Page created by Marvin Hubbard
Autumn 2021
                                                                                                                      Vol. 66 No 3
                                          IN THE CROSSING OF MY ARMS
                                     Our Lady of Guadalupe’s message to her children
Artist Rosemary Mertz captures the                                                               united in this land, and of all mankind,
essence of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s                                                               of all those who love me, of those who
message to Saint Juan Diego, his                                                                 cry to me, of those who seek me, of
                                                                                                 those who have confidence in me.
people and to all people in her
portrait featured here titled,                                                                   Here I will hear their weeping, their
“In the Arms of Mary.”                                                                           sorrow, and will remedy, and alleviate
                                                                                                 all their multiple sufferings, necessities
What was this message portrayed on                                                               and misfortunes.1
the icon-like Tilma that brought a
Bishop to his knees and brought eight                                                           Could it be that in his grief and fear
million fierce, pagan Aztec Indians                                                             Juan forgot the lady’s words or did
and countless others to faith in the                                                            this simple, humble man believe that
Incarnate Son of God?                                                                           the message was for the Bishop and
                                                                                                ‘the people’ not for him?
In this portrait we see a humble,
trusting son in the arms of his                                                                 But a mother’s love cannot be
comforting Mother. But Juan’s story                                                             thwarted. Our Lady just met him on
did not start that way. Twice he had                                                            the other side of the hill! There she
failed in convincing Bishop Juan de                                                             provided him with the Bishop’s
Zumarraga to honor the Lady’s                                                                   requested sign: Castillian roses in
request for a Chapel on Tepeyac Hill.                                                           winter. Then, reassuring Juan that his
On the third day Our Lady promised                                                              uncle would be fine, she sent him on
to honor the Bishop’s request for a                                                             his way in peace-filled joy .
sign if Juan returned on the fourth                                                             With a light heart Juan returned to
day.                                                                                            the Bishop and as he dropped the
However, with his confidence                                                                    corners of his Tilma, the roses
shattered and his uncle desperately ill,                                                        cascaded to the ground. The Bishop
Juan could not risk being delayed by                                                            hardly noticed the sign as he fell to
the Mother by stopping on the fourth                                                            his knees. The room vibrating with
day. His mind and heart were                                                                    her living presence, Bishop Juan
highjacked by thoughts of death, grief                                                          Zumarraga gazed into the face of the
and the determination to succeed                                                                Mother of God.
fueled by an urgent need to act. His                                                            Her Presence and her beauty struck
dying uncle/father needed a priest!                                                             the Indians but it was something
He must find a way around Tepeyac                                                               much more that transformed their
Hill. He must avoid all delay, even the                                                         hearts. The Tilma for them was truly
beautiful Lady. He was a born leader                                                            an Icon, a ‘letter’ written directly to
of his people. He could, he must do                                                             them from Heaven.
this himself for the one he loved.                                                              Since the language of the Aztec
Often we know this urge to ‘get it                                                              people was pictorial and their culture
done’ on our own, but here we are                                                               was alive with symbols, Juan and his
tempted to say, “Juan, it’s the Blessed                                                         people grasped the fullness of Our
Mother who is waiting for you!                                                                  Lady’s message at a glance. They
Didn’t you see and speak with her                                                               immediately recognized her as the
three times already? Didn’t she say,”                                                           Queen of Heaven and Virgin Mother
 Know for certain, littlest of my sons,                                                         of Jesus our Savior.
 that I am the perfect and perpetual                                                            Her dark hair parted in the middle
 Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God                                                            said she was a virgin, the black ribbon
 through whom everything lives, the                                                             around her waist told that she was
 Lord of all things near and far, the                                                           with child, the teal color of her cloak
 Master of Heaven and Earth.
                                                                                                said she was a queen and gold stars
 I wish and intensely desire that in this                                                       aligned with the main constellations
 place my sanctuary be erected. Here I                                                          of December 12th, 1531 winter sky -
 will demonstrate, I will exhibit, I will                                                       those of the Northern night sky on
 give all my love, my compassion, my
 help and my protection to the people.      IMAGE OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE AND ST. JUAN DIEGO
                                                                                                the right side of her cloak and the
                                                 copyright© - In the Arms of Mary Foundation
                                                                                                Southern sky at dawn on the left side.
