Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference

Page created by Jaime Dunn
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
  March 2021

  North New South Wales Conference News

Jared Chung
                                            about the gospel—not just the kids.     conditions. I had the privilege of
COVID put a halt to many of our plans       Another big difference was that         being the videography instruc-
for ministry last year, but I was glad to   we had all the age groups simul-        tor along with my co-leader Mi-
see that God has found a way to keep        taneously in one camp. This also        chaela. Our first day as a group,
our camp ministries going. Although         proved to be a blessing because we      we had the campers in our class
this year looked a little different than    got to see kids in older age groups     brainstorm ideas for a video. I
the other years that I have worked at       bonding with kids in the younger        wrote a script for it, and then
summer camps, it still accomplished         age groups.                             we used our second day to film
the same goal—to inspire the campers                                                it across camp with the campers
to have a personal relationship with        From the icebreaker games to the        as the actors. We had one more
Christ.                                     music, the spiritual programming        day to finish filming and editing,
                                            was intentional and powerful. Law-      and at the end of the week, we
Unlike other years, we had entire           son (our camp pastor) presented         had an 8-minute video to play at
families staying at Stuart’s Point, and     the gospel to the kids in a way that    the last camp meeting.
then the campers were bussed over           was honest, exciting, and under-
to Yarra each morning. This actually        standable. After each talk, the staff   All in all, despite the various
proved to be more of a blessing for         would break into discussion groups      restrictions, this camp was a
ministry than a hinderance. While the       with the kids, and I was impressed      blessing to both campers and
classes and activities happened during      to see how much the younger kids        parents. God has been leading
the day, parents were able to relax and     were able to gain from the sermon.      our ministry this year, and I
get some time for themselves. We had                                                believe that He will continue to
chaplains on both ends of camp (Yarra       Despite the rain, activities hap-       do so.
and Stuart’s Point) ministering to both     pened as normal, and it was
children and parents, so ALL members        fun to see how different classes        Check out the video plus more
of the family were able to learn more       improvised around the weather           photos.
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
                                     Charissa Torossian                      and truth – in, through
Pr Adrian Raethel                    NNSW Conference Prayer Director         and all because of Jesus.
NNSW Conference                      and Evangelist                          So whatever you do, don’t
President                                                                    miss out on receiving of His
                                     John 1:16 says, “And of His             fullness, today.
                                     fullness we have all received,
It must have been so                 and grace for grace.” Have you
uncomfortable for the audience       ever wondered what John was             Stuarts Point
to listen to His Sermon on the       talking about? Colossians 1:19          Convention Centre
Mount. Jesus comes straight to       says, “For it pleased the Father
the point.                           that in Him (that is, Jesus) all the
                                                                             Is Getting
                                     fullness should dwell.” Fullness        Recognised!
“Why do you look at the speck of     of what? John 1:14 says the Word
sawdust in your brother’s/sister’s   that made flesh was, “full of grace     Glenn and Karen
 eye and pay no attention to the     and truth.” Colossians 2:9 adds,        Houssenloge, the current
    plank in your own eye?”          “For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the      caretakers at Stuarts Point
       Matthew 7.3 NIV.              fullness of the Godhead bodily.”        Convention Centre (SPCC),
                                                                             were invited to an invite
There is a monumental difference     So when God so loved our world,         only meeting with the New
between a speck and a plank.         giving His only begotten Son, He        South Wales Premier last
And to our horror, we don’t have     gave Him – in His fullness – that       week. They joined around
the speck, we have the plank!        whoever believes in Him should          30 business leaders in the
A common human frailty is to         not perish but have everlasting         Stuarts Point and Scotts
criticise or judge someone else      life. This is a powerful thought!       Head area, each having a
when the much bigger problem         Jesus is the one, ever-full source      talk with Premier Gladys
rests with us.                       of grace, truth and divine              Berejiklian. Glenn and
                                     strength. As Christians, because        Karen spoke about all the
The focus of the Conference for      of who Jesus is, we have been           amazing things SPCC does in
2021 and the theme for Little        given one blessing after another.       accommodation services.
Big Camp is the strategic goal of    Since our God gave of Himself
Growing Spiritually. How easy        without limit for our redemption,
it is for us to think so-and- so     His grace and power to work on
should be reading the Bible          our behalf is limitless.
more or spending more time in
prayer. But what about me, and       However, John 1:12 reminds us
you? How is Growing Spiritually      that, “… as many as received Him,
defined? A Spirit-filled body of     to them He gave the right to
believers that are experiencing      become children of God.” Without
                                                                             Karen Houssenloge, Premier Gladys
personal and corporate growth.       personal faith in Christ, we miss       Berejiklian and Glenn Houssenloge
Members are experiencing a           out on His fullness—while all who
vibrant prayer and devotional        truly believe will be filled! This is   Stuarts Point Convention
life; empowered to joyfully share    why it’s so sweet to trust in Jesus.    Centre also received an
their faith.                          “Christ desires by the fullness of     award of a rating 8.1 out of
                                     His power so to strengthen              10 from the
