ITALIAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT FUNDING - General manager ASSTRA - Emanuele Proia Paris, 16 June 2016 - Ferpress
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PT AT A GLANCE (2014) about 1,013 companies about 50,000 vehicles 5.3 billion passengers (Boardings) 110,000 employees Source: ASSTRA, Conto Nazionale Trasporti 2013-2014 2
Motorisation Number of passenger cars per 1000 inhabitants In Italy, the private car has an important impact on the mobility. Italy is the third country with the highest motorisation levels globally, following Luxembourg and the United States. Change Change Country 1990 2012 2013 1990/2013 2012/2013 France 476 504 505 6% 0% Germany 461 539 543 18% 1% Italy 483 621 608 26% -2% Spain 309 476 474 53% 0% United Kingdom 361 464 468 30% 1% EU-28 343 488 491 43% 1% Source: EU – transport in figure – statistical pocket book 2015 pag 47 3
Modal split of Passenger Transport (pkm as %; 2013) Despite the high motorisation level Italy has, together with Spain, the higher total public transport share, accounting for around 21,3%. Passenger Metro and Auto privata Bus MetroTram e tram Ferrovie Railway car 83,9% 84,4% 84,6% 79,6% 81,7% 79,7% Total Total Total Total Total Total Public Public Public Public Public Public Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport 15,6 21,3 16,1 21,4 15,4 19,3 13,2% 13,0% 9,1% 8,4% 8,2% 9,2% 7,4% 5,4% 5,7% 6,3% 6,0% 5,6% 1,6% 1,6% 0,9% 1,4% 1,6% 1,7% France Francia Germany Germania Italy Italia Spain Spagna Regno Unito United EU-28 Source: EU – transport in figure – statistical pocket book 2015 pag 47 Kingdom 4
Average age of buses Countries 2014 France 7,9 Germany 6,9 Italy 12,2 Spain 8 United Kingdom 7,7 Evolution of average age of buses (2002-2014; years) In Italy, the average age of buses is approximately 12 years. A comparison with some large European countries shows that there is a big gap. Source France: UTP –Le Parc des Vehicules – Edition 2014 pag. 5 Germany: elaboration on ANFIA data. In Germany over 60% of the fleet are 9 years old Italy: ASSTRA elaboration on CED data (Ministery of Transport) Spain: elaboration on OBSERVATORIO MOVILIDAD METROPOLITANA data· Informe 2013 pag 38 5 United Kingdom: elaboration on UK Government data- Department of transport – Transport statistics Great Britain Annual bus statistics pag 2
Buses Fleet Buses by level emission (2014; %) EURO V ELETRIC 24% 1% EURO VI 1% EURO II EURO I Buses pre Euro III 25% 3% EURO IV 33% 6% EURO 0 5% EURO III 27% Source : ASSTRA elaboration on CED data 6
Funding stream The Italian case Operating funding Capital funding Tax Public Directly Public compensation concessions Directly generated resources compensation generated resources Fuel taxes Regional Local taxes Fares Parking Advertising Vehicle Fiscal taxes rental system State State National Fund Regions Regions Municipalities Agencies Public service contract PT Operators 7
Funding for Operating costs Before 2013 From 2013 In 2013 a new source funding was established for operating Financing sources Legislative framework expenses: National Fund Budgetary Plan2013 Transportation Public Transport Art.21, c. 3, L. n. 98/2011 e art. 30, c.3, D.L. 201/2011 Fund Excise Art.1, c. 296, L. n. 244/2007 – excise on diesel on Others Budgetary Plan 2008 gasoline Art.1, c. 298, L. n. 244/2007 – excise on diesel Excise on diesel Law n.549/1995 Art.3, c. 12, L. n. 549/1995 – excise on gasoline National Fund Transportation 8
Funding for Operating costs National Transportation Fund (resources in milion) €4.929,25 €4.918,62 €4.925,25 €4.850,78 2013 2014 2015 2016 9
Funding for Operating costs: Criteria for Regional Allocation of National Transportation Fund Gradual reduction of services in excess 30% and increase in quality and quantity of high-demand services Gradual increase of ratio fare revenue 90% 10% operating costs 60% Resources according Definition of appropriate employment historical percentages level 10% Resources subjected to the achievement of the objectives From the year 2015 the percentage distributed on the basis of the achievement of the objectives is increased, every two years, by two percentage points, resulting in a reduction of the quota originally foreseen the extent of 90% of the fund (Art. 2 DPCM 11 marzo 2013). 10
Funding for Operating costs 6,791 6,773 Million € Million € 1,862 1,848 (27.4%) (27.2%) Additional resources FNT 4,929 4,925 (72.6%) (72.5%) 2013 2014 11
Directly generated resources Fares The reduction of public transfers was followed from a general trend of the regions and local authorities to revise and increase in ticket prices Urban Fare Trends ( 2002- February 2014 ; Index 2002=100) 180 170 Biglietto a tempo Single ticket Abbonamento Annual pass mensile Tariffa Averagemedia 167 164 160 150 148 151 148 140 137 136 127 128 136 130 130 132 123 121 123 118 122 124 120 119 119 114 114 115 122 117 113 113115 117 117 117 110 115 109111 111 100 103 100 90 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 12 [Source: ASSTRA elaboration]
