St.Rose Lima Catholic Church

Page created by Allen Armstrong
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Masses                                              B         U        L        L       E            T       I       N
Saturday Evening: 5:15pm


8:00 am, 10am (livestreamed mass at 10:00am)
and 12:00pm and
You Tube-YouTube,St.RoseR.C.Church

Weekday Mornings:
7:30am and 9:00am

Saturday Mornings:
Confessions (Reconciliation):
Weekdays following 9:00am mass and
Saturdays between 4:00-5:00pm

                                               Catholic Church
Pastoral Team
Rev. Kenneth M. Zach

Rev. Allan Arneaud
Rev. Christopher Sullivan                      Sunday, June 20, 2021
Dcn. Michael Gambardella                       2 BAYVIEW AVENUE MASSAPEQUA NY 11758   516-798-4992
Dcn. Francis B. McGuinness

Brian Jensen

Gracemarie Rozea, Coordinator

John Buckel

Rev. Kenneth M. Zach
Helen Gavin
Sean Cotter
Michael Gambardella
Mary Beth Koslap-Petraco
James Shea
Kelly Baroletti
Theresa Walsh

Ben Di Venti, CPA
Daniel G. Mazzola, CFA
Patrick Garguilo, CPA
Matthew Baroletti

       2 Bayview Avenue
       Massapequa, NY
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Two                                    Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                               June 20, 2021
      Welcome to our Faithful Parishioners and                               MASSES FOR THE WEEK
        All Those who may be ‘Just Visiting’

           Jesus washed the feet of his apostles at the Last        Mon., 6/21         St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious
Supper as a sign of loving service, instructing them “as I             7:30 For all Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
have done this to you so must you do for one another.” We                     Novena
as a family of faith strive to live this commandment of love
                                                                       9:00 Jeffrey P. DeMarco
in doing all that we can to welcome you as we invite you to
be an active member of this community.                              Tue., 6/22         St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Sts.
           Welcome new parishioners! If you are new to our          John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs
parish, I invite you to introduce yourself to me or any of the         7:30 Clement Hudson
other priests after Sunday Mass. Even though we are a                  9:00 For All Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
large parish, we make every effort to come to know you and                    Novena
your family personally so that we may be better able to             Wed., 6/23         Weekday
serve you. If you would like to register, please see the               7:30 For All Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
Welcome section on the homepage of our website                                Novena
( for details.        - Fr Ken                      9:00 Edna Paris and Family
                                                                    Thu., 6/24         The Nativity of St. John the
           WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE                               Baptist
                                           7:30 Thomas & Leah McGrane
             YouTube, St.RoseR.C.Church
                                                                       9:00 For All Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
                                                                    Fri., 6/25         Weekday
                    PHONE NUMBERS                                      7:30 For All Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
Rectory……………………………….……798-4992                                                Novena
Rectory Fax………..………………….…...795-7836                                   9:00 Josephine Kennedy
Parish Outreach Office………….….…….798-4954                            Sat., 6/26         Weekday
School Office…………..…………….….....541-1546                                8:00 Charles French, Michael Bifalco,
  (4704 Merrick Road, Massapequa)
Office of Faith Formation.…………….…541-1712
                                                                              Justin Fusco, For All Those Enrolled in the
  Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm                            Father’s Day Novena
  (located next to Outreach, in Convent)                            Sat., 6/26         Vigil: Thirteenth Sunday in
Youth Ministry……………………………798-4992                                   Ordinary Time
CYO………………………………………..709-0260                                           5:15 Mass for the People
                                                                    Sun., 6/27         Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary
BAPTISM:          Congratulations on the birth of your child!          8:00 John Peter Haile, Jr.
Baptisms are celebrated Sundays at 2:00 pm in the Church;             10:00 For All Those Enrolled in the Father’s Day
other times may be available to accommodate Covid                             Novena, Margaret Mazze,
restrictions. Requirements: an initial interview with a priest or             Stephen E. Norman, Mary Ann Mazzola,
deacon; a Baptism preparation course; a copy of your child’s                  Robert Birney, John Shanahan,
birth certificate and Sponsor Certificate(s). Please go to the
Baptism section of our website ( under                     Rita Irene Hillin, Mauro DiBartolomeo,
Sacraments for full details and a Fillable Form required to get               For the Intention of Thomas Elliott,
started. The date for your child’s baptism can be set once these              For the Intention of Sean Cotter
requirements are met.                                                 12:00 Mary Rinaldi
RECONCILIATION: Come and experience God’s mercy.
Saturdays 4:00-5:00 pm; Monday-Friday after the 9:00 am
Mass or by appointment.