 I am your merciful mother. The                                                                 The constellations were displayed as
 merciful mother of all of you who live      “Communion of Life with Christ through Mary.”
                                                     Used with permission and gratitude.        if seen from above, announcing that
                                                                                                                            Cont. on page 2
IN THE CROSSING OF MY ARMS cont. from page 1                                                                                                                                                              MONASTERY WATER PARK (?)
this Woman clothed in the sun and standing on the moon
had come down from outside of the Universe. cf. Rev. 12:1                                                                                                                                        When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
Meanwhile Our Blessed Mother visited, healed and                                                                                                                                                 through rivers, you shall not be swept away. Isaiah 43:2
revealed her name to Juan’s uncle, Juan Bernardino.
When he told his nephew, Juan, her name, the Spaniards                                                                                                                                                             When the Sisters moved to
heard him say, “Her name is Guadalupe.”                                                                                                                                                                            Farmington Hills in 1966
A title of the Blessed Virgin familiar to them from a                                                                                                                                                              there was a lovely, gentle
shrine of that name in Spain where Columbus had                                                                                                                                                                    creek meandering through
prayed before departing for the New World.
But the elderly Indian could neither understand or                                                                                                                                                                 the property. A small pond,
pronounce that word since the Aztec language has no                                                                                                                                                                fed by the creek, was also
letter G. Later translators concluded that the Lady spoke                                                                                                                                                          present. However, over the
to Juan Bernardino in his native language saying, "te
coatlaxopeuh" which when spoken sounds very much                                                                                                                                                                   years the flow from the
like Guadalupe.1                                                                                                                                                                                                   creek diminished and rain
  "Te", means stone; "coa" means serpent; "tla'' is the noun                                                                                                                                                       was the only source of
  ending which can be interpreted as the "the' while "xopeuh"                                                                                                                                                      water for the frogs and
  means to crush or stamp out. Therefore, she was not referring                                                                                                                                                    swamp grass in the pond.
  to herself, but proclaiming that her precious image would be
  the object that would crush the religion of the stone serpent –                                                                                                    Every now and then, rainfall is heavy enough to turn the creek into a torrent and fill the pond to
  a cult known for its excesses and human sacrifice.1                                                                                                                overflowing. The Nuns are used to flooding on the “island” across the bridge over the creek but never
The Tilma was a living Icon for the native peoples of                                                                                                                expected to be able to go white water rafting in the front yard!
Mexico revealing the Incarnate Christ in his Mother’s
womb. They saw a mestiza mother speaking their                                                                                                                       The storms of 2021 have been unlike many we have seen in decades. Add to that the reconfiguration of the
language, resembling their own natural mothers and
promising them victory over the evil forces which                                                                                                                    drainage system on our property during the Oakland County Storm Water Management Program in 2017 and
surrounded and oppressed them.                                                                                                                                                                            suddenly you have the
The Spanish heard “Guadalupe”, the most important                                                                                                                                                         makings of a temporary
Marian shrine in the medieval kingdom of Castile.                                                                                                                                                         river.
Perhaps her name alone could have brought the
Spaniards to receive the holy Mother’s message. But it is                                                                                                                                                  There are multiple drain
also possible that when the Spaniards looked at the                                The Aztecs literally read a letter in written symbols
                                                                                                                                                                                                           pipes, including one at
iridescent face of the Lady on the tilma they saw a                                found in the pattern on Our Lady’s robe. The text
woman who resembled their own natural mothers, since                               pictured here is an excerpt from the 1560 primitive story                                                               least 30-inches in diameter,
at one distance Our Lady appears to be a Native Indian,                            written in the Nahuatl language by a learned and noble                                                                  which come under
but at another distance she appears to be of European                              Indian, don Antonio Valeriano.                                                                                          Middlebelt Road and drain
descent. How is it possible for two so very different
peoples to see a resemblance to their own mothers in a                                                                                                                                                     into a 14-inch pipe on the
portrait of the Mother of God?                                                                                                                                                                             other side of the front yard. The torrential rains of this summer
  Dr. Philip S. Callahan, internationally famous entomologist                                                                                                                                              quickly overwhelmed the capability of the single smaller drain. As a
  and ornithologist explained that the Tilma image achieves this                                                                                                                                                            result, we had both a waterfall and a temporary river.