SINGLE TICKET (Fares - October 2015, €) In any case the Italian fares are the lowest in Europe UNITED KINGDOM 3,2€ GERMANY AVERAGE 2,8€ 3,2 3,1 2,8 2,7 2,7 SPAIN AVERAGE 1,7€ FRANCE 2,15 AVERAGE 1,8€ 1,8 1,8 ITALY AVERAGE 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5€ 1,5 1,5 Berlin Berlino Hamburg Colonia Amburgo Cologne Monaco Munich Paris Parigi Lion Lione Madrid Barcellona Madrid Barcelona Valencia Valencia Londra London Rome Roma Milan Milano Naples Napoli Turin Torino 13 Source: ASSTRA data processing on PT operator websites
MONTHLY PASS (Fares - October 2015, €) UNITED KINGDOM 173,0€ 173,0 GERMANY AVERAGE 76,9€ FRANCE AVERAGE 90,2 68,3€ 84 79,5 SPAIN AVERAGE 70 52,7€ ITALY AVERAGE 60,4 51,6 54,60 52,75 36,6€ 45,00 42 35 35 38 Berlino Berlin Amburgo Hamburg Colonia Cologne Monaco Munich Parigi Paris Lione Lion Madrid Madrid Barcellona Barcelona Valencia Valencia Londra London Roma Rome Milano Milan Napoli Naples Torino Turin Source: ASSTRA data processing on PT operator websites 14
ANNUAL PASS (Fares – October 2015, €) UNITED KINGDOM 1.801€ 1.801 GERMANY FRANCE AVERAGE AVERAGE SPAIN 668,8€ 721,6€ 546€ 740 728 690 546 489 ITALY AVERAGE 283,5€ 330 310 294 250 Berlin Berlino Munich Monaco Paris Parigi Lion Lione Madrid Madrid London Londra Rome Roma Milan Milano Naples Napoli Torino Turin Source: ASSTRA data processing on PT operator websites 15
Capital investment for renew public transport fleet (1997-2022; Milion, €) In the last years, in Italy, the LPT sector has witnessed an overall decline in resources for investment for renew fleet, moreover, between 2012-2016, the resources was cut of about 700 milion € and used by the regions to the achievement of fiscal targets. 2.314 300 1.210 398 790 278 352 1997-2001 2002-2006 2007-2011 2012-2016 2017-2022 Source : ASSTRA elaboration 16
A plan for renew buses fleet 15 13,6 13,8 Trend scenario (8-year plan) 14 13,1 13,2 Investments allocated with actual resources 12,5 12,7 13 12,4 12,2 12 11,5 11,7 Average age 11 10,5 9,9 Goal scenario (8-year plan) 10 9,3 Total investment:920 million euro per year; 8,6 9 8,0 4,200 buses per year to buy 8 7,6 Total public resources: 552 million per year European average age 7,1 7 Goal scenario Trend scenario 6 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Source: ASSTRA elaboration on CED (MIT) data Trend scenario. Number stable fleet over the years; resources already allocated with actual resources and they expense for 50% for the renewal of the bus fleet. Goal scenario. For each year occur 4,200 registrations and contextual scrapping; the financial sources needed for the plan are approximately 9.2 billion euro (60% public co-financing). 17
Capital investment for Public Transport infrastructures In the last Economic and Finance Document (2016) resources are been allocated for various metropolitan and tranway infrastructures •Interconnection Rebaudengo – Turin railway link •Turin underground •Milan – Monza Underground M5 TOTAL COST: 12.141 € MILLION •Milan Line M4 Lorenteggio Linate TOTAL RESOURCES: 10.374 € MILLION •Rome Underground Line C % COVERAGE : 85% •Naples – Line 6 PERIOD WORKS: 2016-2020 •Naples - Line 1 •Circumetna (Catania) •Palermo •Tramway of Florence •Light rail/Underground Bologna 18
News in the Public transport sector Standard Cost The Italian Ministry of Transport will use a formula for determining standard costs and allocate resources (operating and capital) according to them. System ante standard System post standard cost cost Operating Capital Standard cost = operating cost + capital cost + suitable cost resources resources Compensation Compensation Operating Capital by service for capital resources resources contract investment 19
News in the Public transport sector Standard Cost Model Model for Regression industrial Model processes Underground Bus services services Railway Tramway services services The standard costs don’t apply to the following public transport services: trolleybuses, cable car, funicular, waterborne transport; for regional rail service infrastructure costs are excluded. 20
News in the Public transport sector Art.23 Decreto Madia - National Transportation Fund According with the new law (art.23 Decreto Madia) the rules for the allocation of National Fund resources will change. 55% 50% 60% Resources according historical 70% 80% percentages Resources according Standard 20% costs 20% 20% Resources according increase 15% fare revenues 10% 25% 30% 15% 20% 10% FIRST YEAR SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR FOURTH YEAR FIFTH YEAR AND OVER 21
News in the Public transport sector Funding System Funding Architecture in 2016 • It prepares program to allocate resources to the Funding architecture from regions; 2017 STATE • It Approves regional investment plans; • It provides funding to the regions; STATE • It defines the criteria for allocating among the regions. • They define regional renewal plans and level of co-financing; REGIONS REGIONS • They give resources to the companies / provinces / municipalities. OPERATORS MUNICIPALITIES They buy transport fleet after public OPERATORS MUNICIPALITIES competition CENTRAL MARKET OPERATORS Art. 1 c.866 Legge di stabilità 2016 BUS MANUFACTURER BUS MANUFACTURER 22
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