MARRIAGE: Congratulations on your engagement! To begin
your journey, please go to the Marriage section of our website
( under Sacraments for full details and a
fillable Registration Form used to schedule an appointment
with a priest or deacon. No date for a wedding will be set by
phone. Couples must make arrangements in person at least six
months in advance, and only after all consultations are
complete. It is recommended that you set your date with the
church before you contract with a caterer.
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Three                           Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                              June 20, 2021

                                  Fr. Ken’s Corner
Dear Sisters and Brothers of Saint Rose of Lima Parish,

As we celebrate this Father’s Day Weekend, I think today’s Gospel is one of those ‘secret’ insights of the
relationship that Jesus has with his apostles. We know from Mark’s gospel that as Jesus used parables to
teach the crowds about the Kingdom of God, he later explained the meaning of the parables to these 12
intimate followers so that they might understand the deeper truths of his teachings in private. They must
have felt especially privileged to be the sharers of this “inside” information not shared with the crowds.
Now, as they are sailing across the Sea of Galilee and the violent storm breaks upon them, these closest
associates of Jesus are less like disciples and more like little boys begging help from their father.

Certainly, at least some of the apostles – Peter and Andrew, James and John - were fishermen. They must
have experienced this type of violent weather before. Yet this storm is so powerful, that even the
experienced sailors among them are afraid they are starting to sink. Join me for a moment in picturing them
working with all their might to guide their little boat while Jesus, in the stern of the boat, is asleep on a

First, imagine how exhausted Jesus must have been to remain sleeping while their craft is being toss about by
wind and wave, so that as the Gospel tells us, the boat was already filling up (with water). Next, think of
how frightened the apostles must have been to wake him and complain, “Teacher, do you not care that we
are perishing?” It is almost as if after seeing various miracles that Jesus had already performed, they actually
expected him to do something to save them. But what did they expect him to do? Help them start bailing?
Grab hold of the mast and help with directing the boat? Third, after Jesus indeed wakes, he “rebuked the
wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be Still!”, they were filled with awe and they ask, “Who then is this whom
even the wind and sea obey?” Now they know that Jesus is something more than a teacher. Jesus is more
than a Father Figure. And Our Lord encourages this wonder. Even in the midst of the danger of sinking,
Jesus wants them to learn who he truly is.

Today, Jesus asks us the same question, “WHY are you terrified? Do you not yet have FAITH? As little
children, we have faith in our physical, adopted and step-fathers to watch over us, to keep us safe and protect
us. They provide food and a place to live. They teach us and play with us. And yet, somehow as we
become teenagers, many children don’t want that same closeness. We become smarter, we drift away and
many times that separation exists until we get into trouble and need their help. Consider that many of us
have a parallel relationship with Our Heavenly Father. As children, we turn to God with our every need;
whenever someone we love is very sick and when we want a special favor. And for some people, if God
doesn’t answer their prayers in the way they expect, they drift away or turn away angry.

On this Father’s Day, let us try to remember the good, the virtuous, the beautiful times we shared with our
fathers, whether they’re still alive or deceased. Let us recall the moments they helped us, comforted us,
prayed with us. And if that father/child relationship has turned somewhat sour, let us not hold a grudge, let
us not hold onto any hurts, but let us realize that too many times the words, “I love you, I forgive you”
remain buried in our throats until it is too late to say or hear them. A HAPPY AND BLESSED FATHER’S

This is the last of over 900 columns over the past 18 years as both your associate and
pastor. I started with the “Saint of the Week” and “Liturgy Look” under Fr. Dan, and
I have enjoyed sharing spiritual insights and theological thoughts. I hope that you have
enjoyed reading them and in some small way, they have brought you closer to Christ.
                                      Farewell, in the Peace and Joy of Jesus – Fr. Ken
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Four                            Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                            June 20, 2021

                                  REMEMBERING LOVED ONES

                      The Tabernacle Flowers displayed this week were donated in celebration
                  of the marriage of Danielle Truzzolino and Christopher Pupke - June 19, 2021 -
                                      with love from Jerry and Angela Truzzolino.
                        The Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers displayed this week were donated
                             in memory of Kenneth Bryers - 1st Father’s Day in Heaven -
                             with love from your wife Diane, Children and Grandchildren.
                           The St. Joseph’s Altar Flowers displayed this week were donated
                                    in loving memory of Angelina and Angelo Fonte,
                                      with love from Anne and Peter DeLaurentis.
                        The Bread and Wine consecrated for the weekend masses was donated
                      in loving memory of Alice and Joe DeBonis - Happy Father’s Day, Dad -
                                   with love from your Children and Grandchildren.
                        The Bread and Wine consecrated for the weekday masses was donated
            in loving memory of Brian Garceau on his 39th Birthday in Heaven - Anchored with love -
                                              from Mom, Dad and Chrissy.
                                           The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week
                                   in loving memory of Anthony Joseph Contorno,
                                              with love from Mom and Dad.
                                           The Altar Candles are lit this week
                        in loving memory of Joseph Grosso - Happy Father’s Day in Heaven,
                                               My love always, Josephine.