  effect of appearing to be different colors at different distances
  by a trait that is only seen in nature, for example, in the                                                                                                                                                                                                    Amazingly, the
  coloring of the bird feathers or butterfly scales. No human
  artist can duplicate this effect.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                             yard quickly
The Blessed Mother tells us why she resembles many                                                                                                                                                                                                               cleared when the
mothers at once when she tells Juan:                                        Examinations of the supposedly painted eyes with clinic                                                                                                                              heavy rain
                                                                            devices have found that they are living, organic, functional
  I am your merciful mother. The merciful mother of all of                                                                                                                                                                                                       stopped. In fact,
  you who live united in this land, and of all mankind, of all              eyes. Dr. Enrique Graue, director of Mexico’s
  those who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who seek              ophthalmologic hospital, affirms: “I examined the eyes with
  me, of those who have confidence in me.                                   a high power ophthalmoscope, and I was able to appreciate in
This message of the Mother of the Incarnate Word was                        them eye deepness just as if I was seeing a living eye”.
distilled by Rosemary in her beautiful portrait. This                       Under 2500 X magnification, a Peruvian doctor identified                                                                                                         within a half
message of her universal Motherhood converted and                           thirteen individuals in the Virgin’s eyes, including Saint Juan
united millions of Mexicans.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 hour, all that
                                                                            Diego (seen above) and Bishop Zumarraga.
This message continues to be spoken from the Living                                                                                                                                                                                          was left was a
Icon on Juan’s Tilma - a miraculous presence of our                                     All those present were captured in her gaze!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             washout gully
Mother through which she embraces, teaches, heals and                                                          SOURCES - plus many others
comforts all who will place themselves under her shadow                   1. The Virgin Mary Of Guadalupe, Helen Behrens, Mexico, 1963. Words of OLG                                                                                         and a little
and protection, into the folds of her mantle,                             taken from the primitive story written in Nahuatl language in 1560 trans. 1649.
                                                                          2. All other information was gleaned from the Blog, Abyssus Abyssum Invocat,                                                                                       puddling.
in the crossing of her arms.                                              of Rene Henry Gracida. (94 yr.) Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, TX who
Her question echoes still, “Am I not your Mother?”                        in 1979 acquired permission for NASA scientists to examine the Tilma.                                                                                              God is good!
                                                                      2                                                                                                                                                     3
                                                                                                       Mother, Mentor and Model
                                As long as she could remember, little Irene Mary wanted to                                                                  convent on the following day, that would be fine as
                                become a Sister. What kind or what Order or Congregation,                                                                   long as they earned their degree first. Subsequently the
                                she was too young to know; she just wanted to be one as she                                                                 older of the two, Mary Rita received a scholarship to
                                told one of her favorite Adrian Dominican Sisters in early                                                                  St. Bernard’s School of Nursing, taking a three-year
                                Grade School                                                                                                                course of studies. Irene Mary, on the other hand, was
                                Sister Mary of Mercy, as she would later come to be known,                                                                  awarded a scholarship to Xavier College to which she
                                was born to James and Sadie Houle on September 19, 1926 in                                                                  had to commute on the Red Trolley with a transfer
                                Chicago, IL and baptized “Irene Mary” on October 3, 1926                                                                    onto a second trolley car. Getting off the first streetcar,
                                which happened to be Rosary Sunday that year. The place                                                                     she walked a block for daily Mass at St. Augustine’s
                                was St. Columbanus Church in Chicago.                                                                                       Church and then to a little café for a cup of coffee
                                                                                                                                                            before using her transfer ticket to ride a second trolley
                                 Her older sister, Mary Rita, born a year and three months                                                                  to the College. Those were happy days, filled with
                                 earlier, wondered at the little creature placed beside her and                                                             enthusiasm and satisfaction with new experiences and
                                 made so much of a fuss over. As both girls grew older they                                                                 the knowledge that was being imparted to her eager
were ecstatic at the prospect of being playmates for years to come. They did everything                                                                     mind. Her favorite courses after Journalism, in which
together and loved to sing duets, Irene Mary doing the soprano and Mary Rita the alto.                                                                      she majored, were Philosophy and Theology. Irene
Rarely did they quarrel, remembering their Mother’s caution at the first sign of friction: “you                                                             always had a great propensity for story-telling and
should not scold each other. After all, you are sisters.” Irene Mary never forgot that advice; it                                                           enjoyed writing both essays and articles. This gift was to serve her well after she entered the
served her well after she entered the Monastery and was surrounded by many “sisters”. But                                                                   Monastery she eventually became a contributing editor of Echoes.
we’re getting ahead of the story.
