In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood

Page created by Sara Cruz
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
May 2021                                       Volume LXXII, No. 05

                                     Sunday School
                                     Resumes May 2
Beginning May 2, babies, preschoolers, and children will have Sunday
School in age appropriate groups. Youth will attend the Connections
Class in Fellowship Hall. Adults may choose to attend the Connections
Class or to meet in their regular Sunday School classes.

                    David Corbitt
                Announces Retirement
       Please see “A Note from the Pastor” for more information.

                       Fill the Middle
                      before the Ends
In an effort to make seating in the sanctuary as convenient and
available as possible, members who arrive first to an open row are
asked to sit in the middle of the pew, leaving the end seats for later
arrivals. Thank you for being considerate of others as we continue to
deal with the inconveniences brought by COVID-19.

                   Spiritual Formation
The Spiritual Formation Committee has created a questionnaire to help
assess the spiritual needs of members at First Baptist. During May,
everyone is asked to complete a very short survey (six questions).
Questionnaires are available in the church office or in the Narthex. An
electronic form is available on the Engage section of the church website
( Thank you for taking time to complete the questionnaire.
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood

I have received the following letter from David Corbitt:
Dear Church Family,
     I want to share with you my decision to retire from church
music ministry and from the position of Minister of Music for
First Baptist Church, Greenwood, effective Sunday, July 25,
2021. It has been my privilege and pleasure to work with
Tony, the staff, and you, the congregation, since 2012. You
all have supported and loved me and my family. We will
continue in service and fellowship, with you, as members of
First Baptist Church.
      With Thanksgiving and Love, David Corbitt
Naturally, this kind of news always creates some mixed
emotions. We are deeply grateful for David’s service to FBC,
and we feel some resistance, even some grief, over his leaving our ministry
team. On the other hand, we want what is best for him and his family, and we
pray to that end and wish him the best. In this case, the most heartening news
is that David and Bonnie will continue to worship here and to be part of FBC’s
music ministry!
     It’s worth noting that David is concluding not only nine years of service at
FBC Greenwood but also a career in ministry which spans 46 years! We are
thankful for David’s tenure at FBC as well as his long, fruitful career in ministry,
and we want to celebrate both! You will be hearing more about that celebration
in the days ahead, but go ahead and mark your calendar for the afternoon of
July 25.
     As for FBC’s music ministry, our church and its leadership will have a two-
fold response to David’s transition. For the long term, as we always do when
we have a staff vacancy, the Personnel Committee and I will review the job
description. Staff transitions are always a good time to ask: how does what
we have on paper compare to our needs and to what we envision moving
forward? For the short term, I will work with the Personnel Committee on an
interim plan to ensure that the music of worship will continue to encourage and
inspire all who worship at FBC.