       Welcome to the Newly-Baptized                       In Your Prayers, Remember the Sick…

                                                                 Jonathon Brachfeld, Virginia Conkling,
                                                                     Eugene Ferencik, Marie Haas,
                                                                Jacqueline Houlihan, Donald McCauley,
                                                                      Aidan Miller, Edna Multer,
                        Valentina Audrey Archipolo                          Eileen Peterson
                         Charlotte Jane Armento
                              Emily Jean Lett
                         Jake Justice McNamara
                        Madeline Carmela Mirabelli              Please Pray for the Souls of the
                          Annabella Trina Pena                        Recently Deceased

                                                                   Santa Walsh
                                                                  Charles Denni
                                                                  Arthur Stile, Jr.
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Five                             Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                         June 20, 2021

                         Dear Parishioners of
                         St. Rose of Lima Parish,
                                                                             Wedding Banns
                       On this Father’s Day Weekend,
                       may I again express my sincere
                       thanks for the beautiful                                 1st Time
relationship we have had over the past 13 years of my             Daniel Randazzo & Olivia Cariddi,
pastorate.                                                             both of St. Rose of Lima
                                                             Joseph Ferrero, St. Kilian, Farmingdale, NY &
Like the great first baseman Lou Gehrig – I do feel that       Alexandra Swartz, St. James, Seaford, NY
I have been the luckiest man on the face of the earth                Dan Brown, Rosedale, NY &
over that time.                                               Jacqueline Valentine, St. Rose of Lima
We had our ups and downs (Superstorm Sandy), but                                2nd Time
we’ve always come together stronger and better. And I              Alex Woloshin, St. Rose of Lima &
will miss the easy camaraderie we’ve enjoyed. All I             Lauren McKnight, St. James, Seaford, NY
learned here, I hope will make me an even better            Nelson Cerqueira, Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY &
Shepherd in Holbrook. As I keep you in my prayers,          Taylor Lucania, St. Thomas More, Hauppauge, NY
please remember me in yours.
                                                                               3rd Time
I will be sending individual thank you notes as I settle        Alex Tetenes, St. Joseph, Babylon, NY &
into the routine of Good Shepherd parish, and I hope to             Nicole Hedgis, St. Rose of Lima
invite you to my installation as pastor when that date is         Shiro Nochisaki, Hauppauge, NY &
set.                                                             Nicole McLaughlin, St. Rose of Lima
May Our Father bless you with the peace of Jesus in the
power of the Holy Spirit.

                                     - Fr. Ken




                                                                     First Saturday Rosary and
                     June 13, 2021

            $17619.00        Weekly Offering                            Devotional Prayers
             11,237.00       Online Giving
            $28,856.00                                            will be held on Saturday, July 3
        2020 Collection          $20,614.00                    at 7:15 am before the 8:00 am Mass.

            $18,139.00      Weekly Offering                               Please Join Us!
              5,971.00      Online Giving
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                         June 20, 2021
Page Six


                    Fr. Gerard Gentleman, who will be our new Pastor,
                    and Fr. Anthony Saliba, our new Associate Pastor.
                        The will each arrive on Wednesday, June 23.

                                   Fr. Gerard comes to us from Holy Family Parish
                                     in Hicksville, where he has served as pastor
                                                   for the past 12 years.

           Fr. Anthony comes to us originally from the
                country of Malta, but has served
            at St. Raphael’s Parish in East Meadow,
            as an associate pastor for the past 5 years.

                                                         Second Collection

                                       Next weekend we will take up the Peter’s Pence collection
                                             which benefits the victims of war, oppression
                                                   and disasters around the world.
                                             Please be as generous as your means allow.
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Seven   Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time   June 20, 2021
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Eight                           Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                             June 20, 2021

Every day, people in our community are helped because of support from funds raised through
the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Today, consider a Dad like James. James saw information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal at
his local parish, and he knew he had to turn to the Church for help since he had nowhere else to
go. James had been gainfully employed for more than 10 years when he began to fall ill. Soon his
medical issues made it impossible for him to keep working and he was forced to go out on disabil-

After paying the co-pays on his medications, his family's rent and utilities bills, James had very
little left to purchase food and other necessities for his family.