                                                                                                                                                            It was Fr. Charles Johnson, OP who first introduced Irene Mary to the Monastery. He was
Born into a large Irish clan, Sister had many memories of family get-togethers at the home of                                                               one of the professors in the Department of Religion at Xavier, and Irene was enrolled in his
her maternal grandparents, “Ma and Pa,” as they were affectionately called. Always there                                                                    Theology course. She told him about her desire to be a cloistered nun but that she did not feel
were sing-alongs of favorite Irish ballads and old American favorites. Aunts and uncles                                                                     attracted to the Carmelites or Poor Clares! Should she settle then for the Adrian Dominican
would do solos and more often than not, duets. One that Irene Mary was remembered for                                                                       Sisters who taught her in High School and whom she greatly admired? Father told her about
was her rendition of Why Don’t We Do This More Often? Just What We’re Doing Tonight. Oh,                                                                    the Cloistered Dominican Nuns in Detroit and asked if she had ever heard of them. She
happy memories!                                                                                                                                             hadn’t, so it seemed that the next step was to visit and find out more about them, as Fr.
Among the earliest of these were those of what life was like during the Great Depression of                                                                 Johnson had suggested. Her Mother was a bit unhappy about the choice, but she in no way
the 1920’s for the somewhat upwardly mobile Irish Catholic families that clustered together                                                                 would discourage Irene Mary from pursuing her vocation if this was what God wanted for
in Chicago’s South side. Grandpa Houle owned and managed a local bakery and grocery                                                                         her daughter. Happily, Mary Rita married before Irene Mary entered religious life and it was
store; he died when she was in the 8th grade. Irene Mary’s Dad, James P. Houle, Jr., assisted                                                               an immense joy for her to be her sister’s Maid of Honor, a memory she fondly cherished.
him in the business. But times were bad and without the                                                                                                     With her Dad’s support and blessing, on the Anniversary of her Baptism, October 3rd 1948
Senior Houle, the store went bankrupt. Irene’s father then                                                                                                  Irene Mary Houle formally entered the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament as a postulant.
worked as a Real Estate Agent; business there too, dried up
and Dad was soon out of a job. The Houle’s had been living                                                                                                  Mother, Dad and Aunt Lottie, Mom’s sister, drove with her from Chicago to Detroit. They
in a rented bungalow but now the family had to move in with                                                                                                 arrived in the early evening, and the wide-eyed newcomer was ushered in as the nuns were
Aunt Irene, her mother’s sister. Her father soon found another                                                                                              singing Compline in the cloister chapel. Immediately she felt at home and in peace. She had
job as a milkman and life went on.                                                                                                                          no idea that eventually she would lead the Sisters in chanting the Lord’s praises, as one of the
                                                                                                                                                            Chantresses, for many years to come.
Irene Mary and Mary Rita both attended St. Columbanus
Grade School, taught by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. And                                                                                                   From that time onward, her dear parents made a monthly trip by car to visit their beloved
despite the financial hardships the family faced, the two Houle                                                                                             daughter until her Father’s death on January 1, 1967. Her Mother continued to come as often
girls were enrolled in Mercy High School, which had only                                                                                                    as she could, but by train. Such love and devotion between parents and daughter are typical
opened in 1924, two years before Irene Mary was born. The                                                                                                   for those women who give themselves totally to God. Life in the novitiate was full of
Sisters of Mercy graciously admitted them at a lower rate.                                                Mother, mentor and model                          surprises and challenges, joys and sorrows, great and small. The large group of lively and
And since the school was within walking distance from home,                                              09/19/1926 - 04/10/2021                            energetic young women provided many instances for the new Postulant to put into practice
a bit of money was saved which would otherwise have been                                                                                                    her mother’s advice of earlier years. When she was tempted to complain or criticize she
spent on carfare.