It’s good that Jesus was a           His people that through them            Traveller Review Awards
carpenter. He is just the right      the whole world shall be                2021.
person to work on our plank.         encircled with an atmosphere
                                     of grace.” {RH November 21,
                                     1907} When we open our hearts
                                     to God through prayer and the
                                     study of His Word, we receive of
                                     the infinite, marvellous fulness
                                     of God. We receive of His grace
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
Central Coast
Adventist School
2020 Mission
Despite COVID and in some cases      Pr Neil Thompson
because of it, teachers, staff and
students were busy in 2020 at        Gifts are great tokens of our         possible will help you overlook
CCAS involved in mission activ-      love but are never a substitute       the occasional gremlin in the
ities. The Week of Spiritual Em-     for our love. They can act as a       relationship (doesn’t work in
phasis transitioned to an online     stepping stone to the expression      abusive and toxic relationships).  
program and was live-streamed        of love, but the gift itself is not
to the School community. Stu-        love. It is just a thing given by     We change our mindset by a
dents are inviting their friends     someone who loves. Real love          decision to adopt a positive view
to join Bible study and Bible        involves taking a risk and giving     of our partner and relationship.
reading groups. Parents have         of yourself, and how much you         We choose to think tenderly and
been watching the online weekly      are willing to give of yourself       exclusively about them. Think of
chapel programs along with their     determines the quality of your        all the things you admire: their
children. Funds have been raised     relationship  to a large extent.      looks, smile, favourite sayings,
for AORE Adventist Academy and       The gateway to love’s deepest         habits, kindness, compassion,
Parker Primary School in Van-        places is through heaven’s risky      strength, competence,
uatu following cyclone Harold.       gate of vulnerability as you          sensibility, achievement,
CCAS partnered with The Haven        take a risk and give of yourself      witty, playful, flirtatious, well
Church to distribute 63 hampers      – just think how vulnerable           educated, knowledgable,
to CCAS families who had lost        Jesus was in giving himself to        wisdom and so on.  Make your
work or had their business fold      humanity.  The gift of yourself       list as detailed and as personal
due to the pandemic. Recipients      opens the possibility of increasing   as possible. If some of the things
have expressed deep appreci-         experiences of joy and happiness.     you think about make you smile
ation for the care and practi-                                             and feel more gratitude about
cal Christianity that has been       So how do you give yourself?          your partner then you are on
demonstrated during their time                                             the right track.  This will all
of crisis.                           It starts with our mindset.           feed into a powerful process in
                                                                           your brain that will make you
                                     We give ourselves to another          fall in love even more with your
                                     first of all in our mind which        partner and help you to be more
                                     translates into our actions.          inclined to think well of them
                                     Adopting a healthy mindset            and your relationship.  
                                     and allowing yourself to
                                     think about your partner and          The more in love, the easier it is
                                     your relationship in positive         to serve and do things for your
                                     ways really does make a               mate that will bring you both
                                     difference.  Our thoughts             happiness.  Bring them their
                                     become our words and actions,         favourite drink because you
                                     which become our habits and           can, say thank you with a smile,
                                     interpersonal style and form the      give them a back rub/scratch or
                                     foundation of our relationships.      a foot or scalp massage, clean
                                                                           their car out, take them on a
                                     An attitude that is open, willing     date, make plans together, go
                                     to connect and trust, that isn’t      away for the weekend together,
                                     always trying to keep you safe,       and on it goes.
                                     a mindset that is willing to take
                                     risks with low regard for self        So by all means give your
                                     in loving the other. A mindset        partner a gift as a token of your
                                     predisposed with the intent to        love and especially the gift of
                                     see your partner in the best light    yourself in an endless falling in
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
2021 Pastoral Staffing
Alstonville		                            Dada Fialho    Kingscliff Associate          Andrew Pratt
Armidale                               David Cherry     Kurri Kurri                 Neil Thompson
Avondale College                   Norman Hurlow        Kyogle                   Fernand Lombart
Avondale College Associate              Fomai Mohr      Lakeside                        David Price
Avondale College Associate        Micheala Truscott     Lightning Ridge               Beulah James
Avondale Memorial                      Nimrod Maua      Lismore                         Tim Merritt
Avondale Memorial Associate         Stephen Duncan      Living Abundantly             David Stojcic
Avondale Memorial Associate           Steve Magaitis    Macksville                  Quintin Dutlow
Ballina                                  Dada Fialho    Maclean                        Adam Cinzio
Bellbrook                            Quintin Dutlow     Maitland                    Neil Thompson
Belligen                                 Tim Turner     Moree                             Peau Afoa
Blue Haven                          Morgan Vincent      Mullumbimby                    David Haupt
Boolaroo                                Grego Pillay    Mullumbimby Associate          Tema Pologa
