COVID-19 Fasten the Nutrients!! Flatten the Pandemic!! - Core Contribution of Medical Nutrition ...

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Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
                                                                                   Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-Sept. 2020
Short Communication                                                                           P-ISSN: 2456-9321

   Fasten the Nutrients!! Flatten the Pandemic!! -
 Core Contribution of Medical Nutrition Therapy in
                                              V. Bhavani
                      Dietician, ESIC Medical College and Hospital, KK Nagar, Chennai

ABSTRACT                                                sufficient sleep, with good life style habits help
                                                        in sound mind and healthy body leading to
Currently the whole World in one perspective            disease free life.
fighting against the new pandemic situation rose
due to prevalence of Covid-19. Lot of                   Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Nutrition,
researches is evolving about the role of                Medical Nutrition Therapy
Nutrition in Covid-19. Even though there is no
consistent data supporting the direct role of           INTRODUCTION
Nutrition in Covid-19, there are many research                  Adequate and appropriate nutrition
across the world proved that many nutrients             is required for all cells to function
plays a vital role in betterment of the condition       optimally. This includes the cells in the
by improving the immunity. Nutrition is a
                                                        immune system too. The immune system
science required for a healthy life. The present
research paper explored about Medical Nutrition         demands for energy and nutrients. This can
Therapy among Covid-19 patients and the role            be met from exogenous sources such as the
of various nutrients in boosting up the immunity        diet, or from endogenous sources such as
and preventing the respiratory infections.              body stores. Some micronutrients and
Medical Nutrition Therapy is a branch of Life           dietary components have very specific roles
Science which helps in Patient Management.              in the development and maintenance of an
Nutritional assessment tools such as R-MAPP:            effective immune system throughout the life
Remote Malnutrition in Primary Practice and             course or in reducing chronic inflammation.
Eat-10 questionnaires are used among Covid-19           World Health Organization (WHO), 2020,
patients. Micro nutrients like Vitamin A, C, D,         states that “viral infections are one of the
E, Selenium, Iron, Zinc are reported to act
                                                        world’s greatest public health challenges”.
against respiratory Infections. These are
immune Nutrients which is said to have anti             The WHO guidance on diet, especially
viral properties. Consumption of these immune           during the current pandemic states that
nutrients helps to protect from any respiratory         “good nutrition is crucial for health,
infections. Proper hydration helps decrease             particularly in times when the immune
nasal irritation when coughing, sneezing and            system might need to fight back”1.
even just breathing. Traditional foods are nature       According to The European Journal of
gift which are loaded with immense immune               Clinical Nutrition, “Without adequate
nutrients and supports the well being. Multi            nutrition, the immune system is clearly
Vitamin Tablets can be consumed with the                deprived of the components needed to
prescription of the physician. Meditation/ yoga/        generate an effective immune response” 2.
Aerobics can be practiced regularly with
                                                        Good nutrition is thus important in
sufficient sleep for 7 to 8 hours per day. The
present study recommends “APP” to fight                 supporting an optimum immune system
against this pandemic situation: A- Adequate            which can reduce the risk of viral
Nutrition, P-Physical Activity, P-Proper Sleep.         infections3. Nutrition care is vital,
Well-balanced diet, periodic physical activity,         particularly in patients with COVID-19

