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WCI FORUM ABIDJAN 15-17 INTERNATIONAL JULY BUSINESS 2021 FORUM IMMEUBLE CAISTAB WCI FORUM World Cooperation Industries Forum is a business organization that consists of B2B meetings with more than 100 Turkish companies, presentations, and panels for the full two days. These companies provide services in very different industries from textile to food, machine to building materials, furniture to mining, automative to cosmetics, medical to health. All these manufacturers are looking for franchise agreements and agencies in West African countries, specifically in Ivory Coast. They are attending WCI Forum to develop their business relations and networks. You are the Boss in This Forum New ideas to start a business, new products to grow your business, new technologies to improve yourself in this forum. Without the need of any intermediaries, meet manufacturers directly. WCI Forum World Cooperation Industries Forum has a place for everyone: Who can visit? Whether be a new entrepreneur or a professional, you can attend WCI to meet Turkish companies. -If you are a professional in an industry, you can find alternative Turkish goods in your industry with high quality and reasonable prices. A significant opportunity to grow your business. -If you are a new entrepreneur, you can meet with companies from many different industries, you can have new ideas and technologies to introduce to your customers in your local markets.
WCI FORUM ABIDJAN 15-17 INTERNATIONAL JULY BUSINESS 2021 FORUM IMMEUBLE CAISTAB -Foreign Trade Companies V s tor Prof le -Entrepreneurs -Companies -Advisors -Wholesalers -Importers -Businesspeople -Professionals -People who want to make business with Turkey Exh b tor Industr es -Machine, Automation, Industry, Packaging -Construction, Mining -Electricity, Energy -Defense and Security -Food, Agriculture, Husbandry -Furniture, Decoration, Interior Decoration -Automobile -Health and Medical -Textile, Clothing, Leather, Shoes -Consumer Goods -Cosmetics, Hygiene Products -Service Industry -General Trade
WCI FORUM ABIDJAN 15-17 INTERNATIONAL JULY BUSINESS 2021 FORUM IMMEUBLE CAISTAB About Wci Forum: Date: 15-17 July 2021 Venue: Immeuble CAISTAB Plateau - Abidjan Time: 10:00 - 17:30 Organizator: Bosphorus Expo & Bosphorus Trade Centers 15 July 2021 16 July 2021 17 July 2021 10:00 - 10:45 Opening 10:00 - 11:00 ‘The Future of 10:00 - 11:00 ‘Turkey-Africa Ceremony Africa’ Forum Relations’ Forum 10:45 - 11:30 Sponsor 11:00 - 11:30 Sponsor 11:00 - 11:30 Sponsor Presentations Presentations Presentations 11:30-13:30 B2B Meetings First 11:30-13:30 B2B Meetings 11:30-13:30 B2B Meetings Session First Session First Session 13:30-14:30 Coffee Break 13:30-14:30 Coffee Break 13:30-14:30 Coffee Break 14:30 -17:30 B2B Meetings 14:30 -17:30 B2B Meetings 14:30 -17:30 B2B Meetings Second Session Second Session Second Session Forfa ts de part c pat on: Bas c Package: Bus ness Package: 125 € 750 € - Three days of forum part c pat on - Three days of forum part c pat on - Unl m ted number of B2Bs - Unl m ted number of B2Bs - Coffee Breaks - Coffee Breaks - 4 n ghts and 4 days hotel accommodat on + breakfasts - A rport Transportat on on arr val and departure