Bourke                                  Albert Peter    Murwillumbah                  Ashley Smith
Bray Park                               Steven Teale    Murwillumbah Associate        Boris Jovinov
Brewarrina                          Doreen Murphy       Muswellbrook                Leticia Moreno
Byron Bay                              Andrew Pratt     Nambucca Heads                  Tim Turner
Byron Bay Assistant Pastor              Glen Hughes     Narrabri                          Peau Afoa
Camden Haven                        David Kosmeier      Nelson Bay               Danuta Stockwell
Cameron Park Fellowship            Lynette Moodley      Newcastle Multicultural       Uriah St Juste
Casino                                 Tim Kingston     Newcastle Polish              David Stojcic
Caves Beach Church Plant             Robert Morgan      Newcastle Samoan                 Talai Mohr
Central Coast Community             Matthew Pearce      Newcastle Spanish       Roberto Velasquez
Cessnock                                         TBA    Ocean Shores                   Tema Pologa
Charlestown                                 Bob Bolst   Ourimbah                       Mike Parker
Coffs Coast                                  Ben Rea    Port Macquarie                          TBA
Coffs Harbour                                Ben Rea    Quirindi/Manila          Raymond Dabson
Community @ the Bay                        Sau Finau    Raymond Terrace Mission      Blake Penland
Coonamble                      Christopher Petersen     Scone                       Leticia Moreno
Cooranbarraban                 Christopher Petersen     Singleton                   Leticia Moreno
Dora Creek                               David Price    South Kempsey Aboriginal Quintin Dutlow
Dorrigo                                  Tim Turner     South West Rocks                 Jack Ryder
Dungog                                Ross Chadwick     Swansea                           James Lee
Faith FM Radio/Conference Evangelist Lyle Southwell     Tamworth                      David Cherry
Forresters Beach                          Neil Watts    Tamworth Associate             Tim O’Keefe
Forresters Beach Associate          Morgan Vincent      Taree                      Graham Stewart
Forster-Tuncurry                    Graham Stewart      Tenterfield                     Brad Cooke
Gateway                           Michael Chapman       The Haven                         Ian Cangy
Gateway Associate              Tarenne Greenwood        The Haven Associate         Kim Parmenter
Glen Innes                               Brad Cooke     The Vine                Matthew Atcheson
Gloucester                         Shaun Hepworth       The Well (Kempsey)               Jack Ryder
Gosford                          Miroslav Stilinovic    Toronto                     Susan Magaitis
Grafton                                 Adam Cinzio     Tumbulgum               Matthew Atcheson
Grafton Associate                     Greg Fernance     Upper Clarence                Tim Kingston
Gunnedah                          Raymond Dabson        Wallsend                  Lizeth Momanga
Guyra                                   Luke Reeves     Wallsend Associate                      TBA
Hamilton                            Justin Torossian    Warners Bay                     Joseph Skaf
Hillview                            Danny Milenkov      Wauchope                   David Kosmeier
Inverell                                Luke Reeves     West Wallsend Korean              James Lee
Kanwal                               David Bertelsen    Windale Aboriginal          Keith Stockwell
Kempsey                            Martin Thomson       Wingham                   Shaun Hepworth
Kingscliff                       Quintin Betteridge     Woy Woy                        Mike Parker
Kingscliff Associate             Lyndon Parmenter       Wyee                            Grego Pillay
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
minor renovations at a church
                                      Ballina Shire community.               members home in Alstonville.
                                      Ryan has been involved in
                                      multiple humanitarian projects         - Volunteering as a children’s
                                      that fill his passion to help others   mentor every Tuesday afternoon
                                      less fortunate than himself such       at a children’s program that
Wendy Hunter                          as:                                    helps reinforce positive
                                      - a self-financed trip to Nepal        behaviour and healthy living.
Adventist Senior Living Employee      in 2014 to refurbish the living
Wins Ballina Shire Young Citizen      quarters at a leper colony             - Volunteering at a mental health
of the Year Award                                                            support group
                                      - volunteering at Five Loaves
We are pleased to share the           mobile soup kitchen at Ballina         - A self-financed trip to Kenya to
exciting news that out of eight       since 2017                             join the volunteer humanitarian
nominees, Ryan Webb, who                                                     group, Kenya Health, spending
works as a member of the              - volunteer transport for              a month helping in free medical
hospitality team at Adventist         Alstonville Lifestyle Community        clinics.
Senior Livings aged care facility     residents during 2017 to 2019
at Alstonville is the winner of the                                          - During COVID-19 Ryan
Ballina Shire Young Citizen of the    - volunteering at Manna Haven          has been cooking food and
Year Award.                           vegetarian café at Byron Bay for       delivering it to isolated elderly
                                      the past two years                     people in the community.
Every Australia Day, The Ballina
Shire hold Australia Day awards,      - setting up a food bank collection    Ryan’s huge heart for helping
announcing winners of awards          point at Alstonville Lifestyle         people less fortunate than
across a number of categories         Community in 2020, encouraging         himself is inspirational and
including, Sports, Young Citizen,     staff to donate to the food bank.      at Adventist Senior Living,
Senior Citizen, Environmental,                                               his award is well deserved.
Community Event, Arts/Cultural        - Helping with grounds,                Congratulations Ryan, we are
and Volunteer of the Year. These      maintenance and building               very pleased for you and are
awards are a celebration of the       projects at his local church           very proud to have you working
achievements and contributions                                               here with us at Adventist Senior
individuals have made to the          - Helping with painting and            Living.

