15 Bart’s greatest love was his wife Michele and their family, may Domino College Dean’s List Pg 15 they know his memory and vi- PHIP Scholarship Contest Pg 16 sion will live on amongst our phlock. Regional Events Pg 17 MOTM 2021 Ad Pg 17 Published Quarterly; Mid January, Mid April, Mid July and Mid October. PHiP and the TWT does not solicit adver- tising for this particular publication. Articles for consideration must be submitted on the 5th of each month of publi- cation. Information contained in this publication is intended for PHiP membership. PHiP reserves the right of re- fusal to print any article. Consideration for article submission, contact: Stephen Woods at Page 2
PHIP DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TRADEWIND TIMES STEVE ELLIOTT EDITOR exiting Finance Director This January 2021 Tradewind Charlene Schultheis to get all Times is my last edition as Edi- accounts information and tor. Special thanks to the current books transferred to me. This and past PHIP Board members may not sound like much but that I have worked with and to with today’s environment club leaders that have submitted and the distance between the information. It has been an hon- two of us this is no easy task. or and a privilege to have served PHIP. The new PHiP Board will need to get together and dis- Sally Spenny. cuss what task need to be ac- complished to make this tran- sition successful. THE NEW TRADEWIND TIMES EDITOR, As I mentioned in my Direc- STEPHEN WOODS tor of Finance position state- First, I want to thank all the Par- ment. I will: rot Head clubs that voted this · Commit to maintain an year. Your show of support for atmosphere of transpar- the organization is outstanding ence and accountability and if you voted for me that was · Open honest two-way even better. Also, thanks to Rick communication with all Perkins for administering this local Leaders year’s election, great job and · Push for full disclosure of thanks for volunteering your PHIP activities including time. Special thanks goes to all MOTM the outgoing PHiP Board mem- · Detailed financial reports bers for their years of volunteer- · Work with other mem- ing their time and expertise to bers of the PHIP Board to the Mother Ship. be more inclusive of our For the last three years I have artists been Communications Director As a leader for PHiP, I will · Work with the Board to and editor of the Prattling Parrot work to keep the tradition of look at the current PHiP newsletter, for the Galveston Bay PHiP, develop more unity with Bylaws and recommend Parrot Head Club bringing my PHiP Board and local club lead- changes. previous newsletter experience ership, open communication, into a fully electronic age. increase transparency, and to Again I am committed to promote the “Jimmy Buffett working for you the clubs I look forward to working with Lifestyle”. and the people of PHiP. We the PHiP Board of Directors in all need to look at the future bringing the Tradewind Times to I look forward to working with and where do we want this the membership of clubs all the new members of the organization to be in the next throughout the Parrot Head board and the rest of the PHiP 10 years. world. Board for the future of the Par- rot Head Nation. Stephen Woods As the new Director of Finance, PHIP Tradewind Times Editor I will first need to work with Page 3
PHIP DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP ERIC BABIN has done over the years. I have hope those that have ideas that spoken with leaders from several may contribute to this mission newly formed Parrot Head Clubs reach out and share them with and each spoke highly of Sue and me. Your input to our future will how easy she was to work with in be heard, and appreciated. to start a club, a task that would be intimidating to even the most Here are some of the ideas I seasoned Parrot Head. She has have: done a fantastic job. Thank you The official Jimmy Buffett Face- I am Eric Babin, and as of January Sue for your service to the organ- book page has over 1.6 million 1 I am your new PHiP Director of ization. followers, while total PHC mem- Membership. Prior to introducing bership is around 22,000. I intend myself I have something else to My wife Gina and I both grew up to work with the PHiP Board, mention, just in case you only read in the North Texas area. I enlist- and all club leaders, to develop a one paragraph, I want it to be this ed in the Navy in 1991 seeking plan to grab a larger share of the one: I know many clubs are strug- out the adventure Jimmy Buffett folks that are “Parrot Heads” but gling with membership not only in wrote about. 