                 I am delighted to announce that beginning May 2, we will
                 resume in-person Sunday School. At its April meeting, the
                 FBC Diaconate voted that beginning in May, all classes are
                 invited to meet in their regular classrooms. Again this year,
                 the Connections Class, which features intergenerational
                 learning and relationships, will
                 meet May through August,
                 though we are moving the
                 class to the fellowship hall to
make sure that folks will have plenty of room to
spread out. Please note: while Covid
numbers are improving, the pandemic is not over, so for the present time,
masks are required for Sunday School, just as they are for worship.
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
Worship—May 23
                   Sunday Morning                      Pentecost Sunday
                      Worship                       Scripture: Mark 12:28-32
                       in May                         Sermon: “Love for All”
                                                         Tony Hopkins
           Worship—May 2                       Special Music: “Send Forth a Dove”
       Fifth Sunday of Easter                      First Baptist Church Octet
  Baptism of Anna Elizabeth Turner
       Scripture: Romans 6:15-23                       Worship—May 30
                                                      Holy Trinity Sunday
    “Obedience and Righteousness”                   Scripture: John 20:19-22
            Tony Hopkins                        Sermon: “Is the Trinity Complete?”
            Special Music:                                Tony Hopkins
      “To Know The Love Of God “            Special Music: “In Solemn Silence”
        Chancel Choir Ensemble                              FBC Octet
The Sanctuary flowers are given to the      Sanctuary Flowers are a surprise for the
glory of God and in loving memory of Mr.    honoree.
and Mrs. C. Y. Thomason by Bill and
Nancy Thomason.
                                              Sunday Morning Reminder for
          Worship—May 9                          Families with Children
       Sixth Sunday of Easter
            Mother’s Day                     Please stop by the Children’s Table in the
  Dedication of Henry Patrick Lloyd          Narthex on Sunday morning and pick up
                                             activity pages, crayons, and pencils.
      Scripture: Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9
  “Loving Parents (and a Loving God)”
             Tony Hopkins
     Special Music: “Simple Things”          Thank You to the Worship Committee
       Chancel Choir Ensemble                and everyone who brought flowers to be
The Sanctuary flowers are given to the       placed on the Living Cross on Easter
glory of God and in honor of Ellen Watson    Sunday morning. The cross expressed
and in memory of Marvin Watson and           the joy and celebration that Easter
Nick and Virginia Anagnost by Mike and       Sunday brought to the church family and
Jan Anagnost.                                community. This year’s cross was made
                                             more special as we shared worship, in
                                             person, with family and guests after not
           Worship—May 16                    being together last year. As worship
          Ascension Sunday                   continues through the Sundays of the
       State Missions Emphasis               Easter season, may we be mindful of the
                                             gift of being and worshipping together.
         Scripture: Acts 1:1-11
                                             Take the opportunity to share our
    Sermon: “Witness or Observer?”           worship services with your friends via
              Jay Kieve                      video! You can copy a link to a specific
            Special Music:                   service that blessed you and email it to
   “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”           someone. You also can designate a
        Chancel Choir Ensemble               video as a favorite so you can watch it
                                             often. The video ministry, led by Greg
The Sanctuary flowers are given to the       Anders and Cindy Lindahl, is a wonderful
glory of God and in memory of Gwen           way to reach people you know and
Laucis and Chalotte and Bob Barmore by       introduce    them    to  First   Baptist
Ken, Karen, and the grandchildren.           Greenwood.
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
Graham Shaw                                Extended
                   Library Corner                             Session
    Reading Is a Superpower                                 Has Resumed
   Children’s Book Week 2021                      Extended Session has resumed. The
             May 3-9                              nursery and toddler room are available,
                                                  excluding fifth Sundays. Babies are in the
“Superpower - (noun) A skill, personal            nursery and the toddlers are in room 118.
trait, or passion that plays an important role    Children's Church will not start back
in your life, helps you do good in the world,     yet, although 3K is welcome to join the
and makes you feel special, confident, and        toddlers in Extended Session. Please
happy.”                                           RSVP to Anna by the Thursday before if
Children’s Book Week is the annual                your child(ren) will be in Extended
celebration of children’s books and               Session. A few additional volunteers are
reading. Established in 1919, it is the           needed. Just a reminder, there is no
longest running national literacy initiative in   Extended Session on 5th Sundays.
the country, now celebrating its 101st
anniversary with over 1,300 participating         Email Anna ( to
schools, libraries, and book stores in all 50     RSVP or to volunteer.
states. The Graham Shaw Library is
excited to be one of those participants.
                                                  Extended Session Volunteer Schedule
Children (of all ages) are invited throughout
the month of May and beyond to visit the            Jan., March. May, July, Sept., Nov.
church library for books, activity sheets,                     First Sunday
and other resources for becoming actively          Babies: Sherri Chandler, Nancy Poston
involved in celebrating books and                    Toddlers: Kayla and Cody Beard
discovering their own Superpower.
                                                              Second Sunday
To further our celebration, the following
                                                     Babies: Nan Smith, Claudia Burch
children are sharing their love for books
                                                  Toddlers: Tara Stoddard, Brittany Dunlap
along with some favorite titles.
  “I like the library because it’s full of                     Third Sunday
  books and I love to read! My favorite               Babies: Anna Burch, Lane Riley
  books are The Boxcar Children,                    Toddlers: Debby Burnett, Ann Skinner
  American Girl books, and anything                           Fourth Sunday
  about princesses.”                              Babies: Ashley Batson, Katie Funderburk
      -Reviewed by Cooper Ann White                Toddlers: Vaughan Free, Ashley Wilkie
  Duck For President by Doreen Cronin
  “Duck kept wanting to be in charge
  and there were always lost ballots                 Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.
  stuck on someone or something.                               First Sunday
  Duck learned that being in charge is             Babies: Ashlee Atkins, Diane Chastain
  very hard work. Good book!”                        Toddlers: Erin and Sonny Nodine
     -Review by Summers Hall Reed
                                                              Second Sunday
  Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss                    Babies: Alice Gilchrist, Jill Riley
  “I don’t like the part where they put            Toddlers: Ellison and Henderson Rowe
  ropes on Horton. We should take
  care of all people, no matter how                            Third Sunday
  small they are.”                                   Babies: Shelby Reed, Kelly Rhodes
     -Review by Duke Reed                           Toddlers: Michelle and Jess Timmons
  “My favorite book in the church library                     Fourth Sunday
  is Probuditi by Chris Van Allsburg. I             Babies: Anna Burch, Shawn Snead
  like it because it is very funny. My            Toddlers: Corley Fox, Sandra Davenport
  favorite part is when they hypnotize
  the main character’s sister.”
      -Review by Anna Elizabeth Turner
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
May Is State Missions
   Emphasis Month at
  First Baptist Church                                 Christian Sympathy is extended to the
                                                       family of …
When you give to the CBFSC
Beverly Greer Offering for                                Jeff Gladwell, Jack Parham’s brother
State Missions, you help                                    -in-law
support “(1) innovative long-                             Brian Benjamin
term      partnerships,       (2)                         Steve Drummond, Debby Burnett’s
collaborative annual missions                               brother, Ann Drummond’s brother-in-
grants and (3) equipping the                                law
local church project grants.”
                                                       Home: Shelton Stewart, Martha Roberts
CBFSC’s long-term Covenant Partners
are Metanoia in North Charleston,                                          Birth
Palmetto Works based in Conway,                                 Hastings Caroline Nodine
Koinonia in Columbia, and Carolina                          Daughter of Erin and Sonny Nodine
Immigrant Alliance based in Rock Hill.
These      partners      are    enhancing                              New Member
neighborhoods and helping individuals                       Myoung McDowell (daughter Edell)
build on their strengths and assets.                        154 Liberty Circle, Gwd, SC 29649