University Ministry Summit            Little Big Camp                        Grey Nomads
March 19-21                           April 14-17                            May 7-15
Yarrahapinni                          Stuart’s Point Convention Centre       Stuart’s Point Convention Centre
Youth Centre                                camp/                                  nomads-2021/
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
days of creation with a special
                                         emphasis on the Sabbath,
                                         traces the effects of the fall and
One of the most important                the flood, and then concludes
issues that a child must                 with the ultimate solution for
successfully navigate to                 a broken world with a huge
maintain and grow their                  sin problem – Jesus Christ our
faith into adulthood is the              Redeemer. Pitched for curious
matter of origins – did we               upper primary-aged children,
arrive by the hand of a                  the book is jam-packed with
loving God who created us                interesting facts and reads like
for companionship, or are                an easy conversation with the
we the result of random                  author, Nicolene Filmalter.
processes emerging out of                As a mother, ecologist and
nothingness?                             creation scientist, she has
Better Books and Food                    created a winner with this
specialises in a range of                book.
creation science resources
for all ages. This new book,   
Creation to Re-Creation is               creation-to-re-creation.html
full-colour and beautifully
illustrated. It starts with an           Available online or instore:
examination of each of the               $24.95

                     ANIMALS IN THE BIBLE: FIND-A-WORD
    G   O   D    R   E    F      W   E    W   Y    Z   C   M    W   I
    T   U   A    L   J    R      N   F    R   H    Z   A   M    X   G
                                                                               ant     goat
    Y   E   G    N   V    O      O   E    A   U    B   M   F    A   X                   hare
    B   A   L    G   K    G      Y   R    F   M    T   E   M    C   U                  lamb
    E   Y   Y    W   O    D      E   L    G   T    X   L   P    D   V          calf   lizard
    I   L   J    E   E    A      O   X    S   L    S   X   U    E   H         camel   locust
    C   N   A    E   K    W      T   U    O   A    N   T   A    V   W          deer     owl
    A   W   R    M   C    N      C   W    L   F    S   N   A    K   E          dog     snail
    L   W   N    P   B    O      O   I    T   V    W   O   R    M   O         donkey snake
    F   E   E    B   L    S      Z   D    M   G    R   E   A    E   W          dove   spider
    A   H   J    U   B    A      P   J    Z   U    B   U   P    S   L         eagle  vulture
    L   G   T    H   R    O      L   I    A   N    S   E   B    A   H           fox     wolf
    T   I   S    D   X    I      K   E    D   K    D   O   V    E   E          frog    worm
    Q   W   N    K   G    V      Z   Q    Q   E    Z   E   I    E   L
    B   I   O    Y   J    A      D   M    D   E    R   U   F    X   Z
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
Camila Skaf
NNSW Conference Health Department