26 years, and many just don’t know it yet. This may numbers, but also in participation. travels and adventures later, I be accomplished in several ways: This issue is my NUMBER ONE retired from the Navy. My Navy concern coming into the position as years allowed my wife Gina and I · Actively recruit Parrot Heads Director of Membership. I encour- to be members of many different to start clubs in locations age each and every club to not clubs around the nation, to in- where they are missing. “give up the ship” just yet. Over the clude the Virtual Parrot Head · Develop a plan to re-vitalize next couple of months, any club Club. We now reside just outside membership drives for clubs that is even remotely considering San Antonio and are members of seeing stagnate or dropping this as an option please reach out to the San Antonio Parrot Head membership numbers. me at PHIPMember- Club. You may also know Gina · Work with media outlets to Let’s discuss and I as owners of Radio Trop aggressively promote the your concerns and allow myself, Rock. This has allowed us to “Parrot Head Lifestyle” and and the rest of the executive board travel the country getting to how that relates to club mem- help you through this punishing know many of you in person. bership. time. This invitation to reach out · Share “best practices” from not only applies to club leaders, but Words cannot express the excite- successful clubs with strug- any PHiP member concerned about ment and eagerness I feel in be- gling clubs. the future of their club. We have coming a member of the Execu- other options in place. Parrot Head tive Board for Parrot Heads in My goal is to assist the expansion clubs are historically the most gen- Paradise. In being a member of of our current clubs membership, erous of all groups and this is not so many different Parrot Head while adding new clubs in areas the time to abandon ship. Our chari- Clubs over the past years I am that are ready to join the Parrot ties need us. We are fighters, not looking forward to contributing Head Nation but just have yet to quitters! Together, we will get to not only the growth of the Par- take the plunge. through this. rot Head Nation, but also to it’s longevity. How we grow and guarantee there is a PHiP still Fins Up, Prior to going on, I’d like to recog- nize the outgoing Parrot Heads in around when our “Parakeets” Eric Babin reach retirement is the question. I Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Paradise Director of Membership Sue Kermis for the fantastic job she don’t have all the answers and Director of Membership Page 4
TULSA PARROT HEAD CLUB WINS THE 2020 PHIP GOLDEN COCONUT AWARD Here is an excerpt from their We needed Changes in Attitudes, essay: not just Latitudes. Party On Phlock… Thanks to a Coconut Telegraph aka Zoom, The Hang Out Gang 2020 was to bring our phourth pushed forward with our Friday “Great Event” gathering Happy Hour. Learning how to A little history behind the phriends from around the coun- play shot games online; wait pa- Golden Coconut … In 1996, try for a weekend of phun, phel- tiently for our turn to talk; setting Margaritaville and Parrot Heads lowship and incredible trop rock up background beach scenes; and In Paradise, Inc. created an bands. Instead, 2020 brought our encouraging each other to be cau- award to be given to a deserv- worlds to a screeching halt. tious and stay well. The virtual ing Parrot Head Club, emblem- Gatherings were cancelled, con- happy hours helped fight the over- atic and in recognition of the certs were only via social media, whelming loneliness and feeling outstanding Charitable and En- telecommuting to work became of deep isolation. Those who lived vironmental efforts of ALL common place as people feared alone had a tougher