                                                                                                                Profession Motto                            would hear her Mom say, “Don’t scold! After all, you are sisters.” Time passed quickly, and
                                                                                                    “I am Who Am, thou art which is not.”                   soon, postulant Irene Mary received the white habit of St. Dominic and the new name of
Their father was determined that both girls would go to                                                                  Dialogue, St. Catherine of Siena   “Sister Mary of Mercy” on September 25, 1949. The merciful Mother, Our Lady of
college. Once graduated, he said, they could choose whatever                                                                                                Guadalupe, became her special patroness.
career they wished. Even if one of them chose to enter the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cont. on page 6
                                                      4                                                                                                                                             5
SR. MARY OF MERCY cont. from page 5
                                                                                                                                                                          2021 ROSARY TRIDUUM - OCTOBER 1- 3
Life was good and as                                                                      There was some
Sister continued to learn                                                                 question about her                                                         Dear Friends;
more about the faith, the                                                                 ability to sustain the                                                     Some say that, “Holding the rosary is like holding the hand of our Blessed Mother.” This
practice of the virtues                                                                   continual use of her                                                       year again our Rosary Triduum celebration will be simple. However, we trust that our
and the obligations of a                                                                  eyes in chanting the                                                       Mother is reaching out her hand to each of us in these challenging days. So let us grasp
vowed, religious life, her                                                                Psalms in the Divine
                                                                                                                                                                     her out-stretched hand by praying her Rosary together.
desire to spend the rest of                                                               Office since she was
her life totally committed                                                                born with Nystagmus, a                                                     On Friday, October 1st and Saturday, October 2nd you are invited to join the Nuns at
to God as a Cloistered                                                                    condition of involuntary                                                   4:00 PM to pray the Rosary and Evening Prayer of the Divine Office concluding with
Dominican Nun only                                                                        eye movement that                                                          Benediction. On October 3rd, Rosary Sunday, please come to pray the Rosary at
increased.                                                                                caused, among other                                                        10:30 AM followed by the celebration of Holy Mass and the Blessing of Roses.
Novice Sr. Mary of Mercy pronounced her                                                   things, reduced vision.                      If you are unable to join us, perhaps you can take a few minutes to hold your rosary, pray the Triduum prayer and
First Vows on December 8, 1950, and                                But no matter, Irene Mary had always been an                        share your needs and desires with our Mother. Please remember us to her and we will include you in our prayers, too.
Solemn Vows on December 8, 1953.                                              avid reader and would continue to
                                                   CLOISTER                                                                            Any written intentions sent to us will be place in a basket before the Blessed Sacraments in the Nuns’ Choir.
                                                                              be so up until the last weeks before
                                      Here Eternal Beauty,                                                                                            May our gracious Mother hear the prayers from your hearts and grant them, Sr. Mary Peter & Sisters
                                      Shrine of His throne on earth,
                                                                              her death. More on that later. Sight
                                      Drawing, compelling, loving;            impaired, she made constant use of
                                      All giving; all asking in return.       a magnifying glass which she wore
                                      Peace tranquilizing,                    around her neck so that it was
                                      Joy sense could never share,            always handy.
                                      Love agonizing                          As a young Professed sister,
                                      Till all surrendered, conquered,        Sr. Mary of Mercy fulfilled many
                                      Hushed                                  other duties in the community,
                                      Save love, save Love.                   among them being head of the
                                      See, Eternal Beauty.                    Altar Bread Department:
                                      Approaching near the vision of His      overseeing the baking, cutting,
                                      Face                                    packing and distribution of altar
                                      Not in the light of glory               breads to parishes throughout the
                                      Yet in the dawn of faith.                                                                                                             EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL SWEEPSTAKES
                                      Glow of His Beauty
                                                                              Early on, she was also the Mistress                             It’s Sweepstakes time again at the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament! The proceeds of this
                                      Seeing and sharing -
                                                                              of the Lay Sisters, a group of nuns
                                      Mothering Christ,                                                                                   annual event help us to maintain our Monastery and the grounds. They provide us with peace of
                                      Christ in His members -                 who opted to serve by keeping .
                                                                              house, cooking and doing other                              mind in the event that unexpected needs arise. And most importantly they allows us to continue our
                                      Fruit of a heart in labour
                                      Bearing a world to grace.               domestic chores. They were a jovial                         life of intercessory prayer and praise before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Now she was His forever! !            Yet love proves in fruitfulness -       bunch and Sister Mary of Mercy
                                                                              made sure that they had ample time                             So once again we turn to you, our faithful friends, to support our 2021 Sweepstakes effort.