It was hard for him to ask for help, but with nowhere else to turn, he did. Catholic Charities
found him a specialist who assessed the family's needs and directed them to appropriate resources
in their community. He went to his Parish Outreach, where his family received food that allowed
them to make it through the month. James and his family received the help they so desperately

Today, James is back to work and the family is doing well. "I am so thankful that I know there is
somewhere I can turn, where there are people that care, people I can talk to, if I am ever in such a
situation again," shared James.
              Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in the lives of others.
     Make checks payable to:
     Catholic Ministries Appeal

     Parish __________________________________              Pledge:                    $_______

     Name ___________________________________               Down payment:     $_______
     City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________
     Phone: ________________________ Signature: _____________________________Date:________

                                                THANK YOU!
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Nine                                  Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                              June 20, 2021

    Office of Faith Formation
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 2 pm
Phone: 541-1712
                                                                 St. Rose of Lima
Facebook: St. Rose of Lima Office of Faith Formation
                                                                 Parish Outreach

       7th & 8th Grade Paperwork Reminders
 Please submit any outstanding Confirmation paper-
   work to the Office of Faith Formation. Mail to:
     4702 Merrick Road, Massapequa, NY 11758
    Faith Formation Registration 2021-2022
                                                                   Thank you to St. Rose School Student Council for
 STANDARD REGISTRATION RATES ARE IN EFFECT                         organizing the Summer of Fun Beach Pails event.
Registration information for the 2021-2022 school year                Thanks to the students and their families for
 has been mailed. Standard rate registration fees are in                     donating over 60 beach pails!
  effect. The fees are as follows: One child - $210.00,
    Two children - $280.00, Three or more children -                  Outreach wishes to extend our
                         $320.00                                  thanks to Fr. Ken for his support and
                Catechist discount $50.00                            guidance throughout the years.
             Registration closes on June 22                              We are especially grateful
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                             for his support during
           Catechists Needed for 2021-2022                              the height of the pandemic,
 We are in need of volunteers willing to share their faith          filling & distributing bags of food
 with our parish children in Grades 1 through 6 for both
                                                                          to our families in need.
  our home program, Tuesday and Saturday program.
                                                                 We wish him well in his new assignment
 Please contact Grace in the Office of Faith Formation at
                      541-1712 x241.                                and will keep him in our prayers.
                                                                  Thank you for your amazing generosity!
        ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS                           Here are the most needed items this week:
 You can earn your school service time by serving as a
                                                                                   Peanut butter
 catechist at St. Rose of Lima. If you are interested or
 would like more information, please contact Grace at                                  Cereal
                     541-1712 x241                                                 Bottled water
                                                                 Juice - boxes & bottles (yes we ask every week!)
                 Attention Catechists
If you haven’t already, all Catechist manuals and attend-         Snacks (yes we ask for these every week too!)
  ance sheets must be returned at this time. Please re-
                                                                                 Spaghetti sauce
turn all items to the Office of Faith Formation, Monday -
            Thursday from 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM.                                        Toothpaste
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                        Tissues
                        Search for: St. Rose of Lima Office of       Donations may be dropped off at Outreach
                          Faith Formation and click ‘Like’                 Monday - Wednesday 9 - 2
                         our messages will come directly to                   or in the Church bins.
                                  your newsfeed!
                                                                   Thank You for loving your neighbor!
St.Rose Lima Catholic Church
Page Ten                                  Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time                       June 20, 2021

                             ...and around the diocese

Camp Quo Vadis - This year, Camp Quo Vadis returns as
a one-day, in-person rally at St. Anthony’s High School.
All youth , current 8th-12th graders (2020-2021 school
year) are invited to join for a day of powerful talks,
inspiring music, games and recreation, and incredible
experiences of prayer and Sacrament.          For more
information, visit or you can
register by

Pastoral Letter - This year marks the 500-year anniversary
of Ignatius’ wounding and spiritual conversion in
Pamplona, Spain. Bishop Barres has written a Pastoral
Letter introducing the Ignatian Year and several of our
diocesan priests are working on a series of reflections that
will come out over the course of the year that begin an
exploration of the life and legacy of St. Ignatius. They will
connect the Ignatian legacy with our legacy in 2021. You
can read Fr. Michael Bissex’ Pastoral Reflection and
Bishop Barres’ Pastoral Letter on St. Rose’s website,
Facebook page or on the Diocesan website at

Pro-Life Face the Truth - On Saturday, July 3 from 2:00
pm to 3:30 pm on the public sidewalk along Route 347 in
Lake Grove, there will be a public gathering to take a stand
to declare that the right to life starts in the womb. Pro-
lifers are asked to join this Face the Truth event to be a
witness against the tragedy of abortion. Sponsored by
Long Island Coalition for Life, 631-243-1435.

Sports Camp - Holy Trinity High School is hosting a
summer camp this summer for various sports. For
information, call 516-433-2577 or visit the website at

                                                                Death of Fr. Collins’ sister Christiana
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