go but we Parrot Head Clubs. being anywhere without gloves, reached out to each other daily to masks, and social distancing. stay in touch and keep focused on Today, competition for the cov- the days ahead when we would be eted award is waged through a Our crew had gathered to cele- free again to gather at will. "blind essay" submitted to an brate St Patrick’s Day. Green illustrious panel of judges com- feathers were afloat, along with Read their winning essay at the posed of previous Golden Co- Boat Drinks, when the news Golden Coconut Winner’s portion conut Award recipients. Be- flashed like an erupting Volcano of the PHiP website … https:// stowed upon the winning chap- through the room. Orders had ter, the Golden Coconut is a just been released to close all winnersCongratulations again to one-of-a-kind trophy designed, restaurants and bars at midnight. the Tulsa PHC, the newest mem- hand-crafted presented during We sat there in disbelief, mouths ber of the prestigious Golden Co- the annual Meeting of the agape – this could not be true! conut Club!! Minds. Shut down till the end of April? Why, no such thing could hap- The judges had a tough deci- pen. Not here. Not in America. sion on their hands and at times The land of the free and home of the scoring was close. Howev- the brave. How could anyone er, as we can honor only one have surmised we would still be club per year, the panel of judg- restricted months later with no es did their job and scored the real end date in sight? winning essay on the basis that it truly showed the “spirit” of As the days turned into weeks, the winning club. then months, we began to won- der if we would be able to gather Like all of our PHIP Clubs, this again. And, if we did, what club takes the “Party With A would it be like in this black Purpose” motto and gives back hole called 2020? Were we just Thank you to Michelle Ware from Hat within their own community. Waiting for the Next Explosion? Lady Bling for donating the PHIP mask! Page 5
PHIP MEMBERSHIP PHIP NEWSLETTER PHIP WEBSITE CONTEST WINNER CONTEST WINNERS CONTEST WINNERS FOR 2020! FOR 2020! We understand how difficult this past year has been with Here are the winners in the Here are the winners in the most social activities being 2020 Newsletter Contest First Annual Website Contest shut down, postponed, or scaled down. The ways that 1st place – Tampa Bay PHC 1st place – The Villages PHC we have all used in the past to ($300) ($300) gain new members have not been there. We thank you all 2nd place – Chicago PHC 2nd place – Central Oklahoma for doing what you could ($200) PHA ($200) over the past many months to support your members, chari- 3rd place – PHC of Eastern 3rd place – Orange County PHC ties and community service Mass ($100) ($100) organizations. Each club will donate their Each club will donate their No number was too big or too winnings to the charity of their winnings to the charity of their small for submission and choice. choice. there were 12 clubs out there that submitted their entries We congratulate all of the We congratulate all of the 2020 into the PHiP membership 2020 PHiP Newsletter Contest PHiP Website Contest Winning drive. Winning Clubs. Clubs. Congratulations to the Parrot We also wish to thank every Heads Of Central Kansas club who submitted their We would like to thank both from all of us here on the newsletter for consideration as sets of judges, the first set who PHiP 2020 Board of Direc- picked the finalists and the sec- well as our esteemed panel of tors. They had an incredible ond set of judges who reviewed 61 percent increase in mem- newsletter judges. and scored each website. bership. They will receive $1,000 to have a party on us. Thank you for volunteering for such an important task. I want to give recognition to both Key West and West- ern New York Parrot Head PHIP SPECIAL ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT Clubs for managing to get over 100 new members dur- ing the membership drive! The ballot, position statements The results announcement will and resumes for the candidates be made February 16, 2021. were emailed January 12, 2021 for the Special Election to each We received two nominations, David Cohen, club official point of contact. Bill Brehm and David Cohen. Secretary, Parrot Heads in The term of office will be for Paradise, Inc. Completed ballots must be re- the remainder of 2021. 2012 - 2020 Scholarship turned to the special election Chair official by February 11, 2021, 2013 - 2020 Scholarship Raf- by email to phipspecialelec- Jim Brogren fle Chair PHiP Special Election Official Page 6