WCI FORUM W th a populat on of 82.6 m ll on as of 2020, Turkey has the world's 20th-largest nom nal ABIDJAN GDP, and 13th-largest GDP by PPP. The a m of the country s to become one of the ten 15-17 INTERNATIONAL JULY BUSINESS largest econom es by 2023. Grow ng wave of ndustr al zat on allows Turkey to grow n 2021 FORUM manufactur ng and product on as well. The young and dynam c product on networks of the IMMEUBLE country prov de flex ble product on systems that sat sfy the expectat ons of the consumers CAISTAB all around the world. Turkey s one of the lead ng manufacturers n ndustr es l ke text le, construct on, food process ng and automot ve. Bes des, there are several other grow ng ndustr es l ke furn ture, defense ndustry, m n ng, and agr cultural R&D. Today, around 5% of Turkey’s total mport s go ng to Afr can countr es. The larger exporter of Turk sh products s Egypt, wh ch s followed by Morocco and Alger a. In terms of Sub- Saharan countr es, larger exporter s South Afr ca, wh ch was followed by Senegal, N ger a, Ghana and Eth op a. Ivory Coast mports 253M$ worth of goods and serv ces from Turkey annually, wh ch covers more than 1% of the country’s total mport. What Turk sh manufacturers offer Afr can bus nesses are h gh-qual ty and fa r-pr ced products that would change the market opt ons all together. 21st century onwards, Turk sh manufacture capac ty and qual ty reached to European Un on standards and regulat ons due to ongo ng negot at ons of Turkey’s entrance to EU. Turk sh products, therefore, are as good qual ty as European ones, at the same t me as cheap as Arab, Ch nese and Ind an goods. Bes des econom c relat ons between Turkey and Afr ca, the pol t cal and d plomat c relat ons are also grow ng up s nce the early-2000. Wh le the total number of embass es was 12 n 2002, by 2019, the number reached up to 42 embass es all around Afr ca. Turkey s the f rst observer member n Afr can Un on. Today, t s est mated that total trade volume between Turkey and Afr can countr es s more than 10 B ll on Dollars. In the new era of Turk sh-Afr can partnersh p n many d fferent areas we try to strengthen the relat onsh ps between two reg ons. Bosphorus Group succeeded many bus ness organ zat ons n more than 9 years w th your supports. In th s per od, w th more than 52 fa r organ zat ons n countr es l ke Eth op a, Ghana, Ivory Coast, L bya, N ger a and spec al organ zat ons l ke Mus ad Expo, De k Turkey-Ghana Bus ness Forum, Iddm b Eth op a Commerc al Comm ttee, Saha Istanbul Expo V rtual Fa r and Turk sh-Afr can Construct on Summ t n Mus ad New Headquarters connected numerous Afr can bus nesspeople w th Turk sh manufacturers. W th one of our group compan es, Afr can Trade Centers, we are render ng sales and export serv ces to our member manufacturers w th our local off ces n 9 countr es r ght n the f eld. W th World Cooperat on Industr es (WCI) Forum, we hosted more than 300 guests from all around Afr ca and connected them w th 100 Turk sh compan es between 24-25 March 2021 n Ankara, Istanbul. Afr can bus nesspeople and Turk sh compan es had a chance to establ sh new bus ness and agency networks for our exporters by prov d ng B2Bs for two days w th fore gn trade compan es from 41 countr es of Afr ca. SIBAT Expo Ab djan Internat onal Bu ld ng Construct on Exh b t on and Bus ness Forum SIBAT Expo Ab djan Internat onal Bu ld ng Construct on Exh b t on and Internat onal Bus ness and Trade Forum n Ivory Coast w ll be held between 15-17 July 2021, s multaneously. The a m of the organ zat on s to mprove bus ness and econom c relat ons between Turkey and Afr can countr es and open up new networks to prov de further econom c progress. The organ zat on w ll prov de a f eld of d scuss on and network ng between Turk sh manufacturers and Afr can bus nesspeople.
WCI FORUM ABIDJAN 15-17 INTERNATIONAL JULY BUSINESS 2021 FORUM IMMEUBLE CAISTAB +90 544 892 56 75 Utku Bengisu - Ceo +90 549 611 12 14 Esra Sezgin - General Manager +90 549 611 12 19 Fatih Oyuk - International Relations Manager +90 539 595 00 60 Moustapha Aliou - International Relations Director @wciforumtr
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