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infections. Nutritional status and nutritional            27 kcal per kg body weight per day for
care plays a very relevant role in defining                adults above 65 years with polymorbid
both short- and long-term outcomes of                      conditions
Covid -19 patients.                                       30 kcal per kg body weight per day for
                                                           severely under nourished, polymorbid
NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENTS                                    patients. Target should be reached
DURING COVID 19                                            cautiously and slowly due to high risk
        Lei Zhang, 2020 insisted that                     Non-intubated ICU patients: If the
nutritional status of each covid -19 infected              energy target is not reached with an oral
patient should be evaluated before the                     diet, Oral Nutritional Supplement (ONS)
administration of general treatments4..                    should be considered first and then
 R MAAP: is simple and rapid remote                       switch over to Enteral Nutrition (EN)
    nutritional screening tool has been                    treatment. If there are limitations for the
    developed exclusively for this covid 19                enteral route it could be advised to
    pandemic. The acronym for the tool is                  prescribe peripheral Parenteral Nutrition
    R-MAPP,          as      for Remote      –             (PN).
     Malnutrition APP, while the tool is                  Energy administration: hypocaloric
    being developed as an app. Since the                   nutrition, not exceeding 70 % of EE
    tool is designed for the family                        should be administered in the early
    physicians in the conditions of remote                 phase of acute illness with increments
    patient care, it can also stand for Remote             up to 80-100% after day 3. If predictive
    – Malnutrition in the Primary Practice.                equations are used to estimate the
    This tool is used as a combination of                  energy need, hypocaloric nutrition < 70
    MUST and SARC-F. The First three                       % estimated needs should be preferred
    steps used in ‘MUST’ to assess the risk                over isocaloric nutrition for the first
    of malnutrition which includes (a) body                week of ICU stay.
    mass index (BMI), (b) unintentional                   Intubated ICU patients : In ICU patients
    weight loss, and (c)acute disease effect               who do not tolerate full dose EN during
    is evaluated. Secondly, to assess the loss             the first week, initiate parenteral
    of muscle mass and functions, SARC-F                   nutrition (PN) 7
    questionnaire can be used as a rapid
    diagnostic test for sarcopenia. This is              Protein:
    based only on muscle contractile                      1 g protein per kg body weight per day
    performance items such as strength,                     in older persons. This is individually
    assistance with walking, rise from a                    adjusted with regard to Nutritional
    chair, climb stairs and falls5 .Based upon              status, physical activity level, disease
    the nutritional scores, Nutrition care                  status and tolerance
    plan for the patients should be                       ≥ 1 g protein per kg body weight per day
    prescribed tailored made.                               in polymorbid medical conditions. This
 EAT-10: questionnaire is an easy                          is to prevent body weight loss, reduce
    swallowing screening tool consisting of                 the risk of complications and hospital
    ten questions that could also be included               readmission and improve functional
    in the remote evaluation of patients with               outcome.
    dysphagia6                                            Intubated ICU patients: During critical
                                                            illness, 1.3 g per kg body weight of
MACRO AND MICRO NUTRITIONAL                                 protein equivalents per day can be
REQUIREMENTS                                                delivered progressively7.
 30 kcal per kg body weight per day for                    Regular consumption of egg whites,
   adults                                                milk and milk products, dhals, nuts whey

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water helps to improve the protein                       wheat bread, millets such as ragi, barley,
consumption. Covid-19 patients on High                   bajra rather than refined grain foods such as
protein liquid should be given milk, dhal                white pasta and white bread.
water (well cooked, mashed and filtered                  Fluids: Water is part of every cell in the
dhal), whey water, nuts milk shake.                      body. When the body is sick with the flu or
Diseases specific Nutritional supplements                any type of virus, there are common
can be recommended by Registered                         symptoms             that      can        lead
Dietician .Based on the General guidelines,              to dehydration including      fever,    cough,
the diet must be tailored made based on the              diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite.
co-morbid conditions.                                    When there is in sufficient fluids, body may
Fat and carbohydrates: adapted to energy                 have      difficulty      in regulating    the
needs, fat-to-carbohydrate energy                        temperature. Even small fluid losses can
ratio 30:70 (no respiratory deficiency) to               contribute to increased body temperatures.
50:50 percent (ventilated patients) 7 .                  Proper hydration helps decrease nasal
Non ICU patients and Non Covid                           irritation when coughing, sneezing and even
conditions:                                              just breathing.
Sugars: WHO recommends that ideally                      Consumption of fluid is very essential.
only less than 5% of total energy intake for             Consume fluids as buttermilk, clear soups,
adults should come from free sugars (about               tender coconut water, rice water, barley
6 teaspoons). When other dessert options                 water, dhal water, whey water, fresh juice
are chosen, ensure that they are low in sugar            without sugar, lemon juice with pinch of salt
and consume small portions. In case of                   and pepper, herbal tea, ‘panagam’, a
Diabetics, completely avoid sugary items                 traditional South Indian liquid made with
such as sugar beverages, sweets, squashes,               plain water, jaggery and few drops of
pastries, bakery foods.                                  lemon. Avoid drinking large amounts of
Sodium: WHO recommends consuming                         strong coffee, strong tea and carbonated
less than 5 g of salt per day. In order to               beverages. These may lead to dehydration
achieve this, prioritize foods with reduced              and can negatively impact sleeping patterns.
or no added salt. Consider rinsing canned                Sipping hot water regularly helps to sooth
foods such as vegetables and beans, to                   the throat.
remove some of the excess sodium. Add                    Vitamin A: Vitamin A is also called
lemon juice and herbs to enhance taste and               “anti‐infective”, and it acts as against
flavor. Avoid adding extra salt when                     infection depend on an adequate supply.
cooking and to your meals at the table.                  Semba et al had reported that vitamin A
Avoid consuming processed and preserved                  supplementation reduced morbidity and
such as pickles, pappads.                                mortality in different infectious diseases,
Fiber: Dietary fiber is defined as “the                  such as measles, diarrheal disease,
portion of food derived from the plant cells,            measles‐related         pneumonia,      human
which is resistant to hydrolysis/ digestion by           immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,
the elementary enzymes system in the                     and malaria8. Vitamin A is abundant in all
human being”. It consists of hemicellulose,              colored vegetables and fruits like papaya,
cellulose, lignin, oligosaccharides, pectin,             pumpkin, greens, oranges, tomato, carrot,
gums, and waxes. Fiber contributes to a                  mangos.
healthy digestive system and offers a                    Vitamin C: Vitamin C is best known for its
prolonged feeling of fullness, which helps               antioxidant properties and support healthy
prevent overeating. To ensure an adequate                immune function. This vitamin is water
fiber intake, aim to include vegetables, fruit,          soluble and cannot be stored in the body.
pulses and wholegrain foods, greens in all               The vital role of vitamin C involves in Iron
meals. Wholegrains foods include oats,                   absorption. It also benefits to increase WBC
brown pasta and rice, quinoa and whole-                  activity and platelets counts. That is the