Meeting of the Minds 2019 our client-choice food pantry. Client-choice food pantries al- Charity Wrap-up low clients to select their own foods, More than 50% of the By Andrew Talbert, 2012-2020 PHiP Director of Conventions food distributed is fresh pro- duce. The PHiP MOTM dona- In 2019 just over $10,000 was vent homelessness. Their goal is tion this year will help feed raised for charitable donations to provide financial assistance many in a tough pandemic year. at the event in Key West. The to those who work in the hospi- money would have been pre- tality and tourism related indus- KIDS COME FIRST sented during MOTM 2020. A tries, who become sick or in- Our mission is to provide total of $10,000 was donated in jured and are temporarily out of school and personal supplies to 2020 with four charities each work, and do not have the fi- every child experiencing finan- receiving $2500 each. nancial resources to keep a roof cial adversity in Monroe Coun- Money was raised in 2019 at over their head or pay their ty. Kids Come First helps Santa PHiP’s MOTM from the basket basic utilities. We believe that provide gifts for children in the raffle and would have been pre- these individuals represent the Florida Keys that are experienc- sented during MOTM 2020. infrastructure of the hospitality/ ing financial adversity. Teach- This money was badly needed tourism industry in Key West, ers, counselors, and nonprofit to help the local community and consequently the island agencies send referrals for chil- survive a pandemic year. cannot afford to lose them. Our dren that would otherwise go funding is awarded to the appli- without presents for Christmas. A Zoom conference was held in cants’ landlord for rent, and September with all of the organ- utilities companies for their util- Thank you Parrot Heads for izations. The following individ- ities. your support of our charities at uals were a part of the zoom PHiP’s MOTM. The PHiP raf- call for the check presentations: THE KWPD LOVE FUND fle is supported by clubs across Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. The Key West Police Depart- North America and every one of Board of Directors ment Love Fund, is any recog- your raffle baskets each year Jim Brogren - Acting PHiP nized non-profit, charitable or- have made a difference in the President ganization [501(c)(3)] The fund Key West community. I also Andrew Talbert - Director of supports spouses and children want to thank retiring volun- Conventions of law enforcement officers teers Joe and Lorene Prorok for Charlene Schultheis - Director killed in the line of duty or who their help with the PHiP raffle of Finance die of natural causes as a result as they were always very pas- David Cohen - PHiP Secretary of extraordinary pressures creat- sionate in helping with the raf- Sue Kermis - PHiP Director of ed by the profession. It comes fle during MOTM along with Membership to the aid of department mem- many other volunteers on the bers and their families in times ground in Key West selling Key West 501c3 Organizations of extreme hardship. The tickets. Nice job by all in 2019 Sister Season - Julie Hanson KWPD has been a long-time which really helped many in ($2500) supporter and an integral part of 2020! KWPD Love Fund – Kathleen PHiP’s MOTM security team in Ream ($2500) Key West. SOS - Star of the Sea Mission - Tom Callahan ($2500) THE KEY WEST STAR OF Andrew Talbert Kids Come First - Roxanne Po- SEA FOUNDATION PHiP Director of Conventions sada ($2500) Star of the Sea Foundation 2012 – 2020 (SOS) mission is to increase the THE SISTER SEASON FUND health and well-being of low- The Sister Season Fund, Inc. is income individuals and families a 501(c)(3) organization to pre- in Monroe County, Florida via Page 7
