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COMMON G R OUND CH UR CH S EA POINT page 2 A NOTE FROM PAUL MAUGH AN At the sta rt of the yea r we fel t tha t God was calling us to Presence - Bei ng wi th Jesus emphasise “Ma turi ty”. Then the pandemi c hi t and those of us Formation - Becomi ng l ike Jesus tha t thought we were mature, had another reali ty revealed to Mission - Doi ng what Jesus would do i f he were us us ! We a re certainl y s maller tha n a yea r a go but wi th greater Community - And doi ng a ll of thi s together dependence on God, grea ter humili ty and a greater desi re to This is wha t we a re gi vi ng oursel ves to as a communi ty of ma ke much of God. apprenti ces of Jes us . It has helped bring cla ri ty duri ng this yea r of grea t uncertainty. The pa ndemic, which is s till with us a t the ti me of wri ting, This emphasis was grea tl y helped by our anchor book for the i mpa cted every a spect of our l ives. There is enough written yea r. We s tudied the fi rs t hal f of Ma rk and ended wi th those el s ewhere s o all we will do is thank everyone who dug deep ma rvel l ous words of Peter “You a re the Chri st.” Ma rk 8:29 down a nd contributed during this time. We saw l ife group l ea ders going the s econd mile to build community, online Changes to the leadership team s ol utions being found vi a Zoom, Facebook a nd YouTube. We Duri ng 2020, Steph and Elbré got ma rried a nd we a re knew the theology of the “Pri esthood of all believers” but we delighted to ha ve them both contributi ng in the team. And experi enced i t this yea r. Thank you to everyone who put “We also duri ng 2020, Crai g a nd Jo Lea ch s ta rted a process tha t before Me” i n this troublesome year. saw them s tepping off the leadershi p tea m in 2021. They were the l onges t serving members of the team a nd the Move from Green Point to Sea Point sil ver-lining is tha t they a re remai ning as members of the The bi g decision was ta ken during 2020 to not renew the AM congrega tion. lease of our Green Poi nt venue and to move to Sea Point. Sea Point Congrega ti onal Church (SPCC) has rented thei r Paradigm Shift spa ce to us for 4 yea rs in the evening and opened up thei r There has never been a grea ter need to train entrepreneurs spa ce for the morning as well. We a re gra teful for this open and tha t is the ai m of our bibli cal jus ti ce progra mme door and to the leaders hip team a t SPCC for thei r generosi ty. Pa ra digm Shi ft. If you a re i nteres ted in training or We ha ve signed a 3-yea r lease and a re looki ng forwa rd to our mentori ng people l ooking to s ta rt thei r own businesses , pa rtners hip i n extendi ng the Kingdom in Sea Poi nt. The pl ease do get i n touch. venue in Green Point has been sub-leased to Joshua Genera tion for the remainder of the lease (June 2022). Pa rt of the confi rma tion of this move was knowi ng tha t the venue Looking forward was going to all ow a nother church the opportuni ty to meet We will continue to pla ce Jesus a t the centre of all tha t we physi call y a gain as thei r previous s chool venue was closed to do – In Sea Point as i t i s in heaven! them. We a re trus ti ng for continued ki ngdom i mpa ct i n Paul and Lee, Green Poi nt. on behalf of the Sea Point eldership team What are all about? As the world is being sha ken, i t has helped us to know why we a re here as a church. In our Pra cti cing The Wa y series a t the sta rt of the yea r, we cla ri fied tha t i n a world that offers unli mi ted opti ons , we want to poi nt people towa rds tha t whi ch is eternall y i mporta nt. And tha t is Jesus . God wi th us . We ha ve the message of Jesus to sha re wi th the worl d and tha t mes sage needs to s tart wi th us. The Sea Point eldership team a year in review 2020
COMMON G R OUND CH UR CH S EA POINT page 3 Image here, crop your image to fill the WHOLE block Image here, crop your image to fill the WHOLE block Starting at the top. Left to right. Church Online after the nationwide lockdown was imposed , Ou r l a st Gr een P o i n t c o mm u nit y m o m en t i n Feb r u a ry 2 0 20, Al p h a L a un ch w i th C o r né K r i ge i n J a n ua ry 2 0 20, An i c y c o ld b a p tism i n 2 0 21 & Sea P o i n t t u r ned 3! a year in review 2020
COMMON G R OUND CH UR CH S EA POINT page 4 Please leave this blank. I am designing them for each congregation and will send them through by the 9 th of April
COMMON G R OUND CH UR CH S EA POINT page 5 Please leave this blank. I am designing them for each congregation and will send them through by the 9 th of April
COMMON G R OUND CH UR CH S E A P O I N T page 6 SEA POINT FINANC I AL OVERVIEW A WORD FROM PAUL MAUGHAN: As we steward the resources that God provides through His people, we find ourselves filled with gratitude and appreciation for everyone’s continued faithfulness in this important area of following Jesus together. We do keep separate financial records for both congregations, but we team together when making decisions as one eldership team. Green Point (now Sea Point AM) The downward trend in income was accelerated when the pandemic arrived early in the year. Previous years saw the planting of the Sea Point PM and the closing of Green Point PM. This year saw many people move away from the city, suffer a loss of income and/or no longer attend the church. We were able to cut costs and cover the annual loss for the year from reserves. So far the move to Sea Point has helped to reduce costs and also seen many visitors, which we trust will join the church and add their financial contribution. When the deficit for the year was shown to our leadership team, a member stepped forward and covered the full amount in 2021. That is a massive encouragement to us and we thank God for such a story to tell! Sea Point PM The upward trend in income continued during the pandemic, for which we are deeply grateful. The partnership with Sea Point Congregational Church was also deepened as they didn’t charge rent for the months in which we were not using the venue. This act of generosity was a big reason for the surplus for the year. Some of these reserves have been used in the new year to provide a permanent Sunday setup in the venue and other projects are under consideration. Please do move towards us if you have any questions about what we have presented. Thank You We appreciate teaming with you in loving the people of Sea Point! And reviewing these financial statements, we are freshly grateful for the regular committed giving of yourselves and finances. And may we all gain our greatest encouragement from the fact that “he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion”. HOW SAL ARIES ARE SET: In tandem with an external consultant, Common Ground use a job grading system - involving Patterson grades and the Avril Ryder South African NPO salary report - to ensure fairness in clustering job sizes. 2020 figures are management report figures, financial audit underway at the time of print
page 7 Top. Left to right. Our very first in person meeting after restrictions were lifted , Winter Warm up drive, Sea Point AM after church hangout,Paradigm Shift Saturday morning training sessions, Worship at Sea Point PM & Sea Point AM launches in March 2021. a year in review 2020
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