Her whole life, henceforth, would be  And pain the price of birth,
dedicated to singing the Lord’s       Since Eve's transgression,                                                                          Enclosed in this issue of Echoes you will find nine tickets, which we believe the Lord will use, with your
praises in the Divine Office.         For daughters of earth                                                                              help, to make this year’s Sweepstakes a great success.
Interceding for His people by day     Pain not of body
                                      Sorrow of spirit                                                                                        As in the past, the grand prize will be $1,000.00. There will be
and by night as she prayed before the
Blessed Sacrament, perpetually        Crushed                                                                                             one second prize of $500.00 and five $100.00 prizes for the third place.
exposed in our chapel.                A grace-distilling pain
                                          Distilling rain                                                                                                  The drawing will take place after our 7:15 AM Mass
Early on, Sister was singled out to be    For thirsty souls,
one of the Chantresses of the             Souls                                                                                                                             on Thanksgiving Day
community, meaning that she would         For thirsting Spouse.                 for recreation and fun - with the
lead the Nuns in chanting the Divine      Come ye to Me and drink                                                                                        You need not be present or make a donation to be eligible to win,
                                                                                dog or even when they were peeling
Office by intoning the hymns and          Spouse of the Font of Live,           vegetables or canning huge loads of                                                but we would really love to have you here.
starting off the Antiphons and            Place here an eager mouth             peaches or tomatoes that arrived                               Please, REMEMBER to write, on every ticket, the name, address and phone number of the person
Psalms. A duty she loved and              And draw of grace of peace, of love   from our friends and benefactors.
embraced with enthusiasm and care         But first                             (Today, many amazing people, like them,
                                                                                                                                               entering the Sweepstakes. You can’t be a winner if your information is not on the ticket drawn!
for many, many years. Singing was         A sword.                              still bless our table with good things!)
prayer in song and pray, she did.              Sr. Mary of Mercy, o.p.          Sister’s story will be continued in the next Echoes.                              “We thank our God every time we remember you. ” Philippians 1:3
                                                         6                                                                                                                                        7
echoes                                   is published four times a year for the friends of the Dominican Cloistered
                                         Nuns, Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament, 29575 Middlebelt Road,
                                         Farmington Hills MI 48334-2311

                                                           WEB ADDRESS:
                                                           Donate on-line via PayPal or “Givng”
                                                               Prayer Line: 248-626-8253

                                                                     SEE IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                    IN THE CROSSING OF MY ARMS page 1

                                                   MOTHER, MENTOR AND MODEL                       page 4 - 6

You may donate on-line via PayPal at and please consider remembering us in your will.

                                          ROSARY TRIDUUM - OCTOBER 1, 2 AND 3
     Please join us for Three Days of prayer and petition.
                                                                                                     Father of holiness, for the journey
       4:00 PM Friday & Saturday - October 1 & 2 we will:                                             of your pilgrim Church on earth,
                             PRAY THE ROSARY,                                                               you have provided the
                        RECITE THE TRIDUUM PRAYER                                                    Virgin Mary as a sign and beacon.
                      PRAY AND CHANT EVENING PRAYER                                                  Through her intercession, hear our
                        CONCLUDE WITH BENEDICTION                                                      petitions, sustain our faith and
                                                                                                          enliven our hope, that no
                  10:30 AM Sunday - October 3 we will:                                              obstacle may divert us from the road
                              PRAY THE ROSARY,                                                            which brings us salvation.
                         RECITE THE TRIDUUM PRAYER                                                  Grant this through Christ Our Lord.
                           CELEBRATE HOLY MASS                                                                      Amen.
     On Friday and Saturday, the Chapel will open from 7:00 AM for 7:15 AM daily Mass                 * Please unite with us spiritually by praying
                                                                                                            the rosary at home if you are
                     On Sunday, our Chapel will open at 9:00 AM for Mass
                                                                                                         unable to be us in our Chapel during
                       There will be no 7:15 AM Mass on Rosary Sunday.                                          our Rosary Triduum.
The Chapel closes daily at 2:30 PM, reopening at 3:45 PM on Fri. & Sat. for the Rosary Triduum.

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