Financials Contributed By: Charlene Schultheis, PHiP Dir of Finance Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement - General Fund - YTD as of December 31, 2020 Income: Balance 12.31.19 $ 3,668.01 Membership/Handbooks-CD $ 26,436.98 Transfer from Scholarship (for disbursements) $ 10,000.00 Total Income $ 40,104.99 Expense: Attorney fees: Coppersmith Brockelman PLC $ 2,915.96 Central Plastics (Departing Board Member Fins) $ 973.50 Board Meeting/Meetings $ 3,235.81 Funeral Tributes $ 174.82 IOA (Director & Officer's Insurance) $ 1,174.00 Newsletter Winners (3) $ 600.00 Printing/Postage/Office Supplies $ 1,637.69 Scholarship disbursements: University of North Carolina $ 5,000.00 University of New Haven $ 3,000.00 University of Houston $ 2,000.00 Transfer to MOTM Savings $ 1,899.63 Transition Deposit $ 1,000.00 Web Hosting $ 4,537.50 Website Winners (3) $ 600.00 Total Expenses $ 28,748.91 Ending Balance: $ 11,356.08 Page 8
Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement MOTM Year to Date December 31, 2020 Income: Balance 12.31.19 $ 57,500.76 Entertainment Refund $ 5,780.00 Mini Mart $ 500.00 Registration $ 63,771.00 Transfer from MOTM Savings $ 10,000.00 Transfer from Scholarship $ 433.53 Total Income $ 137,985.29 Expenses: Attorney Fees Ringer, Henry, Buckley & Seacord PA $ 4,260.00 (transaction fees) $ 277.35 Bank Charge (iPayment) $ 4,418.68 Booth Rental Refund $ 500.00 Casa Marina $ 10,000.00 Charity Disbursements: MCSD/Kids Come First $ 2,500.00 Police Love Fund $ 2,500.00 Sister Season Fund, Inc. $ 2,500.00 Star of the Sea Foundation, Inc. $ 2,500.00 Entertainment $ 5,780.00 Meetings $ 1,932.33 MOTM On-line Forum $ 48.00 MOTM Refunds $ 84,913.42 Office Supplies/Postage/Printing $ 418.34 Old Town Storage $ 4,260.34 Scholarship expenses $ 433.53 Sponsorship refund $ 5,000.00 Transition Deposit $ 1,000.00 Web Development $ 3,400.00 Total Expenses $ 136,641.99 Ending Balance: $ 1,343.30 Page 9
Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement-Scholarship YTD as of December 31, 2020 Income: Balance 12.31.19 $ 12,337.53 Credit Card Partner $ 459.67 Interest $ 5.00 Raffle $ 11,553.39 Total Income $ 24,355.59 Expense: Transfer to MOTM Checking $ 433.53 Transfer to GEN Checking $ 10,000.00 Total Expense $ 10,433.53 Ending Balance: $ 13,922.06 Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement Relationship Savings YTD as of December 31, 2020 Income: Balance 12.31.19 $ 52,741.70 Interest $ 45.20 Total Income $ 52,786.90 Expense: Total Expenses $ - Ending Balance: $ 52,786.90 Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement Relationship Savings (MOTM) YTD Dec 31, 2020 Income: Balance 12.31.19 $ 48,927.12 Interest $ 42.32 2020 Registration $ 2,439.63 Total Income $ 51,409.07 Expenses: Transfer to MOTM Checking $ 10,000.00 Total Expenses $ 10,000.00 Ending Balance: $ 41,409.07 Page 10
LONE PALM FOUNDATION UNDATION LONE PALM FOUNDATION PAYS CLUB PHIP DUES!! Because of the generosity of Par- rot Heads, the Lone Palm Foun- dation Board of Directors is able to announce we are going to pay the $75 annual renewal fee to PHiP for ALL Parrot Head clubs in 2021. Clubs over 75 members will be responsible for the additional $1 per member fee after the 75. The LPF board listened to your concerns regarding the hardships of operating a club in 2020 and The Lone Palm Foundation through our continued fundraising conducted two auctions to raise efforts, your generous donations money for the Parrot Head and a not as heavy year of appli- Emergency PHUND. cants, we came to the decision this is the best way to give back The first auction was for a spe- to all Parrot Heads. cial quilt made from MOTM shirts. The quilt was sold to The Lone Palm Foundation Board Karen Lessard for the “Buy it also realizes that not all clubs are feeling the same "Covid Pinch” Now” price of $1,000. and that some clubs are fully ca- pable of paying their annual dues The second auc!on was for a to PHiP. If that’s the case with Autographed Jimmy Buffett your club, we suggest that you Life on the Flip Side CD . . accept the $75 contribution from Ron Clegg (Fins of the Valley) the Lone Palm Foundation and had the winning bid of $300. make a $75 donation to the chari- ty of your choice, "Paying It For- ward" in a manner of speaking. We live proud by our motto, “Parrot Heads helping Parrot Heads!” Sincerely The entire Board Lone Palm Foundation Page 11