Annual grants of up to $3,000 are given
to mission agencies around the state                                Ministry Plan Update
who share CBFSC’s goals of cultivating
community, bearing witness to Christ,.
and seeking transformative development.                The Diaconate received a quarterly
                                                       financial report during their April meeting.
Grants of $500 to $1,500 are given to                  In the interest of reporting to the
churches to help with local missions                   congregation, the Diaconate wanted the
projects. New Hope Christian Fellowship                church family to know the following:
in West Columbia is using a grant to
develop      intergenerational     activities          1)    Gifts to the annual Ministry Plan
centered around social media platforms.                      were behind by $77,914.13 at the
Eau Claire Baptist Church in Columbia                        end of the first quarter.
used its grant to purchase Godly Play, an              2)    Although first quarter missions were
interactive curriculum for children.                         paid on time and in full, revenue to
Source: c, April 20, 2012         expenses is behind by $34,023.54.
                                                       3)    The First Baptist Church March
                    FBC Receives Gift                        operating funds dropped $25,495.63
                          from                               from the previous month.
                     Bowers-Rodgers                    As the First Baptist Church Treasurer,
                    Foundation Board                   Jerry Chastain, reported in March, he is
                                                       seeing a cumulative effect of decreased
First Baptist Church would like to thank               giving to the church. Jerry Chastain and
the Bowers-Rodgers Foundation Board for                the Stewardship Committee would like to
the gift of a 15-passenger bus. Prior to               thank the congregation for their faithful
receiving the gift, board member Jim                   giving. The Stewardship Committee will
Firmin, Firmin Ford, and the Bowers-                   continue to monitor the church’s financial
Rodgers Foundation Board had the bus                   position as the church opens up.
checked for mechanical issues. The bus
was detailed, all six tires were replaced,                          2021 Ministry Plan
the battery and the seal on the back door                           March 28 - April 25
were also replaced.
Property Committee members Nick                        Monthly Need                        82,395.01
                                                       Monthly Gifts                      107,154.27
Nichols (chair) and Robert Riley have also             Ministry Plan Req’d YTD            323,241.91
inspected the bus and marvel at the gift               Ministry Plan Rcv’d YTD            263,763.13
from the Bowers-Rodgers Foundation                     Deficit (Under)                    (59,478.78)
Board.                                                 Worship Attendance (Avg)                  175
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
Three Day
                                                    Vacation Bible School
                       Needed for             Vacation Bible School is June 22-24, 9:00
                                              am–12:00 pm. With a shortened summer,
                       Children’s             FBC is going to try-out a three day
                     Sunday School            Vacation Bible School. The theme will be
                                              “Compassion Camp- Changing the World
With Sunday School beginning weekly,          with Loving Kindness.”
children’s teachers are needed. There is
one opening for a worker in the nursery       Due to COVID, VBS will not be open to
(every other week), one opening for a         the whole community as we have done in
worker with toddlers, (once a month), and     previous      years.    Anna       is taking
several openings for workers with older       registration for First Baptist kids now.
children (2-3 times over the summer).         Parents, please be sure you include t-
There will be more openings in the fall for   shirt size(s) for your child(ren).
preschool and elementary classes.
Please contact Anna if you are interested     Volunteers are needed. Please let Anna
in volunteering (       know if you are interested in volunteering.