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
  word that comes from the mouth of God.”
                  Mathew 4:4

Have you ever thought of the impact of food
in our lives? What is the very first thing a
newborn wants? To eat! I have had two babies
myself and it was quite amazing to watch that
little human looking for milk just minutes after
it comes out of the womb.

As we grow up, food starts having different
meanings and it defines many aspects of life
such as culture, relations, identity and power.
Food is then more than food to our body. It is
an essential part of our being as a whole. God
made us whole: physical (“God formed the
man of the dust form the ground” Genesis 2:7),
and spiritual (“and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life and the man became a living
creature” Gen 2:7).
                                                      Smoky Adzuki Bean Brown Rice
There isn’t man without physical body, as much        and Quinoa
as there isn’t man without the breath of life. No                      Ingrediants:
wonder the tempter came using food to deceive        1 TBSP olive oil             ½ cup vegetable stock
Eve… as much as God gave man the breath of
life, He had also provided the food man needed.      1 red onion                  ½ cup frozen peas
But the tempter used Eve’s “hunger” to deceive       1 medium capsicum            1 400g can beans of
her (Gen 3: 1). Interestingly, the tempter used      1 tsp turmeric               choice- drained and rinsed
the same strategy when trying to deceive Jesus       1 tsp smoked paprika         salt and pepper to taste
in the desert after his 40 day and nights fasting.   2 cups pre-cooked brown rice chili flakes (optional)
(Matthew 4:3). Why?
                                                     ½ cup pre-cooked quinoa      squeeze of lemon
Is food important? You know it is! You’ve had
your own experiences and we don’t need to
be a scientist to access the latest scientific
studies confirming that there is a functional         Method:
interaction between bioactive food components         1. Dice onion and add to a large frypan with a little oil.
with the genome at the molecular, cellular, and       Fry until onion is translucent
systemic level and the role of nutrients in gene      2. Dice capsicum and add to the dry pan
expression and how diet can be used to prevent
or treat disease. But more than that, food is
                                                      3. Add pre-cooked brown rice and quinoa and beans
relational. We bond over food, and we still           (I like to batch cook whole grains and freeze them,
make communities based on eating.                     then either defrost or quickly microwave to defrost
                                                      before adding them to my meals)
Jesus knew all that. His interactions to food         4. Add turmeric and smoked paprika and mix through
always carried a deep relational aspect of life.
He created, multiplied, and shared it. Now, I
                                                      5. Slowly add vegetable stock and allow the rice to
want to be more like Him and while sharing            absorb it. Adjust seasoning.
the physical bread, I want to remind people of        6. Add frozen peas and heat through
the bread that truly satisfies the soul, the bread
that is often forgotten until we are starving for                              Find this recipe and lots more
abundant life, for bonding, for more…
                                                                               online at
Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
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                                                         Don’t miss out on the
                                                         excitement. Get the conference
                                                         news straight to your inbox!

                                                         Visit our website for the latest
                                                         news and events.

                  He Is

                                                         The NorthPoint Bulletin is printed 10
                                                         times per year by the Adventist Church
                                                         (North New South Wales Conference).

                                                         Editor Marta Rutkowska
                                                         Phone (02) 4951 8088

                                                         We would love to share local news with
                                                         the conference in print or online. Please
                                                         send through relevant contributions to
                                                         the above contact address.

                                                         Disclaimer: Articles express the opinions
                                                         of the authors and not necessarily those of
                                                         the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

            MARCH 28 • MARCH 30 • APRIL 1

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Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference Northpoint - Seventh-day Adventist Church NNSW Conference
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