Alzheimer’s PHiP MEETING OF THE MINDS National Team Update 2021 UPDATE As of January 1, 2021, the PHiP Team fundraising total is $102,170! Thanks to everyone who participat- Save the date.! ed and helped to reach the team goal of $100,000 in such a difficult Meeting of the Minds 2021 year! is scheduled for Wednes- day, November 3, 2021 - The final team totals will be in the Sunday, November 7, 2021 April Tradewind Times. at the Casa Marina in Key West, Florida Wednesday will be the “Welcome to the Island 2021 PHIP Annual Party” starting at 6:00 pm Renewal Update till 11:00 pm. All PH’S are welcome. Sunday will start All Renewal Packets were sent out at 10:00 am till 1:00 on December 28th to the official club pm. *Times are subject to contact. change. There is an option to pay your dues Bill Connolly and Rob Hill online, information is in the packet. have been appointed as the PHiP 2021 Meeting of the Please note all complete renewals Minds co chairs. Their including payment, must be received by January 31, 2021. combined experience with Music on the Bay and Laid If you did not receive your packet Back Attack make them the please email me at phipmember- perfect team to spearhead our annual convention. Bill Connolly ***Please note the PO Box address There are exciting things in has changed to: the works, stay tuned via Facebook, email and Parrot Heads in Paradise for the most P.O. BOX 64148 up to date details. PIPE CREEK, TX 78063-4148 Eric Babin Registration will open PHIP Director of Membership January 21, 2021 See you in Key West! Rob Hill Page 12
Emerald Isle PHC Making Wishes Come True! Each year, on the first Saturday announced that there would be own venue and participants, in December, the streets of Em- “private parties” hosted by individ- virtual and/or “in person.” A erald Isle, NC fill with costume uals to fundraise for Make-A-Wish direct donation link was set up clad revelers participating in the ENC at any time between Decem- for each party through Make- Island Santa Bar Crawl (ISBC) ber 4 and December 13, 2020. A-Wish ENC, and cash dona- held by the Emerald Isle Parrot Prizes would be offered for the top tions were made as well. A Head Club (EIPHC) to benefit three “best themed” parties and to Make-A-Wish donation button Make-A-Wish of Eastern North the host(s) that raised the most was also added to our own club Carolina. This event is held an- funds. (NOTE: Top Party raised website. nually by EIPHC and in 2019, it $16,025 from its guests donating raised $15,000 dollars to help online from near and far). The EIPHC website and Face- fund “wishes” for chronically ill book page lit up brighter than a children in our local area. That is when the Christmas Magic Christmas tree with infor- started to happen! EIPHC mem- mation about the ISBC and However, the COVID-19 Pan- bers registered to host individual ways to participate or donate. demic of 2020 changed all of events. Each host selected his/her The community was abuzz that for our club and all Parrot with excitement and was will- Head clubs. Local businesses ing to do whatever necessary to closed, and their owners suf- help make dreams come true fered. EIPHC members and our for our Make-A-Wish children. community did everything we could to support them through a Donations poured in; and, after variety of means, including the first weekend of the event, drive-in concerts, buying gift we raised our goal from certificates and “to go plates” of $10,000 to $20,000. It never food and participating in live stopped! Every morning the Facebook auctions. ISBC committee members shook their heads in disbelief! At the end of the week, the EIPHC and our PHANTASTIC community raised well over $37,000 for Make-A-Wish ENC. We are still counting the money! In a year that has been filled We met via Zoom, held small with hardship we are happy to socially distanced driveway be able to share our story of gatherings, and visited with MAKING WISHES COME PHamily and PHriends on TRUE. The Parrot Head spirit Facetime. prevailed over 2020 and the EIPHC Island Santa Bar Crawl Our club president and the “Big will never be the same. While Birds” for the event quickly there will be changes, we look called a meeting and formed a forward to seeing the costume committee. The EIPHC Island clad revelers back on the Santa Bar Crawl was dubbed streets of Emerald Isle again on “The Crawl to End 2020” and December 4, 2021. Continued on pg .14 Page 13