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reason we provide vitamin C rich foods                   Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays an essential
during dengue. Vitamin C is also given                   role in the immune system. Vitamin D
during common cold. During infection,                    inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory
vitamin C levels can become depleted and a               cytokines and increases the production of
person’s requirement for vitamin C                       anti-inflammatory cytokines.          In the
increases with the severity of the infection9.           randomized           trials          and meta-
An Indian study, conducted in Chennai city               analysis, vitamin D supplementation has
showed the deficient intake of Vitamin C                 been shown to have protective effects
consumption. It was observed that Vitamin                against respiratory      tract     infections;
C consumption was less than the                          therefore, people who are at higher risk
recommended levels. The mean vitamin C                   of vitamin D deficiency during this global
intake was found to be 22 ±3.3 milligrams                pandemic should consider taking vitamin D
in male and 24 ±3.8 milligrams in female                 supplements to maintain the circulating
whereas the recommended value is 40                      25(OH)D in the optimal levels (75–125
milligrams per day 10. It is essential to meet           nmol/L)12 .In Belgium, a retrospective
the requirements to boost the immunity.                  observational study consisted of 186
A meta-analysis of 18 controlled clinical                positive cases and 2717 negative controls,
trials with a more than 2000 patients to                 reported a significant (p = 0.0016) low
evaluate the effect of vitamin C on length of            median of vitamin D in COVID-19 patients
stay in the hospital ICU and the duration of             compared to the control subjects 13. An
mechanical ventilation was performed. In 12              Indonesian retrospective      cohort    study
of the trials reviewed, length of ICU stay               included 780 cases reported that older and
was reduced by 7.8% in patients receiving                male cases with pre-existing medical
vitamin C. In six trials, the length of ICU              conditions and below-normal vitamin D
stay was reduced by 8.6% following oral                  levels are associated with higher odds of
administration of vitamin C in doses of 1–3              death 14 . A retrospective study in the
g/day. In three trials in which patients                 mainland of USA included a large number
needed mechanical ventilation for over 24                of cases demonstrated that Sunlight and
hours vitamin C shortened the duration of                vitamin D, with latitude as an indicator,
mechanical ventilation by 18.2% 11.                      possibly associated with reduced risks for
A new Randomized clinical trial to test                  both COVID-19 cases and mortality15.
high-dose intravenous vitamin C (24g/ day                The abundant and nature gift of Vitamin D
for 7 days) in patients with COVID-19 has                is sun rays. Exposure to sun rays between
begun in Wuhan, China. They will assess                  11 am to 3 pm is recommended to get
requirements for mechanical ventilation and              Vitamin D. The food rich in Vitamin D are
vasopressor drugs, organ failure scores, ICU             egg yolk, fish oils, milk and milk product.
length of stay and 28-day mortality 9. The               Vitamin D fortified foods such as oil, wheat
best sources of Vitamin C are amla, guava,               flour can be consumed.
orange, lemon, tomato, bell peppers,                     Vitamin B12: One of the cohort
cabbage, sprouted grams, kiwi, greens.                   study demonstrated the protective effects of
Vitamin E: Vitamin E, a fat-soluble                      combined vitamin D, Mg and vitamin
vitamin, is a potent antioxidant and has the             B12 against clinical deterioration of
ability to modulate host immune functions.               COVID-19 13
Vitamin E deficiency is known to impair                  Zinc: Zinc plays a key role in the immune
both humoral and cellular immunity. It has               system. Severe zinc deficiency depresses
both anti viral and anti oxidant properties.             immune function in the humans. The body
Vitamin E helps to protect Immune cells. It              requires zinc to develop and activate T-
acts against respiratory infections. Vitamin             lymphocytes, which is a part of the immune
E is present in nuts, cooking oils, flax seeds.          system. According to the current estimates,
                                                         the risk of zinc deficiency is observed in