                                              To register a child or volunteer to help
                                              email Anna at

  Children’s Playground Night
  May 14 - 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The next Children’s Playground Night is
Friday, May 14, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. Please
RSVP by Thursday, May 13, if your child
will be there. Since this is an outdoor         Third –Fifth Grade In-house
event, masks are optional. Parents can          Camp P.R.I.S.M. Experience
drop off for this event and not stay. Anna
will have snacks, but will not serve supper                July 8
since the church is not yet handling
meals. Please be sure your child has          The ministers who plan Camp P.R.I.S.M.
eaten. A reminder that our playground         have decided that we cannot have Camp
nights are for 3K to 5th grade.               P.R.I.S.M. again this year due to how
                                              COVID restrictions would affect camp.
                                              We will have a day at church for Camp
                                              P.R.I.S.M. age kids (3rd-5th grade) on
       CIA Fun Night!                         Thursday, July 8. We will have activities,
  Wednesday, May 26, 6:30 pm                  Bible Study, and fun! More information to
Due to Covid, there will be no water          come.
In-Person Sunday School Resumes May 2 - First Baptist Church Greenwood
Passport             Sunday Night Live returns to in-person
                           July 5 - 10           activities this month. We will meet at the
                                                 home of Reed and Brenda Rickborn on
IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED!                         Sunday, May 16, 5:00 pm -7:00 pm for a
                                                 night of s'mores, fishing, and fun. Can't
Passport has modified many things this           wait to get to see everyone there!
year, including allowing everyone to have
their own bed, holding as many events
as possible outdoors, and limiting overall                Attention Youth Parents
contact with other campers. Furthermore,                   and Friends of Youth
the fact that it is an overnight camp (with
limited off campus trips this year), means       As many of you know, snacks are a big
Passport creates its own sort of bubble          part of in-person youth gatherings.
that makes it safer than a day camp              Pre-pandemic, the supply room had big
experience would be. Passport has said           boxes full of snacks waiting to be eaten.
that if camp gets cancelled because of           Then COVID happened, and those
Covid, they will refund everyone's               snacks kept waiting...and waiting...and
money.                                           then they all went bad. This means we
                                                 had to throw out a LOT of long expired
Passport does still have deadlines for           food and have more bare shelves. What
camper signups. The deadline to sign             we need, then, is some more individually
up for camp is Saturday, May 1. If you           packaged types of snacks. Small bags of
are on the fence and trying to figure out        chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, or
your options, please call Joey or email          anything that kids like to eat. Having
him to figure out what is the best thing to      snacks for everyone always helps make
do. Please sign up TODAY if you think            Wednesday nights more fun. This is an
you might be willing and able to attend          opportunity for you to help contribute to
camp from July 5-10 this year.                   the youth program without chaperoning at
                                                 Passport! We have had a recent
                                                 generous donation of canned soda, so we
                                                 are in greater need of food, but I'm sure
                                                 none of you would be surprised at how
                                                 quickly things can disappear out of a
                                                 fridge with a bunch of teenagers. Anything
       Car Wash Fundraiser                       you can contribute is greatly appreciated!
          Sunday, May 16
         1:00 pm –4:00 pm
        Church Parking Lot
                                                   Calling All Graduates
It's time. . . for the youth Passport            The church family wishes to honor any
fundraiser! Sunday, May 16, 1:00 pm-             student (high school, technical school,
4:00 pm will be the FBC Youth Car                college, or graduate school) associated
Wash, held in the church parking lot.            with First Baptist who graduated in the
Youth who attended church that morning           Fall of 2020 or who will graduate in the
will grab a bite to eat together, change,        Spring or Summer of 2021. These
and then set up in the parking lot for a car     students will be recognized during
wash. When we finish that up, we'll clean        worship on Sunday, June 6. The church
up and head up to the lake for Sunday            office needs the graduate’s name,
Night Live. If you were ever looking for a       school, graduation date, degree (if
chance to really get to hang out with the        applicable), future plans, and a recent
rest of the youth and be a part of some          photo. The information and photo is
activities, this is a great chance to be fully   needed no later than May 16. Sign up is
involved and help make Passport                  available on the Engage page of the
cheaper for everyone!                            church website.
722 Grace Street                 Greenwood, SC 29649
                (864) 229-5557                    (864) 229-2561 Fax

                              Cheerful Cherubs                                                                         ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED
                     (864) 229-2787

Tony Hopkins ....................... Senior Pastor……………………..……………
David Corbitt ........................ Minister of Music ………………………………
Josh Harrington.................... Organist…………………………………………
Joey Fuson……… ................ Associate Pastor and Minister to Youth          
David Jennings .................... Minister of Administration ........... ……………
Anna Burch .......................... Minister to Children ..................... ……………
Claudia Burch ...................... Director of Cheerful Cherubs…………………
Mary Frances Thompson ..... Ministry Assistant........................ ……………
Linda Miller .......................... Financial Assistant ...................... ……………

Helping Hands Ministry Information Line ................................. ……………...(864) 229-8051
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