Continued from pg .13, Emerald Isle PHC PHIP SCHOLARSHIP RAFFLE! I am proud of our clubs and how The winning ticket belongs to they came through this year to Arleen Lucci help out the PHiP Scholarship. I am so proud of the parrot head The “Grand Prize” is an Island nation. Parrot heads do so much Reserve Inclusive vacation for in our community but also help 8 days/7 nights for 2 adults at out our own. The scholarship the Margaritaville Island Re- fund could only have been done serve Riviera Cancun. virtually this year and the clubs came through to help ensure that A special individual prize was we will have the funds for our given out to Cindy Seeger- 2021 scholarship pro- Shearing for purchasing indi- gram. With the help of our vidual tickets during the promo- clubs and individuals (not forget- tion in the summer of 2020. ting about your help as well) we The prize is a 5 O’Clock Some- were able to raise $11,127 for where Clock. To learn more about this event the PHiP Scholarship Fund. and more about us, please visit Once again thank you to every- our website at Thanks to all (clubs and individ- one for helping PHiP raise over uals) who have made sure that $11,000 for the PHiP Scholar- m. we are funded for 2021 and se- ship which will fund the 2021 cured another year of rewarding winners. the scholarship. Jimi Crampton, Co-Big Bird Sixty Eight Clubs made a dona- David Cohen, Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club tion to the PHiP Scholarship Secretary, Parrot Heads in Para- Island Santa Bar Crawl Raffle this year. dise, Inc. 2012 - 2021 Scholarship Chair The winning ticket was drawn 2013 - 2021 Scholarship Raffle on Jan 10th at 7:00pm Eastern Chair Time via a live streaming video 2017- 2021 Mini Mart Chair on the PHiP Facebook Page. Page 14
Parrot Head Clubs Birthdays JANUARY Annapolis PHC North Alabama Parrothead Pirates in Paradise 1/1 1999 Arizona PHC Club(Callypso Castaways) Palmetto PHC 1/5 1997 Austin Texas PHC Ocala PHC Wasatch Mountain PHC 1/7 1995 Barefoot Children of FLL Ocean State PHC Desert Sharks PHC 1/9 2003 Calgary PHC Orange County PHC PHC of Tidewater 1/11 1996 Canyon Lake PHC Padre Island PHC of CC Midwest Indiana PHC 1/12 2000 Cedar Creek Lake PHC Parrot Heads of the Prairie Memphis PHC 1/15 2000 Central Illinois PHC PHC of Eastern Massachu- Ozark Mountain PHs 1/17 1998 Charlotte Harbor PHC setts Shoreline PHC 1/19 1994 Chicago PHC PHC of Green Bay Kansas City PHC 1/22 1995 Cincinnati PHC PHC of Richmond 1000 Islands PHC 1/24 2006 Club Finz of Southern MN PHC of Tidewater Phlip Phlop Phlockers 1/25 2012 & Seacoast NH PHINdy PHC Southern Illinois PHC 1/25 2007 Coast of Carolina PHC Phlock of South Jersey Bluegrass PHC 1/27 1995 Coastal Jersey PHC PHs for the Palm Beaches FEBRUARY Delaware Seashore PHC PHs in Niagara South The Villages PHs 2/2 2004 Desert Sharks PHC PHs of Central Florida Route 66 PHC 2/4 2012 Detroit PHC PHs of Central Kansas Savannah PHC 2/4 2002 Eastern New York PHC PHs of Pensacola PHC of Green Bay 2/9 1993 Emerald Isle PHC Pickwick PHC Magic City PHC 2/13 2001 Galveston Bay PHC Pirates in Paradise Coast of Carolina PHC 2/14 1995 Isle of Iowa PHC Pirates of N. New Hamp- Colorado PHC 2/15 1994 Key West PHC shire PHs for the Palm Beaches 2/18 1996 Lakes Area Parrot Heads Pirates of the Susquehanna Wagoner PHC 2/20 2003 London PHC San Antonio PHC Pau Hana PHC 2/21 2005 Lone Star PHC San Diego PHC CNY Parrot Head Club 2/22 2015 LowCountry PHC Sarasota Bay PHC MARCH Lower Alabama PHs Southern Idaho PHC Pirates on the Water 3/1 2006 Metro PHC SouthWest Florida PHC PHs in Niagara South 3/3 2010 Mid-Michigan PHC St. MinneSomePlace PHC Music City Phins 3/3 2003 Midwest Indiana PHC Tallahassee PHC Summit City PHC 3/5 2000 Milwaukee Area PHA Tampa Bay PHC PH Pirates of the CA Delta 3/6 2003 