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more than 1.5 billion people in the world                compared with non-survivors recovering
   .One of the Indian study showed that Zinc             with time in survivors while remaining low
intakes were below 50% of the RDA level                  or even declining in non-survivors 20. In
   . Zinc status is also tightly associated with         addition, selenium reduces the formation of
risk factors for severe COVID-19 including               thrombosis in the blood vessels. According
ageing, immune deficiency, obesity,                      to Fogarty , blood coagulation disorders
diabetes, and atherosclerosis, since these are           leading to the formation of micro-clots are a
known risk groups for zinc deficiency.                   significant cause of death in patients with
Therefore, Zinc may possess protective                   COVID-19 21 . The best sources of selenium
effect as preventive and adjuvant therapy of             from food are Brazil nuts, seafoods, garlic,
COVID-19 through reducing inflammation,                  oats, seeds, liver, meat and whole grains.
improvement of mucociliary clearance,                    Iron : Iron is an essential mineral which
prevention of ventilator-induced lung injury,            plays a key role in the making of healthy red
modulation of antiviral and antibacterial                blood corpuscles. Iron deficiency anemia is
immunity. The combination of zinc and                    not only common in developing countries,
pyrithione at low concentrations inhibits the            but it can also be seen in developed
replication       of     SARS        coronavirus         countries. It is the most common
(SARS‐CoV). Therefore, zinc supplement                   micronutrient deficiency worldwide. It
may       have      effect    not     only    on         exceeds 50% in developing countries and is
COVID‐19‐related symptom like diarrhea                   usually attributed to inadequate nutrition.
and lower respiratory tract infection, but               Unfortunately, the majority of the female
also on COVID‐19 itself 4 . Zinc is loaded in            population had intakes below the RDA for
almonds, walnuts, chick pea, lentils,                    iron in India. Its deficiency affects the
pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, gingelly seeds,               capacity to have an adequate immune
eggs, shell fish and whole grains.                       response. The role of iron in immunity is
Selenium: Selenium contains antiviral and                necessary for immune cell proliferation22.
anti oxidant property. Selenium prevents                 Some authors indicate that a mild/moderate
cell damage. Selenium is used in viral                   iron deficiency may have a protective effect
diseases like HIV and Covid 19. The lower                on respiratory infections23. It is also
the Selenium status in a population, the                 indicated a 2-5.7 fold increase in the
lower the recovery rate from COVID-19. In                incidence of acute lower respiratory tract
the city of Enshi, which has one the highest             infections in patients with iron deficiency
Selenium intakes in the world, the recovery              anemia24 . Iron deficiency has been reported
rate from COVID-19 was almost triple the                 as a risk factor for the development of
average for the rest of the cities in Hubei              recurrent acute respiratory tract infections 4 .
Province, including Wuhan. Selenium status               Thus to enhance the immunity among the
may offer a protective benefit against the               population, it is necessary to consume Iron
detrimental effects of the viral infection18.            rich foods and store the iron which acts
         Selenium deficiency was more                    against the respiratory infections. The iron
severe in the samples obtained from non-                 sources in the food are Greens especially
survivors as compared with survivors of                  cauliflower leaves contains 40mg/ 100gm
COVID-19 may suggest some relevance of                   can be consumed regularly along with lime
the trace element for coping with the virus              juice to correct iron deficiency. Dry
and for successful              convalescence19.         sundaikai, bajra, roasted bengal gram, liver,
Selenium Deficiency is Associated with                   rice flakes, mint, soya, lotus stem are
Mortality Risk from COVID-19. A                          sources of iron.
European cross sectional study conducted                 Omega: Omega‐3 and Omega‐6 PUFAs
among 1915 samples revealed that the                     predominantly promote anti‐inflammatory
Selenium status was significantly higher in              and pro‐inflammatory effects4 .The impact
samples from surviving COVID patients as                 of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids

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(PUFAs) on the immune system has been                            sardines, arctic char and trout., eggs
investigated for decades, with special focus                     (including      omega-3        enriched) ,
on the omega-3 PUFAs α-linolenic acid                            flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, walnuts,
(ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and                          soybeans, tofu, canola oil, chia seeds.
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found
in nuts and seeds whereas EPA and DHA                            IMMUNE BOOSTING FOODS
are the main components of fish oil. Both                        Traditional foods have been proven to be
omega-3 and omega-6-derived metabolites                          essential in human life by improving the
have      important      immune-regulatory                       immunity in daily basis not only for flavor
functions25. EPA and DHA supplementation                         and taste; but also for medicinal properties
can alter many biological pathways which                         as they contain various health promoting
may have direct influence in the outcome of                      compounds. Traditional foods help to boost
COVID-1926. The food sources are fatty                           the immunity. The below mentioned foods
fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovies,                           can be consumed regularly

              Food               Compound                      Dosage recommended
              Black pepper       Phenolic amides, flavonoids   No specific dose
              Ginger             Gingerol                      0.25 to 1g, 3 to 4 times a day
              Turmeric           Curcumin                      400 to 600 mg, 1 to 3 times a day
              Star Anise         Anethol, fennel               A pinch
              Fresh Garlic       Allicin                       2 to 5 grams
              Kolanji seeds      Thymoquinone                  2 grams
              Fenugreek          Saponins, flavonoids          5 grams
              Coconut oil        Lauric acid                   Only 4 teaspoon of any oil is recommended per day
              Lemon              Limonene                       No specific dosage
              Sweet potato       Carotene and Anthocyanin      No specific dosage
              Drumstick leaves   Beta carotene                 No specific dosage

 Immune boosting Drink: prepared by                             the additional burden to the health condition
  boiling turmeric, ginger, pepper, lemon,                       and intervention programs. The Centers of
  star anise, lemon, mint in water can be                        Disease Control (CDC) recommends at least
  consumed daily to boost the immunity.                          thirty minutes of moderate physical activity
 Milk with pepper and turmeric can be                           or brisk walking at least for five days in a
  consumed daily.                                                week for adults (one hundred and fifty
                                                                 minutes of moderate-intensity physical
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY                                                activity per week). Author suggests various
        Physical activity can be defined as                      physical activities in this pandemic: yoga,
“any bodily movement produced by skeletal                        gardening, aerobics can be performed daily.
muscles that require expenditure”. Physical                      Walking in the terrace garden or jogging
inactivity or being sedentary is a fourth                        within the campus is recommended.
leading risk factor for global mortality and                     Meditation can be performed as a mode of
is a major contributing factor for various                       relaxation. This helps to enhance the
non-communicable diseases such as                                physical and mental health.
diabetes mellitus, cancer and heart
diseases27 (Roshini Rajappan, 2015). WHO                         CONCLUSION
reported that around 60% of the global                                   Nutrition is a science required for a
population does not regularly meet the                           healthy life. World is facing a pandemic
recommended daily minimum physical                               situation, where food and nutrition plays a
activity.                                                        vital role in boosting the immunity of the
        In the current Pandemic, since most                      population and also helps in the
of them are at home and quarantined, there                       intervention. As per the guidelines of WHO
is more chance of physical inactivity which                      and Nutritional societies, it is advised to
at the end leads to obesity and other non-                       avoid processed foods, foods with chemical
communicable Diseases. This may add on                           preservatives and excess salt. Consumption

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               Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (              37
                                     Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
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