Naples PHC The Villages PHs PHs of the Savannah River 3/7 1996 Nautical Whalers Tri-City PHC Fins of the Valley 3/8 2005 New Hampshire PHC West Georgia PHC PHs of the Prairie 3/8 2005 New Smyrna Beach PHC Western New York PHC San Antonio PHC 3/11 1999 Nature Coast PHC 3/12 2008 FINS WAY UP to all of you Annapolis PHC 3/14 1995 HAPPY that “Partied with a Purpose” this past quarter! To be in- PHs on the St. Clair PHs in Perry-dise 3/15 3/17 2007 2009 BIRTHDAY cluded in the Domino College List you need to post on the PHs of the Phininsula 3/20 2011 CLUBS !! PHiP Club Leader’s email PHs in Lincolnland 3/21 1998 groups when you have a char- Pirates of the Neuse 3/21 2016 itable or community service Chesapeake PHC 3/27 1997 activity. Or you can send an OBX Pirates PHC 3/28 2004 email direct to TWT Editor, Sandlapper PHC 3/29 1998 Stephen Woods at . Page 15
PHIP 2021SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. CONTEST NOW OPEN!! We accept electronic signa- tures. We are proud to announce that Second Place: $3,000 To Apply: Complete the Parrot the PHiP Scholarship Essay Third Place: $2,000 Head Scholarship Application Contest for 2021 is NOW found on the PHiP website OPEN!!!!!! Eligibility: Parrot Head Club at Please Summary of the PHiP Scholar- Members and members’ chil- email your completed applica- ship: dren (Sorry nieces, nephews or tion and essay to: other extended family members The PHiP Scholarship is for cur- beyond those mentioned are not David Cohen rent Parrot Head Club Members considered eligible) PHiP Secretary of an officially Chartered Chap- ter or their children of Parrot The Scholarship instructions Head Club Members, for post and application can be found on DEADLINE FOR APPLI- secondary education. the PHiP Website at:http:// CANTS is MARCH 31st, 2021, for enrollment for fall This program was established in scholarship term (summer terms not appli- 2008. Three scholarships will be cable). Students may apply awarded in 2021. The funds It is VERY important that the yearly; the awards will be giv- may be used for tuition, books applicant follow ALL of the en annually, based on a new or living expenses, at an accred- rules and instructions. Only application process. ited brick and mortar four-year typed, electronic submissions university or college of the stu- will be accepted. Incomplete Good Luck to all applicants! dent's choice. The award will be applications will not be consid- paid to the winners school ac- ered eligible. David Cohen, count, when a student account is Secretary, Parrot Heads in Par- established. Make no references to your adise Inc., identity, your local parrot head 2012-2021 Scholarship Chair PHiP awards 3 awards in the club or your location in your amounts of: essay entry OR your question First Place: $5,000 and statement responses. SUPPORT OUR 2019 MOTM SPONSORS Page 16
PHiP REGIONAL EVENTS WHO: Parrot Heads In Natural Settings Who: North East Region PH Convention WHAT: 23rd Annual PHINS Golf Tournament What: “We’re Still Here” WHEN: Apr 26, 2021 Where: Mansfield, MA WHERE: Eagle Landing GC Jacksonville, FL When: April 29 – May 2, 2021 BENEFITS: Dreams Come True, Jacksonville, FL Benefits: The Jimmy Fund MORE INFO: More Info: tournament.html WHO: Sarasota Bay PHC Unfortunately due to COVID -19 restrictions on meetings/events most live events have been can- WHAT: 25th Birthday Bash celled, postponed or converted to virtual events. If you are interested in an event be sure to make WHEN: May 14-16, 2021 contact for the most up to date information WHERE: Magnuso Marina Cove Resort, St. Peters- burg, FL When you do have an event that you want listed in the Regional Events Section of the Tradewind MORE INFO: Times please be sure and post it on the PHIP Club Leaders email and on your Regional Calendar. Check with your Regional Communicator. Be sure to list WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO BENEFITS, and where to get MORE INFO! You can also send your event direct to the Tradewind Times Editor, Stephen Woods at You never know when people might want to travel to your area! Nov 3 - 7, 2021 Registration opens on Jan 21, 2021 Page 17
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